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DeSantis signs “Don’t                                     USF week makes                                         USF alumnus Shane
                    Say Gay” bill                                             a heroic in-person                                     McClanahan starts
                                                                              return                                                 for the Rays
                                            p. 3                                                     p. 4                                                  p. 8

                                         CROW’S NEST

                                             THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER AT THE USF ST. PETERSBURG CAMPUS

Volume 58 | Issue 12 | April 4, 2022 | Online at        @CrowsNestStPete         @USFCrowsNest       @USFCrowsNest        The Crow’s Nest at USFSP

                 redirected students
By Aubrey Carr
               REMAIN AT st. petersburg
                                    as their home campus and 38
Crow’s Nest Staff                   are no longer students at USF.

                                        The announcement came
            majority of the         on the heels of a goal set by
            University of South     Rep. Chris Sprowls, R-Palm
            Florida’s redirected    Harbor, and Sen. Jeff Brandes,
students have chosen to stay        R-St. Petersburg, to have
at the St. Petersburg campus,       650 new students at the St.
spring 2022 data shows.             Petersburg campus for the
    In February of last year,       2020-2021 combined summer
USF’s Dean of Admissions            and fall semesters.
Glen Besterfield said that              Although it created
some first-time-in-college          criticism from administration,
(FTIC) students who applied         the goal was not only met ––
to Tampa after the priority         it was exceeded.
deadline of Jan. 1, would be            Last year’s combined
redirected to other campuses.       summer and fall first-year
    However, students were          enrollment numbers jumped
allowed to change their home        to 756 –– an 80% increase
campus after one semester           from the 420 students seen
and could take classes at any       during the 2019-2020 summer
of the three campuses under         and fall semesters.
“OneUSF.”                               Enrollment surpassed the
    As a result, 401 students       650 goal by 16% and was the
were assigned to the St.            highest turnout of freshmen                                                                       AUBREY CARR | THE CROW’S NEST
Petersburg campus.                  students since 2012.
    According to the Office                                        The St. Petersburg campus managed to keep 334 of the original 401 students
                                        The St. Petersburg
of Decision Support data            campus’s FTIC numbers          redirected from Tampa.
obtained by The Crow’s Nest,        flourished, but why did the    after her required semester at for the college experience of   a strong community when the
334 of the 401 redirected           students stay?                 the campus.                    a large university after taking numbers were smaller and
students kept St. Petersburg            Jadyn Clymer, a freshman      “Despite the longer drive   a tour of the campus, but I     after staying for a semester, I
as their home campus for the        digital communications and     for me, I enjoyed where the    found that I quite enjoyed      found that was true.”
spring 2022 semester.               multimedia journalism major    campus was located within      the smallness and intimate
    Of the students who left St.    was redirected but chose to    the city,” Clymer said.        environment the campus
Petersburg, 29 have set Tampa       stay a St. Petersburg student     “I thought I was looking    created. I imagined there was     See STUDENTS on p. 3

     president-elect Law says    USFSP governor and lieutenant governor
 ‘It’s time to get back to work’   discuss first steps as campus leaders
By Sofia Garcia Vargas              and contributions to the           By Sofia Garcia Vargas            two Tampa campus tickets         since consolidation began in
Crow’s Nest Staff                    success of the university as a    Crow’s Nest Staff                 faced off in the election ––     2020.

   A                                                                      A
                                     whole.”                                                             Nithin Palyam with Amy               In 2021, former USF
           fter her                     “Together we are great                     s the University      Pham and Truong Tran with        St. Petersburg governor
           confirmation as the      and together we can become                     of South Florida      Rughved Brahman. On              and lieutenant governor,
           University of South      greater,” Law said.                            adjusts to            March 4, Palyam and Pham         Veronica Jimenez and
Florida’s eighth president              She also recognized the        leadership changes, the           were selected to serve as the    Eran Fruehauf, ran an
by the Florida Board of             efforts put forth by students,     Student Government (SG)           next SG president and vice       uncontested gubernatorial
Governors, Rhea Law is ready        faculty and leaders across         general elections brought         president.                       race, immediately establishing
to get back to work.                the institution to advocate        certainty to the student body.       On the gubernatorial level,   them as campus leaders.
    During a March 21               for USF’s 2022 priorities             Candidates for the             the Tampa and Sarasota-              However, this year three
meeting at the St. Petersburg       –– resulting in the approval       presidential, campus governor     Manatee campuses held            tickets contended for the
campus — the day before she         of over $318 million directed      and lieutenant governor,          one ticket each during           governor and lieutenant
was selected as president by        to the university by Florida       campus council and senate         the elections, going on an       governor positions –– Sean
the Board of Trustees — Law         legislators.                       positions started campaigning     uncontested run at both          Schrader with Joshua
discussed past achievements,            “This was a historic year      in mid-February, proposing        locations. Tampa’s candidates    Rampertab, Nathan Poinsette
present challenges and future       for funding,” Law said. “It’s      plans of action across the        were Joseph Cipriano and         with Kaiya Huggins and
goals for USF.                      the fact that the legislature      three USF campuses to             Gabrielle Henry and Sarasota-    Kenneth Bright with Zackery
    She commended the               recognizes the University of       address concerns about            Manatee’s were Deputy            Morales.
consolidation of the                South Florida in our trajectory    sustainability, inclusivity and   Evelyn De Oliveira and
university’s three campuses         and our ability to move            accessibility, ensuring campus    Madison Sosa.
as one of USF’s biggest             forward.                           identity due to consolidation        Things ran differently at
strengths, as each of its                                              and more.                         USF St. Petersburg, as it was
locations have their “own                                                 For the SG president and       the election with the highest
unique style, characteristics              See LAW on p. 2             vice president positions,         number of running tickets           See LEADERS on p. 2
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                         THE CROW ’S NEST

 2 NEWS                           LAW
                                  Continued from front page
    “We have a relevance to       university is facing, Law said    wants to take us there.”
them, and they see that they      that they lead to change and          “[We need] somebody
want to invest.”                  create new opportunities.         that’s excited about the
    Included in these                 According to Law, a big       University of South Florida,”
investments are $75 million       challenge lies within USF’s       Law said.
to fund the construction          budgetary issues, especially as       Regarding goals during her
of the Environmental and          the COVID-19 pandemic sent        tenure, Law mentioned the
Oceanographic Sciences            revenues into a downturn,         necessity to further strengthen
Research and Teaching             leading to the Board of           community connections, not
Facility on the St. Petersburg    Trustees’ approval of a $36.7     only in the Tampa Bay area,
campus, $3 million to plan        million budget cut in 2021.       but throughout the region and
the construction of the new           “One of the first things      beyond.
Nursing and STEM building         that was addressed when I             To achieve this, she
on the Sarasota-Manatee           got here was that the budget      has established different
campus and $55 million            was not transparent, nor was      presidential advisory
recurring increase in USF’s       it predictable,” Law said.        committees which work on
operational budget –– the         “Budgets should not be a          several areas of the university
largest single-year investment    surprise.”                        to focus on how “we reach
in operational support the            She continued to explain      out to [the community], make
university has ever received.     that in order to address these    sure that they understand what
    Law also praised the          issues, Richard Sobieray          we’re doing and can help us
growth of USF athletics,          was hired as interim senior       think about how we portray
especially the pursuit of         vice president for financial      ourselves to them.”
building an on-campus             strategy and has since worked         When asked about her                                                            COURTESY OF USF
stadium for the university’s      arduously with people from        plans to empower cutting-         Commenting on vacancies in university
football team in Sycamore         across the campuses to get the    edge research at USF, Law         administration, Law expressed the need for
Fields.                           budget back on track.             said “we have a long way yet
                                                                                                      ‘somebody that’s excited about USF.’
    “Our athletic opportunities       Another major challenge       to go.”
have been wildly expanding,”      she addressed was the search          She said that some of her     environmental lawyer and          to be protected,” Law said.
Law said. “We have the on-        for the soon-to-be vacant         first steps will be to provide    recognized the importance         “That’s what we are giving
campus stadium, which is          administration positions, such    help to faculty through           of the different ecosystems       [the students] as a learning
very exciting. It will bring      as St. Petersburg’s regional      training programs in research     throughout the USF                experience and that’s how
a whole different focus for       chancellor, the provost, the      and development and make          campuses, including St.           we’re helping our world move
the university, giving us an      vice president for research       dealing with office-sponsored     Petersburg’s waterfront           forward.”
opportunity to pull in the        and innovation and the vice       research more user friendly       location and Tampa’s geopark
community, alums and others       president for diversity, equity   by creating a dashboard to        and botanical gardens.    
from around, so that they can     and inclusion.                    incentivize communication             “We are teaching students
see the campuses and see              Law mentioned the need        and promote resources.            to respect the natural
what they have available to       for leaders that have “seen           In regards to furthering      resources, to understand
them.”                            the mountain and seen what        sustainability, she tapped        what they are and to
    As for the challenges the     true excellence looks like, and   into her experience as an         understand that they need

Continued from front page
    A total of 308 votes              “The thing I found in a lot       Schrader and Rampertab        relationship back up.             obstacles they expect to
were cast for the                 of these experiences is that      constantly collaborate with           To do so, Schrader            encounter during their time as
gubernatorial tickets,            there were never any other        organizations like the Student    explained that they will          campus leaders, Rampertab
revealing that Poinsette          students involved. When I         Green Energy Fund and the         launch a campus wide survey       said that getting all the
and Huggins received the          would come to USF and talk        Fresh and Local Greenhouse        where students can provide        information they need to
most votes with 132 (43%),        to students about what I was      Project, as sustainability is a   feedback about the initiatives    get started and the current
Schrader and Rampertab with       doing, I couldn’t connect with    pillar of the campus and the      they proposed and get their       transition in administration
101 votes (33%) and Bright        them,” Schrader said. “So, I      city.                             take on other issues, including   leadership will bring
and Morales with 75 votes         thought, if I could bring my          “We’re on the water here      parking, dining and the           challenges they “can learn a
(24%).                            knowledge and what I did          and we’ve got to protect the      residence halls.                  lot from.”
    Since no ticket received      in the community to [SG],         environment that is in this           Schrader and Rampertab            An obstacle they hope to
the 51% required majority,        and in the process also get       place,” Schrader said. “I         expect feedback to be             overcome are the blurred lines
a winning ticket could not        more students aware of local      think more can be done and        significant to guide them         that consolidation has created
be announced and for the          community and politics, that      we can all take simple steps,     in the process of creating        regarding campus identity.
first time as a consolidated      would be a good in between.”      like promoting recycling          task forces to tackle those           “It seems like in the past
university, SG had to hold a          Rampertab, a peer coach,      and spreading awareness of        issues on campus. They            decisions have been made in
runoff election to settle the     navigator tour guide and          renewable energy.”                also emphasized the               other areas of the university
next campus representatives.      president of Harborside               Regarding making voices       importance of collaboration       which St. Pete has had to just
    The first two tickets         Activities Board, is used to      heard, Rampertab identified       between different parts of        kind of go along with it, and
proceeded to the following        the constant collaboration        students as a strength of the     the university to provide an      we have to make sure that
stage of the election, and        between groups and                St. Petersburg campus as they     effective response.               doesn’t happen,” Schrader
on March 8 the student            organizations on campus to        voice their concerns when             “Keeping communication        said. “We have to define
body selected Schrader and        plan and carry out activities     issues arise.                     open in terms of what             ourselves as a campus and
Rampertab as the winning          for students, as well as guide        “The student population is    we’re doing and what we’re        I think we can do more to
pair.                             them through their college        very vocal when something         working on, is very important.    incentivize students to stay
    Their experience as           journey.                          is an issue. We all like to       Having open relationships         here, whether that’s more
community leaders has given           “I believe this is the best   voice our opinions and no one     with university leadership        programs, more activities or
them unique insight into the      move for me to stay involved      is worried about doing so,”       is exciting because we will       more degree pathways.”
needs of the student body.        and also learn more of the        Rampertab said.                   make sure to voice student            As their inauguration day
    Schrader’s extensive          business side of USF, all             He continued to explain       concerns,” Schrader said.         of May 9 is fast approaching,
experience in the political       the policies, budgeting and       that constant communication           City-wide networking          Schrader and Rampertab seek
scene dates back to 2018,         other funds. It also gives me     with the students helps them      is another important part of      to increase their social media
when he served as an intern at    opportunities to continue to      become aware of problems          their campaign. Schrader          presence to bring awareness
the Central Pinellas Chamber      talk to students,” Rampertab      they might not know about,        and Rampertab want to             on their goals and incentivize
of Commerce. In 2019, he          said.                             and that feedback can help        create lasting relationships      students to collaborate
worked as the campaign                During their campaign,        them in their course of action    with stakeholders in the          with them to make the St.
manager for Bill Jonson,          they actively advocated for       as leaders of the campus.         community to address issues       Petersburg campus “the place
and from 2019 through             practicing and promoting              However, the COVID-19         like keeping USF graduates        to be.”
2021 as intern and assistant      sustainability, ensuring          pandemic brought some             in St. Petersburg after they
constituent advocate for          every student’s voice is          disconnection between the         graduate and the boiling  
Congressman Charlie Crist.        heard and building better         students and SG, and both         affordable housing crisis
In 2021, he was elected as SG     relationships across USF and      Schrader and Rampertab            happening across Tampa Bay.
senator at USF St. Petersburg.    the community.                    are looking to build that             When asked about the
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                              THE CROW ’S NEST

 DeSantis Signs ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill NEWS
By Aubrey Carr                         “It seeks to do so by          be informed about services
Crow’s Nest Staff                  imposing a sweeping, vague         offered to their child at school

                                   ban covering any instruction       and should be protected from
           he fight against what   on ‘sexual orientation             schools using classroom
           opponents call the      and gender identity,’ and          instruction to sexualize their
           “Don’t Say Gay” bill    by constructing a diffuse          kids as young as 5 years old.”
came to an official end last       enforcement scheme designed            The bill received
Monday when the Parental           to maximize the chilling effect    nationwide attention for its
Rights in Education Bill was       of this prohibition.”              highly controversial content,
signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.           The complaint went on to       with LGBTQ+ advocates,
    Filed under House Bill         state that the bill violates the   celebrities and politicians
1557, the soon-to-be law           First and 14th Amendments          denouncing the legislation.
states that “classroom             of the U.S. Constitution and           President Joe Biden took
instruction by school              should be overturned as such.      to Twitter ahead of DeSantis’
personnel or third parties on          “It offends principles         signing to condemn the
sexual orientation or gender       of free speech and equal           “hateful” bill.
identity may not occur in          protection by seeking to               “I want every member of
kindergarten through [third]       censor discussions of sexual       the LGBTQI+ community —
grade or in a manner that          orientation or gender identity     especially the kids who will                                             AUBREY CARR | THE CROW’S NEST
is not age-appropriate or          that recognize and respect         be impacted by this hateful
developmentally appropriate                                                                              HB 1557 has reached nationwide attention, including
                                   LGBTQ people and their             bill — to know that you are
for students in accordance         families,” the complaint said.     loved and accepted just as you     a denouncement from President Joe Biden.
with state standards.”                 In a press conference          are,” Biden said in a tweet.
    The bill faced controversy                                                                           and representation in the          Gottschalk said.
                                   ahead of the signing, DeSantis     “I have your back, and my          classroom.”                            “Teachers will be much
from critics who argued that it    validated the bill, affirming      administration will continue
marginalizes members of the                                                                                  “Queer students may not        more fearful to express
                                   that it was for the protection     to fight for the protections and   be aware of their identity in      themselves and teach in a
LGBTQ+ community.                  of children and the rights of      safety you deserve.”
    Criticism of the bill came                                                                           elementary school but hiding       diverse manner. This will
                                   parents.                               As the bill is specifically    them from the reality that gay     in turn, negatively affect
to a head last Thursday when           “We will make sure that        aimed at what can be
LGBTQ+ advocate groups                                                                                   people exist is an injustice to    the students, especially
                                   parents can send their kids to     taught within a classroom,         their rights, specifically the     those a part of the LGBTQ+
filed a federal complaint          school to get an education, not    students at the University
challenging the law.                                                                                     right to freedom of thought,       community.”
                                   an indoctrination,” DeSantis       of South Florida’s College         opinion and expression,”               According to David
    Lawyers from Kaplan            said.                              of Education are left to
Hecker & Fink LLP, a New                                                                                 Barnett said. “If a child asks     Rosengrant, interim director
                                       The bill also allows parents   wonder how the ruling may          about gay people, it is their      of education for USF St.
York law firm, and the             to sue their school district if    impact their future careers as
National Center for Lesbian                                                                              right to want answers to their     Petersburg, there has yet to
                                   the policy is breached.            educators.                         thought.”                          be any talks of curriculum
Rights filed the complaint on          “Parents’ rights have              “We do not stand for
behalf of Equality Florida and                                                                               For River Gottschalk,          changes for the College
                                   been increasingly under            homophobia as a program,”          a junior education major,          of Education –– but he
Family Equality.                   assault around the nation,         junior elementary education
    “Florida House Bill 1557                                                                             the bill feels like a direct       assured that any discussions
                                   but in Florida we stand up         major, Grace Barnett, said.        attack toward himself and          would involve all three USF
(widely known as the ‘Don’t        for the rights of parents and      “I don’t think the bill will
Say Gay’ law) is an unlawful                                                                             other aspiring transgender         campuses.
                                   the fundamental role they          [affect] how I teach or how        educators.
attempt to stigmatize, silence     play in the education of their     I learn how to teach. In our
and erase LGBTQ people in                                                                                    “I feel that I have been          HB 1557 is planned to go
                                   children,” DeSantis said,          classes, we often talk about       made out to be a villain in the    into effect on July 1.
Florida’s public schools,” the     according to a press release.      diversity. Our program
complaint said.                                                                                          school system and amongst
                                   “Parents have every right to       advocates for inclusion            the common population,”       

Continued from front page
   For Amanda Dearing, a           with everything in a close         and earn a degree,” Tadlock
freshman business major, it        proximity, and the location        said.
was the city experience and        of it being in downtown                “We have a terrific close-
the close-knit community that      St. Petersburg and only            knit community where
kept her at the St. Petersburg     20 minutes away from the           everyone looks out for one
campus.                            beach.”                            another in the middle of a
   “A couple aspects of                St. Petersburg Regional        thriving city. Plus, our faculty
the campus became more             Chancellor Martin Tadlock          is doing groundbreaking work
appealing to me than the           was “not at all surprised”         and making a difference in
Tampa campus,” Dearing             by the large retention of          the world. This is the place to
said.                              redirected students.               be,” he said.
   “I liked the smaller class          “Anyone who spends time
sizes, the smaller campus          here can tell that this is a
                                                                                                                       COURTESY OF MARTIN TADLOCK
                                   wonderful place to live, learn
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                                THE CROW ’S NEST

           & LIFE
                                                    USF Week makes
Molly Ryan
Crow’s Nest Staff                                in-person comeback
             nother COVID-         Allison Richards, HAB’s             because a lot of students here
             19-compromised        director of traditions and          haven’t experienced what a
             tradition will make   junior biology major. “Each         USF Week would be like on
its fully fledged return to the    one of our events during the        campus. For a lot of us, it was
University of South Florida.       week is kind of like a different    cut off,” Richards said. “[This
    The Harborside Activities      time for a different group of       year’s USF Week is] trying
Board (HAB) will host this         students just to make sure          to integrate students back
year’s superhero-themed USF        everyone’s involved.”               into the campus’s student life
Week, incorporating entirely           The week will kick off          that a lot of students haven’t
in-person events for the first     with a farewell lecture and ice     gotten before.”
time since 2019.                   cream social with outgoing              According to Richards,
    According to Joshua            St. Petersburg Regional             USF Week is celebrated
Rampertab, junior                  Chancellor Martin Tadlock           to both recognize mascot
criminology major, lieutenant      and will continue with              Rocky the Bull’s birthday
governor-elect and president       giveaways and a combination         and “give individuality to the
of HAB, “there’s a lot more        of campus traditions like           university.”
room to do bigger things this      Screen on the Green and                 The tradition first came
semester than the last.”           novel events like the Laser         about in 2010 when former
    “We really planned for         Light Fight.                        Tampa mayor Pam Iorio
a larger volume of people              “[When planning], there’s       established “USF Day” on
coming around for this USF         a lot more collaboration that       April 9. Since then, it has
Week because we do have            goes into it with the different     morphed into individual
all in-person events,” said        organizations on campus,            week-long celebrations across
                                                                       all three campuses.                                                    COURTESY OF @USFHAB ON INSTAGRAM
                                                                           Previously regarded as          The week kicks off with a farewell to Tadlock and
                                                                       “USFSP Week” on the St.
                                                                       Petersburg campus, all three        includes a movie and trivia night, a laser light fight
                                                                       campuses will celebrate the         and a Compass major celebration.
                                                                       now-comprehensive USF                                                  O’Brien and Neon Trees on
                                                                                                           picked the theme that we’re
                                                                       Week for its second year since                                         Friday.
                                                                                                           going with here and we
                                                                       consolidation’s official start in                                         All campuses will end USF
                                                                                                           picked the stuff that we’re
                                                                       the summer of 2020.                                                    Week by coming together at
                                                                                                           giving out to make it a little
                                                                           However, Richards assured                                          the Raymond James Stadium
                                                                                                           different for students.”
                                                                       that St. Petersburg’s USF                                              in Tampa for USF football’s
                                                                                                               Students are encouraged to
                                                                       Week will be unique from the                                           spring game on Saturday.
                                                                                                           take part in festivities across
                                                                       Tampa and Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                                           all three campuses — like
                                                                                                           Sarasota-Manatee’s Faculty/
                                                                           “We’re consolidated, but                                        
                                        MOLLY RYAN | THE CROW’S NEST                                       Staff vs. Students Basketball
                                                                       everything isn’t the same,”
USF Week will return in full force as a superhero-                                                         Game on Wednesday and
                                                                       Richards said. “We still hold
themed week of in-person activities and events.                                                            Tampa’s Bullstock, featuring
                                                                       a little bit of autonomy, we
                                                                                                           performances from Olivia

                                                                       By Gavin Hadro
FEAST OF THE SQUASHBUGS                                                Crow’s Nest Staff
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                         THE CROW ’S NEST

       New York City guide: Traveling                                                                                                     ARTS
                                                                                                                                          & LIFE                 5
         tips for college students
Story and photo by                York Sightseeing Pass.             the city has it all. But if
Sofía García Vargas                  Select the amount of days       you’re on a budget, street
Crow’s Nest Staff                 you are visiting, pay for the      food is always a good choice

                                  selected days and then enjoy       for your wallet and your taste
          ver since I went to     over 100 attractions during        buds.
          New York City for       your stay. Download the ticket
          the first time, I’ve    to your phone and get into         Mask, vaccination card
taken Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’      every attraction you choose         and hand sanitizer
lyrics very seriously –– New      with a simple scan at the
York is a concrete jungle         entrance. Prices range from            Let’s keep it real,
where (my) dreams are made        $129 for one day to $349 for       COVID-19 is not gone for
of.                               10 days.                           good, and in a city as big as
    Since then, it has been                                          New York it is better to be
my ultimate dream to move                Google Maps                 safe than sorry, especially
there and create a life as                                           when you have to travel
close to Carrie Bradshaw’s           I cannot imagine the places     on the subway and touch
as I can. Okay, that might        I would have ended up if it        disgusting surfaces all around.
sound unrealistic, but as         weren’t for Google Maps.           Mask up and keep your hands
graduation approaches, this       Not only is it a great way to      clean, please. Also, some
thought has grown bigger and      check where everything is,         attractions are still requiring
bigger, and the only way to       but it also tells you the exact    proof of vaccination, so make
stop the impulse to just drop     location of subway stations        sure to keep it on you at all
everything and move there         and how often the trains run.      times.
was to take a quick trip during
spring break.                                 Cash                       Buy a MetroCard
    As traveling becomes a
part of our daily lives again,       As things start to “go back         This depends on how
here are a few essential things                                                                        however the more you use it,       when something embarrassing
                                  to normal” and more places         much you will be traveling
I think will take your New                                                                             the cheaper it gets –– for 13      happens, share a meal with or
                                  take cash again, avoid the         within the city and how many
York City trip to a whole                                                                              trips pay $2.53 per ride, for 15   be confused of where you are,
                                  hustle of finding an ATM           people you’re with. A pay-
other level.                                                                                           trips pay $2.20 per ride and       makes the experience a lot
                                  during your trip and come          per-ride card costs $1 to get
                                                                                                       for over 20 trips pay $1.65 per    more worth it.
                                  prepared to enjoy it without       the physical card and then
     Sightseeing Pass                                                                                  ride.
                                  interruptions. Keeping cash        $2.75 for every ride. Up to
                                  on you is extremely helpful        four people can use the same
                                                                                                           If you don’t want to risk         Comfortable shoes
    Trying to make the most                                                                            losing a physical card, you
                                  when buying street food and        MetroCard, and even though
out of your time in any                                                                                can also scan your debit/credit       Trust me, I know you don’t
                                  souvenirs.                         it will still cost $2.75 per
city is probably the most                                                                              card or digital wallet at the      want to ruin your outfits just
                                                                     person, you do not have to
stressful part about traveling,                                                                        OMNY electronic screens.           to wear comfortable shoes,
                                          Street food                pay the $1 fee for multiple
                                                                                                                                          however after walking over
especially in NYC where                                              cards.
there is so much to see              Talking about street food,          For an unlimited
                                                                                                           Go with someone                10 miles everyday I was there,
and do. Keeping up with                                                                                                                   I wish I left my boots at home
                                  there is no bigger melting pot     MetroCard, you have the
reservations and tickets for                                                                               Not only is it safer, but it   and wore my sneakers.
                                  of cuisines than New York.         option to pay a flat rate of
different attractions can                                                                              is also a lot more fun. Having
                                  Whether you’re looking             $33 for seven days or $127
also be draining. That why I                                                                           someone to talk to on the train
                                  for high-end restaurants or        for 30 days. You will still
recommend getting The New                                                                              rides or long walks, laugh
                                  random carts on the streets,       have to pay $1 to get the card,

‘Footloose’ dances into St. Pete
Sophia George                         “We were already very          the press release.
Crow’s Nest Staff                 excited to bring ‘Footloose,’          Alex DeLeo is making his

                                  the musical to the park            regional debut playing the
         t. Petersburg’s          back in 2020. I had actually       lead role of Ren McCormack
         American Stage in the    finished choreographing the        in “Footloose,” and has
         Park is welcoming its    show when the 2020 park            previously performed in the
first musical production after    show was canceled just             Broadway productions of
a two-year hiatus due to the      three days before we were          “Wicked” and “Kinky Boots.”
COVID-19 pandemic.                scheduled to start rehearsals.         New York-born actress
    “Footloose” is set to run     I feel the show has been           Lea Marinelli, cast as Ariel
from April 6 to May 8 in          simmering and waiting to be        Moore, has performed in
Demens Landing Park at            served since then,” Stroff said.   productions at both Walt
Bayshore Drive Southeast and          In the wake of the             Disney World and Universal
First Avenue Southeast.           pandemic, the casting process      Studios.
    The musical –– which is       for the production was                 Other accredited actors
based off the classic 1984 film   untraditional and challenging,     joining the cast are John Perez
starring Kevin Bacon, Lori        with no in-person auditions.       as Rev. Shaw Moore and Troy
Singer, Christopher Penn and          “The casting process with      D. Wallace as Willard Hewitt,
John Lithgow — follows the        this show had its own set of       both of which have performed
story of Chicago native Ren       challenges due to casting only     in several other regional
McCormack as he strives to        through video submissions,”        productions.
revive the dance and rock         Stroff said. “I wanted a very          “This show is such a
culture in a small Midwestern     diverse cast and worked            celebration of life and new                                         COURTESY OF AMERICAN STAGE
town.                             tirelessly to deliver the best     beginnings, and that is exactly American Stage in the Park is holding its first
    American Stage was            I could. The finalized cast        what this year’s park show      production, ‘Footloose,’ since the COVID-19
originally set to put on the      of ‘Footloose’ is a diverse,       is going to feel like for St.
production in April of 2020                                                                          pandemic.
                                  wonderful group of very            Petersburg/Tampa audiences.
but was forced to delay the       talented artists, and I feel       The park tradition was broken    Special show dates are as      For more information
showings due to COVID-            certain they will deliver a        in 2020 due to pandemic, but     follows:                    and to purchase tickets for
19-related health and safety      blockbuster performance to         it’s now back and bigger than   • Pay What You Can           American Stage in the Park’s
regulations.                      the St. Petersburg/Tampa           ever,” Stroff said.              Previews from April 6 to 7. production of “Footloose”
    Prior to the shutdown,        audiences.”                            Ticket options for the      • Opening Night Gala on      visit
American Stage Director               Although it was no easy        production include advance       April 8.
Shain Stroff was appointed to     feat, American Stage was able      general lawn admission, at      • Pets in the Park Night on
choreograph the production        to put together the largest cast   the gate lawn admission,         April 17.
and is enthusiastic about its     since its 2019 production of       premium blanket seating and     • Pride Plus Night on April
comeback this month.              “Mamma Mia,” according to          reserved chair seating.          24.
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                                       THE CROW ’S NEST

                                                          USF graduate programs rank
 6 NEWS                                                   among the best in the country
                                             By Aubrey Carr                      employers in the Tampa Bay
                                             Crow’s Nest Staff                    region and throughout our
                                                                                  state,” USF President Rhea
                                                         large number of the     Law said, according to a press
CROW’S NEST                                              University of South     release.
                                                         Florida’s graduate          “Seeing a growing number
                                             programs ranked among the           of USF programs highly
Mission Statement                            best in the U.S., according         ranked is a testament to the
                                             to 2023 rankings released by        hard work and commitment
 The Crow’s Nest is committed to
 providing its readers with news
                                             U.S. News & World Report            of our students, faculty and
 relevant to the University of South         (U.S. News).                        staff.”
 Florida St. Petersburg campus and its           In total, 34 USF graduate           According to U.S. News,
 surrounding community. The Crow’s
 Nest abides by the highest ethical
                                             programs ranked within the          each ranking is determined
                                                                                                                                                                     COURTESY OF USF
 standards and focuses on stories that       top 100 for their program,          through different criteria for     Management                        Doctor of Nursing Practice
 help readers make informed decisions        two more than last year’s           each program. For some,           • Forty-sixth in Medical          • Sixty-eighth in Pharmacy
 on current issues. We take seriously the
 public’s trust in our news reporting and
                                             rankings. Industrial and            statistical indicators –– like     Research                         • Sixty-ninth in Engineering
 strive to uphold the highest standards      organizational psychology           data on faculty, research         • Forty-seventh in Industrial      – Civil
 of reporting as defined by the Society      at No. 3 and public health at       and students –– are used to        Engineering                      • Sixty-ninth in Engineering –
 of Professional Journalists. Opinions
 in this newspaper do not necessarily
                                             No. 16 led the university’s         measure the quality of the        • Forty-ninth in Physical          Chemical
 represent those of the administration,      rankings, with the audiology        program. For others, U.S.          Therapy                          • Seventy-third in Fine Arts
 faculty or student body.                    and criminology programs            News consults with experts        • Fiftieth in Environmental       • Seventy-fifth in Business ‐
                                             close behind, both ranked at        for opinions on the programs.      Engineering                       Part‐time MBA
Reach Us                                     No. 18.                                                                                                 • Eighty-sixth in statistics
                                                 For the first time, the          Programs ranked within            Programs ranked within           • Eighty-ninth in Engineering
USFSP Peter Ruby Wallace                     nursing master’s degree                                                the top 100:                      – Computer Engineering.
Center                                                                            the top 50:
                                             and industrial engineering          • Third in Industrial and         • Fifty-fifth in Speech-          • Ninety-second in
Office 110                                   programs broke through the           Organizational Psychology.        Language Pathology                Engineering.
261 Sixth Ave. S.                            top 50 at No. 42 and No. 47         • Sixteenth in Public Health.     • Fifty-sixth in Clinical         • Ninety-second in Sociology.
St. Petersburg, FL, 33701                    respectively.                       • Eighteenth in Audiology          Psychology                       • Ninety-fourth in Nursing –                            Last year, U.S. News            • Eighteenth in Criminology       • Fifty-sixth in Medical –         Anesthesia
                                             reported USF to be the fastest-     • Twenty-seventh in Library        Primary Care                     • Ninety-fourth in Social
                                             rising U.S. university due to        and Information Studies          • Sixty-second in Earth            Work
Staff                                        its quick climb of rankings.                                           Sciences                         • Ninety-seventh in
                                                                                 • Twenty-seventh in
                                                 “The University of               Rehabilitation Counseling.       • Sixty-second in Education        Psychology
Editor-in-Chief                              South Florida is proud to be        • Thirty-fifth in Medical –       • Sixty-third in Medical –        • Ninety-ninth in Engineering
   Sofía García Vargas                       recognized for delivering                                              Graduates Practicing in           – Electrical/Electronic/                                                         Health Graduates Practicing
                                             high-quality graduate                in Health Professional            Primary Care Specialties          Communications
Managing Editor                              programs that prepare                Shortage Areas                   • Sixty-fifth in Medical –
                                             students for their careers and      • Forty-second in Nursing          Diversity Index
  Aubrey Carr                                                                                                                                   
                                             help fill the talent pipeline for   • Forty-third in Healthcare       • Sixty-seventh in Nursing –
News Editor
  Molly Ryan                                 MESA Program supports underserved students in STEM
                                             By Molly Ryan                       ideal location to initiate this   technology labs in education      and university preparation
Online Editor                                Crow’s Nest Staff                    program.”                        on the campus, it is the ideal    program in California. The

  Now Hiring                                                                         As the leaders of USF’s       location to                       program currently serves over
                                                        he University of         MESA program, Rosengrant          initiate this program.”           50,000 students annually,
                                                        South Florida            and College of Education              As the leaders of USF’s       from kindergarten to fourth-
Arts & Life Editor                                      St. Petersburg           Dean R. Anthony Rolle             MESA program, Rosengrant          year college students, across
  Sophia George                              has introduced another              plan to work with schools         and College of Education          nine states.                        program designed to support         throughout the Tampa Bay          Dean R. Anthony Rolle                 “We envision a more
                                             underserved students.               area in hopes of bringing         plan to work with schools         equitable country where
Op-Ed & Features Editor                         The University of South          both support and awareness        throughout the Tampa Bay          underrepresented students
  Now Hiring                                 Florida St. Petersburg              of the education and career       area in hopes of bringing         of color are empowered to
                                             has introduced another              opportunities in STEM to          both support and awareness        achieve their dreams through
                                             program designed to support         underrepresented populations.     of the education and career       mastery of STEM disciplines
Staff Reporter
                                             underserved students.                   “As a California MESA         opportunities in STEM to          to create prosperity in our
   Max Steele                                   According to an April 1                                                            graduate, I am very excited       underrepresented populations.     communities,” said Dwight
                                             press release, USF became           to develop a program at USF           “As a California MESA         Carr, chair of MESA USA
Creative Director                            the first Florida institution       that continues to provide         graduate, I am very excited       and executive director of the
  Baron Reichenbach                          selected to host a chapter of       academic, economic and            to develop a program at USF       Maryland MESA chapter.                           the Mathematics, Engineering,       social justice opportunities      that continues to provide             Florida will be the 10th
                                             Science Achievement                 for students of color,            academic, economic and            and most recent state to host
Multimedia Editor                            (MESA) Schools Program.             young women and low-              social justice opportunities      the MESA program.
  Gavin Hadro                                   An award-winning                 income students,” Rolle           for students of color,                “On behalf of MESA USA,                       program, MESA is geared             said, according to the press      young women and low-              we welcome the University
                                             toward providing academic           release. “The opportunities       income students,” Rolle           of South Florida and Florida
Marketing Manager                            support in science,
  Now Hiring                                                                     and pathways that the USF         said, according to a press        MESA as new national
                                             technology, engineering and         MESA Program will create          release. “The opportunities       partners that will help us to
                                             mathematics (STEM) to               as the program matures will       and pathways that the USF         achieve our mission and help
Advisor                                      pre-college and university          be instrumental in pathway        MESA Program will create          us to move closer toward our
  Chelsea Tatham                             students from educationally         support for both future STEM      as the program matures will       vision of a more equitable
                                             disadvantaged backgrounds.          students and educators in         be instrumental in pathway        STEM ecosystem for today’s
  Zukowski                                      “We are incredibly excited                                                            STEM subjects.”                   support for both future STEM      students,” Carr said.
                                             the USF St. Petersburg                  “We are incredibly excited    students and educators in             In its first year, USF’s
                                             campus will be the initial          the USF St. Petersburg            STEM subjects.”                   MESA program will focus
Letters to the Editor                        host for MESA,” said David          campus will be the initial            Accepting applications in     on developing a curriculum
The Crow’s Nest accepts letters to           Rosengrant, interim director        host for MESA,” said interim      the 2022-2023 school year,        and onboarding staff to
the editor. All submissions should           of education at St. Petersburg      director of education at          USF’s MESA program will           build partnerships with local
be no more than 500 words. Writers           and STEM professor,                 St. Petersburg and STEM           provide its students with         schools.
must include their full name. All            according to the press release.
letters are subject to editing for clarity                                       professor David Rosengrant,       access to STEM enrichment             While currently housed at
and length. Letters can be sent to           “With our emphasis on               according to a press release.     activities, mentorship            St. Petersburg, the program with subject           STEM education, a growing           “With our emphasis on             programs and career               eventually plans to include
title “Letter to the Editor.”                technology and innovation           STEM education, a growing         shadowing opportunities.          students across all three USF
Because of high production costs,            district in downtown St.
members of the USFSP community                                                   technology and innovation             MESA was first                campuses.
are permitted one copy per issue.            Petersburg and expanding            district in downtown St.          established in 1969 as a pre-
Newspaper theft is a crime.                  technology labs in education        Petersburg and expanding          college, community college
                                             on the campus, it is the                                                                            
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                              THE CROW ’S NEST

  Movie Review: ‘X’ is a disturbing MISC. 7
    homage to ‘70s slasher
By Molly Ryan                           The film stars Brittany        development or meaningful               Goth as both Maxine and
Crow’s Nest Staff                    Snow as comic relief Bobby-       backstory on behalf of Pearl        Pearl makes perfect sense,

                                     Lynne; Martin Henderson,          and Howard, the gore’s abrupt       despite the exaggerated use of
           i West’s “X”             the next best thing to Matthew     commencement unfolded in            special effects makeup (which
           measured up to be        McConaughey, as the film’s         a manner that I personally          I’d like to think is another
           much more than           producer Wayne; rapper Kid         found unfulfilling.                 reference to the ‘70s.)
a revamped nod to 1970s             Cudi as the project’s male             The subsequent violence             While I discovered the
slasher films — it pushed           gaze, Jackson; budding star        was predictable and on-the-         film’s double casting of Goth
boundaries and explored the         Jenna Ortega as the “good          nose, which read to me as           retrospectively, it almost
darker sides of sexual desire       girl gone bad”, Lorraine; and      another homage to the ‘70s          added to the impact of
and the feminine pursuit of         horror veteran Goth double-        slasher era, but just turned out    understanding the movie’s
power.                              casted as both Pearl and the       to be a bit corny.                  emphasis on the ills of
    “X” opens with the grisly       femme fatale lead, Maxine.             Aside from the gore and its     hyperbolic eroticism and an
aftermath of the film’s course,         “X” began highly               artistic style, sex is one of the   obsession with being desired.
leaving audiences to wonder         promising with engaging            main centerpieces of “X.”               By the end of the film,
“how?” and “why?” by                cinematography, unique                 While many of the sex           viewers explore both Maxine                             COURTESY OF A24
the time “24 hours earlier”         editing and witty dialogue         scenes take place in the            and Pearl’s unrelenting thirst
flashed on the screen and                                                                                                                          ‘X’ stars horror veteran
                                    with inspiration taken from        context of adult filmmaking         for power and the role that sex         Mia Goth, who plays a
signified the story’s official      and references to classic          in their melodramatic and           plays in their pursuits — each
beginning.                          horror films like “Psycho”         longwinded forms, the film’s        a mirror of one another.                chilling double role as
    Set in 1979, “X” follows        and “Texas Chainsaw                erotic overtones make a                 Goth’s performance is               both the femme fatale
a group of six who rent             Massacre”— indicative of           twisted shift in the latter half.   compelling, but I personally            lead and the elderly
out a seemingly perfect             expert-level attention to detail       I could have happily gone       feel, if given more screen time
set for their adult film in                                                                                                                        antagonist.
                                    on West’s part.                    the rest of my life without         and development, Lorraine
rural Texas. Blinded by                 In typical fashion of the      seeing some of the film’s           played by Ortega could have             stimuli and unforgiveable
the pursuit of fame, the            film’s arthouse production         intentionally grotesque             been the star of the movie.             images that I might never
group ignores the clearly           company, A24, “X” is shot          moments, however, it is                 I’ll be honest, I still don’t       unsee.
precarious circumstances that       on a film camera rather than       undeniably where the film           really know how to feel about              But somehow, their films’
surround their strange hosts        a digital one — making for         best conveys its symbols and        “X.” I reflect on the film with         undeniable strokes of genius
— an elderly man, Howard            a gritty and more immersive        themes. In other words, where       a decent number of positive             and charm keep me coming
(Stephen Ure), and his not-all-     ‘70s experience.                   “X” shines it simultaneously        feelings, but it still doesn’t          back, ready to be unnerved all
there wife, Pearl (Mia Goth).           The pace had me expecting      defines its status as deeply        account for the “this is not it”        over again.
    When Pearl bears                the slasher sequences of “X”       disturbing.                         written in my notes app when
witness to the adult film’s         to be a slow burn akin to              As the story progresses,        the credits rolled.                 
“production” in a voyeuristic       Quentin Tarantino’s “Once          the body count grows                     A24 never fails to
pursuit, havoc subsequently         Upon a Time in Hollywood”          and questions begin to be           disturb me in a different
ensues.                             for whatever reason — where        answered (albeit with still         way with nearly every film
    This probably goes without      much of Tarantino’s flashy         little development), the film       they produce — vis a vis
surprise, but I won’t tiptoe        signature violence was saved       sheds light on certain aspects      “Hereditary” and “Tusk.” But
around it, there’s a lot of sex     for an explosive and intense       of sexual desire that I had         like many other A24 films,
and violence in this movie          end to the movie.                  never seen depicted in a film,      “X” had a fairly balanced
— so don’t blame me if you              However, after little          let alone gave any thought to.      ratio of visually pleasing
decide to go see it.

   what’s your favorite scary CROSSWORD?
By Baron Reichenbach                                                              Horror/Slasher Crossword
Crow’s Nest Staff

                                                                                                 1               2
           new slasher
           review really isn’t
           complete without
an accompanying crossword.                                                    4
Test your knowlegde of some
classic and cult-y horror and
slaher films.
    1. “Do you like scary
    4. Get your leather face on.
    5. As of the latest film,
“evil dies tonight.”
    8. “One thing about
living in Santa Carla I never
could stomach: all the damn                                                                      5
    9. The original killer was
Mrs. Voorhes, Jason didn’t
show up until the sequels.
    10. Say it five times.                                                        6

    2. Whatever you do, don’t                                          7

fall asleep.                                                       8
    3. Bela Lugosi starred in it.
    6. “Hi, I’m Chucky! Wanna
    7. John Carpenter’s classic            9
1982 alien horror flick.

   Spaces are included.
Answers will be posted to our              10
social media on Friday.

                                                                      Across                                                    Down
                                                1. "Do you like scary movies?"                             2. Whatever you do, don't fall asleep.
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April 4, 2022                                                                                                                        THE CROW ’S NEST

                                                From the Bull-pen to Rays’
 8         SPORTS
                                                   Opening Day starter
Max Steele                            A season later,                   After being drafted by the
Crow’s Nest Staff                 McClanahan recorded a 10-6        New York Mets in the 2015

                                  record with a 3.43 earned         MLB Draft, McClanahan
            niversity of          run average (ERA) and 141         declined the offer and decided
            South Florida         strikeouts, finding himself       to play college baseball with
            alumnus, Shane        at the top of Tampa Bay’s         the Bulls.
McClanahan, will take the         pitching rotation in the 2021         During his two seasons
mound as the Tampa Bay            ALDS against the Boston Red       at USF, the pitcher racked
Rays’ starting pitcher for        Sox.                              up 224 strikeouts in 29
the first game of the season          “I knew if I came in and      starts. With 31.2 consecutive
against the Baltimore Orioles.    worked my butt off and            innings, McClanahan holds
    “It means a lot,”             hopefully did the right things,   the longest streak in program
McClanahan said in an             maybe something good would        history without allowing an
interview with Major League       happen,” McClanahan said          earned run.
Baseball (MLB). “It really is     after finding out he got the          He also pitched in USF’s
a big honor.”                     Opening Day start via Twitter.    first combined no-hitter and is                                                   COURTESY OF MLB
    On April 8, the 24-year-          “[McClanahan] is very         the second Bull to strike out
old will become Tampa Bay’s       deserving,” head coach Kevin      over 100 batters in back-to-
youngest Opening Day starter      Cash said told MLB reporters.     back seasons.
since 2007 and fifth pitcher      “We don’t get where we got            McClanahan was drafted
drafted by the Rays to start      [last season] and finish the      by the Rays with the 31st
for the team.                     way we finished if it wasn’t      pick in the first round of the
    McClanahan joined the         for him really stepping up        2018 Draft, the third-highest
Ray’s World-Series-bound          after Tyler Glasnow’s injury      drafted player in USF history.
roster during the 2020            and fulfilling a major role on        “You get what you work
postseason, making his MLB        our team.                         for,” McClanahan told The
debut against the New York            McClanahan’s baseball         Tampa Bay Times. “I’ve had
Yankees in the American           career began at Florida’s Cape    this mindset my entire life.
League Divisional Series          Coral High School, where he       I’m just starting to find out
(ALDS) and becoming the           went 29-7 with 187 strikeouts     what I’m capable of. There’s
first pitcher in the history of   and 1.02 ERA, drawing             a lot more to go.”
the league to ever debut in the   attraction from Major League
playoffs.                         scouts.                      
                                                                                                                                             COURTESY OF USF ATHLETICS

  By Jasmine Garrett
           MONDAY                  Registrar, and Academic          levels of Yogis. RSVP on          campus pool in the Edge               SUNDAY
                                   Advising will be present         BullsConnect.                     from 2 to 6 p.m. The game
     Calling all Croc-heads.       to answer any questions                                            room will be open, and             Hop into the Easter
  At Croc Your World you           about the registration                                             snacks will be provided.        spirit at the Westchase
  can pick your own USF            process. Personalized                  THURSDAY                    Don’t forget your swimsuit.     Egg Hunt. The event
  Jibbitz, show off your           snow cones based on the                                            RSVP on BullsConnect.           takes place at the
  newly decorated Crocs            college your major is in            Do you love to dance?                                          Westchase Recreation
  and sign up to design            will be provided. RSVP on        Join the Latin American                                           Center, 9791 Westchase
  personalized Jibbitz. Come       BullsConnect.                    Student Association for                 SATURDAY                  Dr. from 1 to 4 p.m.
  out to the Harborwalk                                             Just Dance but Spanish*.                                          There will be food,
  from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.                                           The party will be hosted in          Enjoy the fresh air at       games, and pictures
  RSVP on BullsConnect.                WEDNESDAY                    the Office of Multicultural       the first ever Sip n’ Shop      with the Easter bunny.
                                                                    Affairs in SLC 1400 from          Market. Sip on a drink as       There will also be a
                                      With finals on the            6:30 to 8:30 p.m. RSVP on         you shop local vendors and      special appearance from
          TUESDAY                  horizon, it can be easy          BullsConnect.                     food trucks. The market         Tampa Bay Lightning’s
                                   to become stressed and                                             takes place in 81Bay            Thunderbug from 1:00 to
     Registration for next         overwhelmed. Take a                                                Brewing Co., 4465 W             1:30 p.m. Tickets are $10
  semester is open. Stop by        physical and mental break                FRIDAY                    Gandy Blvd. from 10 a.m.        and can be purchased on
  the Bayboro and Davis            at Yoga Flow Wednesdays                                            to 3 p.m. There will be free    EventBrite.
  Hall Breezeway from              from 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. in           With summer just               parking and entry. Proceeds
  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for            Studio A, St. Pete Fitness       around the corner, come           will benefit High Hopes
  the Major Celebration.           Center. This class will          hang out with Student             in High Heels charity to           Jasmine Garrett is a
  Compass Student                  focus on building stability,     Government at Splash into         support the Tampa Bay           sophomore psychology
  Experience, Office of            balance, and flexibility         Summer: Pool Party. The           community.                      major at USF St.
                                   and is designed for all          party will be held at the                                         Petersburg.
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