Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate

Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
GSA Connects 2021 Presidential Address, p. 12

                                   VOL. 32, NO. 2 | FEBRUARY 2022

Continental Magmatism and Uplift
  as the Primary Driver for First-
 Order Oceanic 87Sr/ 86Sr Variability
with Implications for Global Climate
   and Atmospheric Oxygenation
Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
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Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate

                                                                    4 		Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the
                                                                         Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic
                                                                           Sr/ 86Sr Variability with Implications for
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Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the
                         Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic
                           Sr/ 86Sr Variability with Implications for
                         Global Climate and Atmospheric Oxygenation
Timothy Paulsen, Dept. of Geology, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901, USA,;
Chad Deering, Dept. of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan
49931, USA; Jakub Sliwinski, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092,
Switzerland; Snehamoy Chatterjee, Dept. of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University,
Houghton, Michigan 49931, USA; and Olivier Bachman, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, ETH
Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland

ABSTRACT                                           1983). According to standard models, conti-      subsequently risen in association with the
   Oceans cover 70% of Earth’s surface, set-       nental crust is primarily formed by fluid        differentiation of the crust, with rapid
ting it apart from the other terrestrial planets   flux melting in the mantle wedge above           increases during two principal intervals in
in the solar system, but the mechanisms driv-      subducting hydrated oceanic plates as they       the Precambrian, namely in the Paleo-
ing oceanic chemical evolution through time        are recycled into the mantle. This is then       proterozoic and Neoproterozoic (Shields
remain an important unresolved problem.            followed by fractional crystallization of        and Veizer, 2002) (Fig. 1A). Identifying
Imbalance in the strontium cycle, intro-           mantle-derived magmas and/or partial             potential drivers for these shifts in marine
duced, for example, by increases in conti-         melting of preexisting crustal lithologies       87
                                                                                                      Sr/86Sr ratios during the Precambrian is of
nental weathering associated with mountain         (Hawkesworth and Kemp, 2006; Moyen et            widespread interest because of possible
building, has been inferred from shifts in         al., 2021). Collectively, these “distillation”   links to major perturbations in the global
marine carbonate 87Sr/86Sr ratios. There are,      processes have led to the development of         carbon cycle and hypothetical connections
however, uncertainties about the spatial and       a more felsic crust with a significant           to changes in tectonism, climate, and
temporal patterns of crustal evolution in          enrichment of incompatible elements, such        atmospheric-oceanic oxygenation (Shields,
Earth’s past, particularly for the period lead-    as rubidium and strontium, with respect          2007; Campbell and Allen, 2008; Sobolev
ing up to the Cambrian explosion of life.          to the mantle as Earth has aged (Veizer,         and Brown, 2019).
Here we show that U-Pb age and trace ele-          1989; McDermott and Hawkesworth, 1990).             The average Sr isotopic composition of
ment data from a global compilation of detri-      However, the questions of how the conti-         the present oceanic crust is relatively uni-
tal zircons are consistent with marine car-        nental crust has evolved chemically over         form (~0.703), but the Sr isotopic composi-
bonate 87Sr/86Sr ratios, suggesting changes        time and how it has influenced Earth’s           tion of today’s continental crust (~0.73 on
in radiogenic continental input into Earth’s       oceans and atmosphere remain as funda-           average) is spatially highly variable (~0.703
oceans over time. Increases in riverine Sr         mental unresolved problems.                      to >0.73) due to a heterogeneous rock record
input were related to the break-up and dis-            Earth’s present oceans have a uniform        that includes juvenile and ancient, evolved
persal of continents, with increased weather-      Sr isotopic composition (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7092)     crustal components (Veizer and Mackenzie,
ing and erosion of a higher proportion of          that primarily reflects the balance between      2014). The average Sr isotopic composition
radiogenic rocks and high-elevation conti-         radiogenic Sr input from weathering of the       of today’s rivers (~0.711) reflects a balance
nental crust. Tectonic processes exert a           continents and unradiogenic Sr input from        of the weathering of such sources on a
strong influence on the chemical evolution of      hydrothermal alteration of oceanic crust         global scale (Veizer and Mackenzie, 2014),
the planet’s oceans over geologic time scales      (Veizer and Mackenzie, 2014). Although           but the dynamic nature of the solid Earth
and may have been a key driver for concomi-        87
                                                      Sr/86Sr ratios in marine carbonates are       has likely led to changes in the proportion
tant increases in atmosphere-ocean oxygen-         better documented for Phanerozoic versus         of radiogenic rocks being weathered on
ation and global climate cooling.                  Precambrian marine limestones, oceanic           Earth’s surface over time. This notion is
                                                     Sr/86Sr ratios appear to have departed from    supported by recent analyses of a global
INTRODUCTION                                       mantle values as early as ca. 2.8 Ga (Shields    detrital zircon database, which have led to
  Planetary differentiation has led to two         and Veizer, 2002) (Fig. 1A). This transition     the conclusion that, at least for the past 1.0
fundamental types of crust on Earth: (1)           has been interpreted to mark a change            Ga, increases in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded
continental, which tend to survive over long       from mantle- to river-buffered oceans as         in marine limestones generally coincide
periods acquiring ancient rock records and         the continents rose and hydrothermal             with decreases in the εHf composition of
evolved compositions; and (2) oceanic,             circulation of oceanic crust decreased as        zircons produced by increased magmatic
which tend to be juvenile and rapidly recy-        heat dissipated from Earth with time (Veizer     reworking of preexisting radiogenic crust
cled by subduction (Campbell and Taylor,           and Mackenzie, 2014). 87Sr/86Sr ratios have      (Bataille et al., 2017). Decreases in zircon

GSA Today, v. 32, CC-BY-NC.

4 GSA TODAY | February 2022
Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
of Sr from the continental reservoir. This
                                                                                                                 represents a potentially important suite of
                                                                                                                 coupled processes operating outside of the
                                                                                                                 steady-state, and hence warrants investiga-
                                                                                                                 tion on a global scale.
                                                                                                                     This study integrates detrital zircon U-Pb
                                                                                                                 age and trace element proxies for an excep-
                                                                                                                 tionally large global detrital zircon data set
                                                                                                                 (n = 24,206) from samples derived from
                                                                                                                 Earth’s major continental landmasses to
                                                                                                                 develop a better understanding of the
                                                                                                                 petrotectonic evolution of continental crust
                                                                                                                 through time and its potential link to the
                                                                                                                    Sr/86Sr evolution of Earth’s oceans (see
                                                                                                                 Supplemental Material1 for data, sources,
                                                                                                                 and methods). The cumulative zircon age
                                                                                                                 distribution binned in 0.1-Gyr age intervals
                                                                                                                 in Figure 1B shows a series of age peaks
                                                                                                                 similar to other global U-Pb detrital zircon
                                                                                                                 age data sets (Campbell and Allen, 2008).
                                                                                                                 The majority of zircons in this data set
                                                                                                                 (Th/U >0.1) are expected to be derived from
                                                                                                                 felsic igneous rocks formed along conver-
                                                                                                                 gent margins, which represent the primary
                                                                                                                 source for zircons within the geologic
                                                                                                                 record (Lee and Bachmann, 2014).

                                                                                                                 PATTERNS OF CRUSTAL
                                                                                                                    Thorium is an incompatible element that
                                                                                                                 becomes enriched relative to other elements
                                                                                                                 as continental crust matures (McLennan
                                                                                                                 and Taylor, 1980). Therefore, increases in
                                                                                                                 Th/Yb ratios in zircon should correlate with
                                                                                                                 increases in the production of evolved felsic
Figure 1. (A) 87Sr/86Sr evolution of seawater from marine limestones and fossils with respect to the             rocks associated with magmatic recycling
mantle contribution (Shields and Veizer, 2002). Red data points are poorly constrained in age (greater
than ± 50 Ma). (B) Normalized marine 87Sr/86Sr evolution from Shields (2007) with respect to kernel
                                                                                                                 of older radiogenic crust (Barth et al., 2013).
density estimate plot and histogram (Vermeesch, 2012) of cumulative U-Pb age data (n = 24,190) for the           Monte Carlo bootstrap resampling of the
global compilation of detrital zircons analyzed in this study. Emergence of paired high dT/dP-intermediate       trace element record (to minimize the effect
dT/dP metamorphism and widespread ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and blueschist metamorphism (cold
subduction) from Brown and Johnson (2018), and Wilson cycle onset from Shirey and Richardson (2011).             of sampling bias presented by zircon age
                                                                                                                 peaks) shows that increased Th/Yb ratios
                                                                                                                 are generally associated with two principal
εHf have been found to correlate with                   shown to correlate with changes in zircon                periods in the Precambrian since 3.0 Ga
increases in whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr ratios                trace element ratios indicative of increased             (Fig. 2A). The results suggest a higher
(Bataille et al., 2017). Increases in oceanic           crustal reworking and thickness recorded in              proportion of magmas characterized by
  Sr/86Sr ratios have, therefore, been linked           Neoproterozoic to Triassic sandstones from               increased assimilation of radiogenic crust at
to the production, and weathering, of exten-            Antarctica (Paulsen et al., 2020). Increases             2.5–1.9 Ga and 0.7–0.5 Ga. Igneous zircon
sive felsic igneous rocks along convergent              in crustal thickness lead to increases in                Th contents may be influenced by the pres-
margins involving subduction or collisions              continental elevation (mountain building),               ence of rare accessory phases (e.g., allanite)
(Bataille et al., 2017). A plausible causal             which has in turn been associated with                   that compete to incorporate Th during crys-
link exists because such rocks tend to be               increased Sr runoff into Earth’s oceans                  tallization (Kirkland et al., 2015). However,
eroded rapidly due to their high elevations             (Edmond, 1992; Richter et al., 1992; Raymo               this pattern is also recognized on a global
above sea level in proximity to oceans                  and Ruddiman, 1992; Shields, 2007).                      scale in the zircon Hf isotope record, the
(Milliman and Syvitski, 1992).                          Therefore, the record of increases in crustal            isotopic value of which is primarily con-
   Increases in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded           assimilation and thickness from Antarctica               trolled by the amount of crustal recycling in
in marine limestones have recently been                 may point to significant, punctuated releases            magmas. εHf-age values from a separate

 Supplemental Material. Table S1 (detrital zircon U-Pb age and trace element ratio global compilation, sample location maps, methods, and data sources). Go to https:// to access the supplemental material; contact with any questions.

Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
reflect processes such as weathering and
                                                                                                   erosion. The zircon trace element data are,
                                                                                                   therefore, consistent with the hypothesis
                                                                                                   that increases in the proportion of evolved
                                                                                                   magmas along convergent margins have
                                                                                                   had an important influence on radiogenic
                                                                                                   Sr input into Earth’s oceans during these
                                                                                                   time intervals.

                                                                                                   PATTERNS OF CRUSTAL
                                                                                                      Increases in magmatic reworking of pre-
                                                                                                   existing radiogenic crust should occur asso-
                                                                                                   ciated with thermal maximums as the crust
                                                                                                   thickens (DeCelles et al., 2009). Garnet is a
                                                                                                   mineral found in crustal magmas that is
                                                                                                   highly sensitive to pressure and incorporates
                                                                                                   heavy rare earth element (HREE)+Yb rela-
                                                                                                   tive to other trace elements (Ducea et al.,
                                                                                                   2015). Therefore, changes in Yb/Gd ratios
                                                                                                   in zircon, for example, are thought to cor-
                                                                                                   relate with changes in the crustal thickness
                                                                                                   during magmatism (Barth et al., 2013). The
                                                                                                   trace element record retained within the zir-
                                                                                                   con data shows that the lowest Yb/Gd ratios
                                                                                                   in the data set (Fig. 2C) correlate well with
                                                                                                   the Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic
                                                                                                   Th/Yb and εHf peaks. These crustal thick-
                                                                                                   ness patterns are similar to those presented
                                                                                                   recently based on La/Yb ratios for a global
                                                                                                   compilation of 5587 detrital zircons (Balica
                                                                                                   et al., 2020). In particular, both analyses
                                                                                                   show Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic
                                                                                                   peaks in crustal thickness that are separated
                                                                                                   by an intervening interval from ca. 1.8 Ga
                                                                                                   to 0.8 Ga during a period of environmen-
                                                                                                   tal stasis known as the “boring billion”
                                                                                                   (Holland, 2006). The trace element data are
                                                                                                   therefore consistent with increased assimi-
                                                                                                   lation of radiogenic crust during periods of
                                                                                                   increased crustal thickness along conver-
                                                                                                   gent margins. Increases in crustal thickness
                                                                                                   are in turn associated with mountain build-
                                                                                                   ing driven by tectonic shortening along
                                                                                                   Earth’s major convergent plate boundaries
                                                                                                   involving advancing states of subduction and
                                                                                                   collisions. Thus, the patterns in the zircon
                                                                                                   trace element data are also consistent with
    Figure 2. (A) Average Th/Yb (crustal input proxy); (B) εHf (crustal input proxy; note axis     the hypothesis that increases in the propor-
    reversal); and (C) Yb/Gd (crustal thickness proxy) with their 95% confidence envelopes         tion of radiogenic rocks (e.g., older base-
    determined by Monte Carlo bootstrap resampling of zircons in 0.1-Gyr time brackets
    compared to normalized marine 87Sr/86Sr evolution. εHf data from Puetz and Condie (2019).
                                                                                                   ment) uplifted and exposed along conver-
    Age of “boring billion” from Holland (2006). UHP—ultrahigh-pressure.                           gent margins have had an important
                                                                                                   influence on radiogenic Sr input into Earth’s
                                                                                                   oceans (Richter et al., 1992).
large detrital zircon data set (n = 70,656)        normalized to model 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the
show that significant negative deviations          global river and mantle inputs, shows           CRUSTAL THICKNESS AND Sr FLUX
of εHf values correlate with these Th/Yb           increases that post-date the peaks in crustal     Geologists have long recognized that the
peaks (Fig. 2B). The 87Sr/86Sr isotope             assimilation indicated by zircon Th/Yb and      widespread generation of continental topo-
curve shown in Figures 2A–2B, which is             εHf values—a time lag that may in part          graphic relief, which increases the overall

6 GSA TODAY | February 2022
Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
surface area and potential energy, should                                       Emergence of                    Emergence of paired
correlate with increases in sedimentary flux                                    blueschist & UHP                high dT/dP & interm. dT/dP
                                                                                metamorphism                    metamorphism
into Earth’s oceans. Analysis of Phanerozoic                    8         Snow                Snow
                                                                           ball                ball                     Wilson        A
sedimentary rock records suggests that                                                                                   cycle
                                                                          Earth               Earth                      onset
increasing sedimentary flux correlates with
increases in 87Sr/86Sr ratios in marine lime-                                                                                                              20
stones (Hay et al., 2001). Detrital zircon age                  12
peaks have been attributed to increases in                                         Boring billion
sedimentary flux associated with wide-

                                                                                                                                                                % S-Type
spread continental collisions and convergent
margin magmatism (Campbell and Allen,                           16
2008; McKenzie et al., 2016). However, other                                                                                                               10
authors have favored increases in preserva-
tion for these age peaks (Hawkesworth et
al., 2009), and zircon abundance does not                       20
always correlate with increases in 87Sr/86Sr
ratios in Earth’s oceans over time (Fig. 1B).
   Increases in sedimentary flux derived                                        
from weathering of a greater proportion of                                 PG        R        N            Su
                                                                                                                         K     Wilson              B
                                                                                                         Sc                    cycle
elevated continental crust should, however,                     1.0                                                            onset                       0
occur associated with an increase in flysch                                         Boring billion
deposition. Flysch successions include inter-
bedded graywackes and shales rich in quartz                     0.8                                                                                        500
and feldspars, which, when water-saturated,

are fertile sources for the generation of
S-type granites (Collins and Richards, 2008;                    0.6                                                                                        1000
Zhu et al., 2020). Thus, S-type granite pro-
duction may serve as a proxy for previous
intervals of increased flysch deposition. We                                                                                                               1500

identified zircons that are likely to have been

                                                                                                                                               O2 (atm)
derived from S-type granite using the trace                                           NOE                GOE
                                                                                       O2                 O2        O2
element discrimination procedure of Zhu et                                                                                                                 2000
al. (2020), wherein S-type granites typically                   0.2                                                                           0
                                                                      Rift-Drift Rift-Drift            Rift-Drift
have elevated phosphorus concentrations rel-                                                                             K     Wilson             C
ative to I-type granites because apatite                        1.9        PG        R        N          Sc
                                                                                                           Su                  cycle
                                                                                                                               onset                       140
[Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)] crystallization is sup-

                                                                                                                                                                      Number of Passive Margins
pressed in the S-type magmas. To test the                                                                                                                   
hypothesis that the peaks in crustal thickness                  1.5
were associated with an increase in S-type                                         Boring billion
granites, we integrated S-type zircons iden-                                                                                                               51

tified within our data set with those found
through an examination of zircons from 52                       1.1
of Earth’s major rivers (Zhu et al., 2020).
Peaks in S-type zircon percentages overlap                                                                                                                 25
or even postdate the latter stage of increases                  0.7
in crustal thickness identified here (Fig. 3A).
Thus, increasing radiogenic Sr input into
Earth’s oceans appears to be related to (1) the
                                                                0.3                                                                                        0
weathering of a greater proportion of radio-                          0              1.0             2.0                 3.0            4.0
genic rocks produced and exposed as the                                                              Age (Ga)
crust thickened during the Paleoproterozoic
and Neoproterozoic time intervals, and (2)        Figure 3. (A) Average Yb/Gd (crustal thickness proxy) compared to the percentage of S-type zircons
concomitant increases in continental weath-       with its 95% confidence envelope. (B) Th/Yb (crustal input proxy) compared to a global compilation of
                                                  ages versus temperature/pressure (T/P) (°C/GPa) of high dT/dP (granulite−ultrahigh temperature
ering and sedimentary flux into the oceans.       [UHP]) (red); intermediate dT/dP (eclogite−high-pressure granulite) (purple); and low dT/dP (high-
   The results reviewed above provide             pressure−UHP) metamorphism (blue) from Brown and Johnson (2018). (C) U/Yb (crustal input and fluid
                                                  input proxy) compared to a global compilation of passive margin abundance from Bradley (2008).
important confirmation that increases in Sr       Tenure of supercontinent/cratons from Bradley (2011), increases in atmospheric oxygen, early “whiffs”
recorded in marine carbonates correlate           of oxygen (green arrows) and intervening boring billion from Holland (2006) and Lyons et al. (2014), and
                                                  snowball Earth glaciations adapted from Sobolev and Brown (2019). Supercontinent/craton
with first-order changes in convergent mar-       abbreviations: K—Kenor; Su—Superia; Sc—Sclavia; N—Nuna; R—Rodina; G—Gondwana; P—Pangea.
gin tectonism over time (Bataille et al.,         NOE—Neoproterozoic oxygenation event; GOE—Great oxygenation event.

Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
2017; Gernon et al., 2021). Increasing            leading edge of continents by driving them        by global changes in plate margin networks.
   Sr/86Sr ratios in Cenozoic marine lime-        into advancing compressional states of sub-       Increasing 87Sr/86Sr compositions in Cenozoic
stones have been associated with decreases        duction and collisions involving arcs and         marine sediments have also been associated
in unradiogenic Sr flux related to lower          continental blocks that favor crustal thicken-    with glaciation (Palmer and Elderfield, 1985).
seafloor spreading rates (Van Der Meer et         ing (Lee et al., 2013). Increases in crustal      Snowball Earth deglaciation likely contrib-
al., 2014) and cooler ocean temperatures          recycling and thickness identified in the zir-    uted to the Paleoproterozoic and Neo-
(Coogan and Dosso, 2015), suggesting that         con proxy data correlate with an increase in      proterozoic Sr excursions (Sobolev and
the cause of increased 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the    passive margin abundance (Bradley, 2008)          Brown, 2019), but the data reviewed here
oceans may be multifactorial. The ancient         (Fig. 3C). These increases around the             suggest that tectonism played a major role.
ocean crust record is in large part lost due to   Proterozoic-Phanerozoic time interval also        Collectively, the balance of these processes
subduction (Scholl and von Huene, 2009),          correlate with a decrease in thermal gradi-       is likely recorded in today’s continental rock
but our results suggest that increases in         ents of high dT/dP metamorphism (Brown            record by the great unconformities at the
   Sr/86Sr ratios in oceans have been strongly    and Johnson, 2018). Collectively, these           Precambrian-Phanerozoic and Archean-
influenced by a continental component. If         patterns are consistent with superconti-          Proterozoic boundaries (Windley, 1984;
the increases in the proportion of radio-         nent break-up driving a greater proportion        Peters and Gaines, 2012).
genic sources and sedimentary flux repre-         of convergent margins into compressional
sent a coupled suite of processes as we           advancing states and collisions with magma-       BROADER IMPLICATIONS
contend, then they raise the question as to       tism in thicker crust. High 87Sr/86Sr ratios in       Our results suggest that increases in
why convergent margin tectonism changed           oceans during these periods are presumably        87
                                                                                                       Sr/86Sr ratios in oceans occur when a
during these time periods. Insight into this      due to increases in the proportion of exposed     greater proportion of continental crust is
issue comes from an examination of model-         radiogenic sources and sedimentary flux           thick and high, leading to increases in
ing and other proxy data sets to which we         from the continents associated with a reorga-     evolved felsic magmatism, radiogenic base-
now turn.                                         nization of riverine drainage networks.           ment exposure, and riverine sedimentary
                                                     The correlations between the zircon proxy      flux. From a broader perspective, the results
SUPERCONTINENT PATTERNS AND                       data and processes involving subduction out-      raise the important question of whether solid
SR FLUX                                           lined above warrants an examination of the        Earth processes play a fundamental role in
   Modeling studies suggest that supercon-        U/Yb ratio in the zircon data set. The U/Yb       modulating global climate and atmospheric
tinent tenures should be marked by elevated       ratio in zircon has been used as a proxy for      oxygenation over geologic time scales. If the
temperatures in the underlying subconti-          crustal reworking (Verdel et al., 2021) but       correlations outlined above are representa-
nental mantle with convergent margins in          may also reflect the amount of subducting         tive of a global tectonic pattern as we con-
retreating states with arcs on thinner crust      slab fluid addition in magmas, because U is       tend, then the generation of continental relief
in outboard locations with respect to the         a fluid-mobile large-ion lithophile element       highlights the introduction of a significant
continents (Lenardic et al., 2011; Lee et al.,    (LILE; K, Sr, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb, U) extracted        silicate weathering sink associated with the
2013; Lenardic, 2016). Temporal consider-         from slabs, and is, therefore, enriched rela-     drawdown of CO2 and associated transi-
ations based on multiple proxy data sets          tive to HREE such as Yb (Barth et al., 2013).     tion into periods of global glaciation
suggest that the lows in crustal recycling        U/Yb increases correlate with the increases       (Hoffman and Schrag, 2002) (Fig. 3). Uplift
and thickness identified in the zircon proxy      in crustal assimilation and thickness we have     associated with convergent margin tecto-
data overlap with the tenure of superconti-       identified (Fig. 3C), consistent with a higher    nism may therefore have further enhanced
nents over Earth’s history (Figs. 3A–3B)          amount of crustal recycling and flux of sub-      CO2 drawdown associated with the exhuma-
(Bradley, 2011). For example, the low in          duction fluid along a greater proportion of       tion and weathering of rocks associated with
crustal recycling and thickness during the        convergent margins during these periods.          continental rifting and dispersal (Donnadieu
boring billion correlates with the tenure of      We, therefore, conclude that the increases in     et al., 2004; DeLucia et al., 2018). Continental
Nuna during a period dominated by high            riverine Sr input into Earth’s oceans were        uplift has also been previously postulated to
dT/dP metamorphism (Fig. 3B) and higher           related to geodynamic changes in convergent       be linked to steps in oxygenation of Earth’s
thermal gradients (Brown and Johnson,             margin networks, which were required to           atmosphere during the Paleoproterozoic and
2018). This pattern may reflect superconti-       accommodate the birth and maturation of           Neoproterozoic through enhanced erosion
nent insulation of the mantle (Brown and          new ocean basins created by supercontinent        and nutrient supply to the oceans, as well as
Johnson, 2018) associated with the devel-         break-up and dispersal. These episodes were       changes in the proportion of subaerial volca-
opment of hot back-arc environments               associated with increased weathering and          nism (Campbell and Allen, 2008; Gaillard et
(Hyndman et al., 2005) and a greater pro-         erosion of radiogenic rocks along convergent      al., 2011) (Fig. 3B). Oxygenation may have
portion of convergent margins in retreating       margins and greater expanses of uplifted,         fostered the decrease of CH4, a potent green-
states with arcs on thinner crust in outboard     higher-elevation radiogenic crust found           house gas (Fakhraee et al., 2019), while
localities (Roberts, 2013; Paulsen et al.,        along the leading edges of continents.            uplifts along convergent margins promoted
2020; Tang et al., 2021).                         Increases in riverine Sr were likely amplified    nascent glaciation in cooler, high-elevation
   Supercontinent break-up, by contrast,          by the exhumation of continental crust asso-      habitats, providing further feedback (albedo)
should lead to a release of potential energy      ciated with rifting (DeLucia et al., 2018),       for a runaway global glaciation. The ultimate
stored in the underlying mantle (Lenardic,        which is consistent with the general thesis       drivers for these important steps in Earth’s
2016). Thermal release of the mantle induces      supported here, that increases in riverine Sr     evolution are controversial and likely
changes in the geodynamic state of the            are primarily driven by tectonism induced         involved a complex set of variables and

8 GSA TODAY | February 2022
Continental Magmatism and Uplift as the Primary Driver for First-Order Oceanic 87Sr/86Sr Variability with Implications for Global Climate
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Minerals Matter: Science, Technology, and Society
Barbara L. Dutrow, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, E-235 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4101, USA,

   The expertise of earth scientists is crucial for solving some of               The expansive subject of minerals is familiar to Geological
today’s most pressing challenges, including global warming and the              Society of America (GSA) audiences. Several past presidents have
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exploration for critical elements for our technological society, and            the second president of GSA, James Dwight Dana, in 1890—
many others.                                                                    perhaps best known for his enduring textbook The Manual of
                                                                                Mineralogy, first published in 1848 (J.C. Wiley and Sons), and now
INTRODUCTION                                                                    in its twenty-third edition (Klein and Dutrow, 2007). Why should
   Minerals, the solid material comprising planet Earth, are within             we continue to care about mineral sciences in the twenty-first cen-
the intellectual realm of earth scientists but are much more funda-             tury? Because minerals still matter.
mental to science, technology, and society. From the beginnings of
humankind, Earth’s minerals have been essential for technological
advances. Prior to written language, paintings made of mineral pig-
ments adorned caves. The advent of human-produced fire owes its
source to two minerals: pyrite and flint. Early Homo species were
likely the first mineralogists, separating different minerals into
useful tools based on their physical properties to identify, in part,
those minerals that perfectly fractured when worked. Utilization of
different minerals through melting, smelting, or physical manipula-
tion defines the Ages of Man: Stone, Bronze, Iron, and Technology.
Minerals are important basic resources that can inform us about
how solid materials work on the atomic level and be modified to
humanity’s benefit. They serve as templates for technologically
advanced materials, necessary to fulfill many societal needs.
   The attributes of minerals to science, technology, and society are
illustrated by a single mineral, elbaite. Elbaite is a species of the
tourmaline supergroup that incorporates nearly the entire periodic              Figure 2. Banded iron formation, a source for iron, a critical component of
table in its structure (Fig. 1). For geoscientists, it embeds unparal-          steel and other manufactured materials. Iron was one of the earliest mined
                                                                                and smelted minerals.
leled geologic information when properly interpreted; for technol-
ogy, it was utilized during WWII as a pressure sensor to monitor
underwater explosions due to its piezoelectric properties; and for              ESSENTIAL BUT UNDERVALUED
society, it is a mineral that contains lithium, an element critical to             Minerals are vastly underappreciated, and the science of mineral-
powering modern electronic devices.                                             ogy is disappearing despite their centrality to society and to the
                                                                                earth sciences. Minerals (continue to) power our lives. They are
                                                                                used in nearly every aspect of our lives, yet do we think of minerals
                                                                                when we walk on planet Earth or answer the cell phone or turn on
                                                                                the lights or start the car? The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
                                                                                reports that an average automobile “contains more than a ton of iron
                                                                                and steel, 240 lbs of aluminum, 50 lbs of carbon, 42 lbs of copper,
                                                                                22 lbs of zinc, and 30 other mineral commodities” (USGS, 2021).
                                                                                These materials do not include the cerium used to polish mirrors or
                                                                                the other components in hybrid or electric vehicles. One primary
                                                                                reason for their underappreciation is that, for the most part, we do
                                                                                not use minerals, per se; we utilize their contents—their chemical
                                                                                constituents (Fig. 2). From aluminum to zinc, the elements extracted
                                                                                from minerals form the basis for advanced materials for our ever-
                                                                                improving standard of living.
                                                                                   While mineralogy, or mineral sciences, has been taught largely
Figure 1. Elbaite crystal, a species of the tourmaline supergroup contain-
ing lithium, showing its noncentrosymmetic growth along the long axes           as an underpinning subject or in support of other earth-science
(c) which is responsible for its piezoelectric (and pyroelectric) properties,   fields (e.g., petrology or geochemistry), its utility to all facets of sci-
contributing to its utility as a technological material. Color change
reflects incorporation of different chemical elements in response to its
                                                                                ence, technology, and society elevates this discipline well beyond
host environment.                                                               the geosciences. As industry and governments look to a sustainable

GSA Today, v. 32, no. 2, CC-BY-NC.

12 GSA TODAY | February 2022
future and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) guides busi-                  While mineralogy is deeply embedded in most aspects of the earth
ness decisions, the earth sciences, specifically mineral sciences, are      sciences (Fig. 4), mineralogy bridges disciplinary boundaries and
ever more important to provide foundational information.                    connects earth sciences to other science, technology, engineering,
   Yet, the study of minerals has dwindled, gradually disappearing          and mathematics (STEM) fields. One such example was recently
from the earth-science curriculum, particularly in the U.S. (e.g.,          released by the American Chemical Society in their “reaction” series
Nietzel, 2020; Bierman, 2021). Commonly viewed as “too tradi-               titled “Are we standing on a quadrillion diamonds?” (ACS, 2021).
tional,” mineralogy classes have been reduced in many curricula,            Chemists are capitalizing on the inspiration and engagement of
compressed into another class (e.g., “earth materials”), or aban-           chemical reactions to make (natural) minerals—clearly trying to take
doned altogether and expunged from the curriculum, with the con-            the spotlight from the geosciences. Much of materials science and
comitant loss of critical expertise. No funding agency supports             advanced materials research is built on templates from nature (i.e.,
“mineralogical research” per se. One recent editorial described how         minerals). This approach has been largely in the domain of chemists
difficult it is to find properly trained mineralogists in the U.S.          and physicists—yet earth scientists have much to contribute. Because
(R. Ewing, personal commun., 2021).                                         of my mineral-science background, I had the pleasure of serving as a
   This short article provides a case for mineralogical expertise and       Ph.D. committee member in the chemistry department for a candi-
implores earth scientists to re-engage with this discipline, because its    date studying the crystal structure of MoS2, which mineral geoscien-
foundational knowledge and skill sets are integral to earth-science         tists know as molybdenite. During the questioning, I asked the candi-
solutions required to tackle some of society’s most challenging prob-       date if they could identify the shiny, gray, foliated sample of MoS2
lems. Additionally, embracing mineralogy in all its forms, by sup-          I proffered. He looked at me quizzically and replied that he had no
porting mineralogical research and education, provides fundamental          idea that MoS2 was an actual mineral that occurred naturally on
information required to help solve many of Earth’s most closely             Earth. Clearly, geoscientists with a mineralogical background can
guarded secrets. The criticality of mineralogical knowledge is dem-         inform the STEM community about mutually beneficial subjects.
onstrated by connecting the mineral sciences across scientific disci-       Geoscientists understand complex, heterogeneous, multicompo-
plines and into the realm of humankind by providing select examples         nent, and natural materials over ranges of spatial scales and through
in science, technology, and society.                                        time, and are superb analysts, providing natural connections to
   To geoscientists, the value of minerals to science is broadly rec-       these disciplines. As such, mineralogy is a translational science,
ognized. Resulting from complex planetary processes, minerals are           within and outside of the earth sciences.
extraordinary archives of Earth’s mysteries, allowing scientists to
decipher ~4.5 billion years of embedded history. For example, the                                            Paleoclimatology    Geochemistry
minerals in a pallasite meteorite contain clues to the composition,                      Environmental
formation conditions, and evolution of the early Solar System, with                    Mineralogy, Geology                                         Petrology

implications for core-mantle development of Earth. Glacial ice, a
                                                                               Paleontology                                                                Meteoritics
mineral, shapes continents, modulates Earth’s surface tempera-               Geomicrobiology                                                             Planetary Studies
tures, and moderates climate variations; it also traps gas bubbles
that sample prehistoric CO2 and CH4 levels. Other minerals, such as
                                                                                                                                                         Structural Geology
calcite, can record in their oscillatory zoning patterns the thermal,       Geofluids, Hydrology
chemical, and mechanical interactions in complex geosystems.
Portions of the biosphere, such as pollen grains, invertebrate exo-                     Materials Science                                       Economic Geology

skeletons, and vertebrate bones and teeth are (bio)minerals. Their                                           Mineral Physics      Geophysics
former presence, now as fossilized remnants of past life, owe their
persistence to mineral replacement (Fig. 3).

                                                                            Figure 4. Centrality of mineralogy to earth-science disciplines (modified
                                                                            from Klein and Dutrow, 2007).

                                                                            MINERALS AND CLIMATE
                                                                               Although a myriad of examples is available to demonstrate the
                                                                            value of minerals in technology and society, this article focuses on
                                           Figure 3. Belemnite, replaced    select mineralogical contributions that will serve as integral compo-
                                           by the mineraloid opal, pre-     nents to mitigate the climate crises. These examples include (1) min-
                                           serves former remnants of
                                           life. Early Cretaceous: 135      eral trapping as one method for carbon capture and long-term
                                           Ma. From Coober Pedy,            storage; (2) mineral constituents as essential materials for the energy
                                           South Australia. © Jeff Scovil
                                           photo. Rob Seilecki speci-       transformation, highlighting renewable energy and electric vehicles;
                                           men. Used with permission.       and (3) minerals as templates for advanced functional materials.

                                                                            Mineral Trapping
                                                                              As the world struggles with the impact of climate change, carbon
                                                                            capture and long-term storage are required for reducing greenhouse
                                                                            gas emissions into the atmosphere, stabilizing and lowering carbon
                                                                            dioxide levels, and ensuring a more robust sustainable climate path

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