Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021

Page created by Alfredo Caldwell
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Chelsea School District Community Education

                                         Spring &
                                      Summer 2021

  Infant &
Youth Camps

   “Dedicated to Educating & Enriching the Community”
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Welcome to Chelsea School District Community Education!
Chelsea Community Education programs support learning by providing educational opportunities that extend
 learning after school, on the weekend, and in the summer for learners of all ages. Many of our programs are
    supported by a combination of state aid, tuition, grants, and fees. Contact information is listed below.

                                                                                 Enrichment & Sports Programs
    Chelsea Community Education
               Scott Theisen, Supervisor                                              Andrew Thomson..........(734) 433-2208, ext. 6074
           Washington Street Education Center                                    Cameron Pool
                 500 Washington Street
                   Chelsea, MI 48118                                                  Pool Supervisor ............(734) 433-2200, ext. 2061
            Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.                               Facilities Use Coordinator
          Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
               (late June through mid-August)                                         Judee Lonnemo ............(734) 433-2200, ext. 4094
  In addition to our school district Community Education                         Registration
 programs, you will find information from other non-profit
    community organizations in this brochure. Working                                 Andrew Thomson......... (734) 433-2208, ext. 6074
      together, we are able to provide a broad range of
opportunities for the people in and around the Chelsea area.                     First Steps Washtenaw/Michigan
              Assurance of Non-Discrimination                                         Elisabeth Seymour ...
Chelsea Community Education does not discriminate on the basis of race,
 national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, pregnancy, marital status,
                                                                                 Preschool Information
  veteran status, height, or weight in admission, access, treatment, or              Lisa Nickel...................... (734) 433-2208, ext. 6083
       employment for any of its programs, activities, or policies.

The Chelsea Community Education and Recreation                                 together to offer
Department reserves the right to make any program                               programming:
changes or cancellations which become necessary per the
state guidelines from the state Governor’s office due to the
Coronavirus pandemic. It should also be noted that, while
we adhere to the guidelines issued by the Governor, we
will also follow all of the safety protocols and procedures
required by the Chelsea School District.

2                                                            | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Table of Contents

                                         Camps                                                            Share What You Know with Others!
  Beach Band Camp................................................................ Pg.              5
  Bricks 4 Kidz Camps............................................................. Pg.             4    Instructors Needed! We are looking for knowledgeable individuals
                                                                                                        to lead students of all ages in a variety of classes and subject areas.
  Camp Gabika.......................................................................... Pg.        4
                                                                                                        Whether you are an experienced teacher in the community or a very
  Chelsea Area Players Theater Workshop........................ Pg.                                6    dedicated hobbyist ready to share your ideas for success we would like
  Fiddle Camp........................................................................... Pg.       5    to speak with you! Please note that we choose classes based on many
  Safety Town............................................................................ Pg.      5    different factors including space availability, current trends, and past
  W.R.A.P. Camp........................................................................ Pg.        5    topic performance. We would like to work with you to create the best
                                                                                                        possible program for our community members!
                       Youth Enrichment                                                                 To submit your course ideas please call, mail, fax or Email:
  Boating Safety....................................................................... Pg. 7               Andrew Thomson
  Chess Scholars (Virtual) ..................................................... Pg. 7                      Community Education
  Coding-STEM (Virtual)......................................................... Pg. 7                      500 Washington St., Chelsea, MI 48118
  Daddy Daughter Dance....................................................Pg. 13                            (734) 433-2208, ext. 6074, FAX: (734) 433-2218
  GRASP...................................................................................... Pg. 7         Email:
  Gymnastics............................................................................. Pg. 7

                               Youth Sports
  Bulldog Soccer School.......................................................Pg. 11
  Challenger Soccer Camp...................................................Pg. 12
  Coach Pitch Baseball/Softball.........................................Pg. 11
  Intermediate Baseball.......................................................Pg. 11
  Tee Ball...................................................................................Pg. 11
  Tennis Camp.........................................................................Pg. 12
  Tot, Iddy Biddy, Exploration, & Schoolage Sports.....Pg. 10
  Youth Cross Country..........................................................Pg. 11

         Early Childhood Education
  Chelsea Community Preschool......................................Pg. 8-9

                    Swimming Program
  Open Swim/Lap Swim......................................................... Pg. 9
  Swim Lessons......................................................................... Pg. 9

             Community Advertising                                                                                   Registration Information
  Adaptive Dance – Ballet Chelsea...................................Pg.                            14                               see pg. 15
  Ballet Chelsea.......................................................................Pg.         14               (734) 433-2208 FAX (734) 433-2218
  Chelsea Field Hockey.........................................................Pg.                 13            
  SRSLY......................................................................................Pg.   14
                                                                                                           Chelsea Community Education programs are listed on pages 4 – 19.
                                                                                                        Registration for other programs listed after those pages have information
                                                                                                               specific to their registration listed on their individual pages. | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218                                                                                                              3
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Youth Camps
                                                                                                                      Camp Gabika Young Leaders
                                                                                                                      (entering Gr. 7 – 9)
                                                                                                                      Young Leaders is the Camp Gabika program for
                                                                                                                      students entering 7th, 8th or 9th grades who are
Camp Gabika (entering Gr. 1 – 6)                                                                                      interested in building leadership skills and bettering
                                                                                                                      themselves and the world around them. Join us for
Jack Smith, Director                                                                                                  fun activities designed to increase self-awareness,
                                                                                                                      independence, compassion and courage as campers
Monday – Friday                                                                                                       participate in self-designed service projects, team-
6/14 – 8/20 (camp closed 7/5)                                                                                         building activities, nature hikes, cooking, arts and
                                                                                                                      crafts, self-planned community involvement and
7:15 – 9:00 a.m. (Before Care)                                                                                        volunteering, games, self-reflection, swimming,
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Camp Activities)                                                                               weekly field trips and so much more!
4:00 – 5:45 p.m. (After Care)                                                                                         There are a VERY LIMITED number of spaces available
$220/week or $60/day                                                                                                  for the Young Leaders program, and an application
(early bird registration is $195/week when                                                                            MUST be submitted and approved in order to attend.
registered by May 1)                                                                                                  Leadership qualities and hard work are expected. Pre-
                                                                                                                      application has begun so if you have interest, please
Children going into first through sixth grades get ready                                                              contact the Community Education office.
for Camp Gabika’s fun-filled summer weeks! Camp Gabika is Chelsea’s affordable summer
day camp, where campers keep minds and bodies healthy, build social skills, and develop independence and
creativity. We do all of this while participating in weekly activities, sports and games, arts and crafts, trips       Bricks 4 Kidz Camp
around Chelsea, indoor and outdoor fun, and weekly field trips to awesome destinations!                                Eugene Blair, owner of Bricks 4 Kidz
Campers will participate throughout the summer in many community-based activities including: building                  Ann Arbor area
relationships with our partners at the Chelsea Senior Center through cooking or gardening, studying team-
building skills with SRSLY, enjoying events with the Chelsea District Library,
                                                                                                                       Monday – Friday
practicing mindfulness with Breath Yoga, learning confidence with ATA Martial                                          8/2 – 8/6
Arts, strengthening creativity and critical thinking skills with Lego Club, going                                      9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
bowling, meeting community members, and so much more!                                                                  WSEC/Room 100
We are working again in partnership with the Chelsea Wellness Coalition and                                            $224
5 Healthy Towns Foundation to encourage campers to move more, eat better,
avoid unhealthy substances and connect with others. Our staff will lead                                                Building is Awesome Camp
campers through our summer of fun camp activities and games.                                                           Do you think building is awesome? How about
                                                                                                                       building with Emmet and Lucy? Then you won’t
Registration is open for all ten weeks, and discounts are available for early bird,                                    want to miss the Bricks 4 Kidz Building Is Awesome
multi-week, and sibling registrations. PLEASE NOTE: All sibling discounts, payment plans, and scholarship              Camp! Join Emmet, Lucy, Unicorn Kitty and Benny
requests must be completed through the Community Education office.                                                     on a journey to stop Bad Cop and Lord Business
                                                                                                                       from super-gluing the world. Campers will put their
Full week registration is available online or at the Community Education office. Early bird rates are only             engineering skills to work as they build motorized
available for full week registrations through May 1, 2021.                                                             models, 3D figure models and mosaics. They’ll love
                                                                                                                       these awesome models based on The LEGO® Movie
Daily registration is available by contacting the Community Education office. You will be able to complete daily       and its sequel. Whether you take an imaginary ride
registration online up until one week before the start.                                                                on Metal Beard’s ship or Emmet’s double-decker
                                                                                                                       couch, be sure to get on over to Bricks 4 Kidz where
                                                                                  The cost of registration is
                                                                                                                       building is awesome!
                                                                                  inclusive of all camp costs,
                                                                                   including       trips/activities
                                                                                    and snacks. Our trips this         Monday – Friday
                                                                                    year will be TBA, as we work       8/9 – 8/13
                                                                                    with many sites to schedule        9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                     visits. Campers will need         WSEC/Room 100
                                                                                     to bring their own lunch
                                                                                      and comfortable, closed-         $224
                                                                                      toe shoes each day.
                                                                                                                       Coding Camp
                                                                                                                       The ability to code is a key component of
                                                                                                                       technology education today. Our coding program
                                                                                                                       will teach students important strategies to enhance
                                                                                                                       their logic and problem-solving skills, as well as
                                                                                                                       help them work toward becoming technological
                                                                                                                       innovators of tomorrow. Our program offers a skill
                                                                                                                       level progression of coding concepts. Students will
                                                                                                                       be introduced to basic coding with a fun, user-
                                                                                                                       friendly coding software.

4                                                           | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Youth Camps
Safety Town                                                    W.R.A.P. Camp                                               W.R.A.P. Grads Leadership
Melissa Struk and Community
Education Staff                                                July 12 – July 16                                           Exploration
                                                               Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday                                                Friday: 8:30 a.m. – Noon                                    July 12 – July 16
6/21 – 6/25                                                    Students completing grades K-5                              Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
AM Session: 8:30 – 11:00 a.m.                                  Early Bird registration before May 8: $180                  Friday: 8:30 a.m. – Noon
PM Session: 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.                                  After May 8: $190		                                         Students completing grades 6 and 7
North Creek Elementary                                         WRAP CAMP 2021 MAY NOT BE HELD AT                           Cost: $100
$70                                                            THE DISCOVERY CENTER. WE STILL PLAN TO                      WRAP CAMP 2021 MAY NOT BE HELD AT
                                                               OFFER THIS CAMP DURING SUMMER 2021.                         THE DISCOVERY CENTER. WE STILL PLAN TO
Safety Town is a safety education
                                                                                                                           OFFER THIS CAMP DURING SUMMER 2021.
program that teaches various areas of                          (Includes transportation by bus from the Washington
personal safety to children                                    Street Educational Center or entry to the Discovery         WRAP Grads is designed specifically for students
starting Young 5s or                                           Center for parent drop-off)                                 finishing sixth or seventh grade: the WRAP Camp
kindergarten in the
                                                               WRAP Camp is designed to help children develop a            professionals! These students will participate in
fall. Children will learn
                                                               lifetime interest in and an appreciation for the natural    in-depth projects, presentations or activities in the
traffic and bus safety
                                                               world. It is educational, hands-on and fun! This program    morning, and will then assist the younger grades
as well as fire, seat belt,
                                                               is a Chelsea School District Day Camp at the Gerald E.      in the afternoon. Children need to bring their own
stranger, water, gun, poison
                                                               Eddy Discovery Center in the Waterloo Recreation Area.      lunch each day. A 2021 WRAP Camp T-shirt will
and electrical safety. Your
                                                               Each summer students from Chelsea and surrounding           be provided for those registering for camp on or
child will learn about these
                                                               communities gather for the adventure of discovering         before June 25. Please indicate size when registering.
important topics from special
                                                               nature first-hand. WRAP Camp campers are stimulated         Shirts cannot be guaranteed to be available after June
visitors, stories, projects, songs,
                                                               and challenged with outdoor programs and creative           25. There are only a limited number of spaces in this
games, movies and taking a bus
                                                               fun. Students learn about nature through interactive        group!
ride. A ‘mock city’ equipped with
                                                               games, hands-on activities, and exciting presentations.
cars (tricycles), street signs and real
traffic lights help make learning fun.
                                                               Daily activities for all grades focus on nature and
                                                               ecology experiences. WRAP Camp instructors are              Fiddle Camp
                                                               certified teachers and advanced students or recent          Nathan Peters
FOR 2021 ONLY!                                                 graduates in elementary education. Children need
                                                               to bring their own lunch each day. A 2021 WRAP              AT TIME OF PUBLICATION, FIDDLE CAMP
Safety Town: Take Two                                          Camp T-shirt will be provided for those registering
                                                               for camp on or before June 25. Please indicate size
                                                                                                                           HAS NOT BEEN FINALIZED. IF WE ARE
                                                               when registering. Shirts cannot be guaranteed to be         ABLE TO OFFER THE CAMP, IT WILL BE
Monday – Thursday                                              available after June 25.                                    POSTED ON THE COMMUNITY EDUCATION
6/28 – 7/1                                                                                                                 WEBSITE AT
8:30 – 11:00 a.m.
North Creek Elementary                                         Beach Band Camp                                             It’s summer time and this popular
                                                                                                                           camp is back! Violin, viola, cello and
$55                                                            Katy Steklac                                                bass students will develop their
                                                               AT TIME OF PUBLICATION, BAND CAMP                           playing skills while learning fiddle
Being offered for Summer 2021 only, Safety Town: Take
                                                                                                                           tunes in a relaxed environment.
Two is a modified program just for those students who          HAS NOT BEEN FINALIZED. IF WE ARE                           This camp is an excellent preparation
have completed their first year at North Creek in the          ABLE TO OFFER THE CAMP, IT WILL BE                          for playing in the Beach Middle
2020-21 school year, but missed out on the chance to
attend safety town in 2020. We will still teach various        POSTED ON THE COMMUNITY EDUCATION                           School Fiddle Club or the Chelsea
                                                               WEBSITE AT                            House Orchestra. This camp
areas of personal safety and children will reinforce
                                                                                                                           is for students who have
traffic and bus safety as well as fire, seat belt, stranger,
                                                               Beach Band Camp is open to all members of the Chelsea       COMPLETED fifth through
water, gun, poison and electrical safety. Your child
                                                               Beach Middle School Band program going into sixth,          eighth grade with a year’s
will learn about these
                                                               seventh and eighth grades in fall of 2021. We will play a   playing experience. Please
important topics from                                          large selection of music from popular repertoire, movie     provide t-shirt size with your
special visitors, stories,                                     themes and jazz. We will work in large ensemble and         registration.
projects, songs, games,                                        small group settings with Ms. Steklac and students from
movies and taking a                                            the Pride of Chelsea, the Chelsea High School Marching      Nathan Peters is the
bus ride. A ‘mock city’                                        Band! There will be a snack provided each day. Come         orchestra teacher at South
equipped with cars                                             join us for a week at the Beach making music!               Meadows        Elementary
(tricycles), street signs                                      Katy Steklac is the Director of Bands for Beach Middle      and Beach Middle School
and real traffic lights                                        School and South Meadows Elementary                         and has been teaching in
help make learning                                                                                                         Chelsea for over 20 years.
fun. | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218                                                                                                        5
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Youth Enrichment
GRASP - Grand Rapids                                       Gymnastics (K-4 Gr.)                                     Virtual Chess Scholars (K-8 Gr.)
Academic Summer Program                                    Jamie Krol, Gym America on Wheels                        Afterschool Enrichment Solutions

Students completing kindergarten                           Tuesdays                                                 Kindergarten & 1st Grade
through eighth grade                                       Session 1: 4/13 – 5/4                                    Thursdays or Tuesdays
Registrations are due to Community                         Session 2: 5/11 – 6/1                                    Session 1: 4/22 – 5/20
Education by Friday, April 30                              3:15 – 4:00 p.m.                                         Session 2: 5/4 – 6/1
by mail: 500 Washington St., Chelsea, MI                   Washington St. Education Center                          5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
48118                                                      $55
                                                                                                                    2nd & 3rd Grade
or online:
                                                           It’s Spring 2021 and Gym America                         Mondays or Fridays
(Departments, Community Education)
                                                           gymnastics is back! Miss Jamie has                       Session 1: 4/19 – 5/17
$36 for one subject (reading or math)                      missed seeing all her Chelsea friends,                   7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
$65 for both subjects                                      and the time has come to get back to
                                                           the business of having fun! This class
                                                                                                                    Session 2: 5/7 – 6/4
The Grand Rapids Academic Summer Program is                offers a positive and fun environment                    6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
a nine-week correspondence summer program                  where students will be instructed on
in math and reading designed for children who              all of the Olympic events: vaults,                       4th – 8th Grade
have completed kindergarten through eighth                 bars, balance beam, tumbling and                         Wednesdays or Fridays
grade. Children will receive a packet of materials         trampoline with special emphasis                         Session 1: 4/21 – 5/19
containing all nine lessons for the summer. The            offered on self-esteem, strength and                     6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
lessons are scored, results recorded and returned to       coordination. Please send your child
the children. A certificate of achievement is given at
                                                                                                                    Session 2: 5/7 – 6/4
                                                           with a leotard or shorts and a
the conclusion of a successful program.                    t-shirt that are not too loose                           7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
In order to register for GRASP, please return your         fitting – a bottle of water is a good idea too! Please   Virtual Platform
completed registration to the Community Education          note: Transportation is not available...students         $65
office by Friday, April 30. Any registrations after this   will need to be transported to WSEC after school.
date will have to register independently and pay a                                                                  Develop your child’s intellect through the royal
higher registration fee directly through the GRASP
office. Materials will be distributed to schools no
                                                           Virtual STEM (K-8 Gr.)                                   game of chess! Current research has shown a strong
                                                                                                                    link between chess and academic performance
later than Friday, June 4 for students to take home.       Afterschool Enrichment Solutions                         in a variety of areas, including mathematics and
Each curriculum packet contains instructions for                                                                    language arts. Chess has been proven to enhance
completion of lessons (about 1 hour each week) and         K – 3rd Grade                                            children’s motivation, concentration, focus, social
how to return them for scoring.                            Wednesdays or Friday                                     skills, and creativity.
                                                           Session 1: 4/21 – 5/19                                   Each 60 minute online class will consist of a fun,
Boating Safety                                             Session 2: 5/7 – 6/4                                     interactive teaching period with a live instructor
                                                                                                                    and guided practice time where students can play
Marine Division – Washtenaw County                         5:00 – 5:45 p.m.
                                                                                                                    remotely against other Chess Scholars students.
Sheriff Dept.                                              4th – 8th Grade                                          Both beginner and experienced players are welcome
                                                                                                                    and will learn under the guidance of an experienced
                                                           Mondays                                                  Chess Scholars coach. No previous knowledge of
AT TIME OF PUBLICATION, IN-PERSON                          Session 1: 4/19 – 5/17                                   chess is necessary.
BOATING SAFETY WILL NOT BE OFFERED.                        6:00 – 6:45 p.m.
IF WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER A CLASS, IT                                                                                 This program will be offered virtually only during
                                                           Virtual Platform                                         the Spring 2021 sessions with students from around
WILL BE POSTED ON THE COMMUNITY                            $60                                                      Washtenaw County.
EDUCATION WEBSITE AT www.chelsea.                                                  This online class takes a hands-on approach to
                                                           science, engineering and computer programming,
Whether your interest is in fishing, sailing, canoeing     allowing students to explore a variety of fun and
or water-skiing, boating education is essential.           educational activities using common household
This eight-hour course is designed for those 12            materials. Under the guidance of a live instructor
years of age or older and covers topics including          during each 45 minute session, students will improve
legal requirements, how to operate craft safely            their problem solving, math, and physics skills –
and environmental protection information. After            all while engaging in exciting science and coding
studying the course material and taking an exam,           projects! This class also includes video lessons to
students who pass will receive their official boater       guide students through the creation of additional
education certification. This certificate is required by   projects outside of class time!
law for many to operate personal watercraft and may        This program will be offered virtually only during
even save you money on your insurance premiums.            the Spring 2021 sessions with other students from
Anyone involved in boating activities is strongly          Washtenaw County.
encouraged to attend this class. | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218                                                                                              7
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Chelsea Community Preschool
                      Chelsea School District                                                                         See pg. 2 for
                     Early Childhood Program                                                                           guidelines

                                             Lisa Nickel, Director
                   WSEC Early Childhood Center, 500 Washington Street, Chelsea

• Half-day preschool
                                       Each classroom offers a hands-on learning approach to explore emergent literacy
  program for children                 math, science, social studies, art, music, and also emphasizes life skills such as conflict
  ages 3, 4 and 5                      resolution and problem-solving skills.

• Full-day preschool                   Great Start Readiness Program
  for Great Start                      Great Start Readiness Program is a tuition-free,
                                       state grant funded preschool program
  Readiness Program                      for at-risk four-year-old students from
  8:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.                      low and medium income fami-
                                              lies. The program requires chil-
  (see GSRP paragraph                         dren to be age four by Sept. 1
                                              and reside within Washtenaw
  for information).                         County. Interested parents should
• State certified teachers,            apply at or call
                                       1-800-777-2861. For more information, call the Commu-
  specializing in Early                nity Education office at 734-433-2208, ext. 6083 or visit the website at
  Childhood                                 Early On Michigan (Birth – Age 3)
• HighScope curriculum                   If you have questions about how your child is developing, or if you think that your child
                                       might be delayed, you are entitled to a free evaluation through Early On (age 0-3) or
  which emphasizes                     Project find (age 3+). Place an Early On referral (age 0-3) by completing an online form at
  learning through play             or call 1-800-Early-On (1-800-327-5966). Place a Project find referral
                                             (age 3+) by calling 734-994-8100, ext. 1832. After placing a referral, you can expect to
  across the content                         be contacted within two weeks. If you have not been contacted within two weeks, call
  areas.                                     Alicia Kruk at 734-994-8100, ext. 1272.
                                              The Chelsea School District Early Childhood Program will be offering the
• Planned family activities                          following classes for Fall 2021 contingent upon enrollment:
                                                Tue./Thurs. a.m. .................................................. 3-Year-Olds
• Access to early                               Tue./Thurs. p.m. ................................................... 3, 4 & 5-Year Olds
  intervention specialists                      Mon./Wed./Fri. a.m............................................. 4-Year-Olds
                                                Mon./Tues./Wed./Thurs. a.m.............................. 4 & 5-Year-Olds
• Visit us on Facebook!                         Mon./Tues./Wed./Thurs. .................................... 4-Year-Olds
                                                                          GSRP All-day program
                                                       (See GSRP paragraph above for qualifying factors)
   For information
                                                        Child must be age three or four by September 1
  on programs and                                              Registration for Fall 2021 is open
                                                       Download registration form:
  availability please                                      (Community Education Early Childhood)
   call Community
   (734) 433-2208
       ext. 6083
8 | (734) 433-2208 | FAX (734) 433-2218                                                                               8
Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
First Steps Washtenaw –
                                                                                           This program is for families and caregivers with young children
                                                                                          ages prenatal to 5 years. All school districts in Washtenaw County
                                                                                                       offer parent child education programs;
                                                                                                   together they are called First Steps Washtenaw.
                                                                                         The following components are included in an 8 week session:
                                                                                         • 60 minute playgroups led by Parent Educator
                                                                                         • Ongoing special events and parent group meetings
                                                                                         • Developmental screening focused on normal child development
                                                                                         • Community resource network
                                                                                         WHERE Washington Street Educational Center at 500 Washington St. Early Childhood Center
                                                                                         WHEN Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                         COST $95 for an eight-week session; $55 for one-visit per week for all eight weeks;
                                                                                         REGISTRATION Registration is required for new and returning families through the Community
                                                                                         Education Office at the Washington Street Educational Center Administration offices, 500 Wash-
                                                                                         ington St. Pre-registration for each session is required.
                                                                                         CONTACT Email Elisabeth Seymour, Facebook page; First Steps
                                                                                         SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE to families with a demonstrating need or a student eligible for the
                                                                                         Early On program.

Pool Programs Spring 2021
 Charles S. Cameron Pool • Beach Middle School                                                                                        Pool Supervisor (734) 433-2200, ext. 2061
                                    Public Swim Information                                                                           Schedule and information (734) 433-2260
     When the facility is permitted to reopen, we may add limited lap swim hours.
                Please monitor the website for updated information:

                                     Pool Rental Information
                There will be no pool rentals available for Spring/Summer 2021
                      Swim Lessons (5 weeks, choose day)
                                              Mondays: 4/19 – 5/17
                                          Wednesdays: 4/21 – 5/19
Polliwog (Parent/Tot)................................................................ NOT OFFERED THIS SPRING
Mudpuppy.............................................................................................................4:00-4:25 p.m.
Mudpuppy.............................................................................................................4:30-4:55 p.m.
Turtle/Dolphin......................................................................................................3:30-3:55 p.m.
                                                            Fee: $35

                                           — Summer 2021 —
                       We regret that the pool will undergo scheduled maintenance and
                                 repairs during the summer. The pool will not offer public
                                         swims, lessons programs, or rentals. We apologize
                                                 for this convenience and look forward to a
                                                       return of programs next school year.

Community Connections - Chelsea School District Community Education Spring & Summer 2021
Tot Sports                                                                                                             Sports Exploration
(Ages 18 mos.–3 Years)                                                                                                 (Ages 5–6)
Jeremy Hodges (Coach Jeremy)                                                                                           Coach Jeremy
Mondays                                                                                                                Mondays
Session 1: 4/19 – 5/10 (Sampler)                                                                                       Session 1: 4/19 – 5/10 (Sampler)
Session 2: 5/17 – 6/14,                                                                                                Session 2: 5/17 – 6/14,
no class 5/31 (Basketball)                                                                                             no class 5/31 (Basketball)
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.                                                                                                       6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
South Meadows/Gym                                                                                                      South Meadows/Gym
$44                                                                                                                    $44
Tuesdays                                                                                                               Tuesdays
Session 3: 6/22 – 7/20, no class 7/6 (Soccer)                                                                          Session 3: 6/22 – 7/20, no class 7/6 (Soccer)
Session 4: 7/27 – 8/17 (Tee Ball)                                                                                      Session 4: 7/27 – 8/17 (Tee Ball)
5:30 – 6:00 p.m.                                                                                                       6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
South Meadows/Gym                                                                                                      South Meadows/Gym
$44                                                                                                                    $44

Coach Jeremy and Community Education are pleased                                                                       Coach Jeremy will be continuing to offer this exciting
to present Tot Sports! Tot Sports features fun and                                                                     sports experience for those boys and girls who
engaging activities that will encourage skills to be                                                                   are ages 5 and 6. Sports Exploration will have a
used in a variety of sports. Each four-week session will                                                               focus on learning many of those fundamental skills
show the participants some of the basic techniques,
like dribbling a ball or throwing and catching, and            Iddy Biddy Sports                                       needed before players move into a structured team
                                                                                                                       environment. What is the best part about learning
help produce a life-long love of sports and recreation
in a fun-based, play-centric atmosphere. Parents will          (Ages 3–5)                                              the basics with Coach Jeremy? Children will learn in a
                                                                                                                       low stress, fun environment! A parent should plan to
learn with their child so that they can work together          Coach Jeremy                                            attend each class with their child.
outside of class as well. A parent must attend each
class with their child.                                        Mondays
Jeremy Hodges (Coach Jeremy) has been working                  Session 1: 4/19 – 5/10 (Sampler)                        Schoolage Sports (1–5 Gr. )
with youth in Chelsea for over 10 years, teaching              Session 2: 5/17 – 6/14,                                 Coach Jeremy
fundamentals and growing a love for sports at all ages.        no class 5/31 (Basketball)
He was Assistant Rec. Director for six years, is a Certified
Parks and Recreation Professional, and a Certified Youth
                                                               6:00 – 6:30 p.m.                                        Mondays
Sports Administrator. He also has two sons of his own!         South Meadows/Gym                                       Session 1: 4/19 – 5/10 (Sampler)
                                                               $44                                                     Session 2: 5/17 – 6/14,
                                                                                                                       no class 5/31 (Basketball)
                                                               Tuesdays                                                7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
                                                               Session 3: 6/22 – 7/20, no class 7/6 (Soccer)           South Meadows/Gym
                                                               Session 4: 7/27 – 8/17 (Tee Ball)                       $44
                                                               6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
           If you are interested in being
                                                               South Meadows/Gym                                       Tuesdays
            a head coach, we need your
                                                               $44                                                     Session 3: 6/22 – 7/20, no class 7/6 (Soccer)
            help! Head coaches receive
            credit for a full registration.                                                                            Session 4: 7/27 – 8/17 (Tee Ball)
                                                               Coach Jeremy is continuing a full offering of Iddy      7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
               If you would like to be a                       Biddy sports with Community Education this season!
             head coach, please call the                       Iddy Biddy is an instructional program for children     South Meadows/Gym
            Community Education office                         ages 3-5, where participants get to learn the basics    $44
                                                               of a sport all while having fun in a non-competitive
              (734) 433-2208 Ext. 6074.                        setting. Each four-week session will prepare children   Check out this awesome Coach Jeremy program! We
           You should not register online                      in a specific sport with drills and techniques.         will dive into the finer points of sport in a smaller
               if you would like to be a                       Parents will learn with their child so that they can    clinic-based format. Participants will learn specific
                head coach. Upcoming                           work together outside of class as well. Iddy Biddy      skills that apply to the given sport and will grow both
                                                               programs will help develop skills and confidence        their skill and confidence in the game! The best part
            sports include Spring Soccer                                                                               of learning with Coach Jeremy? Tons of fun in a low-
                                                               in a non-competitive, fun learning environment. A
             and Field Hockey, as well as                      parent must attend each class with their child.         stress environment!
           Little League Baseball, Softball
                     and Tee Ball.

10                                                              | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218
Minor League                    Tee Ball (Ages 4-5)                                                                       Bulldog Soccer School
Baseball & Softball             Mondays and Wednesdays                                                                    (Ages 4-10)
                                4/26 – 6/23
Coach Pitch/Intermediate        Practice and game schedule to be                                                          Saturdays
Baseball (Ages 5-8),            posted at, ‘Community                                                   4/17 – 5/15 (rain date 5/22)
                                Education’ Department                                                                     4 & 5 Year Olds – 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Coach Pitch Softball (Ages 5-7) Pierce/Tee Ball Fields                                                                    6 & 7 Year Olds – 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
                                                             $62 – includes team shirt and hat                            8, 9 & 10 Year Olds – 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Intermediate: Tuesday/Thursday evenings                      Registration deadline is April 10
Coach Pitch: Monday/Wednesday evenings                                                                                    Pierce Lake/Soccer Fields
4/19 – 6/24                                                  Community Education presents an introduction to              4 & 5 Year Olds – $62)
Practice and game schedule to be posted                      America’s pastime again this summer! Boys and                6 – 10 Year Olds – $72
at, ‘Community                             girls will play together on these teams. Practices           Registration deadline is Friday, April 9
                                                             and games will be intermixed during this nine-week
Education’ Department                                        program. Most practices and games will take place            Welcome back to the Bulldog Soccer School! This
Various Fields                                               on the Pierce Lake field at the corner of Freer Rd. and      spring, Coach Mario and the crew from Chelsea
$77 – includes team shirt and hat                            Old U.S. 12. Your registration fee will include the cost     Soccer Club and CHS soccer teams makes the much
Registration deadline is April 10                            of your player’s team t-shirt and hat.                       anticipated return to the pitch. Youth will register by
                                                                                                                          their age (ages 4 through 10) and will then work on
                                                             All four-year-olds should plan to play tee ball, and
Are you ready for another season of America’s                                                                             developing their soccer prowess for five Saturdays.
                                                             if you are a five year old you may choose to play a
pastime? Community Education will be fielding                                                                             We will begin each week together as a whole group
                                                             second year of tee ball or register for coach pitch. If
numerous teams for all minors divisions of baseball                                                                       working on our skill for the week before
                                                             you are a five year old and this is your first experience,
and softball. Baseball divisions will be Coach Pitch                                                                      moving into small groups for
                                                             you should plan to play tee ball.
(ages 5 & 6), Intermediate (ages 7 & 8) and Player                                                                        skills and drill work led by the
Pitch (ages 9 & 10). Softball divisions will be Coach        We cannot run a successful program without the help          coaches. The second half of
Pitch (ages 5-7) and Player Pitch (8-10). Five year olds     of parent volunteers as coaches, and we will need a          each session will be ‘small
will only be eligible for coach pitch if they played one     head coach for each team. If you are interested              side’ scrimmages.
year of tee ball. Skills day will be held for player pitch   in being the head coach of a team, please call the
                                                                                                                          The benefits of this
divisions only.                                              Community Education office at (734) 433-2208,
                                                                                                                          format include players
                                                             Ext. 6074 to complete registration. There will be a
Practices and games will be intermixed during this                                                                        developing     essential
                                                             coaches meeting prior to the start of the season.
ten-week season and will take place on various fields,                                                                    coordination and motor
including South Meadows, Beach, WSEC, CHS and                                                                             skills that will benefit
Dana fields. Your registration fee will include the cost     Chelsea Youth Cross Country                                  them in future athletic
                                                                                                                          endeavors. The ultimate
of your player’s team jersey and hat.
We cannot run a successful program without the help
                                                             (4-6 Gr.)                                                    goal is to provide as many
                                                                                                                          touches on the ball for each youth
of parent volunteers as coaches, and we will need a          Sam Angus                                                    as possible.
head coach for each team. If you are interested
in being the head coach of a team, please call the           Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays                                 Each youth will need their own youth soccer
Community Education office at (734) 433-2208,                                                                             ball. Shirts are provided with registration. When
                                                             4/26 – 6/3                                                   purchasing your own soccer ball, size 3 will be used
Ext. 6074 to complete registration. There will be a
coaches meeting prior to the start of the season.
                                                             3:15 – 4:45 p.m.                                             for ages 4 – 7 and size 4 will be used for ages 8 – 10.
                                                             Beach/Soccer Field                                           Shin guards are recommended for the older ages,
                                                             $75                                                          and cleats are not required.
                                                                                                                          While qualified coaching staff from the Chelsea
                                                             Coach Angus introduces the spring run club. This             Soccer Club will be coordinating the youth soccer
                                                             group is a little more running-focused than its fall         academy, as well as boys from the CHS soccer teams,
                                                             counterpart…runners will be expected to run 2-5              we still will need many parent volunteers to make
                                                             miles every day at practice. The focus of this group         sure we are able to keep our skills groups small and
                                                             will be to prepare participants to run in multiple 5K        insure great game play during our scrimmages. If you
                                                             races during the season. If you love running, this is        are interested in being a head coach, you should not
                                                             for you!                                                     register online. Please call the Community Education
                                                             The cost of registration will include a team t-shirt,        office at (734) 433-2208, Ext. 6074. A mandatory
                                                             which we will use as our uniform, as well as                 training session for these coaches will be held prior
                                                             participation in up to two races during the spring           to the start of the season. This information will be
                                                             season. Runners will need their own shorts, shoes,           posted and sent to all interested coaches once a date
                                                             etc. Some running experience will be necessary with          and time are established.
                                                             this group. | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218                                                                                                       11
Summer Tennis Camps                                       Challenger International
(1–5 Gr.)                                                 Soccer Camp                                                         Upcoming
Maddie Pedlow and Kyra Van Batavia

Jr. Smashers (1st-3rd grade) &
                                                          Challenger Sports

                                                          Monday – Friday
                                                                                                                              Fall 2021
Smashers (4th-5th grade)
Monday – Thursday
                                                          7/19 – 7/23
                                                          8:00 – 9:00 a.m. (Tiny Tykes; ages 3-5)
Session 1: 6/14 – 6/17                                    9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Half Day; ages 6-12)
Session 2: 6/21 – 6/24                                    1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (Half Day; ages 10-14)                            Keep your eyes peeled for
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. (Jr. Smashers)                          Pierce Lake/Soccer Fields                                           upcoming fall programs!
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (Smashers)                             $105 (Tiny Tykes) or $158 (Half Day)
CHS/Tennis Courts                                         Register: Visit
                                                                                                                          Even though school will still be
$60 (early bird registration is $50 when                  and search Chelsea Community Ed.                                  out, we will begin rolling out
registered by Friday, May 1!)
                                                          International Soccer Camp is back for 2021!
                                                                                                                          registration for these programs:
                                                          Challenger Sports’ International Soccer Camp is the
Youth tennis camps are back for 2021! While Coach
Pedlow is on the sideline, Maddie Pedlow and Kyra         most popular soccer camp in the country based                       • Flag Football (Gr. 1-6)
Van Batavia, who are CHS tennis grads, will be leading    upon one of the most innovative approaches to                     registration opens August 1
the camps this year. Youth will be broken into two        coaching youth soccer in the U.S. and Canada. The
different sessions: Jr. Smashers for grades 1-3 and       experienced staff study the game at all levels and
                                                          we have identified the key techniques and skills that
                                                                                                                             • Fall Soccer (ages 4-10)
Smashers for grades 4-5. When registering, please
use the grade your student will be ENTERING in the        your players need to work on and master to reach                  registration opens August 1
fall.                                                     their true potential.
Participants will work on skills and fun games during     With programs for each age, the curriculum includes a           • Fall Youth Volleyball (Gr. 3-6)
the week, all aimed at helping improve their tennis-      variety of foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices,      registration opens August 1
playing abilities. In the event of inclement weather,     freestyle soccer, small-sided games, coached
please save Friday of the week as a make-up date.         scrimmages, and a mini tournament. Players also                  • Fall Field Hockey (Gr. 3-6)
Spots are limited for each session, so make sure to       learn about our core values of respect, responsibility,
register early to avoid missing out!                      integrity, sportsmanship and leadership.                         registration opens August 1
                                                          Registration will be available for different sessions
Maddie Pedlow and Kyra Van Batavia are CHS
graduates and varsity letter winners with the CHS girls
                                                          depending on age. To register, you must visit                      • Fall Run Clubs (Gr. 1-6)
                                                 There will be a $40 non-
tennis team. After years of attending summer tennis       refundable deposit at the time of registration. No                registration opens August 1
camp, then assisting with summer tennis camp, they        refunds will be given for cancellations less than ten
are excited to host the summer tennis camps!              days prior to the start of camp.                                    • Iddy Biddy Sports
                                                                                                                          Adult Basketball, Pickleball,
                                                                                                                                 and Volleyball
                                                                                                                             All the information will
                                                                                                                           be available on our website
                                                                                                                               as soon as possible!

12                                                           | (734) 433-2208, ext. 6001 | FAX (734) 433-2218
Whip-It Camp
                               Jun e 7 - 10                               FREE PRESCHOOL
 3rd - 12th graders
                                                                          For four-yeal-olds who qualify
   girls & boys                                                           Great Start Readiness Program
       3 hours
                                                                          Great Start Readiness Program is a tuition-free,
  late afternoons
  *Location TBD*                                                          state grant funded preschool program for
                              Skills, scrimmages & conditioning           at-risk four-year-old students from low
                                                                          and medium income families.
              Register today!                                             The program requires children to be
                                                                          age four by September 1 and reside
            Register by 5/31: $150
                                                                          within Washtenaw County.
                      June 1: $160
                                                                          Interested parents should apply at
      CHS & BMS Informational Meeting                            .
              * F a ll T e a m s *                                        For more information, call the
                                                     May 18               Community Education office at
             For youth and parents                  7-8 p.m.              734.433.2208, ext. 6083 or visit the
          7th - 12th graders in fall 2021           via Zoom              website at

    Register & zoom info at

Daddy Daughter Dance 2021
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Washington Street Educational Center Stadium
Early Bird Registration by May 1, 2021:
$27 (one dad and daughter)
Fee after May 1: $35
Add’l Child Fee: $6
Registration deadline: May 17, 2021

The DADDY-DAUGHTER DANCE is a special opportunity for dads to spend a
fun-filled evening with their favorite little girl(s). This special evening includes
dancing to the music of DJ Aaron Helber, a corsage for the daughters, a photo
to remember this special evening, cookies and punch. REMEMBER, if Dad can’t
come, maybe Grandpa, Uncle, big brother or step-dad can. If you have more
than one daughter, bring them all!

            Please register early to avoid disappointment! (Corsages are ordered
            ahead – your daughter may not get one if you do not pre-register!)

the Conversation
            A R T
         ST                                                            about Mental Health
              Steps to Approaching the Topic of Mental Health and Services:
     1 Timing. It doesn’t have to be the              2 Validation. Make it clear you’re there                                 3 Offer the help THEY need.
     perfect time, but a time that allows you         to listen, without judgment, then move                                   Offer reassurance, then ask how you
     to speak freely with privacy. Then, ex-          forward how they’re most comfortable. Let                                can best support them where they are.
     press your concern. You can say some-            them know what they feel is real, important                              Do they need more resources? Help
     thing as simple as, “I’ve noticed you            and worth talking about.                                                 connect them. Are they more comfort-
     don’t seem like yourself lately, I wanted                                                                                 able talking to someone else? Help
     to check in on how you’re doing.”                                                                                         them find someone.
                                                                               *SAMHSA (2020). Supporting a loved one dealing with mental health and/or substance use disorders.

                                             Local Mental Health Resources:
                 For Mental Health Support:                                                For Immediate Help:
                 Outpatient Counseling in our Area:                                        Washtenaw CMH CARES ....................... (734) 544-3050
                  • Chelsea Outpatient                                                     National Suicide Prevention Lifeline... (800) 273-8255
                    Behavioral Health............................ (734) 593-5251
                  • Transformational Choices .............. (734) 559-3540
                  • Thriving Minds................................. (734) 433-5100
                  • U-M Depression Center                                                  For a list of more resources
                    at Rachel Upjohn............................. (734) 764-0231           scan the QR Code or visit us at:
                 To learn more about mental health:                              
                  • NAMI of Washtenaw County ...........(734) 994-6611
                                                                                                    Funding provided by 5 Healthy Towns and this ad was developed, in part, under grant from the Office of National
                  • Substance Abuse &                                                               Drug Control Policy, Center for Disease Control, and Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies,
                    Mental Health Services Admin. ........ (877) 726-4727                           and opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, CDC, or DHHS.

Register early! Avoid cancelled or closed classes due to class minimums and maximums!

                                            Yes, sign me up!
              Walk In                                                                                                                       Fax in
             8 am to 4 pm
          Monday through                                                                                                                     Fax to
          Friday, Beginning                                                                                                             (734) 433-2218
             April 8, 2021                                                                                                             using your VISA or
              Entrance 601                                                 Mail in                                                        MasterCard
          Chelsea Community                                          Mail with check payable to:
            Education Office                                         Chelsea School District, 500
          500 Washington St.,
             Chelsea 48118                                           Washington Street. Chelsea,
                                                                     Michigan 48118
                                         Phone in
                                   433-2208, ext 6042
                               Please provide the following
                              information: (l) Name, address,                                                              Click in
                                phone number; (2) Course
                              name (session); (3) Credit card                                            
                                  number and expiration                                                              (District Depts.,
                                        date (VISA                                                                 Community Education)
                                      or MasterCard)                        Password                                 Not all programs are
                                                                            protected                                available for online
                                                                           PhoneLine.                                    registration

       This registration form is for Community Education programs ONLY.
Mailed, faxed, and phone registrations will be confirmed by mail or email. Cancelled classes will be given
24 hour notice.
                                                                                                                                 The Community Education
                                                                                                                                Department does not assess
Cancellation Policy                                                                                                             or control online registration
Cancellations made 48 hours prior to the first class may receive a full refund, less a $10.00 service fee. Cancellations made
less than 48 hours prior to the first class may be given a 50% credit to your account. No refunds will be given after the
                                                                                                                                      convenience fees.
date of the first class.                                                                                                          Because of this, they are
                                                                                                                                    100% non-refundable,
Weather Cancellation Policy                                                                                                            regardless of an
When day school is cancelled for inclement weather, ONLY after-school classes are cancelled. A decision about all evening
programs will be determined by 3:00 pm and on our website at or call (734) 433-2208, ext. 6074.
                                                                                                                                       activity’s status.

              Registrant’s Name                                                Course                                   Session/Time                 Fee

Address____________________________________________________                        City__________________________________                Zip________________

Phone_______________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________T-shirt size if applicable _________

School_________________________________________________________________________________                                     Grade___________

Payment Method:             Check________________          Master Card_________________            Visa _________________

Card Number _________________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________ CVC Code ___________

Card Holder’s Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Chelsea Community Education, 500 Washington Street, Chelsea, Michigan 48118 Phone: (734) 433-2208                                  Fax: (734) 433-2218

                                 Pre-registration is required for all classes!
Community Education                                                                             Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                                 U.S. Postage
Chelsea School District                                                                             PAID
500 Washington Street                                                                            Chelsea, MI
Chelsea, MI 48118                                                                                Permit No. 1
(734) 433-2208

             Look inside                                                        POSTAL PATRON

               for many Enrichment
                    and Recreation

     Chelsea Community
     Education Preschool
                                                                                CHELSEA SCHOOLS
    The Chelsea Community Education
     Preschool Program focuses on the
   development of each child as a total -
                     portunities to interact socially, to wonder, explore,
  person in a child-centered,                   play-based
                   question, create, and pretend.   Positive self-esteem is
  classroom. Children are provided
              promoted    through  a safe environment    wherewith
                                                                 children are
          happily engaged in discovering the joy of learning.
  many opportunities to interact socially,
   to wonder, explore, question, create,
   and pretend. Positive self-esteem is
  promoted through a safe environment
  where children are happily engaged in
      discovering the joy of learning.

  For further information please call
    Chelsea Community Education
       (734) 433-2208, ext 6083

                                       • GYMNASIUMS
                                       • AUDITORIUMS
                                       • POOL
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