Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media

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Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media
Creative ideas and solutions for your next event
                                                                                                                                                         Change it up
ISSUE 4 2018
 C R E AT I V I T Y I N E V E N T S   C O N V E N T I O N & E X H I B I T I O N R E P O RT   WORLD CUP SPECIAL   E V E N T M A R K E T I N G AWA R D S          JUNE / JULY 2018
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media



                                       reativity may be an intangible,       news and updates from centres in the region including Hong
                                       unquantifiable concept – but          Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and Kyoto International
                                       it’s everywhere around us in the      Conference Centre. New tech, new programmes, new teams – we
                                       events world. It’s not just limited   have the scoop.
                          to the way an event looks, but rather expands        Moving on to our Big Interview segment, we sit down with Paul
                          to lots of aspects including content delivery,     Lu, events director at Intel China, to learn about how the tech
                          registration, and venue – all of which come        giant uses events as a means to fulfil “brand promise” and how
                          together to achieve a common goal of               he deals with increasing cost pressures.
                          making events better.                                Incidentally, Lu was a judge at CEI’s very own Event Marketing
  In this issue, we dive into the many ways planners and corporates          Awards, which we cover extensively in this issue. Read all about the
are using creativity to fuel their events, including breaking                winning campaigns and peek at photos of our invite-only ceremony
conventional rules of storytelling, using venues beyond their                night at Eaton Club in Hong Kong.
physical spaces, considering data and tech as enablers of creativity,          As usual, we’d urge you to check out our exclusive industry
and the “localisation” of creative concepts in China.                        announcements, case studies, and photo galleries on campaignasia.
  In a World Cup special, learn about the creative ways brands are           com/cei and subscribe to our thrice-weekly newsletter. Till next
leveraging sporting events beyond sponsorship. We also touch on              time, creative juice boxes for everyone!
China’s increasing presence in this year’s World Cup and what it
means for the rest of the region.                                            Surekha Ragavan, editor, Campaign Events Impact (CEI)
  In our annual Convention & Exhibition Report, we cover the       

C O N T E N T S 			                                      R E A D M O R E AT C A M PA I G N A S I A . C O M / C E I

04    COMMUNITY & BRIEFING                                                                          30    COVER STORY
      Your indispensable news round-up                                                                    How to use creativity as an
                                                                                                          overarching concept for your events
10    WHAT’S NEW
      Macau’s swanky new Zaha Hadid-                                                                37    EVENT MARKETING AWARDS
      designed hotel and other openings                                                                   The winning campaigns and photos
      in the region                                                                                       from CEI’s annual awards night

12    CEC REPORT                                                                                    46    BIG INTERVIEW
      Updates on key convention and                                                                       Paul Lu, events director at Intel, on
      exhibition centres in the region             Cover story… Creativity abound                         fulfilling brand promises and managing
                                                                                                          cost pressures
      Are software integration tools what                                                           50    DESTINATION
      we need in the industry?                                                                            Why Kaohsiung is Taiwan’s new
                                                                                                          business events darling
      How brands are cashing in on the                                                              54    WHAT IT’S LIKE TO WORK ON…
      biggest sporting event on the planet –                                                              A peek into the creative partnerships
      the World Cup                                                                                       and ideas behind TEDxSydney
                                                                                                                to the CEI newsletter
26    CASE STUDIES                                                                             
      Amway Indonesia’s swanky cruise trip;
      Marvel’s new immersive show                  Big interview… Paul Lu, Intel China                           Follow us on Twitter@ceiasia                                                                                                              ISSUE 4 2018 3
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media



                                                                                                                         “ It’s important to
                                                                                                                       comprehend context
                                                                                                                         when you want
                                                                                                                             to measure
HILTON DITCHES                                         ICC SYDNEY                                                         engagement ”
                                                                                                                        Prerna Pant, Circus Social
PLASTIC                                                The convention centre
The hotel group will eliminate                         brings together more than
plastic straws across all its                          30 local and international
properties in Asia-Pacific by                          organisations including major
                                                                                                                        “ In today’s world,
the end of 2018. This will also hotels, museums and city                                                               brands are acquiring
mean no more plastic bottles in attractions to improve Sydney’s                                                         more than the rights
conference and event spaces.                           environmental performance.                                        to leverage assets
                                                                                                                           to commercial
                                                                                                                            advantage ”
                                                                                                                          Lizi Hamer, Octagon
                  HONG KONG 10/F, Zung Fu Industrial Building, 1067 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
                  SINGAPORE 21 Media Circle, #05-05, Infinite Studios, Singapore 138562
                  To email one of the CEI team listed below please use
                  Telephone +852 3175 plus four digit code below

                  EDITORIAL Head of Content Robert Sawatzky (+852 3175 1992) Editor Surekha Ragavan
                  (+65 6579 0557) Deputy Editor Olivia Parker (1998) Online Editor Matthew Miller (1931)
                  COMMERCIAL Head of Business Development and Sales, South East Asia Stephen Thomas (+65
                                                                                                                       “ We all try to create
                                                                                                                       something different…
                  6579 0536) Business Development Director, North Asia Anisa Hung (1956) Content producer
                  Andrew Genskow (1954) Sales Support Executive Hanielyin Wong (1920)
                  DESIGN Head of Design Ben Browning Senior Art Editor Louise Liu

                                                                                                                         to make our event
                  PRODUCTION Production Manager Liza Po

                  CEI is published 6 times per year by Haymarket media Limited.
                  The magazine is available free of charge to qualifying readers; please complete the form
                  at & click on the ‘subscribe’ link.                                                     unique. In China, it’s
                  Non-qualifying readers can subscribe by
                  calling +852 3175 1982 or emailing
                  Printed by Elite Printing (Hong Kong) Co Ltd, Rm 1401-8, Hong Man Ind. Centre, 2 Hong Man Street,
                  Chaiwan, Hong Kong.
                                                                                                                          a different story ”
                  © Haymarket media Limited all rights reserved. ISSN no. 2073-8579. No part of this publication may
                  be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publishers.
                                                                                                                             Bert Li, Amway
                  MANAGEMENT Finance Director David Newton Managing Director Tim Waldron                                          (p.32)
                  Brand Director Atifa Hargrave-Silk

4 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                              
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media
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                                                                                                                                      Aiming high… Industry
                                                                                                                                      reps are calling for
                                                                                                                                      more events
                                                                                                                                      infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                      strategic thinking

Indonesia looks ahead to
major events                                                                                               road congestion and ferry delegates between
                                                                                                           Tangerang and Jakarta in under 30 minutes.
                                                                                                           The same journey can currently take more than
The country is trying to look beyond Bali to position itself as                                            an hour by car.
a valuable player By Surekha Ragavan                                                                         Something else that needs to be fixed is the
                                                                                                           ministerial mindset of equating business events

        he year has hit its mid-point, but          at DestinASEANplus 2018.                               with tourism. Sukirno said that the government is
        Indonesia has yet to see off its two          While infrastructure and technology are              fixated on visitor numbers rather than the trade
        biggest events of the year – the 2018       becoming more sophisticated in Jakarta, one            value of events. For instance, the 6,000,000
        Asian Games and the Annual Meetings         issue that seems far from being solved is its road     Australian tourists who enter Indonesia –
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and        traffic. “We simply cannot avoid this problem,”        primarily based in Bali – who spend an average
World Bank Group. The former will bring in          said Sukirno. “We can hardly have more than            of US$1,000 each are prioritised over smaller
something upwards of 45,000 delegates and           two appointments in a day because you simply           delegate groups who may spend upwards of
athletes (excluding spectators) in Jakarta and      cannot move with all the traffic.”                     US$2,500 each.
Palembang, and the latter will see more than          However, with the opening of Indonesia                 Sukirno hopes that with more awareness
15,000 delegates take over Bali.                    Convention Exhibition (ICE) in the self-contained      about the value of the industry, Indonesia will
  One of the reasons Indonesia remains an           town of BSD Tangerang, delegates have the              position itself as a valuable player in the region,
attractive destination for business events is its   option of putting up in greater Jakarta during         especially for international events.
relatively cheap costs compared to competitors      their event without travelling in and out of traffic     Wini Yoniton, executive director for Indonesia
in the region like Singapore and Bangkok.           in the central business district. Alam Sutera in       Exhibition Companies Association (IECA), said:
  “For the Asian Games, for example, room           the Banten province – also in greater Jakarta –        “We’re always trying to attend international
rates including tax and service, breakfast and      will look to build conference facilities that will     expos and trade shows to bring more meetings
laundry is less than US$50 a night,” said Indra     be ready by December 2019.                             to Indonesia. If an association has a rep in
B. Sukirno, executive director and CEO of the         Additionally, the MRT rail project – slated to       Jakarta, we want to try and get them to hold
Jakarta Convention & Exhibition Bureau,             be completed in 2019 – will aim to alleviate           their annual meeting here.”

6 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                               
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media

New Zealand pushes to cut tax on events
The plan aims to position the country as a more competitive business events destination

               ew Zealand is going full steam                                                              bid support, and the recent federal government
               ahead with the development of                                                               announcement of a AU$12m (US$9.44m) bid
               new strategies in line with the                                                             fund programme over three years.”
               projected NZ$400m (US$276m)                                                                   A strong part of the bid fund programme is
the industry will deliver to the economy from                                                              that international conferences, congresses and
conference and incentive business bids won                                                                 incentives are financially supported at various
over the past five years.                                                                                  levels including documents and marketing,
  However, to make New Zealand more                                                                        travel costs, familiarisation trips, and delegate
competitive, the industry association for New                                                              marketing, which Sullivan said is an important
Zealand’s business events sector, Conventions       Bustling… CINZ Meetings 2018 in Auckland               part of any association business.
and Incentives New Zealand (CINZ) is seeking                                                                 “New Zealand needs to be more competitive
to abolish the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for       “Australia is watching [New Zealand] with            on the world stage,” she added.
business event registration, and discussions with   interest and acting on many fronts to win and            Stephen England-Hall, chief executive for
the Inland Revenue are already ongoing.             secure what they have in their lucrative business      Tourism New Zealand, said the country has
  Currently GST must be charged at 15% on           events industry,” said Sue Sullivan, chief             secured 40 international conferences and 47
registration fees for conferences held there,       executive for CINZ.                                    incentive programmes in the past year, set to
regardless of whether the attendees are               “Australia now has an edge on us in a                deliver NZ$86m (US$59m) to the economy.
residents or non-residents. This is putting New     number of ways including zero-rated GST for              “This is an excellent result and means the
Zealand conferences at a GST disadvantage           international delegates since October 2016,            benefits will be spread far and wide, including
compared to Australia, in particular.               state funding in various forms for conference          into neighbouring regions,” he said.

SMS Group introduces creative residency
The programme will work much like an artist residency with benefits for both sides

                uch like an artist residency                                                                                          in creative answers
                programme, experiential agency                                                                                        – both of which are
                SMS Group recently introduced                                                                                         what clients seek.
                a creative residency programme                                                                                           The most recent
where a creative expert is invited for three-                                                                                         creative resident is
month stints. Instead of hiring an expert to work                                                                                     British show designer
on just one project – as some creative agencies                                                                                       Robin Rawstorne who
do – SMS will use their invited creative across                                                                                       has been working
a multitude of live experience projects.                                                                                              with the agency
  “Being in a people business, we wanted                                                                                              on a number of
to create a model that would allow us to tap        Win-win… Daniel Seyferle (left) and Robin Rawstorne (right)                       projects. He said the
into some of the best talent in the world,” said                                                                                      experience has been
Daniel Seyferle, chief creative officer for SMS     consideration the nature of live experiences           refreshing and “unlike anything he has ever
Group. “This creative residency stimulates and      tying together a myriad of disciplines, we select      done before”.
inspires our team, and the agency’s long-term       creatives from all professional walks of life – art,     Rawstorne added: “Growing a team takes
development.”                                       theatre, architecture – anything connected to our      time and being able to work on multiple projects
  Seyferle added that creatives are chosen          field,” he said.                                       over a longer period of time allowed us to
across a diverse pool of backgrounds,                 On the agency side, he said the program will         explore together, build trust and evolve in a way
nationalities and skill sets. “Taking into          help the group provide a diversity and freshness       you couldn’t on a single project.”                                                                                                                         ISSUE 4 2018 7
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media

Business events
more than just
tourism: JMIC
The council says that the industry is about
transformation and elevating trade

           global movement led by the Joint Meetings Industry Council
           (JMIC) is seeking to change governments’ perspective on
           the events industry. The message they’re trying to put out is
           that the industry is not just about tourism, but rather about
transformation and being change agents.
  “The business and professional events industry is, in my mind, actually    Transformative… Business events are greater than the sum of their parts
a transformative strategy for governments that are trying to develop
the knowledge and creative economies,” said Gary Grimmer, CEO for            the movement aims to highlight business events as transformative for
GainingEdge. “This is a strategy for improving medical care, a strategy      trade, first and foremost.
for improving standards, a strategy for attracting new talent.”                Gregg Talley, president and CEO for Talley Management Group,
  In the long run, with the success of the movement, the industry should     added: “Now I am picking a destination that understands who I am,
make decisions on event destinations based on the understanding of what      understands what I am trying to achieve, and is willing to work with me
the association or corporate client wants to achieve rather than focusing    as a partner to extend the legacy, extend the leave-behind that I’m going
on the number of hotel rooms or convention centre facilities.                to have in knowledge transfer. In business opportunity and economic
  While infrastructure and tech are important to facilitate smooth events,   development, that’s a win, win, win, win.”

George P. Johnson                                                                                         through a unique combination of relevant
                                                                                                          technologies and tactile engagements,” he said.

expands creative team
                                                                                                            Meanwhile, joining as creative director
                                                                                                          is Andrew Larvin with eight years in the
                                                                                                          experiential field. He has also worked with
                                                                                                          global clients including Rolls-Royce, P&G,
The Singapore office sees key changes in senior positions                                                 Mastercard and HSBC.
                                                                                                                                      Desiree Wu

        vent and experiential marketing agency                                                                                      comes in as group
        George P. Johnson (GPJ) has made                                                                                            account director
        senior hires in its Singapore outpost as                                                                                    after clocking in 24
        the agency expands its leadership and                                                                                       years of experience
client servicing teams.                                                                                                             across business and
  Chong joins as executive creative director; he                                                                                    client operations,
has a penchant for brand building and over 20                                                                                       brand marketing, PR
years of experience, most recently at Anthem                                                                                        and organisational
Worldwide as regional strategy director.                                                                                            development. In the
  He will use his branding experience by                                                                                            past, she has had
drawing guidance and inspiration from key                                                                                           roles in Qantas,
insights. “The outcome is that we’re creating more                                                                                  Cisco, American
meaningful interactions, which are built on                                                                                         Express, Thread,
sustainable storytelling frameworks, and delivered    Level up… Ben Chong                                                           POSSIBLE and VML.

8 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                            
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media

Industry forms
coalition to combat
sexual harassment
The events sector takes action as cases of
inappropriate behaviour come to the fore

           coalition to stop sexual harassment in the meetings and events
           industry has been formed, comprising leaders and executives
           from associations such as the Worldwide Exhibition for
           Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events (IMEX), Joint Meetings
Industry Council (JMIC), Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the
Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) and the
Society for Incentive Travel Executives (SITE).
  The coalition was formed to gather everyone behind a common goal:          She Means Business… CEO Laura Winterling addresses IMEX Frankfurt
eradicating sexual harassment in the events industry and workplace. Each
of these groups has been addressing sexual harassment separately and         coalition recognises that when it comes to these ethical concerns and
determined that the issue required policies that span beyond the confines    human rights, we are #StrongerTogether.”
of each individual organisation.                                               Rhonda Brewer, SITE past president, 2015, said: “Harassment or
  The coalition said in an official statement: “In the wake of movements     intimidation of any kind, included but not limited to sexual harassment, is
like #TimesUp and #MeToo, every industry must take action to create          a violation of our professional ethics and should be regarded and treated
positive change and end sexual harassment, once and for all. The             as such by our members.”

Wellness and meetings merge
More venues and hotels are                                                                              said Jeremy McCarthy, group director of spa,
                                                                                                        Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group.
incorporating wellness into                                                                               “Traditionally, the meetings experience is
their corporate programmes                                                                              inherently unhealthy. You sit in a meeting room
                                                                                                        for three days and you’re drinking too much
                                                                                                        caffeine, eating sugary snacks, maybe going

             otel groups and venues are                                                                 out at night for lavish dinners with too much
             increasingly looking for ways                                                              alcohol, and not getting enough sleep. And you
             to implement their wellness                                                                come home from a meetings experience feeling
             philosophies into meetings                                                                 completely drained and exhausted.”
programmes, as demonstrated by Mandarin                                                                   In the case of Mandarin Oriental, all
Oriental Hotel Group with its Mindful Meetings,                                                         properties in its global portfolio will begin
COMO Hotels and Resorts’ Healthful Meetings                                                             to incorporate wellness into their meetings
and Events, Hilton Worldwide’s Meet with                                                                packages when requested.
Purpose concept, and Marriott Shanghai’s Well-                                                            While packages are customisable, this could
Being Meetings package.                                                                                 mean welcome energiser booster shots upon
  “There’s a rising expectation that you                                                                arrival for guests, 30-minute activities such as
should be able to attain and maintain wellness                                                          meditation or yoga, or a five-minute massage in
everywhere you go – at home or at work,”             Free the mind… Take a break between meetings       between meetings.                                                                                                                      ISSUE 4 2018 9
Change it up Creative ideas and solutions for your next event - Haymarket Media
W H AT ’ S N E W



                                                                                                                          Worth the wait…
                                                                                                                          An exoskeleton mesh
                                                                                                                          wraps the building
                                                                                                                          (main); high-speed
                                                                                                                          observation lifts (left);
                                                                                                                          pool villa (bottom);
                                                                                                                          French chef Alain
                                                                                                                          Ducasse (below) has
                                                                                                                          an entire floor

                                                 of the design: “There’s barely a right angle
                                                 in the whole place.”
                                                    Some of the hotel’s star attractions
                                                 include an enormous open lobby with high-
                                                 speed panoramic lifts, nearly 100,000 sqm
                                                 of hotel space (772 rooms), a sky pool on
                                                 the 40th floor and VIP villas on the
                                                 upper floors.
                                                    Two of Morpheus’s three restaurants will
                                                 serve French chef Alain Ducasse’s creations;
                                                 indeed he has an entire floor. Alain Ducasse
                                                 at Morpheus will serve “the ultimate French
                                                 culinary experience”, while Voyages is
MACAU LAUNCHES ZAHA                              Ducasse’s restaurant featuring tastes of Asia.      Yi will offer regional Chinese cuisine
HADID STUNNER                                                                                     served omakase style (chef’s choice),
Morpheus, which opened on June 15, is the                                                         and there’s also a Pierre Hermé Lounge
new US$1.1 billion, 40-storey hotel at the                                                        dedicated to pâtisserie.
City of Dreams complex in Macau, part of                                                             For delegates, the hotel offers various
Melco Resorts & Entertainment.                                                                    private meeting and event spaces, and it can
   Designed by the late architect Zaha                                                            also host retail pop-ups in specially curated
Hadid, it has a unique block shape with                                                           spaces.
integrated voids that you can walk over in a                                                         The completion and opening of
series of “sky bridges”, encased in what the                                                      Morpheus also marks a new beginning for
hotel calls a freeform “exoskeleton mesh”                                                         City of Dreams. Its premium portfolio now
structure, the first of its kind in the world.                                                    includes Morpheus; Nüwa; and upcoming
   As Melco Resorts & Entertainment                                                               hotel Libertine, which starts development
chairman and CEO Lawrence Ho noted                                                                in the first quarter of 2019.

10 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                  
W H AT ’ S N E W

Opening soon… Radisson Ningbo Beilun            Stylish stays… Sukhothai Shanghai                Highlight… 43 West Rooftop Bar

RADISSON OPENS NEW                              SWANKY NEW HOTELS IN                             NEW HILTON PROPERTY IN
PROPERTIES IN APAC                              SHANGHAI                                         OKINAWA
As part of a global rebrand, Radisson Hotel     Adding to the hefty catalogue of luxury          DoubleTree by Hilton Okinawa Chatan
Group is opening multiple new properties        Shanghai hotels is Sukhothai Shanghai, a         Resort recently launched along the Chatan
in the region. The rebrand is tied to a         modern lifestyle hotel that aims to emulate      waterfront, mere steps from the white-sand
five-year strategy to become the world’s        the success of its sister property in Bangkok.   Sunset Beach and Mihama American
third-largest hotel group operator.             The biggest meeting space is the Grand           Village. The surrounding resort area is
   The industrial port city of Ningbo           Shanghai Ballroom that can seat up to 250        filled with boutiques and retail outlets,
in China’s Zhejiang province will soon          delegates in a banquet setting.                  restaurants, entertainment and activities.
welcome a 230-room Radisson property in            Besides that, there are six flexible             One of the highlights in the 160-room
the city’s Beilun district. The hotel will be   function rooms including four with natural       hotel is 43 West Rooftop Bar, where groups
part of INSHOW City, a commercial               daylight, a refreshing feature in the            can soak in sunset views while enjoying
complex that will feature a nautical-themed     fast-paced metropolis. Planners can also         custom concoctions by expert mixologists.
city light show. There are also two 800-sqm     consider The Meeting Point, a space for          The hotel can also arrange a live band,
ballrooms and six function rooms.               pre-event cocktail or mingling sessions.         musicians or even traditional drums and
   A new 218-room Radisson Blu opens on            The city also welcomed Bulgari Hotel          dancing for entertainment.
Vietnam’s Phu Quoc island in July, nestled      Shanghai, a 48-floor tower in the restored          In the mornings, groups can have a local
along Truong Beach on its sunset-facing         Chamber of Commerce Shanghai building            Japanese breakfast overlooking ocean views
west coast. A potential venue for incentive     dating from 1916. The hotel occupies the         at the hotel’s signature restaurant, MaTiira.
trips, the resort is a mere five-minute drive   top eight floors of the Tower offering           The neighbouring Hilton Okinawa Chatan
from the international airport, which now       impressive views of the iconic Bund, the         Resort has event facilities.
services long-haul flights from Europe.         sky towers of Pudong’s financial district,          “We are excited to grow Hilton’s
   A new Park Inn by Radisson in Malaysia’s     the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek.              footprint in Okinawa by opening our fourth
administrative capital of Putrajaya also           The restored building houses a 500-sqm        property,” said Timothy Soper, vice
marked the growth of the Park Inn brand.        Bulgari Ballroom with double-height              president, operations, Japan, Korea and
   The property will become a key element       ceilings that can accommodate up to 500 for      Micronesia, Hilton. “As announced last
of De Centrum City, a RM10bil (US$2.56          cocktails. Guests can also enter the grand       year, we plan to open Hilton Okinawa
bil), 40-hectare mini-city with a shopping      foyer decorated with original Chinese floor      Sesoko Resort, the fifth property in
centre, apartments and offices.                 mosaics and coffered.                            Okinawa in 2020.” n                                                                                                          ISSUE 4 2018 11

Venues get smart on
space and function
Upgrades and changes at
convention centres across the
region By Megan Gell

Guangzhou International
Convention Center
Guangzhou may not be lacking in
infrastructure, from its Zaha Hadid-
designed Opera House to the recent
opening of a giant second terminal at
Guangzhou International Baiyuan Airport.
But it is also a city with big aspirations –
including becoming a major player in
global business events.
   New venues are of course part of this new
drive, and in May, GL Events announced
it has entered into a joint venture with
Yuexiu Group, a public real estate company,
to open and operate the Guangzhou
International Convention Center in March
2020, in the historical Canton Fair district.
   The centre will offer six floors of
event space including two 2,500-sqm
exhibition halls that are also suitable for
large banquets, 47 meeting rooms that can
hold up to 2,600 people and a 505-seat
   GL Events currently manages 40 event
venues around the world and said of the
announcement: “The opening of the
convention centre is part of plans to bring
world-class events to the business hub of
   As a key link in the country’s Belt &
Road initiative, Guangzhou welcomed the
Fortune Global Forum in December 2017,
and the global aviation industry will arrive
for the World Routes 2018 Congress this
September.                                      Coming soon… The Guangzhou Interntional Convention Center will open in March 2020

12 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                

Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition
Centre (HKCEC)
HKCEC Management Limited (HML)
has continued to invest in the centre’s
infrastructure, services and sustainability
practices in yet another busy year.
   First on the agenda is a US$3.9 million
project to rebuild the entire WiFi system
by the end of this year, including the
installation of new access points and            Smart moves… A new
enhancement of the optical fibre network         building management
infrastructure. The new system will deploy       system at HKCEC (top)
advanced high-density WiFi (HD WiFi)             will allow users to be
provided by Cisco and will support more          comfortable at all times
than 20,000 mobile devices concurrently.         using strategically
   The new network will also support the         placed sensors (below)
viewing of 4K streaming videos and real-
time social media sharing in a faster and
more stable environment. The first stage
was completed in January and most of the
venues in Phase 1 are running on high-
speed WiFi. The better news is that access
will continue to be complimentary for users.
   Another major project to transition
HKCEC to a “smart” venue has begun,
which will see a new Smart Building
Management System installed using the            park. The 2,000-sqm facility is on track           The hall itself will offer a ceiling height
latest IoT (Internet of Things) technology       to open this October, and this means that          of 10m, the ability to be divided into two
to ensure users and visitors will enjoy a        ICC Kyoto will now be able to host up to           rooms of 1,000 sqm, four loading entrances
comfortable environment across the venue         4,000 people – a huge boost to the city’s          and a VIP room. Seating capacities are 820
at all times. The target completion date is      capacity for large-scale events. Thankfully,       for banquets and 1,612 theatre style.
late 2019.                                       there are supporting new hotel projects and          It’s “Your Choice” catering service allows
   “Adjustments can be made automatically        renovations underway also.                         for organisers to work with four major
according to the data collected and analysed        The single-storey New Hall will include         Kyoto hotels – Kyoto Tokyu Hotel, Kyoto
by the Smart Building Management System,         traditional Kyoto touches, particularly            Hotel Okura, Hyatt Regency Kyoto, Grand
which controls and centralises systems for       in the entrance and public spaces where            Prince Hotel Kyoto – and ICC Kyoto’s own
energy, lighting, air conditioning and chiller   gardens and natural light will be featured.        catering service.
plant, water supply, ventilation, air quality,
people counting, and fire system,” says
Gloria Fong, communications manager
   To further uphold HKCEC as a choice
venue for high-security events, HML is
undergoing a three-year project to upgrade
its CCTV system, to install a new electronic
access control system, and to renovate the
security control offices.
                                                                                                                                                     PHOTO ICC KYOTO

ICC Kyoto
This much-loved Kyoto venue is almost
doubling its floor space with the addition
of a New Hall on the existing adjacent car       Grand designs… ICC Kyoto will almost double its footprint with a New Hall opening in October

14 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                     

Adelaide Convention Centre
After completing its six-year, A$397 million
(US$293 million) redevelopment in August
last year, Adelaide Convention Centre has
turned its focus to optimising usage of its
impressive new offering.
   The centre now offers 20,000 sqm of
flexible space across three buildings, all
linked by a Skywalk. And it truly is flexible
space. There’s rotating seating, retractable
seating and levered seating, and the
new East Building’s 3,000-sqm Plenary
Hall can be subdivided into 15 different
configurations from tiered seating to
   Part of the venue’s attraction is that it
sits at the heart of Adelaide’s redeveloped
Riverbank Precinct, which also includes             Riverbank events… Adelaide Convention Centre is part of a centrally located events precinct
world-class medical facilities, universities,
sporting arenas and entertainment.                  way for organisers to create a conference
   “Adelaide is a walkable conference               menu with minimally processed foods, less
destination, and it’s probably one of the           sugar and salt, and more house-made items.
best-connected business event precincts               And it all sounds delicious – the “Taste of
you can find,” says general manager Simon           South Australia” starter offers Spencer Gulf
Burgess. “In addition to the precinct, we’ve        prawns, blue swimmer crab mousse, Smoky
got 3,500 hotel rooms within five minutes’          Bay oyster, kingfish ceviche and a fennel
walk, the cultural boulevard and laneways           pollen wafer.
are 5-10 minutes’ away, and there are bars,
restaurants and shopping in the city centre,        World Trade Center Metro Manila
which is a 10-minute walk.”                         (WTCMM)
   The centre has just launched a new               WTCMM has just announced it is the first
menu called Honest Goodness, inspired               and only exhibition venue in the Philippines
by “mindful eating”. Its executive chef             that is recognised by, and is now a member
partnered with the neighbouring South               of, the Union des Foires Internationales            Eat right… Smart new menu at Adelaide CC
Australian Health & Medical Research                (UFI), the global association of the
Institute (SAHMRI) to deliver a wide-               exhibition industry.                                by an ISO-certified company.
ranging menu based on “feel good, whole               The venue is also a proud member of the             Offering 11,300 sqm of contiguous
food, made fresh”.                                  World Trade Centers Association (WTCA)              indoor space and 8,200 sqm outdoor
   They’ll still make anything you request,         of New York, and is the only exhibition             space, WTCMM regularly hosts both
but the new range provides a quick and easy         venue in the Philippines that is managed            domestic and international events including
                                                                                                        Glasstech Asia and the bi-annual Asian
                                                                                                        Defense, Security and Crisis Management
                                                                                                        Exhibition and Conference by Singaporean
                                                                                                        organisers, and ASEAN Food Market Place
                                                                                                        by Comexposium of France.
                                                                                                          It is also experienced in high-security
                                                                                                        events including hosting the National
                                                                                                        Women’s Summit, at which Hillary Clinton
                                                                                                        was guest of honour; and has served as the
                                                                                                        international media centre for both the
                                                                                                        APEC Summit in 2015 and the ASEAN
Join the club… WTC Metro Manila is now a member of UFI, a first for the Philippines                     Summit in 2017. n

16 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                          

Solving the
With the roll-out of Freeman’s new event                               Digital struggle… The
integration platform, CEI explores the need                            increasingly complex
                                                                       on-site tech ecosystem
and demand for this type of technology                                 means planners risk
By Susie Harwood                                                       losing or misusing data

        here are many barriers preventing       would make this more feasible. But
        planners from adopting new              Freeman’s Holsinger believes planners
        technology, but increasingly, it has    should be free to choose the tools that best
        been the integration of various event   suit their needs, and not be tied to one
tech that’s proving to be problematic.          company because of integration concerns.
  “The number one obstacle to adopting             While many event tech vendors publish
event technology is not the event               APIs that enable other systems to connect
technology itself but the integration piece     to theirs, Ramsay says they don’t often do
and getting the different systems and           the “professional services piece” to make
technologies to work with each other,”          sure those connections actually work. This
says Ken Holsinger, VP, digital solutions at    is the reason Opus ends up having to do          distracted by integration. So, we said
Freeman, which has just rolled out an event     custom integrations for many of its clients,     someone has to build some standards and
tech integration platform called Fuzion.        even with products from the same company.        bring together all the competitors in the
  Kyle Ramsay, VP, technology, at Opus                                                           space to coalesce around these.”
Agency says that although integration is        Plug and play                                       Instead of each technology residing in its
not a new issue, it is getting harder as the    But with new technologies being launched         own silo with its own data, Fuzion creates a
on-site event tech ecosystem gets ever          all the time, custom integrations can be         foundation that allows digital solutions to
more complicated.                               costly as each time a product is replaced        speak the same language. This platform
  “There are mobile apps, registration          or added, the process needs to be repeated.      works by serving as an integrator across
systems and experiential technologies being        “Custom integrations are done for a very      event technologies and applications.
used on an expo floor and all this creates      specific task. You are stuck writing one            The idea is that organisers can plug and
information that organisers want to collect,    integration at a time. We know a client          play any combination of certified member
analyse and use,” he says. “It’s important to   that spends over six-figure sums on writing      solutions knowing that the integration is
make sure that data is being curated            integrations between the six systems they        already taken care of. Fuzion members
properly, which makes the integration piece     use,” says Holsinger. “The problem is that       include CadmiumCD, CompuSystems,
between all these different systems key.”       every time they change providers, they lose      Core-apps, DoubleDutch, EXPOCAD,
  The simple solution would be to buy all       those integration dollars.                       Hubb, Map Your Show and onPeak, as
your technology from one vendor – and              “Developers want to focus on writing the      well as Freeman’s own solutions.
there’s certainly been a lot of consolidation   newest and coolest things and continually           Another benefit of introducing a
in the space over the past several years that   innovating their products, rather than being     standardised platform, according to

18 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                 

Holsinger, is that it brings a standardised   for, largely because the tech providers were   changed, with Freeman confirming that
approach to data privacy.                     not interested in getting on board.            major event tech platforms such as Cvent
                                                “We had a couple of early adopters on the    and etouches are among the 100-plus
The time is right                             tech side. They saw the vision and wanted      companies in the partnership process.
Freeman is not the only company interested    to build a best-in-class product rather than      While Ramsay agrees there is a need for
in the event tech integration space. Two      do the integration work, but we didn’t have    an open platform, he says the downside of
years ago, consulting group The Event         any interest from the big tech players,” he    a standardised approach is that every client
Guys attempted to launch a similar offering   says, adding that perhaps they saw it as a     has different objectives and wants different
powered by Built.IO Flow technology. But      threat to the revenue they get from            things from their data – and is increasingly
CEO Eric Kingstad admits the platform         providing APIs and custom integrations.        spurred on to demand it by their marketing
did not generate the demand he’d hoped          Two years on and it appears things have      departments.
                                                                                                “Planners want incredibly rich data about
                                                                                             their attendees and a standard platform isn’t

  “ We know a client that spends over six-figure                                             necessarily going to give them that,” he says.
                                                                                                With that in mind, will this new breed

   sums on writing integrations between the six                                              of integration platforms solve the ongoing
                                                                                             challenge? “These platforms will take care
                systems they use ”                                                           of the majority of the heavy lifting, but I
                                                                                             think there is always going to be room for
                               Ken Holsinger, Freeman                                        a little customisation,” he says. n                                                                                                      ISSUE 4 2018 19


                     PRERNA      Captured… Track everything and be sure to tweak parameters throughout the event

                      is general Tracking event engagement
                    manager for Be on top of what your attendees and clients are talking about
                   Circus Social

                                           sing engagement as a metric for          lat-long – so that even if the photowall
                                           ROI is standard practice in the          wasn’t so popular, you’ll get the Happy
                                           events industry – but how and            Hour pics that didn’t make use of the
                                           what you track is an art that            hashtag but still indicated engagement.
                                 constantly evolves based on your objectives.
                                   Here are some tips in using social media         Track your sponsors and speakers
                                 to track what attendees are talking about.         This is not only handy for figuring out what
                                                                                    resonated with your audience, but also good
                                 Details matter                                     for proving ROI to sponsors. Did sponsor
                                 We’ve seen many occasions where content            content get photographed, tweeted, or
                                 that’s being shared is not part of an official     shared? Who had more social traction –
                                 hashtag or mascot. You can plan, but you           your keynote speaker or the blogger? You
                                 can’t predict what’s going to go viral so on       might find the results surprising.
                                 the actual day, track everything. Track
                                 variations and misspellings of your hashtag,       Track behaviour changes
                                 tweak your keywords and search parameters          During the event and post-event, it’s
                                 again as the day goes on and as speakers           important to track how your audience’s
                                 come and go, track even your smallest              perceptions have changed. For example, if
                                 sponsor and its products, and track the            your objective was education, were you able
                                 after-party venue as well as the caterers.         to impact the conversations people had?

                                 Track your geo-location                            Context is everything
                                 Sometimes attendees are having a great             Whether you’re trying to understand if
                                 time, but what they’re actually motivated to       content is social- or news-worthy, it’s
                                 post on their Instagram feed is not the            important to comprehend context when
                                 keynote speaker, but the amazing flat white        you measure engagement. For example, if a
                                 near Booth 12 with the great coffee art.           product announcement was shared on news
                                 This is where geo-location tracking is your        platforms but not on social, continue to
                                 friend. It helps you track by location and         work on your content strategy. n

20 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                     
Are you looking for the same kind of conference content, speakers and formats?
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Taking off… AirAsia announces their partnership with Malaysian TV network RTM to sponsor the broadcast rights of live World Cup matches

                Game plan
                                                                                                        days where brands are happy with just
                                                                                                        having their logo on a jersey,” he says. “The
                                                                                                        World Cup has the ability to really engage
                                                                                                        with audiences and this allows brands to
                                                                                                        really deliver messages to very passionate,
The World Cup season is upon us and that means one thing –                                              excited and interested audiences.”
brands are scoring deals from all corners of the pitch                                                     Each sponsorship package is not like the
                                                                                                        other, with brands seeking new ways to
By Surekha Ragavan                                                                                      engage with fans. For example, Coca-Cola

                                                                                                        ran a pre-event competition to select young,
        here’s no one sporting event in the           “Brands can look at the World Cup                 amateur football players to act as ball boys
        world as widely watched as the              from an awareness perspective, from an              and ball girls in official matches.
        World Cup, with the 2014                    engagement perspective, use it to educate              Another example is Budweiser – the
        tournament clocking 3.2 billion total       and demonstrate products, or run retail             official beer of the World Cup – that
viewers. No doubt, these numbers are                promotions. There’s no end, really.”                released limited edition beer bottles in
extremely valuable to brands and marketers                                                              China in the colours of various national
that jump on every opportunity to relay             This message was brought to you by...               teams. Among other efforts, the brand also
their messaging in creative ways.                   Sponsorship is one obvious way to capitalise        launched noise-activated World Cup packs
  “Sport is the ultimate social currency and        on the football fever, but Vaswani says that        complemented by a two-hour delivery
the World Cup, unlike a lot of other                not all brands want to blow money on a              service and sponsored a “Man of the
football tournaments, is not just an event          premium proposition if it doesn’t fit into          Match” segment where social media users
that targets football fans. It’s a global           their messaging.                                    can vote for their favourite player.
event,” says Khushil Vaswani, vice                    “The important thing is that they spend              For brands that aren’t official sponsors,
president, sports lead, Weber Shandwick.            the right resources to activate. Gone are the       it gets a little tricky as any mention of the

22 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                         

World Cup is disallowed in their marketing        a list of nearby bars on its search platform.      Zhu says the increase in Chinese sponsors
collaterals. For instance, Beats Electronics      This proved especially relevant at a time       says more about the brands than it does
was in hot water in 2014 for its “guerrilla       when second screens are a given.                about Chinese football fans. While the 20%
marketing” stint when it gifted headphones                                                        viewership has been a mainstay for China,
to footballers while not an official sponsor.     The China effect                                the difference is that “Chinese brands are
   A common route is to partner up with           This year, seven of the 19 private sponsors     more ready to go out into the international
footballers and teams, or to buy broadcast        are Chinese, a record for China. “The           market” compared to four years ago.
rights. In Malaysia, budget airline AirAsia       World Cup is very popular in China even            Chinese smartphone company Vivo
teamed up with state TV network RTM to            though we are not playing,” says Shoto          signed a six-year partnership with FIFA,
sponsor the live broadcast of World Cup           Zhu, founder and CEO, Oceans Sports &           which includes the 2022 World Cup and
matches. Rudy Khaw, group head of                 Entertainment. His company helped to sign       the FIFA Confederations Cup.
branding, AirAsia, told CEI that “the deal        on Argentinian player Lionel Messi as an           “Sponsoring the World Cup makes sense
is not about AirAsia”, but about bringing         ambassador for Chinese dairy company and        for us as it will help us reach our target
football to Malaysians for free. News flash:      official World Cup sponsor Mengniu Dairy.       audience of passionate young people around
The deal is very much about AirAsia.                 “One fifth or 20% of [total global]          the world, raise brand awareness, and aid
   Less directly, Microsoft jumped on the         viewers are from China. No matter how big       our progressive expansion across the
football bandwagon by teaming up with             the time difference is, Chinese viewers will    international market,” says Michael Chang,
social media partners to provide fans with        still watch matches.”                           brand director, international business, Vivo.
                                                                                                     “Sponsorships with major sporting events
                                                                                                  and leagues have contributed to our growth
  “ Gone are the days where brands are happy                                                      in China and aided our global expansion.”
                                                                                                     One of the ways the brand is leveraging
     with just having their logo on a jersey ”                                                    its position as a sponsor is the Vivo
                                                                                                  SuperFan photographers programme that
                       Khushil Vaswani, Weber Shandwick                                           will recruit 128 fans to document World
                                                                                                  Cup moments via close-up access to players
                                                                                                  and matches. Ahead of each match, the
                                                                                                  chosen photographers will be provided with
                                                                                                  a Vivo smartphone and given exclusive
                                                                                                  pitch-side access to capture content such
                                                                                                  as pre-match warm-ups to share publicly.
                                                                                                     “The World Cup is one of the most
                                                                                                  prestigious events in China, so it’s
                                                                                                  something brands want to be associated
                                                                                                  with,” says Zhu. “It’s a very good platform
                                                                                                  for Chinese brands because it shows that
                                                                                                  your company is big or credible enough
                                                                                                  to become a sponsor.”
                                                                                                     On whether this newfound reach will
                                                                                                  resonate with brands in other parts of Asia,
                                                                                                  Weber Shandwick’s Vaswani is optimistic
                                                                                                  about it being a matter of time.
                                                                                                     “Look at the English Premier League
                                                                                                  for instance. Maybe 10 or 12 years ago, you
                                                                                                  had a lot of sponsors that were British or
                                                                                                  Europe-based. But in the last couple of
                                                                                                  years, you have brands in Southeast Asia
                                                                                                  getting more involved with sponsorships
                                                                                                  like Chang Beer and King Power,” he says.
                                                                                                     “Brands in this part of the world are
                                                                                                  definitely recognising the value of working
Snap happy… A Vivo SuperFan Photographer shares exclusive content via a Vivo smartphone           with sporting events.” n                                                                                                          ISSUE 4 2018 23

           ON CREATIVITY

                             LIZI     Not just a sport… Fans’ passion for a particular sport often extends beyond their own team

                  is regional creativeHow brands score in sports
                           director for Here’s how brands can leverage the universal appeal of sport

                                              yes will be firmly fixed on the region       Add value to the fan
                        @LiziHamer            as Japan prepares to host The Rugby          One way to add to fan experience is
                                              World Cup 2019 and Tokyo                     understanding the ritual connections.
                                              Olympics 2020. This means plenty             Standard Chartered Bank as main club
                                      of major sponsorships and endorsements.              sponsors of Liverpool Football Club (LFC)
                                         In today’s world, brands are acquiring            understood this and allowed LFC fans
                                      more than the rights to leverage assets              overseas to truly experience the famous
                                      to commercial advantage, but also the                Kop. Using binaural technology, the LFC
                                      opportunity to fully embrace the                     tagline “You’ll never walk alone” was
                                      sponsorship property and its fans.                   brought to life in a 360-degree soundscape
                                         Here are some tips to positively earn             to deliver an immersive experience for fans.
                                      attention through sport.
                                                                                           Think about the “passion”
                                      Combine brand and property skills                    Many fans have a particular football team
                                      Use your skills as a brand to enhance sport.         they support, but their passion extends
                                      BMW did this exceptionally well when it              beyond just one team. Creating content
                                      used its engineers to enable advancements            from an understanding of this can extend
                                      of USA Paralympic teams’ wheelchair                  your reach. E-commerce company Wish
                                      aerodynamics. BMW stood proud as a                   did just this by delivering a humorous video
                                      sponsor who worked alongside the athletes            featuring football players absent from this
                                      to make an incredible difference and were            year’s FIFA World Cup.
                                      able to tell a rich story around it.
                                                                                           Gift fans memories
                                      Know what the fans want                              Allowing a few fans “deep and personal”
                                      V Energy made “modifications” on the                 moments can be a positive demonstration
                                      video game Fallout 4 by creating a new               of how brands understand their fans. For
                                                                                                                                             PHOTO AFP

                                      V-inspired “power up” function. This is a            example, Hyundai’s Super Bowl ad last
                                      stunning way to step into a rich environment         year connected active members of the US
                                      by enhancing the game experience.                    military with loved ones across the world. n

24 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                             

Driving offline conversions
The Hong Kong agency using event data to track offline behaviour By Surekha Ragavan

                                                                                                                         Track and target…
                                                                                                                         Using WiFi and GPS,
                                                                                                                         Cosmose can track an
                                                                                                                         audience’s post-event
                                                                                                                         visits to both client and
                                                                                                                         competitor stores

    n the last few years, connecting the dots   accuracy of 2m (2 sigma). The data is then       brands are also able to measure ROI based
    between consumers’ online and offline       anonymised as 34-digit numbers and used          on whether an attendee returned to the
    habits has been a hot topic for brands.     by brands to target ads on online channels       store after being retargeted or developed
    But one agency in Hong Kong is taking       such as Google or Facebook.                      an offline interest in the brand post-event.
it a step further by using attendee data at        “One of our goals was to help brands             “If a brand’s call-to-action after the
events to target online ads, which are then     understand – based on digital marketing          event is for [attendees] to visit their store,
used to drive offline sales for brands.         – that their results are based on what they’re   we’re able to measure that from their
   Advertising tech agency Cosmose uses its     getting back from an offline perspective if      movements,” says Cheng. “We can also
OMNIcookie technology – which functions         they don’t have an e-commerce site,” says        go down to segmenting those who have
on WiFi triangulation and GPS – to allow        Zoe Cheng, head of growth, Cosmose.              visited a competitor store.”
retailers to target offline customers via          “From an event planner’s perspective, it’s       Once the company determines a user
online channels. The company’s clients          interesting to be able to reach an audience      visits a competitor’s store, the client can
have included L’Oréal, LVMH and Cartier.        who’s been to a brand event – and then also      invite them to a brand event and other
   This is how it works: If a brand has a       retarget them online.”                           incentives to lure conversions. This method
tangible store, Cosmose visits the store to        While there are other methods to do           has proven effective with Cosmose’s luxury
install various OMNIcookie touchpoints.         this such as EDMs, Cheng says that using         and cosmetics clients, according to Cheng.
Because of the agency’s partnerships with       Facebook or Instagram to retarget attendees         At present time, the data collected from
over 400,000 apps, the technology is able       is a “softer approach” and could relay brand     the OMNIcookie tool can’t be personalised
to capture phone IDs of visitors with the       messaging more effectively. Thereon,             due to data protection laws. n

               “ If a brand’s call-to-action after the event is for [attendees]
                      to visit their store, we’re able to measure that ”
                                                        Zoe Cheng, Cosmose                                                                                                           ISSUE 4 2018 25

Wow factor… Organisers chose not only a new ship, but the largest one ever built, to generate excitement and motivate delegates to attend

Smooth sailing
                                                                                                          trip, Amway held an awards ceremony to
                                                                                                          recognise the top distributors amongst
                                                                                                          attending delegates.
                                                                                                             The cruise set sail from Barcelona, calling
                                                                                                          at ports in Palma de Mallorca, Marseilles,
Amway Indonesia delegates embark on a cruise to remember                                                  La Spezia, Civitavecchia and Naples, before
                                                                                                          making its way back to Barcelona.
By Kim Benjamin                                                                                              A pre-arranged program of shore

                                                                                                          excursions was created for all participants
            mway Indonesia held a West               It planned the cruise 15 months in advance,          on arrival at the various ports. At Palma
            Mediterranean-themed Amway               to tie in as closely as possible with the            de Mallorca for example, groups headed
            Leadership Seminar (ALS) from            launch of Symphony of the Seas, which held           to the historic town of Valldemossa for a
            May 6-13, 2018. Around 200               its inaugural sailing in March 2018.                 scenic walking tour of the village, before
delegates explored several countries in                 “We thought about hosting the event not           enjoying lunch at Son Amar, a 16th-century
Europe with a cruise on board Symphony               only on a new ship, but also on the largest          manor house, and enjoying a show based on
of the Seas, the largest passenger ship              one ever built to generate excitement                Mallorcan culture.
ever built, owned and operated by Royal              among delegates,” says Sorin Widjaja,                   “We reserved the venue and show on
Caribbean International.                             Amway Indonesia’s assistant manager,                 a private basis, giving us the opportunity
                                                     special events.                                      to have a group picture, some welcoming
The ideas                                               Amway worked with several agencies                speeches and an awards ceremony on the
The aim of the incentive was to motivate             to create the event, including Indonesian            stage before lunch and the show,” explains
Amway business owners and energise them              travel agency Smailing Tour and incentive            Widjaja.
to push to the next level in the coming              cruise organiser Buy the Sea, while Kuoni               In Marseilles, groups visited the cathedral
year. Amway wanted to create a sense of              handled the logistics. As well as hosting            in the city centre, with free time allocated
excitement and a wow factor for the event.           business meetings during the week-long               for shopping. Upon arrival in La Spezia,

26 ISSUE 4 2018                                                                                                            

participants enjoyed excursions to Pisa                Activities on the ship were as important     travelling on business in between.”
and after docking in Civitavecchia, they            as off-shore excursions for team-building          Despite all the challenges during the
visited a number of famous sights in                purposes, with delegates trying zip-lines,      preparation stage, Widjaja says the Royal
Rome, including the Vatican and the Trevi           watching ice-skating shows and taking part      Caribbean team was very supportive, with
Fountain, before passing by the Colosseum           in sporting activities ranging from futsal      a group coordinator helping to smooth the
on the way to lunch, with free time for             and basketball to table tennis and jogging.     process. From the moment Amway stepped
shopping at the Spanish Steps.                                                                      onto the boat until the end of the incentive,
   In Naples, Amway hired three private             The insights                                    regular discussions took place around
jetfoils to bring delegates from Naples port        Widjaja notes that major issues were            boarding times, the best locations in which
to Capri, where they enjoyed an island tour.        encountered with strict visa systems, with      to gather participants and arrangements for
Once on Capri island, delegates had free            timing an added challenge, as it was hard to    business meetings.
time to wander around the village, have             juggle participants’ working schedules with        Widjaja adds: “They were very helpful
lunch at their leisure and enjoy a spot of          their availability for visa interviews.         and willing to accommodate our needs,
shopping. On arrival back in Barcelona,                “After some negotiations, we got a three-    and also helped to tailor other aspects such
groups opted for a city tour or a visit to the      day slot agreed with both sides concerned       as the food. Royal Caribbean arranged for
Camp Nou, FC Barcelona’s home stadium.              to facilitate the submission of passports and   Indonesian staff and chefs to join us on
   Business meetings were held in the               the visa issuing process,” he says.             board to match our needs.
ship’s Royal Theater while sailing between             “The other challenge was the time taken         “We were able to request Indonesian
ports. To add excitement to the occasion,           to process the visas, which could take up to    dishes such as fried rice, sambal, fried
illusionist Hector is Magic was brought             three weeks. This really limited the window     chicken and telur balado (spicy egg), on top
on board to announce Dubai as the 2019              in which participants could apply for the       of other dishes served during the cruise.”
ALS destination.                                    visa, particularly as some of them were            Widjaja says his standout was simply
                                                                                                    experiencing Symphony of the Seas and
                                                                                                    its sheer range of activities. A post-event
   “ We were able to request Indonesian dishes                                                      survey has not yet been completed, but
                                                                                                    overall feedback so far has indicated that
   such as sambal...and telur balado on top of                                                      participants were satisfied with both the

      other dishes served during the cruise ”                                                       cruise and the various excursions. n

                          Sorin Widjaja, Amway Indonesia

                                                                                                                            Visa arrangements
                                                                                                                            Factor in enough time
                                                                                                                            for interviews and

                                                                                                                            Hold regular
                                                                                                                            discussions between
                                                                                                                            parties to ensure
                                                                                                                            everything runs

                                                                                                           V I P            Private bookings
                                                                                                                            Plan well in advance
                                                                                                                            to create an exclusive
We made it… Shore excursions in major cities allowed for sightseeing, shopping and selfies                                  experience                                                                                                             ISSUE 4 2018 27
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