Creating success Relationships - Downer Group

Page created by Mitchell Ryan
Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
 creating success
Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
About Downer
At Downer, our customers are at the heart of everything we do.
Our Purpose is to create and sustain the modern environment
by building trusted relationships with our customers.
Our Promise is to work closely with our customers to help them succeed,
using world-leading insights and solutions.
Downer designs, builds and sustains assets, infrastructure and facilities and we are the leading provider
of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.
With a history dating back over 150 years, Downer is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange
and New Zealand Stock Exchange as Downer EDI Limited (DOW).

Our business is founded on four Pillars:
    Safety                   Delivery                 Relationships            leadership
    Zero Harm is             We build trust by        We collaborate           We remain at the
    embedded in              delivering on our        to build and             forefront of our
    Downer’s culture         promises with            sustain enduring         industry by
    and is fundamental       excellence while         relationships            employing the best
    to the company’s         focusing on              based on trust           people and having
    future success           safety, value            and integrity            the courage
                             for money                                         to challenge the
                             and efficiency                                    status quo

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Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
Downer employs more than 43,000 people


                              Downer Group   3
Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
What we do

490 million                                  58,000
                                             kilometres 3+ GW
passenger journeys on our operated or        of roads managed and maintained in                of renewable energy generated by plants
maintained transport network in a standard   Australia and New Zealand                         Downer has built or is currently delivering
year (including Keolis Downer)

58 million
power, gas and water meter reads in
                                             4.2 million 30,000
                                             hours of non-clinical support services delivered students who attend education facilities that
Australia each year                          each year to more than 200 healthcare            Downer provides asset maintenance services to
                                             facilities in Australia and New Zealand

of all Australia and New Zealand Defence
                                             of power generated in the National
                                                                                               performing sustainability ratings, as measured
estates are maintained by Downer             Electricity Market is from plants serviced        by independent ESG analysts (e.g. Sustainalytics,
                                             by Downer                                         ISS and S&P Global)

                                             electricity power poles, and 125,000 kilometres
                                             of overhead lines, inspected each year

Our expertise
We support our customers through the full life of their assets - from initial feasibility and
design through to production and operations and eventual decommissioning.
We build strong relationships of trust with our customers, truly understanding and predicting
their needs and bringing them world-leading insights and solutions.
We aim to employ the best people and bring thought leadership to each stage of the asset
lifecycle as we support our customers to plan, create and sustain.

                                                  plan, create and sustain
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Transport infrastructure
Road services           and services               Passenger rail

Light rail and buses    Airports and ports         Integrated facilities services

                        Technology and             Renewable energy and
Power and gas           communication services     power systems

Water                   Health services            Power and energy

Industrial and marine   Education services         Non-residential buildings

Defence                 Asset management           Professional and managed services

                                                                             Downer Group   5
Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
What we do

    Transport –
    Rail, light rail
    and buses
    Downer is Australia’s leading
    passenger rail and transit systems
    provider. We work with our customers
    to address whole-of-life public
    transport solutions.

Rail and Transit Systems
                                                  Sydney’s fleet                      Melbourne Metro                 Queensland’s                 Bogie centre of
Downer has more than 100 years’ rail                                                                                  New Generation               excellence
                                                  The Waratah fleet is the            Melbourne’s High Capacity
experience providing end-to-end, innovative       pride of Sydney’s network,          Metro Trains project is         Rollingstock                 Our Cardiff Service
transport solutions.                              delivering unprecedented            not only the largest single     Downer is delivering         Delivery Centre in
We are a leading provider of rollingstock         reliability, availability, safety   order of new trains in          accessibility upgrades       New South Wales is
                                                  and comfort. Downer has             Victoria’s history, but also    to Queensland’s fleet        equipped with world-
asset management services in Australia,           delivered a total of 119            the first new train design in                                class rollingstock
                                                                                                                      of New Generation
with expertise in delivering whole-of-life        Waratah trains for the New          nearly 20 years.                Rollingstock (NGR)           overhaul capabilities,
asset management support.                         South Wales Government,
                                                                                      The $2.3 billion project        trains, with work taking     including a purpose
                                                  across Series 1 and Series 2                                        place from our historic      built eight-car train
Our capability allows us to offer turnkey                                             includes the integrated
                                                  trains, making the combined                                         Maryborough Service          lift and bogie centre of
                                                                                      delivery of 65 trains,
solutions for complex projects and spans          fleet the largest of passenger
                                                                                      a state-of-the-art              Delivery Centre. All 75      excellence. In May 2020,
every project phase, from design and              trains in Australia, serving                                        trains, manufactured         the facility completed
                                                                                      maintenance facility, a
                                                  the largest suburban                                                by Bombardier                a bogie overhaul
manufacture to through-life-support,                                                  light service facility, two
                                                  network.                                                            Transportation, are          project for Sydney’s
condition monitoring and data analytics,                                              driver simulators and
                                                  In 2019, Downer achieved the        maintenance of the trains       being upgraded in            78 Waratah Series 1
to fleet maintenance, operations and                                                                                  Maryborough, with works      trains, overhauling 1,248
                                                  fastest rollout of a passenger      for over 30 years. The
comprehensive overhaul of assets.                 train fleet in Australia’s          trains are being delivered      including larger toilet      bogies in a period of
                                                  history, delivering 24 world-       with over 60 per cent local     modules and improved         two-and-a-half years.
By leveraging our in-house capabilities                                                                               accessibility features for   Cardiff also has the
                                                  class Waratah Series 2 trains       content and the project
within Downer and Keolis Downer, we are           in 31 months. In July 2021, on      has created over 1,100 new      people with a disability.    capacity to support
the only player in the market with capabilities   the 10th anniversary of the         jobs including over 100                                      technology upgrades,
                                                                                                                      The upgrade of the fleet     customer experience
in rollingstock, infrastructure, rail systems,    first Waratah Series 1 train        long-term maintenance           commenced in 2019, with
                                                  entering passenger service,         jobs. It is being delivered                                  enhancements and new
operation and maintenance, and system                                                                                 all trains scheduled to be   fleet introduction.
                                                  the final Series 2 entered          by the Evolution Rail           upgraded and returned
                                                  passenger service.                  consortium comprising           to service by 2024.
We set industry best practice with forward-                                           Downer, CRRC Changchun
                                                  Downer is also responsible                                          .
looking technology solutions to deliver safe,                                         and Plenary.
                                                  for the through-life-support
comfortable and reliable services.                of the Waratah trains at
                                                  the purpose-built Auburn
                                                  Maintenance Centre.

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Light rail and buses                                      Rail networks
Tram refurbishment
                                             Through our joint venture, Keolis Downer, we are          Keolis Downer operates and maintains
Downer’s East Preston site is refurbishing
approximately 85 per cent of Melbourne’s
                                             Australia’s largest private provider of multi-modal       Adelaide Metro train services in South Australia.
iconic tram fleet. With 450 trams being      public transport solutions. Keolis Downer is also the     As a local operator, backed by a wealth of
refurbished, it is the largest tram          largest light rail operator in Australia and one of the   international experience, Keolis Downer is
overhaul project in the world.               nation’s most significant bus operators.                  delivering better, faster and more frequent train
The project delivers life extensions,        It operates and maintains Yarra Trams in                  services to the people of Adelaide, and aims
refurbishments, deep cleans and
overhauls of six different classes of        Melbourne and G:link on the Gold Coast, and               to make public transport the first choice for
trams, some of which are 50 years old.       has significant bus operations in Western Australia,      commuters by delivering world-class services.
More than 250 trams have already been        South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales.
refurbished, providing the 200 million       It is also the operator of the integrated public
passengers who travel by tram each year
                                             transport system in Newcastle that includes buses,
a more reliable and comfortable journey.
                                             ferries and light rail.
                                             It develops new forms of shared and customised
                                             mobility, such as on-demand transport and
                                             autonomous vehicles to cater to the evolving
                                             needs of local communities.

                                             For more information visit

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Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
What we do

    Transport –
    Road services
    Downer builds, manages and maintains
    road networks across Australia and New
    Zealand, and manufactures and supplies
    products and services to create safe,
    efficient and reliable journeys.

Downer maintains more than 33,000 kilometres           DM Roads                                                 Key services include:
of road in Australia and more than 25,000 kilometres   Our DM Roads business provides a range of services           Road network management
in New Zealand.                                        in road network asset management and intelligent             Routine maintenance
We offer one of the largest non-government owned       transport systems for government and privately
road services businesses in Australia and New          operated road networks. From long-term strategic             Asset management systems
Zealand, providing integrated and sustainable road     asset stewardship utilising Australian-first ISO 55000       Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
network maintenance and surfacing solutions to         accreditation to routine maintenance programs, our           Smart city infrastructure
Federal, State and Local Government entities, as       services are tailored to meet our customers’ needs           Long-term strategic network planning
well as public and private organisations including     and objectives and the expectations of road users.
developers, mines, construction companies, airports,                                                                24/7 emergency response management
                                                       Our specialist expertise in asset modelling, asset
ports and motor racing facilitators.                                                                                Vegetation maintenance.
                                                       inspections, data analytics, pavement engineering
We create and deliver solutions to our customers’      and program optimisation combined with our
challenges through strategic asset management,         range of systems, processes, software and complex
an integrated portfolio of sustainable products        measurement and diagnostic equipment, ensures
and services, and an industry-leading position in      long-term network objectives and creates safe,
the circular economy. Our road network solutions       efficient and reliable journeys for road users. DM       Asphalt solutions
are underpinned by industry-leading research,          Roads leverages Downer’s road network products
                                                                                                                Our extensive and diverse range of fixed and
development and innovation, unique asset               and services and circular economy offerings to
                                                                                                                mobile asphalt plants across Australia and New
management tools and our commitment to safety,         provide integrated solutions meeting the needs
                                                                                                                Zealand include the latest in high recycling
environment and sustainability through industry        of its customers.
                                                                                                                techniques utilising the most advanced asphalt
awarded Zero Harm programs.                            DM Roads has long-term asset stewardship                 process technology in the Southern Hemisphere.
With leading positions across the value chain – from   and road management contracts throughout                 Downer now operates High Recycling Technology
strategic network management to the manufacture        Australia, while Downer also has a number of             plants, which are capable of producing asphalt
and supply of road maintenance products and            alliances in New Zealand such as the Infrastructure      incorporating up to 100 per cent recycled materials
services – along with our extensive strategic          Alliance in Hamilton, Whanganui Alliance, Tararua        in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South
footprint in both Australia and New Zealand, we        Alliance, Waikato District Alliance and the Milford      Australia, with other high-recycle capability plants in
offer customers a complete integrated solution.        Road Alliance.                                           other States and Territories.
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Our sustainable pavement solutions can include              Low-emissions binders                                Key services include:
soft plastics, expired printer toner, crushed glass,        Bitumen products logistics                               Landfill avoidance
end-of-life tyres, fly ash, steel slag and reclaimed
                                                            Haul road binding, all weather dust                      Repurposing
asphalt pavement to manufacture our awarded
                                                            suppression and maintenance.
Reconophalt™ suite of products and low-carbon                                                                        Washing and screening of waste products
asphalt.                                                Specialist services                                          Crushing and screening of reclaimed
We have the capability to perpetually recycle           Downer delivers a range of specialist surfacing              asphalt pavement
these pavements into the future, providing a truly      solutions and services on airport runways, motor             Bituminous stabilised road base
sustainable solution. Downer is proudly the industry    racing tracks and roads, as well as cost-effective and       Cement treated road base.
leader in the production of sustainable asphalt         sustainable pavement stabilisation and recycling
products.                                               services for the construction and maintenance of
Downer’s asphalt laying and production services are     key infrastructure assets.
supported by our leading National Research and
                                                        Key services include:
Development Laboratories.
                                                            Specialist pavement delivery for airports,
Key services include:                                       ports and racetracks
    Manufacture and supply of sustainable                   Pavement stabilisation and rehabilitation
    asphalt products                                        Road-related construction                            Metropolitan Roads Asset Management
    Asphalt laying                                                                                               Services (MRAMS)
                                                            Pavement recycling and repurposing
                                                                                                                 DM Roads has delivered the MRAMS Western contract
    Profiling/cold milling                                  Pavement preservation, including Rhinophalt™         for Victoria’s Department of Transport since 2006,
    Research and product development.                       rejuvenation and cracksealing                        managing and maintaining 1,100 kilometres of freeway
                                                                                                                 and arterial roads and 1,300 structures across 13
                                                            Project management.
Bituminous products                                                                                              councils in Melbourne’s north-western suburbs.
                                                                                                                 The services provided include planning and executing
Downer is a leading manufacturer and supplier of        Reconomy                                                 routine maintenance, periodic works, rehabilitation
bitumen-based products. We operate a network            Downer’s resource recovery business, Reconomy,           and improvement project works, along with emergency
of strategically located bitumen blending facilities,   uses leading technology and innovation to                services, as required.
supported by our in-house transport fleet to meet       repurpose waste that would otherwise be sent to          The extensive range of maintenance services involved
the needs of our customers across Australia.                                                                     in the MRAMS contract has allowed DM Roads to
                                                        landfill to create valuable inputs that can be used
                                                                                                                 integrate other Downer services to offer our customer
Our range of bitumen-based products include             in our own internal products and services, including     a complete and integrated delivery package.
blended bitumen, low-emissions binders and              asphalt, or by industry and our customers. To us, it’s   DM Roads used the full capacity of Downer to
bitumen emulsions suitable for use on roads, airports   all about pulling products not pushing waste.            complete a recent rehabilitation project, bringing
and motor racing tracks, as well as unsealed roads                                                               together Downer’s asphalt surfacing operations,
                                                        We take our customers’ waste products and                specialist services team and resource recovery
such as in regional areas, mining operations and        transform them into valuable products they can           business, Repurpose It, to deliver the work five days
national parks. We also deliver services in spray       reuse in their communities. We deliver solutions         ahead of schedule. The accelerated rehabilitation of
sealing and pavement preservation, including            that recycle and repurpose domestic, organic,            College Crescent in Parkville, which was scheduled
microsurfacing and rejuvenation.                        commercial, road and construction waste materials        to run 24/7 for 22 days, delivered benefits for the
                                                                                                                 community – minimising disruption of a critical link
Key services include:                                   into quality construction and organic products.          between the east and west of Melbourne and reducing
                                                        These efforts help drive the circular economy            disruption to local residents.
    Importation, manufacture and supply                 through practical applications, while reducing the       The services provided by Downer to MRAMS
    of blended bitumen products                         reliance upon increasingly scarce virgin materials.      demonstrate a complete, sustainable and integrated
    Spray sealing                                                                                                asset management and maintenance solution,
                                                        Downer is also a partner in Repurpose It, based          provided by a coordinated one-stop-shop team that
    Pavement preservation, including                    in Melbourne.                                            is focused on road users and a safer road network.
    microsurfacing and rejuvenation
    Bitumen emulsions

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Creating success Relationships - Downer Group
What we do

      Transport –
      Downer delivers vital transport
      infrastructure by providing specialist
      engineering solutions that create
      sustainable outcomes.

Downer has a long history of delivering transport                METRONET Yanchep Rail Extension and                         Parramatta Light Rail
infrastructure projects under a variety of contracting           Thornlie–Cockburn Link
                                                                                                                             Downer is a member of Parramatta Connect, a
models. Our services include the design and construction         Downer, as part of the NEWest Alliance, is delivering       50:50 joint venture with CPB Contractors, which is
of light rail, heavy rail, bridges and roads, as well as track   the greenfield Yanchep Rail Extension and the               delivering Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 – a project
and station work, signalling, rail systems and rail safety       brownfield Thornlie–Cockburn Link components of             that will connect Westmead to Carlingford via the
                                                                 Perth’s METRONET program.                                   Parramatta CBD and Camelia with a 12-kilometre
                                                                 Downer and CPB Contractors have created a joint             two-way track. The project scope includes light rail
Our integrated capabilities enable intelligent transport         venture, delivered under an alliance contract, to           track, road works, 16 stop platforms, three transport
solutions, road network management and maintenance,              complete the project which is funded by the Western         interchanges, pedestrian zones and urban design.
facility maintenance and utilities services. We also             Australian State and Australian governments.                Parramatta Connect has installed a through-truss
                                                                 Downer’s scope of work includes railway construction,       bridge on James Ruse Drive – a first on a light rail
have particular expertise delivering services within the
                                                                 relocation of freight lines, station platform extensions,   project in NSW and has achieved a ‘Leading’ Design
constraints imposed by a live operating environment.                                                                         rating from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council.
                                                                 station construction and other station modifications as
Downer understands the challenges and opportunities              well as the construction of new road-over-rail bridges
                                                                 and other associated work.
inherent in delivering major public infrastructure in an                                                                     Warrnambool Line Upgrade
urban corridor with complex community and stakeholder            Downer is also directly supplying the rail signalling
                                                                 design and assurance staff to the alliance.                 This project will deliver more than 200 kilometres
interfaces. We are also unique in our offering of providing                                                                  of new signalling, two new crossing loops and a new
teams with proven local and international light rail delivery                                                                stabling facility, enabling more frequent and reliable
and operations experience.                                       Transport Access Program (TAP)                              train services for passengers between Melbourne and
Key services include:                                            TAP is an initiative driven by Transport for NSW
                                                                                                                             Downer partnered with Rail Projects Victoria to
                                                                 (TfNSW) to improve and enhance access for all
    Track construction                Safety assurance and                                                                   deliver the entire turnkey solution for this important
    Light rail                        systems engineering        Downer has been helping TfNSW deliver TAP since
                                                                                                                             Downer has one of the largest in-house Rail Systems
    Depots                            Rail maintenance           2013, designing and constructing train stations and
                                                                                                                             Engineering teams in Australia and we are proud to
                                                                 transport interchanges as well as upgrading existing
    Station construction              Civil                                                                                  bring our unique rail systems capability to self-
                                                                 facilities to meet Disability Discrimination Act and
    and upgrades                      Bridges and structures                                                                 perform the complex end-to-end signalling design,
                                                                 Building Code of Australia requirements. Downer draws
                                                                                                                             delivery and commissioning of the project.
    Overhead line equipment           Specialist in complex      on our experience implementing efficient possession
                                                                 management in live rail environments, developing
    Rail signalling design            contract types.
                                                                 effective urban access for the community, enhancing
    and install                                                  amenities in high-profile and heritage-listed sites, and
                                                                 improving accessibility across all modes of transport.
      10    Downer Group
What we do


Auckland City Rail Link (CRL)                                            As one of Australia’s largest and most           Key capabilities:
Downer, as part of three joint ventures – Downer Soletanche Bachy        experienced contractors delivering power
                                                                                                                              Transmission lines
(CRL C1), Connectus (CRL C2) and Link Alliance (CRL C3, C5 and           systems projects nationally for both utility
C7) – is delivering three of Auckland’s City Rail Link projects, the     and private developers, we have long-                Substations
largest transport infrastructure project ever undertaken in New          standing relationships with electricity              Renewables
                                                                         transmission networks. We have capability            Engineering services.
The City Rail Link is a 3.45 kilometre twin-tunnel underground
                                                                         to deliver renewables to connect and
rail link, up to 42 metres below the city centre. This is transforming
the downtown Britomart Transport Centre into a two-way through-          upgrade the capacity of the existing
station, which better connects the Auckland rail network. The City       network infrastructure.                          Eyre Peninsula Link
Rail Link is currently due for completion in 2024.
                                                                         Having one of the largest power systems          In May 2021, ElectraNet awarded
Downer played a 50 per cent role in each of the joint ventures                                                            Downer a contract to construct the new
delivering the CRL C1 and C2 projects, providing project
                                                                         design houses within Australia, Downer’s
                                                                                                                          270 kilometre, high-voltage transmission
management, technical expertise, functional support and delivery         expertise is often engaged early to employ       line across the Eyre Peninsula.
of civil and building works with a combination of direct and             our construction knowledge for large
                                                                                                                          The existing transmission line powering
subcontract workforce. For C2, construction included rail tunnels        scale, complex infrastructure projects           the region is more than 50 years old, so
built in the CBD 18 metres below street level. C1 involved lifting       providing a full end-to-end service of           careful planning was essential to ensure
the 100-year-old Central Post Office building, underpinning and
                                                                         design, procurement, project management,         the new line will meet the region’s current
cutting off a large proportion of original foundations to allow for
                                                                         construction, commissioning and complete         and future needs.
constructing the CRL tunnels underneath the building.
                                                                         operations of substations, transmission lines,   The project includes a new 262 kilometre
Downer is a 30 per cent joint venture partner for the CRL C3, C5,
                                                                                                                          double-circuit 132kV transmission line
C7 works, providing similar management, technical and functional         solar farms and wind farms.
                                                                                                                          from Cultana to Port Lincoln via Yadnarie,
support along with supervisory and delivery workforce for the civil,
                                                                         Downer has successfully delivered over           with substation upgrades at Cultana,
building and rail works. Downer also provides people and support
                                                                         3GW of renewable generation capacity,            Yadnarie, Port Lincoln Terminal, Wudinna
for the associated rail systems work.
                                                                                                                          and Middleback.
Downer also holds a 30-year maintenance contract for the                 including the largest installed Battery
                                                                                                                          The new line is expected to be energised
three new stations being built as part of CRL, with a Downer             Energy Storage System, the 30MW system           by the end of 2022.
maintenance team embedded into the CRL C3, C5, C7 delivery               in Ballarat, Victoria.
joint venture.

                                                                                                                                              Downer Group    11
What we do

    Downer offers a range of services
    for the utility sector, incorporating
    traditional power and gas, water
    and technological communications

Power and gas                                           AusNet Services
                                                                                                              Water services
Downer has long-term relationships with power                                                                 We are a leading provider of asset management
                                                        Downer’s partnership with AusNet Services
and gas customers to undertake full operational         stretches back to January 2000, when AusNet           and asset maintenance services, supporting our
and maintenance services. Our services include          awarded Downer a contract to operate and              customers across the full asset lifecycle, from
fault response, design, planning, maintenance,          maintain various aspects of their electricity         conceptual development through to design,
construction, inventory management, inspection,         distribution network. The relationship has evolved    construction, commissioning and into operations
                                                        significantly over the ensuing two decades from
patrol and decommissioning of customers’ existing       managing contracts to becoming a trusted delivery     and maintenance.
network assets.                                         partner for AusNet. In 2004, the relationship grew    Our services include design, construction,
                                                        as AusNet awarded another contract to Downer
We also augment and deliver new network                                                                       operations, maintenance and meter reading
                                                        for the operation and maintenance of its gas
assets including the design, construction and           distribution network. In 2019, Downer became          across water and wastewater treatment, water and
commissioning of transmission towers and                AusNet’s delivery partner responsible for the 24/7    wastewater networks and biosolids management.
pipelines, substations and city gates, new customer     operation and maintenance of AusNet Services’
                                                        electricity distribution network.                     We collaborate with our customers to manage their
projects and connections in estates, commercial                                                               assets, so they create community benefits that are
and residential environments, as well as metering       Powerco                                               sustainable, innovative, cost-effective and provide
technology for efficient energy consumption.                                                                  value to all stakeholders.
                                                        In New Zealand, Downer has provided electricity
Our services are supported by field mobility            network maintenance, 24/7 fault response and
                                                        capital works for Powerco in the North Island         We have a demonstrated track record of delivering
technology that fully integrates our customers’                                                               our core services in long-term partnerships for key
                                                        since 2014. The 24/7 fault response provides
enterprise resource planning to field devices to        coverage for all faults due to service life expiry,   customers.
ensure all activities are recorded in real-time,        storm and high wind loads, earthquakes and
resources are utilised with maximum efficiency and      snow, and vehicle-power pole incidents. Other         In Australia, key customers include Logan Water,
the dispatch of faults or priority works is allocated   works include capital projects, high load             Urban Utilities, Melbourne Water, Icon Water, Sydney
to secure full restoration of supply within minimum     supervision, network switching and operation          Water, City West Water and Yarra Valley Water.
                                                        including third party switching, defects and          Key customers in New Zealand include Auckland
timeframes.                                             investigation into lines down. In March 2021,
                                                        Downer completed the largest program of capital       Council, Whangarei District Council, Tauranga City,
Our performance on the network is benchmarked                                                                 Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Southland
                                                        works for Powerco to date, supporting our
at an activity unit level, repeatedly demonstrable      customer to meet its regulatory obligations           District Council, Queenstown Lake District Council,
and assessed against continually improving key          with the Commerce Commission.                         Horowhenua Alliance and Watercare.
performance indicators.
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Logan Water Partnership                                Technology and                                         NBN
                                                         communications services
  In 2020, Downer was awarded a five-year contract                                                              Downer has been a key long-term delivery
  to partner with Logan City Council (LCC) in the        Downer is a leading provider of end-to-end             partner for nbn™, contributing to the deployment
  Logan Water Partnership to deliver planning,           telecommunications services and new energy             of the NBN footprint with the completion of
  design, delivery and program management services       solutions. We offer integrated design and              network infrastructure, servicing approximately
  for water and wastewater assets for the City of                                                               1.8 million premises. Since 2012, Downer has
                                                         construction expertise, as well as network
  Logan in South East Queensland. This is the third                                                             delivered contracts across all fixed network
  alliance model that LCC has entered into with          operations and maintenance capabilities across         technologies within the Multi-technology Mix,
  Downer, underlying the mutual trust and respect        critical infrastructure network owners within the      including Fibre to the Premise (FttP), Fibre to the
  we share.                                              telecommunications, water, power and transport         Node (FttN), Fibre to the Curb (FttC) and Hybrid
                                                         sectors.                                               Fibre Cable (HFC).
  Downer delivers efficient and safe water supply to     As one of the largest construction and                 Chorus
  1.25 million Kiwis in New Zealand. Key customers in    maintenance service providers of fixed and wireless    Downer has been a primary service provider
  New Zealand include Auckland Council, Whangarei        telecommunications infrastructure in Australia and     to Chorus since 2000, entrusted with the
  District Council, Tauranga City, Western Bay of        New Zealand, Downer has established a reputation       care and guardianship of its critical network
  Plenty District Council, Southland District Council,                                                          infrastructure. Downer is managing the design,
  Queenstown Lake District Council, Horowhenua
                                                         as a trusted delivery partner supporting our           construction, maintenance, installation, network
  Alliance and Watercare.                                customers through network lifecycle evolution.         rehabilitation, customer installation activity,
  The Watercare contracts make Downer the                                                                       logistics and supply of Chorus’ copper, fibre and
                                                         We provide new energy solutions across residential,
  largest three waters (storm water, drinking water                                                             radio networks in various parts of New Zealand,
                                                         commercial and industrial sectors including solar      including the Chatham Islands. Downer also
  and wastewater) service provider in Auckland’s
  north-western region.                                  photo-voltaic systems, energy storage and electric     manages all Chorus’ engineering services work,
                                                         vehicle charging infrastructure for both private       safeguarding the exchanges to keep networks
                                                         vehicles and public transport authorities.             operating in all conditions.

Metering services                                        Our core, in-house capabilities are in engineering
The Skilltech business provides manual metering,         services (civil, structural and electrical), site
digital metering and field support services to power,    acquisition, stakeholder engagement, design
gas and water utilities in major cities, regional        services (fibre, copper, radio frequency, solar
centres and rural areas across Australia.                and energy storage), construction and program
                                                         management. We also operate a 24/7 Technical
Covering domestic, commercial and industrial             Operations Centre, providing national support to our
markets, Skilltech is known for delivering safe,         customers in the operations and maintenance of
innovative and cost-effective solutions for our          their networks.
We lead the way in delivering rapid response field
teams to provide metering services, technology
solutions, data capture/monitoring, auditing and
informational insights that improve customer
Downer, along with our partner Secure Meters,
is accredited with the Australian Energy Market
Operator (AEMO) as a metering coordinator,
metering provider and metering data provider.

 City of Gold Coast
 Skilltech has been a key partner for City of Gold
 Coast since 2016, delivering holistic metering
 services including meter reading, meter
 replacement, metering projects and auditing, as
 well as collaborating on smart metering concepts.

                                                                                                                                            Downer Group     13
What we do

  Downer and its ancestor companies have
  been working with Defence since 1941. Today,
  our defence business – Downer Defence –
  delivers a range of services to the Department
  of Defence, the Australian Defence Force
  (ADF) and Commonwealth agencies, including
  national security.

Downer is a sovereign Australian company that          Downer Professional Services                            Base and Estate Management
delivers genuine Australian Industry Capability        Downer Defence has a large and established              Downer Defence has a long heritage in supporting
for Defence.                                           Professional Services business that provides critical   the smooth running and upkeep of Defence bases
As an integrated services company, Downer’s            support and advice to both Defence and national         and military precincts including:
service lines support the entire military capability   security agencies. Downer Professional Services             Airfields
lifecycle with a heritage of successful delivery       delivers complex projects and programs and is
across Defence, national security organisations,       specialised in the introduction of systems and              Naval bases
the major primes and other government agencies.        security sensitive capabilities.                            Barracks
In 2021, Downer merged its Defence offerings into      With 900 in-house and key small and medium                  Accommodation precincts
Downer Defence, composed of three arms: Downer         enterprise partner resources, Downer Professional           Military training ranges
Professional Services; Base and Estate Management;     Services works on behalf of the Commonwealth
and Estate Development and Base Upgrades.                                                                          Education precincts.
                                                       to provide:
As an Australian Defence Magazine (ADM)                                                                        Base and Estate Management provides asset
                                                           Above-the-line services                             management, facilities maintenance, engineering
Top 10 Defence Contractor, Downer is a proven and
trusted long-term partner, committed to growing            Strategic procurement advice                        and condition assessment as well as a large range
Australia’s Defence industry with the participation        Workforce planning                                  of support and operational services to the ADF. This
of small-to-medium enterprises. Downer Defence                                                                 business manages more than 170 military bases
                                                           Supply chain development and management
executes complex projects across the Land, Sea,                                                                across Queensland, ACT and New South Wales,
                                                           Business case development                           as well as the high security Headquarters Joint
Air, Cyber, Space and Key Enabler domains. Acting
as either a prime contractor, managing contractor,         Cybersecurity strategy and advice                   Operations Command (HQJOC) installation.
subcontractor, joint venture partner or through our        Managed solutions.
Major Service Provider (MSP) consortium, Downer
has successfully delivered Defence projects to
Defence’s Estate and Infrastructure Group (E&IG),
Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) and
Capability Acquisition and Sustainment
Group (CASG).

    14   Downer Group
Estate Development
and Base Upgrades
Downer has been building and upgrading new
infrastructure on ADF bases since 1968. Downer
Defence’s Estate Development and Base Upgrades
business currently delivers a range of project
management, program management and hands-
on delivery of infrastructure to Defence locations.
Unlike traditional project managers, Downer
Defence takes a whole-of-life perspective by
approaching base upgrades from a sustainment
perspective as well as the traditional build, cost,
program and quality lens. The pinnacle of Estate
and Base Upgrades work is its managing contracts,
where it acts on behalf of Defence to perform
design and options analysis for user groups before
engaging and managing Downer capabilities and
subcontractors to perform major redevelopment


                                                             Downer Group   15
What we do

    Facilities and
    asset services
    We are a leading provider of end-to-end
    facilities management and asset lifecycle
    support services across Australia’s critical
    social and economic infrastructure.

Downer is the largest integrated facilities              Relationships are at the heart of our success.
management service provider in Australia and New         Developing partnerships that are flexible and aligned
                                                                                                                  New South Wales Land and Housing
Zealand.                                                 with our customers’ business strategy means we
                                                                                                                  Corporation (LAHC)
                                                         can continually improve our services and customer        Since 2002, Spotless has shared a long-
Our customers depend on us to provide essential                                                                   term partnership with LAHC, delivering
services for their businesses across a diverse range     outcomes.
                                                                                                                  asset services maintenance for the LAHC
of industries.                                           We are future-focused and continue to invest in          as part of a five-year contract.
We deliver more than 100 integrated facilities           developing innovations that deliver efficiencies for
                                                         our customers and support them in reducing their         Under the contract, we maintain over
services for more than 1,000 customers across
                                                         environmental footprint.                                 24,000 social housing properties,
government, education, healthcare, aged care,
                                                                                                                  including maintenance, capital works and
power, oil and gas, industrial and marine sectors,       Proven long-term partner                                 restoration/heritage works.
stadia and venues.
                                                         With 16 Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects        The services are provided to residential
Our workforce is diverse with highly trained teams       across the healthcare, education and leisure sectors,    properties across three regions in New
delivering services across the spectrum: from            we are known for our customer focus, the quality         South Wales – Central Coast, Inner West
frontline soft services in high risk settings to high-   of our service delivery and professionalism of our       Sydney and the Illawarra.
end hospitality in iconic venues, from mechanical        people.
HVAC and construction services for government to
highly complex technical engineering, maintenance,       Government
projects and shutdown services in heavy industry.        We provide property and facilities management
Our technical capability and extensive geographical      services for government departments, agencies and
footprint in this area sets us apart from our            authorities at the federal, state and municipal level.
competitors in delivering shutdown, turnaround,          Our streamlined approach to asset management
outage services and brownfield capital works to          systems works to move maintenance from ‘reactive’
customers around Australia.                              to ‘planned’ spends. This allows our customers to
                                                         better understand the costs of upkeep and extend
                                                         the life of their assets – and significantly lowers
                                                         long-term maintenance costs.

    16    Downer Group
Hospitality                                                excellence, investing in systems and applying
                                                           innovative technologies that provide value for         Royal Adelaide Hospital
Downer provides hospitality services to the aged
care, education, healthcare and stadia sectors             our customers including comprehensive data             The Royal Adelaide Hospital uses
around Australia. With a strong commercial focus           inventory systems and real time location services.     state-of-the-art clinical and support
and specialist experience, we work closely with our        Sustainability is a key feature of asset maintenance   technologies in running one of Australia’s
customers to ensure our solutions fit their food,          with a focus on energy efficient solutions as well     largest and busiest hospitals. Downer
delivery and budget requirements.                          as water conservation and monitoring services for      delivers 15 essential facility management
                                                           grounds and garden maintenance.                        services around the clock at the Royal
We manage iconic stadia and venues across                                                                         Adelaide Hospital and technology plays
Australia and New Zealand, and work to create                                                                     an important role in supporting hospital-
experiences that ensure the comfort and                     Healthy School Lunches program                        wide services that include:
satisfaction of everyone who enjoys our
                                                            Our team provides healthy lunches for
hospitality services.                                                                                                 Online real-time systems to allocate
                                                            26 schools across Tāmaki Makaurau, in
                                                                                                                      the closest, available and skilled staff
Health and Education                                        the Henderson/Massey, Maungakiekie/
                                                                                                                      member upon request
                                                            Tamaki, and Orakei districts in Auckland.
The Health and Education team delivers facility                                                                       Robotic vacuum cleaners and
management services to hospitals, aged care                 We produce and deliver 8,000 lunches per                  automated scrubber for cleaning floors
facilities, primary/secondary/special needs schools,        day. Our menus are inclusive, with specific
                                                                                                                      A highly sophisticated meal
student accommodation and tertiary educational              menus for halal, gluten-free, vegetarian,
                                                                                                                      management system ensuring dietary
facilities in capital cities and regional centres across    and a range of other requirements such
                                                                                                                      requirements are delivered accurately
Australia.                                                  as accommodating specific food allergies,
                                                                                                                      and to best practice standards
                                                            This ensures that no child misses out on
These facility management services include:                                                                           Robotic Automated Guided Vehicles,
                                                            lunch, helping address food insecurity for
catering services, cleaning, portering, patient                                                                       which are used to transport food, linen,
                                                            8,000 students every day.
support, security services, grounds and gardens                                                                       waste and stores throughout
maintenance, car parking, and whole-of-life asset                                                                     the hospital.
management services.
With a 40-year history in these sectors operating
as Spotless, our focus is to deliver operational
                                                                                                                                            Downer Group   17
What we do

    Facilities and
    asset services                                                                                            Photograph courtesy of Santos

Power and Energy                                        Downer and CS Energy Asset
                                                                                                              We provide mechanical services, high and low
Downer is one of Australia’s most experienced asset                                                           voltage electrical, scaffold, rope access, blasting and
                                                        Management Alliance                                   painting for major bulk export seaports and airports,
maintenance providers in the power and energy           In 2019, Downer and CS Energy formed the
sector, delivering services to oil, gas and power                                                             as well as for customers across the chemical
                                                        relationship-focused Asset Management                 manufacturing, industrial manufacturing and mine
generation customers around the country.                Alliance (AMA) to provide overhaul and                operations sectors.
Downer delivers over 130 shutdowns each year,           capital works services at the Callide and
including major and minor shutdowns and forced          Kogan Creek power stations. The AMA                   Our specialised national electrical services team
outages. Our skilled teams also provide specialist      works collaboratively to scope, plan and              delivers electrical manufacturing, construction and
services in pressure welding, scaffolding, turbines,    execute shutdowns across both sites,                  maintenance services including switchboard and
generators and mechanical engineering.                  working together to drive safe, reliable,             substation manufacture.
                                                        cost effective and timely outcomes. The
We provide maintenance and outage services
                                                        Alliance delivered the first joint outage
essential in running Australia’s power stations,                                                               BHP Australia
                                                        program in 2020.
servicing customers that supply 80 per cent of                                                                 Downer has worked with BHP for over 50
the National Electricity Market (NEM), and directly                                                            years, supplying maintenance, shutdown
maintain more than 18 GW of generation for the
                                                       Industrial and Marine                                   services and sustaining capital works to
NEM.                                                                                                           projects across the Western Australian
                                                       Downer has over 50 years’ experience providing
In the oil and gas space, we provide maintenance,                                                              Iron Ore, Nickel West and Olympic Dam
                                                       maintenance, turnaround, shutdown and sustaining
shutdown, turnaround and outage services, and                                                                  assets. We work closely with BHP to plan,
                                                       capital programs for industrial and marine
offer end-to-end asset management services for                                                                 prepare and deliver maintenance events
                                                       operations around Australia.
customers in Coal Seam Gas and Liquefied Natural                                                               and major projects, including the assembly
Gas industry, as well as terminals, refineries and     We operate across the iron ore, minerals and metals,    of an electrostatic precipitator at Olympic
petrochemical plants.                                  bulk materials handling and processing sectors to       Dam in 2017.
                                                       deliver planning, scheduling and execution of major
                                                       mechanical and electrical maintenance programs
                                                       of work.

    18    Downer Group
What we do

       Our other

Minerals processing                                    Non-residential building                            Asset management
Mineral Technologies is a truly global business,       Building projects in New Zealand are                Downer is a leader in asset management across
with operations servicing customers throughout         delivered under our Hawkins brand. Hawkins          Australia and New Zealand with many long-term
the world. The head office, manufacturing and          is New Zealand’s leading construction business,     asset and data intensive projects managed by
full-scale metallurgical test facility is based at     delivering unique transformational projects         our experienced teams. Downer’s Asset and
Queensland’s Gold Coast, with engineering and          across a variety of sectors including education,    Data Management Office (ADMO) promotes
support teams in Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.         health, airports, commercial office buildings and   best practice and continuous improvement in
Worldwide, the business also has operations            heritage restorations.                              asset management and data analytics to improve
in South Africa (Richards Bay), North America          Hawkins leads the industry in civic projects        lifecycle management, reliability and return
(Florida, USA), South America (Belo Horizonte,         including art galleries, event centres, stadiums    on capital, and deliver better outcomes for
Brazil) and India (Kolkata, Kochi and Goa). This       and community facilities. Complex projects, such    our customers.
supports our vision of being the leading global        as the restoration of the earthquake-damaged        We are committed to ensuring our Group business
provider of sustainable, responsible and ethical       Christchurch Town Hall (pictured above, bottom      systems are aligned to ISO 55001 – the global best
mineral separation solutions.                          right), are Hawkins’ specialty.                     practice framework for asset management.
Focused on technological advancement,                                                                      Certifications include: Sunbury water treatment
we provide our customers with innovative and                                                               plant; Sydney Waratah and Waratah Series 2
cost-effective process solutions for a wide range                                                          rollingstock fleet, simulators and rail depot
of fine minerals, including iron ore, mineral sands,                                                       facilities; numerous road network asset
silica sands, coal, chromite, gold, garnet, rare                                                           management systems across New South Wales
earths, tin, tungsten, and tantalum.                                                                       and Victoria; Orange Hospital and associated
                                                                                                           health services; Auckland South Corrections
                                                                                                           facility; Victorian schools education facilities;
                                                                                                           and a Finance industry data centre. Downer
                                                                                                           has also been awarded Australia’s first accredited
                                                                                                           ISO 41001 certification for Facility Management
                                                                                                           for the Southbank Education and Training
                                                                                                           Precinct contract.

                                                                                                                                         Downer Group   19
Our approach

    Zero Harm, health,
    safety and environmental
   Zero Harm is embedded in our culture and is fundamental
   to our future success of delivering on our promise to create
   and sustain our modern environment. We are committed to
   achieving our goal of Zero Harm.

At Downer, Zero Harm means sustaining a work             Achieving Zero Harm requires strong leadership and        systems (ISO 45001) and environmental
environment that supports the health and safety          relentless commitment through:                            management systems (ISO 14001). We also adhere
of our people, and conducting our operations in              Leadership: we understand, listen, set clear          to other third-party standards and guidelines, as well
a manner that is environmentally responsible and                                                                   as customer specific requirements on a project-by-
                                                             expectations, develop and involve our people,
sustainable.                                                                                                       project basis and ensure that we meet all applicable
                                                             actively care, and act with integrity
Our Zero Harm culture is built on leading and                                                                      licence and regulatory conditions.
                                                             Culture: we have an aligned set of values
empowering our people.                                       throughout our organisation that inform and           Our management system is reviewed regularly,
We focus on understanding, controlling and verifying         empower our people. Our people at all levels are      undergoing internal and external audit to ensure that
to effectively manage risks that have the potential to       actively involved and accountable for our Zero        effective controls are maintained and opportunities
cause serious harm to our people, the environment            Harm performance                                      for continuous improvement are identified. We have
or the communities in which we operate. We                                                                         placed a strong governance charter on Zero Harm to
                                                             Systems: our approach is simple, effective,           ensure the strategy and performance is developed,
are committed to rethinking and improving our                robust and consistent across our business
processes, continuously improving our management                                                                   monitored and refined.
systems, applying lessons learnt, and adopting               Hazards: by understanding the hazards and             Our Zero Harm Management Framework, Cardinal
and adapting practices that aim to achieve zero              risks that arise in our operations at all stages of   Rules and Environmental Principles are critical to
work-related injuries and unintentional harm to the          the work, with a priority focus on critical risks     engaging our employees and broader stakeholder
environment.                                                 and activities, hazards are identified, the risk      groups and to meeting our Zero Harm commitments.
                                                             pathways assessed, controlled, monitored, and
Our approach to Zero Harm and associated                     the implementation and effectiveness of these
performance is a market differentiator for Downer            measures confirmed
as it enables us to work safely and environmentally
responsibly in industry sectors where there are              Actions: we learn from our experiences and do
inherent hazardous environments.                             what we say we will do, translating Zero Harm
                                                             theory into good work practices.
We firmly believe that any injury or environmental
                                                         Downer has a Zero Harm management system
incident is unacceptable and preventable. In
                                                         which is certified to the international standards
everything we do, Zero Harm is our top priority.
                                                         for occupational health and safety management

    20    Downer Group
Sustainability                                          (IPCC) assessment of the science related to climate      refined project management processes and
                                                        change. We recognise the opportunities that this         collaborative approach help us deliver services while
Downer is proud of the role we play in creating
                                                        presents, are committed to transitioning to a low        maintaining the primary focus of Zero Harm.
sustainable cities and improving the quality of life
for millions of people.                                 carbon economy, and pride ourselves on developing        For further information, refer to Downer’s
                                                        industry-leading, environmentally sustainable            Sustainability Report and Annual Report which
Our customers trust us to deliver services that will    solutions for our customers.                             include disclosures in response to climate change
have a direct impact on their customers. With our
                                                        In 2019 we set ambitious long-term GHG                   and the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial
services impacting so many lives every day, the
                                                        emissions reduction targets. We committed to the         Disclosure recommendations.
sustainability of our operations is paramount – for
our people, our partners, our shareholders, our         decarbonisation of our absolute Scope 1 and 2
customers and their customers.                          GHG emissions by 45-50 per cent by 2035 from              Sustainability Linked Loan
                                                        a 2018 base year, and to being net zero by the            In December 2020, Downer completed a
At Downer, sustainability means sustainable and         second half of the century. In 2021, we tightened this    new $1.4 billion syndicated sustainability
profitable growth, providing value to our customers,    commitment to being net zero by 2050. Downer              linked loan facility.
delivering our services in a safe and environmentally   remains focused on developing solutions to reduce
responsible manner, helping our people to improve       our energy consumption and greenhouse gas                 The facility is underpinned by KPI
themselves and advancing the communities in             emissions as well as those of our customers, while at     metrics relating to Downer’s greenhouse
which we operate.                                       the same time increasing our cost competitiveness.        gas emissions reductions and social
Sustainability is integrated into Downer’s business                                                               sustainability (being cultural awareness
                                                        Our ability to manage the impacts of our activities
strategy and shaped by our four Pillars: Safety,                                                                  and mental health and wellbeing training
                                                        on the environment and communities in which we
Delivery, Relationships and Thought Leadership.                                                                   of Downer employees) that, if realised,
                                                        operate is fundamental to our ongoing success.
Our commitment to the environment and                                                                             will lead to a reduction in borrowing costs
                                                        We continue to cultivate robust environmental
sustainability are outlined in our Environmental                                                                  under the facility.
                                                        management systems and resource efficiency
Sustainability Policy, which supports Downer’s          programs to sustain the natural and built                 These sustainability KPIs are unique
Purpose to create and sustain the modern                environment for future generations.                       to Downer and reflect our continued
environment by building trusted relationships                                                                     commitment to sustainability performance
with our customers.                                     We recognise that working on critical infrastructure
                                                        is like no other project. This is why our passionate      and investment in our people.
Downer supports the Paris Agreement and accepts         health, safety and environment conscious culture,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
                                                                                                                                            Downer Group    21
Our approach

    Our people                                                                                                 support
  We strive for inclusiveness for our                                                                          Downer is committed to supporting
  diverse workforce of 43,000 people and                                                                       the success of the communities in
  aim to build a flexible work environment                                                                     which we operate, by fostering and
  where our people are fulfilled and                                                                           maintaining enduring relationships
  challenged.                                                                                                  built upon trust.

Downer is a people business. Our people                 viewpoints and critical thinking are what allow our    We have a commitment to open and transparent
make Downer what it is today and what it will be        business to continue to innovate.                      communication and recognise our responsibility to
in the future.                                          Our large government customer base is also             contribute positively to society.
It’s Downer’s people who deliver our services,          fully committed to cultural inclusion, with many of    In addition to providing local employment
build trusted relationships with our customers and      our projects reporting diversity data on a quarterly   opportunities, Downer is focused on making a
enhance Downer’s reputation as industry leaders.        basis to customers for governmental reports.           difference through partnerships, sponsorships,
For us to deliver the best possible outcomes for our    We are committed to empowering our people to           philanthropy and local community donations.
customers and communities, we need a workforce          find innovative, safer and more efficient ways of      Key initiatives supported include:
that is diverse, capable and engaged.                   working and we support their development with
We are committed to investing in our people,            effective and innovative training to help build the    Corporate social responsibility
supporting their wellbeing, and promoting a flexible,   right skills for future success.                           Beyond Blue: Major Partner, to help support
inclusive and diverse work environment where our        We employ, develop and promote people based                the mental health of more people in Australia
people are fulfilled and challenged.                    on merit. Our practices, processes and systems             Wall of Hands: Supporter of the Australian
We aim to improve our people and offer them rich        are developed to empower equitable and fair                Literacy & Numeracy Foundation’s (ALNF)
career development opportunities. We do this by         treatment. We do not tolerate any form of unlawful         annual fundraising initiative since 2013. The
ensuring they have the right skills, are provided       discrimination, harassment or bullying, and our            ALNF works with Indigenous communities and
opportunities to develop new capabilities, and are      employees are trained to recognise and mitigate            is dedicated to raising language, literacy and
surrounded by a healthy workplace culture that is       potential bias towards any employee.                       numeracy standards in Australia
collaborative and supportive.                           We provide competitive remuneration and                    AVEC: Founding Member of Australian
We believe all our people should have the               employee benefits to reward our people for their           Veterans Employers Coalition (AVEC), which
opportunity to thrive and fulfil their potential in     proficiency and dedication to delivering our               connects transitioning service members,
an inclusive and diverse workplace.                     business strategy and sustaining our long-term             job-seeking veterans and their partners with
                                                        success. Our remuneration approach is intended             Australia’s largest community of employers
Our overarching Diversity and Inclusion strategy        to motivate our people to embrace Downer’s
is to foster an inclusive culture. We aim for a                                                                    Workplace Giving Australia: Downer has
                                                        Purpose, Promise and Pillars, while also ensuring
workforce where everybody owns and celebrates                                                                      partnered with Workplace Giving Australia to
                                                        we promote gender pay equity practices.
their differences, because these differences in                                                                    develop a program allowing Downer employees
                                                                                                                   to make regular donations to charity from their
    22    Downer Group
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