TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

Page created by Deborah Murphy
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

                 P RO U D LY S P O N S O R E D BY:

Department of Education
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

        TO G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E A N D S U P P O RT A L L L E A R N E R S TO
        S U C C E E D A S C O N N E C T E D, R E S I L I E N T, C R E AT I V E , C U R I O U S T H I N K E R S .

        Now in its seventh year, the Department of Education awards program recognises
        and rewards staff and volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding excellence,
        innovation and talent in their roles supporting education.
        Education is critical to ensuring a bright future for this generation and for generations
        to come. Ensuring our young people have the necessary skills to achieve future
        success means providing high quality opportunities today.
        These awards, an important initiative of the Department, would not be possible
        without the generous support of our major sponsor Tasplan, and partner Telstra.
        The breadth of the Together We Inspire Awards (TWI Awards), across all areas of
        our public education system, reinforces the important part we all play in supporting
        the academic, social and emotional growth of Tasmanian students, adult learners and
        the community as a whole.

        Jeremy Rockliff MP                                       Tim Bullard
        Minister for Education                                   Secretary Department of Education
        and Training

2   T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

The Department of Education values its people and their contribution to our high quality education
system, which encompasses teaching and learning from early years through to adult learners, the provision
of library services, Child and Family Centres, and the expert support of administrative and corporate staff.
Acknowledging the achievements of staff is important to the Department of Education, not only to reward
people for their hard work, but also to provide an opportunity to share new ideas and innovations that will
ultimately enhance practices across the Department. We value a culture of collaboration, and embedded
within the awards program are the Department’s core values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth.
Nominations are open to all staff who are current employees of the Department of Education, including
volunteers. Nominations must relate to work undertaken and achieved by the nominee/team between
1 January 2017 and 1 January 2018.

K E Y DAT E S                        F R I DAY 1 J U N E 2 018
                                     Nominations open

                                     S U N DAY 8 J U LY 2 018 ( 5 . 0 0 P M )
                                     Nominations close

                                     AU G U S T 2 018
                                     Finalists announced

                                     T H U R S DAY 18 O C TO B E R 2 018
                                     Winners announced at the Awards Ceremony
                                     (Country Club Tasmania, Launceston)

                                   RESPECT         COURAGE            GROWTH           A S P I R AT I O N     3
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

    AWA R D :

    AWA R D

    E N G AG I N G O U R L E A R N E R S
    ( E A R LY L E A R N I N G )

    E N G AG I N G O U R L E A R N E R S
    ( P R I M A RY P – 6 )

    E N G AG I N G O U R L E A R N E R S
    ( S E C O N DA RY 7 – 12)

    E N G AG I N G O U R L E A R N E R S
    (A D U LT S )

    O U T S TA N D I N G E A R LY
    C A R E E R E M P LOY E E

    O U T S TA N D I N G S U P P O RT
    E M P LOY E E O F T H E Y E A R

    W E L L B E I N G AWA R D

    T E L S T R A E XC E L L E N C E I N

    VO L U N T E E R S O F T H E Y E A R

    L I T E R AC Y C H A M P I O N S

    N U M E R AC Y C H A M P I O N S

4         T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

STEP 1                Nominees must be nominated by another person such as a current
                      or recent manager, a team member, students, family members
                      of students who attend Department of Education schools, and
                      members of the Tasmanian community.
                      Self-nominations will not be accepted, but individuals nominating on
                      behalf of a team or group can be part of that team or group.
                      Nominees can be full-time, part-time or fixed-term staff, providing
                      the fixed-term was for a period of 12 months or longer prior to the
                      time of being nominated.
                      Nominations must relate to work undertaken and achieved by the
                      nominee/team between 1 January 2017 and 1 January 2018.

STEP 2                12 awards have been developed to represent the skills and attributes
                      of individuals (and teams) across the entire Education portfolio.
                      Embedded within each award are the Department’s core values of
                      Aspiration, Respect, Courage and Growth and they form a large part
                      of the nomination criteria.
                      Choose an award that best reflects the work of the individual
                      or team you would like to nominate in terms of the role they
                      undertake, and the contribution they make to inspire and support
                      positive outcomes for all Tasmanian learners (from birth through
                      to adult learners, in either a school or non-school setting).

STEP 3                Nominations are completed via an online form that can be found on
                      the TWI Awards page.
THE ONLINE            Each award has three (3) selection criteria that must be addressed
N O M I N AT I O N    in order for the nomination to be accepted. When addressing each
                      criteria, describe the achievements of your nominee using specific
                      examples to illustrate and support the nomination. Include personal
                      attributes and examples of exceptional contributions to education
                      and in relation to the Department’s goals and values.
                      Make sure that your answers are clear and concise so that when
                      it comes time to shortlist, judges will be able to recognise the
                      exceptional work of your nominee and how their role impacts on
                      learner outcomes and the Department’s Strategic Plan.

                     RESPECT        COURAGE           GROWTH           A S P I R AT I O N    5
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...
                                          All nominations require endorsement to be eligible for an award.
SEEK ENDORSEMENT                          When you submit your online nomination, your application will
& S U B M I T E N T RY                    be automatically emailed to the nominated endorser.
                                          Endorsers will be Principals or direct line managers and their contact
                                          details must be provided in the online form.

STEP 5                                    Judging panels are specially selected for each award and are chaired by
                                          either the Department’s Secretary or a Deputy Secretary. Each panel
                                          also includes two (2) Senior Leadership staff members with expertise
                                          in the award category, or an external member where applicable.
                                          The judges will meet to review and short-list nominations
                                          during July 2018.
                                          The judges will consider each nominee’s achievements and their
                                          contribution to education and the Department’s goals and values.
                                          The decision of the judging panel is final and no correspondence
                                          will be entered into.

6   T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...
FILMING                 All finalists will be asked to participate in filming during August 2018.
                        The process takes around 40 minutes and will be arranged with
                        finalists by the Awards Project Team and external film-makers.
                        The short videos created are an opportunity to showcase the
                        achievements of Department staff and volunteers, as well being
                        a fantastic way to share inspiring stories and innovative practices
                        from across educational settings.
                        The videos will be shown at the Awards Ceremony and made
                        available on the TWI Awards page of the Department’s website.

R E CO G N I T I O N    Finalists in all award categories, and their nominator, will be invited
                        to attend a state-wide awards ceremony where award winners will
                        be announced.
                        The 2018 TWI Awards ceremony will be held in Launceston on the
                        evening of Thursday 18 October. The gala awards ceremony will
                        be followed by a cocktail reception where finalists and guests will
                        have an opportunity to enjoy entertainment provided by Tasmanian
                        Government school students.
                        Acknowledgement of finalists and winners will include mentions
                        in media articles and information posted on the Department of
                        Education’s website and social media channels.

                       RESPECT        COURAGE             GROWTH            A S P I R AT I O N      7
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...
CO N D I T I O N S O F                      1. Nominations are open to all staff who are current employees
E N T RY                                        of the Department of Education, including volunteers.
                                            2. Nominees can be full-time, part-time or fixed-term staff, providing
                                                the fixed-term was for a period of 12 months or longer prior to
                                                the time of being nominated.
                                            3. Nominations must relate to work undertaken and achieved by
                                                the nominee/team between 1 January 2017 and 1 January 2018.
                                            4. The nominee must be nominated by another person such as:
                                                a. a current or recent manager
                                                b. a work colleague
                                                c. a team member
                                                d. a parent/carer/student or family member of a student attending
                                                    a Department of Education school
                                                e. a member of the Tasmanian community.
                                            5. All nominations require endorsement to be eligible for an award.
                                                When you submit your online nomination, your application will
                                                be automatically emailed to the nominated endorser.
                                            6. Identical nominations across multiple categories will not be
                                                accepted. One award category that best reflects the nominee’s
                                                work must be selected.
                                            7. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
                                            8. Nominators must indicate that they agree to the terms and
                                                conditions of the awards and signify their agreement to being
                                                involved in the awards process.
                                            9. Nominees have the opportunity to withdraw their nomination
                                                before it is forwarded to the judging panel, who will determine
                                                the finalists and winners.
                                            10. Nominees agree to:
                                                a. abide by the decisions of the judging panel and that no appeals
                                                    will be entered into
                                                b. participate, without cost, in media and promotional activities
                                                    prior to and following the awards ceremony, as requested and
                                                    organised by the Department
                                                c. have their photographs and other details relating to their
                                                    nomination in the awards used for promotional purposes by
                                                    the Department. Information about winners and finalists may
                                                    be published on the Department’s website and in internal and/
                                                    or external publications.
                                            11. Award winners may be asked to fulfil an ambassadorial role in
                                                2018/19 to promote the awards and their profession.
                                            12. Attendance at the awards ceremony will be free to guests invited
                                                by the Department of Education.
                                            13. Travel and accommodation costs associated with attending the
                                                awards ceremony should be negotiated with the respective
                                                school/business unit.

8     T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TOGETHER WE INSPIRE AWARDS - Department of Education - Department Of Education ...

SCHOOL LEADERSHIP             This award recognises excellence in school leadership, support
AWA R D                       and direction where individuals, or leadership teams have made
                              exceptional contributions within their schools and have performed
                              at an exemplary level in their setting.
                              It acknowledges either individuals (Principals or Assistant Principals)
                              or School Leadership Teams that have demonstrated significant
                              school improvement or sustained high performance in their school.
                              1. Leadership and improvement:
                              Describe how the nominee(s) has demonstrated significant school
                              improvement or sustained high performance in their school.
                              2. Department of Education values:
                              Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                              DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                              supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                              one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                              3. Collaboration:
                              Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                              or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

E N G AG I N G O U R          This award recognises excellence in educational delivery and support
L E A R N E R S ( E A R LY    to learners from birth to kindergarten, where individuals or teams
L E A R N I N G)              have made exceptional contributions and have performed at an
                              exemplary level.
                              It acknowledges individuals and teams in Child and Family Centres,
                              schools, libraries and DoE business units (working either individually
                              or collaboratively) that have inspired and supported our learners to
                              succeed as confident, involved learners and effective communicators.
                              1. Learning and wellbeing:
                              Describe how the nominee(s) has inspired and supported children to
                              succeed as confident, involved learners and effective communicators
                              in the role they/the team undertake.
                              2. Department of Education values:
                              Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                              DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                              supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                              one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                              3. Collaboration:
                              Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                              or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

                             RESPECT        COURAGE             GROWTH            A S P I R AT I O N    9
E N G AG I N G O U R                        This award recognises excellence in educational delivery and support
 L E A R N E R S ( PR I M A RY )             to learners from Prep to Year 6, where individuals or teams have
                                             made exceptional contributions and have performed at an exemplary
                                             level in their setting.
                                             It acknowledges individuals and teams (in schools, libraries and
                                             business units working either individually or collaboratively) that have
                                             inspired and supported our learners from Prep to Year 6 to succeed
                                             as connected, resilient, creative and curious thinkers.
                                             1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                             Describe how the nominee(s) has inspired and supported learners
                                             (in Prep to Year 6) to succeed as connected, resilient, creative and
                                             curious thinkers in the role they/the team undertake.
                                             2. Department of Education values:
                                             Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                             DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                             supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                             one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                             3. Collaboration:
                                             Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                             or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

 E N G AG I N G                              This award recognises excellence in educational delivery and support
 OUR LEARNERS                                to learners from Years 7 to 12, where individuals or teams have
 (S E CO N DA RY )                           made exceptional contributions and have performed at an exemplary
                                             level in their setting.
                                             It acknowledges individuals and teams (in schools, colleges, libraries
                                             and business units, working either individually or collaboratively)
                                             that have inspired and supported our learners from Years 7 to 12
                                             to succeed as connected, resilient, creative and curious thinkers.
                                             1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                             Describe how the nominee(s) has inspired and supported learners
                                             (in Years 7 to 12) to succeed as connected, resilient, creative and
                                             curious thinkers in the role they/the team undertake.
                                             2. Department of Education values:
                                             Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                             DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                             supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                             one, or all, of the values has occurred..
                                             3. Collaboration:
                                             Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                             or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

10     T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
E N G AG I N G O U R             This award recognises excellence in educational delivery and support
L E A R N E R S (A D U LT S )    to adult learners, where individuals or teams have made exceptional
                                 contributions and have performed at an exemplary level in their setting.
                                 It acknowledges individuals and teams (in colleges, libraries and
                                 business units, working either individually or collaboratively) that have
                                 inspired and supported our adult learners to succeed as connected,
                                 resilient, creative and curious thinkers.
                                 1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                 Describe how the nominee(s) has inspired and supported adult learners
                                 to succeed as connected, creative and curious thinkers.
                                 2. Department of Education values:
                                 Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                 DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                 supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                 one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                 3. Collaboration:
                                 Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                 or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

O U T S TA N D I N G             This award recognises emerging leaders within educational delivery
E A R LY C A R E E R             or support settings, where individuals have made exceptional
E M P LOY E E                    contributions and have performed at an exemplary level.
                                 It acknowledges individuals in the first five years of their career,
                                 located in any DoE setting, who have demonstrated respect,
                                 significant growth or courage, or high aspirations, in the course
                                 of undertaking their duties.
                                 1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                 Describe how the nominee contributes to learning and wellbeing
                                 in the role they undertake within either their school, college, library,
                                 CFC, or Department business unit.
                                 2. Department of Education values:
                                 Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                 DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                 supporting learners and where alignment to one, or all, of the values
                                 has occurred.
                                 Consider whether the nominee inspired, motivated or encouraged a
                                 positive culture in their educational setting.
                                 3. Collaboration:
                                 Describe how the nominee collaborates with others and/or engages
                                 with the community to achieve positive results.

                                RESPECT        COURAGE             GROWTH            A S P I R AT I O N     11
O U T S TA N D I N G                       This award recognises outstanding individuals or teams who offer
 S U PP O RT E M PLOY E E                   support in educational delivery, where the individual or team has
 OF THE YEAR                                made exceptional contributions and performed at an exemplary
                                            level in their setting.
                                            It acknowledges school and non-school based staff who have
                                            demonstrated excellence in supporting their schools and/or business unit.
                                            1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                            Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and wellbeing
                                            in the role they undertake within either their school, library, CFC, or
                                            Department business unit.
                                            2. Department of Education values:
                                            Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                            DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                            supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                            one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                            3. Collaboration:
                                            Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                            or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

 W E L L B E I N G AWA R D                  This award recognises individuals or teams who have made exceptional
                                            contributions to create and encourage an environment of wellbeing
                                            and have performed at an exemplary level in educational delivery
                                            or support settings.
                                            Their contribution has encouraged learners and/or staff to feel safe,
                                            supported, and able to flourish, so that they can engage in learning
                                            and/or work.
                                            1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                            Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and wellbeing
                                            in the role they undertake within either their school, library, CFC, or
                                            Department business unit.
                                            2. Department of Education values:
                                            Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                            DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                            supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                            one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                            3. Collaboration:
                                            Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                            or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

12    T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TEL STR A E XC E L L E N C E    This award recognises excellence in innovation within educational
I N I N N OVAT I O N            delivery or support settings where individuals or teams have made
AWA R D                         exceptional contributions and have performed at an exemplary level.
                                It acknowledges individuals and teams in Child and Family Centres,
                                schools, colleges, libraries and business units (working either
                                individually or collaboratively) who have been innovative in their
                                approach to supporting our learners to succeed.
                                1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and wellbeing
                                in the role they undertake within either their school, library, CFC, or
                                Department business unit.
                                2. Department of Education values:
                                Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                3. Collaboration:
                                Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

VO LU N T E E R S               This award recognises individual volunteers, or volunteer teams,
OF THE YEAR                     who have provided services within educational delivery or support
                                settings where they have made exceptional contributions and have
                                performed at an exemplary level.
                                It acknowledges the benefits and assistance the nominee has provided
                                to the classroom, school or college environment, library, CFC, team, or
                                community through their voluntary work and participation.
                                1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and wellbeing
                                in their role within their educational setting.
                                2. Department of Education values:
                                Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                3. Contribution:
                                Other aspects of the volunteer’s work that can be taken into
                                consideration are: obstacles overcome, innovation, initiative, skills,
                                and dedication.

                               RESPECT        COURAGE             GROWTH            A S P I R AT I O N   13
L I T E R AC Y                             This award recognises excellence in educational delivery or support
 CHAMPIONS                                  settings with a focus on literacy where individuals or teams have
                                            made exceptional contributions and have performed at an exemplary
                                            level in their setting.
                                            It acknowledges individuals and teams who have inspired and
                                            supported significant growth or sustained high performance in
                                            the skills and confidence of our learners in literacy.
                                            1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                            Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and/or
                                            wellbeing in the role they undertake that inspires and supports
                                            growth in the literacy skills of our learners.
                                            2. Department of Education values:
                                            Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                            DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                            supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                            one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                            3. Collaboration:
                                            Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                            or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

 N U M E R AC Y                             This award recognises excellence in educational delivery or support
 CHAMPIONS                                  settings with a focus on numeracy where individuals or teams have
                                            made exceptional contributions and have performed at an exemplary
                                            level in their setting.
                                            It acknowledges individuals and teams who have inspired and
                                            supported significant growth or sustained high performance in
                                            the skills and confidence of our learners in numeracy.
                                            1. Learning and wellbeing:
                                            Describe how the nominee(s) contributes to learning and/or
                                            wellbeing in the role they undertake that inspires and supports
                                            growth in the numeracy skills of our learners.
                                            2. Department of Education values:
                                            Describe how the nominee reflects in their work and behaviours the
                                            DoE values of Aspiration, Respect, Courage, and Growth in their role
                                            supporting learners and provide specific examples where alignment to
                                            one, or all, of the values has occurred.
                                            3. Collaboration:
                                            Provide examples of how the nominee collaborates with others and/
                                            or engages with the community to achieve positive results.

14    T O G E T H E R W E I N S P I R E AWA R D S P R O G R A M G U I D E L I N E S
TA SPL AN                The recipients of this award are chosen by the Secretary
TO G E T H E R W E       from all finalists, taking into account overall alignment with
I N S P I R E AWA R D    the Department’s values and goals.

                        RESPECT        COURAGE            GROWTH            A S P I R AT I O N   15
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