Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections

Page created by Donald Douglas
Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
Issue 183
October 2021


Culture Corner
Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: “Sacred and Profane Love”
B ernie L angs

        In the last two years or so, I composed      speare, Ovid, James Joyce, and many others.          The Players:
and recorded a thematic work of music, “Sa-          The music and lyrics gently allude to a mul-
cred and Profane Love.” The piece is eighteen        titude of rock and pop songs from the 1960s
minutes long with shifting musical structures        and 1970s as well. There is only one very close
centered on rock and pop stylizations. Sev-          borrowing of chords and texture that I per-
eral extraordinary vocalists perform on the          form from a song composed by David Bowie,
recording, each of whom has improved the             “Heroes.” Bill sang that song with our band in
melodies of the original score. Without these        1980, so naturally he takes on the Bowie hom-
artists, the finished product could not have ex-     age in the new piece.
pressed my intention as a composer. Gretchen                 I was very fortunate that Gretchen Far-
Farrar magnificently handles the largest role,       rar, a beautiful and versatile opera singer, read-
and my cousin, Matt Murphy, sings the other          ily agreed to the time commitment required to
lead with his typical brilliance. The quality of     learn and record the lead vocal. It is simply an
the work was dynamically enhanced by their           honor that she appears on this recording and
complex emotional idealizations and interpre-        she “kills” it—and completes it. Some of the
tations of contrasting musings on “sacred” and       varying emotional qualities of the character         “Sacred Love”: Gretchen Farrar, Oregon;
“profane” love.                                      of “profane love” are abstractions of my own         opera singer, vocalist, and composer
        Bill Millard’s vocals as “Greek Chorus”      ideas and struggles as well as at times an ex-
and “Omniscient” provide one of the invalu-          treme representation of my cousin Matthew
able revelatory keys towards unlocking the           Murphy’s suave “gentleman adventurer” per-

                                                                                                                                                PHOTO COURTESY OF BERNIE LANGS
philosophical intentions of the song. I’m awed       sonality, in the best sense of the notion (aunt
by each of his performances. Peter Weidman           Claudia, I did not say “sophisticated rogue”!).
wonderfully took on that exact same role             Matt is without doubt the greatest and most
(Chorus and Omniscient) and sang the only            talented rock and roll vocalist I’ve ever had the
section of the score that directly addressed         pleasure of working with since I started strum-
the listener while simultaneously singing to         ming a guitar at age fourteen in the mid-1970s.
“specters” of both principals. He later returns              The composition is dedicated to Merle
to present a mysterious pause in the central         Langs, my aunt, an extraordinary musician
mythic tale, a dreamy, brief retelling of the sto-   and composer who taught piano to countless
ry of Jacob’s Ladder from the Torah. Bill, Peter,    young students for over half a century, and
and I performed in a rock band decades ago,          continues to do so to this day. Sincere, heartfelt
and we enjoyed this magical reunion, even            gratitude goes out to the following individuals
with Pete singing virtually from Pennsylvania.       for their encouragement and continued artis-
        The lyrics proved to be difficult to craft   tic inspiration: Brett Gingold, musician, sculp-
with many early attempts discarded. As they          tor, and painter; Izzi Ramkissoon, musician,         “profane love”: Matthew Murphy, Floral
stand now, the listener hears a mix of my own        educator, and composer; and the late Roland
                                                                                                          Park, New York; composer, vocalist, mu-
lyrical phrases bundled with targeted quotes or      Kohloff, timpanist extraordinaire of the New
                                                                                                          sician, and performing artist
allusions and nods to works by Dante, Shake-         York Philharmonic orchestra.                                           CONTINUED TO P. 2   -

Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections

                                                                                                                     Editorial Board

                                                                                                    Megan Elizabeth Kelley
                                                                                                 Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor,

                                                                                                       Anna Amelianchik
                                                                                                           Associate Editor
    “Greek Chorus” and “Omniscient”: Bill
    Millard, Ph.D., New York, New York;                                                                     Evan Davis
                                                                                                Copy Editor, Photographer-in-Residence
    composer, vocalist, and bassist with the
    band, Shanghai Love Motel                                                                             Melissa Jarmel
                                                “Greek Chorus” and “Omniscient”: Peter
                                                                                                     Copy Editor, Website Traffic
                                                Weidman, Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania;
                                                composer, pianist, guitarist, and vocalist              Audrey Goldfarb
                                                                                                Copy Editor, Webmaster, Website Design

                                                                                                Jennifer Einstein, Emma Garst
                                                                                                            Copy Editors

                                                                                                             Jim Keller

                                                                                                             Nan Pang
    Rob Fragnito, Millington, New Jersey;                                                                     Designer
    studio mixing engineer who greatly im-      “Greek Chorus” and “Omniscient”: Ber-
    proved the sound and textures of the re-    nie Langs, Gillette, New Jersey; com-
    cording and skillfully balanced the 260-    poser, musician, videographer, and          
    plus tracks of “Sacred and Profane Love”    novelist

    “Sacred and Profane Love” Lyrics:           There’s no word tender enough, to be your
                                                name.                                         A Note from the
    Gretchen (Sacred Love):
    You give me life                            Drunken Joyce Beckett sits in a pub.
                                                                                              Editorial Board
    Mais tu es ma mort                          As I obliterate all memory of your love       Dear Readers and
    Love has been our wine                      To be your name.
    Flowing like the river of heaven
                                                Down to the river goes I,
    Remember me as you walk by,                 Drowning in Guinness, O’Hara’s, and rye       Natural Selections will be
    As you are now so was I,                    Beamish, Egans, Teeling—aye.                  going on hiatus until 2022.
    As I am now,                                                                              If you’re interested in
    Prepare yourself to follow me down.         River Jordan, Sea of Galilee                  joining our Editorial Board
                                                Easier to walk across                         or contributing content to
    Render to me what in love’s my due          Than to swim to thee,
    Lover, do unto me as I do unto you          You can raise the Dead Sea
                                                                                              Natural Selections upon
    Dark is your soul tonight                   But you can’t raise me.                       our return, please fill out
    Should I be a Beatrice would you see the                                                  this form or contact us at
    light?                                      I’m drunken Dylan Thomas on a White 
                                                Horse.                                        We are already looking
    I was once as you are                       Thinks he’s so clever                         forward to our return and
    Will you be as I am now?                    Exactly what’s the cost?
                                                                                              would like to encourage
    Was I blind and can you not see?
    What becomes of one, if not two, three—     Gretchen:
                                                                                              our contributors to keep
    how much ‘til you let it be?                Ah my man, ah, you men—ah, men—amen           writing!

    Matt (profane love):                                                                      The Editorial Board
    Your name’s a summons to my foolish blood                         CONTINUED TO P. 3   -   Natural Selections
Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
CONTINUED FROM P. 2    -                      You’ve got no excuse—you’ve nothing to          I grasp you
                                              lose!                                           I feel you
Apollo’s first love was Daphne of old                                                         Feeling me
Cupid’s arrow striking hard and bold.         Peter with Bernie (both Greek Chorus and
Tavern drunk Apollo that is you               Omniscient):                                    Matt:
Opium smoke hazing cloudy and blue.           I was once as you are                           I grasp you—I grasp you
                                              Will you be as I am now?
Matt:                                         Peasants and Lords create the fruit of the      Gretchen:
Halfway through the journey of my life        vine.                                           O comfortable friar! where is my lord?
I found myself in a gloomy wood.              But there’s no prayer for the thoughts          The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.
                                              Running through my mind!
Chanced upon a stranger                                                                       Bill:
He sang to me,                                Remember me as you walk by,                     He’s Drunken Joyce Beckett in a pub
“Abandon hope all ye who enter here.”         As you are now so was I—                        Tryin’ to obliterate memory of her love
                                              As I am now,                                    To be her name.
Gretchen:                                     Prepare yourself to be
And, as one handling skillfully the harp,     Follow me down, follow me down                  Down to the river there he goes
Attendant on skillful songstress’ voice                                                       Drowning in Guinness, ‘pill his lows
Like the accordant twinkling of two eyes,     Gretchen:                                       To be her name
Beamy circlets, dancing to the sounds.        Turn thee, and list’
                                              These eyes are thy only Paradise                Bill:
Gretchen (con’t):                                                                             The River Jordan, Sea of Galilee
Hear me, my love,                             Matt:                                           Easier to walk across
My eyes they speak                            A memory that became you                        Than to swim to thee,
Clearer than thought or word                  Drunk I remember my blues                       Doesn’t believe that she can raise the Dead
What is that rain knows or dew feels in the   Where are your gibes now you merciless          No Lazarus he
morning calm                                  jester?                                         Won’t be easily led.
But of what I say
                                              I watched the angel fall from the sky           Gretchen:
Matt:                                         As birds oe’r Dottie’s rainbow high             I was once as you are
Resistance!—is life!                          Clever boy never know when yer sinking          And you will be as I am now
Revolution!—am I!                                                                             I was once as you are
Never a man betray a true cause               Gretchen:                                       And you will be as I am now
I’ll kill the king                            Come walk with me a while
I’ll nail him to the cross                    Row a boat Sunday-park style                    Gretchen (con’t):
                                              Ah, you men—amen                                Como el manzano entre los árboles del bosque,
You!!!                                                                                        Así es mi amado entre los hijos.
                                              Bernie:                                         Me senté bajo su sombra con gran alegría,
Notes from the underground                    Robin Hood choked on his cigarette              Su fruto era dulce a mi paladar.
Invisible man.                                The hookah opium resin left
The Molotov cocktail blows up in your hand.                                                   Translation (from the Biblical “Song of
                                              Peter:                                          Songs”):
Bill (Greek Chorus and Omniscient):           From that I dreamed and behold a ladder         As the apple tree among the trees of the for-
And I—I must step back                        Set up on the earth its top reached to heaven   est,
And–and you—you came in a harsh dream—        And there—there—you angels were ascend-         So is my beloved among children.
                                              ing and descending on it…                       I sat under its shadow with great joy,
The undiscovered dream,                                                                       Its fruit was sweet to my palate.
Aye—that’s the rub                            Bernie:
Perchance a-towered sharpshooter’s nest       Opium heaven                                    Bill with Matt:
As my arms grasp and grope                                                                    You will never be lovelier than you are now
Towards your love!                            Gretchen:                                       We will never be here again…
                                              I look at you all there
And I—will I step back?                       Darling mystery of mine                         Gretchen:
To allow my Queen                             My heart breaks it beats                        Ah, my man,
To pass me by blind                           Your world is spinning                          Ah, men”
                                              Round, round, round                             Amen
Throw off the misty cloak, courtier           I look at you all there—here, everywhere
You have nothing to lose save muddy boots.                                                    Sacred and Profane Love can be heard online
Sheath your dagger                            Gretchen:                                       at
The king’s lost his head                      At long last                                    sacred-and-profane-love
Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
Natural Expressions
    Susan Stair, art teacher at the Child
    and Family Center at The Rockefeller
    University, would like to announce
    two events. One event, Tree Power,
    will take place on Sunday, October
    3 from 2-4 p.m. in Marcus Garvey
    Park in Harlem in the Southeast cor-
    ner by the basketball courts. Stair is
    the artist in charge of this free event,
    which is open to both individuals
    and families. In the event of rain, Tree
    Power will take place on Sunday, Oc-
    tober 10 from 2-4 p.m. The second
    event is a year-long art installation,
    Ascending the Mountain, that will be
    up in Marcus Garvey Park until July        Ascending the Mountain part 1, Roots in Rock, 2021; photo by Salem Krieger
    of 2022. Ascending the Mountain ad-
    dresses trees using clay and mosaics
    and is funded by the Lower Manhat-
    tan Cultural Council as well as the
    Upper Manhattan Empowerment
    Zone. More about Susan Stair and
    her art can be found on her website.

    Email Megan E. Kelley at mkelley@ to submit your art/
    event for next month’s “Natural Ex-
    pressions” and follow @NatSelec-
    tions on Twitter for more events.
    Digital and online events/releases         Ascending the Mountain part 2, Growing Powerhouse, 2021; photo by Salem
    are welcome!                               Krieger

    Ascending the Mountain part 3, Canopy Celebration, 2021; photo by Salem Krieger

Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
New York Rhymes: TONES
                    K onstantina Theofanopoulou

Poetry: Dr. Konstantina Theofanopoulou (instagram: @newyork_rhymes)

Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
COLOSSEO (OUTSIDE)                                                                                                               TERME DI CAR ACALLA

                                                    Life on a Roll
                                                    Rome—the Eternal City
                                                    N a n Pa n g
                                                               Rome is often referred to as the
                                                    "Eternal City"—the term was supposedly
                                                    coined in the first century B.C. by the Roman
                                                    poet Tibullus. This is because ancient Romans
                                                    believed that no matter what happened to the
                                                    world, or how many empires rose or fell, that
                                                    Rome would go on forever. While walking
                                                    through the Roman Forum and the Thermae,
                                                    I felt an indescribable awe thinking that peo-
                                                    ple really built these structures two thousand
                                                    years ago. If they successfully impress people
                                                    today after nearly two millennia, I can only
                                                    imagine how visitors reacted back then.
                                                               In the evening, hanging out around
                                                    the Trevi Fountain is a fun activity where you
                                                    often see people toss coins. The legend says,
                                                    tossing one coin into the fountain means you'll
                                                    return to Rome, tossing two coins means you'll
                                                    return and fall in love, and tossing three coins
                                                    means you'll return, find love, and marry. How
                                                    many did I toss?

     FONTANA DI TREVI                                                                                                                   COLOSSEO (INSIDE)

               Natural Selections is not an official publication of The Rockefeller University. University administration does not produce this newsletter.
               The views expressed by the contributors to this publication may not necessarily reflect views or policies of the University.
Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections Culture Corner Premiere of a New Conceptual Work of Music: "Sacred and Profane Love" - Natural Selections
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