Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

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Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                OPEN             Cultivated and wild pearl millet
                                 display contrasting patterns
                                 of abundance and co‑occurrence
                                 in their root mycobiome
                                 Marie‑Thérèse Mofini1,2,3,4,5, Abdala G. Diedhiou1,2,3,4*, Marie Simonin6,9,
                                 Donald Tchouomo Dondjou1,2,3,4,5, Sarah Pignoly2,3,7, Cheikh Ndiaye1,2,3,4, Doohong Min8,
                                 Yves Vigouroux7, Laurent Laplaze2,3,4,7* & Aboubacry Kane1,2,3,4*

                                 Fungal communities associated with roots play a key role in nutrient uptake and in mitigating the
                                 abiotic and biotic stress of their host. In this study, we characterized the roots mycobiome of wild and
                                 cultivated pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., synonym: Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] in
                                 three agro-ecological areas of Senegal following a rainfall gradient. We hypothesized that wild pearl
                                 millet could serve as a reservoir of endophytes for cultivated pearl millet. We therefore analyzed the
                                 soil factors influencing fungal community structure and whether cultivated and wild millet shared
                                 the same fungal communities. The fungal communities associated with pearl millet were significantly
                                 structured according to sites and plant type (wild vs cultivated). Besides, soil pH and phosphorus were
                                 the main factors influencing the fungal community structure. We observed a higher fungal diversity
                                 in cultivated compared to wild pearl millet. Interestingly, we detected higher relative abundance of
                                 putative pathotrophs, especially plant pathogen, in cultivated than in wild millet in semi-arid and
                                 semi-humid zones, and higher relative abundance of saprotrophs in wild millet in arid and semi-humid
                                 zones. A network analysis based on taxa co-occurrence patterns in the core mycobiome revealed that
                                 cultivated millet and wild relatives had dissimilar groups of hub taxa. The identification of the core
                                 mycobiome and hub taxa of cultivated and wild pearl millet could be an important step in developing
                                 microbiome engineering approaches for more sustainable management practices in pearl millet

                                 Climate change poses new threats to food security as the human population continues to g­ row1, and the price
                                 of fertilizers continues to rise. A paradigm shift is needed to address future challenges faced by agriculture. One
                                 such potential change would be to harness the potential of plant microbiomes and especially root-associated
                                 fungi to improve plant nutrition and health. Root-associated fungi are a diverse group of microorganisms that
                                 develop on the surface or in the tissues of the host. Through the interaction with their host, some of these fungi
                                 play beneficial roles that contribute to the health of their host. For instance, they can produce bioactive secondary
                                 metabolites that can protect their host against pathogen and insect attacks and enhance abiotic stress ­tolerance2–4.
                                 They also promote the water and minerals absorption by their ­host5. On the other hand, some of these fungi,
                                 especially pathogens, can strongly reduce their host productivity under certain c­ onditions6,7.

                                  Département de Biologie Végétale, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), BP
                                 5005, Dakar Fann, Senegal. 2Laboratoire Mixte International Adaptation des Plantes et Microorganismes associés
                                 aux Stress Environnementaux (LAPSE), Centre de recherche de Bel-Air, Dakar, Sénégal. 3Laboratoire Commun de
                                 Microbiologie (LCM), Centre de Recherche de Bel-Air, Dakar, Sénégal. 4Centre d’Excellence Africain en Agriculture
                                 pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (CEA‑AGRISAN), UCAD, Dakar, Sénégal. 5Centre d’Etude Régional
                                 pour l’Amélioration de l’Adaptation à la Sécheresse (CERAAS), Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA),
                                 Route de Khombole, Thiès, Sénégal. 6IPME, IRD, Cirad, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France. 7DIADE,
                                 Université de Montpellier, IRD, Cirad, 911 Avenue Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier cedex 5, France. 8Department of
                                 Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA. 9Present address: Université d’Angers, Institut Agro,
                                 INRAE, IRHS, SFR 4207 QuaSaV, 49000 Angers, France. *email:; laurent.laplaze@

Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207                 |                                                   1

Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                               In cereals, root-associated fungi belong to taxonomically diverse groups including mycorrhizal fungi, mainly
                                           arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and non-mycorrhizal ­fungi8–11. The latter group is dominated by endophytic
                                           fungi which have different lifestyles (mutualistic, latent pathogen and latent saprophyte) depending on host
                                           genotype and physiology (senescence, flowering, fruition, vegetative period and ­age12–14). According to Nguyen
                                           et al.15 these root-associated fungi can be classified into three main groups based on their trophic modes: (1)
                                           symbiotroph, receiving nutrients by exchanging resources with host cells; (2) pathotroph, receiving nutrients
                                           by harming host cells; and (3) saprotroph, receiving nutrients by breaking down dead host cells. It is important
                                           to note, however, that many fungal genera contain more than one trophic ­strategy16. These fungal genera have
                                           been considered as multi-trophic mode ­groups17. Through their different trophic modes, the root-associated
                                           fungi can interact directly or indirectly with each other positively or negatively, and thereby influence the fitness
                                           of their host ­plant18–20. On the other hand, it has been established that host genotype and environment factors
                                           shape microbiome assembly in natural ­environments20–22.
                                               Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., synonym: Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone] is a major staple
                                           food and source of fodder and fuel in the arid and semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and India. The veg-
                                           etative, reproductive and physiological characteristics of pearl millet make it a crop well suited for growth under
                                           difficult conditions, including low soil fertility, high pH, low soil moisture, high temperature, high salinity and
                                           limited rainfall where other cereals such as maize, rice, sorghum or durum wheat would ­fail23. Pearl millet grain
                                           content is highly nutritious, with 8–19% protein, low starch levels, high fiber content (1.2 g/100 ­g24), and higher
                                           micronutrient concentrations (iron and zinc) than rice, wheat, maize and s­ orghum25. It was domesticated in
                                           the central Sahel (Mali-Niger) about 4900 years ago as corroborated by archaeological and genomic ­studies26.
                                               In Senegal, cultivated pearl millet still coexists with wild millet around or even inside some farmers’ plots.
                                           Gene flows with wild relatives in the western and eastern Sahel are important and have contributed to increase the
                                                                                   ­ frica26. However, the comparison of the microbiomes of cultivated and wild
                                           diversity of cultivated pearl millet in A
                                           plants has not yet been performed. We hypothesized that wild pearl millet could act as a potential microbial res-
                                           ervoir for cultivated plants. In addition, understanding the complex fungal community assemblage of cultivated
                                           and wild millet could help to develop more sustainable management practices in pearl millet agroecosystems.
                                               Here, we employed DNA metabarcoding techniques to characterize fungal communities associated with
                                           cultivated and wild pearl millet roots in three agro-ecological zones of Senegal following a rainfall gradient.
                                           We examined the influence of soil parameters on the structure of fungal communities and identified the pearl
                                           millet core mycobiome common to wild and cultivated plants across the three zones. Identification of this core
                                           mycobiome might provide information on fungi potentially involved in maintaining community stability and
                                           which may play an important role in plant health and productivity. Network analysis was then performed to
                                           investigate co-occurrence patterns and identify potential hub taxa in the core mycobiome of cultivated and
                                           wild plants. Once again, this approach should provide potential target hub groups for further studies and for
                                           engineering approaches.

                                           Experimental sites have contrasted soil properties. In order to analyze the fungal communities
                                           associated with millet roots and the factors driving their structure, we first characterized the soil properties of
                                           the experimental plots from three agro-ecological zones [Darou-Mousty (arid zone), Dya (semi-arid zone) and
                                           Nioro (semi-humid zone)] in Senegal. Statistically significant differences in soil properties [pH, total nitrogen
                                           (N), total phosphorus (P), carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) and ammonium ­(NH4+)] were found between the three
                                           zones (Supplementary Table S1). When the properties of soils collected under cultivated plants were compared
                                           to those of soils collected under wild plants, we observed significant differences for the carbon:nitrogen (C:N)
                                           ratio which was higher in soil collected under wild plants in Dya (p = 0.036), and Nioro (p = 0.022), total P which
                                           was higher in soil collected under cultivated plants in Nioro (p = 0.002), and pH ­H2O which was lower in soil
                                           collected under cultivated plants in Nioro (p = 0.005).

                                           Wild and cultivated pearl millet have different taxonomic diversity and composition of
                                           root‑associated fungal communities. We used metabarcoding targeting the internal transcribed spacer
                                           1 (ITS1) region to characterize the fungal communities associated with cultivated and wild millet roots. After
                                           sequencing, the normalized dataset accounted for 5524 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for wild and
                                           cultivated pearl millet. The site had no effect on fungal species richness, Shannon index and Simpson diversity
                                           index (Fig. 1A–C, Supplementary Table S2). However, the plant type (cultivated vs wild) had a significant effect
                                           on all the indices studied (species richness, p = 0.000; Shannon, p = 0.000; Simpson, p = 0.009). In addition, the
                                           variance explained by the random factor (plot, ­R2c − R ­ 2m) was low compared to those explained by the fixed fac-
                                           tors (plant type and site, ­R m) for the different α-diversity indices (Supplementary Table S2). Hence, the various
                                           α-diversity indices revealed that cultivated pearl millet display a higher fungal diversity than wild pearl millet.
                                               The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) allowed us to visualize the distribution of our samples in
                                           the two-dimensional space (stress value of 0.19). We observed that site and plant type and their interaction were
                                           the major factors structuring fungal communities in the data set, while the effects of plant type and site-plant type
                                           interaction were minor (Table 2, Supplementary Table S3, Fig. 2). The root fungal communities were distributed
                                           along the first two dimensions of the NMDS based on the site where their plant host inhabits, with a separation
                                           between the samples from Darou-Mousty and those from Nioro across the axis 1, and the samples from Dya and
                                           those from Nioro across the axis 2 (Fig. 2). The analysis indicated that variation in fungal community structure
                                           was mainly explained by soil pH and phosphorus (Fig. 2; Supplementary Table S4).
                                               In Darou-Mousty, 19 OTUs were differentially abundant based on plant type, of which 9 OTUs were signifi-
                                           cantly enriched in wild plants and 10 enriched in cultivated plants (Fig. 3). In Nioro, 12 OTUs were enriched in

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                          2

Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                 Figure 1.  Species richness (A) and Shannon diversity index (B) of the fungal communities associated with
                                 cultivated and wild pearl millet in the three studied sites (Darou-Mousty, Dya and Nioro). In the linear mixed
                                 effects (LME) model used to test the effect of plant type and site, plot was included as a random factor (see
                                 Table 1).

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Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                            Factors          numDF        denDF   F             p              R2m   R2c
                                            Intercept        1            51       6450.426         < 0.0001 0.310   0.310
                                            Plants           1            51           19.153        0.000
                                            Sites            2            3             0.936        0.483
                                            Plants:Sites     2            51            2.736        0.074
                                            Intercept        1            51       5988.246         < 0.0001 0.216   0.258
                                            Plants           1            51           14.182        0.000
                                            Sites            2            3             0.755        0.542
                                            Plants:Sites     2            51            0.321        0.727
                                            Intercept        1            51      32,490.240        < 0.0001 0.162   0.209
                                            Plants           1            51            7.470        0.009
                                            Sites            2            3             1.100        0.439
                                            Plants:Sites     2            51            0.530        0.591

                                           Table 1.  Results from ANOVA of the linear mixed effects (LME) model testing the effect of plant type, site
                                           and their interaction on species richness, Shannon and Simpson diversity indexes of the fungal communities
                                           associated with cultivated and wild Pearl millet. R2m (marginal r squared) represents the variance explained
                                           by the fixed factors, and ­R2c (conditional r squared) represents the variance explained by the both fixed and
                                           random factors.

                                            Factors                  df           SS                 MS              F.Model   R2        p value
                                            Sites                    2             3.1885            1.59425         7.9021    0.21097   0.001
                                            Plants                   1             0.4361            0.43606         2.1614    0.02885   0.001
                                            Sites × plants           2             0.5947            0.29737         1.4739    0.03935   0.005
                                            Residuals                54           10.8945            0.20175         0.72083
                                            Total                    59           15.1138            1.00000

                                           Table 2.  Summary of non-parametric permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA)
                                           based on Bray–Curtis distance to test the effects of site and plant type on the structure of fungal communities
                                           associated to pearl millet roots. df degrees of freedom, SS sum of squares, MS mean sum of squares, F model F
                                           statistics, R2 partial R-squared, based on 999 permutations.

                                           wild plants and 9 were enriched in cultivated plants whereas only 3 OTUs were significantly enriched in cultivated
                                           plants in Dya (Fig. 3). On the other hand, only the genera Fusarium and Chaetomium had differentially abundant
                                           OTUs in more than one site (Darou-Mousty and Nioro). The mean abundances and log twofold change values
                                           of differentially abundant OTUs in each site and plant type are given in Supplementary Table S5.

                                           Wild and cultivated pearl millet show differences in hosted fungal functional groups. A total
                                           of 4048 out of 5524 OTUs (73%) were assigned to functional guilds using the FUNGuild database. Among them,
                                           2990 OTUs (54%) classified as either pathotroph, saprotroph or symbiotroph (Fig. 4A), while 1058 OTUs (19%)
                                           belong to fungi with more than one trophic strategy (Fig. 4B). Putative pathotrophs (38% of relative abundance)
                                           and saprotrophs (28% of relative abundance) were the dominant groups in terms of relative abundance in cul-
                                           tivated and wild millet taken together. They were followed by saprotroph–symbiotroph (14% of relative abun-
                                           dance) and pathotroph–saprotroph–symbiotroph (11% of relative abundance).
                                               The relative abundance of putative pathotrophs and those of saprotrophs was significantly influenced by plant
                                           type and site–plant type interaction (LME, Supplementary Table S6). Putative pathotrophs had a higher relative
                                           abundance in cultivated than in wild pearl millet in Dya (p = 0.038) and Nioro (p < 0.0001) sites. By contrast, sap-
                                           rotrophs had a higher relative abundance in wild than in cultivated millet in Darou-Mousty (p = 0.000) and Nioro
                                           (p = 0.003) sites (Fig. 4A). However, the relative abundance of symbiotrophs was not influenced by plant type,
                                           site or their interaction (LME, Supplementary Table S6). Yet, we observed significant site-plant type interaction
                                           effects on the relative abundance of pathotroph–saprotroph and those of pathotroph–saprotroph–symbiotroph
                                           (Supplementary Table S6, Fig. 4B).
                                               At a finer scale, putative plant pathogens (32% of relative abundance), undefined saprotrophs (17% of relative
                                           abundance) and clavicipitaceous endophyte-saprophitic fungi (13% of relative abundance) were the dominant
                                           root-associated fungal guilds of cultivated and wild millet taken together. The effects of site and plant type on
                                           the 15 most abundant fungal guilds are shown in Supplementary Table S7. The relative abundance of putative
                                           plant pathogens was significantly influenced by plant type, site and site—plant type interaction, while those
                                           of undefined saprotrophs was only influenced by plant type (Supplementary Table S7). Specifically, undefined

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                         4

Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                 Figure 2.  Non-Metric Multidimensional Scale (NMDS) plots depicting the similarity of fungal communities
                                 according to sites and plant types, and the relative importance of soil properties (arrows) explaining the
                                 variation in fungal communities according to sites. Only significant factors (p < 0.05) correlated with fungal
                                 community dissimilarity are presented. Each point represents a single sample.

                                 saprotroph had a higher relative abundance (p = 0.005) in wild than in cultivated millet. Meanwhile, putative plant
                                 pathogens had a higher relative abundance in cultivated millet than in their relative wild only in Nioro (p = 0.004).
                                 In addition, the relative abundance of clavicipitaceous endophyte-saprophitic fungi was not influenced by plant
                                 type, site or their interaction (Supplementary Table S7). Altogether, our data indicate that cultivated pearl millet
                                 hosts a higher abundance of putative fungal pathogens in semi-arid and semi-humid zones, while wild pearl
                                 millet is associated with a higher abundance of fungal saprotrophs in arid and semi-humid zones.
                                      Pearson’s correlations between soil properties and the relative abundance of trophic mode groups revealed
                                 contrasting patterns within and across sites (Fig. 5). In Darou-Mousty and Dya for instance, the relative abun-
                                 dance of putative pathotrophs was negatively correlated with total P, C/N, total N and total C, while the relative
                                 abundance of saprothrophs was positively correlated with these soil properties. In Nioro, the relative abundance
                                 of saprotrophs was positively correlated with pH and C/N, and negatively correlated with total P, assimilable
                                 P, ­NO3− and N ­ H4+, while the relative abundance of pathotrophs followed the opposite pattern for these soil
                                 properties (Fig. 5).

                                 Pearl millet core mycobiome. In order to determine the core mycobiome of pearl millet roots, we used
                                 a 75% prevalence threshold to identify the taxa shared between the majority of samples that were collected at
                                 sites that were hundreds of kilometers apart and had different soil characteristics. The core mycobiome of millet
                                 roots contained 260 OTUs that represented only 4.7% of the observed OTU richness of the entire fungal com-
                                 munity. Interestingly, these 260 OTUs accounted for 28.8% of the total sequences of the dataset (Fig. 6A). Of
                                 these 260 core OTUs, 91 taxa were found in all of the samples. The 40 most abundant core OTUs (Supplementary
                                 Table S9) had relative abundances ranging from 0.17 to 2.04% in the entire dataset. These core taxa belonged to
                                 four fungal phyla: Ascomycota (217 OTUs), Basidiomycota (33 OTUs), Chytridiomycota (2 OTUs) and Glom-
                                 eromycota (8 OTUs). Ascomycota, the most dominant, represented from 63.8 to 97% of the core OTUs with
                                 22 families (Fig. 6C) in pearl millet roots, both in cultivated and wild plants. The most abundant families were
                                 Pleosporaceae (31 OTUs) and Nectriaceae (31 OTUs) with relative abundance of 4.9% and 4.46%, respectively.
                                 The second most dominant phylum was Basidiomycota representing from 1.9 to 35.9% of the core OTUs with
                                 seven families. In contrast, the phyla Chytridiomycota and Glomeromycota were less represented in the core
                                 mycobiome (0.01–1.06% and 0.09–1.28% respectively; Fig. 6B). Some OTUs were classified as OTUs with a very
                                 high level of affiliation (Sordariales, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Sebacinales, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales,
                                 Xylariales and Hypocreales). All the seven trophic mode groups were represented in the core mycobiome (Sup-
                                 plementary Table S9).

                                 Co‑occurrence patterns in the core mycobiome of cultivated and wild pearl millet.                  We further
                                 analyzed the differences in the core mycobiome of cultivated and wild pearl millet by investigating their taxa

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Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                           Figure 3.  Differentially abundant OTUs detected in cultivated and wild Pearl millet by pairwise comparison
                                           (DeSeq2 analysis of 5524 OTUs, with p value adjusted to the 1% threshold). Each point represents an individual
                                           OTU, which was assigned to genus (y-axis, 63 OTUs) and phylum level (colours). In the x-axis, positive values
                                           of log2 fold change indicate higher abundance of OTUs in wild plants and negative values indicate higher
                                           abundance of OTUs in cultivated plants.

                                           co-occurrence patterns using ecological network analysis. The correlation-based network of cultivated plants
                                           contained 214 nodes and 807 edges, while that of the wild plants had 195 nodes and 680 edges (Fig. 7A,B).
                                           The networks of cultivated and wild plants had 84.51% and 84.12% of strong positive correlations, respectively.
                                           Except for average degree, all estimated network-level topological features (average path length, network diam-
                                           eter, graph density, modularity and clustering coefficient) were higher in wild than in cultivated pearl millet
                                           (Supplementary Table S10). The betweenness centrality and eigenvector centrality were higher in the network
                                           of cultivated plants compared to that of wild plants, while node degree and closeness centrality did not differ
                                           significantly between the two networks (Supplementary Fig. S1). In addition, we identified four potential hubs
                                           belonging to three genera which include plant pathogen (Bipolaris, Cochliobolus and Curvularia) and one dung
                                           saprotroph-undefined saprotroph-wood saprotroph (Penicillium #1) in the ecological network of cultivated
                                           pearl millet. By contrast, four potential hubs belonging to two dung saprotroph-undefined saprotroph-wood
                                           saprotroph (Penicillium #1 and Penicillium #2), one clavicipitaceous endophyte-saprophitic fungi (Paecilomyces)
                                           and one fungal parasite–plant pathogen (Helminthosporium) were identified in the ecological network of wild
                                           pearl millet (Fig. 7C). The two ecological networks shared only one potential hub (Penicillium #1). Furthermore,
                                           these seven potential hub taxa belonged to three trophic mode groups including saprotroph, pathotroph and
                                           saprotroph–symbiotroph (Fig. 7C).

                                           Here, we analyzed the root mycobiome of cultivated and wild pearl millet and the environmental factors struc-
                                           turing its diversity across three agro-ecological zones in Senegal. Our results show that root fungal communities
                                           were mainly structured by sites and plant type. Soil pH and phosphorus were the main factors explaining the
                                           site effect on pearl millet fungal communities as reported in previous ­studies27–31. We observed that, in each
                                           site, the relationship between the relative abundance of putative pathotrophs and soil properties (especially total
                                           P, C/N, total N and total C) and the relationship between the relative abundance of saprotrophs and those soil
                                           properties followed opposite trends. On the other hand, contrasting patterns were observed across sites. This

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                        6

Cultivated and wild pearl millet display contrasting patterns of abundance and co occurrence in their root mycobiome

                                 Figure 4.  Relative OTU abundance of fungal functional groups associated with cultivated and wild millet
                                 across the three sites (Darou-Mousty, Dya and Nioro). The abundances of fungi with one trophic strategy are
                                 given in (A), and those of fungi with more than one trophic strategy (saprotroph–symbiotroph, pathotroph–
                                 symbiotroph, pathotroph–saprotroph, pathotroph–saprotroph–symbiotroph) are in (B). In the linear mixed
                                 effects (LME) model used to test the effect of plant type and site, plot was included as a random factor (see
                                 Table 3).

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                                            Factors        numDF    denDF   F           p              R2m     R 2c
                                            Intercept      1        51      193.340         < 0.0001 0.653     0.811
                                            Plants         1        51       40.770         < 0.0001
                                            Sites          2          3         7.331        0.07
                                            Plants:sites   2        51       12.901         < 0.0001
                                            Intercept      1        51      114.884         < 0.0001 0.393     0.560
                                            Plants         1        51       31.554         < 0.0001
                                            Sites          2          3         0.808        0.524
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          6.710        0.003
                                            Intercept      1        51          7.335        0.009     0.184   0.740
                                            Plants         1        51          2.350        0.131
                                            Sites          2          3         0.821        0.520
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          1.301        0.281
                                            Intercept      1        51       11.818          0.001     0.224   0.465
                                            Plants         1        51          0.012        0.913
                                            Sites          2          3         1.631        0.332
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          3.379        0.042
                                            Intercept      1        51       17.482          0.0001 0.053      0.053
                                            Plants         1        51          1.610        0.210
                                            Sites          2          3         0.771        0.537
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          0.079        0.924
                                            Intercept      1        51       46.181         < 0.0001 0.413     0.557
                                            Plants         1        51          0.023        0.879
                                            Sites          2          3         5.822        0.093
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          2.724        0.075
                                            Intercept      1        51       40.341         < 0.0001 0.189     0.287
                                            Plants         1        51          0.771        0.384
                                            Sites          2          3         1.744        0.314
                                            Plants:sites   2        51          3.292        0.045

                                           Table 3.  Results from ANOVA of the linear mixed effects (LME) model testing the effect of plant type, site
                                           and their interaction on the relative abundance of fungal functional groups associated with cultivated and wild
                                           millet across the three sites (Darou-Mousty, Dya and Nioro). R2m (marginal r squared) represents the variance
                                           explained by the fixed factors, and ­R2c (conditional r squared) represents the variance explained by the both
                                           fixed and random factors.

                                           finding contrasts with others that showed that abundance of pathogenic fungi followed the same trend as that
                                           of saprotrophic f­ ungi32,33. Although we relate the site effect observed on the relative abundance of most guilds
                                           and trophic mode groups to differences in soil properties, we cannot rule out the contribution of other factors
                                           such as host plant density, temperature, rainfall and m      ­ oisture34–37. We acknowledge that the fungal trophic
                                           modes were identified by FUNGuild which is based on fungal taxonomy, and therefore studies about the fungal
                                           lifestyles and trophic modes are needed to better understand the factors influencing the contrasting patterns
                                           we observed. In addition, the differences in soil properties observed between and within sites could be related
                                           to different factors including the quantity and type of inputs used, cropping system, land use history and plant
                                           functional trait e­ ffects38–41.
                                               We observed a higher fungal diversity in cultivated compared to wild pearl millet. We speculate that during
                                           pearl millet domestication, genotypic and phenotypic changes resulting from selection and demographic bot-
                                           tlenecks could have affected root traits related to nutrient foraging and plant–microbe interaction in response to
                                           resource availability and h  ­ eterogeneity42–44. In addition, we suggest that additional adaptive changes in the root
                                           morphological traits and quantitative and/or qualitative root exudate composition of domesticated pearl millet
                                           due to constant clogging effects over time may have facilitated colonization by a broader range of ­fungi45–48. Inter-
                                           estingly, we detected higher relative abundance of putative pathotrophs, especially potential plant pathogens, in
                                           cultivated pearl millet than in wild pearl millet in semi-arid and semi-humid zones, while having higher relative

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                           8


                                 Figure 5.  Pearson’s correlation between soil properties and the relative abundance of the 7 trophic
                                 mode groups of cultivated and wild millet across the three sites. Stars indicate significant correlation:
                                 *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The color key indicates the Pearson correlation coefficient values. For the
                                 trophic mode groups, Pat_Sym, Pat_Sap_Sym, Pat_Sap and Sap_Sym refer to pathotroph-symbiotroph,
                                 pathotroph-saprotroph-symbiotroph, pathotroph-saprotroph and saprotroph-symbiotroph, respectively. For the
                                 soil properties, Ass P and tot P refer to assimilable and total phosphorus respectively. The correlation coefficient
                                 r and p-values used to produce heatmap figures are given in Supplementary Table S8.

Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                          9


                                           Figure 6.  Fungal community composition of the core mycobiome. (A) core mycobiome diversity vs all taxa
                                           diversity (left) and core microbiome relative abundance vs all taxa (right), (B) relative abundance of core
                                           mycobiome phyla, (C) 30 most abundant family of the core mycobiome.

                                           abundance of saprotrophs in wild pearl millet in arid and semi-humid zones. This suggests that cultivated pearl
                                           millet plants were more colonized by pathotrophs than wild relatives, while the latter provided a more appropriate
                                           ecological niche for saprotrophs across the three studied agro-ecological zones. Besides genotypic and phenotypic
                                           differences between cultivated millet and wild relatives, resource demand, exudate and litter quality, interaction
                                           with other microbes, agriculture practices, and moisture may account for this o­ bservation9,42,49. Although further
                                           studies are needed to better understand factors behind the selection of fungal communities by wild and cultivated
                                           pearl millet, the fact that the relative abundance of putative pathotrophs was lower in wild millet suggests that it
                                                                                                       ­ athogens50,51. On the other hand, although we believe
                                           could be a potential resource of genetic resistance to root p
                                           that our results reflected intrinsic differences between cultivated and wild pearl millet in terms of diversity of
                                           their root-associated fungi, they should be interpreted cautiously since our sequencing depth was insufficient to
                                           cover the entire fungal diversity in both cultivated and wild pearl millet (Supplementary Fig. S2).
                                               We hypothesized that wild pearl millet could serve as a reservoir of endophytes for cultivated pearl millet.
                                           We therefore characterized a pearl millet core mycobiome across three contrasted regions. Interestingly, it was
                                           composed of diverse groups including 260 taxa that accounted for almost 28.8% of total abundance of fungal
                                           community in our dataset indicating that these taxa are both prevalent and abundant on millet roots. In our study,
                                           Ascomycota were dominant in the core mycobiome. Basidiomycota was the second most dominant phylum,
                                           and Glomeromycota was the least represented in the core mycobiome. The lower proportion of Glomeromycota
                                           could be related to the low levels of pearl millet root colonization by AMF (root length colonization ≤ 5%52).
                                           The ecological network analysis we performed revealed a predominance of strong positive correlations between

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                        10


                                 Figure 7.  Co-occurrence-based network of the core mycobiome of cultivated (A) and wild (B) pearl millet.
                                 Each node corresponds to an OTU, and edges correspond to either positive (yellow) or negative (red)
                                 correlations inferred from OTU abundances. Node size reflects their proportional abundance (Pro_abundance)
                                 and their color reflects their trophic mode. Nodes with fungal taxon names represent the potential hub OTUs of
                                 cultivated and wild plants inferred from node degree and betweenness centrality values (C). Symbols after taxon
                                 names indicate their guilds: Ø = plant pathogens, # = dung saprotroph-undefined saprotroph-wood saprotrophs,
                                 § = clavicipitaceous endophyte-saprophitic fungi, and ¶ = fungal parasite-plant pathogens. Dashed lines indicate
                                 the threshold estimated of the top 2% of degree and betweenness centrality values.

Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                     11


                                            fungal OTUs in both cultivated and wild millet (84.51% and 84.12%, respectively), suggesting a potential for
                                            extensive cooperative interactions or sharing similar ecological niches between most fungal taxa in pearl millet
                                            ­roots53,54. Our results also showed that wild plants had lower betweenness centrality, but higher network-level
                                            topological features (e.g. network diameter, graph density, modularity and clustering coefficient) compared
                                            to cultivated plants, indicating a more complex and connected n           ­ etwork55,56. This higher network complexity
                                            in wild pearl millet may result in a more stable mycobiome that could contribute to higher plant resilience to
                                            environmental ­perturbations57,58. On the other hand, plant genotype and/or agriculture practices may account
                                            for the lower network complexity in cultivated pearl m      ­ illet59,60.
                                                 We identified four different potential hub taxa in the core mycobiome of cultivated (Bipolaris, Cochliobolus,
                                           Curvularia and Penicillium #1) and wild (Helminthosporium, Paecilomyces, Penicillium #1 and Penicillium #2)
                                           plants. These hub taxa may act as keystone ­taxa56,61 in the mycobiome with a strong structuring or recruiting
                                            role in the community. Surprisingly, the cultivated millet and wild relatives had dissimilar groups of potential
                                            hub taxa (only one was shared), suggesting that they may develop dissimilar interactions with their mycobiome
                                            for biotic and abiotic stress t­ olerance48,62. Similarly, analyses of seed microbiome of domesticated and wild rice
                                             showed that they had different hub ­OTUs61. In our study, two potential hub taxa including the shared one,
                                            belonged to Penicillium, that was also identified as hub taxon in the seed microbiome of wild r­ ice61. Besides
                                           its role in nutrient cycling through the decomposition of organic matter, Penicillium is known to solubilize
                                           ­phosphate63–65 and to excrete antimicrobial ­substances66,67. In this respect, Murali and ­Amruthesh68 have shown
                                             that Penicillium oxalicum, significantly reduced the downy mildew disease and enhanced plant growth in pearl
                                             millet. We also identified Paecilomyces, a clavicipitaceous endophyte-saprophitic fungus, as a potential hub
                                             taxon in the core mycobiome of wild pearl millet. Paecilomyces fungi are known to produce bioactive metabo-
                                             lites and therefore have been used as plant growth-promoting fungi for horticultural ­crops69. Moreover, it has
                                            been reported that extracts of some Paecilomyces strains combined with urea or phosphate increased the yield
                                            of rice and ­maize70,71. Most of clavicipitaceous fungi are members of dark septate endophyte (DSE) which can
                                            be in some cases more frequent than mycorrhizal f­ ungi5,72,73. They play a significant ecological and physiologi-
                                            cal role in different ecosystems by impacting plant growth and nutrition. In the pearl millet core mycobiome,
                                            we identified at least six families (Cladosporiaceae, Herpotrichiellaceae, Didymellaceae, Didymosphaeriaceae,
                                             Leptosphaeriaceae, Pleosporaceae and Trichosphaeriaceae) and two unassigned taxa at family level (Sordariales
                                            and Xylariales), containing DSE fungi. The high relative abundance and ubiquity of members of DSE suggest a
                                            mutualistic lifestyle that might compensate for low levels of AMF colonization in pearl m          ­ illet74. Interestingly,
                                            the other potential hub taxa identified in this study and assigned as plant pathogens (Bipolaris, Cochliobolus and
                                            Curvularia) and fungal parasite-plant pathogen (Helminthosporium), have also been reported to be phosphate-
                                            solubilizing ­fungi75–79. Their impact on the fitness of cultivated and wild pearl millet remains to be elucidated.
                                                 In conclusion, this study allowed us to assess the factors influencing fungal communities associated with
                                            wild and cultivated pearl millet roots. We found that soil pH and available phosphorus were the main factors
                                            explaining the effect of sites on fungal communities. On the other hand, we observed a higher fungal diversity
                                            in cultivated compared to wild pearl millet. Interestingly, our data indicate that cultivated pearl millet hosts a
                                            higher relative abundance of potential fungal pathogens while wild pearl millet is associated with a higher relative
                                            abundance of fungal saprotrophs. In addition, the cultivated millet and wild relatives had dissimilar groups of hub
                                            taxa (only one out of eight, was shared), suggesting that they may develop dissimilar sophisticated dialogues with
                                            their mycobiome for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Future research should focus on these core and hub taxa,
                                            which are likely to play an important role in pearl millet fitness and will allow the development of microbiome
                                            engineering approaches for agriculture.

                                           Site description. The study was conducted in Senegal, West Africa, in the North–South region of the
                                           groundnut basin (13° 45′ N, 15° 47′ W) at 18 m above sea level, specifically in the district of Darou-Mousty (15°
                                           02′ 31″ N, 16° 02′ 53″ W) with two plots, Dya (14° 23′ 60″ N, 16° 10′ W, 11 m altitude) with three plots and Nioro
                                           (13° 45′ N, 15° 48′ W, 19 m altitude) with one plot (Supplementary Fig. S3). The two main crops grown in these
                                           areas are millet (P. glaucum) and groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea). The mean annual precipitation is 750 mm and
                                           mainly comes between July and September, and the annual average temperature is 30 °C80. The soil is a Deck-
                                           Dior81 silty-sand fine sandy, mixed haplic ferric ­lixisol82, a leached ferruginous tropical soil. Top soil (0–10 cm)
                                           has a sand content > 90%, organic matter and total nitrogen content of 0.52 and 0.03% respectively, total P con-
                                           tent of 70 mg ­kg−1 and an average pH (water) of 6.283. The sites were chosen on the basis of soil homogeneity
                                           (Dior type) following a gradient of rainfall from North to South.

                                           Experimental design and soil/root sampling. The experiment was conducted during the 2016 rainy
                                           season, with a mean precipitation of 476, 518 and 911 mm in Darou-Mousty (arid zone), Dya (semi-arid zone)
                                           and Nioro (semi-humid zone), respectively. Field trials were conducted in collaboration with local farmers’
                                           associations and sampling was performed with the help of farmers. Permission to collect plants and soils was
                                           obtained from farmers before settling the trials. Trials did not involve endangered or protected species and com-
                                           plied with relevant national and international guidelines and legislation. Seeds from a single pearl millet variety
                                           (Souna 3) were provided to all farmers participating to the trials on all sites in order to limit plant genotype
                                           effect. The farmers followed their traditional agricultural practices (fertilization or not, previous crops, etc.) that
                                           were recorded as well as the cropping history and the vegetation around (Supplementary Table S11).
                                               At the end of the grain-filling stage, soil and root samples were taken. From each cultivated plot, a set of
                                           five replicates was collected. Each biological replicate for sequencing analysis came from the roots of five plants
                                           harvested from each cultivated plot. Sampled plants were located 10 m from each other to cover the whole plot.

          Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                                 12


                                 Soils and roots of wild relatives were collected within or around the cultivated plots. For each individual plant,
                                 approximately 500 g of soil influenced by the roots was collected at a depth of 0–20 cm. A total of 60 root samples
                                 and 60 soil samples were collected: two plant types (cultivated and wild), six plots and five replicates per plot.
                                 Soils and roots were placed in plastic bags in ice and transported to the laboratory where they were stored at
                                 4 °C for 24 h before processing. Total DNA extraction was only done from the roots while the soils samples were
                                 used for physicochemical analyses. Wild pearl millet is morphologically dissimilar to cultivated pearl millet.
                                 Supplementary Figure S4 shows the differences between cultivated and wild pearl millet.

                                 Soil chemical analysis. Soil pH was determined with a soil-to-water ratio of 1: 2.5. Total carbon (C) and
                                 total nitrogen (N) contents were quantified using Elemental Analyzer (Flash EA 1112 series, ThermoFinni-
                                 gan, France). Soil nitrate (­ NO3−) and ammonium (­ NH4+) were extracted with 2 M KCl and were quantified by
                                 Bran + Luebbe GmbH AutoAnalyzer 3. Soil available phosphorus (AP) was extracted using sodium bicarbonate
                                 and then measured by the molybdenum-blue m   ­ ethod84. The P concentration was determined after dry minerali-
                                 zation by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES85).

                                 DNA‑metabarcoding. Root samples were cleaned of soil particles by manual agitation and about 100 mg
                                 of fine roots from each replicate were collected and ground with 270 mg of Fontainebleau sand (minimum
                                 quantity allowing the crushing of 100 mg of roots) with a mortar and pestle. 185 mg of the obtained grind (cor-
                                 responding to approximately 50 mg of root material) was used for DNA extraction. No specific treatment was
                                 applied to the roots, so the mycobiome considered here included both fungi inhabiting the root surface and root
                                 endosphere of pearl millet. Total DNA was extracted using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (­ Qiagen®) according to the
                                 manufacturer’s instructions. A total of 60 DNA samples (30 cultivated and 30 wild) were obtained. The concen-
                                 tration and purity of isolated DNA were determined using a Nanodrop ND-2000 UV–VIS spectrophotometer
                                 (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington) and DNA samples were stored at − 20 °C before sequencing.
                                     DNA amplification and sequencing of fungal rDNA were performed at MR DNA (www.m            ​ rdnal​ ab.c​ om, Shal-
                                 lowater, TX, USA). Briefly, the ITS1 region of fungal rDNA was amplified by PCR using 5 µL of Q5 Reaction
                                 Buffer (5×), 5 µL of Q5 GC high Enhancer (5×), 1 µL (10 µM) of ITS1F primer (5′-CTTG      ​ GTC ​ ATT​ TAG   ​ AGG​ AA​
                                 GTAA-3′;86), 1 µL (10 µM) of ITS2 primer (5′-GCT​GCG​TTC​TTC​ATC​GAT​GC-3′;87), 2 µL of dNTP (2.5 µM), 1
                                 µL of DNA template (20 ng µL−1), 0.25 µL of Q5 Polymerase (5U µL−1) and 9.75 µL of ddH2O to a final volume
                                 of 25 µL. PCR was performed in triplicate using the following conditions: 5 min at 98 °C for initial denaturing,
                                 followed by 27 cycles of 98 °C for 30 s, primer annealing at 56 °C for 30 s and extension at 72 °C for 30 s, followed
                                 by a final extension for 5 min at 72 °C.
                                     After amplification, the quality and relative concentration of the amplicons were checked by migration on 2%
                                 agarose gel. Multiple replicates were pooled together in equal proportions based on their molecular weight and
                                 DNA concentrations. Pooled DNA samples were purified using calibrated Ampure XP beads. Then the pooled
                                 and purified amplicons were used to prepare DNA libraries following Illumina Truseq DNA library prepara-
                                 tion protocol. Sequencing was performed on a MiSeq Illumina platform (2 × 300) following the manufacturer’s

                                 Sequence analysis. First, raw Illumina MiSeq paired-end reads were assembled using MR DNA pipe-
                                 line for ITS1 region fungal libraries. Subsequently, sequences were demultiplexed and formatted for processing
                                 using a Phython script (http://​drive5.​com/​usear​ch/​manual/​uparse_​pipel​ine.​html). Next, fungal sequences were
                                 separately quality-filtered and clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) using UPARSE pipeline and
                                 UPARSE ­algorithm88. Briefly, sequences were quality-filtered allowing a maximum e value of 0.5. Subsequently,
                                 reads were trimmed to 240-bp (base pairs) length as well as dereplicated and sorted by abundance, removing sin-
                                 gletons (sequences which appeared once) prior OTU determination at 97% sequence similarity threshold. Then,
                                 chimeric sequences were detected and removed using ­UCHIME89 and Gold database as reference. Finally, reads
                                 from the entire dataset were mapped back to the representative fungal databases to generate one OTU table. The
                                 taxonomic affiliation of each OTU was obtained using the UNITE database (version 7.2, https://​unite.​ut.​ee,90).
                                 OTUs were then assigned to functional groups using the FUNGuild database (https://​github.​com/​UMNFuN/​
                                 FUNGu​ild15). We only accepted the guild assignment that confidence rankings were “highly probable” or “prob-
                                 able”. For taxa with more than one trophic strategy, we subsequently used manual evaluation as recommended
                                 by Nilsson et al.16. The raw sequence data has been deposited in figshare (https://​figsh​are.​com/​artic​les/​Pearl_​

                                 Data analyses. The number of sequences per sample varied from 25,556 to 154,517. Because the library
                                 sizes were very uneven, the data were normalized to the same number of counts per sample (25,556 sequences)
                                 using the “rarefy” function in the “Vegan” ­package91 in R (v 4.1.0; h ttps:// as recommended by
                                 Weiss et al.92. Species richness, Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were used to assess α-diversity of fungal
                                 communities associated with cultivated and wild pearl millet. Before testing the differences between the means,
                                 we first visualized the distribution of the data using a histogram to determine the distribution of errors. Then,
                                 the Shapiro test was used to check normality followed by the Bartlett test to check for homoscedasticity of vari-
                                 ances. As normality was verified, the data were subjected to a linear mixed-effects (LME) model fit by restricted
                                 maximum likelihood (REML) with plant type, site, and their interaction as fixed factors and plot as random
                                 factor using the “lme” function in the “nlme” ­package93. The significance of fixed effects was assessed using the
                                 “anova.lme” function. If there was a significant effect of the site or the site-plant type interaction, pairwise com-
                                 parisons were conducted using the “emmeans” package with Tukey’s adjusted p ­values94. The variance explained
                                 by the fixed factors (marginal ­R2) and those explained by both the fixed and random factors (conditional ­R2)

Scientific Reports |   (2022) 12:207 |                                                           13


                                           were calculated with the “r.squaredGLMM” function in the “MuMIn” ­package95. Differences in the community
                                           structure between samples (β-diversity) were visualized using a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS)
                                           based on Bray–Curtis distances calculated from the "metaMDS" function implemented in the "Vegan" ­package92.
                                           The “betadisper” function in “Vegan” was used to compare group dispersions. The "envfit" function was used
                                           to determine the relationships between community structure and soil properties. The PERMANOVA test (non-
                                           parametric Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance) was used to test significant differences in the struc-
                                           ture of fungal communities by the "adonis" ­function96.
                                               Differentially abundant fungal OTUs between plant types (cultivated vs wild pearl millet) were identified
                                           in each site by the “DESeq2” p    ­ ackage97 using the default values of the "Test (Wald)" and "FitType (parametric)"
                                           options of the function. The differential abundance calculation is based on a modeling of the OTU distribution
                                           by a negative binomial law. The adjusted p value cutoff was set to alpha = 0.01, and the list of OTUs declared
                                           differentially abundant was extracted. Considering only the assigned OTUs using FUNGuild, we calculated the
                                           relative abundance of each guild and trophic mode group, and a LME model fit by REML was used to assess the
                                           effects of plant type, site, and their interaction. The model included plant type, site, and their interaction as fixed
                                           factors and plot as random factor. The significance of fixed effects was assessed using the “anova.lme” function. If
                                           there was a significant effect of the site or the site-plant type interaction, pairwise comparisons were conducted
                                           as described above. The variance explained by the fixed factors and those explained by both fixed and random
                                           factors were calculated with the “r.squaredGLMM” function. For each site, we used Pearson’s correlation coef-
                                           ficients to determine the relationship between soil properties and the relative abundance of each trophic mode
                                           group using the "rcorr" function in the "Hmisc" ­package98, and a heatmap was then built using the "heatmap.2"
                                           function in the "gplots" p ­ ackage99.
                                               We characterized the core fungal microbiome (mycobiome) of pearl millet roots on a 75% prevalence thresh-
                                           old using the "microbiome" p    ­ ackage100 to identify highly prevalent taxa on pearl millet roots that are present in
                                           the majority of samples (across all sites and plant types). We then constructed co-occurrence networks to infer
                                           interactions among OTUs in the core mycobiome of cultivated plants and wild plants, based on Spearman’s cor-
                                           relation inferred from OTU abundances. We considered only positive correlations (with r > 0.6) and negative
                                           correlations (with r < − 0.6) associated with FDR-adjusted p values < 0.0155,101. Gephi software (v0.9.2; https://​
                                           gephi.​org) was used to visualize the ecological networks and estimate node-level topological features (degree,
                                           betweenness centrality, closeness centrality and eigenvector centrality) and network-level topological features
                                           (average degree, average path length, network diameter, graph density, modularity and clustering coefficient) for
                                           the cultivated and wild ­plants55. In each network, nodes correspond to OTUs, and edges correspond to strong
                                           correlations inferred from OTU abundances. For each ecological network, the OTUs belonging to the top 2%
                                           of degree and betweenness centrality were identified as potential hub O      ­ TUs61. We then used the Wilcoxon test
                                           to compare the estimated node-level topological features between cultivated and wild plants, and graphics were
                                           made using the ‘ggplot’ p  ­ ackage102.

                                           Received: 10 September 2021; Accepted: 15 December 2021

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