Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021

Page created by Christina Long
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely
Vulnerable Children and Young People -

Public Health England 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Welcome to the session!
We are recording this session and are working out the best way to share
it with you.

Slides will be shared in a pdf shortly after the session.

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure this is up to date the
guidance does change so please make sure you check the NHS, Public
Health England and Department for health and Social Care Websites.

The Chat function will open up after the main presentations.

2   Educational settings and COVID-19
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
             for the Session                              Details                                 Delivered by
 Chairs Welcome Introductions Welcome to the Session by the Chair                                   Alison Markwell Senior Designated
      and Housekeeping         What we need to share & how we want to continue the                   Clinical Officer Hammersmith and
                              conversation.                                                         Fulham & Dan Devitt CYP Health &
         18.30 to 18.35       •    Housekeeping                                                    Wellbeing Programme Leader London
                              •    Questions in the chat box                                           Region Public Health England
                              •    What we will and will not be covering today
    Two Vaccine Journeys                                                                            Fazilla Amide - Learning Disability
          18.35 to 45         Parents and Carer reflections on Covid 19 Vaccination                 Family Carer Advisor NHS England
                              Reflections, Personalisation and Informed Consent
                                                                                                   Ros Luff - National Network of Parent
                                                                                                             and Carer Forums
        Main Session              Update 1: PHE (London Region)                                              Dan Devitt PHE
     Updates on Covid 19          Wider Impacts of Covid on CYP with SEND and CEV
   Vaccinations for Clinically     Update 2: CEV Vaccination Update – overview of the advice        Alison Markwell Senior Designated
Extremely Vulnerable Children &   and some details of delivery                                       Clinical Officer Hammersmith and
        Young People               Update 3: Experiences from North West London                                    Fulham
    Panel Discussion/Q &A         Facilitated Dialogue and prompts - Core Questions arising for     Dan Devitt and All panel members
        19.00 to 19.25            vaccination of CEV/SEND CYP, and staff
         Close of session         Thanks for Contributions, Rapid summary of the session and                Alison Markwell
              19.30               next steps                                                        Senior Designated Clinical Officer
                                                                                                       Hammersmith and Fulham

     3       COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Chair’s Welcome and Housekeeping
Welcome to the session!

What we need to share & how we
want to continue the conversation

Parents and Carers are the experts
on their own Children and Young
People – together we can work to
protect and support them

4   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Working with Parents, Carers and CYP –
Equity and Pragmatism
•       Emphasis is on explaining the offer to all Parents,
        Carers and CYP
•       Parents, Carers & CYP have the right to decline
•       Informed consent Balance of equity of the offer
        and personalised assessment of risk/impacts
•       Vaccinations work and continue to work across
        all ranges of needs/complexity
•       The approach/delivery will need to be planned and
        sensitivity for needs built in to the offer
•       Communicate early, communicate often –
        Partnership Approach

    5     COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Chair’s Welcome and Housekeeping
• Format for the session - brief updates and Q& A
• The session is being recorded – we will share a link to this shortly
• Slides will be shared – There are a lot more slides here – mostly covering
  resources – that we wont talk to but you will get them all
• The Covid 19 response changes very quickly and the publication of new
  guidance from the Government or NHS changes quickly too
• We have tried to make the resource completely up to date –16th August
  2021 - but please do make sure you are checking the .Gov or NHS
  websites regularly as changes in policy are introduced and new guidance
  are published

6    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Chair’s Welcome and Housekeeping
What we will and will not be covering today

We are aiming to give you an update on the changes to the Covid 19 vaccination
programme for clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people and
some ideas of how this might look in your local area

We want to ensure that you know that take up of the offer is Voluntary and that
parent and carer informed choice and discussion with your local health providers is
central to the programme

We are starting from the position that the Covid 19 Pandemic is a real and
continuing health emergency and with confidence in the principles, processes
and science behind both the Covid 19 vaccination programme and vaccination
as a positive public health offer - and will not be debating this or related areas

7    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Two Vaccine Journeys
Parents and Carer reflections on Covid 19 Vaccination

     Reflections, Personalisation and Informed Consent

    Fazilla Amide - Learning Disability Family Carer Advisor
                        NHS England

    Ros Luff - National Network of Parent and Carer Forums

8     COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccination for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Children and Young People - Webinar - Public Health England 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On
Children and Young People with SEND
• Report from the PHE London regional team June
• Looks at a wide range of priority areas for London’s
• Aimed to give an early insight into the direct and
  indirect impacts from the pandemic
• Alongside what we know - suggestions for what we
  do about it
• Specific section on CYP with SEND – but
  transferrable lessons across all the areas
                                                                               The Impact of Covid 19 on London’s CYP PHE 2021
  considered – SEND as a “Golden Thread”.
9    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On Children and Young People
with SEND - RCPH Research
Ladhani SN, Amin-Chowdhury Z, Davies HG, et al. COVID-19 in children: analysis of
the first pandemic peak in England. Arch Dis Child. 2020;105(12):1180-1185
• Children represent less than 5% of COVID-19 cases and generally develop
   a mild and transient illness; severe disease, hospitalisation and deaths are
   rare in children.
COVID-19 - research evidence summaries | RCPCH
• Clinically Extremely Vulnerable groups continue to be a concern
• Deaths in children due to COVID-19 have been extremely rare: mortality seems
   to be consistent at around 0.01-0.1%
• Children with co-morbidities, notably respiratory and complex neurodisability,
   appear more likely to suffer complications and need hospital +/- PICU admission,
   but not obviously more than would be expected from infection with other
   respiratory viruses.
• Emerging evidence and research is ongoing on impacts over time

10   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On Children and Young People
with SEND

Why is it Important?

The challenges already faced by children and young people
with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and the
parents and carers who support them have been exacerbated
by the COVID-19 pandemic

A small group of CYP with SEND, specifically those with
complex respiratory and neurological disorders, are clinically
extremely vulnerable and at greater risk of morbidity and
mortality if they contract the virus                                            The Impact of Covid 19 on London’s CYP PHE 2021

11    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On Children and Young People
with SEND
Children with SEND have been disproportionately impacted by the
pandemic. The impacts on CYP and their families include:

Reduced access to healthcare
• Reduced access to services and disruption of healthcare such as
cancellation of routine rehabilitation appointments
• Delays for new equipment such as leg gaiters to enable physical therapy at
Reduced access to support
• Social care failures to respond effectively, such as closure of day centres
and an increased reliance on family and informal carers
• Funding stopped for normal support services without any alternatives
• Support stopped or reduced
• Absence of trusted key worker staff                                           The Impact of Covid 19 on London’s CYP PHE 2021

12    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On CYP with SEND

             Slide by Dr Marilena Korkodilos PHE 2021

13   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 1 Wider Impacts of Covid 19 On CYP with SEND
• CYP with education, health and care plans (EHCPs) had lower levels of attendance in schools than all
pupils in autumn 2020
• Education learning materials for CYP who were learning from home were inaccessible or inappropriate
• Specialist resources and support that are available for CYP with SEND at school cannot be replicated at
• Social aspects of education were affected by the learning at home during lockdown
• Delays to the ECHP process have had a detrimental effect on CYP’s education Inequalities
• CYP with SEND are likely to live in socially disadvantaged households, so are less likely to have internet
access and the ability to use digital materials
Two in five disabled children in the UK live in poverty, around 51,000 CYP in London
• Families with disabled children are more likely be on lower incomes due the difficulty of combining working
and caring
• 17% of families with disabled children go without food
• 21% of families with disabled children go without heating
• CYP with SEND often experience poorer health, social and education outcomes and challenges in terms of
access to social, leisure, employment and training opportunities
 14    COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 2 JCVI Statement on Covid 19
“That includes children aged 12 to 15 with severe neurodisabilities, Down’s syndrome,
immunosuppression and multiple or severe learning disabilities.

The JCVI also recommends that children and young people aged 12 to 17 who live with an
immunosuppressed person should be offered the vaccine. This is to indirectly protect their
immunosuppressed household contacts, who are at higher risk of serious disease from COVID-19
and may not generate a full immune response to vaccination.

Under existing advice, young people aged 16 to 17 with underlying health conditions which put them
at higher risk of serious COVID-19 should have already been offered vaccination.
The JCVI is not currently advising routine vaccination of children outside of these groups, based on
the current evidence.”

JCVI statement on COVID-19 vaccination of children and young people aged 12 to 17 years: 4
August 2021 - GOV.UK (

15   Educational settings and COVID-19
Update 2 Joint Committee on Vaccination
and Immunisation Advice
Children under 16 years of age, even if they are clinically extremely vulnerable, are at low risk of serious illness and
death from COVID-19 and are not routinely recommended for vaccination. However, the JCVI has advised that the
following groups of children should be offered vaccination against COVID-19:

•12- to 15-year-olds with the following health conditions:

      •severe neuro-disabilities
      •Down’s syndrome
      •underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression
      •those with profound and multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities or who are on the
      learning disability register

•12- to 17-year-olds who are healthy, but who live with individuals (adults or children) who are immunosuppressed

All 16- and 17-year-olds who are either clinically extremely vulnerable or have underlying health conditions were
included in Phase One of the vaccine deployment programme and should therefore already have been offered a
COVID-19 vaccine.

The NHS will contact eligible children to invite them for vaccination. If a parent or guardian thinks that their child
is eligible but has not been contacted by the end of August, they should contact their GP.

 16     COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 2 JCVI Statement on Covid 19

JCVI statement on COVID-19
vaccination of children and
young people aged 12 to 17
years: 4 August 2021 -

17   Educational settings and COVID-19
Update 2: CEV Vaccination Update – overview of the advice and
some details of delivery
Who can get a coronavirus                                Visit : Who can get the coronavirus (COVID-
(COVID-19) vaccine?                                      19) vaccine - NHS (

                                                         If your child is eligible for vaccination,
•    Some children aged 12                               you'll be contacted by a local NHS service
     to 15                                               such as their GP surgery to arrange their
•    If you're aged 16 or 17                             appointments. See

•    ALL People aged 18                                  How you will be contacted for your
     and over – they can                                 coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS
     book their                                          (

18   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 2: CEV Vaccination Update – overview of the advice and
some details of delivery
JCVI advises that children and young people
aged 12 years and over who are household
contacts of persons (adults or children) who are
immunosuppressed should be offered COVID-
19 vaccination on the understanding that the
main benefits from vaccination are related to
the potential for indirect protection of their
household contact who is immunosuppressed.

JCVI statement on COVID-19 vaccination of
children and young people aged 12 to 17 years: 15
July 2021 - GOV.UK (
                                                                          COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a -
                                                                          GOV.UK (

19   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Update 2: CEV Vaccination Update – Overview
Children aged 12 to 15 can get vaccinated against COVID-19 if
• they live with someone who is more likely to get infections
    (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is
    having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid                                       If your child is eligible for
    arthritis)                                                                                      vaccination, you'll be
• they have a condition that means they're at high risk from                                        contacted by a local NHS
    COVID-19                                                                                        service such as their GP
                                                                                                    surgery to arrange their
Conditions that mean your child may be at high risk and can get
vaccinated are:
• a severe problem with the brain or nerves, such as cerebral palsy
                                                                                                    The NHS will contact eligible
• Down's syndrome severe or multiple learning disabilities (or
                                                                                                    children to invite them for
  they're on the learning disability register)
                                                                                                    vaccination. If a parent or
• a condition that means they're more likely to get infections (such
                                                                                                    guardian thinks that their child
  as some genetic conditions or types of cancer)
                                                                                                    is eligible but has not been
See Visit : Who can get the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine - NHS (                       contacted by the end of
                                                                                                    August, they should contact
also Guidance on protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 - GOV.UK
(                                                                                        their GP.

20      COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Clinical Extremely Vulnerable Groups
Which Children are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable?

COVID-19 - guidance on clinically extremely vulnerable
children and young people RCPCH: Royal College of
Paediatrics and Child Health Report

COVID-19 - guidance on clinically extremely vulnerable
children and young people | RCPCH

 21   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid 19 Vaccine Side Effects
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines side effects and safety
Millions of people have had a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine and the safety of the vaccines continues to be monitored.
Reports of serious side effects are very rare.

Common side effects
Like all medicines, the COVID-19 vaccines can cause side effects, but not everyone gets them. Most side effects are mild
and should not last longer than a week, such as:
• a sore arm from the injection
• feeling tired
• a headache
• feeling achy
• feeling or being sick

You may also get a high temperature or feel hot or shivery 1 or 2 days after your vaccination. You can take painkillers such
as paracetamol if you need to. If your symptoms get worse or you're worried, call 111.
If you have a high temperature that lasts longer than 2 days, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of
smell or taste, you may have COVID-19. Stay at home and get a test.
You cannot catch COVID-19 from the vaccine, but you may have caught it just before or after your vaccination.

See Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines side effects and safety - NHS (
 22     Educational settings and COVID-19
Experiences from North West London

• Overview of the CEV roll out in
  North West London

• This is specific to NWL – Please
  see Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  vaccination - NHS (

                                                         Coronavirus (COVID-19) -
                                                         NHS (
 23   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Covid vaccinations for CYP in
 Hammersmith and Fulham

           16th August 2021
The Hammersmith and Fulham approach

       • NWL CYP Covid Vaccination Task & Finish group established as one of the specialist
         working groups reporting to the NWL Vaccination Board
       • Eight borough-based Task and Finish groups to ensure delivery model reflects local needs
         and landscape
       • Multi-agency involvement including:
              Director of Public Health
              Senior DCO
              Asst Director SEND
              Special School Heads
              Parent Carer Forum
              Disabled Children’s and Short Breaks teams
              Children’s Community Nursing and School Nursing services
              Commissioners, Community Aid Network and Communications
              Primary Care
              LA Covid lead and vaccination centre

The Hammersmith & Fulham approach
        Key Area            Activity

        Governance          Multi-agency tasks and finish group reports to NWL CYP Covid Vaccinations group

        Identification of   Used a range of means to identify eligible CYP:
                            •   Short breaks and social care caseloads, Special school pupil lists, Children’s Community
                                Nursing and School Nursing teams
                            •   GPs to undertake searches of clinical system, particularly for immunosuppressant
                            •   Offer extended to 16-19 yr olds who have not been vaccinated and accompanying
                                family members/carers

        Venue               •      Disabled Children’s Resource Centre for initial sessions during school holidays. Assurance and oversight from mass
                                   vaccination centre
                            •      Special schools once term begins.
                            •      Access to the vaccination bus if required
                            •      Roving team for housebound/specific circumstances

        Staffing            •      Registered health professionals who are experienced vaccinators and have completed Level 2 Safeguarding and
                                   Paediatric Basic Life Support.
                            •      Staff from the short breaks service, OTs, Social Workers and EPs on site to support with waiting and recovery areas and

The Hammersmith and Fulham Approach

       Key Area               Activity

       Booking                •      Booking via Eventbrite to manage flow
                              •      Free taxi or SEN transport available via H&F CAN if required

       Communication          •      Letter from Direct of Public Health emailed and posted to parents along with PHE leaflet and information about
                                     tonight’s webinar
                              •      Consent questions provided in advance
                              •      Phone calls from named staff to discuss letter, answer any questions and support with booking if required
                              •      Script/FAQ developed for staff for use during calls
                              •      DPH is recording a video for the Local Offer and Eventbrite site

       Support for            •      Skilled staff to support on the day
       individual young       •      Activities for the recovery area
       people                 •      Individual desensitisation work if required once schools return following training by Adult LD team

       Sharing the learning   •      Learning from the first vaccination events will inform further sessions and arrangements for second doses
       & learning from        •      Resources and learning shared via NWL CYP vaccination group
       others                 •      Learning from best practice elsewhere

Coronavirus Vaccines in London – Local
Area                                Weblink
North Central London                COVID-19 vaccinations in North Central London - North Central
                                    London CCG
North East London                   COVID-19 Vaccination programme | North East London Health &
                                    Care Partnership (
North West London                   The NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme :: North West
                                    London Clinical Commissioning Groups (
South East London                   COVID-19 vaccine - South East London CCG
South West London                   COVID-19 vaccination - South West London CCG
NHS England National                Book or manage your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS
System                              (

28     COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Thank You –

Discussion - Questions and
The Chat is open – we have received
some queries already…


29   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
Next Steps
Thank you for coming along today

We are working out the best way to share the recording with you.

Slides will be shared in a pdf shortly after the session.

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure this is up to date the
guidance does change so please make sure you check the NHS, Public
Health England and Department for health and Social Care Websites.

If you want a copy of the slides please email

30   COVID-19 Vaccination for CEV Children and Young People 16th August 2021
You can also read