DER HANNOVERANER Sport - Team silver in Avenches/SUI - The American Hanoverian Society

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DER HANNOVERANER Sport - Team silver in Avenches/SUI - The American Hanoverian Society

                           DER HANNOVERANER
                            No. 11 | November 2021  

 Team silver in

 Dream Catcher

FRH Butt‘s Avondale by Nobre xx/
Heraldik xx and Anna Siemer becane
Vice-European Champion with the
German Team.
DER HANNOVERANER Sport - Team silver in Avenches/SUI - The American Hanoverian Society
The former World Champion of young eventing horses,
                               Monkeying Around by Bertoli W/Donnerhall, was in
                               third place with Izzy Taylor after dressage and

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DER HANNOVERANER Sport - Team silver in Avenches/SUI - The American Hanoverian Society

    Silver for FRH Corrida and
    FRH Butt‘s Avondale
    In Avenches, Germany’s riders became the vice European champions behind the strong
    British team. Two FRH-horses were members of the German team: the proven FRH
    Corrida with Andreas Dibowski, which had been the reserve pair in Tokyo, and FRH
    Butt‘s Avondale with Anna Siemer in her championship debut for black-red-gold.
    Text: Petra Schlemm · Photos: Stefan Lafrentz

H    ere you go (again!) – with courage, initiative
     and willpower, the Swiss organizers staged a
European Eventing Championships in Avenches
                                                        Bullimore already rode internationally ten years
                                                        ago. “Huge courage in a small package,“ she de-
                                                        scribed her bronze-medal winning horse.
that almost seamlessly linked up with European
championships in the “old times“ before Corona.         The German team won silver with 86.4 points,
With courage, because when the FEI “accepted the        ahead of Sweden as the surprising bronze medal-
inquiry”, any pandemic restrictions were not at all     lists (113.9). It had started so well with Ingrid
foreseeable including whether or not spectators         Klimke taking the lead in the dressage (20.2 ahead
would be allowed. With initiative, because the          of Nicola Wilson with 20.9). On the cross-country
eventing world had emphatically demanded a Eu-          course, the rider from Münster missed the set time
ropean Championship, after the other disciplines        by three seconds. A rail at the third to last obstacle
had already held such a championship in the             on the stadium course finally cost her the individu-
Olympic year. Multi-champion Michael Jung and           al silver medal. The two-time defending champion,
the Swiss Felix Vogg had been the spokesmen; the        who could have made history with a third victory
Vogg family had been instrumental in executing          – again with SAP Hale Bob OLD, who, like Hein-           FRH Corrida by Contendro/
the event. And with creative energy, because there      rich-Wilhelm Johannsmann‘s Gralshüter, goes              Espri showed „the dressage
only were six months to build a completely new          back to the foundation mare Festkost – finished          of her life“ with Andreas
4-star course with 32 obstacles among other             fifth (25.4) behind fourth-placed Michael Jung           Dibowski..
things - this endeavor was certainly ambitious.

The result was a great event on the impressive
grounds of the Institut Equestre National
d‘Avenches (IENA) in front of numerous cheerful
spectators and with a list of winners that resem-
bled lists from earlier times: Britain won team gold
and all individual medals. Hats off to Chris Bartels!
With 73.1 points, the British ladies‘ quartet consis-
ting of Nicola Wilson/JL Dublin, Piggy March/
Brookfield Inocent, Kitty King/Vendredi Bats and
World Champion Rosalind Carter/Allstar B secured
the victory. Nicola Wilson won her first individual
gold finishing on her dressage score (20.9) with
the Holsteiner JL Dublin, whom she has prepared
for his first championship for more than six years.
Silver went to Piggy March (23.3) followed by indi-
vidual rider Sarah Bullimore (23.6) with the Eng-
lish-born Oldenburg Corouet, who is only 1.54
metres tall and whose dam, Lilly Corinne, Sarah

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                                                                                                  always makes it difficult for herself with this,“
                                                                                                  “Dibo“ sadly explained afterwards.

                                                                                                  Six out of 68 participants from 17 nations compe-
                                                                                                  ted on Hannoveraner horses. The most successful
                                                                                                  among them was Monkeying Around with Izzy Tay-
                                                                                                  lor as an individual rider for Great Britain. After a
                                                                                                  jumping fault on the stadium course, the colorful
                                                                                                  bay by Bertoli W/Donnerhall ended up in tenth
                                                                                                  place. Bred by Christian Heinrich in Staffhorst, he
                                                                                                  had been sold to England as a dressage horse at
                                                                                                  the age of three and ended up in Taylor‘s sales sta-
                                                                                                  ble a year later after being deemed “too hot“ for
                                                                                                  the dressage ring. Regardless of his strong dres-
                                                                                                  sage genes, eventing is more his area of expertise,
                                                                                                  which he proved impressively in 2017 when he
                                                                                                  became World Champion of Young Event Horses.
                                                                                                  Monkeying Around was one of only seven horses
                                                                                                  to make the time on cross-country. His name still
                                                                                                  says it all. “He‘s not called that for nothing,“ assu-
                                                                                                  red Izzy Taylor, who still has her hands full with the
FRH Butt‘s Avondale by Nobre xx/         with fischerWild Wave (23.9). The Holsteiner, who        now ten-year-old powerhouse, especially in the
Heraldik xx and Anna Siemer
                                         is only nine years old, was one of only three horses     veterinary inspection. St.Pr.A. Fifty-Fifty by Fider-
took 17th place in the individual
classification at their first European   to finish on his dressage score at these European        tanz/Friedensfürst (breeder: Kai Baumgartner, Wul-
Championships.                           Championships. Anna Siemer and FRH Butts Ave-            kau) participated as a member of the Swiss team
                                         don made an excellent debut in the team at their         with Patrick Rüegg. The Swiss team finished on an
                                         first senior championships. The 14-year-old mare         unexpected fourth place in the team classification,
                                         by Nobre xx/Heraldik xx, bred and owned by Prof.         only one point behind the Swedes. At their cham-
                                         Dr. Volker Steinkraus, Ollsen, finished in 17th place.   pionship debut, the pair made it through the cross-
                                         As the first starter for the team, the master in         country and the final jumping course without any
                                         equestrian sciences from Luhmühlen delivered a           jumping faults. The indestructible grey horse Cons-
                                         dressage test that was clearly better than she was       tantin M by Concetti/Gardeulan II (breeder: Fritz
                                         rated. Hans Melzer considered the judges‘ verdict        Meyer, Wahrenholz) was competing in his third
                                         a “pawn sacrifice”. “Mouse” followed the ideal           European Championships with the Danish indivi-
                                         line on the cross-country course, which included         dual rider Mia Hastrup. The 17-year-old veteran did
                                         many corners and turns. She only collected 1.8 pe-       not have any jumping faults on the cross-country
                                         nalty points for exceeding the time limit and made       course, but had problems staying on the ideal line
                                         up her 23rd (!) position after dressage working her-     and collected 17.6 time faults. Later the pair had a
                                         self up to 15th place. An unfortunate rail on the        jumping fault on the stadium course (35th place).
                                         stadium course caused her to drop back two places        Former Verden’s auction horse Ducati d‘Arville by
                                         again.                                                   Diarado/Pergignon (breeder: Wolfgang Rüsch, Fre-
                                                                                                  denbeck) and Lara de Liederkerke-Meier were back
                                         Dressage test of a lifetime                              again representing Belgium. After a clear cross-
                                         Andreas Dibowski and FRH Corrida by Contendro/           country round, Ducati d’Arville was not presented
                                         Espri (breeder: Dr. Rainer Zurmaar, Ehlscheid) also      again after his veterinary examination in the hol-
                                         had a good start with delivering “the dressage test      ding box.
The Swiss, who included the Fider-       of FRH Corrida’s life“ (25.6). On the cross-country
tanz/Friedensfürst daughter Fifty-
                                         course, however, the twelve-year-old‘s ambition          The silver team medal was the farewell present for
Fifty and Patrick Rüegg, finished in
an unexpected fourth place.
                                         awoke and her rider spent a lot of time and energy       Germanys national coach Hans Melzer, who is go-
                                         trying to bring the bay horse properly in front of       ing into retirement after 21 years in office. He
                                         the partly very tricky jumping sequences, which          handled the British superiority professionally. “You
                                         were designed by Luhmühlen’s cross-country               have to look at it from a sporting point of view.
                                         course-builder Mike Etherington-Smith and Martin         They were really better – this time. You have to de-
                                         Plewa as the co-master builder. In the end, 15.2         liver clear rounds in jumping – that‘s just the way it
                                         penalty points for exceeding the time limit were         is.“ Ingrid Klimke also did not publicly complain
                                         recorded, and the clear round on the stadium             about missing out on an individual medal. “Bobby
                                         course was only a small consolation for the team         was super in all three parts of the competition. That
                                         Olympic champion from the Lüneburg Heath. “She           certainly is reason enough to be happy.” n

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Dark Beluga FRH
In a very emotional tribute, Dark Beluga was duly       tion. In addition, he also helped Janika Derks to a
celebrated with the name addition FRH at the Ger-       silver medal in the women‘s final. Dark Beluga FRH
man Vaulting Championships, which took place in         and Jannik Heiland added another title to their
Verden in Oktober. The De Niro/Akzent II-son            World and European Championship-titles in Ver-
(breeder: Heinz Nölkenhöner, Raddestorf; owner:         den: They became German Champions in the
Barbara and Franca Rosiny and Dr. Markus Jaeger-        men‘s individual vaulting competition. “The most
Rosiny, Lüneburg) is one of the best vaulting hor-      emotional moment for me this weekend was the
ses in the world. With Jannik Heiland and his ow-       FRH-award for my horse Dark Beluga,“ said Jannik
ner Barbara Rosiny on the lunge, he became Vice         Heiland.
World Champion in the men‘s class in Budapest/
HUN a few weeks ago and was a member of the             The now 18-year-old Dark Beluga FRH has been
German team that won gold in the team classifica-       owned by the Rosiny family for ten years. He also
                                                        successfully competed at the international level
                                                        with the team called Timeloh-Hof. Occasionally he
                                                        competed in individual competitions and in a Pas
                                                        de Deux. When Jannik Heiland‘s championship-
                                                        horse dropped out shortly before the World
                                                        Equestrian Games in Tryon/USA, Dark Beluga FRH
                                                        travelled with him to Kentucky. He was more than
                                                        a substitute: The two won silver in the individual
                                                                                                                 Dark Beluga FRH and Jannik
                                                        classification. In addition, they won bronze in the      Heiland. Photo: Kaiser
                                                        Pas de Deux with Jannika Derks and Johnnes Kay
                                                        and won the World Championship-title in the team
                                                        classification. The following year Dark Beluga FRH
                                                        and Jannik Heiland were runners-up in the Euro-
With Dark Beluga‘s owner Barbara Rosiny on the          pean Championships in Ermelo/NED. “His great
lunge, Jannik Heiland vaults from success to success.   reliability and regularity are what set him apart,“
Photo: FEI/Kowalski                                     the vaulter said at the time.         Britta Züngel

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                                                                                          ting as the generation of their parents, grandpa-

“Horse People“
                                                                                          rents and even great-grandparents. The mothers
                                                                                          of these (young) riders, some of whom are already
                                                                                          internationally successful, are sisters – Sylla Holt-
                                                                                          kamp-Endemann, Annelie Lübbeke and Dr. Susan-
                                                                                          ne Reinstorf, all born Wrede. Even though their
                                                                                          children‘s respective fathers, Enno Reinstorf, the
The families of “horse people” exist in the main                                          Dobrock Show Director Dr. Martin Lübbeke and
breeding area of the Hannoveraner horse.                                                  Jörg Holtkamp-Endemann, undoubtedly added
                                                                                          additional “equestrian blood“, the common roots
Margarete and Emil-Dietrich Tiedemann gave the                                            of the cousins are most certainly found in their
                                                                                          great-grandmother Margarete and their great-
“horse gene“ to one of them decades ago.
                                                                                          grandfather Emil-Dietrich Tiedemann from Lüders-
By Rolf Hillmann                                                                          koop.

                                                                                          When Susanne, Annelie and Sylla think of their

                                   I  n the families of “horse people“, breeding and
                                      riding, dealing with horses, horsemanship and
                                   fairness were already placed in the cradle with
                                                                                          grandparents, they go into raptures. They describe
                                                                                          them as “horse people through and through“.
                                                                                          Their grandfather was a former cavalryman and
                                   them. In these families, successful riders and bree-   farmer. But the real visionary was grandmother
                                   ders emerge from every generation. Their feel for      Margarete. When others were not even thinking
                                   horses, their courage and ambition are passed on       about it and her husband was still at war, she was
                                   from generation to generation. Ten young, highly       already using Thoroughbreds like Marabou xx and
                                   successful riders currently are great examples.        Poet xx in her breeding program. “She was ahead
                                   Their maternal great-grandparents once were            of the times - in the beginning to the criticism of
                                   ahead of their time. Their names are Sylla-Marie,      her husband,“ the granddaughters are sure. The
                                   Carlotta, Carl-Philipp, Paula, Lena, Greta, Hanno,     blood horses worked in front of the plough just as
                                   Libussa, Ferdinand and Fritz-Ludwig. Their surna-      much as they went to competitions on the Do-
                                   mes: Knoop, Holtkamp-Endemann, Lübbeke and             brock or took part in the Duhner races on the
                                   Reinstorf. These young women and men are not           mud-flats. Margarete and Emil-Dietrich Tiede-
Ilsemarie and Friedrich-Wilhelm    only cousins, they are also connected by so-           mann passed this passion on to their children Ilse-
Wrede have passed on the horse     mething that has been running through their fa-        marie Wrede, Annelie Witt, Irmgard Schnepp and
gene to their daughters Annelie,   mily veins for over 100 years and probably much        Dietrich-Wilhelm Tiedemann, who continues to
Susanne and Sylla.
                                   longer: The passion for horses and the so often        run the main farm in Lüderskoop with his wife Re-
Photos: Hillmann, private
                                   invoked but never yet proven “horse gene“.             gina. To this day, they all breed very successfully
                                                                                          on the basis of their father‘s blood-influenced
                                   The youngest generation is at least as successful      mare line. Horses, and without exception the
                                   in dressage, show jumping and, above all, in even-     home-bred ones, were part of every event in life.
                                                                                          Ilsemarie Wrede remembers with pride and wist-
                                                                                          fulness that she and her groom Friedrich-Wilhelm
                                                                                          drove to their own wedding with four home-bred
                                                                                          horses. This unconditional adherence to their own
                                                                                          breeding products was also passed on by Ilsema-
                                                                                          rie and her siblings to their offspring.

                                                                                          Making something out of every horse, improving it
                                                                                          through honest riding – that is still one of the ba-
                                                                                          sic convictions of this family today. For
                                                                                          example:The sisters Sylla, Annelie and Susanne
                                                                                          proved this, among others, with three full siblings
                                                                                          from their grandfather‘s breeding program, which
                                                                                          go back to Lugano/Eindruck II/Florentiner II/Früh-
                                                                                          sport/Poet xx/Feiner Kerl from the Hadulla family,
                                                                                          1922 by Halt: The three sisters took their
                                                                                          grandfather‘s horses all the way to the German
                                                                                          Dressage Championships. To this day, this line
                                                                                          produces successful sport and breeding horses.
                                                                                          Winning mares and winning families, but also in-

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ternational eventers, dressage and show jumping        rete and Emil-Dietrich Tiedemann. But before we
horses are found in today’s lists of show succes-      do that, we would like to take a look at the pony
ses. In addition to the line of Hadulla, which is at   Wespe, who carries Hannoveraner blood and is,
home in Lüderskoop, the family breeds with hor-        of course, a home-bred. Wespe is out of a rather
ses from the Schluppera line, from which espe-         small Wolkenstein-mare from the line of Duellfei-
cially the 1975-born, Grande mare Grafalda foun-       er. The pony mare competed at the National Pony
ded her own dynasty. This line is maintained at        Jumper Championships in her day proudly retur-
Gut Neuensteden near Freiburg/Elbe, which llse-        ning home with golden sashes eight times. She
marie and Friedrich-Wilhelm Wrede took over and        was ridden by two-legged descendants of the
which is now run by Sylla and Jörg Holtkamp-En-        family namely Fritz-Ludwig, Libussa, Ferdinand,
demann.                                                Paula, Lena, Greta and Hanno. Three out of these
                                                       seven times, she carried her riders to team victo-
The focus is on horses                                 ries.
Whether it is the “horse genes“ that keep their
own two-legged offspring breeding and riding           Besides Libussa Lübbeke, her cousin Paula Rein-        Paula Reinstorf came fourth in the
horses, or simply the fact that horses are more or     storf also attracts attention. With the half-bred      European Young Riders Champion-
                                                                                                              ships with Ilara W in Segersjö.
less the focus of the family, no one truly knows       mare Ilara W by Inliner/Gold and Ivory xx (breeder:
                                                                                                              Photo: Lafrentz
the answer – the fact is that most of the offspring    Tanja Weber, Walsrode), she finished fourth at the
of this family end up in the saddle sooner or later    European Young Rider-Championships in Segers-
and then quickly draw attention with their accom-      jö/SWE a few weeks ago. The 19-year-old was gi-
plishments. Sylla, Annelie and Susanne emphasize       ven the mare, when she was four years old
that their parents did not put any pressure on         through the contact to the horse breeding club
them. “And that‘s how we did it with our children      Aller-Leine. She trained and competed the mare
– there is no you must, but there is a you may.“       up to the international level. They already finished
They also train their horses in a similar way. If a    second in the Prize Of The Best this year and
horse offers cooperation and shows talent, then        placed fifth in the CCI3*-L in Kreuth. Paula‘s mo-
we gladly promote it to the “maximum” of its ca-       ther, Dr. Susanne Reinstorf, was a participant in
pability. Among the ten cousins, not only are some     the German Dressage Championships in Soltau at
of them already competing on the international         the time; her father Enno Reinstorf, rode eventing
equestrian circuit, but some have also successfully    himself, placed fourth in the German Champion-
adopted an equestrian profession, such as Carl-        ships and was placed internationally with Granit
Philipp Knoop, who completed his apprentice pro-       FRH, a horse bred by his uncle, the former District
gram as a horse trainer with a focus on riding. He     Association Chairman in Lüneburg, Manfred Rein-
also already participated in Hamburg’s Derby and       storf (†). Enno Reinstorf himself comes from a         Carl-Philipp Knoop has set up his
has meanwhile set up his own business called           breeding and riding dynasty; his grandfather was       own training stable and took part
Sportpferde Knoop.                                     the cavalryman Paul-Hermann Reinstorf, his father      in the Hannoveraner Show Jumping
                                                                                                              Championships with Takara HE.
                                                       is Peter Reinstorf, the well-known show judge and
                                                                                                              Photo: Lafrentz
Or Libussa Lübbeke, who is currently attending         breeder.
the Sports School of the German Armed Forces in
Warendorf with three homebred and other horses.        What applies to the Lübbeke family and the Holt-
She was The European team champion in the pony         kamp-Endemann family also applies to the Rein-
division, contributed to the Nations Cup-victory in    storf family: “Our successes are always family
Marbach and won a bronze medal at the German           successes. Uncles, aunts, cousins are happy no
Eventing Championships. She is the reigning Eu-        matter who of us celebrates great breeding or
ropean team champion in the young rider-division       sporting successes.“ Breeding means thinking in
and just recently won a three-star test in Strzge-     generations. If you look at the mare lines maintai-
nom. Her brother Fritz-Ludwig, who is currently        ned by the current families of breeders Lübbeke,
studying in Göttingen, took part in the U21-Euro-      Holtkamp-Endemann and Reinstorf and their im-
pean Championships in Fontainebleau/FRA. His           pressive sporting and breeding successes, you will
name is firmly linked to Caramella, the Contendro/     get an idea of how important the principle of ge-
Fabriano-daughter – bred by his mother Annelie.        neration is in the breeding of horses. If you now
He won two bronze medals at German Champion-           combine this breeding substance from decades
ships and is the reigning European team champi-        with the passion and talent of the respective two-
on of rural riders with the home-bred Caramia by       legged offspring, the result is success stories like
Comte/Fabriano.                                        that of the large family of “horse people“ Tiede-      Libussa Lübbeke rides with Caramia
                                                       mann-Wrede-Lübbeke-Reinstorf- and Holtkamp-            at the sports school of the German
We could continue listing successes of the great-      Endemann. Success stories to which each genera-        Armed Forces. Photo: Stroscher

granddaughters and great-grandsons of Marga-           tion adds its own chapter. n

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    Fifth in Aachen
    Baloutinue finished fifth in the prestigious Grand Prix of Germany, while
    Hannoveraner were among the best in all divisions, which were offered in
    Aachen’s dressage stadium in September.
    Text: Britta Züngel · Photos: Stefan Lafrentz

                                                                                                 Der Balou du Rouet-Sohn Baloutinue came fifth
                                                in Tallinn/EST, she finished third in the two-   in the Grand Prix of Germany in Aachen with
 Show Jumping                                   phase jumping competition for seven-year-        rider Laura Kraut.
                                                olds with rider Monika Paulauskaite.

Acorado‘s Ass                                   Balou du Rouet
                                                                                                 national stage. With Michael Cristofoletti, the
Alejandro (Rhld.)                               Baloutinue                                       fourteen-year-old finished fourth in a two-
In the Grand Prix of the CSI2* in Traverse      The USA won the prestigious Nations Cup          phase jumping competition at the CSI2* in
City/USA, the Acorado‘s Ass/Continue/Gran-      (1.60 metres) in Aachen’s Soers in Germany.      Opglabbeek/BEL.
nus-son Alejandro (breeder: Friedhelm Till-     The team included the Balou du Rouet/Lan-
mann, Grevenbroich) and Shane Sweetnam          dor S/Figaro-son Baloutinue (breeder: Hein-      Carrico
from Ireland celebrated a third place.          rich Meyer, Langwedel) with rider Laura
                                                Kraut. The pair had only one jumping fault in    Carrisma (VA)
Armitage                                        both demanding rounds. In the Grand Prix of      Oliva/ESP resumed operations on the first
                                                Germany (1.70 metres), a pole only fell in the   weekend of October. In week one of the Au-
Hann.Pr.St. Armanda                             exciting jump-off and the Olympic team silver    tumn Mediterranean Tour I, the Carrico/Eiger/
Once second in the free-jumping competition     medallists finished fifth.                       Airport-daughter Carrisma (breeder: Henrik
of the Hannoveraner breeding program vor                                                         Plass, Neustadt) and Mario Wilson Fernandes
show jumpers, Hann.Pr.St. Armanda by Armi-      Belony                                           finished fourth in a two-phase jumping com-
tage/Cassus/Calypso II (line of Zauberflöte;    After a longer break, Belony by Balou du         petition of Gold 3. The next day, the pair fini-
breeder: Melanie Lehfer, Telgte) now celebra-   Rouet/Raphael/Calypso II (breeder: Thomas        shed fifth in a 1.45 metre jump-off for the
tes international successes. At the CSI2*-W     Kothe, Korschenbroich) is back on the inter-     win.

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Captain Red                                       by Cassus/Ramiro‘s Bube II/Lombard (line of      Chacco Top (VA)
Captain Red was the second Carrico off-           Drama; breeder: Heinz Saborowski, Ihlien-        Chacco Top by Chacco-Blue/Graf Top/Wan-
spring obtaining top results at the CSI2* in      worth) and Hilary McNerney enjoyed a third       dersmann xx (line of Isabella; breeder: Tors-
Oliva/ESP. The Carrico/Escudo/Cordes-Boy-         placement. A time penalty point had preven-      ten Siems, Oyle) and Cormac Hanley placed
Vz-son (line of Alcaza; breeder: ZG Eichler       ted their participation in the jump-off. From    third in a jumping class with victory round
and Grotepaß, Christerode) was fifth in a         Calgary, the pair traveled to Vancouver/CAN.     (1.50 metres) at the CSI5* in Traverse City/
time-and-fault class with rider Jamal Ra-         At the CSI4*-W, they finished third in the       USA.
himov.                                            main jumping competition (1.50 metres) on
                                                  the opening day.                                 H5 Chacco-San
Calvaro                                                                                            In a 1.45 metre class at the CSI3* in Spruce
                                                  Chacco-Blue                                      Meadows/CAN, the Chacco Blue/Sandro Boy/
Sahilou                                                                                            Padarco-son H5 Chacco-San (line of Nalcoza;
Sahilou by Calvaro/Lansing/Cor de la Bryère       Caracoles                                        breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen) and Carlos
(breeder: Horizontal Sp. Z o.o. Choczewo/Po-      At the end of the CSI3* in Gorla Minore/ITA,     Hank Gurreira placed third.
land) and Christian Heineking won a second        Caracoles by Chacco-Blue/Lifestyle/Acord-
place-ribbon in a time-and-fault jumping          plus (breeder: Heinrich Aarnink, Nordhorn)       Chacfly PS
competition, which took place during the          and Elin Ott from Switzerland were delighted     Stakkato Prize-winner Chacfly PS by Chacco-
CSI5* in Caledon/CAN.                             with their third place in a jumping class with   Blue/Sir Shutterfly/Cento (breeder: Stud Le-
                                                  jump-off for the victory.                        witz, Mühlen) has reached the international
Canstakko                                                                                          stage. On the opening day in Opglabbeek/
                                                  Chacco Prime                                     BEL, he finished fourth in a tine-and-fault
Captain (VA)                                      The time would have been enough for a vic-       jumping competition. Eiken Sato rode the ni-
In the Grand Prix (1.50 metres) of Gorla Mi-      tory, but a pole fell and Chacco Prime by        ne-year-old.
nore/ITA, Captain by Canstakko/Corrado/           Chacco-Blue/Le Primeur/Acord II (breeder:
Deadly Nightshade xx (breeder: Martin Klint-      Kai Baumgartner, Wulkau) and Alexanne Thi-       Chapilot
worth, Ohrensen) and Roland Grimm finished        bault finished fifth in a jumping competition    In the two-phase jumping competition at the
on a brilliant sixth place.                       against the clock at the CSI5* in Caledon/       CSI3* in Coapexpan/MEX, the clear rounds
                                                  CAN.                                             of Chapilot by Chacco-Blue/Pilot/Waldlöwe
Cascadello                                                                                         (line of Tante; breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen)
                                                  Scara Glen‘s Chancelloress                       and the Brazilian rider Rodrigo Lambre were
Cascadello Boy RM (Rhld.)                         With an impeccable round, Scara Glen‘s           rewarded with a fifth place. Two days later,
Only a few weeks after Katrin Eckermann           Chancelloress by Chacco-Blue/Balou du Rou-       the pair’s names were recorded in the list of
won the Grand Prix of Surenburg with her          et/Graf Grannus (line of Fairness III Z; bree-   winners after winning the main jumping
mount Chao Lee in Riesenbeck/GER, the             der: Dr. Elmar Thiemann, Himbergen) and          competition with a lead of over three se-
31-year-old was victorious in the Grand Prix      Paul O‘Shea jumped into fourth place in          conds.
of the CSI2* in Riesenbeck with Cascadello        Friday’s main jumping competition (1.50 me-      In Aachen, Dublin by Chacco-Blue and Patricio
Boy RM by Cascadello/Balou du Rouet/Poly-         tres) at the CSI5* in Caledon/CAN.               Pasquel flew to top placings.
dor (breeder: Josef Ruyter, Rees), who also
goes back to the foundation mare Willkür.
They won by a lead of almost two seconds.

Cascadello II

C.H.I.O. (Rhld.)
In Lamprechtshausen/AUT, C.H.I.O. by Casca-
dello II/Balou du Rouet/Polydor (line of Will-
kür; breeder: Josef Ruyter, Rees) and Dennis
Nielsen celebrated a victory in the Youngster
Tour for seven-year-olds. The final for six-ye-
ar-olds also had a Hannoveraner winner with
Peaky Blinder.


Chuck (VA)
After the Masters, Spruce Meadows/CAN
was the venue for the “North America“
CSI3*. In the Grand Prix (1.50 metres), Chuck

                                                                                                                 Der Hannoveraner 11|2021          9
DER HANNOVERANER Sport - Team silver in Avenches/SUI - The American Hanoverian Society

                                                                                                      Grand Prix (1.55 metres). The dam of the for-
                                                                                                      mer privately-owned stallion is a half-sister
                                                                                                      of Codex One, who had been one of
                                                                                                      Germany’s best show jumpers during his


                                                                                                      While sire Contendros competed successfully
                                                                                                      in Mexico, the name of his son Conlouba by
                                                                                                      Contendros/Baloubet du Rouet/Carthago
                                                                                                      (line of Gralsgöttin; breeder: Stud Lewitz,
                                                                                                      Mühlen) was the result lists in the Nether-
                                                                                                      lands. At the CSI2* in Kronenberg/NED, he
                                                                                                      finished second in a two-phase jumping com-
                                                                                                      petition with the 17-year-old, Uzbek rider
                                                                                                      Abdurakhmom Abdullaev.

In Roeser sammelten Lord Heinrich v. Lord Fauntleroy und Jörne Sprehe (hier in München) internatio-   Corlensky
nale Schleifen
                                                                                                      Cadillac (VA)
Dublin                                              Heinz Tiedje jun., Bottendorf) and Francisco      The result lists of a time-and-fault class at the
On the opening day of the CHIO Aachen/              José Mesquita Musa narrowly missed qualify-       CSI5* in Spruce Meadows/CAN reported a
GER, Dublin by Chacco-Blue/Sandro Boy/Pa-           ing for the jump-off to the Grand Prix (1.50      third placement for Cadillac by Corlensky/El
darco (line of Nalcoza; breeder: Stud Lewitz,       metres) of Roeser/LUX finishing fourth with a     Bundy/Akut (line of Neakinda; breeder: Horse
Mühlen) competed with Patricio Pasquel in           fast, four-penalty round.                         Breeding Dr. Jacobs GbR, Bierbergen) and ri-
the two-phase jumping competition (1.50                                                               der Brian Morton. The following day, the pair
metres) and finished in thirteenth position          Contendro                                        placed twelfth in the 1.50 metre jumper
with a clear round. In the “Allianz-Prize“, the                                                       class.
main jumping competition (1.55 metres)              Cinsey (VA)
with a winning round on Saturday, the pair          In the first week of the Autumn Mediterrane-      Cornet Obolensky
advanced to seventh place.                          an Equestrian Tour in Oliva/ESP, Cinsey by
                                                    Contendro/For Pleasure/Akzent (line of Clo-       Calotta
Christian                                           tilde; breeder: Andre Vagts, Bargstedt) and       In a speed class at the CSI5*-GCT in Rome/
                                                    Alberto Zorzi jumped into fourth place in the     ITA, a fourth place was awarded to the Cor-
Cabo Verde                                          Grand Prix. In week two, they had to accept a     net Obolensky/Advocat/Domspatz-daughter
In the jump-off to win the Youngster Tour at        jumping fault in the Grand Prix (1.50 metres)     Calotta (line of Galta; breeder: Werner Kaiser,
the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP at the beginning of          finishing seventh.                                Lüsen) and Francesca Ciriesi.
October, the Christian/Graf Top/Drosselklang
II-son Cabo Verde (line of Forst; breeder: Joa-     Con Coleur                                        Cornet‘s Iberio
chim Schwarze, Obernkirchen) and Peter Mo-          On the last weekend in September, the Con-        Cornets Iberio by Cornet Obolensky/Iberio/
loney won the white ribbon for placing third.       tendro/Couleur-Rubin/Picard-son Con Coleur        Acorado (line of Steingilde; breeder: Heinrich
                                                    (line of Selma; breeder: Ingo and Britta Jans-    Ramsbrock, Menslage) and Denis Lynch
Commissario                                         sen, Holtgast) made a trip to Tuscany. It was     placed sixth in a 1.50 metre-class at the
                                                    crowned with great success: At the CSI2* in       CSI5* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA. They went
Cato Boy                                            Arezzo/ITA, he won the Grand Prix with Re-        on to Opglabbeek/BEL, where they won the
At the CSI3* in Canteleu/FRA, Cato Boy by           becca Conway after already placing third in       main jumping competition on the opening
Commissario/Lord Pezi/Fly High (line of Am-         the qualification.                                day.
bella; breeder: Johannes zur Lage, Bersen-
brück) finished third in the Youngster Tour-fi-     Contendros (VA)                                   Cornet‘s Balou
nal with Shane Breen.                               With the fastest four-penalty round, Conten-
                                                    dros by Contendro/Drosselklang II/Glückspilz      Crack Balou
Contagio                                            (line of Neapenda; breeder: Wilhelm Berg-         The Cornet‘s Balou/Chacco-Blue/Carthago-
                                                    horn, Stolzenau) and Andres Azcarraga fini-       son Crack Balou (line of Lunda; breeder: Stud
Catch Me Imperio Egipcio                            shed fourth in a 1.45 metre-test at the CSI2*     Lewitz, Mühlen) enjoyed the late summer on
Catch Me Imperio Egipcio by Contagio/               in Puebla/MEX. Next stop: the CSI3* in Coa-       the Riviera participating in the CSI4* in St.
Werther/Gotthard (line of Julianca; breeder:        pexpan/MEX. The pair finished eighth in the       Tropez-Grimaud/FRA with rider Emanuele

10     Der Hannoveraner 11|2021

Gaudiano from Italy. He rode the nine-year-      Diacontinus                                        For Edition
old dark bay into second place in a two-pha-
se show jumping competition.                     Hann.Pr.A. Diamond (VA)                            Foster
                                                 Hann.Pr.A. Diamond by Diacontinus/Grand            In the two-phase jumping competition of the
Count Grannus                                    Cru/Argentan (line of Lorstede; breeder: ZG        CSI2* in Traverse City/USA, the For Edition/
                                                 Augustin and Froese, Benz) proved her great        Adlantus As/Wendekreis-son Foster (line of
Count Me In                                      talents at the CSI2* in Gorla Minore/ITA.          Pinie; breeder: Johann Blanken, Worpswede)
After their successes at the “Masters“ in        With Ines Bruttin, she won a second-place          and Alexandra Volpi placed third.
Spruce Meadows/CAN, Count Me In by               ribbon in the speed class and in the two-
Count Grannus/Sherlock Holmes/Mahon (line        phase jumping class of the Youngster Tour.         Graf Top
of Maritim; breeder: Friedrich Lüßmann, Neu-     The pair finished third in the final.
stadt) and Connor Swail were also successful                                                        Graf Compliment
at the “North America“ CSI5*. They won the       Emerald van het Ruytershof                         The Graf Top/Compliment/Glückspilz-son
jumping competition with a winning round                                                            Graf Compliment (line of Aricia; breeder: Pet-
(1.50 metres), after they had already been       Early Bird ME                                      ra von Burchard, Nienhagen) and Cormac
tenth in a 1.50 metre-class.                     Early Bird ME by Emerald van het Ruytershof/       Hanley celebrated two fifth places at the
                                                 Ustinov/Kannan (line of Königsheldin; bree-        CSI2* in Columbus-Johnstown/USA. They
Coupe de Coeur

Coupon de Coeur
In the opening class of the Golden Tour at the
CSI2* in Lamprechtshausen/AUT, Coupon de
Coeur immediately scored a victory. The Cou-
pe de Coeur/Stakkato/Werther-son (line of
Formica; breeder: Alfred Bruch, Winsen) won
the time-and-fault class with rider Soenke


Dicas (Rhld.)
Dicas by Diarado/Cassini/Lancetto (breeder:
Karl-Heinz Girkes, Viersen) and Margie Gold-
stein-Engle made it onto the podium with
placing third in the show jumping competiti-
on with a winning round (1.50 metres) at the
CSI5* in Caledon/CAN.

Diraba‘s winning streak continues. After suc-    After starting at the European Championships in Riesenbeck, the Quintender son Quarenghi scored
cesses in Opglabbeek/BEL, the Diarado/Con-       his first World Cup points with Natalia Simonia.
tendro/Grannus-son (line of Nokadere; bree-
der: Heinrich Bremer Jun., Nöpke) won
Saturday‘s main show jumping competition         der: Gebhard Jansen, Raubach) has develo-          crowned these successes with a third place in
at the CSI2* in Gorla Minore/ITA with            ped into a serial winner. At the CSI2*-W in        the Grand Prix.
Francesco Turturiello.                           Tallinn/EST, the seven-year-old won both
                                                 qualifications of the Youngster Tour with Kris-    Grey Top
Dollar du Murier                                 tupas Petraitis.
D Mark                                           Escudo                                             Two “Grey Tops“ caused quite a stir at the
On the first weekend in October, D Mark by                                                          CSI2* in Tryon/USA. In the international com-
Dollar du Murier/Cordobes II/Chasseur (line      Europe H                                           petition on day one, Gabrovo by Grey Top/
of Isolde; breeder: Thomas Heineking, Nen-       In the exciting jump-off for the Grand Prix of     Graf Sponeck/Marmor (line of Salata; bree-
dorf) and Massimo Grossato celebrated a          Riesenbeck/GER on the first weekend in Oc-         der: Hans-Hermann Schröder, Neuenkirchen)
fourth placement in the qualifier for the        tober, Europa H by Escudo/Alexis/Goldlack          and Roberto Teran Tafur placed second ahead
Grand Prix of Gorla Minore/ITA. The pair fini-   (line of Nerita; breeder: Hermann and Hans-        of Get Go. After taking third place on the se-
shed eleventh in the actual Grand Prix (1.50     W. Hensel, Ortenberg) and Ulrich Hensel fini-      cond day, the pair enjoyed another third pla-
metres).                                         shed with the fifth-best result.                   cing in the Grand Prix on the final day.

                                                                                                                  Der Hannoveraner 11|2021     11

Get Go                                            Kardinal/Lupicor/Lancer II (line of Schließerin;   joyed a third placement. They celebrated the-
Behind Gabrovo, the Grey Top/World Dia-           breeder: Ralf Büns, Sonsbeck) and Tom San-         se two successes, as they so far were the two
mond O/Graf Sponeck-son Get Go (line of           ders earned a red ribbon for fifth place.          best results of their joint career, which only
Schluppera; breeder: ZG Herbort and Nese-                                                            began in April of this year.
mann, Stöckse) finished third in the opening      Lord Pezi
round of the CSI2* in Tryon/USA with rider                                                           Light On
Taylor Land.                                      PB Portofino
                                                  On the last day of the CSI3* in Gorla Minore/      License
Inliner                                           ITA, PB Portofino by Lord Pezi/Athletico/Ge-       In the Bronze Tour-final of the CSI1* in Oliva/
                                                  never (line of Ambella; breeder: Johannes zur      ESP, the Light On/Stakkato/Argentinus son-
Inge                                              Lage, Bersenbrück) and Pia Reich won the           License (line of Neumünster; breeder: Heinz
In a qualification of the Youngster Tour at the   second-place ribbon in a class with jump-off.      Schütte, Spelle) and Taha Yedikardes placed
CSI2* in Biarritz/FRA, the Inliner/Lord Pezi/                                                        fourth.
Godavari xx-daughter Inge (breeder: Heidi         Lordanos
Heckmann, Isterberg) placed fifth with rider                                                         Lord Fauntleroy
Jose Antonio Garcia Diana.                        L‘Amour (VA)
                                                  In Maubeuge/FRA, L‘Amour by Lordanos/              Lord Heinrich
Kadinal                                           Acorado/Escudo (line of Schwalbe II; breeder:      The Lord Fountleroy/Iberio/Acorado-son Lord
                                                  Salvatore Basile, Perugia/Italy) and James         Heinrich (line of Steingilde; breeder: Heinrich
Keine Kleine (Rhld.)                              Wilson flew into an excellent second place in      Ramsbrock, Menslage) appeared in the top
In the speed class of the Medium Tour at the      the Grand Prix (1.55 metres). Already in the       jumper classes at the CSI3* Roeser/LUX with
CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, Keine Kleine by          qualification (1.50 metres), the pair had en-      rider Jörne Sprehe. The eight-year-old, half
                                                                                                     brother of Denis Lynch‘s Cornets Iberio fini-
                                                                                                     shed third in the main jumping competition
                                                                                                     on Friday.

                                                                                                     Monte Bellini

                                                                                                     With his European Championship-horse
                                                                                                     Montana by Monte Bellini/Escudo/Pinkus
                                                                                                     (line of Sporthaus; breeder: Werner Strohsahl,
                                                                                                     Neuenkirchen), 20-year-old Antonio Sottile
                                                                                                     finished second in the Grand Prix qualifier at
                                                                                                     the CSI2* in Militello Val Di Catania/ITA.

                                                                                                     Plot Blue

                                                                                                     Peaky Blinder (VA)
                                                                                                     It already is the second victory in a Youngster
                                                                                                     Tour-final during the young career of the Plot
                                                                                                     Blue/Quidam de Revel/Landor S son-Peaky
 Mareike Harm became Vice European Champion in the team classification with Racciano and             Blinder (line of Schwalbe II; breeder: Andreas
 Luxus Boy in the four-in-hand driving competition. Photo: FEI/Juilliart
                                                                                                     Volze, Borken). At the CSI3* in Lamprechts-
                                                                                                     hausen/AUT, he held the lead of the vintage
 Racciano and Luxus Boy won silver                                                                   from 2015 with Konstantin Eduard van Dam-
 The German team of four-in-hand became vice European champions behind the Dutch in                  me.
 Budapest/HUN. Mareike Harm added the second-best result to winning silver with a fifth
 placement in the individual competition. The female driver from Schleswig-Holstein relied on        Perigueux
 a Hannoveraner and a horse from the Rhineland. Racciano by Rascalino/Weltmeyer (bree-
 der: Klaus Michaelis, Basdahl) had participated in Verden’s elite auction in October of 2009.       Palina de l‘Escaut
 From there he found his way to the Belgian trainer for driving horses Philippe Dubaere and          The Perigueux/Gardeulan/Lemon xx-daugh-
 to Mareike Harm. Amicello by Acorado/Gloster (breeder: Frank Schlueter, Moisburg) had also          ter Palina de l‘Escaut (line of Aguna; breeder:
 found his way to Mareike Harm but from Verden’s elite auction in April of 2009. With both,          Rolf Knüppel, Jork) collected her first World
 she participated in two European and two World Championships. Amicello was unable to                Cup-points at the CSI4*-W in Sacramento,
 participate in these championships, so the proven horse from the Rhineland, Luxus Box by            Rancho Murieta/USA. She finished fifth in the
 Lord Loxley/Festivo (breeder: ZG Pleines, Uedem) took his place. n                                  World Cup-jumping competition (1.50 met-
                                                                                                     res) with Kaitlin Campbell.

12    Der Hannoveraner 11|2021

Primus vom Neumühler Hof
Primus vom Neumühler Hof is spending the
fall in the Algarve. At the CSI3* in Vilamoura/
POR the Perigueux/Livello/Windhauch xx-son
(breeder: Bruno Gericke, Tangeln) finished
third in a two-phase jumping competition
with rider David Will.


The Quaid/Stakkato/Don Fernando-son Yoghi
(line of Nordküste; breeder: Gerhard Hage-
mann, Croya) convinced at the CSI3* in Mau-
beuge/FRA with his performance in the
Grand Prix (1.55 metres), which he finished
in fourth place. Prior to this, the eleven-year-
old had already placed ninth in the qualifica-
tion (1.50 metres) with Clarissa Haßmann
Crotta.                                            In the Queen‘s Cup in Barcelona, Vitiki by Valentini and Yuri Mansur (here in Aachen) celebrated
                                                   twelfth place.
Quantum (VA)
Since the Schmidt family discovered Quan-          sen) and Emily Short won the Youngster Tour-         competes Stella Levista by Satisfaction/Levis-
tum at the elite auction in the autumn of          final.                                               to/Kolibri (breeder: Marten Frehe-Siermann,
2016, Magnus Schmidt collects successes in                                                              Mettingen). At her time, Stella Levista had
junior competitions with this son of Quaid/        Quintender                                           placed third in the free-jumping competition
Exorbitant xx/Ahorn Z (breeder: Anja van                                                                of the Hannoveraer breeding program for
Hoorn, Leer). At the CSIYJ-A in Kronenberg/        Quarenghi                                            show jumpers in Verden. At the end of Sep-
NED, the pair finished fourth in a class of the    After the trip to the European Champion-             tember, horse and rider crossed the “big
Big Tour.                                          ships in Riesenbeck/GER, the Quintender/Es-          pond“ and won the Junior Nations Cup-final
                                                   cudo/Wagner son-Quarenghi (line of Fiesta;           in Kronenberg/NED.
Queenstown (VA)                                    breeder: Oleg Sheyko, Moscow/Russia) retur-
Iya Firsova rode the Quaid/Calido/Calypso II-      ned home. The CSI2* in Region Moscow/RUS              Silvio
son Queenstown (line of Piccola; breeder:          took place practically in front of his stable
Georg Bräuer, Elze) into fifth place in a com-     door. There he immediately started out with a        Solero MS
petition at the CSI2* in Region Moscow/RUS,        victory winning a time-and-fault jumping             The performances of Solero MS by Silvio/Esp-
which Hannoveraner Quarenghi won. Two              class with rider Natalia Simonia. Seven days         ri/Sandro (line of Corona; breeder: Richard
days later, the pair won the Grand Prix, in        later, a CSI1*-W was held at the same loca-          Mangels, Nordholz) in two classes at the
which only nine riders participated.               tion. Quarenghi finished fifth in the World          CSI5* in St. Tropez/Grimaud/FRA were crow-
                                                   Cup-qualifier. On the final day, the twelve-         ned with success. He finished tenth in the
Quincy (VA)                                        year-old stallion jumped into eighth place in        main jumping competition (1.50 metres) on
With the 17-year-old, female Polish rider          the World Cup competition (1.50 metres).             the opening day with Julien Epaillard and
Olga Skrobacz, Quincy by Quaid/Raphael/Po-                                                              twelfth in the 1.50 metre-class on the final
lydor (line of Allermuschel; breeder: ZG           Quick Step                                           day. Horse and rider then traveled to Gorla
Zwingmann and Richwien GbR, Dingelstädt)           Quick Step by Quintender/Calido/Werther              Minore/ITA. There, Solero MS not only won
won the second-place ribbon in the two-            (line of Lobrede; breeder: Marta Roszkiewicz-        the main jumping competition on October
phase jumping competition of the Big Tour at       Heizer, Duszniki/POL) passed his test at the         1st, but also was the winner in the qualifier
the CSIOJ in Kronenberg/NED. Back in Po-           1.50 metre-level in Gorla Minore/ITA with            (1.50 metres) for the Grand Prix one day la-
land, the CSI2* in Wroclaw-Partnice was on         flying colours. In the two-phase jumping             ter.
the agenda. There, Quincy finished fourth in       competition (1.50 metres), the eight-year-old
the qualifier for the Grand Prix.                  and Jaroslaw Skrzyczynski finished sixth with         Stakkato
                                                   a clear round.
Quarismo                                                                                                Sheikh
                                                   Satisfaction                                         Sheikh by Stakkato/Exorbitant xx/Ahorn Z
Bunter Boy                                                                                              (breeder: Anja van Hoorn, Leer) and Nina Pi-
At the CSI2* in Riesenbeck/GER, the Quaris-        Stella Levista                                       asecki finished tenth in the Grand Prix (1.50
mo/Lordanos/Eiger-son Bunter Boy (line of          Since the beginning of last year, the 15-year-       metres) at the CSI3* in Oliva/ESP with a fast
Jeora; breeder: Hans-Adolf Knoop, Wolthau-         old US female rider Caroline Mawhinney               four-penalty round.

                                                                                                                       Der Hannoveraner 11|2021       13

                                                                                                      lowing weekend, the pair finished fifth in a
                                                                                                      two-phase show jumping competition at the
                                                                                                      same venue.


                                                                                                      Salt‘n Peppa (VA)
                                                                                                      Salt‘n Peppa by Stolzenberg/Escudo/Goldfa-
                                                                                                      san (line of Einfuhr; breeder: Heinrich Zettel,
                                                                                                      Neustadt) and Jodie Hall McAteer finished
                                                                                                      sixth in the first competition (1.55 metres) of
                                                                                                      the Global Champions League during week
                                                                                                      two of the CSI5*-GCT in Rome/ITA.

                                                                                                      On the first weekend in October, the Stolzen-
                                                                                                      berg/Escudo/Calypso II-daughter Serenede-
                                                                                                      pety (line of Schutzsiegel; breeder: Jennifer
                                                                                                      Lee, The Plains/USA) made it onto the podi-
                                                                                                      um in Opglabbeek/BEL. With Nano Healy, the
Fourth in the Grand Prix of Aachen: Beryll by Benetton Dream and Hubertus Schmidt.
                                                                                                      six-year-old finished third in the two-phase
                                                                                                      jumping competition of the Youngster Tour.
Small Hero                                          Stakkato Gold
Irish rider Harriet Cooper steered her Stakka-                                                        Valentino
to/Lacantus/Wendehals-son Small Hero (line         Sansibar
of Dalia; breeder: Heinz Meier, Lügde) into        In a time-and-fault jumping competition of         Vienna (VA)
fifth place in the qualifier for the Grand Prix    the Gold 3-Tour in Oliva/ESP, the Stakkato         In Vancouver-Langley/CAN, Vienna by Valen-
of Opglabbeek/BEL on the first weekend in          Gold/Wolkenstein II/Drosselklang-daughter          tino/Lordanos/Landadel (line of Mazurka;
October.                                           Sansibar (line of Feuerkrone; breeder: Lucas       breeder: Andrea Janssen, Neuschoo) and Tif-
                                                   Smidt, Krummhörn) and Kamal Abdullah Ba-           fany Foster finished eighth in the Grand Prix’
Stalido FRH                                        hamdan impressed with a second placement.          qualifier (1.50 metres).
Freshly awarded the name suffix FRH, Stalido
FRH by Stakkato/Calido/Grosso Z (line of           EM Sempa Fideles                                   Vitiki
Odalga; breeder: Renate Bosse, Wendeburg)          Born at Holger Siems in Balge, the Stakkato        Yuri Mansur travelled to the Nations Cup-Fi-
won a ribbon in Aachen/GER. With rider             Gold/Concetto/Graf Grannus-daughter EM             nal in Barcelona/ESP with his Vitiki by Valen-
Matthis Westendarp, he finished third in the       Sempa Fideles (line of Ahnenforschung) was         tino/For Expo 2000/Deputy Head xx (line of
jumping class for young riders on Thursday.        part of the foal collection at the elite Auction   Nagillata; breeder: ZG Stapel and Wahlers,
One week later, the Nations Cup- final for         in April of 2009. The bay sold to Russia,          Scheeßel). In the “Queen‘s Cup“ (1.50 met-
young riders took place in Kronenberg/NED.         passed her mare test there four years later,       res), the pair jumped into twelfth place.
The German team took a commanding victo-           was awarded the elite mare-status, which
ry with Stalido FRH as the final rider.            corresponds with the Hannoveraner Premi-           Verdi
                                                   um, gave birth to two colts and was success-
Storiall Blue                                      ful in jumping competitions up to 1.40 met-        Vip
The CSI2* in Opglabbeek/BEL recorded a             res with Andrey Gochakovskiy. In July of this      The Verdi/Contender/Papi‘s Boy xx-son Vip
fifth place in the Grand Prix-qualifier for Sto-   year, Sempa Fideles found her way to the           (breeder: Jens Degenhardt, Kleinroda) was
riall Blue by Stakkato/Chacco-Blue/Coriall         USA to the stable of Georgina Bloomberg.           able to break into the lines of the strong Sel-
(breeder: Stud Lewitz, Mühlen) and Darragh         The first successes have already been achie-       le Français-horses at the CSI2* in Royan/FRA.
Kenny.                                             ved: In the Grand Prix of the CSI2* in Traverse    With Lou Morali, he finished second in the
                                                   City/USA, the pair finished fourth.                Youngster Tour-final.
Stakkatos Highlight
Veyron (DE)                                                                                            Dressage
The Grand Prix of Normandy (1.50/1.60 met-         3Q Qalisya
res) took place in Canteleu/FRA. With the          In the two-phase jumping competition of the        Ballettmeister
fastest four-penalty round, Veyron by Stakka-      CSI2* in St. Tropez-Grimaud/FRA, 3Q Qalisya
tos Highlight/Anton/Rubin Star N (line of          by Stedinger/Fürstenreich/Wendenburg (line         Balagur
Nachnahme; breeder: ZG Lohrey, Büdingen)           of Jumga) and 19-year-old Noa Verel im-            The Ballettmeister/His Highness/Dacaprio-
and Axel van Colen finished ninth.                 pressed with a second placement. The fol-          son Balagur (line of Yuminda) was born at

14     Der Hannoveraner 11|2021

the renowned Breeding Farm Brech in the                                                               FRH Davinia la Douce and Anna Buffini. This
Ukraine. He celebrated his first international                                                        performance also counted for the Nations
victories at the CDI2* in Moscow “New Cen-                                                            Cup, where the Dutch team took second
tury“. With Anastasia Saburenko, the eight-                                                           place behind the German team.
year-old won Prix St. Georges and Inter I and
finished the freestyle in third place.                                                                Dimaggio

Benetton Dream                                                                                        Headmore Delegate
                                                                                                      In the result lists of the individual competiti-
Beryll (VA)                                                                                           on for juniors in Keysoe/GBR, Headmore De-
In the Grand Prix of the CDI4* in Aachen/                                                             legate by Dimaggio/Akut/Steglitz (line of
GER, the judges saw the Benetton Dream/                                                               Nagilata; breeder: Great Britain) and Chloe
Weltmeyer/Lanthan-son Beryll (line of Nab;                                                            Hill were found in fifth place. The 18-year-old
breeder: Kleemeyer GbR, Sudweyhe) and ri-                                                             rider is already the fourth young rider to gain
ding master Hubertus Schmidt in fourth                                                                international experience aboard the 2003-
place.                                                                                                born chestnut.

Belissimo M                                                                                           Fahrenheit

Basali                                                                                                Flynn (VA)
Flore de Winne brought two Hannoveraner                                                               A new face on the international sport’s pages
horses to the CDI3* in Waregem/BEL, the Be-                                                           in DER HANNOVERANER is the Fahrenheit/
lissimo M/Weltmeyer/Grenadier-son Basali                                                              Sir Oldenburg/Davignon-son Flynn (breeder:
(line of Jandine; breeder: Klaus Michaelis,                                                           Anton Muhr, Bad Rappenau). Definitely a
Basdahl) and Flynn. Both competed in the                                                              face to remember! The seven-year-old won
Small Tour. With ten-year-old Basali, the Bel-                                                        the Inter freestyle with Flore de Winne at the
gian rider finished third in Inter I.                                                                 CDI3* in Waregem/BEL, after he had placed
                                                                                                      second in the Prix St. Georges and in Inter I.
                                                 At their first start in Aachen, Quizmaster by
                                                 Quasar de Charry and Frederic Wandres won the
                                                 Inter I.
Hawtins Duchessa
Hawtins Duchessa by Decamerone/Don Fre-                                                               Ferdinand BB
derico/Weltmeyer (line of Jessica; breeder:      competed in the dressage stadium at Aa-              Jessica von Bredow-Werndl is currently riding
Judith Davis, Staunton/UK) started her inter-    chen/GER’s Soers for the first time. The new-        on an incredible wave of successes. With her
national career with two wins and a second       ly-crowned German champions finished the             young horse Ferdinand BB by Florencio/Lan-
placement at the CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR. With       introductory test for young riders in third          ciano/Bolero (breeder: Bernhard Sieverding,
Lucinda Elliott, the ten-year-old won Prix St.   place and the freestyle in fifth.                    Twistringen), she won the Grand Prix Special
Georges and the freestyle. In Inter I, she ob-                                                        at the CHIO Aachen/GER and thus helped
tained the second highest score.                 Dancier                                              Germany to win the Nations Cup.

Der Lenz                                         Downton                                              Foundation
                                                 The Dancier/Worldly/Sandro Song-son Down-
Highcliffe Apollo                                ton (line of Oda; breeder: Heinrich-Gerhard          Foxtrot
The Der Lenz/Laptop/Hitchcock son Highcliffe     Tietjen, Bremen) has become an American.             In the freestyle for juniors at the CDI3* in
Apollo (line of Blenna; breeder: Heinz-Dieter    With Benjamin Winger, he appeared in the             Budapest-Fót/HUN, the Foundation/Fürst
Poort, Sittensen) was born in 2002. As a less-   international result lists for the first time with   Heinrich/Verdenas-son Foxtrot (breeder: Karl
on horse, he helped 16-year-old Scarlett John    a fifth placement in Inter I at the CDI1* in         Rumpke, Wagenfeld) showed off his strong
make the transition from a pony to a big hor-    Devon/USA.                                           points finishing second with Mira Dicso, after
se. At the CDI3* Keysoe/GBR, the experi-                                                              already placing fourth in the preliminary
enced bay placed fifth with his rider in the     Delacroix (VA)                                       class.
introductory class for juniors.                  The Grand Prix Special of the CDIO5* in Aa-
                                                 chen/GER was firmly in Hannoveraner hands.           Fiorano
Desperados                                       Four of the five first-placed horses came from
                                                 Hannover. Two Hannoveraner shared fourth             Fano
Descolari (VA)                                   place: The Dancier/Don Crusador/Lindberg-            Fano by Fiorano/Friedensfürst/Ramires (bree-
Descolari by Desperados/Weltmeyer/Legat          son Delacroix (line of Nordküste; breeder:           der: Michael Silbernagl, Tieringen) and Jasmin
(line of Admella; breeder: Manfred Zimmer-       Jens Hagemann, Parsau) and Vincent van               Schaudt finished second in the Grand Prix
mann, Dümpelfeld) and Luca Sophia Collin         Gasselt obtained the exact same scores as            Special of Ludwigsburg/GER.

                                                                                                                     Der Hannoveraner 11|2021     15


                                                                                                    Sambucca S
                                                                                                    The Scolari/Fürst Heinrich/Rubinstein-daugh-
                                                                                                    ter Sambucca S (breeder: Daniela Steen, Haa-
                                                                                                    le) competed in the Small Tour at the CDI3*
                                                                                                    in Ornago/ITA. She did it with great success:
                                                                                                    The ten-year-old won the Prix St. Georges,
                                                                                                    Inter I and the freestyle with her rider Hayley

                                                                                                    Hann.Pr.St. Schöne Scarlett
                                                                                                    The former vice Bundeschampion of five-ye-
                                                                                                    ar-old dressage horses, Hann.Pr.St. Schöne
                                                                                                    Scarlett by Scolari/Londonderry/Metternich
                                                                                                    (breeder: Dr. Heidi and Wilfried Bouws, Sche-
                                                                                                    den), has arrived in the big dressage arena.
                                                                                                    Masterfully guided through the exercises by
                                                                                                    Helen Langehanenberg, the eight-year-old
Three Hannoveraner belonged to the winning German Nations Cup team in Aachen: Ferdinand BB          won the Prix St. Georges at the CDI4* in Aa-
with Jessica von Bredow-Werndl, and Tarantino with Carina Scholz and Duke of Britain FRH with       chen/GER.
Frederic Wandres,
                                                                                                    Soliman de Hus
Quasar de Charry                                  (line of Jugendgespielin; breeder: Jens Riishe-
                                                  de Jensen, Bronderslev/Denmark). At her de-       Sultan des Paluds FRH
Quizmaster (VA)                                   but in Aachen/GER, the bay placed fifth in the    The winning streak of the Soliman de Hus/De
At his first start in Aachen/GER, the Quasar      Grand Prix-freestyle with Lone Bang Larsen.       Niro/Plaisir d’Amour-son Sultan des Paluds
de Charry/Velten Third/Argument-son Quiz-                                                           FRH (breeder: Pablo Bouillot, Maussane des
master (line of Favora; breeder: Klaus Küver,      Rubin-Royal                                      Alpilles/FRA) continues. At the CDI3* in Key-
Wohlenbeck) immediately celebrated a victo-                                                         soe/GBR, he and Annabella Pidgley won all
ry. After placing second in the Prix St. Geor-    Rubins Nite                                       three competitions in the junior class.
ges, he won Inter I with Frederic Wandres.        At the CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR, the Rubin-Roy-
                                                  al/Limbo/World Cup II-son Rubins Nite (line       Toronto
Romanov Blue Hors                                 of Feuerbraut; breeder: E. Richmond-Watson,
                                                  Great Britain) and Hayley Watson-Greaves          Tarantino
Thranegaardens Rostov                             won the Grand Prix-freestyle. The pair had fi-    In their first year as a member for the German
Thranegaardens Rostov by Romanov Blue             nished the Grand Prix with the fourth-best        championship squad, the Toronto/Carbid/Va-
Hors/Diamond/Belucci was born in Denmark          score.                                            rus-son Tarantino (line of Fechterspiel; bree-

Two German Champions
The German Amateur Championships were             the Prix St. Georges-freestyle. The Rhineland-
held in Münster-Handorf. Hannoveraner hor-        registered For Dance by For Romance/Reverie
ses doubled up on medals in the dressage          (breeder: ZG Butkus, Overath) with Ninja So-
arena. Floreal by Fürst Nymphenburg/Wol-          sath in the saddle took the victory in the
kenstein II (breeder: Hans-Hermann Schröder,      Amateur Championships, which was held for
Neuenkirchen) and Caroline Noll won the           the first time, by winning both tests at the
black-red-gold winner‘s sash. “Floreal is a       medium (M-) level with aplomb. “He is a real
family horse. He always gives everything – I      treasure! Even as a stallion he is totally un-
cannot imagine a better horse,“ raved the         complicated and easy to handle. With such a
school teacher.                                   great partner, the sport is even more fun!“
                                                  said the trained social insurance agent, who
Behind Verden’s former auction foal and his       is currently on parental leave. Father-in-law
rider from Wesfalia, the Sandro Hit/Wende-        Gerd Sosath discovered the privately owned
hals-daughter Sarotti N (breeder: Ulrich          stallion for his stallion station in Lemwerder
Nitsch, Salzhemmendorf) and Karolin Kilian        at the 2015 stallion sales. n
became German vice champions by winning                                                             Floreal and Caroline Noll Photo: Equitaris

16    Der Hannoveraner 11|2021

der: Hans Günther Boehl, Bad Berleburg) and
Carina Scholz were part of the winning Ger-
man quartet in the Nations Cup of Aachen/


The Welfenadel/Dormello/Aktuell-son Dante
(breeder: Andrea Beatty, Australia), who car-
ries papers from the Hanoverian Horse Socie-
ty of Australia, competes in Germany. His
name appeared in the result lists for the first
time for his performances at the CDI4* in
Ludwigsburg/GER. With rider Nicole Wego-
Engelen from Germany, he finished fifth in
the Grand Prix and moved up to third place in
the Special.

Weltissimo                                         After dressage and cross-country, Danito by Dancier and Tamra Smith were in third place at the
                                                   CCIO4*-L Boekelo and were part of the US team that finished second in the Nations Cup.
Wilhelmina                                         Photo: FEI/Law
At the proud age of 17, Wilhelmina by Welt-
issimo/Bergamon/Don Carlos (line of Caban-         Contendro                                           Varsseveld/NED. The first victory went to the
da; breeder: Pape GbR, Hemmoor) got invol-                                                             Dante Weltino/Swarovski/Ragazzoi-son, The
ved in international competitions for the first    Carpe Diem                                          Black Swan (line of Flottwina; breeder: Olaf
time. At the CDI3* in Keysoe/GBR, she hel-         At the CCI3*-L in Lignières/FRA, the winner         Axel Stanke, Vöhl). Merel Blom rode the five-
ped Grace Catling to win fourth place in the       and the placed horses were close together.          year-old to a flawless start-to-finish victory in
preliminary competition for juniors. In the        Carpe Diem by Contendro/Escudo/Grannus              the CCI1*-Intro.
freestyle final, the pair finished fifth.          (line of Jüngferlein; breeder: Franz Plantaz,
                                                   Heusten/Netherlands) won a second place-             Fidertanz
                                                   ribbon with rider Helen Bates.
                                                                                                       Finest Fellow (Rhld.)
                                                   C‘est la vie                                        The Fidertanz/Sir Shostakovich xx/Baltimore-
                                                   Two Hannoveraner were among the three               son Finest Fellow (breeder: Friedrich Otto-Er-
Acorado‘s Ass                                      best in the CCI3*-S in Leesburg/USA. The            ley, Warendorf) has become a regular at the
                                                   Contendro/Aarking xx/Walhall-son C‘est la           top of the result lists. With Elena Otto-Erley,
Amsterdam (Rhld.)                                  vie (line of Karuba; breeder: Christa von           the twelve-year-old won the CCI3*-L in Vars-
New Zealand finished second in the Nations         Paepcke, Lehmkuhlen) finished second with           seveld/NED at the end of September.
Cup at Aachen’s Soers. The “All Black“ team        Woods Baugham ahead of Forrest Gump.
included the Acorado‘s Ass/Augustinus xx/                                                               Prince Nymphenburg
Sesam-son Amsterdam (line of Aslaug; bree-         Dancier
der: Hans-Jakob Büsch, Bonn) with rider Jes-                                                           Forrest Gump
se Campbel. The grey horse inherited his ta-       Danito (VA)                                         In the middle of the year, the Fürst Nymphen-
lent from his dam Allez Petit, who had been a      With a tenth place in the individual competi-       burg/Amerigo Vespucci xx/Trapper-son For-
successful event horse with Anke and Jan           tion of the CCIO4*-L in Boekelo/NED, the            rest Gump (line of Kano; breeder: Jürgen
Büsch.                                             Dancier/Wolkenstein II/Matcho AA-son Dani-          Westermann, Salzhausen) was sold from
                                                   to (line of Juggema; breeder: Herbert Schütt,       Great Britain to the USA. At the CCI3*-S in
Cardenio                                           Hemmoor) and Tamra Smith made a signifi-            Leesburg/USA, he celebrated his first place-
                                                   cant contribution to the US-Americans‘ se-          ment within the top five with his new rider
Falco                                              cond place in the Nations Cup.                      Ariel Grald. He finished third behind C‘est la
The best horse-rider combination on the                                                                Vie. The female US-rider has an excellent
team from New Zealand, which finished se-          Dante Veltino                                       string of Hannoveraner horses. With her se-
cond in the Nations Cup in Aachen/GER, was                                                             ven-year-old Diacontinus/Colon xx/Hohritt
the Cardenio/Weinberg/Pilot-son Falco (bree-       The Black Swan                                      xx-daughter Dira (line of Liebeslust; breeder:
der: Norbert Nowak, Haren) and Tim Price. In       Hannover‘s eventing horses made a good im-          Konrad Böth, Niederwalgern), she won the
the individual classification, the pair finished   pression against the strong KWPN competiti-         young horse- division, in which only six com-
on a brilliant sixth place.                        on at the “Achterhoeks Hippisch Festijn“ in         petitors had participated.

                                                                                                                      Der Hannoveraner 11|2021      17
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