Page created by Marie Acosta

                  STAYING CONNECTED!

    VOL. 2, NO. 2 | CTKCHURCHGA.ORG | APRIL 2022
What's on Pastor Mimi's Mind:
                 Love, Connect, Engage, and Expand

          Umm, what’s on my mind – this is it: Love, Connect, Engage, and Expand.

          What’s on my mind: Love. It’s like I woke up one morning from a meeting with
          God, and He said it’s always been about love and will always be about love.
          I’ve read the scripture in the bible 1 Corinthians 13, and these three remain, but
          the greatest of these is love. Or John, that says God is love. For some reason this
          day it was branded in my heart, love must be the focus.

          What’s on my mind: Connect – Staying connected to you, the members of
          CTKC. I think of God’s family at CTKC often – daily. I’m concerned about your
          faith journey with the Holy Spirit. Are you holding on? Is the peace and joy of
          God being manifested in you? Do you see God’s heart and hands active in
          your life? I want to stay connected to you and for you to stay connected with
          your church family.

          What’s on my mind: Engaging – Spiritual maturity requires us to be in community.
          You can see this in all the things God designed. There are interrelationships
          and dependencies among all His creatures. Also, strong and growing churches
          have people engaged in executing the church's vision.

1   April 2022
What’s on my mind: Expansion – We cannot stay within the walls of CTKC. Nor
can we only have an awesome anointed Sunday morning experience. We must
go beyond these walls. We must care, nurture, and grow spiritually within our
church body, and we have a charge to go hard for the “least of these.”

I pray that God will give us opportunities to expand into another community via
a church plant. I pray for the elevation of leaders within the church, to include
new leaders and converts coming in to join with this body of believers, as well as
spiritual growth of the body. I also pray for opportunities to open our hearts and
hands through strong missions and evangelism teams.

These are a few of the things that are on my mind and heart. In addition, I pray
for your health and prosperity. Thank you for your prayers. The one area I am so
blessed with is a praying church! I hear your prayers and know I am covered.
To my Church Family, Thank You! I feel your love and I hope you feel the love
flowing from my heart to yours.

Please enjoy this newsletter, I appreciate the inspiring words from our members
and all the great information about our church.

Greeting Christ the King Church,

We are sending a BIG Thank You to everyone that purchased candles or
made a love donation during the candle fundraiser. This whole process would
have been so much more difficult without your help, and with your help we
were able to reach and surpass the Goal set of 150 candles. Due to your
generous donations and purchases, total sales were - wait for it - 200 candles
sold as well as $635 in donations! These funds will go towards providing, Love
Baskets to meet the need of God’s people in our community. Our action
words are "Living In Love."

Thank you again for your ongoing support! View this Thank You message by
clicking the button below!

- Andrea Marshall, Missions Ministry

                    View Andrea's Thank You message by
                    clicking the YouTube button!
                                                                          CTKC Connect   2
We're Living in Love!

3   April 2022
We're Living in Love!

It's okay to not be okay. If you did not reach that particular goal you wanted to by the
time you wanted to, it’s okay. If you have not reached that weight goal, if you have not
reached that financial goal, or that career goal - it’s okay.

Do not get caught up in other people’s timelines. They may appear to have it all and if
they do that is great. It was their time. What God has for you is for you and you will get it
when it’s your time. Focus on your goals and trust in God’s timeline.

If things do not go as planned it’s okay. If you are going through a storm, it’s okay. I love
the quote, “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning how to dance in the

Lean not to your own understanding and trust in Him                     By Yvonne Jackson
with all your heart. It’s okay to not be okay. Enjoy your
life intentionally!

                                                                                  CTKC Connect   4
5   April 2022
CTKC Connect   6
                   R.E.A.L. Sister's Ministry
        Relevant, Empowered, Authentic, and Loving

                        Ministry Spotlight:
                      R.E.A.L. Sisters Women's Ministry

        By Lisa Aiken                  By Portia                              By Dss. Jamila Miller

What is the biggest impact you believe that the    and visitors are allowing the women to come
R.E.A.L. Sisters Women’s Ministry has on Christ    together to fellowship with other women; to
the King Church members and visitors?              talk about subjects; things that they are going
                                                   through; and/or things they are wanting to
Lisa: The impact for me is to encourage women      know. The events that the Women's Ministry
to grow their relationship with GOD, and           have, conveys and highlights to them that they
connect with other women by providing support      are not alone. This establishes a zone of comfort
or mentorship.                                     that we believe they are receptive to engaging
                                                   about the topics presented. Personally, before
Portia: I believe the biggest impact the Women's   I became a member of the committee, it
Ministry has is bringing women together in order   gave me the opportunity to engage with other
to fellowship and build new relationships with     women I learned they were going through some
each other.                                        of the same things, and they had some of the
                                                   same questions that I did which made me feel
Dss. Jamila: The biggest impact that I believe     that I wasn't the only one.
that the Women's Ministry has on CTKC members

7   April 2022
What part of the Women’s Ministry work do you
enjoy most or find the most rewarding?                Dss. Jamila: My favorite memory with the
                                                      Women's Ministry is when I went on my first
Lisa: The focus, faith, and relationship with GOD.    women's trip a few years ago and had the
                                                      opportunity to bring my sister and mother along.
Portia: What I find most rewarding is being able      This was an experience that i enjoyed, were i
to fellowship with the woman of Christ the King       was able to connect with them on a different
Church and building relationships.                    level outside of what we normally do.

Dss. Jamila: The part of the Women's Ministry that
I enjoy and find most rewarding is being able to
be hands-on with the event planning. It is nothing
more rewarding than to have an event where
you hear women talking about how much they
enjoyed it and how much of an effect it had on
their life. Hearing those comments, is like WOW! I
was a part of that.

As a member of the Women’s Ministry what is
your message to women in the church?

Lisa: As a woman that GOD created, you are
loved and cherished.

Portia: My message to the women of CTKC is this:
if you have not had the opportunity to attend
one of our events please find time to attend one
this year. You will not leave the same.

Dss. Jamila: The message that I would give the
women in the church is, sis you are not alone
and don't feel that you have to do it by yourself.
Us R.E.A.L. Sisters and the CTKC church are here
to connect with you, grow with you and walk
with you on your spiritual journey.

What is your favorite memory with the R.E.A.L.
Sisters Women’s Ministry?

Lisa: What is your favorite memory with this
Ministry? The Women’s Ministry trip to Destin, FL -
the love we shared for GOD by pouring out our
souls, and the sisterly bonds that were built.

Portia: One of my most favorite memories is the
first trip with the women to Destin, Florida. I was
able to fellowship with the women like never
before. I return home excited to explore and
join other ministries that are available within our
church. Actually, that is how I ended up joining
the CTKC Choir!

                                                                                     CTKC Connect   8
                            For My People...
                                             By Rosalyn Aaron

For many years, I have been drawn in by 2             and have chosen this Temple as the place for
Chronicles 7:14 (NIV): “if my people, who are         making sacrifices.’”
called by my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their         So, let’s examine the four things God admonished
wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and        the children of Israel to do.
I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
The most curious word in that verse that could        HUMBLE THEMSELVES. As much as we think we
be considered an edict, announcement, or              know, we do not have all the answers.
decree was the word “then,” which suggests
that something significant preceded that              PRAY. P- is for praise. I will bless the Lord at all
announcement or decree. We learn that what            times! R- is for repent. Recognize, admit, and
preceded it was a time of jubilation in Israel        own your mistakes. Apologize directly to the
because King Solomon completed everything             injured party, and even if the injured party does
he had planned to do in the construction of the       not accept your apology, embrace and take
Temple and the Palace. 2 Chronicles 7:12 (NIV)        comfort in knowing that you’ve done your part.
reads, “Then, one night the Lord appeared to          A- is for ask. Ask for guidance and direction
Solomon and said, ‘I have heard your prayer           from God through the Holy Spirit. Y- is for yield.

9   April 2022
Surrender to God’s perfect will for your life.             no rain…” Our agriculture officials have seen
                                                           in 2020 concentrations of adult grasshoppers
SEEK MY FACE.       The single most amazing                across about 55,000 square miles in the West.
revelation here is the acknowledgment that                 Biblical symptoms of the arid conditions have
to move on to the next step requires seeking               emerged a fresh infestation of grasshoppers.
God’s face, because the fourth point is virtually
impossible without the third.                           • The second part of 2 Chronicles 7:13 states,
                                                          “or command locusts to devour the land...”
TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS. Without God                   What were American plagues? Although not
we can do nothing. If we could turn from our              exclusive to America, the worst outbreaks in
wicked ways on our own without humility,                  U.S. History include smallpox, yellow fever,
prayer and surrender we would not be in the               cholera, scarlet fever, 1918 H1N1 or the
predicament we find ourselves in today.                   Spanish flu, diphtheria, polio, whooping
                                                          cough, and of course COVID-19.
2 Chronicles 7:14 GOD is crystal clear in
identifying to whom He is speaking which are            • 2 Chronicles 7:13 concludes with, “or send a
His chosen people. Not just any people, but the           plague among my people.” So, my brothers
ones who acknowledged Him as the one true                 and sisters, the signs are clear: death does
God. Allow me to exert a somewhat abstract                not care about your color, ethnicity, or
comparison between the jubilation of Israel               political preference. God has the final say.
during that period in the Old Testament and
an event in modern day America, that resulted           Let’s humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face,
in jubilation in 2008 for not just Americans that       and turn from wicked ways, so that God may
look like me but for the majority of America. I         hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our
am talking about the election of the first African      land Peace!
American President. Born in Kansas, he is an
African American in the purest sense of the word;       Live in Love!
the blood running through the veins of the 44th
President of the United States of America was
that of African origin from the African nation of
Kenya and not a descendent of the survivors of
the most brutal system of slavery in the history of
mankind. Despite disproved conspiracy theories
regarding his citizenship, his DNA did not thwart
his eligibility to run for and win the highest office
in the land in the most powerful country in the
world, not once, but twice.

Surely, this neither rivals nor compares to the
accomplishments of King Solomon. So, please
indulge an old lady to draw a parallel between
what God warned King Solomon and what our
nation and the world has experienced.

As we look back over the history of our relatively
young nation, there was the infamous Dust Bowl.
A name given to the drought-stricken Southern
Plains during a dry period in the 1930’s.

• The first part of 2 Chronicles 7:13 (NIV) says,
  “When I shut up the heavens so that there is

                                                                                      CTKC Connect    10
Submit your answers to First three (3) correct, completed
                                 submissions will win a prize!

                             Word Search:
                                     2 Chronicles

Angels              Dynasty            Grasshopper        King              Royal
Animals             Epidemic           Heard              Levities          Sacrifice
Answer              Face               Heart              Lord              Seek Sing
Appear              Fail               Heaven             Military          Solomon
Ark                 Faith              History            Mother            Temple
Called              Father             Holy               Palace            Trumpets
Commands            Forgive            Humble             Prayer            Trust
Dance               Glory              Israel             Priest            Wisdom
Devour              God                Joy                Rejoice

11    April 2022
The Kindness Diaries
                               By Justine Clyde

MATTHEW 25:38-40 NIV “When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or
needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and
go to visit you? The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of
the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

Recently I began watching a show on Brigham Young University (BYU)
television called the “Kindness Diaries,” which is about a man named Leon
Logothetis, who counting solely on the kindness of strangers for food, shelter,
and fuel, travels around the world on a vintage motorcycle looking for the
good in humanity.

The trip began and ended in Los Angeles where it intrigued and touched
me like few shows have before. Contrary to what many may think, there are
some truly selfless people in the world. Luckily, we get to glimpse into their
hearts and realize there is still hope for the world.

What impressed me the most about Leon and his small crew was not only did
Leon meet people who helped him, but most of the time the individuals were
already helping others. The host of BYU was so moved and inspired, that, in
many cases, he was given back and contributed to their various causes.

In one instance, Leon offered a homeless man he met on the street shelter
in the form of a new home and a chance to go back to school. For a
destitute farmer, Leon purchased a dairy cow which would greatly increase
his wealth. He purchased rescue equipment for a world-renowned disaster
rescue organization; 1,000 books, new sports equipment and arranged
clean drinking water for an orphanage in Calcutta; and a new house for a
Cambodian lady living in a shack and suffering from HIV. He would go on to
fund cataract surgery for 100 rural Vietnamese farmers, then helping a young
woman who grew up in an orphanage open her own.

There are many other stories and gifts too numerous to mention that are
shown in the “Kindness Diaries,” but what I learned from these experiences
is that the people who have the least are the ones who are willing to help
the most. You see, kindness is a relative to hospitality and true hospitality is
kindness shown to strangers, to people that you don’t know rather than to
those that you do know.

One of Leon’s last statements as season one came to an end was that some
people spend their lives taking, while others spend their lives giving and he
was so honored to have met a few of those giving people in all parts of the
world. Even when there were barriers, kindness and love still prevailed. It only
takes one act of Kindness and caring to change a person’s life.

                                                                CTKC Connect     12
            On the Frontlines with God
                                            By Morgan DeLoach,
                                            RN, FNP-C

            As a nurse working on the frontlines during the pandemic, I found myself
            more often than not discouraged many times. However, I persevered
            day after day as my unit became a primary unit for COVID-19 positive
            patients with the spirit of the Lord covering my family and me. I have
            seen death, doubt, and fear at an all-time high. Some may ask how I
            found the strength to continue working and others projected their fears
            upon me. The place where I found my strength and protection came
            from the Lord. I have been a devout Christian for many years of my
            young life, but during the pandemic, I found myself growing closer to
            God and becoming more specific with my prayers. I have grown from a
            more general prayer life to something closer to God - something more
            personal and a relationship with God that has no barriers. Before, in
            the mornings, I said a general, “Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to see
            another day,” however now, it is more specific and intentional. I laugh
            with God and cry with God now because I have a closer relationship
            with Him.

            The pandemic has also taught me to be more intentional with my time
            and how I maneuver through life. I no longer spend time on things that
            do not bring joy to God, my family, or my friends. I am intentional from
            the moment I wake up until I go to sleep and kiss my children good
            night. I intentionally no longer surround myself with those who do not
            speak positive things or those who never can say they are having a
            good day. I do not believe trouble will always last and everyday is not
            meant for us to weep and moan.

            “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in
            him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy
            Spirit.” (Romans 15:13). I genuinely believe there is joy in this season of
            uncertainty and that this is a season of growth for us all.

13   April 2022
Who Inspires You in the Bible?
                                      Minister Sonya Harris says...Enoch.

                                      In the Old Testament there is a man named Enoch whose
                                      walk with God was so pure, so vibrant, and so honest, the
                                      Lord said, “This is what it's all about.” The Bible summarizes
                                      Enoch's life in 12 words that reveal a powerful and vibrant
                                      faith that God could not wait any longer. God took Enoch
                                      to be with Him in heaven. Enoch had a relationship with

                                      Because I have a relationship with God, I can become
                                      everything GOD called me to be and more in HIM. When
                                      you journey through life experiences, you never depart
                                      without HIM! Why? Because He sees and knows all things.
                                      When we approach life with an attitude of not knowing
                                      everything, we leave room for GOD to teach and LEAD
                                      us in the way we should go in order to become more like

          Minister Bobbie Pittman says...Deborah.

  Deborah inspires me with her many roles as a woman of
 God. She was a wife, a prophet of God, a female judge,
   a songwriter, a worshiping warrior, and a military leader
     with authority. I have learned from her that when God
calls you to do something, it does not matter what people
  think about you, just as it does not matter if you have an
   excellent skill or the words to say. God prepares you for
       the assignment, and your authority comes from Him.

    By yourself, you may not be able to do what God has
        called you to, but WITH Him, you can do all things.

                                                                                  CTKC Connect    14
15   April 2022
Business Spotlight:
            Be Rooted Founded by Jasmin Foster
                   What inspired you to create your own business?

I am a huge fan of all things stationery! I have always owned one too many journals
and planners. However, I have often felt disconnected from the category because I
               did not think the designs or aesthetic fully spoke to me.

                         What’s the purpose of your business?

I created Be Rooted to uplift and celebrate women of color in their everyday life with
                    reflective imagery and uplifting messaging.

                     What do you love the most about your work?

The impact! It brings me so much joy to see so many women gifting these journals to
their friends and family as a form of self-care and wellness. I often receive messages of
    gratitude from people telling me that my journals finally made them feel seen.

                 What role has God played in your entrepreneur life?

Entrepreneurship is a hard journey, and it can sometimes feel lonely. However, I know
that God is ordering my steps to be walking in my purpose and because of that I can
      wake up each day ready to conquer whatever obstacles there may be.

Please visit our website at and follow us @berootedco on all
                    social channels for more details on Be Rooted.

                                                                               Jasmin Foster

                                                                              CTKC Connect     16
 ARISE Youth is Rising Higher in 2022
                                             By Pastor DeShannon Lewis
                                             Youth Pastor

     Hello, Christ the King Church family. On behalf of the ARISE Youth Ministry, let me proclaim
     boldly to you that the Youth Ministry is moving forward in 2022! I would like to take this
     opportunity to share some events we have planned for this quarter. First and foremost,
     our Middle and High schoolers are gathering once again in person for Sunday Service.
     That is right, you read that correctly! Middle and High Schoolers are now meeting up for
     Sunday ervices and we are glad about it! Following our time of praise and worship, the
     teens are dismissed up to the “Den” where we teach God's word on relevant topics in
     an engaging atmosphere. We have not forgotten about our grade schoolers either. As
     part of our phased-in approach to receiving the youth back in-person, the ARISE Youth
     Ministry is making preparations to welcome back K-5 in April 2022.

     Next order of business: Resurrection Sunday is quickly approaching. We will celebrate
     in-person with all our grade school levels. There will be fun and games geared toward
     honor and reverence of our risen Savior as we meditate on his sacrificial love. Additional
     details and registration information to follow.

     On to our graduates: We at Christ the King Church look forward for opportunities to

17   April 2022
celebrate our youth and their accomplishments. We are so proud of the fortitude
exemplified by our youth in reaching this epic milestone. We will have a day set aside
for our High School graduates where we will come together, build comradery, and
encourage them along the path to their next journey. Additional details will soon be
made available.

Looking ahead to Vacation Bible School (VBS): This year’s VBS will be in-person - God
willing! We have high expectation for bringing the youth together in-person to kick
off this year’s VBS over the summer and will make adjustments as needed following
COVID-19 protocol.

Our ARISE Youth will need your guidance, support, and prayers as they navigate this
pivotal part of their development: Seeking to grow in their walk with Christ. We are
petitioning Christ-like leaders such as yourself to serve our young members of the
congregation in helping them to reach their full potential.

One writer said it like this, “Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of
Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord
prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation
and allows the church to flourish.” May we count on you CTKC, to bridge the current
gap? If you would like to express an interest in serving our youth, please contact us at


Pastor DS

                                                                                CTKC Connect    18
To Give digitally,                     Let's Get Social! Connect
point your camera at                   With CTKC!
the QR code to be                      Live stream and watch past services on our
directed to Givelify.                  Facebook and YouTube pages @ctkga

                                       Editorial Board
                                       Pastor Marion Sailor
                                       Jordan Coleman
                                       Dss. Tiffany Nelson

                                       Contributing Writers
                                       Yvonne Jackson..................................Page 04
                                       Lisa AIken............................................. Page 07
                                       Portia Huckleberry-Dennis..................Page 07
                                       Dss. Jamila Miller..................................Page 07
                                       Rosalyn Aaron......................................Page 09
                                       Justine Clyde....................................... Page 12
                                       Morgan DeLoach................................Page 13
                                       Min. Sonya Harris................................. Page 14
                                       Min. Bobbie Pittman........................... Page 14
                                       Jasmin Foster....................................... Page 16
                                       Pastor DeShannon Lewis.................... Page 17

High School Applicants                                               College Applicants

                          Rev. Marion Sailor, Senior Pastor
  258 Rabbit Hill Rd, Dacula, GA 30019 | 770-963-8447 |
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