Page created by Daniel Evans
In 2018 Nelson Mandela would have celebrated his hundredth birthday. To
honour his centenary we are encouraged to live up to his legacy, embody his
values and reflect his compassion – in every one of our actions. At Peermont we
strive to live up to this example when our properties invest, volunteer and assist
in local communities who need our support.

In 2017 our Corporate Social Investment and Responsibility mission was to ensure
long-term sustainable development which empowers local businesses, learners,
students, and community structures to grow in the future. We advocated the
tools to develop skills, foster growth and provide solid educational foundations
in order to enact proactive and genuine change in those communities.

It’s not always about the Rand amount, but how the funds are used - and
during the last year we donated more than R39 million to deserving projects
and initiatives, to ensure they can grow successfully and become sustainable
in the future. Where the last year saw many businesses cut back on spend, we
continued to invest time, resources and funds to empowering the pioneers of
today to grow the leaders, entrepreneurs and game changers of tomorrow.

Thank you to all our trustees, administrative staff, volunteers and the Peermont
team for their dedication and time to making a difference in the lives of those
who really need it.

Nigel Atherton
Group Chief Executive Officer
“There can be no
greater gift than
that of giving one’s
time and energy to
helping others without
expecting anything in
Nelson Mandela
Our Philosophy
Corporate social investment is not merely writing cheques. To make a meaningful
difference and to ensure genuine change, it requires winning partnerships that
assist with community development, empower educational and entrepreneurial
growth, and improve the odds of a better tomorrow.

At Peermont we have gone all in to making a significant contribution towards
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) and sustainable
community development. Through targeted financial assistance, skills training
and leadership support from our various Peermont Trusts and other Corporate
Social Investment and Responsibility initiatives, we have invested in a series of
projects falling within our three CSI pillars:

Education and Youth Development
           Entrepreneurial Development
                     Community Infrastructure

We are proud to be South Africa’s gaming industry leader in corporate social
and responsibility investment and pledge to ensure business profitability, whilst
fulfilling our obligation to improve the wellbeing of the communities in which
each of our 12 properties operate.
In 2017 Peermont (namely the Peermont Trusts and CSI Funds) invested a total
of R39,4 million to various corporate social investment projects.

                                                                R15,7 million
                                                                was funded by
                                                                donations from
                                                                the Peermont
                                             R15,7 million      Group

R23,7 million         R23,7 million
was generated
from investment

                              EKURHULENI PEERMONT            EKURHULENI PEERMONT

Peermont Children’s Trust (PCT)
The PCT provides social, educational and emotional upliftment to children in
disadvantaged areas of Ekurhuleni, primarily through financial support for their
education and holistic growth and development.

The PCT sponsors 7 after-school care programmes
established at primary school level, and has reached
over 630 disadvantaged children who are mostly
orphans, from 22 different primary schools.
In 2017 a total of R2 million was spent on
food, school uniforms, career advice and
providing a safe and secure environment
to do homework. The PCT works
in conjunction with the Departments
of Social Development and Education.

In collaboration with Star Schools,
learners from Grades 10 to 12 were
given extra lessons to help specifically
with their Mathematics, Science
and English classes. To date over
2 700 learners have benefited from
this project and a total of R1,4 million
was invested in 2017.
Peermont Education Trust (PET)
The PET sponsors disadvantaged learners to study a variety of university courses,
achieving an incredible 85% graduation rate and finding employment in big-
name firms at a placement rate of 99%. Over R3,8 million was allocated to the
project in 2017 and 120 graduates completed programmes with 24 students
on full scholarships.

Through the Lesedi Programme the PET sponsored 2 learners on a Hotel Management
qualification through the University of Johannesburg, which will give them a better
chance of meaningful employment.

Nigel Atherton (Peermont CEO), Jenny Findlay (PET Administrator) and Tshidi Madima (Trustee)
with the 2017 graduates
Frontier Inn
The Frontier Inn Dihlabeng Community Trust continued its bursary support in
2017 allocating approximately R280 000 to 7 students furthering their tertiary

The Trust also continued the support of local schools and community centres:
Bambanani Educare Centre received a Wendy House to the value of
R23 000. They also donated rent, raincoats, umbrellas, office supplies, school
stationery, study materials, tennis racquets, soccer balls and bicycles to the
value of R15 000.

Bopang Lerato Day Care Centre
was donated a Wendy house and
perimeter fencing to the value of
R93 000.

Pholokehong Day Care had electricity
installed, as well as carpeting and
foam mattresses to the value of
R40 000.                               Supporting Pholokehong Day Care Centre

730 sets of gloves, 105 blankets and 50 Frontier Inn shirts were donated to
Motshepuwa School in Bohlokong, Bethlehem. A total of R11 500 was spent on
this project with money raised from golf days.
Tshepang Educare Centre was assisted with R128 000 in equipment, including a
shaded area for the children to play under, sandpit, DVD player, stationery and
uniforms for the staff. The Utopia Primary Farm School received a Wendy House
as well as all educational accessories to the value of R20 000.

Hoodisang Bana Daycare Centre was donated a Wendy House to the value of
R43 000.

The Southern Highveld Community Development Trust (SHCDT) invested
approximately R3,5 million on bursaries, learnerships and career days.

A total of 18 students received full
university scholarships, 2 candidates
participated in an electrical learnership
programme, and 15 candidates were
sponsored with their stipends as they
worked as interns.

The 2017 Go Getters Programme Grant Robinson (Peermont Group Financial
benefited 440 high school learners, Director and Trustee), JP Mlangeni (Trustee),
                                        Nontuthuzelo Thwala (KI Twala representative),
with 220 primary school learners Willem van Rooyen (General Manager of
attending the Career Dress-Up Day. Graceland
                                                  and Trustee) and Tshidi Madima

The initiative focuses on assisting
young people discover their personal career paths.
R1,5 million was donated to build a school hall at the KI Twala Secondary School
in Embalenhle. The hall will also benefit the eMbalenhle Community as a whole.

Marietjie School, a school for learners with special educational needs, received
food items which they used to generate income for the annual school Spring
Market. Also 20 second hand TV’s were donated for use in the classrooms.
Over R100 000 was raised for the school from a
Golf Day and Spring Market.

A Charity Golf Day was hosted to
assist the Basizeni School and
funds were used to upgrade the
school’s facilities to the value
of R1 400.
The Khoroni Community Education Trust assisted the Tshilwavhusiku Special
School with R100 000 to complete their classroom building project.

During the Malamulele and Vhuwani demarcation boycott extra maths classes,
meals and study materials to the value of R13 000 were given to the affected

Khoroni       proudly   sponsored
participants in the International
Special Olympics, by providing
them with accommodation and
meals to the value of R7 700. One
of the learners did our country
proud and obtained a gold medal
at the event.
                                    Khoroni employees at Tshilwavhusiku Special School

R2 300 was donated to the Mvudi Education Circuit to honour the hardworking
teachers during their annual Mvudi Excellence Awards.

The Fulufhelo Special School in Thohoyandou was upgraded with lockers and
paint work to the value of R15 800.
Mmabatho Palms
Bursaries to the value of R75 000 were
provided to assist students from the
local community.

Funds for stationery and uniforms
for underprivileged children in the
community were supplied to the value
of R60 000.

The Ngaka Modiri Molema Chess                Local children receive a helping hand
Association received R13 000 worth of
t-shirts to encourage youth participation.

In 2017, 10 bursaries to the value of
R200 000 were awarded to students
studying in the Institute of Hotel
Management, and 20 bursaries
to the value of R400 000
awarded to students studying
at the North West University
Thaba Moshate
Student bursaries were awarded to
students from within the Vhembe Region
to the value of R83 500.

Kgakanyane     Orphanage      received
R3 900 to support orphans and children
whose parents are in prison. They were
given food, schooling as well as other
daily needs.                               Kgakanyane Orphanage receive a helping hand

Masethankga Crèche was donated R16 000 to improve on the healthy living
conditions of the crèche.

Human Progress Management
received R46 600 to assist with
value-added educational services
such as psychometric assessments,
career guidance, and teaching
learning receptiveness skills to
learners in Umhlatuze in the North
Coast district of Kwa-Zulu Natal.    Supporting local schools in Umhlatuze
The Zikulise Community Upliftment Project’s Skills Training Centre received
R3 000 per month to offer skills training to unemployed individuals with the
focus on community upliftment and job creation.

The Sinalo Cerebral Palsy Centre received R5 000 per month to tend to the
needs of children with cerebral palsy around Uthungulu district.

R4 000 a month was donated to Thuthukani Special School to assist with a
feeding scheme.

The Grand Palm
A new computer lab was donated to
Nkoyaphiri Primary School, which
included 10 desktop computers,
a printer and networking
equipment to the value
of P100 000.

P20 500 was donated to
Ithuteng Primary School Special
Needs Department. The funds
were raised through a Wedding
Expo held in March 2017.
Umodzi Park, Malawi

                      Ngwenya Primary school received 4 500 exercise
                         books, trash bins, wheelbarrows, shovels
                            and other assorted items to the value of
                               K2.6 million (R52 000). The school
                                  has about 4 200 students with a
                                      student/teacher ratio of 1:100.
Peermont Chambers of Commerce Trust

Since 2008, EPCoCT has given out in excess of R24 million in grants to
57 companies and assisted over 1 200 individuals through job creation and

During 2017 two new projects were
supported with grants: IAF Brands
and Ekasi Konexion Community
Radio Station.
Thusanang Care Group were
supported with funds for a start-up
restaurant to the value of R79 500.

Sidney Farm (Masechaba Project)
was assisted with rent and wages
for the managing farmer to the
value of R66 000. This project, in
conjunction with other contributors,
supports approximately 2 000
people in the Bethlehem region
with fresh vegetables.

Seth’s Car Wash was supported the
value of R5 800.

Mulalo’s Design, a dress making
start-up business, was donated
R15 000 worth of fabric.
Rootz Day Spa was assisted with an interest free loan
repayable over five years and free premises rental for the
duration of the project to the value of R66 000.

Equipment, a long term loan, payments of services
rendered and free office rental were provided
to Sombane Cleaning Services to the value of
R30 000.

Dumisane Car Wash was provided equipment, a
long term loan, payments for services rendered and
free rental and utilities to the value of R73 500.

Thunder Valley Go-Kart Track received
sponsorship of the track, free premises
rental, assistance in drawing up a
business plan, a ticket office plus
providing seating for spectators
to the value of R94 700.

Bongani Vending machines
were provided free rental and
supplies to the value of R24 000.
Mmabatho Palms
K&B Health and Fitness Zone was donated 220 trophies and t-shirts to promote
health and fitness awareness to the value of R14 300.

Local entrepreneurial
businesses were supported,
including Trio Go-Kart track
to the value of R332 000,
Mzi’s Car Wash to the value
of R11 000, and Hothouse
Gardens to the value of
R169 000

Thaba Moshate
Praktiseer Agricultural Cooperative was supported with R43 900 to assist in
growing the crops with a view to produce fresh vegetables and to support the
local community.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s
chains, but to live in a way that respects and
enhances the freedom of others.”
Nelson Mandela
Emperors Palace Public Infrastructure Fund and
Community Development Fund

These funds are to fulfill the resort’s bid commitment requirements of
the Gauteng Gambling Board. In the current year, these two funds spent
R6,7 million to improve local infrastructure and to support crime prevention and
other initiatives in the surrounding communities.

Peermont Community
Benefit Trust (PCBT)

The PCBT encompasses
four initiatives:

• The Grade R Programme
• The Lesedi Programme
• Peermont Hotel School
• Mandela Day Programme
The objective of the Grade R Programme is to create a stimulating teaching and
learning environment that will enable a greater number of learners to perform
better throughout their schooling years. This increases the number of learners
eligible to select Mathematics and Science in Grade 10. In 2017 the programme
assisted 280 children across 8 classes.

                                The Lesedi Programme offers sponsorship for
                                    trades or similar qualifications to deserving
                                       young people from Ekurhuleni. In 2017,
                                         32 learners were sponsored to study
                                            electrical, plumbing, carpentry and
                                              air conditioning maintenance.
The Peermont Hotel School (PHS) is a world-class institution dedicated to hospitality
training and development. Learners from the Ekurhuleni region spend two months
training at the school and two months at Emperors Palace
working alongside the hotels’ world-class staff.
“Many of these learners come from challenging
backgrounds and poor communities, and
the opportunity to get a foot in the
door of a rewarding career is hard to
come by,” says Tshidi Madima, PCBT
Chairperson. The course teaches
learners valuable skills in a relevant
working environment thus providing
vital practical experience along
with a Skills Proficiency Certificate
from City and Guilds . In 2017,
375 beneficiaries were sponsored
to attend the Hotel School.

The objective of the Mandela Day
Programme is to supply deserving
township schools with multi-media
centres where effective learning,
reading and research can be done. In
2017 the PCBT sponsored a library at
Ntsikana Primary in Daveyton which benefitted
over 1 000 learners.
Frontier Inn
The Frontier Inn Dihlabeng Community Trust supported the following
community centres:

Bophelong Community Centre
received assistance with building
refurbishment, foam mattresses
and educational toys to the value of
R22 000.

Salileni Centre for mentally disabled
adults received operational and
educational equipment to the value
                                        Ikemeleng Multipurpose Centre gets cooking
of R12 000.

On Mandela Day soup and food was taken to various current projects, including
Tshepang Educare Trust for children with various disabilities and Pholokehong
Day Care in Bohlokong.

Ikemeleng Multipurpose Centre received equipment to the value of over
R15 000, including a gas stove, cooking utensils, sports equipment and ongoing
nutritional groceries over the year.
City Boyz FC were sponsored with
equipment, transportation, soccer kits
and meals for their away games to the
value of R30 000.

Youth from the eMbalenhle Community
were supported through Golf lessons to
the value of R16 500. The programme
helps the children learn and understand
                                          City Boyz FC gets kitted
the game of golf and the rules.

The Kristopher Ryan Centre was visited on Mandela Day where the
team painted a classroom, involved the kids, parents
and teachers in fun games and enjoyed lunch with
them to the value of R10 700.

CANSA Secunda was assisted with free
green fees and food on their golf day
to the value of R12 900. CANSA
generated funds to the value of
R37 000 for the day.
Mmabatho Palms
To care for the homeless the MMB Knitting
Marathon helped provide warm scarves
and beanies to the value of R5 000.

On Mandela Day the Oratile Semunza
Disability Centre in Makhubung Village
was cleaned, laundry and general repairs
were done, a new bath tub was installed, Maintenance Supervisor, Tebogo Mokai, with
and a corrugated iron storeroom erected. Oratile Semunza Disability Centre students
Old patio furniture and linen was also donated. A total of R22 800 was spent
on this project.

Thaba Moshate
To support local soccer tournaments and
identify future talent, the Mandashoek
Soccer Tournament was supported with
a donation of R23 500.

On Mandela Day the Masethankga
community crèche had 3 classrooms,
2 offices and the bathrooms painted.

Blankets were donated to a local orphanage and time was spent with the children.
The Imbumba Foundation supported Caring4Girls with R5 000 to provide
puberty and menstrual hygiene training to underprivileged girls and support
them with the monthly supply sanitary towels.

LifeLine Zululand was donated R2 000 per month to allow community members
to have access to a 24-hour telephonic service that can assist them to address
psychological and social needs.

R1 200 was donated to Stop Bullying,
an initiative to help students, parents,
educators and local businesses to
combat bullying, a problem not
confined to the school grounds.

On Mandela Day the Sinalo
Cerebral Palsy Centre in
Empangeni was assisted
with consumables and linen
valued at R15 000. A full
spring-cleaning of their newly
occupied property was also
Peermont Group Community Contribution Summary

In 2017, the Peermont initiatives contributed in excess of R39,4 million to
projects that fall within the identified three CSI pillars, as well as initiatives that
have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate. These include
projects that support education, sports, arts, culture, wellness, entrepreneurship
and crime prevention. The total spend for the trusts also include administrative
costs necessary to support these operations.

      “Action without vision
      is only passing time,
      vision without action is
      merely day dreaming,
      but vision with action
      can change the world.”
      Nelson Mandela
Actual CSI spend funded by Peermont trusts and initiatives
PCBT                                                  R 11 587 000
Emperors Palace Public Infrastructure Fund             R 5 104 000
PCT – Emperors Palace                                  R 4 989 000
PET – Emperors Palace                                  R 4 185 000
EPCoCT – Emperors Palace                               R 3 219 000
Emperors Palace Community Development Fund             R 1 617 000
Emperors Palace CSI projects                            R 250 000
SHCDT – Graceland                                      R 4 739 000
Graceland CSI projects                                  R 514 000
Rio CSI projects                                       R 1 327 000
FIDCT – Frontier                                        R 646 000
Frontier CSI projects                                    R 41 000
Umfolozi CSI projects                                   R 318 000
Khoroni CSI projects                                    R 206 000
PTCT – Thaba Moshate                                    R 191 000
Mmabatho Palms CSI projects                             R 259 000
Peermont Global Botswana CSI projects                   R 196 000
                                                      R39 390 000

Funding of actual CSI spend
Peermont group donations (see breakdown below)       R 15 672 000
Investment income                                    R 23 718 000
                                                     R39 390 000
Donations made by the Peermont group

Emperors Palace donations                     R 12 128 000
Emperors Palace Public Infrastructure Fund        R 5 939 000
Emperors Palace Community Development Fund        R 2 969 000
PCT – Emperors Palace                             R 1 485 000
PET – Emperors Palace                             R 1 485 000
Other donations                                    R 250 000

Rest of South African group donations          R 3 348 000
Rio                                               R 1 327 000
Graceland                                          R 514 000
Graceland – SHCDT                                   R 60 000
Frontier – FIDCT                                   R 323 000
Frontier                                            R 41 000
Umfolozi                                           R 318 000
Mmabatho Palms                                     R 259 000
Thaba Moshate – PTCT                                R 250 000
Khoroni                                             R 206 000
Khoroni – KCET                                       R 50 000

Peermont Global Botswana CSI projects            R 196 000

Total donations (South Africa and Botswana)   R 15 672 000
Peermont Hotels, Casinos and Resorts

                                              Malawi             SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                 Emperors Palace Hotel Casino Convention and
                                                                 Entertainment Resort (Johannesburg)
                                                                 Graceland Hotel Casino and Country Club (Secunda)
                                                                 Umfolozi Hotel Casino Convention Resort (Empangeni)
                                ZIMBABWE                         Frontier Inn and Casino (Bethlehem)
 Botswana                                 7         MOZAMBIQUE   Rio Hotel Casino and Convention Resort (Klerksdorp)
                                                                 Mmabatho Palms Hotel Casino and Convention Resort
         9 10                         8                          (Mahikeng)

                                                                 Khoroni Hotel Casino and Convention Resort
          6                                                      (Thohoyandou)
  NORTH WEST           1                      SWAZI-
                5                              LAND
                                                                 Thaba Moshate Hotel Casino and Convention Resort
         FREE STATE     4                       3
                                                                 The Grand Palm Hotel Casino and Convention Resort

South Africa                                                     Peermont Mondior Hotel (Gaborone)
                                                                 Peermont Metcourt Hotel and Sedibeng Casino

                                                                 Umodzi Park Hotels Conventions Events (Lilongwe)
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