Co-op Life Cover with optional Serious Illness Cover

Page created by Brian Wallace
Insurance Services

Co-op Life Cover
with optional
Serious Illness Cover
Terms and Conditions
Co-op Life Cover from Co-op Insurance Services
is provided, underwritten and administered by
The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited.

                                                      APPROVED DOCUMENT                                      Clear design Simple language
1. Welcome to Co-op Life Cover......................................................................4                             5. How do I pay for my policy?.........................................................................17
Our agreement with you..............................................................................................4             What happens if I miss a payment or stop paying?................................................17
Ensuring this policy is right for you.............................................................................4               Payment holiday..........................................................................................................18
Who can take out this policy?......................................................................................5
Please make sure that we have the right details.......................................................5                           6. Making changes................................................................................................18
                                                                                                                                  Reducing the length of your life cover.....................................................................18
2. How does my Life Insurance work?............................................................6                                  Reducing the amount of life cover you have...........................................................19
Types of Life Insurance.................................................................................................6         Changing the Serious Illness Benefit option...........................................................19
Terminal illness..............................................................................................................7   Can I increase my cover?............................................................................................19
What’s not covered.......................................................................................................8        Changes we need to know about.............................................................................19
                                                                                                                                  How we can make changes....................................................................................... 20
3. How does optional Serious Illness Cover work?...................................8
What’s covered?............................................................................................................9      7. How to complain............................................................................................... 21
Serious Illnesses covered by Serious Illness Cover..................................................9                             Financial Ombudsman Service contact details...................................................... 21

4. How to make a claim.......................................................................................14                   8. Cancelling your policy................................................................................... 22
What happens next?...................................................................................................14           Cancelling within 30 days......................................................................................... 22
Who do we pay the claim to?.....................................................................................15                Cancelling after 30 days............................................................................................ 22
How we pay the claim.................................................................................................16
If this policy has been placed in trust.......................................................................16                  9. How is my policy protected?....................................................................... 22
If this policy has been assigned to someone else..................................................16
Will claim payments be taxed?..................................................................................17                 10. Royal London’s financial situation.......................................................... 22

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3
1. Welcome to                              This policy will pay out a single cash
                                           sum if you die or are diagnosed with
                                                                                         - The start and end dates of your
                                                                                            Life Cover, which can last for
                                                                                                                                 Please make sure that we
                                                                                                                                 have the right details
Co-op Life Cover                           a terminal illness before the end of
                                           the policy term.
                                                                                            between 5 and 50 years.
                                                                                         - Your monthly premiums.                You must take care to make sure
Co-op Life Cover from Co-op                                                              - Other important information.          that any information you give us
Insurance Services is a contract           The optional Serious Illness Benefit                                                  is correct and accurate to the
between you and The Royal London           will pay out a single cash sum if you        Your policy schedule is provided,        best of your knowledge and belief.
Mutual Insurance Society Limited,          are diagnosed with one of the 6              when you take out a policy and if        You need to check your policy
the provider of this product.              defined serious illnesses during the         your policy is changed.                  schedule when you receive it.
Co-op Insurance Services have              policy term.                                                                          If you spot any errors, or have
introduced you to Royal London                                                          Full information on making changes       any questions about your policy,
and will a receive single commission       Wherever we say ‘you’ or ‘your’ in           can be found on page 18.                 please call us on 0345 268 6081
payment at the start of this policy. The   this booklet, we mean the person                                                      as soon as you can.
amount of commission that Co-op            whose life is covered. This person is        • The terms and conditions (including
Insurance Services receive is a fixed      also known as the ‘policyholder’.               any changes – these set out the       We use the details you give us to
percentage of the total payments                                                           terms of your contract with us        work out if we can give you cover.
you make to Royal London in one year.      Wherever we say ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’,            and explain how your policy works.    If you carelessly gave us wrong or
                                           we mean The Royal London Mutual                                                       inaccurate information, this can
These terms and conditions contain         Insurance Society Limited. But we            • Royal London is a mutual              affect the cover we offer you. So we
the details of your Co-op Life Cover,      will just say Royal London.                     insurance company, which              may have to make changes to your
and outline your relationship with                                                         means it is owned by some of its      policy. This could mean you have a
Royal London. Please keep this             Your legal agreement with Royal                 customers. These people are our       lower payout amount. Or we may
booklet in a safe place as you may         London is made up of:                           members. Purchasing Co-op Life        cancel your policy or the Serious
need it in the future.                     •	The information you gave in your             Cover                                 Illness Benefit. If we cancel either
                                              application: its important to check          does not make you a member            the life cover or the Serious Illness
Our agreement with you                        the answers you gave us are                  of Royal London.                      Benefit, we wouldn’t pay any claims,
                                              correct. These answers have been                                                   but we would refund any monthly
When we talk about your ‘Life Cover’          used to calculate your payments.          Whenever we communicate with             payments you’d made for the
in this booklet, we mean your Royal        • Your policy schedule: it will show        you, it will always be in English.       cancelled cover.
London Life Insurance.                        you the details of your policy. It will
                                              include the following information.        Who can take out this policy?            If you deliberately or recklessly give
Ensuring this policy                          -Y  our name, policy number, date                                                 us wrong or inaccurate information,
                                                                                        To take out a Life Cover policy,
is right for you                                 of birth, email address and                                                     we may cancel your policy.
                                                                                        you must be a UK resident aged
                                                 smoker status.                                                                  We may do this if:
We can only give you facts, not                                                         between 18 and 70.
                                              - The type of Life Cover you have.                                                 - We offered you a policy
personalised advice. You need to
                                              -T  he amount of Life Cover you                                                      you were not eligible for, or;
use this information to decide if
                                                 have.                                                                           - The wrong or inaccurate
this policy is suitable for you.
                                              - If you have the optional Serious                                                   information affected the cover
                                                 Illness Benefit and the amount.                                                    we offered you.

4                                                                                                                                                                     5
By ‘recklessly’, we mean that you         Important information: be aware          Your monthly payments to the               The Consultant must specialise in
gave us information without caring        that your Life Payout will not           policy will remain the same                a field relating to the illness being
about whether it was correct or not.      increase over time. It may also be       throughout the term.                       claimed for. And they must either
If we cancel your policy for any of       affected by inflation – so the price                                                be employed at a hospital in the UK,
these reasons, we would not pay           of things you buy may be more            Please note: - The Life Insurance          or have comparable qualifications
any claims, and we would not refund       expensive as time goes on. This          Payout may not be enough to pay off        outside the UK.
any monthly payments.                     means your Life Payout may not be        all of a repayment mortgage.
                                          worth as much.                           This could happen if the mortgage          Our Chief Medical Officer must

2. How does my                            Types of Life Insurance
                                                                                   rate rises above 7% or if your
                                                                                   mortgage length or amount changes.
                                                                                                                              accept the medical opinion of
                                                                                                                              the Consultant before we will pay
Life Insurance                            We offer two types of Life Cover:        It’s important that you review your
                                                                                                                              a claim. We refer to this as the
                                                                                                                              ‘terminal illness definition’.
work?                                     Level cover and Decreasing cover.
                                          These are explained below.
                                                                                   cover regularly to make sure it is still   If you have Level Life Cover, we’ll
                                                                                   suitable for you. Your policy schedule     pay your Life Payout when you meet
Your Life Cover pays out an amount        Your policy schedule will show you       shows how much your Life Payout is         our definition of terminal illness.
of money. It will payout if either of     which type of cover you have.            worth at each policy anniversary.
the following happens:                                                             The length of your policy can              If you have Decreasing Life Cover,
- If you die.                             Level cover
                                                                                   only be in whole years. You can’t,         we’ll calculate what to pay you for
- If you are diagnosed with a            If you have Level cover, your Life       for example, have a policy which           a terminal illness claim using the
   terminal illness, as long as the       Payout will stay the same. You can       is 10 years and 6 months long.             date you met our definition.
   policy is in place and we accept a     find out the value of your Life Payout                                              Not the date we pay the claim.
   claim on this policy.                  by checking your policy schedule.
                                                                                   Terminal illness
                                                                                                                              Once we have paid or are paying
We call this the Life Payout. You         Decreasing cover                         We will pay out on your life insurance     a claim for a terminal illness,
choose the Life Payout amount             If you have Decreasing Cover, your       cover if you’re diagnosed with a           your policy will end. Your Serious
when you take out a Life Cover            Life Payout will decrease each month.    terminal illness. We will pay out as       Illness Cover will also end.
policy. The maximum Life Payout                                                    long as that terminal illness meets our
you can have is £500,000.                 It can be used for any purpose and       definition (see below) and your policy
                                          tends to be used to cover a debt that    is in place. When we say ‘terminal
For more information on terminal          reduces over time.                       illness’, we mean an illness which has
illness please see page 7. Once we        Decreasing cover is designed with        no known cure, or has progressed to
have paid a claim for Life Cover or       capital and interest repayment           the point where it cannot be cured.
terminal illness, your policy will end.   mortgages in mind. But it is not         The Consultant (a specific type of
This means we’ll stop collecting          directly linked to your mortgage.        medical specialist) treating you for
payments.                                 If your mortgage interest rate is        your terminal illness must hold the
                                          higher than 7%, the policy may not       medical opinion that you have 12
                                          fully repay your mortgage.               months or less to live.
                                          A decreasing term policy typically
                                          costs less than a level term policy as
                                          the amount reduces over time.

6                                                                                                                                                                   7
What’s not covered
                                          3. How does                                Age
                                                                                     18 – 44
                                                                                               Serious Illness Payout up to
                                                                                                                              Our full definitions contain some
                                                                                                                              medical terms. You might be
                                          optional Serious
Suicide in the first year                                                                                                     unsure whether you meet any of our
During the first year of your policy,                                                45 – 49                     £275,000
                                                                                                                              definitions. If you are you may want
which begins on the start date
shown on your policy schedule, we
                                          Illness Cover work?                        50 – 70                     £125,000     to take this booklet to your doctor,
                                                                                     Your policy schedule will show your      or call us on 0345 268 6081.
won’t pay a claim for suicide. We also    Serious Illness Cover is an optional       Serious Illness Payout.
wouldn’t pay a claim if your death is a   cover. You’ll pay extra each month
                                                                                                                              Serious Illnesses covered
result of your own intentional actions.   for Serious Illness Cover and this         Serious Illness Cover will remain in
This would include if you attempt         will be included in your monthly           place until the end date shown on
                                                                                                                              by Serious Illness Cover
suicide and survive, but later die        payment. Your policy schedule will         your policy schedule, unless we          There are six types of serious
from complications relating to your       show you if you have this cover.           pay a Terminal Illness or Life Cover     illnesses covered:
attempt. This would also apply in the                                                claim before this date. Once we have     • CANCER – but not early
first year of your policy were you to     Serious Illness Benefit covers you:        paid your Serious Illness Payout, your      stage cases
suffer a terminal illness as a result     - If you develop one of the illnesses     Serious Illness Cover will end.          • HEART ATTACK – where your
of your own intentional actions.             described in this section.              Your Life Cover will continue so            heart becomes less efficient
                                          - You meet the relevant medical           you must keep making monthly                as a pump
We will, using our reasonable                definition and your policy is in        payments for your Life Cover.            • STROKE – which causes
opinion, decide the most likely              place. To be eligible to claim,                                                     permanent damage to your
cause of death or terminal illness.          you must survive for 30 days from       Your monthly payments will be less          nervous system
Based on that we will decide                 the date you meet the relevant          because you’ll no longer be paying       • MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – with
whether to pay a claim. We won’t             medical definition. You can find        for Serious Illness Benefit.                persisting symptoms
necessarily rely on what is shown            our medical definitions in this                                                  • BENIGN BRAIN TUMOUR –
on a death certificate or coroner’s          section.                                We’ll tell you at the time how much         requiring treatment or causing
report – or an equivalent of these.                                                  you’ll pay from that point.                 permanent damage to your
                                          If you have Serious Illness Benefit,                                                   nervous system
If we reasonably believed you’d           you also automatically have                Your Serious Illness Payout is fixed     • DEMENTIA – resulting in
died or suffered a terminal illness as    Children’s Cover – see page 13.            and will be paid as a single payout.        permanent symptoms
a result of your intentional actions,
we would cancel the policy and not        If you choose Serious Illness Cover,       What’s covered?                          Having one of these conditions
pay any claim. We also wouldn’t           you’ll also choose the amount of                                                    doesn’t mean we’ll automatically
refund any payments                       cover you have when you take out a         There are six types of serious illness
                                                                                                                              pay a claim. Before we pay a claim:
you had made to us.                       policy. We call this the Serious Illness   which are covered, and these are
                                                                                                                              - Your condition needs to meet one
                                          Payout, and it cannot be less than         explained in the section below.
                                                                                                                                 of our medical definitions and the
                                          £1,000.                                    To be clear, we won’t pay all claims
                                                                                                                                 policy has to be in place.
                                          The maximum amount of cover you            if you’re diagnosed with one of
                                                                                                                              - You must survive for 30 days from
                                          can have depends on your age.              these conditions. You need to
                                                                                                                                 when your condition meets the
                                                                                     meet our medical definitions while
                                                                                                                                 relevant medical definition.
                                                                                     the policy is in place. These are
                                                                                                                                 Our medical definitions are on
                                                                                     explained in full in the ‘Serious
                                                                                                                                 page 10.
                                                                                     Illness Benefit: Medical Definitions’
                                                                                     section on page 10.
8                                                                                                                                                                     9
Serious Illness Cover:                     • Benign tumours.                     efficiency is measured by ejection
                                                                                                                            The impact of a stroke depends
Medical Definitions                        • All cancer of the skin except       fraction at least one month after
                                                                                                                        on its size and where in the brain
We need to be very specific about            cancerous moles (melanoma) that     the heart attack. The ejection
                                                                                                                        the stroke takes place. For example,
what is and isn’t covered by Serious         have spread beyond the skin.        fraction must be 45% or less.
                                                                                                                        someone who has a small stroke
Illness Cover. This means that we                                                                                       may experience only minor effects
use some medical terms in our                  Not all cancers are the same.          Some heart attacks are            such as weakness of an arm or
definitions. We have also explained        The TNM classification of cancer       more severe than others and           leg. But someone who has a more
them in plain English to help you          staging describes the severity         will have a longer lasting impact     severe stroke may be left paralysed
understand what is covered.                of an individual’s cancer. This is     on an individual’s health and         on one side, lose his or her ability
This explanatory text can be found         based on the size of the original      wellbeing. The ejection fraction      to speak or, in severe cases, die.
in the boxes below the medical             tumour as well as the extent to        is an important measurement
definitions. It does not change or         which the cancer has spread            in determining how well your          The Modified Rankin Scale is a
replace the medical definitions that       through the body.                      heart is pumping. It can be used      commonly used and internationally
have to be met.                                                                   to determine the impact after         accepted scale for measuring the
                                           Some cancers are classed as early      a heart attack.                       effects of a stroke. It measures how
All medical conditions covered by          stage or less advanced. They are                                             well a person can carry out daily
this policy will be diagnosed using        more easily treatable and less         Damage to the muscle of the heart     activities after suffering neurological
the recognised UK standards. We’ll         likely to invade tissue and spread     sustained during a heart attack       damage – including from a stroke.
use the standards which are in place       to other areas of the body. These      impairs the heart’s ability to pump   ‘Neurological damage’ means
at the time a claim is made. This          are not covered by this policy.        blood and therefore reduces the       damage to the nervous system,
means your cover will keep up to                                                  ejection fraction.                    which may include the brain.
date with new medical knowledge            Cancers that have progressed to
and practices as these develop.            stage 2 and beyond are typically       Normal ejection fraction levels are   This policy pays out when the
                                           larger in size and may have started    at 50% and above. This policy will    impact of a stroke is deemed
If you’re unsure whether your illness is   to spread to other parts of the        pay out if as a result of the heart   to be to at least level 2 which
covered, please show these medical         body. They are likely to have a        attack the ejection fraction has
definitions to your doctor who will be
                                                                                                                        is defined as having a:
                                           larger impact on an individual         reduced to 45% or less.
able to help.
                                           life and are usually treated                                                 Slight disability – Able to look
CANCER – but not early stage cases         with a combination of surgery,                                               after own affairs without assistance,
                                                                                 STROKE – which causes permanent
                                           radiotherapy, chemotherapy and                                               but unable to carry out all
Cancer that has progressed to at                                                 damage to your nervous system
                                           other drug therapies. These are                                              previous activities.
least pathological TNM classification      covered by this policy.               A stroke diagnosed by an
equivalent of stage 2 as diagnosed                                               appropriate medical consultant
by an oncologist or pathologist.                                                 which has resulted in lasting          MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS –
The term cancer includes leukaemia,        HEART ATTACK – where your heart
                                                                                 impairment to the nervous system.      with persisting symptoms
lymphoma and sarcoma.                      becomes less efficient as a pump
                                                                                 The lasting impairment is measured
                                                                                                                        A definite diagnosis of multiple
                                           A heart attack diagnosed by a         using the Modified Rankin Scale
The following will not be paid                                                                                          sclerosis by a consultant
                                           consultant cardiologist, which        at least one month after the stroke.
under this definition:                                                                                                  neurologist which has resulted
                                           has resulted in the permanent         The Modified Rankin Scale must
• Small cancers that are only present                                                                                   in clinical impairment of motor
                                           reduction of the heart’s efficiency   be at level 2 or above.
  in the organ in which they started.                                                                                   or sensory function.
                                           as a pump. The reduction in
10                                                                                                                                                            11
DEMENTIA – resulting in                    - We will only pay one claim per
      Multiple sclerosis is a disease         Benign brain tumours don’t
                                                                                  permanent symptoms                            child for each policy with Serious
 of the central nervous system.           invade other tissues or spread
                                                                                                                                Illness Benefit that you have in place.
 It causes the body’s immune system       to other areas of the body. But         A definite diagnosis of dementia,
                                                                                                                             - Their condition must meet the
 to attack the protective covering        they can be harmful because they        which may include Alzheimer’s
                                                                                                                                relevant medical definition while
 (called ‘myelin’) which surrounds        increase pressure in the skull.         disease, by a consultant neurologist,
                                                                                                                                the policy is in place.
 nerve fibres. When this happens,         This can cause permanent brain          psychiatrist or geriatrician.
                                                                                                                             - Your child must survive for 30
 nerve fibres become less efficient       and nerve damage. There are a           The dementia must result in the
                                                                                                                                days from the date their condition
 at sending information from the          number of different treatments for      permanent clinical loss of the ability
                                                                                                                                meets the relevant medical
 brain to the rest of the body.           benign brain tumours depending          to do all of the following:
                                                                                                                                definition before we’ll pay a claim.
                                          on the position of the tumour and       • remember;
 The impact of multiple sclerosis                                                                                            See above for our medical definitions.
                                          the severity of the symptoms.           • reason; and
 can be wide-raging, affecting any
                                                                                  • perceive, understand, express
 part of the body. Each person with       This policy will pay out if you must                                               All of your natural, step and legally
                                                                                    and give effect to ideas.
 the condition is affected differently.   undergo at least one of specific                                                   adopted children who are between
 Co-ordination, speech, muscle            treatments stated on page 12.                                                      30 days and 18 years old are
 power and sensation can be                                                            Dementia is a term used to            covered automatically by Children’s
                                          Or it will pay out if the tumour is
 affected by multiple sclerosis.                                                   describe the clinical effects caused      Cover. All other children between
                                          causing a lasting impairment to
                                                                                   by a number of different diseases.        30 days and 18 years old who live
                                          the nervous system to at least level
                                                                                   All of these diseases affect the          with you now or in the future, and
                                          2 of the Modified Rankin Scale.
BENIGN BRAIN TUMOUR –                                                              brain. They cause a progressive           are financially dependent on you,
requiring treatment or causing            The Modified Rankin Scale is a           loss of memory and mental ability.        are also covered.
permanent damage to your                  commonly used and internationally        This eventually makes it impossible
nervous system                            accepted scale for measuring             for the affected person to perform        If any of your children are in, or start,
A non-malignant tumour or cyst            how well a person can carry out          even the simplest everyday tasks          full-time education (for example,
originating from the brain, cranial       daily activities after suffering         without help.                             university), they will be covered
nerves or meninges within the skull,      neurological damage. ‘Neurological                                                 until they turn 21.
resulting in any of the following:        damage’ means damage to the
                                                                                  Children’s Cover
• Invasive surgery or stereotactic        nervous system, which may include                                                  The amount we’ll pay out for an
                                          the brain.                              If you have Serious Illness Cover,         accepted Children’s Cover claim will
  radiosurgery to destroy or remove
                                                                                  you automatically also have                always be 25% of your Serious Illness
  all or part of the tumour.
                                          This policy pays out when the           Children’s Cover.
• Chemotherapy treatment to                                                                                                  Payout, up to a maximum of £25,000.
                                          neurological impact of the tumour       - You can’t take out Children’s
  destroy tumour cells.
                                          is deemed to be to at least level 2        Cover as a standalone cover.
• Lasting impairment to the nervous                                                                                           For example, if you had £80,000
                                          which is defined                        - If your Serious Illness Benefit ends,
  system measured using the                                                                                                   of Serious Illness Cover, you’d
                                          as having a:                               so does Children’s Cover.
  Modified Rankin Scale at level 2                                                                                            have £20,000 of Children’s Cover.
                                                                                  - Children’s Cover will pay out
  or above.                               Slight disability – Able to look                                                    If you had £120,000 of Serious
                                                                                     if any of your children develop
                                          after own affairs without assistance,                                               Illness Cover, you’d have £25,000
                                                                                     a condition covered by Serious
The following will not be paid            but unable to carry out all previous                                                of Children’s Cover.
                                                                                     Illness Benefit.
under this definition:                    activities.
• Tumours of the pituitary gland.

12                                                                                                                                                                  13
If we pay a Children’s Cover claim,      What happens next?                    Serious Illness Cover and                   Who do we pay the claim to?
your Serious Illness Cover and                                                 Children’s Cover claims
Life Cover will continue as long         Death and terminal illness                                                        We’ll pay the claim to the people
                                                                               For Serious Illness Cover claims,
as you keep making your monthly          Once we’ve received the claim                                                     who have a legal right to receive it.
                                                                               we may need to see any of the
payments.                                form, we may ask for more             documents mentioned above.
                                         information. We won’t be able                                                     For a Life Cover claim, this is
                                                                               We’ll also need reasonable proof that
What’s not covered under                 to pay a claim until we’ve received                                               often the policyholder’s personal
                                                                               your medical condition meets our
Children’s Cover                         all the information we need.                                                      representatives. In the case of a
                                                                               definition. For example, this might be
Conditions your child had before         Documents we may need                                                             claim for terminal illness, we’ll pay
                                                                               a medical certificate. This must be
they were covered                        to see include:                                                                   the policyholder directly. And if
                                                                               from a specialist in the relevant area of
                                         • Proof of the policyholder’s                                                     we accept a claim on Serious Illness
We won’t pay claims for Children’s                                             medicine. And they must work in one
                                           death such as the original                                                      Cover or Children’s Cover, we’ll
Cover if the symptoms of a covered                                             of the locations listed on this page.
                                           death certificate;                                                              pay the policyholder.
condition were apparent, or the
condition was diagnosed, before          • The original birth certificate      Australia              Latvia
                                           of the policyholder;                                                            A ‘personal representative’
you take out a policy.                                                         Austria                Liechtenstein
                                         • Proof of a change of name – for                                                 is a person in charge of the
                                                                               Belgium                Lithuania
                                           example, a marriage or civil                                                    policyholders’ estate. ‘Estate’
We also won’t pay claims if the                                                Bulgaria               Luxembourg
                                           partnership certificate;                                                        is the term used to describe a
symptoms of a covered condition                                                Canada                 Malta
                                         • Medical evidence, which may                                                     person’s collective belongings
were apparent, or the condition                                                Channel Islands        The Netherlands
                                           include full medical records.                                                   and debts after their death.
was diagnosed, before the                                                      Cyprus                 New Zealand
child was covered by this policy.                                              Czech Republic         Norway
                                         Depending on the claim, we may                                                    We may need to see the original
                                                                               Denmark Estonia        Poland
                                         need to see other documents.                                                      grant of representation (or grant
4. How to                                But we’ll only ask for things that
                                                                               France Germany
                                                                                                                           of confirmation in Scotland) before

make a claim                             we reasonably need to approve                                                     we pay the claim. This is a document
                                                                               Gibraltar Greece       Slovenia
                                         the claim. For example the                                                        issued by a court, which proves
                                                                               Hong Kong              South Africa
                                         policyholder’s will or other legal                                                who the personal representatives
Please call us on 0345 266 5400                                                Hungary                Spain
                                         documents.                                                                        of the estate are.
to make a claim. You should call                                               Iceland Ireland        Sweden
this number:                                                                   Isle of Man            Switzerland
- If you have Serious Illness Benefit                                         Italy                  United Kingdom
   and have developed a condition                                              Japan                  USA.
   which is covered by our Serious
   Illness Benefit.                                                            Living or working outside the UK?
- If you have terminal illness                                                 We may need you to return to one
- If the policyholder has died.                                                of these locations before we can
                                                                               pay the claim.
We’ll then send out a claim form,
which needs to be filled in and
returned to us.

14                                                                                                                                                                 15
How we pay the claim                     Royal London House                        Will claim payments be taxed? What happens if I miss a
                                         Alderley Park
Once we’ve approved a claim, we’ll                                                 Your Terminal Illness, Life Payout payment or stop paying?
                                         Congleton Road
normally pay the money into a UK         Nether Alderley                           and Serious Illness Payout will be       If you miss a payment, you’ll have
bank account within 10 working days.     Macclesfield SK10 4EL                     free from UK income tax and capital      60 days starting from the date of the
You can also ask us to send a cheque.                                              gains tax.                               missed payment to pay it. If you pay
                                         If your policy is placed in a trust,                                               the full amount within this period
If we’ve received any payments           we’ll take directions from, and pay       However, Life Payouts may form           your policy won’t be affected.
since the death of the policyholder,     claims for death to the trustees.         part of your estate when you die
we’ll also refund these when we pay      But for accepted terminal illness,        – so inheritance tax may have to         If you miss a payment and it is not
the claim. If we accept a claim for      Serious Illness Benefit or Childrens      be paid. Please bear in mind that        paid back within these 60 days, then
a terminal illness or Serious Illness    Cover claims we’ll pay the                tax rules may change in the future,      we’ll cancel your policy immediately
Cover, we’d refund any payments          policyholder.                             which could affect the taxes you pay.    after the end of the 60th day. You
you’d made for your cover while                                                                                             won’t get a refund, you’ll no longer
we were assessing the claim.             The trustees would then follow            If you’re unsure of your tax position    be covered and you won’t be able
                                         the trust’s instructions to distribute    you should seek professional advice.     to restart the policy.
If a payment is delayed by more          the money from a death claim to the
than two months we’ll add interest.
These payments could be relating
                                         people who will benefit from the trust.
                                         We’ll need to see the original trust
                                                                                   5. How do I pay                          If we accepted a claim during this
                                                                                                                            60-day period, we would take off the
to a Serious Illness, Terminal Illness
or Life Payout, or a return of any
                                         deed before paying the claim.             for my policy?                           amount of any unmade payment.
                                         This is a document that lays out
extra payments.                          the rules of the trust.                   You must pay for your policy by
                                                                                   monthly Direct Debit. It is your          For example, your Life Payout
The rate we use is the Bank of                                                     responsibility to ensure that all         might be £100,000. If you died
                                         If this policy has been                                                             during the 60-day period after
England base rate minus 0.5% per                                                   payments are made.
annum, with a minimum rate of 0.5%       assigned to someone else                                                            missing two £30 payments (£60
per annum. Interest is calculated                                                  Your monthly payments won’t               in total), we’d pay £99,940.
                                         If this policy has been assigned,
on a daily basis.                        we’ll pay the claim to the person         change, unless:
                                         or organisation which this policy         - You choose to reduce your             If you’re struggling to make
If this policy has been                  has been assigned to. This can only          Life Cover.                           payments, please get in touch.
                                         be done with a deed of assignment.        - Remove any Serious Illness
placed in trust                                                                                                             You can ask us to cut your monthly
                                         To assign a policy, you must send            Benefit you have, or                  payments down shorten the length
A trust is a legal arrangement           a notification of the assignment to:      - If we accept a Serious Illness        of your policy, but this means we’ll
which allows a policy to be held                                                      Benefit claim.                        cut your cover down in line with this
by someone else – these are known        Royal London House
as the ‘trustees’. The trustees are      Alderley Park                             We’ll collect payments each month
chosen by the policyholder.              Congleton Road                            in advance. We will pay these until      Please see the section about
If you choose to place your policy in    Nether Alderley                           the end date shown on your policy        making changes on page 18
trust, you must send a copy of the       Macclesfield SK10 4EL                     schedule. Or until we pay a claim        for more information.
trust deed to:                                                                     for death, or terminal illness if that
                                         We’ll need to see the original deed of    is earlier. We’ll also stop taking
                                         assignment before paying the claim.       payments if your policy is cancelled.
16                                                                                                                                                                 17
Payment holiday                        During a payment holiday you               Reducing the amount of Life Cover          London Life Insurance policies is
                                       cannot:                                    you have                                   £500,000 in total.
If you’d like to take a break from     - take out another Co-op Life                                                        If you have Decreasing Life Cover,
                                                                                  - You can choose to reduce your Life
making your monthly payments,             Insurance policy, or;                                                              we’ll use the cover you had on the
                                                                                     Cover Payout amount, which also
please call us on 0345 268 6081        - make any changes to your                                                           start date of the policy to work out
                                                                                     means your monthly payments will
and we can talk to you about your         current policy.                                                                    this limit. For example, you may
                                                                                     be less.
options. At any time after the first                                                                                         have £300,000 of Decreasing Life
                                                                                  - If you reduce your Life Cover
year of your policy, you can ask us
for a payment holiday.                 6. Making changes                             Payout amount, this will not affect
                                                                                     any Serious Illness Benefit you have.
                                                                                                                             Cover. So you could apply for up to
                                                                                                                             £200,000 of further Life Cover, while
                                                                                  - You can reduce your cover more          the first policy is in place.
Taking a payment holiday means         You can make changes to your                                                          We will reduce your monthly
                                                                                     than once, but your monthly
you can have a break of up to six      Life Cover in several ways:                   payments can’t fall below £7            payments, or if necessary, cancel
months from making your monthly                                                                                              policies if your cover exceeds these
                                       Reducing the length of your                   per month.
payments. Your policy will still                                                                                             limits. We would start by reducing
                                       Life Cover
continue. However, you will have to                                                                                          or cancelling the most recent policy
                                       - You can choose to reduce the            Changing the Serious Illness
make up all the missed payments                                                                                              you had taken out. If we do this,
                                          length of this policy. For example,     Benefit option
at the end of the payment holiday.                                                                                           we will write to you to let you know.
Or you could choose to reduce your        you may want to reduce your 25          - You can remove Serious Illness
                                                                                                                             Any additional Life Cover policies
Life Payout amount. If you do this        year policy down to 20 years.              Benefit from your policy if you
                                                                                                                             taken out will be subject to the
we’ll work out how much to reduce      - You can’t reduce its length down           have it. This will reduce your
                                                                                                                             terms and conditions applicable to
your Life Payout amount by. This          to less than 5 years.                      monthly payments, but it’s
                                                                                                                             that policy at the time. A copy of the
will depend on how many monthly        - If you reduce the length of your           important to remember that
                                                                                                                             relevant terms and conditions will
payments have been missed. We will        policy, it will affect both your Life      your minimum monthly payment
                                                                                                                             be given to you.
let you know how much we’ll reduce        Cover and Serious Illness Benefit          must be £7 per month.
                                                                                                                             Please call us on 0345 600 7788 if
it by before making the change to      – both will end on the new end date       - You can’t reduce your Serious
                                                                                                                             you want to discuss making changes
your Life Payout amount. We will          shown on your revised policy               Illness Benefit Payout once your
                                                                                                                             to your policy. If you make any
then send you an updated policy           schedule.                                  policy is in place.
                                                                                                                             changes to your policy, we will send
schedule. You must restart your        - You can reduce the length of your       - You can’t add the Serious Illness
                                                                                                                             you an updated policy schedule to
monthly payments for your policy to       policy down more than once, but            Benefit option to a policy that has
                                                                                                                             confirm these.
continue after your payment holiday.      your monthly payment can’t fall            already been taken out.
                                          below £7 per month.                     - But you may apply for a new Life
You can have a maximum of two          - You can’t increase the length of           Cover policy with the Serious           Changes we need to know
payment holidays during the length        this policy.                               Illness Benefit option.                 about
of your policy but only one payment                                                                                          You need to let us know if you:
holiday can be taken within any                                                   Can I increase my cover?                   • Change your name
twelve month period.                                                              You can’t increase your Life Cover or      • Change your address
                                                                                  Serious Illness Benefit at any time.       • Change your bank account
We can accept a claim during a                                                    However you may be able to take            If you leave the UK to live in another
payment holiday. But the Life Payout                                              out further Life Cover policies with       country permanently,
amount will be reduced by the amount                                              Royal London.                              it could mean that you can’t make
of any unmade monthly payments.                                                   The maximum amount of Life                 changes to this policy.
                                                                                  Cover you can have across all Royal
18                                                                                                                                                               19
How we can make changes
Our aim is never to make changes to
                                           Wherever possible, we’ll do our best
                                           to give you advance notice before      7. How to complain                       Financial Ombudsman
                                                                                                                           Service contact details
your policy. However, we may have          we make a change. If any change is     We hope that you never have a
to do so for the following reasons:        to your disadvantage, we’ll aim to                                              Phone:
                                                                                  reason to complain about your
• In circumstances beyond our              tell you in writing 30 days before                                              0800 023 4567 (calls to this number
                                                                                  policy. If you do, we’d like to put
  control – such as changes in law,        we make it. If that’s not possible,                                             are free on mobile phones and
                                                                                  things right. Please contact us
  taxation or regulation or where          we may have to give you less notice                                             landlines) or 0300 123 9123
                                                                                  using the details below.
  we need to comply with legal or          but we will let you know as soon as                                             (calls to this number cost no more
  regulatory decisions or guidelines.      we reasonably can.                                                              than calls to 01 and 02 numbers)
                                                                                  Please have your policy number
• To correct an error where it is                                                 to hand.                                 Post:
  reasonable to do so. For example,        We may send you a letter that sets                                              The Financial Ombudsman Service,
  if something is missing from your        out the changes to your policy         Phone:                                   Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
  policy terms which mean that             terms, which will also form part       0345 268 6083                            Email:
  there is an inconsistency with           of your legal agreement with                                          
                                           us. You may hear us call this an       Email:
  your policy schedule or the                                                                                    
                                           ‘endorsement letter’.        
  policy summary document.                                                                                                 Website:
• To allow for changes in the way we                                              Post:
                                                                                  Royal London House             
  administer life insurance policies       If we make a change to your policy
  where we consider it necessary           that you are not happy with, you       Alderley Park
                                                                                  Congleton Road                           Using the Financial Ombudsman
  to do so. For example, where it          may cancel your policy.
                                                                                  Nether Alderley                          Service doesn’t affect your legal rights.
  becomes impractical or impossible
  for us to provide your policy as is;     This section doesn’t affect our        Macclesfield SK10 4EL
                                                                                                                           If you, or your personal
  or if it could result in our customers   ability to make changes to how we
                                                                                  We’ll do our best to resolve your        representatives, are not happy
  being treated unfairly.                  handle your personal information.
                                                                                  complaint within eight weeks. If we      with the Ombudsman’s decision,
• Where we want to make a new              For details explaining how your
                                                                                  don’t, or if you aren’t satisfied with   you may still be able to take legal
  service or feature available to you,     personal information will be used
                                                                                  our final response to the complaint,     action against Royal London.
  or make a reasonable change that         see Co-op Insurance Services and
  won’t be unfavourable to you.            Royal London Privacy Notices           you can then contact the Financial
                                                                                  Ombudsman Service.                       The law of England and Wales
                                                                                                                           applies to this policy. Any legal
                                                                                  This is an impartial service.            claims relating to this policy will
                                                                                  It can examine your complaint            be heard in the courts of England
                                                                                  and make a legally binding               and Wales.
                                                                                  decision on what we should do.
                                                                                                                           Only Royal London and you or
                                                                                                                           your personal representatives
                                                                                                                           have the right to enforce any
                                                                                                                           part of this contract.

20                                                                                                                                                               21
8. Cancelling                           9. How is my policy                 Notes

your policy                             protected?
You can cancel your policy at any       Your policy is covered by the
time by calling 0345 268 6081.          Financial Services Compensation
If you cancel your Life Insurance       Scheme (FSCS).
policy, all cover, including any
Serious Illness Cover and Children’s    In the unlikely event that Royal
Cover will end.                         London was unable to pay claims
You may not cancel your Life Cover      because it had stopped trading,
and keep your Serious Illness           you should be able to claim from
Benefit by itself. But you can cancel   the FSCS. You can find out more
your Serious Illness Benefit without    by visiting or by
cancelling your Life Cover              contacting the scheme directly
                                        using the details below.
Alternatively, you can write to us
to cancel at:                           Post:
Royal London House                      Financial Services Compensation
Alderley Park                           Scheme, PO Box 300, Mitcheldean
Congleton Road                          GL17 1DY
Nether Alderley                         Phone:
Macclesfield SK10 4EL                   0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100

Cancelling within 30 days
If you cancel within 30 days of the
                                        10. Royal London’s
date you receive your welcome           financial situation
pack, we’ll refund any payments
                                        We want to provide you with
you’ve made.
                                        clear information about Royal
                                        London’s financial position,
Cancelling after 30 days                so we have created a Solvency
If you cancel after 30 days from        and Financial Condition Report.
the date you receive your welcome       In it, you’ll find more details
pack, you won’t get any refund.         about Royal London’s business
                                        and company performance.

                                        The report is produced annually
                                        and you can access it at

22                                                                                  23
If you would like this information in large print,
                       in braille or on a CD, please call 0345 268 6081.

    Co-op Insurance Services acts as an Introducer for Co-op Life Cover. Co-op Insurance Services is a trading name of Co-op Insurance Services
        Limited; registered in England and Wales with registration number 4390. Registered office: 1 Angel Square, Manchester, M60 0AG.
         Co-op Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under register number 779364.
    Co-op Life Cover is provided, underwritten and administered by The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited. The Royal London
    Mutual Insurance Society Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and
    the Prudential Regulation Authority. The firm is on the Financial Services Register, registration number 117672. Registered in England and
                               Wales number 99064. Registered office: 55 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0RL.
                   The Royal London Group consists of The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited and its subsidiaries.
                                   Co-op Insurance Services Limited is not part of The Royal London Group.

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