CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse

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CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse

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 Documentaries
 Mindfulness
 Activities
 Games
CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse

CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                       Bonjour bébé                               Picture books

      From 9 months onwards
                                                                                 11th May 2022
    New series of all-cardboard
    books with a small handle,
    materials to feel, large flaps                              TIME TO SLEEP,
      to lift, words to name!                                   LITTLE BUNNY!
              DESCRIPTION                                       Michaud
                                                                Code 3735548
Discover new stories to read and picture
books, with sweet illustrations! The
toddlers are involved in the reading time:
they can touch the materials, lift the                                           CUDDLE TIME
flaps, search for the characters…                                                Elsa Fouquier
                                                                                 Code 3735425
           KEY ARGUMENTS                                        THE FARM
•   A book that helps soothe the little ones                    Clémentine
    before bedtime.                                             Dérodit
•   A nice gift to offer                                        Code 3735671
•   A small handle on the cover to take the book
    everywhere with you!

Format: 175 x 215 mm
Pages: 16
Binding: hard cover
Retail price: 7.95 €
                                                                                     THE SEA
                                                                HIDDEN HI!         Elsa Martins
           All rights available
                                                                Yi-Hsuan Wu        Code 8338933
                                                                Code 3735794

CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                                Tilou Bleu                                            Picture books

                Age: 2 to 4
                                                                             TILOU MAKES CRÊPES
A young hero to help children                                                Code 8061524
grow up and embrace the key
    moments of their lives
              DESCRIPTION                                                                                Top 5 sales
Tilou is a mischievous, imaginative and a
slight stubborn little wolf, but so                                                                     of the series:
endearing!                                                                                           1) TILOU DOESN’T WANT
          KEY ARGUMENTS                                                                                   TO SLEEP!
                                                                                                        Code 8112031
•   A sweet companion to guide the                                                                      Publication date: 20 March 2019
    youngest through their everyday life.                                                            2) TILOU DOESN’T WANT
•   This series is based on tenderness and          TILOU DOESN’T WANT A                                 TO BE ANGRY ANYMORE!
                                                                                                        Code 8111785
    understanding. Children can identify                PACIFIER ANYMORE                                Publication date: 20 March 2019
    themselves and their relatives with Tilou,                Code 8061647
    his family and his friends.
                                                                                                     3) TILOU WANTS
                                                                                                        TO SEEK EGGS!
    Successful series: over 52,000                                                                      Code 8112154
        copies sold in France!                                                                          Publication date: 20 March 2019
                                                                                                     4) TILOU LOVES HIS MOM!
Format: 165 x 165 mm                                                                                    Code 4168985
Pages: 24                                                                                               Publication date: 24 April 2019
Illustrations: 12                                                                                    5) TILOU WANTS TO GO
Binding: Hard cover
                                                                                                        TO SCHOOL
Characters: 5,000
                                                                                                        Code 5603845
Author(s) : Daniel Picouly, Ill. Frédéric Pillot.
                                                                                                        Publication date: 21 August 2019
Retail price: 5.95 €                                                         TILOU LIKES GARDENING
                                                                             Code 8061770
Rights sold: Korean, Portuguese,
Greek, Romanian, Serbian.                                                                                FORTHCOMING
                                                                                                       IN SEPTEMBER 2022
                                                                                                           1 other title

CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                      Mes petites histoires de dinos                                         Picture books

        From 4 years onwards                                                          2nd March 2022

Nice dinosaurs for fiction albums,
 with a real documentary value!
First little dinos stories that feature a
different species in each title. These
animals will cross paths, from story to
story, and form a little gang!

            KEY ARGUMENTS
•   A topic that never goes out of the style among         DIPLODOCUS TO THE RESCUE                EORAPTOR THINKS HE IS VERY STRONG!
    children. Everything they always wanted to                    Code 1907020                                Code 1907635
    know about these fascinating creatures.
•   Centered around a dinosaur, each book
    describes its particularity, its environment,
    based on scientific facts.
•   The little adventures are simple, funny and
•   Information points with documentary value
•   Colorful illustrations by the Carlo Beranek and
    stories by Stéphane Frattini (My comic strip

Format: 200 x 200 mm
Pages: 32
Binding: hard cover
                                                         TYRANNOSAUR SHOWS HIS FANGS!                  TRICERATOPS DOESN’T SHARE!
Retail price: 7.95 €
                                                                  Code 1907266                                Code 1907881

           All rights available                                                                                       FORTHCOMING
                                                                                                                    IN SEPTEMBER 2022

                                                                                                                        2 other titles
CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                                  Pistache & Soda                                                                  Fiction

               From 5 years onwards                                         2nd March 2022

    Discover the adventures of Pistachio,                                                            THE POWDER
                                                                                                     TO ADVANCE TIME
     a little mischievous and cute witch                                                             Code 7642350                           11th May 2022
          and follow her adventures
          together with her pet frog!
                                                                                                                       THE ANIMAGIC
                      DESCRIPTION                                                                                        Code 2936413
Pistachio is almost a normal little girl – and a witch! To
get the answers to her questions like "How babies are
made?" or "Who are the new neighbors?”, she does
not hesitate to use her magic (even if she is not allowed
to do so yet…) and to cause funny catastrophes!
                   KEY ARGUMENTS                                                                     THE BIG-MUSCLES
•    A visually original universe created by Miss Paty using                                         Code 8873718
     the items of witchcraft (broomsticks, cauldrons, etc.)
     which are brought to life in the real world.
•    A new refreshing and funny series where witchcraft is
     part of the daily life.                                                                                                      FORTHCOMING
                                                                                                                                IN SEPTEMBER 2022
•    Amazing characters and relationships that help children                                                             The final episode of this story cycle
     grow up, while focusing on a lot of topics of their daily life!
Format: 170 x 210 mm                   Characters: 4,500
Pages: 32                              Illustrations: 20
Binding: soft cover                    Retail price: 7.95 €                              Also available:
Author(s): Paule Battault has already wrote The castle of milk                  THE TRUTH SERUM - Code 4890555
teeth & smiles with holes (code 7642832), Ill. Miss Paty.                       THE LOVE PHILTER - Code 4890678
                                                                              THE INVISIBILITY POTION - Code 5592684
                  All rights available
                                                                                    Publication date: 6 October 2021

CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                          P'tit Sherlock – je lis, j’enquête                                                      Fiction

           From 7 years onwards                              30th March 2022

        A series for young readers                                                                                           22th June 2022
    with 7 games & enigmas to solve!
                                                                                  SKELETON ALERT!
Through these mysterious pages, follow the                                        Code 1262228
amazing adventures of Lil’ Sherlock and his
In each book you can find various types of
                                                                                                  MYSTERY IN SEA CLASS
enigmas: observation games, letters games (such
                                                                                                              Code 1262474
as rebus or crossword puzzles) or identification
activities (such as "Who is who?“).
              KEY ARGUMENTS
•    A brand-new fictional genre for children to have
     fun with games and interactive investigations.
•    Solving the enigmas motivates young readers to
                                                                                   S.O.S. LOST TOOTH!
     progress through the book: there are images to                                Code 1262351
     carefully observe, solutions contained into pages
     (not to block the reader in his progress) and a
     giant enigma on a double-page!
•    Stories are very comprehensible in order to focus
     on the investigation and reading parts!                                                       THE INFERNAL ALARM
                                                                                                              Code 1262597
•    Sherlock Holmes remains one of the most
     fascinating characters for children.
Format: 150 x 190 mm        Illustrations: 30
Pages: 48                   Characters: 8,500                                           Also available:
Binding: integra cover                                                    THE SECRET OF THE LITTLE CHEST - Code 5567568
Author(s): Pascal Prevot, Ill. Art Grootfontein.                            A GHOST AT THE FUN FAIR? - Code 5591822
Retail price: 5.95 €                                                      THE MYSTERY OF THE POTATOES - Code 5591699
                                                                           THE CASE OF THE RED FISHES - Code 5567199
    Rights sold: Chinese simpl., Greek, English.
                                                                                 Publication date: 8 September 2021

CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                          Karasu kids                              Fiction

                                                              15th June 2022
         From 9 years onwards
           The first series
    of "manga novels" for children!
Four children, tasked by Yatagarasu, the great
three-legged raven, join forces to prevent
natural disasters caused by the awakening of
thousand-year-old monsters.

            KEY ARGUMENTS                                                        RED TSUNAMI ALERT
                                                                                      Tome 2.
•    A very rich universe, populated with monsters
                                                                                    Code 1341328
     from Japanese mythology and pop culture.
•    A manga production: a cover, 8 full-color
     pages at the beginning, then 128 illustrated
     black-and-white pages of novel.
•    4 heroes in the making: Hina, Kintarô, Také
     and Yasuo, who will reveal themselves and
     discover their powers as their adventures

Format: 140 x 205 mm    Retail price: 9.95 €
Pages: 136               Binding: soft cover
Author(s): Aymeric Jeanson, Ill. Auren

            All rights available                             CHAOS ON HOKKAÏDO
                                                                  Tome 1.
                                                                Code 1341082

                                                                                 THE ETERNAL SNOWS
                                                                                      Tome 3.

                                                                                    Code 1341697
CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse
                                                         Amour maternel et fête des mères                                                      Picture books

                                 IN YOUR ARMS                                                           YOUR MOM FOR LIFE
                                  Code 8117131                                                               Code 6298730
           Author(s): Marcella (poet and sophrologist), Ill. Marie Poirier                       Author(s): Marion Donon, Ill. Adolie Day
    A lovely collection of 20 beautifully-illustrated poems to celebrate the         A mother takes a fond and loving look at her growing child, at
        story of unconditional Love between the mother and her baby.                        each stage of life: little boy, teenager, adult.
•    Poems with poetic illustrations for moms and their children which the       •     An ode to maternal love, a beautiful, sweet and poetic text
     child addresses the mother and tells this wonderful love story.             •     A strong artistic choice: graphic, colorful and dynamic images
•    An Italian-style format and a cover with a heart-shaped cutout make this    •     An original approach compared to the many texts already
     book an ideal gift for celebrating a birth or Mother's Day!                       published on this subject: maternal love told through the prism
            Format: 250 x 220 mm       Pages: 48                                       of the passing of time.
               Binding: hard cover     Retail price: 14.95 €                                 Format: 210 x 220 mm      Pages: 48
                                                                                                Binding: hard cover    Retail price: 14.95 €
                            From 6 years onwards
                                                                                                        From 6 years onwards

                            ◄                                  All rights available
CHILDREN BOOKS Picture books Documentaries Mindfulness Activities Games - Larousse

LOOK AND TOUCH…                                      Documentary
                                                 Regarde et touche…
       From 1 year onwards
                                                            13th April 2022
Books with materials to touch
to develop baby’s knowledge
Focusing on all important areas of the
child’s first years.
Small senses involved on each double-page
spread, allow a true discovery of the topic:
 Photos organized thematically, with a
   touch of humor.
 Material to touch on large areas, for a
   full sensory experience.

•   An immediate sensory experience: by
    touching the material with his finger, the
    baby discovers different kind of animals.
•   A way to both name and identify things.               GOOD NIGHT!
•   5 cardboard double-page spreads.                      Kathryn Selbert
                                                           Code 8117500
Format: 190 x 225 mm     Illustrations:
around 40
Pages: 12                Characters:
around 500
Binding: boardbook with material
Retail price: 14.95 €

         All rights available
                                                                              ANIMALS OF THE COLD
                                                                                  Cogumelo Club
                                                                                  Code 8117254

                                                         Écoute et trouve

       From 2 years onwards
    A seek-and-find sound book
    to get familiar with animals
         around the world!
Welcome to the forest, the savannah, the
jungle, the mountains and the hot seas!
For each destination:
 Listen to nature sounds to fully enjoy
   this experience into the wild completed
   with animal noises to identify.
 Play with 7 different animals to find or
   to count on each big picture.

•    10 sound buttons to awake children’s
     curiosity listening to unusual nature
     and animals sounds in a wonderful
     cardboard book.
•    Stunning images with a lot of details to
     admire.                                      LISTEN AND FIND – THE FARM                              LISTEN AND FIND – DINOSAURS
                                                         Code: 7864931                                            Code: 7864562
Format: 190 x 240 mm
Nb of pages: 10
Binding: boardbook with sounds                                                          Also available:
Retail price: 13.95 €                                                            LISTEN AND FIND – ANIMALS
Author: Kasia Dudziuk.                                                   Code: 5484336 - Publication date: 27 October 2021

          All rights available

MY FIRST “TELL ME…”!                                                               Documentary
                                                                     Mes premiers « Dis-moi » !
                    From 4 year onwards
        A new question-and-answer series
               on thrilling themes
                         DESCRIPTION                                                              Sophie de
An original collection focusing on more than 60 questions to fully                                Ill. Patrick Morize
                                                                                                  Code 8025214
explore various themes though 3 forms of questioning:
 Major questions on two pages about a central subject.
 Shorter questions on a single page to deliver more accessible
   information and less to read.
 Play time questions with big illustrated sceneries and                                           Sophie de Mullenheim
   knowledge exercises on observation, denomination and                                               Ill. Isabelle Jacqué
   counting.                                                                                                Code 8024968

                           KEY ARGUMENTS
•   A collection that offers the same qualitative features as the
    successful series Tell me.
•   A very enjoyable " book-object " to use on any occasion: a hard
    cover with wire’o, a closing flap and elastic band which make the
    book very convenient for a playful reading-time!
•   The series allows children to discover rich information through an
                                                                                                                              Also available:
                                                                                                  KINDERGARTEN                 DINOSAURS
    interactive and educative way with a content perfectly adapted to                             Caroline Fait
    their young age (a limited number of pages, very illustrated texts…).                                                       Code 3369927
                                                                                                  Ill. Isabelle Jacqué
•   Authors and illustrators with a long-dated experience in the                                  Code 8025460                BABY ANIMALS
    Larousse documentary field have worked very meticulously on                                                                 Code 3369558
    My first Tell me!                                                                                                            FIREMEN
                                                                                                                                Code 3370050
      Format: 156 x 210 mm                   Illustrations: 64
      Pages: 64                              Characters: 24,000
                                                                                                                               BEING BORN
      Binding: hard cover with wire’o        Retail price: 12.90 €                                                           AND GROWING UP
                                                                                                                                Code 3369681
Previous titles sold: Romanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian.                                                                 Publication date:
                                                                                                                                6 October 2021

THE BIG ANIMATED PHOTO BOOK                                                            Documentary
                                                            Le grand imagier photo animé
                      Age: 2 to 5
 An animated photo board book with
over 50 flaps and various short games
to provide an interactive reading time!
                                                                                                                Also available:
                                                                                                            • THE BIG ANIMATED
Discover the green title of an iconic Larousse series to                                                      PHOTO BOOK OF EARLY
awake children his interestfor nature!                                                                        LEARNING
This animated photo board book, including riddles and a lot                                                  Code 3298384 – NE
of playful flaps to lift, proposes a thrilling discovery of                                                  Publication date: 21 April 2021
                                                                                                             15,000 copies sold
nature through games.                                                                                        of the previous edition

                 KEY ARGUMENTS                                                                              • THE BIG ANIMATED
•   250 words, 200 pictures and a lot of funny drawings to                                                    PHOTO BOOK OF
    improve children’s observation and understanding skills                                                   ANIMALS
                                                                                                             Code 4199275 – NE
    but also to enrich their vocabulary.
                                                                                                             Publication date: 21 April 2021
•   The slected themes are a way for children to understand                                                   10,000 copies sold
    environments they may have experienced (pets, farm,                                                       of the previous edition
    forest) and to invite them to connect with universes they
    know less like the savannah,the ice pack or the jungle!                                                 • THE BIG ANIMATED
•   Multi-purpose uses: to read with parents or to enjoy in                                                   PHOTO BOOK OF
    autonomy.                                                                                                 PRESCHOOL
                                                                                                              Code 3298384
Format: 228 x 264 mm            Retail price: 14.95 €                                                         Publication date: 24 June 2020
Pages: 20                       Characters: around 5,000
Illustrations: 50 drawings and over 70 photos
Binding: hard cover with wire’o                                            THE BIG ANIMATED
Author: Cogumelo Club                                                    PHOTO BOOK OF NATURE
                                                                                  Code 2997215
                                                                          Publication date: 15 Sept. 2021
Previous titles sold: Catalan, Czech, Danish,
Dutch, Estonian, German, Indonesian, Lithuanian,
Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish.

                                            Mes p’tits carnets Nature
                                                                                        25th May 2022
    From 7 years onwards
       Simple and fun
     identification books

A new series to connect children with
the nature that surrounds them: 25
cards to learn and to recognize 25
common species.

      KEY ARGUMENTS                                I CAN RECOGNIZE BIRDS                                I CAN RECOGNIZE TREES
                                                         Code 1342189                                        Code 1343665
•    Each time a species has been seen         25 QR codes to listen at bird singings
     “for real", the child puts a sticker
     on his identification card.
•    Numerous game pages: colorings,
     7 differences, mazes, ... and
     practical activities to protect
•    Some in-depth topics.

Format: 180 x 230 mm
Pages: 48
Binding: Soft cover stappled
Retail price: 8.95 €
Author(s): Sandra Lebrun
Ill. Mary Gribouille

      All rights available
                                                 I CAN RECOGNIZE FLOWERS                                I CAN RECOGNIZE BUGS
                                                           Code 1343788                                      Code 1343911

                                                          Mon DOC en BD
                From 7 years onwards
    60 illustrated questions, presented through
    700 comic strip panels, to explore essential
    topics in a simple and immediate manner!
Animals, plants, human beings or continents: we all live on the
same wonderful ball made of rock, water and fire.
Discover all the secrets of the human species through refined comic
strip panels and stories: fascinating and easy-to-understand!

With a very complete content:
 15 questions per topic.
 Questions explained by renowned comic strip authors.
 A fun quiz at the end of each double-page!

                               KEY ARGUMENTS
•   A both unique and original invention on the children book
    market: a new documentary series for children even those who
    are not keen on reading.
•   Immediate understanding of the contents thanks to the drawings.
•   An attractive design for the target audience.
•   Best-seller children documentary authors Stéphanie Ledu and
    Stéphane Frattini, two solid and experienced authors in the field of
    children documentaries.
•   Comic strip artists Matthieu Roda and Alex Langlois smartly combine
    the necessary thoroughness of the documentary and the humor of
    the comic trip.

Format: 210 x 270 mm                 Binding: Hard cover                   YOU, SUPER HUMAN       LIFE ON EARTH
                                                                              Code 4509657            Code 4807925
Pages: 128                           Retail price: 16.95 €
                                                                                              Publication date : 21 April 2021
Previous title sold: Chinese simpl., Chinese compl., Korean,
Vietnamese, German, Serbian, Turkish.


                                              La graine du bonheur                                            Mindfulness

       From 2 years onwards

    Let’s cultivate inner joy!
When Lili receives her seed of happiness
from her mom, she begins a great quest
to learn how to cultivate it...

•   A personal quest: each child must find
    out how to grow their seed of
    happiness. The recipe will be different
    for each individual.
•   This story invites the child to ask
    themself a good question: "What
    makes me happy?"
•   A truly innovative approach, a true
    "method" to question one's emotions
    and discover the path to happiness.

         Rights available
         except in English
                                                          Code: 1378398           Binding: hard cover
                                                          Retail price: 12.90 €   Author(s): Holly Johnson,
                                                          Format: 220 x 270 mm    Ill. Jennifer Kalkner.
                                                          Nb of pages: 40

                                               Le plus beau de tous les cadeaux                                       Mindfulness

        From 4 years onwards

 A delicate and poetic album
that highlights these precious
  moments that constitutes
     the true spice of life!
Nino is leaving for a holiday time and he is
not happy at all. His parents are carrying a
big bag, while his is the tiniest of little
bags. But what if it could contain all the
wonderful treasures of the world and
summer adventures?

•   A story to fully learn how to enjoy the
    present moment.
•   A trendy subject: to detach oneself
    from stressful accumulation to go back
    to the simple joys that build childhood.
•   With stunning illustrations by Antonin
                                                            Code: 1189276             Binding: hard cover
        All rights available                                Retail price: 12.90 €     Nb of characters: 5,000
                                                            Format: 220 x 270 mm      Author(s): Bénédicte Rivière,
                                                            Nb of pages: 32           Ill. Antonin Faure.
                                                            Nb of illustrations: 15   Publ. date: 6 October 2021

                                            Mes petits cahiers d’éveil                                         Mindfulness

    From 2-3 years onwards

        A smooth start
    for the early learning                            THE GYMNASTICS
                                                  OF THE LITTLE KIDDOS
          DESCRIPTION                                       Code 1295907

Small and practical notebooks with
useful activities for toddlers.

•   40 useful activities for toddlers
    and tips for parents
•   Effective step-by-step
•   Trendy subjects and cute

Format: 168 x 220 mm                                                 THE CLEVER
Pages: 48                                                                                           Also available:
Binding: soft cover
                                                                     OF THE LITTLE          THE YOGA OF THE LITTLE CATS
Retail price: 4.50 €                                                                                  Code 1332698
                                                                     PENGUINS        THE MAGICAL COLORING OF THE LITTLE JOKERS
      All rights available                                           Code 1295784                     Code 1333067
                                                                                        THE CLEVER GAMES OF THE LITTLE CHICKS
                                                                                                      Code 1332944
                                                                                        THE MANDALAS OF THE LITTLE PANDAS
                                                                                                      Code 1332821
                                                                                            Publication date: 17 February 2021

                                                    Petit yogi deviendra grand

                 Age: 3 to 6
     My zen activities notebook

 60 various activities like yoga, meditation and
  breathing exercises, therapeutic tales,
  recreational paths…
 Comprehensive for young children
 Clear and colorful illustrations
                                                                                                                      ONCE UPON A TIME…
 Classified by themes with activities that can
                                                                                                                       24 CALMING TALES
  be practiced by children on their own                                                                                  Il était une fois...
 Learn to be peaceful like a yogi, become                                                                           24 contes thérapeutiques
  aware of your body and energy, learn to                                                                                     Age: 3 to 7
                                                                                                                             Code: 6777273
  manage emotions and how to relax.                                                                                   Date of publ.: 15 March 2017

            KEY ARGUMENTS                                                                                             ONCE UPON A TIME…
                                                                                                                       24 CALMING TALES.
•    A successful topic: meditation for kids                                                                          when family changes
•    To accompany your child in its different                                                                             Raconte-moi…
     learning stages, to develop its confidence,                                                                     24 contes thérapeutiques.
     serenity and coordination.                                                                                      Quand la famille évolue !
•    Inspiring illustrations.                                                                                                 Age: 3 to 8
                                                                                                                             Code: 8761949
           All rights available                                                                                       Date of publ.: 22 August 2018

                                                       Code: 1217410                Binding: soft cover               Format: 195 mm × 235 mm
                                                       Retail price: 14.95 €        Author(s): Gilles Diederichs            Nb of pages: 160
                                                                                                                        Nb of illustrations: 130
                                                       Format: 210 x 260 mm         is a relaxation specialist and
                                                                                                                           Binding: Soft cover
                                                       Nb of pages: 96              sophrologist.                    Nb of characters: around 5,000
                                                       Publ. date: 17 February 2021                                       Retail price: 12.90 €

                                           Mes 30 cartes Junior - Cardboard pouch
             Age: 3 to 10
                                                                MINI YOGI
     30 cards helping children to                               Age: 3 to 5
    communicate, manage their                                   Nadège Lanvin
                                                                Code: 1131090
        emotions and relax…                                     Publ. date: 6 Jan 2021

 A clever card system, playful and very
  practical for parents and little ones,
  suitable for young children's hands.
                                                                                YOUNG YOGI
 Clear and colorful illustrations
                                                                                 Age: 6 to 10
 Activities to help children become
                                                                                  Nadège Lanvin
  aware of their bodies and energy,
                                                                                   Code: 1130967
  learn to manage their emotions.                                          Publ. date: 6 Jan 2021
 To practice with parents and on their

•     A practical approach on strong
      well-being topics                                                                                       Also available:
•     An original card presentation.                                                                MY BABY SPEAKS SIGN LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                Sandrine Higel
Format: 120 x 160 mm                                                                                Code: 1131213 - Publ. date: 6 Jan 2021
Pages: 60 (30 cards)
Binding: presented in a cardboard pouch
                                                                                                             COUNTING RHYME
Retail price: 9.95 €                                            MINI                                               Age: 3 to 6
                                                                SOPHROLOGY                                       Pauline de Sousa
                                                                Age: 5 to 9                           Code: 3443904 - Publ. date: 5 May 2021
         All rights available
                                                                Code: 3443535
                                                                Publ. date: 5 May 2021

                               Le petit Oracle des émotions de mon enfant                                       Mindfulness

            Age: 3 to 10

      Inspiring oracle cards,
    with stunning illustrations
Nice-looking and playful tools to
deciphering your childen's energies and
emotions with totem animals. Help them
find positive inspiration and favor self-
discovery with serenity.

•   A different approach and a new way
    of encouraging children to identify
    and communicate their emotions.
•   33 illustrated cards with gemstones
    and totem animals, full of energies
•   A book to help parents better
    understand their 3-10 children’s
    emotions, with short rituals (20 mn)
                                                       Code: 5323299               Author(s): Nadège Bellanti
    to help handle them: a meditation, a
                                                       Retail price: 12.90 €       is an energetic therapist
    massage, a nature ritual, a song…                  Format: 117 × 162 x 40 mm   Ill. La Jeannette.
                                                       Nb of pages: 144            Publ. date:
       All rights available                            Binding: Box, with cards    29 September2021
                                                       and booklet.

                                                        Les questions, ça fait grandir                                           Mindfulness

                From 6 years onwards
        A series about all the big questions
           that are on your child’s mind.

A wonderful collection of questions asked by children of all
ages and answered in a humorous though serious way by a
renamed specialist. Each question is presented on one double-
page spread, answers are given in a serious manner for some
questions and in a more casual way for others.
The various topics covered are not layed out thematically as
in a school book, but they are scattered throughout the
pages: Friendship, School, Parents/Family, Self-appreciation,
Emotions, Beliefs and death…
Each child can read the book with an adult or by himself and
then start sharing thoughts with the family.

                   KEY ARGUMENTS
•   A precious material to share thoughts with children and be
    able to answers their questions about life and the world
    around them.
•   Explanations given by a professional, who outlines in an
    educational and comprehensive way to children aged
    6 to 11 their emotions and their feelings
•   A renowned illustrator, specialized in childhood.
                                                                             Code: 4808048                 Binding: soft cover
                                                                             Retail price: 12.90 €         Nb of characters: 94,000
Rights sold: Chinese simpl., Chinois compl., Korean,                         Format: 170 mm × 220 mm       Author(s): Carine Simonet is
Romanian.                                                                    Nb of pages: 128               a clinical psychologist.
                                                                             Nb of illustrations: 125      Ill. Isabelle Maroger.
                                                                             Publ. date: 27 January 2021



ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MATH PUZZLES                                             Educacional
                                            Casse-têtes mathématiques de primaire                         Activities

    From 7 years onwards
 Activities for children to
improve their knowledge
      while playing
Mazes and mathematical puzzles,
a good way to learn or exercise
your logical mind while having fun!

•   More than 50 specially designed
    activities (mazes, puzzles,
    sudokus, logic challenges...) for
    children to exercise their logic
    and reasoning skills!

Format: 220 x 168 mm
Pages: 48
Binding: Soft cover stappled
Retail price: 4.50 €
Author: Antoine Houlou-Garcia
                                            MAZES AND MATH PUZZLES     SUDOKUS AND MATHEMATICAL SUPER-PUZZLES
                                                From 7 years onwards               From 9 years onwards

     All rights available                          Code 1786427                       Code 1786550

THE YOUNG GENIOUS’ INVESTIGATIONS                                                       Educacional
                                         Les Enquêtes des petits génies                                           Activities

           Age: 6 to 9

    8 investigations for                                               THREAT IN SPACE!
    suspenseful reviews                                                For 9 to 10 years old
                                                                       Code 1787906
8 investigations in a universe
adapted to the age and interests
of elementary school pupils.
Reviews have never been this fun!

•   A specific theme for each school
    level (circus, magic, video games,
    defence of the environment,
    space travel…).
•   Reviewing while investigating: a                                               ALERT ON THE PLANET
    unique and thrilling way to help                                                    For 10 to 11 years old
    children develop their counting,                                                               Code 1788152
    reading or deducting skills.
•   A very detailed universe with
    colorful illustrations to create a                                          Also available :
    whole adventure!
                                                          • PANIC AT THE CIRCUS - For 6 to 7 years old
                                                             Audrey Forest
Format: 135 x 198 mm                                         Code 1883964 - Publication date: 7 April 2020
Pages: 80                                                 • MYSTERIES IN WITCHES PLACES - For 7 to 8 years old
Binding: soft cover                                          Mathieu Quénée aka Monsieur Matthieu
Retail price: 4.95 €                                         Code 1884087 - Publication date: 7 April 2020
                                                          • TERROR AMONG THE GAMERS - For 8 to 9 years old
                                                             François Lecellier
     All rights available                                    Code 1884210 - Publication date: 7 April 2020

50 CARING ACTIVITIES                                                         Educacional
                                           50 activités bienveillantes
                                                                                                 Also available :

          Age: 6 to 10                                                   • TO MEMORIZE BETTER - For 6 to 9
                                                                            Marine Duvouldy
                                                                            Code: 3931124 - Publication date: 21 Febuary 2019
  To overcome learning                                                   • TO CONCENTRATE WELL - For 6 to 9
 difficulties and succeed                                                   Marine Duvouldy
                                                                            Code: 3931493 - Publication date: 21 Febuary 2018
    in primary school
                                                                         • FOR STRENGTHEN SELF-CONFIDENCE - For 6 to 9
        DESCRIPTION                                                        Caroline Jambon
                                                                           Code: 1054294 - Publication date: 13 Febuary 2019
50 playful activities for kids, to
do alone or with others,                                                 • FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM DYS- - For 6 to 9
provided by trendy educative                                                Françoise Chée
systems, with authors specialized                                          Code: 1053556 - Publication date: 27 Febuary 2019
in positive psychology.                                                  • FOR HIGH-POTENTIAL CHILDREN - For 6 to 10
                                                                            Séverine Guy
     KEY ARGUMENTS                                                          Code: 4078880 - Publication date: 24 April 2019

• A resource guide for parents.                                          • ANTI-STRESS ACTIVITIES - For 6 to 10
• Assistance to develop and                                                 Caroline Jambon
  meliorate school skills, and                                              Code: 4078757 - Publication date: 2 May 2019

  begin a fulfilling social life.                                        • NEITHER HARASSER NOR BULLIED AT SCHOOL
                                                                           From 8 years onwards
Format: 210 x 250 mm                                                        Catherine Verdier
Pages: 96                                                                  Code: 1332684 - Publication date: 19 Febuary 2020
Binding: soft cover
Retail price: 7.95 €                                                     • FOR A GOOD START IN PRESCHOOL
                                                                           From 2 years onwards
                                                                           Marie Costa
Previous titles sold: Serbian,           TO BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT          Code: 3507556 - Publication date: 8 July 2020
Romanian, Chinese simpl.,                        Code: 8595923
Bulgarian, Italian.                           From 6 years onwards       • TO LEARN NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION - For 6 to 9
                                                                           Fanny Rondelet, Isabelle Capy
                                                                            Code: 1331823 - Publication date: 19 Febuary 2020


MY SUPER GAMES                               Educacional
                                                        Mes super jeux                   Activities

           Age: 4 to 6
           Game books
    to fill up on activities!
More than 100 varied games,
seek-and-find, mazes, colorings,
games of differences..., to find all
kinds of hidden elements and
solve mysteries!

•     Pages illustrated with humor
      and fantasy
•     Themes (dinosaurs, fairy tales)
      that children love!
•     The ideal game book to slip
      into your luggage

Format: 190 x 210 mm                               DINOSAURS                        TALES
Pages: 64                                       Author: Cécile Beaucourt    Author: Cécile Beaucourt
Binding: Soft cover stappled                 Illustrator: Monsieur Dupont   Illustrator: Marine Fleury
Retail price: 7.95 €                                 Code 8926617               Code 8926863

      All rights available

MISSION: EAGLE EYE                                                                        Games
                                               Mission Œil de lynx                                                                  Activities

              Age: 5 to 8
The game book to defies your
    sense of observation!
Over 100 games to develop observation
skills: games, 7-differences, intruders,
labyrinths, anomalies…
•   Various activities to develop logic
    ability: sudokus, coded messages, logic
    suites, puzzles…
•   Illustrations full of humour and fantasy
Successful series: over 10,000
copies of Observation games sold
in France!

                                               SUPER GAMES MYTHOLOGY                                      SUPER GAMES EARTH AND SKY
Format: 205 x 250 mm
                                                 Aurore Meyer, Thérèse Bonté                                     Aurore Meyer, Thérèse Bonté
Pages: 120                                                                                                              Code 8257253
                                                        Code 8257007
Binding: soft cover                                                                  Also available :
Characters: around 10,000                                 • PUZZLES AND LOGIC GAMES
Retail price: 8.95 €                                         Aurore Meyer
                                                             Code: 2061096 - Publication date: 27 January 2021
Previous titles sold: Chinese simpl.                      • OBSERVATION GAMES
                                                             Aurore Meyer, Sandra Lebrun, Laurent Auduoin, Maud Lienard
                                                             Code: 1708150 - Publication date: 29 January 2020
                                                          • ENIGMAS AND INVESTIGATIONS
                                                             Aurore Meyer, Laurent Kling, Thérèse Bonté
                                                             Code: 7570939 - Publication date: 19 June 2019

                                    Super Quiz – 250 cartes questions

       From 8 years onwards
                                                                   SUPER QUIZ – INCREDIBLE ANIMALS
    A 250 questions quiz to learn                                       Author: Aurore Meyer Ill. Alain Boyer
                                                                      Code 6570045 – Publ. date: 13 October 2021
    everything there is to know
          about a subject

Each box is a manner to discover more
about 6 themes through varied questions
and their astonishing answers!                                SUPER QUIZ – FOOTBALL PLAYERS
                                                                       Author: Valentin Verthé
           KEY ARGUMENTS                                       Code 3299983 – Publ. date: 7 October 2020

•   A very funny cube-shaped box that can
    easily follow you on any adventure: the
    perfect way to broaden your children’s
    knowledge through an indoor or outdoor
•   A quiz to have fun with either friends or
                                                                       SUPER QUIZ – SUPER HEROES
    the family.                                                                Author: Aurore Meyer
•   Very rich content: 250 questions with                             Code 3300231 – Publ. date: 7 October 2020
    complete answers on various aspects
    about one main subject.

Format: 110 x 110 x 110 mm
Nb of card: 250 (500 pages)
Nb. of ill.: around 250
Nb. of char.: around 65,000
Binding: box
                                                                  SUPER QUIZ – VIDEO GAMES
Retail price: 10.90 €                                                   Author: Mathias Lavorel
                                                                Code 6025767 – Publ. date: 7 October 2020

          All rights available

                                              Escape Game de poche                                                                     Games

    From 10 years onwards
                                                                                   9th February 2022
    Pocket books in which
     the child is the hero

A Choose-your-own-adventure book,
that mixes Escape game, Point’n’Click
and game book: discover various
rooms, explore them to go further in
the plot and virtually escape from the
place you had been trapped. Once you
escaped from one room, a detective
notebook lets you visualize your steps
in the story (objects found or used,
remaining tasks, location map…)
• Logic games form the steps to go
  through and succeed.
                                             THE 1001 TRICKS OF                           THE CURSE OF                        THE SECRET OF THE SEVEN
•   A practical pocket format.                 SHEHERAZADE                               TUTANKHAMUN                          WONDERS OF THE WORLD
                                                 Code 8971030                               Code 8971153                               Code 8971276
Format: 125 x 180 mm
Nb of pages: 128
                                                                             Also available :
Nb of illustrations: around 90
Binding: soft cover                          • THE FOUR WINDS ISLAND
Nb of characters: around 60,000                                                                 • WILL ULYSSES JOIN HIS ISLAND?
                                               Gilles Saint-Martin                                  Valérie Cluzel
Retail price: 4.95 €                           Code: 2759059 - Publication date: 12 Feb. 2020       Code: 1362224 - Publication date: 24 Feb. 2021
                                             • LOST IN MEGA GAME                                • WILL MERLIN ESCAPE HIS FATE?
Previous titles sold: German,                  Nicolas Trenti                                       Valérie Cluzel
Norwegian, Hungarian, Romanian,                Code: 4078019 - Publication date: 29 May 2019        Code: 2065894 - Publication date: 24 Feb. 2021
Spanish                                        With a web app.

JUNIOR ESCAPE GAME BOX                       Games
                                               Coffret Escape Game Junior
                                                               27th April 2022
   From 7 years onwards
          An escape game
        for the whole family

For a family evening or a birthday party,
become a knight, an explorer... and
enjoy a great escape adventure!
                                                           THE CURSE
60 minutes to escape, your time is up!                  OF THE PHARAOH
                                                          Code 1851191
• An escape game that can be played
  several times with new challenges in
  each new game
• A practical box format and attractive
• Popular topics for kids: dinosaurs,                                            THE DRAGON AWAKENS
  ancient Egypt, dragon…                                                             Code 1852053

Format: 170 × 132 x 57 mm
Binding: Box, with: a 16-pages booklet
with game rules, a game board, poster and
pieces, a mission letter, 48 cards proposing
Author: Sandra Lebrun, Loïc Audrain                        T-REX ISLAND
                                                           Code 1852299

Retail price: 12.90 €

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