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Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Respiratory
Failure in a Cohort of Young Patients Requiring Hospital
Admission with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain: Results
of the Multicenter SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
Raquel Díaz-Simón, MD1 , Antonio Lalueza, MD PhD1, Jaime Lora-Tamayo, MD PhD1,
Manuel Rubio-Rivas, MD PhD2, Cristina Llamazares Mendo, MD3,
María Luisa Taboada Martínez, MD4, Cristina Asencio Méndez, MD5,
Paula M. Pesqueira Fontán, MD6, Ana Fernández Cruz, MD PhD7,
Juan Luis Romero Cabrera, MD8, Begoña Cortés Rodríguez, MD9,
Aurora Espinar Rubio, MD10, Vicente Serrano Romero de Ávila, MD11,
Gema Maria García García, MD12, Luis Cabeza Osorio, MD13,
María González-Fernández, MD14, Amara González Noya, MD15,
Máximo Bernabeu Wittel, MD16, Francisco Arnalich Fernandez, MD PhD17,
Verónica Martínez Sempere, MD18, Arturo Artero, MD PhD19, Jose Loureiro-Amigo, MD20,
Ricardo Gómez Huelgas, MD PhD21, Juan Miguel Antón Santos, MD22, and
Carlos Lumbreras, MD PhD1on behalf of the SEMI-COVID-19 Network
 Internal Medicine Department, 12 de Octubre University Hospital, Madrid, Spain; 2Internal Medicine Department, Bellvitge L’Hospitalet de
Llobregat University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; 3Internal Medicine Department, Gregorio Marañon University Hospital, Madrid, Spain; 4Internal
Medicine Department, Cabueñes Hospital, (Asturias), Gijón, Spain; 5Internal Medicine Department, Costa del Sol Hospital, (Málaga), Marbella,
Spain; 6Internal Medicine Department, Clinic Santiago de Compostela Hospital, A Coruña, Spain; 7Internal Medicine Department, Puerta de Hierro
University Hospital, (Madrid), Majadahonda, Spain; 8Internal Medicine Department, Reina Sofía University Hospital, Córdoba, Spain; 9Internal
Medicine Department, Alto Guadalquivir Hospital, (Jaén), Andújar, Spain; 10Internal Medicine Department, Juan Ramón Jiménez Hospital, Huelva,
Spain; 11Internal Medicine Department, Virgen de la Salud Hospital, Toledo, Spain; 12Internal Medicine Department, Badajoz University Hospital
Complex, Badajoz, Spain; 13Internal Medicine Department, Henares Hospital, (Madrid), Coslada, Spain; 14Internal Medicine Department, Rio
Ortega University Hospital, Valladolid, Spain; 15Internal Medicine Department, Ourense University Hospital Complex, Ourense, Spain; 16Internal
Medicine Department, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Sevilla, Spain; 17Internal Medicine Department, La Paz/Carlos III/Cantoblanco University
Hospital, Madrid, Spain; 18Internal Medicine Department, S. Juan de Alicante University Hospital, Alicante, Spain; 19Internal Medicine Department,
Dr. Peset University Hospital, Valencia, Spain; 20Internal Medicine Department, Moisès Broggi Sant Joan Despí Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; 21Internal
Medicine Department, Málaga Regional University Hospital, Malaga, Spain; 22Internal Medicine Department, Infanta Cristina University Hospital,
(Madrid), Parla, Spain.

BACKGROUND: Age is a risk factor for COVID severity.                         the need for mechanical ventilation and/or high-flow na-
Most studies performed in hospitalized patients with                         sal cannula or the presence of acute respiratory distress
SARS-CoV2 infection have shown an over-representation                        syndrome.
of older patients and consequently few have properly defined                 RESULTS: During the recruitment period, 15,034 pa-
COVID-19 in younger patients who require hospital admis-                     tients were included in the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, of
sion. The aim of the present study was to analyze the clinical               whom 2327 (15.4%) were younger than 50 years. Respi-
characteristics and risk factors for the development of respi-               ratory failure developed in 343 (14.7%), while mortality
ratory failure among young (18 to 50 years) hospitalized                     occurred in 2.3%. Patients with respiratory failure
patients with COVID-19.                                                      showed a higher incidence of major adverse cardiac
METHODS: This retrospective nationwide cohort study                          events (44 (13%) vs 14 (0.8%), p
Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain                   JGIM

cells/μL (OR, 1.67; 95% CI, 1.18 to 2.37; p=0.0033), LDH                 clinical characteristics and risk factors for the development of
>320 U/I (OR, 1.69; 95% CI, 1.18 to 2.42; p=0.0039), AST                 respiratory failure and outcome.
>35 mg/dL (OR, 1.74; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.52; p=0.003),
sodium 8 mg/dL (OR, 2.42;
95% CI, 1.72 to 3.41; p
JGIM                   Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain

Endpoint Definitions                                                   Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). Cutoff values for laboratory pa-
                                                                       rameters were determined by MedCalc Version 19.2.0.
The primary endpoint was the presence of respiratory failure
during hospital admission. Respiratory failure was defined as
the ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of
inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2 ratio) ≤200 mmHg30 or the need
for mechanical ventilation (either noninvasive positive pres-
sure ventilation—continuous (CPAP) or bilevel positive pres-           Baseline Demographic and Clinical
sure ventilation—or invasive mechanical ventilation) and/or            Characteristics of Patients at Admission
high-flow nasal cannula or the presence of acute respiratory           During the recruitment period, 15,034 patients were included
distress syndrome (ARDS). The use of baseline CPAP is not a            in the SEMI-COVID Registry, of which 2327 were younger
criterion for ventilatory failure unless there is respiratory im-      than 50 years old (Supplementary Figure 1). The median age
pairment according to the definition used. If PaO2 was not             was 42.2 years (IQR: 36–46.7) and 59.5% of patients were
available, an estimated PaO2/FiO2 (ePaO2/FiO2) ratio was               male. A total of 9.4% were healthcare workers. Most of them
calculated, using pulse oximetry saturation/fraction of inspired       were Caucasian race (67.9%), followed by those of Hispanic
oxygen (SpO2/FiO2 ratio) and applying the formula SpO2/                ethnicity (27.8%). The most frequent previous medical condi-
FiO2 = 64 + 0.84 × PaO2/FiO2.31 In-hospital mortality during           tions were obesity (defined as a body mass index (BMI) ≥30
the 30-day follow-up was recorded.                                     kg/m2) (21.6%), hypertension (13%), asthma (9.7%), and
                                                                       diabetes (5.5%). The main demographic and clinical charac-
Statistical Methods                                                    teristics of the patients are shown in Table 1. The median time
Quantitative variables were described using medians and in-            from onset of symptoms to the first positive rRT-PCR was 7
terquartile ranges (IQR) or means ± standard deviation (SD),           days (IQR: 4 to 9) and was less than 5 days in only 515
and compared by Student’s t-test for independent samples or            patients (23.9%). At admission, the initial chest X-ray showed
the Mann-Whitney U test, as appropriate, taking into account           abnormal findings in 2066 cases (90.1%). Significant differ-
whether the variance was equal or unequal. The Kolmogorov-             ences in most laboratory parameters were observed at admis-
Smirnov test was used to test all parameters for normality of          sion between those who developed respiratory failure and
distribution. Categorical variables were expressed as absolute         those who did not, as shown in Table 2. Extended data of
and relative frequencies and compared by χ2 test or Fisher’s           Tables 1 and 2 are available in the Supplementary File.
exact test. The LOESS smoothing function was applied to plot
the probability of respiratory failure of the quantitative vari-       Management and Outcome
ables (Supplementary Figure 2).                                        In the course of hospitalization, antibiotics were given in 1976
   Univariate analysis was performed to establish the relation-        patients (84.9%), with azithromycin being used in 1381 cases
ship of variables with the development of respiratory failure.         (59.3%). Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in 2058
Associations were expressed as odds ratios (ORs) with 95%              (88.8%), lopinavir/ritonavir in 1605 (69%), corticosteroids
confidence intervals (95% CI). Adjusted p values for multiple          507 (21.8%), interferon-β1b in 240 (10.3%), tocilizumab in
comparisons were obtained using the Benjamini and                      215 (9.2%), and remdesivir in 21 (0.9%) patients, respectively.
Hochberg method.32 The complete list of variables analyzed                Respiratory failure was the most common complication
for respiratory failure is shown in Supplementary Table 1. A           (14.7%). ICU admission occurred in 180 patients (8.2%) and
multivariate logistic regression model was then developed to           172 of these belonged to the respiratory failure group (50.3%
identify independent predictive variable for the risk of respi-        vs 0.4%, p
Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain                           JGIM

                              Table 1 Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Study Population (n=2327)

Variable                                             Total (n =          Respiratory failure          Without respiratory failure          p value
                                                     2327)               (n=343)                      (n=1984)
Baseline characteristics
 Age (years)                                         42.2 (36–46.7)      43.3 (38.4–46.9)             42 (35.8–46.7)                       0.04
 Sex (male)                                          1373 (59.5%)        200 (70.2%)                  1173 (58%)                           0.01
 Charlson ≥1                                         522 (24.3%)         104 (31.3%)                  418 (23%)                            0.001
 Hispanic ethnicity (vs. others)                     598 (27.8%)         111 (33.1%)                  487 (26.8%)                          0.019
 Caucasian ethnicity (vs. others)                    1460 (67.9%)        210 (62.7%)                  1250 (68.9%)                         0.025
 Alcohol abuse                                       70 (3.3%)           22 (6.6%)                    48 (2.6%)
JGIM                     Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain

           Table 3 Complications and Relevant Outcomes                           Table 4 Univariate Analysis of Respiratory Failure

Variable             Total (n =     Respiratory       Without            Univariate analysis
                     2327)          failure           respiratory
                                    (n=343)           failure            Variable                            OR (95% CI)             p value*
                                                      (n=1984)           Age (years)†                        1.02 (1.01–1.04)        0.032
                                                                         Sex (male)                          1.69 (1.31–2.16)        0.0018
Sepsis               50 (2.3%)      45 (13.1%)        5 (0.3%)           Charlson ≥1                         1.52 (1.18–1.93)        0.017
Acute multiorgan     27 (1.2%)      25 (7.3%)         2 (0.1%)           Hispanic ethnicity (vs. others)     1.35 (1.05–1.73)        0.189
failure                                                                  Alcohol abuse                       2.6 (1.55–4.37)         0.0018
Secondary lung       137 (6.2%)     65 (19%)          72 (3.9%)          Obesity                             2.6 (2.01–3.36)         0.0018
infection                                                                Diabetes mellitus                   2.25 (1.48–3.41)        0.0018
ICU admission        180 (8.2%)     172 (50.3%)       8 (0.4%)           Sleep apnea syndrome                3.01 (1.77–5.12)        0.0018
Length of ICU        11 (6–17)      11 (7–17)         3 (2–5)            Asthma                              1.33 (0.92–1.91)        0.36
stay (days)                                                              Fever (temperature ≥38°C)           2.01 (1.58–2.57)        0.0018
Acute kidney         79 (3.6%)      42 (12.2%)        37 (2%)            Heart rate >85 beats per min        1.96 (1.48–2.59)        0.0018
injury                                                                   >20 breaths per min                 4.53 (3.54–5.79)        0.0018
Disseminated         10 (0.5%)      7 (2%)            3 (0.2%)           Altered consciousness               3.34 (1.87–5.97)        0.0018
intravascular                                                            qSOFA≥2                             5.29 (3.21–8.73)        0.0018
coagulation                                                              Dyspnea                             2.71 (2.07–3.53)        0.0018
Venous               37 (1.7%)      23 (6.7%)         14 (0.8%)          Abnormal chest X-ray                2.94 (1.69–5.12)        0.0018
thrombosis                                                               Leukocytes > 6×103 cells/μl         2.05 (1.62–2.59)        0.0018
MACE event           58 (2.7%)      44 (13%)          14 (0.8%)          Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio         1.06 (1.04–1.08)        0.0018
Time from            7 (5–10)       15 (9–24)         6 (4–9)            Lymphocytes ≤1100 cells/μl          1.96 (1.54–2.5)         0.0018
admission to                                                             Ferritin >1200 ng/mL                4.64 (3.14–6.86)        0.0018
discharge/exitus                                                         LDH >320 U/I                        3.25 (2.51–4.2)         0.0018
(days)                                                                   AST >35 mg/dL                       2.59 (1.97–3.4)         0.0018
Overall in-          50 (2.3%)      43 (12.5%)        7 (0.4%)           Albumin ≤3.7mg/dL                   2.96 (2.09–4.18)        0.0018
hospital mortality                                                       Creatine kinase >80 U/L             2.27 (1.63–3.16)        0.0018
                                                                         Sodium 8 mg/dL         3.75 (2.94–4.79)        0.0018
indicate p values 50 pg/mL             8.1 (4.43–14.81)        0.0018
                                                                         Bold characters indicate p < 0.05. OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence
                                                                         interval; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment; LDH, lactate
                                                                         dehydrogenase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase. *p adjusted using the
Analysis and Risk Estimation of Respiratory                              Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. †Odds ratio per unitary increment
In the respiratory failure group, 37.9% (130/343) of patients               At the same time, in a second analysis, we performed
were treated with invasive mechanical ventilation for a median           another predictive model giving priority to the inclusion of a
duration of 10 days (IQR: 7–15), whereas 62 (18.1%) and 138              greater number of possible analytical variables in order to
(40.2%) patients were managed with noninvasive mechanical                explore the influence of ferritin and albumin, although this
ventilation and high-flow nasal cannula, respectively. The               approach meant a significant loss of patients. In this second
prone position was used in 40.2% (138/343) patients. Patients            model, seven variables remained independently associated
with ARDS at different levels of severity received some of the           with the presence of respiratory failure (obesity, leukocytes >
therapies mentioned above. Of the total of 2327 patients, a              6×103 cells/μL, lymphocytes ≤1100 cells/μL, ferritin >1200
total of 259 (11.1%) patients suffered moderate (102 (4.4%))             ng/mL, albumin ≤3.7mg/dL, sodium 8 mg/dL). Some of these differed from the original more
   Table 4 and Figure 1 summarize the univariate and multi-              inclusive model, as Figure 1B shows. This second multivariate
variate analyses of parameters predicting respiratory failure.           model provided better discriminatory ability (bootstrap-
An extended univariate analysis is provided in Supplementary             corrected C-index 0.84 (95% CI: 0.809–0.874) and
Table 4. LOESS smoothing curve plots of the probability of               goodness-of-fit (Hosmer and Lemeshow p = 0.81).
respiratory failure against quantitative variables included in
the univariate analysis are shown in Supplementary Figure 2.
   Finally, a reduced model identifying respiratory failure was
generated. Ten variables remained independently associated                                           DISCUSSION
with the primary endpoint: obesity, alcohol abuse, sleep apnea           The primary goal in conducting this study was to analyze the
syndrome, Charlson index ≥1, fever (temperature ≥38°C),                  clinical characteristics of young people (18–50 years) hospi-
lymphocytes ≤1100 cells/μL, LDH >320 U/I, AST >35 mg/                    talized patients with COVID-19 and the risk factors for the
dL, sodium 8                  development of respiratory failure. To do this, we analyzed the
mg/dL. Their corresponding odds ratios (OR) and 95% confi-               SEMI-COVID-19 Registry in which 150 Spanish hospitals
dence intervals are shown in Figure 1A. This reduced model               participated. The first clinically relevant finding is that 15%
provided good discriminatory ability (bootstrap-corrected C-             of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital were under 50
index 0.779 (CI 95%: 0.757–0.800) and goodness-of-fit                    years of age. The strength of our study is that it is a real-life
(Hosmer and Lemeshow p = 0.36).                                          multicenter study with a large number of patients, a total of
Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain                           JGIM

Fig. 1 Risk factors for respiratory failure with multivariate analysis. A Risk factors for respiratory failure with multivariate analysis (model 1).
                                   B Risk factors for respiratory failure with multivariate analysis (model 2).

2327 hospitalized young patients, which is to the best of our                   The fifth conclusion is that comorbidity, obesity, alcohol
knowledge the largest report on this subgroup of COVID-19                    abuse, and sleep apnea syndrome, as well as the presence of
patients.                                                                    fever, were independent predictors of respiratory failure, which is
   Second, it provides insights into the evolution and progno-               consistent with previous publications,4,5,10,18 and lymphocytes,
sis of COVID-19 in patients who are younger than those                       LDH, AST, sodium, and CRP were predictors of poor prognosis,
generally enrolled in clinical studies. As a result, we have                 as other studies have also pointed out.5,7,10,16,18
been able to analyze specific risk factors in this subgroup of                  We decided to use respiratory failure as the main endpoint
patients without the interference of frailty or aging-associated             because, in the vast majority of COVID-19 patients, mortality
comorbidities and to show the importance of obesity and a few                is related to the presence of respiratory failure.35 We defined it
laboratory parameters for making an early evaluation of the                  in broader terms than invasive mechanical ventilation or ICU
possible development of respiratory failure, which is the main               admission in order to obtain a more realistic view of the
cause of SARS-CoV2-related death.                                            demands of the first wave of the pandemic in terms of
   The third major conclusion is that this younger popula-                   healthcare pressure. This approach continues to be valid, given
tion is not exempt from serious complications, since respi-                  that the pandemic is currently global. If we focus on patients
ratory failure, ICU admission, and in-hospital mortality                     who developed respiratory failure, we observe that half the
were found in 14.7%, 8.2%, and 2.3% of patients, respec-                     cases required ICU admission, while the other 50% was man-
tively. This mortality rate is similar to that described by                  aged with non-invasive ventilatory support. Likewise, we
other authors.33                                                             observed that the presence of respiratory failure was more
   The fourth major finding is that young patients with respi-               frequent in men, with a slight predominance of Hispanic
ratory failure present more medical complications, as other                  ethnicity and subjects with previous comorbidities, highlight-
studies have highlighted.16,18,24,34 There was a notable pres-               ing the presence of sleep apnea syndrome and previous alco-
ence of acute kidney injury, venous thrombosis, and, especial-               hol consumption. However, the most notable differences were
ly, the development of MACE events. Hence, early identifi-                   observed in the predictive parameters, even at the time of
cation of patients at potential risk of complications is essential           hospital admission, which presented important predictive
to ensure adequate management.                                               values for the development of respiratory failure (Fig. 1A
JGIM                   Díaz-Simón et al.: Respiratory Failure in Young Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection in Spain

and B). Analytical variables were treated as continuous vari-             Second, the laboratory variables are dichotomized. The
ables and categorized using ROC curves (Supplementary                  relationship between laboratory variables and outcomes are
Table 2) to facilitate their management in the risk factor             unlikely to be dichotomous or even linear; thus, these relation-
analysis. Although most of the analytical variables were col-          ships are overly simplified.
lected in more than 90% of the subjects, a few other relevant             Third, this study has been carried out in a single country in
variables were accessible in a smaller number of patients, so          southern Europe, but we consider that it would be very appro-
making them difficult to use in potential predictive models.           priate to know whether the results are extrapolable to other
This was the case of TnT, CPK, ferritin, albumin, prothrombin          regions of the world with different socio-demographic char-
ratio, and interleukin-6 (IL-6). To deal with this, we created         acteristics to ours.
the first multivariate model (Fig. 1A), which included the                In conclusion, a significant percentage of younger patients
largest possible number of patients (n = 1457). In order to            (18–50 years old) with COVID-19 requiring hospital admis-
analyze other widely reported prognostic variables such as             sion presented respiratory failure, particularly those who were
ferritin and albumin,1,9,36 we constructed a second model              obese or had SAHS. This serious complication can be identi-
(Fig. 1B), which included a larger number of analytical vari-          fied at admission by the usual laboratory tests.
ables, although at the expense of reducing the number of
patients (the final model included 503 patients). Following            Supplementary Information The online version contains supple-
                                                                       mentary material available at
this approach, the only clinical variable that remained in the         s11606-021-07066-z.
model was obesity. All the analytical variables in model 1
were retained, and leukocytes, ferritin, and albumin were              Acknowledgements: The authors would like to acknowledge all the
                                                                       healthcare workers involved in the response to the current pandemic
added as prognostic markers. This second model has an ac-              in our hospital and, singularly, those who suffered COVID-19.
cessible analysis and offers high prognostic value (AUC of             The authors would like to thank Janet Dawson for correcting the
0.85) for predicting the development of respiratory failure. In        English grammar and syntax throughout the manuscript and David
                                                                       Lora for the review of the statistical analysis.
both models (1 and 2 in Fig. 1), the presence of lymphocytes ≤         We gratefully acknowledge all the investigators who participated in
1100 cells/μL, obesity, sodium < 135 mmol/L, and C-reactive            the SEMICOVID-19 Registry. We also thank the SEMI-COVID-19
                                                                       Registry Coordinating Center, for their quality control data, and
protein >8 mg/dL remain independent risk factors. In the first         logistic and administrative support.
model (which includes a larger number of cases), we would
also add albumin ≤ 3.7 mg/dL, ferritin >1200 ng/mL, and                Corresponding Author: Raquel Díaz-Simón, MD; Internal Medicine
                                                                       Department, 12 de Octubre University Hospital, Madrid, Spain
leukocytes > 6×103 cells/μL. In the second model, which                (e-mail:
includes a smaller number of patients but more analytical              Data Availability Data is contained within the article.
variables, alcohol abuse, sleep apnea syndrome, Charlson               Declarations:
index ≥ 1, LDH > 320 U/L, fever (≥ 38°C), and AST > 35
mg/dL were also additional risk factors.                               Ethics Approval: The SEMI-COVID-19 Registry was approved by the
                                                                       Provincial Research Ethics Committee of Málaga (Spain) on March 27,
   These findings highlight a case analysis at admission which         2020 (Ethics Committee code: SEMICOVID-19 27/03/20) and en-
include those variables that allow us to identify populations at       dorsed by the ethics committee of each participant hospital.
risk for the development of respiratory failure in order to            Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they do not have a
increase predictive power, which would allow for optimiza-             conflict of interest.
tion of the necessary care resources.
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real-life registry so that, despite the inclusion of a large num-
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