Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

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Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...
          R          E           S           E            A            R        C           H

  Comparative Effectiveness
 of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and
 Positional Release Technique
on Tenderness and Function in
Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis:
  a Randomized Clinical Trial
                  Aditi Jadhav, MPT, Peeyoosha Gurudut, MPT, PhD (Candidate)

              Department of Orthopaedic Physiotherapy, KAHER’s Institute of Physiotherapy,
                    KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research, Karnataka, India


   Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF)                    Pain Rating Scale, Foot Function Index,
can be treated effectively with manual                   and pressure algometer, respectively,
techniques like cryostretch (CS) and the                 on day 1 (pre-intervention) and day 7
positional release technique (PRT). Al-                  (post-intervention).
though Gua Sha (GS) has been suggested                      Resul ts: Between- group analyses
in the literature for PF, its efficacy has not           showed that group GS was more effective
been studied in the research.                            than CS and PRT for pain (p=.0001), group
   Objective: To determine and compare                   CS was more effective than GS and PRT
the effectiveness of GS, CS, and PRT in                  for foot function (p=.0001) whereas group
subjects with PF in terms of pain intensity,             PRT was more effective than GS and CS for
pain pressure threshold, and foot function.              pain pressure threshold (p=.0001).
   Methods/Design: Thirty-six patients with                 Conclusion: Although all three groups
PF (n=36) were randomly allocated to three               showed improvement, Gua Sha was supe-
study groups (12 in each group)—group                    rior in terms of reducing pain, cryostretch
GS, group CS, and group PRT, respectively.               for improving foot functions, and PRT for re-
   Settings: A randomized clinical trial was             ducing tenderness. The interventions used
conducted at physiotherapy OPD in a ter-                 in this study are cost-effective and have
tiary health center.                                     proved to be simple and safe techniques.
   Participants: Subjects of all genders
with plantar fasciitis of the age group                    KEYWORDS: plantar fasciitis; cold thera-
20-60 years. Thirty-six subjects with plan-              py; stretching; manual therapy; alternative
tar fasciitis out of whom 12 were males                  therapies; soft tissue; manipulation
and 24 females. There were no dropouts
in this study.
   Intervention: The interventions included              INTRODUCTION
the Gua Sha technique (1 session), the
cryostretch technique with a frozen tennis                 Heel pain is one of the common foot
ball (3 sessions), and the positional release            disorders in which there is extreme dis-
technique (7 sessions), along with com-                  comfort weight-bearing on the heel
mon exercises for all three groups.                      because of the inflammation of the thick
   Outcome Measures: Pain intensity,                     fascia at the sole of the foot. It may be
foot functions, and pain pressure thresh-                due to either inflammatory or mechanical
old were assessed using the Numerical                    causes.(1) Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a serious

         International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

public health issue since it is the common             keeping the muscle in a shortened posi-
source of heel pain in outpatient depart-              tion to promote relaxation of muscle in
ment settings. Heel pain affects 10% of                contrast to placing the muscle in a length-
the population at some point in their lives,           ened or stretched position. PRT as defined
where 83 percent of these patients are ac-             by Wynn et al. is an indirect myofascial
tive adults who fall under the age group of            technique that aims at the neurologic
25 to 65 years.(2)                                     component of the neuro-vascular myofas-
   The plantar fascia when released has                cial somatic dysfunction. PRT is an indirect
been suggested to be of benefit to patients            approach with respect to tissue resistance
with symptoms of PF. Various other phys-               that includes the use of positioning of the
iotherapy treatment interventions have                 body, utilization of tender points to find the
been recommended in the past which                     problem and monitoring the therapeutic
include rest, taping, cryotherapy, orthotic            intervention.(15) In previous studies, PRT has
modifications, silicon heel cups, myofascial           shown a significant decrease in pain and
release,(3,4) manual stretching,(5) and advice         improvement in functional ability in PF
for footwear modifications. Manual therapy             patients but has not been compared with
is administered in the treatment of PF                 the other two treatment approaches.(16)
comprising techniques such as soft tissue                 Further, all three manual therapy in-
mobilizations, deep massage of the tis-                terventions work on the basis of different
sue, myofascial release, and the positional            theories/principles. Hence, this study hy-
release technique (PRT).                               pothesized that the three techniques, viz.
   Gua Sha is a Chinese method of                      Gua Sha, cryostretch (using a frozen tennis
instrument-assisted unidirectional “press-             ball), and positional release techniques, will
stroking” of a painful area that intentionally         not be equally effective in the manage-
creates transitory therapeutic petechiae.              ment of PF.
These therapeutic petechiae are a result
of the eruption of blood into the subcutis
and fade within two to five days.(6) The               METHODS
effects of the Gua Sha technique on mus-
culoskeletal conditions like chronic neck                 The study was approved by the Institu-
pain,(7) low back pain,(8) cervical spondy-            tional Research and Ethical Committee with
losis,(9) and lumbar disc herniation(10) have          approval number KIPT/SI No.709/07.08.2020.
shown better response to pain and func-                The trial is prospectively registered under
tions. A systematic review using Gua Sha               the clinical trial registry of India with trial
to treat musculoskeletal pain concluded                number CTRI/2020/10/028591. Written con-
insufficient evidence about its effective-             sent from the subjects was acquired prior
ness.(11) To the best of our knowledge and             to the commencement of the study.
a literature search conducted, there are no               Thirty-six subjects with plantar fasciitis
studies done to evaluate the effects of Gua            were randomly allocated to one of the
Sha on PF subjects.                                    three treatment groups with 12 subjects
   Cryostretch is a treatment method that              (12 × 3) in each group. The sample size was
includes a combination of cryotherapy and              calculated using the formula where the
stretching which is given for releasing soft           alpha value was considered as 1.96 at a 5%
tissues.(12) Myofascial release (MFR) with             significance level, the beta value was 1.2816
the help of a tennis ball to the plantar as-           at 90% power, the standard deviation was 3,
pect of the foot is widely used to increase            and the effect size was set at 4, referring to
flexibility and range of motion further                the previous studies.(11,13) Allocation to the
along the posterior muscles.(13) One form              groups was done using the lottery method
of cryostretch technique is given using a              where participants picked the chits with
frozen tennis ball which helps to release              the group names written on them. The
the spasm and increase the muscle/fascia               three treatment groups were Gua Sha,
length. The review of literature exhibits              Cryostretch, and PRT groups. The inclusion
lacuna in evidence of the application of               criteria of the study were subjects clinically
the cryostretch technique to confirm its               diagnosed with any one of the following
effectiveness in plantar fasciitis.                    criteria for plantar fasciitis: the painful first
   Positional release technique (PRT), for-            step in the morning, calcaneal soreness
merly known as strain-counterstrain, is an             on palpation, pain on palpation along the
osteopathic manual therapy technique                   proximal plantar fascia,(17) age between
that aims to improve muscle flexibility by             20 and 60 years, and subjects willing to

         International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

participate in our study. The participants              3 sets), curb/stair stretch (15 sec, 3 sets),
were excluded if they had a recent history              seated plantar fascia stretch (15 sec, 3 sets),
of fracture or surgery in and around the                cross-friction massage above the plantar
ankle joint; congenital deformity of the                fascia (3–5 min), toe curls (10–20 reps), and
foot; open wounds, infections; malignancy;              heel raises (15 reps, 5-sec holds, 2 sets).
sensory impairment, or skin hypersensitiv-              The materials required for the following
ity. All the subjects completed the study               exercises were: a chair, stairs/curb, and a
intervention with no loss to follow-up                  towel. The standing calf stretch and curb/
(Figure 1).                                             stairs stretch focused on the gastrocne-
                                                        mius and soleus muscles stretching. The
Intervention                                            plantar fascia stretches and cross-friction
                                                        massage above the plantar fascia are
   The interventions were carried out by                beneficial for walking to help stretch and
a qualified physiotherapist who had ad-                 warm up the fascia before the first steps
ditional certification in the application of            of the day. The exercises were performed
instrument-assisted soft tissue manipula-               by the patients sitting on a chair. The toe
tion techniques with jade stone, as well as             curls and heel raises are strengthening
in positional release therapy.                          exercises focused on the foot’s intrinsic
   The common intervention comprised of                 muscles. Both of these exercises were
exercises prescribed for targeting the ankle            performed in a standing position with the
and foot: standing calf stretch (15–30 sec,             subject’s hands resting on a chair. The toe

Figure 1. CONSORT flow diagram.

          International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

curls were performed with the help of a                 ceramic Chinese soup spoon or a blunt,
towel, and for the heel raises, the subjects            well-worn coin. Today practitioners com-
were asked to raise their heels off the floor           monly use jade or rose quartz or both.
while keeping their knees straight. The                 However, considering the cost-effective-
subjects performed these exercises twice                ness of jade stone which has similar effects
a day, once in presence of the therapist                as that of rose quartz, in addition to the
in the OPD and the second time at home                  training involved in the application of jade
(Figure 2).(18)                                         stone by the therapist involved in the in-
  Group GS received the Gua Sha technique               tervention, the jade stone was chosen for
along with exercises included in the com-               the application of Gua Sha. The subjects
mon intervention. This technique was                    were treated in a prone lying position
performed using a jade stone and a skin                 where the therapist was standing near
lubricant to decrease f riction. Gua Sha                the affected foot of the subject. There was
technique was anciently done using a                    sequential press unidirectional stroking

Figure 2. Common exercises (A-standing calf stretch, B-curb/stair stretch, C-seated plantar fascia stretch,
D-cross-friction massage above the plantar fascia, E-toe curls, F-heel raises).

          International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

along the orientation of the fascia f rom                   and then slight mechanical pressure was
heel to toe direction, followed by areas in-                put on the tender point with one finger-
cluding tendon Achilles, calf muscle bulk,                  tip to determine the tenderness. The foot
and origin of gastrocnemius with 3 min                      was then positioned into complete plantar
of stroking per area.(19,20) This technique                 flexion and gently fine-tuned by rotation
was administered only once, on the first                    until there was a reduction in tender point
day of the intervention, because the rec-                   by at least 70%, and this position was held
ommended dosage is 1 session per seven                      for 90 sec with 3 repetitions.(21) The subjects
days considering the petechial rashes that                  received this treatment for 7 consecutive
result due to the technique. The remain-                    sessions over a period of seven days, along
ing six days were continued only with the                   with the exercises (Figure 5).
exercises (Figure 3).
   Group CS received the cryostretch tech-                  Outcome Measures
nique along with the exercises mentioned
above in the section on common interven-                      Outcome measures included in the
tion. This technique was performed using a                  study were pain intensity using a Numeri-
frozen tennis ball. The subjects were sitting               cal Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), foot functions
seated on a chair where one foot was on                     using Foot Function Index (FFI), and pain
the frozen tennis ball and the other was flat               pressure threshold using a pressure al-
on the floor. The subjects were then asked                  gometer. The demographic data of each
to roll the frozen ball under the arch of their             subject were documented along with the
foot extending from the heel to the meta-                   initial assessment of the outcome mea-
tarsal heads concentrating on the medial                    sures prior to the intervention (baseline)
arch for 2 min (30 reps).(13) The subjects                  and post-intervention (Day 7). The duration
were instructed to apply as much pressure                   of the intervention was one week.
as they could, pushing into discomfort but                    The NPRS was used to measure pain in-
not pain, as greater pressures have shown                   tensity. The subjects were asked to indicate
to have better benefits on flexibility. This                the numeric value on an 11-point numerical
technique was administered on alternate                     scale (horizontal bar or line format) ac-
days (the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day of the week)                cording to their current pain over the past
along with the exercises (Figure 4).                        24 hours where 0 was considered as “No
   Group PRT received positional release                    Pain” and 10 was considered as “worst
technique along with exercises. The sub-                    Pain’ possible. The NPRS is a valid scale to
jects were made to lie in a supine position                 measure pain intensity and the reliability
with the affected limb out of the plinth                    of this scale is 0.90.(22)

   (a)                                                (b)

Figure 3. (a) Gua Sha for plantar fascia with jade stone; (b) Gua Sha for tendoachilles, calf and gastrocnemius
muscle origins.

           International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

Figure 4. Cryostretch technique.

                                                         which best describes their foot functional
                                                         ability over the previous week. The FFI is
                                                         a valid and reliable tool for patients with
                                                         non-traumatic foot or ankle problems.
                                                         Test/retest reliability of the FFI total and
                                                         sub-scale scores ranged from 0.87 to 0.69,
                                                         whereas the internal consistency ranges
                                                         from 0.96 to 0.73.(23)
                                                            The pain pressure threshold was assessed
                                                         using a pressure algometer (Baseline brand;
                                                         White Plains, NY) which is a hand-held in-
                                                         strument where the pressure threshold at
                                                         which the patient feels the pain is calibrated
                                                         in kg/cm2 with a range of 10 kg and 0.1 kg
                                                         divisions. The subjects were asked to point
                                                         to the location of the worst pain on the foot
                                                         to identify the maximum tender spot (TS).
                                                         The subject was asked to confirm pain or
                                                         discomfort at the point. The indicated site
                                                         was then palpated by the examiners to
                                                         identify the correct TS which was marked
                                                         with a marker. The tip of the algometer was
                                                         kept over the marked area of maximum
                                                         tenderness, perpendicular to the involved
Figure 5. Positional release technique.
                                                         muscle/fascia. The pressure was progres-
                                                         sively increased and the readings at which
                                                         the subject felt pain were recorded.(24)
   Foot Function Index (FFI) is a self-
administered index consisting of 23                      Statistical Analysis
items divided into three sub-scales: pain
subscale, disability subscale, and activity                 Statistical analysis for the present study
limitation subscale. The subject was asked               was done using SPSS version 23.0 (IBM
to score each question on a scale f rom                  SPSS Statistics, Armonk, NY, USA) to verify
0 (no pain or difficulty) to 10 (worst pain              the results obtained. Data were summa-
imaginable or so difficult it requires help),            rized as mean ± standard deviation for

           International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
Comparative Effectiveness of Gua Sha, Cryostretch, and Positional Release Technique on Tenderness and Function in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis: ...

continuous variables, whereas the cat-                           Assessment of pain intensity demon-
egorical variables were represented as a                      strated a statistically significant reduction
percentage. A comparison of the difference                    in pain on Day 7 post-intervention in all
between the three groups was done using                       three groups at pre- to post-intervention
a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)                        (p

33.66 for pressure pain threshold for GS, CS,             Studies have reported a decrease in pain
and PRT groups. respectively.                          intensity with the help of GS in the chronic
  Further, in comparison of the three                  neck pain population, low back pain, mus-
groups for the mean difference (GS, CS,                culoskeletal pain, breast engorgement,
and PRT), group GS was better than group               cervical spondylosis, and f ibromyalgia
CS (p

decreasing the inflammation around the                    The PRT group demonstrated that
plantar fascia. Cryotherapy reduces local              trigger point sensitivity decreased post-
hyperthermia, induces vasoconstriction,                intervention. Our study results agreed
and lowers microcirculation. The erup-                 with another study where PRT was used
tion of blood into the surrounding tissues             in decreasing tender points by increas-
decreases local inflammation, and edema                ing pressure pain thresholds of trigger
production is also reduced, along with a               points in the upper trapezius muscle with
decrease in motor as well as sensory nerve             mechanical neck pain patients. (31) The
conduction.(27) Stretching improves blood              application of PRT causes a decrease in
circulation which brings nutrients to cells            tissue tenderness by changing nociceptor
and there is the removal of waste products.            activity in the soft tissues. The increase in
The rise in the blood flow causes the open-            pain pressure threshold is associated with
ing of the connective tissues, which helps             a reduction in the susceptibility of the tis-
alleviate pain.(28)                                    sue. Based on previous literature and our
   Previous studies have found that the                current findings, PRT interventions have
increase in PPT following stretching with              the ability to relieve tenderness and local
a tennis ball in the ipsilateral and contra-           pain caused by myofascial trigger points.(32)
lateral plantar flexors may be because of                 However, there were a few limitations
the mechanical pressure that rolling ten-              to our study such as the lack of a control
nis balls exert on mechanoreceptors and                group, the short duration of the interven-
proprioceptors.(29) Mechanical stress like             tion, and no long-term follow-up to assess
massage, which removes trigger points                  the continuity of practice that needs to be
from muscle tissue, leads to increased PPT.            considered in future studies. Also, there
The application of mechanical pressure                 are more chances of a higher number of
applied on trigger points averts unwanted              patient/therapist interactions in the CS and
firing of muscle spindles from the trigger             PRT intervention groups than the GS group
point, decreases muscle spasms, and helps              due to a greater number of treatment
to decrease the pain.(30)                              sessions in a week which may influence
   In the current study, there was a signifi-          pain perception. A follow-up period can
cant difference in the PRT group in terms              be used to see the long-term effects of all
of pain intensity and functional disability            three techniques. More standard outcome
on Day 7 post-intervention. The factors                measures, like ultrasonography at pre and
that helped in pain reduction may be ex-               post-intervention comparison, can be used
plained due to the reduction in the intra              for a better understanding of the results.
and extrafusal fiber difference and reset
of the inappropriate proprioceptive activ-
ity. PRT uses static ischemic compression,             CONCLUSION
a position of comfort, and fine-tuning on
reflexogenic trigger points to resolve the                The present study concluded that all
associated dysfunction.(15)                            three groups—Gua Sha, cryostretch, and
   Positional release therapy is a technique           positional release techniques—demon-
suggested to improve muscle flexibility                strated significant improvement in terms
by keeping the muscle in a shortened po-               of reducing pain intensity and foot func-
sition, which inhibits muscle relaxation,              tion score, and increasing pain pressure
rather than keeping the muscle in a                    threshold on Day 7 post-intervention.
lengthened or stretched condition. The uti-            Further, the Gua Sha intervention was
lization of body positioning, tender points            more effective than the cryostretch and
to find the problem, and monitoring of the             positional release technique for pain; the
intervention are some of the PRT indirect              cryostretch technique was more effec-
approaches regarding tissue resistance.                tive for foot function scoring; whereas the
The excitability of the myotatic reflex arc            positional release technique was more
might lead to restriction in the movement,             effective for pain pressure threshold. To
which is caused by excessive gamma gain.               the best of our knowledge, our study is
By keeping the patient’s muscle in the                 the first to evaluate the effectiveness of
placement of ease for a small period of                the Gua Sha technique on plantar fasciitis
time, there is a decrease in gamma gain;               patients. Level II evidence is created by
thereby allowing the excited reflex arc to             this study where three different manual
return back to its original state and in-              therapies have been compared. Further,
crease the range of motion.(16)                        the interventions used in this study are

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           International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 16, Number 1, March 2023
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