Climate Transition - Morgan Stanley

Page created by Pauline Santiago
Climate Transition - Morgan Stanley
Climate Transition

Given the increasingly disruptive force of                       GBAR TEAM MEMBERS

climate change-related weather events, the
commitment of countries and companies across
the globe to achieving net zero carbon emission                                ANDREW HARMSTONE
                                                                               Managing Director
by mid-century promises to be one of the                                       Lead Portfolio Manager
themes driving investment markets over the
coming decades. The push from policymakers
poses risks to those in carbon-intensive sectors                               LI ZHANG
who lag, but may also open opportunities for                                   Executive Director
enablers and innovators.                                                       Portfolio Manager

Recognising the importance of both capturing related
opportunities and mitigating the increasing risks, the Global
Balanced Risk Control team has developed an approach                           CHRISTIAN GOLDSMITH

that seeks to capitalise on these changes. Our science-                        Executive Director
                                                                               Lead Portfolio Specialist
based approach decarbonises our portfolios’ core exposures
according to the 1.5°C scenario, aligned with the most
recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
recommendations and targets net zero emissions for our
equity exposure by 2050. We complement this approach by
assessing companies’ ESG and Low Carbon Transition scores.
This is implemented whilst maintaining our core time-tested
approach to asset allocation.

In this piece, we look at how countries and some key sectors
are responding to the challenge, and we also discuss potential
solutions for investors.

Taking the temperature: the current climate
The recent report by the IPCC on the physical effects of
climate change1 comes as governments update their Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) in an attempt to achieve
the Paris Climate Accord goals to limit global warming to well

Climate Transition - Morgan Stanley

below 2°C from pre-industrial levels, and
                                                DISPLAY 1
preferably to 1.5°C by 2050. The IPCC’s
                                                Global Commitments
message is unambiguous; human activity,
particularly the combustion of fossil
fuels, is heating the planet and causing
increased extreme weather events. The
economic and social consequences of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have
long been projected to be devastating.
As early as 2006, the Stern Review on
the Economics of Climate Change,2
estimated the ongoing cost of inaction
on climate change to be equivalent to
5%-20% of global GDP p.a.3 The IPCC
demands urgent action, as without
sustained reductions in emissions over
the coming decades we will likely exceed
2°C global warming before the end               ● Net-zero commitment* ● New or updated NDC** ● Net-zero commitment and new/updated NDC
of the century. In fact, in almost all
                                                Source: *commitments planned or announced Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit **UNFCCC
emissions scenarios, global warming is
likely to hit 1.5°C “in the early 2030s”.
The commitments required to limit               CHINA: QUEST FOR GLOBAL CLIMATE               terms of emissions traded, which came
emissions will profoundly affect the            LEADERSHIP VERSUS THIRST                      into force in July 2021. Whilst the price
highest-emitting business sectors. While        FOR GROWTH                                    is low compared with more mature
we cannot be certain of the outcomes,           China’s remarkable economic growth            schemes such as that of the EU ($60
we should analyse how the most highly           means it now emits more than a                in July versus China’s opening price of
exposed sectors are managing the risk           quarter of global emissions, so its           approximately $7), it should facilitate
and uncertainty.                                actions to reduce emissions over the          companies migrating from existing
                                                next decade will be crucial to limiting       regional schemes throughout China.
Country level policy responses –                global warming. China recently                While we do not believe the current
Greater ambition, but still                     announced its aim to achieve net zero         price is high enough to discourage coal
not enough                                      before 20604 and to increase non-             usage, this could change if we see any
Key to achieving the Paris Climate              fossil fuel-generated energy to 25% of        upward price pressure. China’s scheme
Accord goals are the NDCs and mid-              total energy consumption by 2030. To          will initially cover 40% of national
century goals. The increasing number            help achieve this goal, China intends         emissions5 (15% of global emissions),
of countries committing to net zero             to double wind and solar capacity to          but this is expected to expand over time.
emissions by mid-century is a bright            1,200 GW by 2030. While coal has
spot in climate policy. At COP26 in             shown a downward trend in China’s             US: CLIMATE U-TURN TO BUILD
November 2021, governments are                  energy mix, recent developments signal        BACK GREENER
expected to update their NDCs for               a misalignment between climate targets        President Biden has made tackling
the first time since the Agreement was          and policy. The 10% year-on-year              climate change a cornerstone of his
signed in 2015. As of August 2021, 107          increase in coal consumption, and the         policy agenda. On 20 January 2021,
countries have submitted new NDC                development of new coal powered plants        he reinforced this commitment by re-
targets. However, many do not match             in the first half of 2021 demonstrate         joining the Paris Agreement and soon
up to the ambition required to achieve          a conflict between China’s economic           after pledged to reduce net US emissions
the Paris goals. Furthermore, a number          stability and climate goals. Uncertainty      by at least half by 2030 (50%-52%
of countries have still not submitted any       over China’s path will remain until the       lower than 2005 levels), before hosting
targets at all.                                 country officially submits its NDC.           the Leaders’ Summit on Climate. Biden
                                                                                              clearly intends to take a lead role and
We now provide an update on the                 Another key component of China’s plan
                                                                                              align the US with their resubmitted
policies of some key countries in the           is the introduction of the world’s largest
                                                                                              NDC target of net zero by 2050.
climate transition:                             national emissions trading scheme, in

  N. Stern (2006), The Stern Review Report:     4
                                                                                                https: // /en /news-
the Economics of Climate Change.                14th-five-year-plan-mean-for-climate-change   archive/742-china-launches-operational-phase-
3                                                 of-national-ets , July 2021

Climate Transition - Morgan Stanley

To an extent, US businesses were                   INDIA: YET TO GET ON BOARD WITH NET             plans to invest heavily in hydrogen and
already driving change even under the              ZERO COMMITMENTS                                carbon capture, utilisation and storage
Trump administration, with reductions              India’s emissions have grown steadily           (CCUS) technologies.
in emissions averaging about 0.4% per              over the past decade and it is now the
year over the last decade, driven mostly           world’s fourth highest emitter, behind          In addition, Japan’s transition plan
by the shift from coal to renewables.6             only China, the US and Europe.                  will see natural gas’s contribution to
The Biden administration pledges to                However, India’s per capita emissions           electricity generation almost halve from
accelerate the transition by spending              intensity is 60% lower than the global          2019 levels of 37%, to 20% by 2030.
billions on clean energy-related                   average and about seven times lower             This is notable, as Japan is the largest
infrastructure and energy efficiency               than that of the US. Developing                 global importer of liquefied natural gas,
improvements. This spending, alongside             nations such as India have contributed          for example representing around 21% of
extensive tax credits for renewables and           comparatively little to global emissions        global imports in 2020.15 Similar drops
an ambitious clean energy standard,                and may justifiably feel aggrieved in           in coal usage will be offset by highly
should support his claim of a clean                having to adopt stricter climate change         ambitious deployment of renewables
energy revolution in the US.7 However,             targets.11 At the July 2021 G20 Energy          which could make up 38% of Japan’s
the larger reconciliation bill containing          and Climate Joint Ministerial Meeting,          electricity mix by 2030. This may serve
many of the Democrats’ climate                     India signalled it would soon strengthen        as a warning for producers who see gas
initiatives will need to win the approval          its existing commitments but cautioned          as the natural replacement for coal in
of a number of hesitant Democratic                 that developed nations should move              the medium term.
senators, including Joe Manchin                    towards net zero sooner than 2050, to
of West Virginia, who chairs the                   free up ‘carbon space’ for developing           UK: HALFWAY TO NET ZERO

Senate Energy and Natural Resources                nations to grow.                                The UK was one of the first major
Committee. In 2019, West Virginia was                                                              economies to legislate a net zero target
the second largest coal producer in the            However, India’s emissions growth               by 2050, despite having notable oil and
US and coal made up 91% of the State’s             and the burdensome physical effects             gas reserves—around 10-20 billion
electricity mix.8                                  of climate change on the nation,12              barrels of oil equivalent.16 Winding
                                                   evident for example in changing                 down UK oil and gas production may
EU UPS ITS AMBITIONS WITH                          rainfall patterns, highlight the need to        help to achieve the nation’s climate
“FIT FOR 55”                                       contribute to lowering global emissions.        goals; however, we note controversial
                                                   Despite rapid growth and falling prices         plans to approve a new North Sea
Europe has long seen itself as a leader in
                                                   for renewables (solar being around              project.17 Nevertheless, in 2020, the UK
tackling climate change and continues
                                                   14% cheaper than coal),13 the Indian            was halfway to meeting its 2050 net
to make strong progress. European
                                                   government is encouraging more                  zero target, having reduced emissions
Union (EU) GHG emissions fell by
                                                   coal mining and production. Uptake              by more than 50% from its 1990 levels.
24% between 1990 and 2019, while its
                                                   from the private sector has been slow,          A large contributor is a shift in the
economy grew by approximately 60%.9
                                                   highlighting difficulties in funding new        energy mix towards renewables, a shift
In December 2019, the EU adopted the
                                                   coal deployment globally.14                     which since 2015 has been supported by
European Green Deal to advance the
goal of net zero by 2050. In July 2021,                                                            the UK’s Carbon Price Support. This
                                                   JAPAN BACKING ITS AMBITIONS WITH                support, which is effectively a tax, was
the European Commission proposed
                                                   INVESTMENT IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES                  found to have accelerated coal’s decline
“Fit for 55”, an extensive legislative
package to support a more ambitious,               Japan recently announced measures               in the UK’s electricity mix by over
shorter-term cut in GHG emissions of               to support its net zero goal by 2050,           90%.18 This demonstrates how effective
at least 55% by 2030. We believe carbon            and to reduce GHG emissions by                  a robust carbon pricing mechanism is in
prices through the EU Emissions                    46% by 2030 from 2013 levels. While             aiding the transition away from coal.
Trading Scheme (ETS) are already                   Japan already benefits from an energy-
disincentivising the use of cheaper coal;          efficient economy, some heavy industrial        Sector carbon footprints:
in 2019, following a sustained higher              processes require high-temperature              Progress and challenges
allowance price, Europe saw a larger               which could prove stubborn to further           Against this somewhat uncertain policy
decline in the use of coal.10                      decarbonise. To combat this, Japan              backdrop, companies will be expected

  UNEP - Emissions Gap Report 2020                 11
                                                      UNEP – Emissions Gap Report 2020             15
                                                                                                      IGU World LNG report - 2021 Edition
7                   12
                                                       w w w.worldbank .org /en /news /feature /   16
  West Virginia Profile (                  2013/06/19/india-climate-change-impacts         data-downloads-and-publications/reserves-
progress_en                                        india-leads-with-lowest-renewable-cost-in-      17
                                                                                                       ht tps: // w w w. bbc /news /science -
                                                   asia-pacific/                                   environment-56503588
                                                   70-indian-coal-mines-up-auction-2021-07-09/     carbon-tax-leads-93-drop-coal-fired-electricity

                                                               SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET     |   MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT               3
Climate Transition - Morgan Stanley

to adapt their businesses. A recurring          early on. Due to the cost advantages of                  assets over the life span of the project.
theme is the need for transitioning from        renewables, utilities across the world                   We believe investors should monitor
fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, to     should continue to phase out fossil                      investee companies’ capex plans
renewable sources, as well as long-term         fuels, especially coal, while accelerating               carefully. Reducing scope 3 emissions
improvements in electrification and             solar and wind deployment to meet                        over the long term may signal a
energy efficiency. We believe this is key       near-term reduction targets. These                       company’s commitment to sustained
to aligning with national ambitions.            efforts to decarbonise their energy                      sustainable value.
However, like national initiatives, the         mixes will be key to how we assess
rate of change remains stubbornly               utilities’ comparative advantages. Utility               LEANING ON CARBON CAPTURE,
slow, necessitating an immediate policy         companies’ Scope 1 emissions tend to                     UTILISATION AND STORAGE (CCUS) AS
response to reduce emissions in the             be comparatively high. We believe those                  A SOLUTION
short term to avert climate disruption.         that can decarbonise their portfolios                    Instead of reducing Scope 3 emissions
                                                in an efficient manner can reduce their                  from the combustion of their products,
Utilities                                       carbon pricing risk and may use their                    the industry has leaned towards
Electricity and heat generation make            resources more efficiently. Over the                     increased capital expenditure on
up 31.9% of global GHG emissions,19             long term we believe a utility company                   speculative technologies to assist them
and this figure is only likely to grow. To      will be more profitable if it makes more                 in exploiting their reserves. The oil and
lower emissions, the transition to clean        efficient use of its own resources, so we                gas industry accounts for more than
renewable energy in our electric system         can expect companies with low scope 1                    35% of overall spending on CCUS,25
needs to accelerate. As a result, utilities     carbon intensity to outperform.                          and we believe spending will accelerate.
are one of the most exposed sectors                                                                      US majors have led investment in this
to carbon pricing risk, making their            Oil & Gas                                                technology. While capturing carbon
transition plans an essential part of their     NET ZERO TARGETS RARE                                    may well play an important role in
value proposition.                              It will become increasingly important                    meeting global climate goals, the gap
                                                for oil and gas companies to be                          between what is required and what is
The step-up in the EU’s net zero                disciplined in their capex plans as                      possible remains large. We therefore
ambition and the Biden administration’s         the energy transition accelerates,                       remain cautious as overreliance on
clean energy standard are likely to             positioning themselves for the long                      future utility of these immature
lead to further tightening in the global        term. Setting net zero targets is still                  technologies to achieve climate targets
carbon markets and regulations, with            rare in this sector according to Climate                 could further delay emissions reduction.
significant implications for the utilities      Action 100+, and even fewer include                      In lieu of feasible, climate stress-tested
sector. According to the Transition             Scope 3 emissions in their plans.22                      investments, and without significant
Pathway Initiatives’ (TPI’s) State of           Addressing Scope 3 emissions is crucial                  strategic shifts, we believe oil and
Transition Report 2021, global electric         for the Oil & Gas sector as 85-90%                       gas companies may be better served
utilities have reduced their emissions          of lifecycle emissions occur as fossil                   using cash to deleverage and increase
significantly, primarily due to reductions      fuels are combusted. We note that                        distributions to shareholders.
in the use of coal and increased use of         the IEA recently recommended that
renewables. US utilities are on track to        exploitation and development of new                      Transport
meet their 2030 targets, but TPI found          oil and gas fields must stop this year if                DRIVEN BY REGULATORY PUSH
they will miss 2050 targets at current          we are to reach net zero by 2050.23 This                 Transport represents about 24% of
rates.20 Emerging economies remain              is broadly in line with UCL research                     direct CO2 emissions from fossil fuels,
reluctant to phase out coal. Coal is            from 2021 that estimated 60 percent of                   of which road vehicles contribute
the dominant fuel in both China and             global oil and gas reserves must be left                 about three quarters.26 Automobile
India’s electricity mix, representing           unexploited by 2050, though a portion                    manufacturers already face numerous
58% and 51% respectively.21 The sector          of those fuels could be produced in                      national and supranational vehicle fleet
needs continued large-scale investment,         the second half of the century.24 This                   emissions and fuel efficiency regulations,
but companies should benefit from first         raises risks for investors. Considering                  including in large economies such as
mover advantages.                               the typical oil and gas project generally                Japan, China and the European Union.
                                                have a life span between 15 and 30                       An increasing number of governments
We believe the current policy traction
                                                years, capex decisions now may result                    including Japan, Spain, the United
will be a tailwind for those utilities that
                                                in value destruction and stranded                        Kingdom and Canada have announced
have embraced the energy transition

   Source: Climate Watch, based on raw data     22
                                                                                                             w w /
from IEA (2020)                                 company-benchmark/                                       assets/4315f4ed-5cb2- 426 4 -b0ee-
    w w ansitionpathw /   23
                                                           2054fd34c118/ The_Oil_and_Gas_Industry_
publications/82.pdf?type=Publication                                                                     in_Energy_Transitions.pdf
                                                   Welsby, D., Price, J., Pye, S. et al. Unextractable
   Source: IEA                                  fossil fuels in a 1.5 °C world. Nature 597, 230–
                                                                                                            https: //w w /repor ts /tracking-
                                                234 (2021).                                              transport-2020, May 2020


dates by when the sale of new internal
                                              DISPLAY 2
combustion cars will be banned. These
                                              Electric car stock by region and technology, 2013-2018
regulations, combined with rapid
advances in battery technology,27                            6
should drive demand for electric and
hybrid vehicles.                                             5


                                              Million Cars
Growth in sales of electric cars has
strengthened over the past decade, with                      2
global stocks of electric passenger cars
passing 5 million in 2018, an increase of                    1
63% from the previous year. However,
this is still only about 2.6% of global car
                                                                    2013         2014          2015             2016           2017           2018
sales and roughly 1% of the global fleet
in 2019.28                                                       ■ China   ■ Europe     ■ United States       ■ Other          BEV+PHEV              BEV

To achieve net zero, it is estimated          Source: IEA
that zero emissions vehicles will need
to make up about 60% of global new
car sales by 2030.29 This will likely         However, the investments required for                       portfolio emissions as well as how
require sustained policy support and          a green global economy are enormous.                        financial institutions influence their
further advances in innovation to             With the proliferation in national net zero                 customers and investee companies to
achieve cost parity. Given the size           targets and climate measures amongst                        align on a net zero pathway.
of the opportunity, we expect to see          large economies,32 we are likely to see
automobile manufacturers further              additional regulation in the financial                      Conclusion
transitioning towards electric fleets.        industry. We believe this carrot and stick                  As the window for addressing climate
This scaling up and increased cost            approach is driving the industry’s interest                 change rapidly closes, we believe the
competitiveness could help sustain            in various net zero initiatives.                            world will continue to step up with
growth in sales and push us towards                                                                       bolder climate action. We believe
                                              The financial sector is impacted by
decarbonisation. Over the next decade                                                                     the market will reward innovation
                                              climate change in several ways. Firms
we believe heavy emission-tied fines                                                                      and penalise inaction. An attempt at
                                              that are particularly exposed to more
and loss of market share will penalise                                                                    continued high-carbon growth is likely
                                              carbon-intensive businesses through
manufacturers who do not prioritise the                                                                   to be value destructive as a result of
                                              their loan books or investment
transition, while policy initiatives and                                                                  increased technological and regulatory
                                              portfolios may be poorly positioned
investment flows continue to reward                                                                       change. Innovation in low-carbon
                                              if regulation or technological change
those that lead the way.                                                                                  solutions will be the critical driver of
                                              renders these sectors less viable. On the
                                                                                                          both economic growth and strong
                                              other hand, those that seize the green
Financials                                                                                                emissions reductions. Considering this,
                                              opportunity can enjoy the potential for
While the financial sector can play a                                                                     we believe investors will continue to
                                              increased revenues and the reputational
large role in determining our path to                                                                     demand their portfolios are aligned to
                                              benefits that come with being a green
net zero30 through its direct and indirect                                                                both mitigate the risks and potentially
                                              enabler. We believe it is important to
influence on the economy, many areas of                                                                   capture the opportunities that the low-
                                              consider which institutions are leaders
the financial sector remain intertwined                                                                   carbon transition presents.
                                              or laggards by analysing financed and
with fossil fuel interests and funding.31

27 /battery-pack-     30
                                                 For those banks that disclose CDP found that             banks financed fossil fuels with $3.8 trillion
prices-fall-as-market-ramps-up-with-market-   financed emissions are over 700x larger than                according to Rainforest Action Network
average-at-156-kwh-in-2019/                   reported operational emissions – The Time to                32
                                                                                                             Half the world economy now under some
28      Green Finance                                               sort of net zero commitment - https://www.
   BNEF EV outlook 2021
                                                 In the 5 years since the Paris Agreement was   
                                              adopted, the world’s 60 largest private sector              economy-eyeing-net-zero-transition-analysis

                                                                     SOLUTIONS & MULTI-ASSET   |   MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT                5

Risk Considerations
There is no assurance that the Strategy will achieve its investment objective. Portfolios are subject to market risk, which is the
possibility that the market values of securities owned by the portfolio will decline and that the value of portfolio shares may
therefore be less than what you paid for them. Market values can change daily due to economic and other events (e.g. natural
disasters, health crises, terrorism, conflicts and social unrest) that affect markets, countries, companies or governments. It is
difficult to predict the timing, duration, and potential adverse effects (e.g. portfolio liquidity) of events. Accordingly, you can
lose money investing in this portfolio. Please be aware that this strategy may be subject to certain additional risks. There is the
risk that the Adviser’s asset allocation methodology and assumptions regarding the Underlying Portfolios may be incorrect
in light of actual market conditions and the Portfolio may not achieve its investment objective. Share prices also tend to be
volatile and there is a significant possibility of loss. The portfolio’s investments in commodity-linked notes involve substantial
risks, including risk of loss of a significant portion of their principal value. In addition to commodity risk, they may be subject to
additional special risks, such as risk of loss of interest and principal, lack of secondary market and risk of greater volatility, that
do not affect traditional equity and debt securities. Currency fluctuations could erase investment gains or add to investment
losses. Fixed-income securities are subject to the ability of an issuer to make timely principal and interest payments (credit risk),
changes in interest rates (interest-rate risk), the creditworthiness of the issuer and general market liquidity (market risk). In a
rising interest-rate environment, bond prices may fall and may result in periods of volatility and increased portfolio redemptions.
In a declining interest-rate environment, the portfolio may generate less income. Longer-term securities may be more sensitive
to interest rate changes. Equity and foreign securities are generally more volatile than fixed income securities and are subject
to currency, political, economic and market risks. Equity values fluctuate in response to activities specific to a company. Stocks
of small-capitalization companies carry special risks, such as limited product lines, markets and financial resources, and greater
market volatility than securities of larger, more established companies. The risks of investing in emerging market countries are
greater than risks associated with investments in foreign developed markets. Exchange traded funds (ETFs) shares have many
of the same risks as direct investments in common stocks or bonds and their market value will fluctuate as the value of the
underlying index does. By investing in exchange traded funds ETFs and other Investment Funds, the portfolio absorbs both its
own expenses and those of the ETFs and Investment Funds it invests in. Supply and demand for ETFs and Investment Funds may
not be correlated to that of the underlying securities. Derivative instruments can be illiquid, may disproportionately increase
losses and may have a potentially large negative impact on the portfolio’s performance. A currency forward is a hedging tool
that does not involve any upfront payment. The use of leverage may increase volatility in the Portfolio.

ESG Strategies that incorporate impact investing and/or Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors could result in
relative investment performance deviating from other strategies or broad market benchmarks, depending on whether such
sectors or investments are in or out of favor in the market. As a result, there is no assurance ESG strategies could result in more
favorable investment performance.


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