Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...

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Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
Course Schedule
Building & Beyond
 A guide to course building & scheduling
Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...

Christie Roberts                Adrianna Zuniga

      You can find us at

Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
                       ◦ Align is the place to be if you are interested in reviewing an upcoming
                           class schedule and comparing your currently planned courses and seats
                           with course recommendations.
               BANNER PRODUCTION
                       ◦      To build sections & add restrictions


                       ◦      Fall and Spring Template & Summer Template
  They Do                      ◦      Regular 3 hr. lecture classes MUST follow the
                                      standard time block schedule
                               ◦      Any course not meeting in standard time blocks will
                                      be reviewed by the University Registrar and
                                      scheduled in the 2nd round of scheduling
               ARGOS REPORTS

                       ◦      To check that you did work as you intended
                       ◦      To confirm that section pre-requisites and restrictions
                              match the catalog
Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
◦   August 18-October 3: Course schedule building
              ◦   October 3 at 5:00 pm: Hands off course schedules,
                  deadline for data entry and edits for Spring 2022.
              ◦   October 4-5: Room Optimization for courses that need
Spring 2022   ◦   October 6: Room shopping begins for Spring 2022
 Timeline     ◦   October 18: Spring 2022 Schedules go live on SAIL
              ◦   October 31: Final review of schedules, all edits to
                  Instructional Method must be completed prior to
              ◦   November 1: SAIL registration opens
                  for Spring 2022 (including mini-terms)

Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
Course Creation!
Spring is not rolling over and you are creating from
Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...

Course Building Form
Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
1.   Term Box: Enter Semester Code
2.   CRN Box: Enter ADD
3.   GO: Select GO box

Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
1.   Enter SUBJECT and COURSE NUMBER, this will prepopulate the
          2.   Enter Subject Code for Course.

                                      SECTION CODE
SSASECT               ◦   Lectures -“0”          ◦   Honors -“H”
                      ◦   Labs -“1”              ◦   Blended-“B”
Fields                ◦   Computer -“2”          ◦   Math Galveston
                      ◦   Online -“W”
                                                 ◦   NCBO’s –“N”

                    Campus: M= Main & R=Rellis

Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
Status                              Integration Partner

                   ◦   A= Active              ◦     Always “IOL”

                   ◦   X=Canceled             ◦     Enables courses to Blackboard

                                                  Instructional Method
                   ◦   C= Closed
          Schedule Type                                  ◦    CAUTION! This controls
                                                              course fees
                   ◦   LEC= Lectures
SSASECT            ◦   LAB= Lab
Fields             ◦   RCT= Recitation

                   ◦   Instructional Method

Course Schedule Building & Beyond - A guide to course building & scheduling - Texas A&M University ...
◦   B – Blended; 50 – 84% online •        F – Face---to---face/ no web--
                ◦   C – 25 – 49% online                   -enhancements I – Fully online /
                    D – 1---24% online/ face---to--
Instructional   ◦
                                                          85% --- 100% online IV – two--

Method          ◦   E – eline, CONHS
                                                          -way interactive video

                ◦   CC – Off---campus, local, no      •   OS – Outside of Corpus Christi
                    campus access                         Area

Grade Mode                                Special Approval

          ◦   Always G-gradeable unless listed in   ◦   Skip for now
              the catalog as credit/no credit.      Part of Term
                                                    ◦   Refer to standard time block
          ◦   Code dependent on standard time           sheet
              block sheet


Be sure that “session” & “part of term” MATCH. This ties into
    SO MUCH such as financial aid, grades, and reporting!

Credit Hours
SSASECT   ◦   Enter Credit and Billing Hours
Fields    ◦   Must MATCH

Attendance Method           Check boxes in lower right

          ◦   Face to Face            ◦    “Print”- prints the section in the Semester
          ◦   Internet
                                      ◦    “Voice Response/Self Service” allows SAIL
          ◦   Hybrid/Blended Course        viewing & registration.

                                      ◦    “Gradable”- produces grades sheets

                                              ◦    Uncheck for zero credit labs where
                                                   course grade is given in lecture

SSASECT                                            courses

                                              ◦    If not checked, the course will not
Fields                                             show up on the degree planner.

                                              ◦    MAJOR implications if checked and
                                                   shouldn’t be.

                                          Hit Save to Create                             14
                                               the CRN
Section    ◦   Enter the “maximum” amount of students that can
 Enrollment       register for the class.

•   Use your keyboard Tab key to pull over the start and
                     end dates.
                 •   Check the days of the week that the class will be
Meeting Time         taught
and Instructor   •
                     Enter Start and End Times
                     Tab key get the dates to come over but leave fields
                     for building, and rooms blank for

Hybrid-Blended Courses

1.   Navigate to meeting times and instructor
2.   Tab over to populate dates and select the days and time the faculty will need a room.
3.   Select Insert and follow step 2 and select day and time the faculty will NOT need a room.

   If a department has a hybrid/blended course and only meeting ONE meeting in person day a
 week, the faculty must choose which day class will be held. Our office will schedule ONLY one day.
                               Must let our office know which day.

•   Enter professors A number • Enter % of responsibility and %
                 into the "ID" box OR enter   of session
                                            • If not cross listed with other
Adding an        name.                        sections, it will be 100%
Instructor        •   Tab and instructor will • If cross listed, divide 100% by
                                                the number cross list sections
             •   If you cannot assign an
                 Instructor please contact
                 Wendy Benderman.

•Special Approvals
                   •Departmental or Instructor permission
Adding             •Must be JR or SR, for example
Registration   •Pre-requisites
Controls &
                   •Course “A” must be completed before
Comments           registering for course “B”
                  •Un-programmable pre-requisites, or

Special Approvals
    • Use only when absolutely necessary
•    Process requires that the student know
                                               Place your screenshot here
     who to see, be able to find them, the
     “permitter” must be available, and that
     person must grant permissions in
     Banner, before the course becomes
     available to the student.
•    .

                  ◦   Enter Student ID, Semester code and click GO
                  ◦   Choose a Permit (click on the 3 dots to search for a permit)

                       ◦    Enter CRN that is approved

                       ◦    Enter the subject and course Number (meaning any section
                            is approved.
                  ◦   This is done at the student level. Must enter it for each course
                      permitting into.
College and Major Restrictions

                                                      Freshman= 0-29 hrs.           Junior= 60-89 hrs.

                                                      Sophomore= 30-59 hrs.         Senior= 90+ hrs., but no degree

                           Banner counts grade history hours PLUS hours in progress to
                                            determine classification.

•   In this example, the combinations of restrictions means that the course is NOT open to Freshman or
•   The best way to do this is to INCLUDE the levels that are allowed to register and leave everything else blank

    Pre-requisites and Restrictions
MUST be printed in the University Catalog


In this example, the student will need to have taken
           BIOL 1406 with a ”C” or better
           o One comment per line. Use this sparingly
             and only for essential things because it
             prints in the schedule and, when overused,
             clutters up the page.
           o This appears on the Notes section when
             registering but not shown on transcript
             when printed.
•   Lecture Lab Credit
 Zero Credit &    •   Variable credit
Variable Credit
                  •   Creating sections that do not have
                      specified meeting days & times
                  •   Creating transcript titles.

◦   In this example is a variable topic independent study course
Variable Credit       from 1 to 3 hours.
                  ◦   This particular section will be 3 hours, so credit, billing,
                      contact hours all MUST be re-set to 3
                       ◦    If you DO NOT get this right, it will mess up student
                            transcripts, student fees and bills and faculty workload
                            calculations! Major implications if not matching.
No Scheduled
Class Meetings   ◦ Whenever you create a class with no scheduled
                    class meetings (i.e. an independent study
                    section), you MUST set hours per week to zero.
                 ◦ If you forget to do this, Banner will not let you
                    assign an Instructor to the section
                                               •   Enter the default catalog title
                                                   just as it appears in the
                                                   ”COURSE TITLE”
Long Title     NEVER edit Section Title. It
                                               •   Add a colon and, in mixed case,
             creates transcript entry errors
             and causes conflicts with state       add the sub-title.
                                               •   This is EXACTLY what will
                                                   appear in the class schedule
                                                   and on the student’s transcript,
                                                   so be sure it is spelled correctly.
                                               •   Don’t forget to save- bottom
                                                   right hand corner and return to
Way To Go!
 You now know how to create a free-standing course section in
Banner with permissions, restrictions, pre-requisites, comments,
              variable topics and variable credit.

Creating Section Linkages
                   • Linked: Lecture-Laboratory or
                     Lecture- Recitation with same
                     course number
                   • Cross-Listed: Students can
Creating Section     enroll for same course under
Linkages             different prefixes
                   • Stacked: Sections at different
                     levels taught together as a

oTo ensure that student enrolls in
                  the LEC section of a course and
                  also register for one of several
                  connected LAB sections.
LEC/LAB Links:
                 oAll sections in the connected
what does         group MUST have the same
that mean?        prefix and course number (but
                  different section numbers): BIOL
                  1308.001 & BIOL 1308.101

◦   BIOL 1308.001 LEC [AA]àLink Identifier on SSASECTà
                 Link to SSADETL to partner

                 ◦    BIOL 1308.101 LAB [BB] àLink Identifier on
                      SSASECTà Link to SSADETL to partner

                 ◦    BIOL 1308.102 LAB [BB]

Conceptual       ◦    BIOL 1308.103 LAB [BB]

 Summary     ◦   BIOL 1308.002 LEC [CC]àLink Identifier on SSASECTà
                 Link to SSADETL to partner
                 ◦    BIOL 1308.104 LAB [DD] àLink Identifier on
                      SSASECTà Link to SSADETL to partner
                 ◦    Biol 1308.105 LAB [DD]
                 ◦    Biol 1308.106 LAB [DD]
Step By Step to Linking

     Step 1: In the lecture section,
    enter the Link Identifier, “AA” in
              this example.

Step By Step to Linking

    Step 2- SSADETL-Enter the “link
 connector” code of the lab sections you
      will be connecting to, SAVE

Step By Step to Linking

            Step 3- SSASECT: open
             the Lab section and
              enter the “BB” link
               identifier. SAVE.

Step By Step to Linking

            Step 4- To Connect the LAB back to the Lecture,
            enter the “AA” link identifier. SAVE.
                Repeat this same procedure with all lab
                         sections in this group

Cross-Listed Sections
                        • Students can register for the same course at the same
                          time, in the same place, with the same instructor, using
                          different prefixes
                             • SOCI 2326 Social Sociology
                             • PSYC 2326 Social Psychology
 Cross-Listed &                          Stacked Sections
Stacked Sections       • Course sections at different levels taught as combined
                         classes by the same faculty member at identical days and
                       • Most commonly, either a 4000- level section combined with
                         a 5000-level section meeting together.

                   •   Required for Coordinating Board reporting.
                   •   Faculty instructional workload reporting to work correctly.
                   •   Classroom Assignments
                  • Enter Term and select the three dots to
Cross list code     run a query so you can identify which
                    codes have already been used.

                  •   Enter the term in which you are building the
                      course for and select ”GO”

Finding an
available cross
list code         ◦ The query will show you all the codes that have
                     been used as well as the courses they connect.
                  ◦ Scroll up and down to find the next code. You can
                     also go to the end of the list.

AA                      BA                     CA
                      AB                      BB                     CB
                      AC                      BC                     CC
Conceptual            AD                      BD                     CD
                      AZ                       BZ             And so on…
             ◦   The query will show you all the codes that have been used as well
                 as the courses they connect.
             ◦   Scroll up and down to find the next code. You can also go to the
                 end of the list.
◦ SSAXLST- Enter term, the cross list and select GO
Enter the cross
                  ◦ Enter maximum enrollment: this will be the
list Code
                     combined enrollment for both of the course
                  ◦ Enter the CRNs of the course and press save.

◦   A corequisite means a course or other requirement that a
                    student must take at the same time as another course or
Co-Requisites       requirement
                ◦   Must be in the catalog and co-req at the catalog level and then
                    at the section level.
                ◦   SSADETL- enter term and CRN of the first course.
                ◦   In the Co-Req box enter the CRN of the one you want to
                ◦   Repeat steps for 2nd course.
Copy CRN

1.                            Change section number to 0 and save.

2.    Select copy CRN and GO.

     Enter CRN you are copying
3.   and select process default.

              Don’t forget to to re-number the sections and SAVE!    44
Cancelling a CRN

                       • Go to the Meeting Dates tab, Delete, Save

                       • Tab to the Instructor field, Delete, Save
                       • Go to Course Section Information tab and change the A
                         (active) to X (cancel) in the Status field. SAVE! The inactive
                         CRN can be used again for the same course, if needed.

Extra                                          Deleting a CRN
                 • The difference between Deleting a class and Inactivating a class, is that once
                   it's deleted, you cannot retrieve it again.

                 • There are many times when this is good to do.
                      • You may have added the wrong class altogether or in the wrong term
                         and want it gone for good.
                      • If this is the case, go to the Course Section Information Tab and click on
                         the Delete button.
                            You will get a warning and then Save.
    All data must be removed before you can cancel & delete the CRN.                           45
Course Changes After
                          Registration begins
        • Moving Students into different Sections OR

Extra   • Making changes to instructional method or days & times
            1. Notify Students of changing of sections via email. If
               instructional method is being changes, notify students of

               increased fee. If you are changing to an online only course
               there will be a fee increase as well.
            2. Send roster to registrar’s office with information of NEW

            3. Once the Registrar’s office has completed the moves, we will
               notify the department.
                                      ADD A CLASS**

Extra   Communities
Extra    Programs
         The what, when, why and how!

               Grouped together in blocks labeled A, AP, B, EN, US, V, etc.
           ◦   LC section #’s tend to be in the higher range, such as .030-.999
           ◦   University College team enters lecture faculty names in Banner. Departments
               are responsible for adding lab instructor names.
           ◦   Lastly, actions can be linked together in multiple ways! Any minor changes
               done to one section can have a domino affect across the LC schedule!
           If you see a section number that does not make sense to you, please do not delete
                                                 it! : )
         You can check on the Banner
               schedule online!
       Select “All Subjects” and “Learning
Logging In   ◦
             ◦ Select “Login to Argos”
                ◦ Enter your AD username and
Navigating to
the right report

Report: Class

                ◦ Used to review course creation
                ◦ Easy way to see if course has all the
                  details it needs                        53
Report: Class
                ◦ What published schedule will look like.
                ◦ Verify to see what students will see and the
                  “notes” and “comments”.
Sections at
the Same
Time          ◦ This report can show you where you
                  are missing a cross-listed coding.
Ad Astra
Classroom Scheduling & Course Data
Course Building & Room
Scheduling Timeline


•   Preferences with varying weights: MUST BE
                   •   Building Preferences
Preferences        •   Proximity to labs
                   •   Professors needs (instructional and physical)
                        •   Computer Labs can be requested on the
                            preference set


•   Align is the perfect place to review the upcoming class
                      schedule and compare what you are currently planning and
                      the seats with the recommendations.
                  •   Recommendations for departmental the course offerings for
Align-                the given term. You can get some details about the course
                      analysis and section details to make those data driven
Predictive Data       decisions.
                  •   All department chairs have access. If you would like access,
                      please send email to to request an

Course Data-

               •   Set up quick filters for all departments and shared with department chairs.
               •   Drill down by course and can pull exactly which students have that course
                   next in their pathway.
•   Monitor is a registration tracking platform that daily

Monitor-           updates enrollment to allow for continued analysis and
                   decision making in relation to the upcoming term course
Registration       schedule.

Tracking       •   All department chairs have access. If you would like access,
                   please send email to to request an


               •   Keep an eye on registrations for key courses before the start
                   of the term
               •   Can take a deeper look into courses to learn more and start
                   conversations with people inside the app and keep tabs on
                   it with the “notify me”.                                        64
•   All rooms that are funded by the University
                    Technology Council will be run through the optimizer
                    which includes Classrooms and most Computer
                •   Import courses from Banner, scheduled in Ad Astra,
                    then pushed back to Banner
The Optimizer   •   Preferences are used to find the best utilizations for
                •   Progressive Optimizations

                     •   Strict parameters
                          •    Eight Runs- start at 100% seat fill-
                               Decreasing 5% each run.

Selecting a
Room for a

              Select the Academics tab and then Select Sections
Selecting a
Room for a

              Select the Term in which you are course building
Selecting a
Room for a

              Select the course you want to select a room for.
Selecting a
Room for a

              Select the house to view rooms available.

Selecting a
Room for a

              •   Make sure you select Classroom under the room type and select done.

                   •     Select Search when complete.
              •   Find available room and select and click OK to save.
                                              Helpful Tip!
              •   To view unavailable rooms unselect the show only available mtg.
                  patterns.                                                             70
1. How to Create Course Sections in Banner (this
                   2. Checklist for Class Section Scheduling
                   3. Instructional Space Scheduling Guidelines
Helpful Handouts   4. Summer/Fall/Spring Standard Time block Schedule
                   5. Non-Standard Time Block Schedule Exception Form
                   6. Classrooms and Computer Capacities
                   7. Course Designations for Instructional Method

                   Any questions?
Christie Roberts                 Adrianna Zuniga

        Contact us at
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
   Office of the University Registrar
   Classroom Scheduling Checklist

When preparing the class schedule for your department(s), please
review the questions listed below. The schedule will be monitored
            during the schedule and until registration:
 1. Am I using standard meeting times and adhering to the distribution

   a. Use the Standard Class Meeting Time Schedule. The Class Schedule
      Distribution Rules are listed on the schedule along with the meeting times.
      There are also related Argos reports to check on your status
   b. If a non-standard meeting time if wanting to be offered, make sure to
      submit a non-standard time exemption form.

 2. Do I have cross-listed or stacked courses?

    a. Courses to be cross-listed or stacked must be of equal credit value. You
       cannot cross-list a course that is 3 credits with a course that is 4 credits. A
       cross-listed course must have the same instructor at the same day/time in
       the same room. Courses need to be cross-listed in Banner before rooms
       are assigned.

   b. Faculty workload is highly affected by cross-listed and stacked courses.
      Please remember to divide the percent responsibility (100) and percent of
      session (100) by number of courses in the cross-list group.

 3. Am I over or under estimating the maximum enrollment?

    a. Historical and projected enrollment reports from Ad Astra's Align should be
       utilized to enter most accurate the maximum enrollment for a particular
       course section.

 4. Did I select the correct instructional method?

    a. All instructional methods must be correct prior to opening of registration.
       Instructional method types affect student distance education fees and
       cannot be changed once there is enrollment in the course.

                       We are happy to help!
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi
                                Office of the University Registrar
                           Instructional Space Scheduling Guidelines

Through the stewardship of computer labs, classrooms and academic spaces, we can ensure
success of the university at many levels. The Office of the Registrar pursues the optimal use of
computer lab and classroom resources. Increased demand for computer lab and classroom,
changes to teaching methods, and faculty preferences result in the need to adhere to our standard
time blocks to maximize our utilization of campus facilities and academic spaces. This allows us
to minimize the number of unused half hours and is instrumental in accommodating room
switches. Because technology changes at lightning speed, attempting to provide guidelines for
using specific technological tools may prove less valuable than spending the same time
providing guidelines on using technology in general.

The intent of this space policy is to provide a systematic approach for evaluating space
acquisition based on current and projected space utilization needs and assessments.

   A. Factors to be considered in assigning space are as follows:
         a. The interest of the University as a whole.
         b. The suitability of the space and the possible future uses with anticipated or
             ongoing construction, renovation, and planning of major space reallocations.
         c. The costs incurred by granting the space and who will bear them.
         d. The effects on people who must be relocated if the space request is granted.
         e. Best interest of the units strategic plan.

Space Utilization Efficiency Score (SUE)
The SUE score consists of three variables that are calculated for both Classrooms and Labs,
which are those that have a room type of 110 and 210 respectively, totaling 6 parts of the overall
score. All physical facilities belong to the University and are assigned to a college, academic
unit or department. Current users or occupants of the facilities do not own the space but may
have control as delegated by Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi. A particular college,
department or school assigned to space operated by the University is subject to change. A space
request must be submitted to the Space Management Committee before any change of use or
modification to the space is performed.

If a room is coded as a room type of 110 (classroom) and most of the 210s (lab), it is centrally
scheduled and upkeep for those rooms are funded by the University Technology Council (UTC).
Currently there are 69 rooms that meet these needs. If a room is not scheduled by the Registrar’s
Office, it is not funded by the UTC and the department is responsible for the technology upkeep
of that room. Currently there are 123 rooms that meet these needs.

Rules to be Designated as a University Technology Council (UTC) Funded Classroom/Lab
1. Classroom/Labs must not be locked while the building is open for student use.
2. Classroom/Labs must not be designated for a particular college or class which may deny any
student to use it.
3. Classroom/Lab must be able to be scheduled by any College or Department for normal

                                        Updated 8/27/21
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi
                                Office of the University Registrar
                           Instructional Space Scheduling Guidelines

scheduled courses or ad hoc purposes.
4. Only Technology/Software used centrally by all disciplines will be maintained and funded.

Instructional Rooms
Instructional rooms that are “owned” and maintained by departments can schedule their
department courses and have approval as to what is scheduled in the space. It should be noted
that these rooms will not be scheduled by the Registrar’s office unless directed by the department
and the technology will not be maintained by Information Technology(IT). IT will make
assessments on repairs, consult on new purchases and will respond to basic maintenance calls.
These rooms will be coded accordingly depending on the use.

Computer Labs
Computer labs that are “owned” and maintained by departments can schedule their department
courses and have approval as to what is scheduled in there. It should be noted that these rooms
will not be scheduled by the Registrar’s office unless directed by the department and the
technology will not be maintained by Information Technology. These rooms will be coded
accordingly depending on the use. If a room is departmentally owned and the department is
wanting to be funded by the UTC then a space request must be submitted to the Space
Management Committee before any change of use or modification to the space is performed. If
approved, the Registrar’s Office will take ownership and the room will be funded by the UTC. If
funded then the computer labs must be centrally scheduled and will be scheduled in the same
process as classrooms are scheduled.

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for assigning classrooms. These classrooms are
expected to meet the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s THECB fill requirement,
which, along with other measures utilization and demand of all classrooms and class laboratories
on campus and is a factor in funding for capital projects and/or renovations. Classrooms and
class laboratories are required to be at least 65% (classrooms) and 75% (computer labs) of the
room’s capacity. Initial scheduling priority is given to classes that follow the standard course
meeting times.

   •   Room and resource assignments will be scheduled for active classes with a capacity greater
       than zero. To optimize, classroom space, the Office of the Registrar will match as closely
       as possible capacities of classrooms to the maximum enrollment cap stated by the
       requesting department.
   •   Prior to the first day of classes, the Office of the Registrar may reassign classrooms for
       courses with low enrollment.
   •   As soon as possible and no later than Census Day, Departments should notify the Office
       of the Registrar of classes to be cancelled to enable classroom reassignments and automatic
       drops for enrolled students.
   •   Room and resource assignments will be scheduled for active class with a capacity greater
       than zero. To optimize assignments will be scheduled for active classes with a capacity
       greater than zero. To optimize classroom space use, the Registrar’s Office Scheduling

                                        Updated 8/27/21
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi
                                 Office of the University Registrar
                            Instructional Space Scheduling Guidelines

       Department will match as closely as possible capacities of classrooms to the maximum
       enrollment cap stated by the requesting department.

Standard Time Blocks
Standard Time Blocks are built to adhere to the instructional contact hour requirements as set forth
by the Texas Education Coordinating Board and Department of Education. Our distribution rules
allow scheduling policies to remain consistent and equitable across departments and Colleges,
while maintaining flexibility. They also maintain an equitable distribution amongst time blocks
which are not consistently used and can prevent “bottlenecks” within the time blocks that are used
most frequently.

       A. Overlapping multiple standard time blocks on a given day will prevent other courses
          from being scheduled in that same room prior to and after the course.
       B. Scheduling conflicts for students, which will result in the inability to take the required
          courses as prescribed by their degree plan and thus preventing them from progressing
          towards their degree.

Each semester the Office of the University Registrar will provide departments with an up to date
standard course meeting times matrix. The listing can be found at: Initial scheduling priority is given to
classes that follow the standard course meeting times.

The following reports, which apply to all colleges are designed to maximize utilization as well as
to schedule classroom space in a transparent, consistent, and equitable manner. Classroom
scheduling is a dynamic process requires periodic reevaluation of class size, equipment, and
software specifications, as well as student demand. These reports are disseminated to
departments during the scheduling process to assist with making data driven decisions.

   A. All regular on-campus three/four credit hour lecture, seminar, or recitation courses must
      meet in the standard time blocks.
   B. At least 20% of three/four credit undergraduate lecture classes in each college must be
      scheduled in MWF time blocks (this excludes nursing courses).
   C. At least 10% of three/four credit hour undergraduate lecture classes in each college must
      be scheduled to begin BEFORE 9:30 am. (this excludes nursing courses).
   D. Faculty teaching courses on same, day, time, room. (Stacked/Cross-listed courses)
   E. Building/ Room Utilization Report- shows courses that are not filling at least 65% of a

Non-Compliance Consequences
The standard time blocks and distribution rules were created to maintain adherence to state
requirements for instructional meeting times and maintain equitable distribution within academic
spaces across the University. Non-compliance with our University policies will result in the

                                         Updated 8/27/21
Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi
                            Office of the University Registrar
                       Instructional Space Scheduling Guidelines

A. A bottleneck of courses scheduled for prime times with a limited amount of academic
   space. Core Curriculum courses will have first priority. Others that do not get scheduled
   will have to change meeting times and/or days.
B. Courses outside of standard time blocks will be given lowest priority for room assignments.
C. Students will be limited on course scheduling options due to time conflicts and unable to
   progress towards their degree.
D. A lowered SUE score is a factor in funding for capital projects and/or renovations.
E. Courses not funded by the UTC will not be maintained and students and faculty will be in
   sub-par instructional space.

                                    Updated 8/27/21
                                                           1. All regular on-campus three credit hour lecture or seminar courses MUST meet in standard time blocks
                                                           2. At least 20% of three credit hour undergraduate lecture classes in each college MUST be scheduled in MWF time blocks
                                                           3. At least 10% of three credit hour undergraduate lecture classes in each college MUST be scheduled to begin BEFORE 9:30 am
                                                           ~Laboratory, studio, clinical and other courses with extended class hours should be scheduled to minimize conflicts with standard time blocks
                                                           ~Extended time period courses like labs and studios should be scheduled to begin at one of the standard start times
                                                           ~Labs and studios scheduled for "2 contact hour meetings" will meet for 1 hr and 50 min to allow students transition time between classes
                                                           ~Labs and studios scheduled for "3 contact hour meetings" will meet for 2 hrs and 50 min to allow students transition time between classes

                  Monday                            Tuesday                        Wednesday                           Thursday                        Friday                            Saturday
  8:00       MWF 8:00-8:50                        TR 8:00-9:15                    MWF 8:00-8:50                       TR 8:00-9:15                  MWF 8:00-8:50
  8:30          (0800-0850)                        (0800-0915)                       (0800-0850)                       (0800-0915)                     (0800-0850)
  9:00       MWF 9:00-9:50                                                        MWF 9:00-9:50                                                     MWF 9:00-9:50                     S 9:00-11:30
  9:30          (0900-0950)                      TR 9:30-10:45                       (0900-0950)                     TR 9:30-10:45                     (0900-0950)                      (0900-1130)
 10:00      MWF 10:00-10:50                        (0930-1045)                   MWF 10:00-10:50                       (0930-1045)                 MWF 10:00-10:50
 10:30          (1000-1050)                                                          (1000-1050)                                                       (1000-1050)
 11:00      MWF 11:00-11:50                      TR 11:00-12:15                  MWF 11:00-11:50                     TR 11:00-12:15                MWF 11:00-11:50
 11:30          (1100-1150)                        (1100-1215)                       (1100-1150)                       (1100-1215)                     (1100-1150)
 12:00      MWF 12:00-12:50                                                      MWF 12:00-12:50                                                   MWF 12:00-12:50                    S 12:00-2:30
 12:30          (1200-1250)                      TR 12:30-1:45                       (1200-1250)                     TR 12:30-1:45                     (1200-1250)                      (1200-1430)
  1:00        MWF 1:00-1:50                        (1230-1345)                    MWF 1:00-1:50                        (1230-1345)                  MWF 1:00-1:50
  1:30          (1300-1350)                                                          (1300-1350)                                                       (1300-1350)
  2:00        MW 2:00-3:15                        TR 2:00-3:15                     MW 2:00-3:15                       TR 2:00-3:15                     F 2:00-4:30
  2:30          (1400-1515)                        (1400-1515)                       (1400-1515)                       (1400-1515)                     (1400-1630)
  3:30 MW 3:30-4:45                        TR 3:30-4:45                   MW 3:30-4:45                        TR 3:30-4:45
  4:00  (1530-1645)                         (1530-1645)                     (1530-1645)                         (1530-1645)
  4:30                  M 4:20-6:50                        T 4:20-6:50                       W 4:20-6:50                       R 4:20-6:50
  5:00                   (1620-1850)                        (1620-1850)                       (1620-1850)                       (1620-1850)
  5:30 MW 5:30-6:45                        TR 5:30-6:45                   MW 5:30-6:45                        TR 5:30-6:45
  6:00  (1730-1845)                         (1730-1845)                     (1730-1845)                         (1730-1845)
  7:00 MW 7:00-8:15     M 7:00-9:30        TR 7:00-8:15 T 7:00-9:30       MW 7:00-8:15       W 7:00-9:30      TR 7:00-8:15 R 7:00-9:30
  7:30  (1900-2015)      (1900-2130)        (1900-2015)     (1900-2130)     (1900-2015)       (1900-2130)       (1900-2015)     (1900-2130)
                                                                                                                           FALL                                          SPRING
Goals:                                                                                                      15-Week Course, Part of Term "FAL"             15-Week Course, Part of Term "SPR"
(1) Minimize schedule conflicts for students                                                                1st 7-Week Course, Part of Term "S"            1st 7-Week Course, Part of Term "S"
(2) Maximize classroom availability                                                                         2nd 7-Week Course, Part of Term "T"            2nd 7-Week Course, Part of Term "T"
(3) Provide a variety of class time formats to accommodate different instructional strategies and styles
(4) Facilitate creation of conflict-free final exam schedule
                                                             Summer Term I (201806)                                                            Summer Term II (201807)
                                                        "Session" = A ("Part of Term" = SUM)                                              "Session" = G ("Part of Term" = 1)
                                                        20 class meetings over 5 weeks MTWR                                              20 class meetings over 5 weeks MTWR
                                                                      8:00-9:55                                                                       8:00-9:55
                                                                      (0800-0955)                                                                     (0800-0955)
                                                                   MTWR 10:00-11:55                                                               MTWR 10:00-11:55
                                                                      (1000-1155)                                                                     (1000-1155)
                                                                   MTWR 12:00-1:55                                                                 MTWR 12:00-1:55
                                                                      (1200-1355)                                                                     (1200-1355)
                                                                    MTWR 2:00-3:55                                                                 MTWR 2:00-3:55
                                                                      (1400-1555)                                                                     (1400-1555)
                                                                    MTWR 4:00-5:55                                                                 MTWR 4:00-5:55
                                                                      (1600-1755)                                                                     (1600-1755)
                                                                     MW 6:00-9:45                                                                   MW 6:00-9:45
                                                                      (1800-2145)                                                                     (1800-2145)
                                                                     TR 6:00-9:45                                                                    TR 6:00-9:45
           Maymester                                                  (1800-2145)                                                                     (1800-2145)
"Session" = B ("Part of Term" = MAY)   "Session" = C ("Part of Term" = S11)   "Session" = D ("Part of Term" = S12)   "Session" = H ("Part of Term" = S2H)    "Session" = I ("Part of Term" = S2I)
   10 class meetings over 2.5 wks         10 class meetings over 2.5 wks        10 class meetings over 2.5 wks         10 class meetings over 2.5 wks          10 class meetings over 2.5 wks
          MTWR 8:00-11:45                        MTWR 8:00-11:45                       MTWR 8:00-11:45                        MTWR 8:00-11:45                         MTWR 8:00-11:45
            (0800-1145)                            (0800-1145)                            (0800-1145)                            (0800-1145)                             (0800-1145)
         MTWR 12:00-3:45                        MTWR 12:00-3:45                        MTWR 12:00-3:45                        MTWR 12:00-3:45                        MTWR 12:00-3:45
            (1200-1545)                            (1200-1545)                            (1200-1545)                            (1200-1545)                             (1200-1545)
         MTWR 6:00-9:45                         MTWR 6:00-9:45                         MTWR 6:00-9:45                         MTWR 6:00-9:45                          MTWR 6:00-9:45
            (1800-2145)                            (1800-2145)                            (1800-2145)                            (1800-2145)                             (1800-2145)
                                                                                                  "Session" = F "Part of Term" = SC
                                                                                                              10 weeks

                                                                 NOTE: In Summer, final exams to be given on last scheduled day of classes.
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
          Office of the University Registrar
          Instructions for Requesting an Exception to the Standard
          Meeting Time Blocks

Complete the form listing the department and name of the person submitting the exception.
Include the class as it is currently listed along with the new meeting pattern (days, times)
being requested.

Please include the following information:

   •   How the class currently exists and what changes you would like to make:
       Include this information in the table provided on the form.

   •   Impact on student schedules: Will your requested time prevent them from taking
       another class immediately preceding or following your class? Are there many
       undergraduate students outside of your department who have required classes
       around that same time? Is your non-standard time during “Prime time?” Are there
       students currently enrolled in the class (and if so, have they been consulted about
       the change?)

   •   Impact of space utilization in room class will be held in: Will the class be held
       in departmental or general space? If in general academic space, does the non-
       standard time overlap into multiple standard time blocks, thus preventing a class
       to be scheduled in that same room prior or after your class? Will the non-standard
       time open up any other space that was previously being used?

   •   Circumstances that require this exception: Please provide justification for why
       this class cannot meet at a standard time. Personal reasons (i.e. the instructor likes
       it better; it works better) are not justifiable reasons.

To have this exception reviewed, the form on page two must be completed and signed by
the department chair. Originals are to be sent to the University Registrar’s Office. Any other
applicable information may be submitted on department letterhead and attached to the

*Please note: If approved, this exception will only be granted for the requested term.
The University Registrar and Associate University Registrar will review the impact of
the exception and the standard time blocks before this exception will be renewed.
An exception MUST be submitted for each requested term.
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
           Office of the University Registrar
           Instructions for Requesting an Exception to the Standard
           Meeting Time Blocks

To: Missy A. Chapa, University Registrar, SSC 104

Department/Name Requesting:

Dept. Chair Signature: __________________________________________________Date:
Term: _________________________________Course:

                                       Days                   Times                       Room

  Current Mtg. Pattern

  Requested Mtg. Pattern
  What is the impact on student schedules?

  What is the impact to space utilization?

What are the circumstances that require an exception?

For Registrar Office Use Only

 Approved by: __________________________________________________            Date: ____________

For Provost Office Use Only

 Approved: ______________________ Date: ____________ Comments:
Classrooms & Computer Lab Capacities
   Stadium Seating        Movable Tables/Chairs                   Chair Desks
CS 103               34   BH 202                    22   CS 108                     32
OCNR 130             40   OCNR 255                  22   CS 112                     34
OCNR 131             44   BH 127                    24   CS 114                     38
OCNR 132             44   BH 201                    24   CS 111                     40
CI 122               51   ECDC 219A                 25   CS 115                     52
EN 107            53      ECDC 219B                 25   OCNR 118                   55
CI 106            55      ECDC 219C                 25
CI 102            56      BH 128                    26
CI 109            56      OCNR 222                  29
CI 112            56      IH 158                    32
EN 108            56      OCNR 258                  32       •     Classrooms – Types of Seating
                                                                       o Stadium Seating
BH 206            58      OCNR 133                  36
                                                                       o Movable Tables/Chairs
BH 207            61      IH 157                    38
                                                                       o Chair Desks
BH 205            63      IH 156                    40
                                                             •     Computer Labs- Type of
CI 126            64      IH 268                    40
OCNR 259          64      BH 126                    46                 o Mac
CI 108            65      IH 163                    62                 o PC
CI 107            66      IH 162                    70
OCNR 116          66      IH 164                    70
OCNR 117          66      IH 267                    76
CI 127            67
CI 128            67                Computer Labs
CS 101            74
EN 101            95                    Mac
OCNR 115          95      COMPUTER
BH 104           102      LAB                 CAPACITY
OCNR 145         116      CCH 209                   20
EN 106           118      CCH 206                   25
EN 104           128
IH 160           150
CI 138           232
BH 103           256      COMPUTER
CI 113           264      LAB                 CAPACITY
                          CCH 207                   27
                          CCH 208                   27
                          CI 222                    30
                          CI 223                    30
                          CCH 210                   48
                          CCH 204                   49
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
          Office of the University Registrar
          Course Designation for Instructional Method

Start Date: In effect for Fall 2013; courses must be updated.
Rationale: To collect appropriate fees, to accurately describe what we are offering students, to
more easily track and account for our courses, and to comply with state and federal laws related to
the offering of on--‐line and other distance education courses, the university needs to provide each
course with an Instructional Method designation.
Designations in short. The drop--‐down menu includes 17 choices. Our courses should be
designated as one of those listed below. Do not use a designation that is not on this list.

B – Blended; 50 – 84% online                           F – Face--‐to--‐face/ no web--‐enhancements
C – 25 – 49% online                                    I – Fully online / 85% --‐ 100% online
D – 1--‐24% online/ face--‐to--‐face                   IV – two--‐way interactive video
E – eline, CONHS                                       OS – Outside of Corpus Christi Area
CC – Off--‐campus, local, no campus access

Do not use B1, B2, CS, ME, NT, T1, TR, V1, VT

Definitions of some of the proposed designations for “Instructional Method:”
• B --‐ blended courses, where 50 to 84% of instruction is offered online.
   A 3--‐SCH course that meets once a week in half of a traditional T--‐Th or M--‐W time slot, but
          contains sufficient online instruction to be equivalent in content and learning outcomes to a
          traditional T--‐Th or M--‐W 3--‐SCH course.
   A 3--‐SCH course that meets for 3 hours every other week for fifteen weeks, but has equivalent
          content and learning outcomes to a traditional 3--‐SCH course and with web--‐based learning
          activities and assignments.
   A course that meets on dispersed weekends spread across a semester with contact hours of
          slightly fewer than 50% of the traditional contact hours, but with web--‐based learning
          activities and assignments.
   B courses will be coded “6” for Hybrid/Blended courses on SSASECT-- Attendance Method.
• C --‐ 25% to 49% of instruction is online in lieu of traditional contact hours. Activities done outside
   class time that would have been done during class time if technologies weren’t in place would
   qualify the course as a C.
   Redesign of a traditional MWF course so that it only meets two days a week.
   Quizzes and tests are conducted online outside of class.
   Assignments and activities are conducted using online tools outside of class.
The code of “C” will be used on SSASECT-- Instructional Method as “1” for Face to Face on
SSASECT-- Attendance Method.
• D - ‐ Courses that are 1--‐24% online and use web--‐based material as supplements (web--‐enhanced
   courses), but that still meet for a traditional number of contact hours.
• E – eline courses offered by CONHS
• F – Courses in which students meet for a traditional number of contact hours and do not have
   any web--‐enhancements.
• I --‐ at least 85% of the instruction is offered online. A course offered entirely online. A course with
   one or two organized meetings during the semester, but otherwise entirely online. I courses will be
   coded “2” for Internet on SSASECT-- Attendance Method.
Checklist for Determining Appropriate Course Designation

The designation applies if one of the check boxes is checked for a course.

D - ‐ courses that are 1--‐24% online and use web--‐based material as supplements (web--‐enhanced
       courses), but that still meet for a traditional number of contact hours.
       o syllabus online.
       o grades on Bb
       o use chat
       o use Bb email
       o use discussion forums

C --‐ 25% to 49% of instruction is online in lieu of traditional contact hours. Activities done outside
     class time that would have been done during class time if technologies weren’t in place would
     qualify the course as a C.
     o redesign of a traditional MWF course so that it only meets two days a week.
     o quizzes and tests are conducted online outside of class.
     o most assignments and activities are conducted using online tools outside of class.

B --‐ blended courses, where 50 to 84% of instruction is offered online.
      o 3--‐SCH course that meets once a week in half of a traditional T--‐Th or M--‐W time slot, but
           contains sufficient online instruction to be equivalent in content and learning outcomes to a
           traditional T--‐Th or M--‐W 3--‐SCH course.
      o 3--‐SCH course that meets for 3 hours every other week for fifteen weeks, but has equivalent
           content and learning outcomes to a traditional 3--‐SCH course and with web--‐based learning
           activities and assignments.
      o course that meets on dispersed weekends spread across a semester with contact hours of
           slightly fewer than 50% of the traditional contact hours, but with web--‐based learning
           activities and assignments.

I --‐ at least 85% of the instruction is offered online.
       o entirely online.
       o one or two organized meetings during the semester, but otherwise entirely online.
       o as many as 8 hours of face--‐to--‐face meetings
Texas A&M University-Corpus
                 Christi Office of the University
 Ad Astra Scheduling Preferences
                                                                                                          Date Submitted:
Department Name:

Contact Name:                                                              Contact Email:

Subject(s) and/or Course#:[i.e.COMM 1311, All MEDA}:

Meeting Type [i.e.LEC, LAB, RCT, PRA]:

Room Type [i.e.classroom or PENS Lab]*:

Features[i.e. room with moveable chairs]:


Instructor Preference (if a particular instructor needs a particular for medical or pedogiclal reason):

Exclude from rooms [do not place in CS or ECDC OR do not put in CS 103]:


     •    All of our Math subject courses,regardless of meeting type, or instructor, are required to be in Classroom: subject: MATH, meeting type:
          ANY, room type: Classroom, Building: ANY
     •    All of our Biology subject labs, regardless of instructor, are required to be in LCSI Labs: subject: BIOL, meeting type: Lab, room type: LSCI
     •    All of our KINA subject courses, with a LAB of meeting type, are required to be in the region (group) of KINE: Subject: KINE, Meeting Type:
     •    All of our MUEN subject, regardless of meeting type, or instructor, are preferred to be in rooms CA 228, 140 and 229: Subject: MUEN, room
          type: Classroom-Music, Notes; CA 228, 140, 229
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