Page created by Leslie Conner
                  PRACTICAL INFO

Important notes during the challenging times of COVID-19 Pandemic.
After two years, the global Covid-19 Pandemic still have a significant impact on all social and sport activities
with measures and travel restrictions imposed by governments across Europe.
During the still ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, CEV and our event promoters proved that by following the
respective measures and protocols applied by CEV and the local and national authorities of the host country
and region makes it possible to organise sport competitions again, by create a safe environment for all
parties involved.
Health, safety and well-being of athletes, coaches, officials, staff and all persons involved is a top
priority for CEV and the event Organiser!
To achieve this goal, a number of documents have been developed by CEV including:
- The CEV Competitions Hygiene Guidelines, with the aim to provide general recommendations and
requirements that shall be considered in the event planning and applied in the event delivery.
- CEV Hygiene Guidelines - Snow Volleyball Specifications, with the aim to provide specific information
relating to all CEV Snow Volleyball competitions and updated operational and competition protocols that
need to be followed.
In close collaboration with the Organiser CEV has also developed the Event Specific Hygiene Guidelines with
detailed review of the local measures, government regulations and travel restrictions of the host country.
This is a dynamic document forming part of a tool for guidance and can be found on the event page of the
CEV website.
Waiver document
A Waiver document is an appendix to this document which should be signed by all athletes, team delegation
members, CEV officials, match officials, LOC, staff.
All participating athletes, team delegation members, CEV officials, match officials, LOC, staff,
accredited media, international and local service providers, etc. adhere to fully comply and respect the
protocols mentioned on the documents listed above. Failure to do so will be sanctioned with both
financial and disciplinary sanctions, and may lead up to withdrawal of accreditation and the right to
participate in the tournament.
Proof of COVID-19 fully vaccination or printed PCR test results:
As a pre-condition to be able to participate in a CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour 2022 event, all athletes,
team delegation members and Officials must hold either a certificate of COVID-19 fully vaccination issued by
the relevant competent authorities, or a COVID-19 PCR printed test result issued by an authorised health
laboratories no earlier than three days before arrival.
Travel Restrictions (constantly updated)
Please check the given website links regularly for more updated and detailed information:
Ministry of Health: https://moz.gov.ua/en
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: https://mfa.gov.ua/en

                                             © CEV 2022                                          1|P a g e
                   PRACTICAL INFO

                 CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour 2022 - Truskavets (UKR)
VENUE            Royal Hotels And Spa Resorts Geneva Truskavets
                 The courts will be located on the premises of the hotel
DATE             25 27 February 2022
NATIONAL         Volleyball Federation of: UKRAINE
FEDERATION       Address: 01001, Ukraine, Kyiv, street Triohsviatitelska, 13, of. 5
                 Contact person: Serhii SCHETYNIN
                 Tel: +380505670799
                 E-mail: bvb.in.ua@gmail.com
PROMOTER         Royal Hotels And Spa Resorts Geneva Truskavets
                 Address: street Sukhovolya 61, Truskavets, Lviv region, 82200
                 Contact person: Tetiana VUIKO
                 Tel: +380967485980
                 E-mail: tanyavuyko@gmail.com
ORGANISATIONAL    Function                  Name                Mobile                Email
CHART             CEV Supervisor:                                                     oguz.degirmenci@tvf.
                  Tournament Director:       Tetiana VUIKO       +380967485980        tanyavuyko@gmail.co
                  NF Delegate:               Serhii              +380505670799        bvb.in.ua@gmail.com
                  Hygiene Officer
                  Finance Director           TBC
                  Administrative             Tetiana VUIKO       +380967485980        tanyavuyko@gmail.co
                  Director                                                            m
                  Competition Director:      Serhii              +380505670799        bvb.in.ua@gmail.com
                  Operational Director:      TBC
                  Medical Services           TBC
                  Event Doctor:              TBC
                  Court Manager(s).          TBC
                  One per court              TBC
                  Technical & VIS            Serhii              +380505670799        bvb.in.ua@gmail.com
                  Manager:                   SHCHETYNIN
                  Promotion &                Tetiana VUIKO       +380967485980        tanyavuyko@gmail.co
                  Marketing Director                                                  m
                  Media Operations           TBC
                  Photographer:              TBC
                  Announcer                  TBC
REFEREES          NF Referee Manager:        TBC
                  Referees:                  TBC

REGISTRATION     10 February 2022
PRELIMINARY      Only one dedicated person per team delegation is required to attend the Preliminary
INQUIRIES        Inquiry and present all athletes passports, M-3 Player's Health Certificate, SV-01 form
                 Player's Commitment, and a certificate of COVID-19 fully vaccination issued by the

                                        © CEV 2022                                           2|P a g e
                PRACTICAL INFO

                    relevant competent authorities, or a COVID-19 PCR printed test result issued by an
                    authorised health laboratories no earlier than three days before arrival.
                    Your access to the location of Preliminary Inquiry will be controlled to avoid mass
                    Qualification Preliminary Inquiry (if needed)
                    Women: 24.02.2022 Official hotel meeting room 17.00-19.00
                    Men: 24.02.2022 Official hotel meeting room 17.00-19.00
                    Main Draw Preliminary Inquiry
                    Women: 25.02.2022 Official hotel meeting room 17.00-19.00
                    Men: 25.02.2022 Official hotel meeting room 17.00-19.00
TRAINING SESSIONS   Please note that reservation of training can be made one day in advance for the next
                    day only and each team is entitled to make one reservation per day. Additional
                    training session may be available only if the courts will be available
                     Address of the      Royal Hotels And Spa Resorts Geneva Truskavets
                     training courts     Address: street Sukhovolya 61, Truskavets, Lviv region, 82200
                     Availability date   23/02/2022
                     Number of courts    3
                     Contact person      Name: Tetiana VUIKO
                     for booking         Tel: +380967485980
                                         E-mail: tanyavuyko@gmail.com
                                         Location to book the training courts: Organization Office
COMPETITION         Qualification matches (if needed)
SCHEDULE            Women: 25.02.2022 10:00 - 16:00 (sun rise: 07.17- sun set: 18:02)
                    Men: 25.02.2022 10:00 - 16:00(sun rise: 07.17- sun set: 18:02)
                    Main Draw matches
                    26.02.2022 09:00 16:00 (sun rise:07.15- sun set: 18:04)
                    27.02.2022 09:00 16:00 (sun rise:07.13- sun set: 18:05)
                    26.02.2022 09:00 17:00 (sun rise:07.15- sun set: 18:04)
                    27.02.2022 09:00 17:00 (sun rise:07.13- sun set: 18:05)
PRIZE MONEY         The following breakdown applies (per gender):
                                                Rank      Prize Money         Total
                                                5th x2
                                                7th x2
                                                9th x4
                                               13th x4
                                                              Total           3,000
                    Prize Money will be paid to the athletes on site by the Competition Director. All
                    athletes must have their Identity Card / Passport to present.

                                          © CEV 2022                                         3|P a g e
                  PRACTICAL INFO

RANKING POINTS                                       Rank           Points
(PER ATHLETE)                                           1            100
                                                        2             90
                                                        3             80
                                                        4             70
                                                        5             60
                                                        7             55
                                                        9             50
                                                       13             45
                                                       17             40
COMPETITION         Qualification (if needed): Single Elimination
FORMAT              Main Draw: Double Elimination or Modified Pool Play.
                    Best of 3 sets for all matches, sets until 15 points with a minimum 2 points lead.
NUMBER OF TEAMS     16 teams Main Draw for men, 16 teams Main Draw for women
ADMISSION AND       Admission according to CEV Snow Volleyball Entry Ranking as of 10 days before the
SEEDING             event.
                    Seeding according to CEV Snow Volleyball Entry Ranking on the day before the event.
LICENSE FEE         For each athlete participating in a CEV competition in 2020 the respective National
                    Federation shall pay, upon receipt of the respective CEV invoice, a license fee
                    amounting to 20,- EUR per athlete.
RULES OF THE GAME   FIVB Snow Volleyball Rules
OFFICIAL BALL       Mikasa Snow Volleyball
UNIFORMS            The organiser will provide jersey (top only) to the participating teams. As per the
                    provisions of the CEV Snow Volleyball Guidelines, the participating teams are
                    responsible to bring their own long tight pants or shorts and close fitting long or short
                    sleeves t-shirts. The uniforms must be consistent in style, length and color for all
                    athletes in the team.
                    Athletes may use gear and accessories as defined in the CEV Snow Volleyball
OFFICIAL DAYS,      Arrival for Qualification teams (if needed): 24.02.2022
VENUE OF ARRIVAL    Arrival for Main Draw teams: 25.02.2022
AND DEPARTURE       Official Venue of Arrival and Departure: Danylo Halytskyi International Airport Lviv
AND LOCAL           Departure of Main Draw teams: 28.02.2022
TRANSPORTATION      Transport from the official place of arrival to the official hotel for all athletes and
                    members of the team delegation, both the qualifying tournament (if necessary) and
                    the main draw, will be organized by the local organizer on the official days of arrival
                    and departure.
                    The cost is 50 euros per Minivan, up to 6 people, for one way.
                    Participating NFs/teams are responsible to upload their travel information to the CEV
                    Cloud at the latest by 15.02.2022.
                    Late submission may lead to inability to offer the service
                    Link: https://cloud.cev.eu/url/Truskavets2022
VISA                Team delegation members (Athletes, Coach or Head of Delegation and / or Doctor /
                    Physiotherapist), NF members, etc. are responsible to apply early enough for their
                    visas, whenever needed. The Hosting National Federation should be contacted for
                    any official invitation letter request.
ACCREDITATION       According to the CEV Snow Volleyball Competitions Regulations, no accreditation is
                    required for team officials (Head of Delegation, Coach, Doctor, and Physiotherapist).

                                          © CEV 2022                                          4|P a g e
                PRACTICAL INFO

INTERNATIONAL     Athletes, Head of Delegation, Coaches, Physiotherapists, NF members, etc. are
TRANSPORT         responsible for their own international and domestic airfare/travel costs and for any
                  further expenses such as visa or airport taxes.
BOARD AND         According to the CEV Snow Volleyball Competitions Regulations team delegations are
LODGING           responsible to book and pay for their accommodation.
                  Below is the list of the hotel(s) recommended by the organizer.
                  All listed hotel is fully in line with all hygiene protocols:
                  Royal Hotels And Spa Resorts Geneva Truskavets
                  Single room 50 euros (including 3 meals per day and access to the spa)
                  Double room 70 euros (including 3 meals per day and access to the spa)
                  Triple room 90 euros (including 3 meals per day and access to the spa)
                  Contact person: Tetiana VUIKO, +380967485980, tanyavuyko@gmail.com
AIRPORT           Danylo Halytskyi International Airport Lviv
CURRENCY          Ukrainian hryvnia, 1 EUR =: 31,80 UAH (01.02.2022)
SIDE EVENTS                    TBC (if it can be organized)
                  Players party: TBC Athletes will be informed at the venue
EVENT             Events website: https://www.cev.eu/snow/european-tour/2022/truskavets/
COMMUNICATION     Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEVolleyball
                  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cevolleyball

                                      © CEV 2022                                        5|P a g e
CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour 2022       Waiver document

Given the current COVID-19 Pandemic and the efforts made by the CEV and the Local Organiser, important
information are included in Official Communication and Practical Info documents of the CEV Snow Volleyball
European Tour 2022 tournament regarding the CEV Hygiene protocols plus the National and local
regulations in place during the period of the event.

The CEV has reviewed its protocols with its internal experts, including its Medical Commission, so that they
can be adjusted to the current conditions facing all of us as a result of the pandemic. Additional information
are also available on the CEV website https://inside.cev.eu/covid19 with dedicated information and
resources regarding the pandemic.

The CEV wants to ensure that all of its stakeholders have all of the necessary information related to COVID-
19 and has taken steps to minimize the potential risk of COVID-19. However, the CEV notes that a risk of
COVID-19 still exists despite all efforts.

With the information provided in the Official Communication, Practical Info documents, on
and on the National Authorities websites, we would like to inform you of the possible risks involved in this
CEV Snow Volleyball European Tour 2022 event that includes the travel to and from the event. You are
participating in your own free will and you are aware of and assume the possible risks related to the COVID-
19 by participating in this event.

To be specific, by acknowledging this document and continuing to participate in the event after receiving
it as part of Practical Info document, you are aware and agree that:

    1.   While the local protocols and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk still does exist;
         accordingly, your participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases,
         including but not limited to COVID-19; and,
    2.   You knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the
         event and assume full responsibility for his/her participation in this event; and,
    3.   You willingly agree to comply with the CEV Competitions Hygiene Guidelines, the CEV Hygiene
         Guidelines - Snow Volleyball Specifications, the Event Specifics Hygiene Guidelines the local
         protocols and requirements in place in and outside the venue. If, however, you observe any unusual
         or significant hazards during the player presence or participation, you may remove yourself from
         the event and participation; and,
    4.   You, hereby release and hold harmless the CEV and the event organisers and organizing National
         Federation, including officials, delegates, sponsors, staff, volunteers and other players with respect
         to any and all illness, disability or loss/damage to the player`s person or property, whether arising
         from the negligence of the releases or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    5.   You/your National Federation will cover all medical & accommodation expenses if diagnosed with
         Covid-19 infection on site.

We kindly ask that you reflect on the above and take the time to seriously consider the implications of the
above on you and your families before taking a decision as to whether you wish to participate.

If you agree with the above points, you are kindly required to duly sign this document. If you do not agree
on the conditions and you are not signing the agreement, this will result in your immediate withdrawal from
the event.

Thank you very much for your time, and we look forward to receiving your agreement of the above.

FIRST NAME:                                      SURNAME:


SIGNATURE:                                               DATE:
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