Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi

Page created by Gail Hunt
CONTINUE READING Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi   Summer 2022 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
New to the Library
Self Check-Out Stations
        Available at all
      Library locations.
                         Corpus Christi Public Libraries

                             “1000” Books
                    Before Kindergarten Celebration

CCPL will be hosting a “1000” Book member celebration.
          Registration will be open online at
       From May 23, 2022 through June 3, 2022
   After registration, prize pick up will be available
      June 13TH - June 18TH at your local branch.
             For more information call (361)826-7000
                                                           2 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
Children 0-11   Teen 12-17

For Adults 18+

                               3 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
La Retama

            4 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
La Retama


                             5 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
La Retama

            6 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
La Retama

            7 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
Dr. Clotilde P. Garcia
    Public Library

 Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

                                                8 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
Garcia                                      All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Just for Kids                                          For Teens
Take and Make Crafts                                   Take and Create for Teens
(Ages 3-10)                                            (Ages 13-18)
New Every Monday                                       New Every Monday
Pick up a craft at the circulation desk or through     Pick up a craft at the circulation desk or through
curbside while supplies last.                          curbside while supplies last.

Commotion in Ocean                                     Manga Mania!
(Family)                                               Everything Manga & Anime!
Tuesdays @ 11:30 AM
                                                       (Ages 13-18)
Enhance your child’s motor
                                                       2ND & 4TH Wednesday of the Month @ 5:00 PM
skills with music and dancing.
                                                       Dive into the world of Manga and Anime with
                                                       crafts, discussions and an episode screening.
Pirate Penny’s Stories
(Ages 3-5)
Wednesdays @ 11:30 AM
Join us for story time, singing,
and crafting!

SEA: Science Education Academy
(Ages 6-12)
1ST & 3RD Wednesday of the Month @ 3:30 PM
Build your STEM skills! Participate in hands-on
science experiments, engineering projects, robotics,
art and math related projects.
                                                       Novel Expressions Summer Reading
Mermaid Tales                                          (Ages 13-18)
(Ages 0-3)                                             Summer-long Activity Booklet
Fridays @ 10:30 AM                                     Available at circulation desk, a full list of fun
Stories, songs, rhymes,                                activities and challenges to last all summer. Also a
and finger plays that help                             chance to win prizes for your accomplishments!
build early literacy skills.

                                                                                                              9 Summer 2022 - City of Corpus Christi
All minors must be accompanied by an adult.                                                    Garcia
For Adults                                              Garcia Literary Book Club
                                                        3RD Monday of the Month @ 6:00 PM
Dungeons and Dragons                                    Literary discussion about a new or old title.
(Ages 16+)
1ST & 3RD Friday of the Month @ 6:30 PM                 White Nights Nordic Noir Book Club
It’s not just a game, it’s an adventure. Registration   2ND Wednesday of the Month @ 6:00 PM
optional. Based on the Strixhaven campaign.             Join us for an intriguing discussion into the dark
                                                        macabre world of Nordic Noir.
Panel Talk Graphic Novel Book Club                      June— Snowblind by Jonasson
4TH Friday of the Month @ 7:00 PM                       July— Blood Cruise by Strandberg
Monthly discussion about Graphic Novels. Ages 18+       August— The Crow Girl by Sundquist

June— Asterios Polyp by Mazzucchelli
July— Downfall by Asano
August— Son of Kal-El by Taylor

                                                        For Families
                                                        Book to Film: Family Movie Night
                                                        2ND and 4THThursday of the Month @ 7:00 PM
Fresh Page: A Diversity Book Club                       Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
1ST Wednesday of the Month @ 6:00 PM
                                                        June 9TH— Paddington
Explore new ideas, cultures, and conversations.
                                                        June 23RD— Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
June— The Chosen and The Beautiful by Vo
                                                        July 14TH— The House with a Clock in its Walls
July— Bad Muslim Discount by Masood
                                                        July 28TH— Wonder
August— Arsenic and Adobo by Manansala
                                                        August 11TH— Jumanji
                                                        August 25TH— Princess Bride

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.                                                 Garcia
Family Summer Events                                 Young Adult Summer Events
Music in Motion—Disney & Star Wars                   BTS Trivia Event
(All Ages!)                                          (Ages 13+)
Only on June 25TH@ 4:00 PM & July 30TH @ 2:30 PM     Only on August 27TH @ 12:00 PM
Come dance in our special musical events, with       Bring a partner or come by yourself and
guest character appearances as well as crafts.       answer BTS-focused questions, game-show style.

                                                     There’s Been a Murder!
                                                     (Ages 13-18)
                                                     Only on July 23RD@ 5:00 PM
                                                     Can you team up to investigate the crime and
                                                     catch the killer, or will they escape justice? Solve
                                                     clues and deduce the mystery in this collaborative
                                                     card game.

Tie Dye Time
Only on June 11TH@ 2:30 PM
Learn to Tie Dye with the Library. Bring your own
Shirt, Socks, or Bag (or similar) and make your
world a little more colorful! 1 item per attendee.

                                                     Adult Summer Program
                                                     Take and Create
                                                     New Every Other Monday
                                                     Starting June 6th Pick up a craft just for adults
                                                     from the circulation desk. While supplies last.

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.   Garcia

Janet F. Harte
     Public Library

Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

Harte                                         All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Just For Kids                                          Choose Your Own
Lap-sit Storytime                                      (Ages 10-15)
(Ages 0-2)                                             June 13th, June 27th, & July 11th
Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM                                    @ 2:00 PM
Bring your little bundle of joy for a morning of       Role playing card game based on
stories, songs, and finger plays.                      the book War with the Evil Power
                                                       Master by R. A. Montgomery.
Music in Motion
(Ages 0-5)                                             Wednesday Wonders
Tuesdays @ 11:00 AM                                    (Ages 6-12)
Fun with song, dance,                                  Wednesdays June 8th-July 20th @ 1:00 PM
instruments, parachute                                 Crafts and projects designed to explore S.T.R.E.A.M.
play, and Storytime.                                   (science, technology, reading, engineering, art, and
Baby and Me Playtime
(Ages 0-2)                                             Sea Stories
Thursdays @ 11:00 AM                                   (Ages 5-10)
Playtime for little ones still exploring               June 11th @ 11:00 AM
their environment and honing motor                     Join the UT Marine Science
skills, and a chance for parents and                   Institute on an underwater adventure!
babies to get out of the house and
socialize.                                             For Teens
Busy Builders
(Ages 3-5)
                                                       H(art)e Camp
                                                       (Ages 10-18)
Thursdays @ 1:00 PM
                                                       6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/14, 7/21,
Playtime with building blocks for
                                                       & 7/28 @ 3:00 PM
toddlers and young children to
                                                       Weekly guided projects with
practice motor skills and socialize.
                                                       Stacey White for young artists.
                                                       Seating Limited. Registration Required.
Take and Make Crafts
(Ages 3 - 10)
New Every Monday
                                                       Escape from the Arcade
                                                       (Ages 14-18)
Pick up a different craft at the circulation desk or
                                                       June 8th, June 29th, & July 20th @ 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
through curbside while supplies last.
                                                       Can you solve all 4 puzzles and escape the arcade?
                                                       Limit of 5 per group.

                                                       Teen Craft Snack Attack
                                                       (Ages 13-18)
                                                       1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the Month @ 2:00 PM
                                                       Join us for some snacks, crafts, and to unwind.

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.                                                     Harte
For All Ages                                          Talk Dewey to Me
                                                      Last Tuesday of the Month @ 2:00 PM
Let’s Create Craft Club                               Enjoy non-fiction? This is the book club for you.
(Ages 13+)                                            June - Snails & Monkey Tails by Michael Arndt
Contact Library to sign up.                           July - The Bald Eagle by Jack Davis
In-Person crafts for club members only.               August - Dewey the Small Town Library Cat Who
                                                      Touched the World by Vicki Myron
Corpus Critters
(All Ages)
July 16th @ 11:00 AM
Join Master Naturalist, Chad Huckabee, to learn
about the local wildlife using
plant specimen and animal

(All Ages)                                            Coffee on the Patio Book Club
Last Saturday of the Month @ 11:00 AM                 June 8th, July 13th, August 10th @10:30 AM
Come hone your literacy skills with the aid of a      Cozy up with a cup of coffee on the patio while we
therapy dog that will provide comfort and reduce      discuss books by best selling authors.
stress. This program is in partnership with the Go
Team Therapy group. This program gives young          June - Sustaining Faith by Janette Oke
children and those with difficulty reading a chance   July - Someone Like You by Karen Kingsbury
to practice.                                          August - A Stranger in the Life Boat by Mitch Albom

For Adults

                                                      Tea on the Patio Book Club
Dungeons & Dragons                                    June 18th, July 16th, & August 27th @ 4:00 PM
(Ages 16+)                                            Enjoy a selection of teas on the patio while we
1ST Saturday of the Month @                           discuss the book of the month.
                                                      June - Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
It’s not just a game, it’s an
                                                      July - The Paper Palace by Miranda Heller
adventure. Registration
                                                      August - People We Meet on Vacation by Emily
required. Limited space

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.   Harte

Owen R. Hopkins
   Public Library

 Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

Hopkins                                      All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Just For Kids
                                                      Ocean Science
Take & Make                                           (Ages 7 and up)
                                                      Every Wednesday in June &
(Ages 3 - 10)
                                                      July 6TH, 13TH, and 20TH@ 4:30 PM
New Every Monday
                                                      Get your science on! Participate in hands on
Pick up a different craft at the
                                                      experiments and challenges all about the ocean!
circulation desk or through curbside
while supplies last.

Beneath the Ocean Crafts
(Ages 6 and up)
Mondays, June 6TH, 13TH, 27TH
& July 11TH, 18THand 25TH
@ 4:30PM                                              Preschool Storyime Science
Do you like making crafts? Join us in making a cool   (Ages 3-6)
ocean themed craft!                                   Wednesday, June 15TH, 29TH & July 13TH
                                                      @ 11:00 AM
Music and Motion                                      Discover the fun of science through storytime and
(Ages 0-5)                                            hands-on learning opportunities for preschoolers
Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM                                   and early elementary.
Children will practice
their motor skills with                               Paws to Read
musical instruments, dance, songs & parachute play.   (Ages 6+)
                                                      Saturday, June 25TH @ 11:00 AM
Blocks of Fun                                         Come read with dogs from
(Ages 2-5)                                            Go Team Therapy Dogs!
Tuesdays @ 11:00 AM                                   Registration Required.
Children, ages 2-5, can practice their motor skills
and their creativity through playtime with large      Family Storytime
piece Legos.                                          (Ages 0-5)
                                                      Thursdays @ 10:30 AM
Evening Preschool Storytime                           Build literacy skills and discover the joy of reading
(Ages 3-5)                                            through books, songs, and crafts.
1ST & 3RD Tuesday of the month @6:00 PM
New time starting in June                             Thursday Movie Day
Have fun with books, songs, and fingerplay while      (Family)
enhancing your child's literacy skills.               Thursdays,
                                                      June 9TH, 16TH, 23RD , 30TH & July 7TH and 14TH
                                                      @ 3:00-5:00 PM
                                                      Bring the family and watch a
                                                      family fun movie at the
                                                      library! Call the library
                                                      for movie information.

Hopkins                                     All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Saturday Storytime                                       Escape the Bermuda Triangle
(Ages 0-5)
                                                         (Ages 10 and up)
Saturdays, June 18TH , July 9TH, and August 6TH
                                                         Tuesday, June 28TH @ 2-5:00 PM
@ 11:00 AM
                                                         Can you escape the Bermuda Triangle? Test out
Build literacy skills and discover the joys of reading
                                                         your knowledge and skills with our plane themed
through books, songs, and crafts. Fun for the whole
                                                         escape room. Registration Required.

Pirates and Mermaid Party                                Dot Painting Canvas Bags
                                                         (Ages 10 and up)
                                                         Tuesday, July 12th @ 3:00-4:00 PM
Saturday, June 11TH @11:00-12:00 PM
                                                         Design your own one of a kind canvas bag using
Mermaid or Pirate what will you be? Join us for a
                                                         dot painting. While Supplies Last!
pirate and mermaid party at the library!

The Blooming Garden Club                                 For Adults
Coming Soon                                              As the Page Turns
Learn about plants and gardening. Contact the            2ND Tuesday of the Month @ 5:30 PM
Library for details                                      New time starting in June
                                                         Enjoy a tasty dessert and an exciting discussion
                                                         about our book of the month.

                                                         June - Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead
                                                         July- - Educated by Tara Westover

For Teens
Pokemon Ornaments
(Ages 10 and up)
Tuesday, June 14TH @ 3:00 -4:00 PM
Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Create your own Pickachu or
Pokeball ornament! While Supplies Last!

La Retama
   Central Library

Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

La Retama                                     All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Just for Kids                                           National Donut Day/
                                                        Teen Advisory Board Recruitment
Take & Make                                             (Ages 9 - 17)
(Ages 3 - 10)                                           June 3RD @ 5:00 PM
New Every Monday                                        Come eat a donut, make new friends,
Pick up a different craft at the circulation desk or    and learn how to make a difference
through curbside while supplies last.                   in the library by becoming a
                                                        member of the libraries
Commotion in the Ocean                                  Teen Advisory Board.
Building Block Fun
(Ages 2 - 5)                                            Basic Loom Knitting
Tuesdays @ 10:30 AM                                     (Ages 8+)
Bring your creativity and play                          June 13TH, June 27TH, & July 11TH
with large blocks and Legos.                            @ 2:00 PM
                                                        Learn to make hats, scarves, flowers, and pompoms.
Waves of Movement Music Time
(Ages 0 - 5)                                            Lego Challengers
Wednesdays @ 10:30 AM                                   (Ages 10 - 18)
Children will build social, motor, and early literacy   June 11TH, July 2ND, July 23RD @11:00 AM
skills with music, dancing, ribbons, and more.           Socialize while working together or individually to
                                                        create the daily Lego Challenge.
Under the Sea Crafts
(Ages 5 - 8)
Thursdays @ 11:00 AM
Dive deep, explore and create art.
Parent/Caregiver participation is required.
                                                        Teen & Tween DIY
STEM Builders                                           (Ages 9 - 18)
(Ages 0 - 5)                                            June 6TH & July 18TH @2:00 PM
August 4TH & August 18TH                                 Work on some great arts and craft projects,
@ 11:00 AM                                              different project each month.
Work with tinker toys, gears, and
connectors at your own pace. Help build your STEM       Teen & Tween Health Cuisine
skills.                                                 (Ages 8 - 17)
                                                        June 7TH, June 14TH, June 21ST, June 28TH,
For Teens                                               July 5TH & July 12TH @ 2:00 PM
                                                         Learn about proper nutrition, the importance
                                                        of being active, and creating lifelong health
Manga Mixer                                             eating habits. This is a six week
(Ages 12+)
                                                        course that is brought to you
June 4TH, July 16TH, Aug. 27TH
                                                        by Texas A&M AgriLife
@ 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
                                                        Extension. Call the library
Anime, manga, friends, snacks,
                                                        at 361-826-7000 to
games, cosplay and crafts!
La Retama                                    All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Mind and Body: Yoga at the Library                    Christmas in July Celebration
(Ages 9+)                                             (Family)
June 8TH, July 6TH, Aug 3RD @ 2:00 PM                 July 13TH @ 2:00 PM
 Basic Yoga class designed to encourage               Celebrate Christmas early this
community wellness. Yoga mats are limited.            year with crafts, pretend
                                                      snowballs, a snowy science
For All Ages                                          experiment and more.

Monday Morning Mosey
(All Ages)
Mondays @ 10:00 AM
Mosey on down to the library and join us for some     National Coloring Book Day
exercise and fun, 15 and under must be                (Family)
accompanied and monitored by an adult.                Aug 2ND @ 2:00 PM
                                                      Make a picture come alive and join in the coloring
                                                      fun. A creative time for the whole family.

Ocean of Fun Family Film Friday
June 17TH & July 8TH @ 12:00 PM                       Paws2Read
Watch a family friendly movie at                      (Family)
the library. For movie title please                   Aug 13TH @ 11:00 AM
call the library at 361-826-7000.                     Love reading and dogs?
                                                      Come read to certified therapy dogs in
Maker’s Day                                           a fun, interactive, non-judgmental
June 11TH @ 1:00PM - 4:00PM                           environment.
Celebrate World Knit in Public Day. Bring your
knitting project, or craft of choice, and knit (or
craft) the afternoon away with
                                                      For Adults
us. Fun demonstrations,
classes, and crafts to make for                       The Chain Gang
the entire family. Some                               Wednesdays @ 11 AM
classes require registration.                         Join the crochet group and learn the basics of
Call 361-826-7000 for more                            crochet or bring your own project to work on.
information.                                          Supplies provided, first-come, first-served.
                                                      Available in-person and virtually, message us via
Oso Park Story Time                                   Facebook for more information.
June 16TH @ 2:00 PM
Special guest speaker from the Oso Park, story
reading, crafts, and water filtration demonstration
to show the importance of water come alive.

La Retama                                  All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Nifty Knitters                                      A Faire at the Library
Thursdays @ 11 AM                                   June 4TH @ 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Join the Kitting group and learn the basics of      In collaboration with Bill Mays and Corpus Christi
Kitting or bring your own project to work on.       Writers. Come meet local authors, participate in a
Supplies provided, first-come, first-served.        cosplay contest for ages 13+ (prize
                                                    given for top Anime, Period Piece,
                                                    and Hero/Villain), and enjoy sword
                                                    fighting demonstrations by the
                                                    Shire of the Seawinds.

                                                    Makerspace Series - Silhouette
                                                    July 16TH @ 11:00AM
All Booked Up                                       Learn to Monogram your favorite
2ND Tuesday of the Month @ 11 AM                    items using the Silhouette. Supplies
Looking for a good book to read? Discuss the book   is limited first-come, first-served.
of the month. Available in-person and virtually,
message us via Facebook for more information.       Back to Stranger Things
June - The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah             (Ages 12+)
July - Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand       July 30TH @ 6:00PM - 9:00PM
August - Fried Green Tomatoes at the                Head back to Hawkins and the Upside-down with
                Whistel Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg   this 80’s theme night. Costume contest, music,
                                                    trivia, crafts, and more.

Date Night @ the Library
(Ages 18+)                                          Green Thumbs
June 17TH, July 15TH, & Aug. 19TH @ 7:00PM          (Ages 16+)
Enjoy Pizza and a movie with your sweetheart.       Aug. 20TH @ 11:00AM
Space is limited and Reservation is required.       A plant lover’s series. We will kick
Call (361) 826-7000 to book today.                  things off with a plant swap! Join
                                                    us for plant talks and more.
June - Date Night (PG-13)
July - Spiderman: No Way Home (PG-13)
August - Dirty Dancing (PG-13)                      Bridgerton Ball
                                                    (Ages 16+)
                                                    Aug. 27TH @ 7:00PM - 10:00PM
Page to Screen Matinee
                                                    Make haste and step into the world of Bridgerton.
June 25TH, July 23RD, & Aug. 27TH
                                                    Music, dancing, costume contest, and so much
@ 11:00AM
Enjoy a thrilling movie based of a book.
June - Jurassic Park (PG-13)
July - Princess Bride (PG)
August - Jaws (PG)

La Retama       All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

            Saturday, June 4TH @ 10AM
            Saturday, July 23RD @ 10AM

Ben F. McDonald
  Public Library

Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

McDonald                                     All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Just For Kids
                                                         Pop-Up Storytime
Family Storytime                                         (Ages 0 - 6)
(Ages 3 - 6)                                             Check for Availability
Wednesdays @11:00 AM                                     If you miss our regular
Stories, rhymes, songs, and                              storytime, ask at the
activities to build early literacy                       circulation desk if Ms.
and learning skills.                                     Jayne is available for a
                                                         short pop-up storytime.
Preschool Playtime
(Ages 0 - 6)                                             Game Time
Wednesdays @11:30 AM                                     (Ages 7+)
After Family Storytime, toys will be available for       1ST and 3RD Thursdays of the Month @ 4:00 PM
children to work on their social and motor skills        Group games, board games, card games, and
while they play.                                         more!

                                                         The STEAM Team
                                                         (Ages 7+)
                                                         2ND and 4TH Thursdays of the Month @ 4:00 PM
                                                         Get creative with arts & crafts, science
                                                         experiments, Lego build challenges, and other
                                                         STEAM projects

Bilingual Storytime
(Ages 3 - 6)
3RD Wednesdays of the Month @ 5:30 PM
Songs and stories in English and Spanish.

Music & Motion
(Ages 0 - 6)
4TH Saturday of the month @ 11:15 AM
Children will practice their motor skills with dance &

McDonald                                    All minors must be accompanied by an adult.

                                                     For All Ages
            On all Children’s Computers
                                                     Birding Walk
                                                     Saturday, June 11TH @ 11:00 AM–12:30 PM
                                                     Saturday, July 16TH @ 11:00 AM–12:30 PM
                                                     Follow a guide from the Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve
                                                     & Learning Center in the area around the library on a
                                                     birding tour. Craft inside the library after the walk.
                                                     Bring a bottle of water and wear your walking shoes!

Take & Make
(Ages 3 - 10)
New Every Monday
Pick up a different craft for preschool or school
aged children at the circulation desk or through
curbside while supplies last.

For Teens
Teen & Tween Crafts
(Ages 10-18)
1ST Tuesday of the Month @ 4:30 PM
Different art and craft projects each

Tinker Tuesday                                       Father’s Day Card Factory
(Ages 10-18)                                         Friday, June 17TH @ 4:00 - 5:30 PM
2ND Tuesday of the Month @ 4:30 PM                   Stop by our card factory and make a Father’s Day
Explore STEM activities at your own pace with        card. Supplies provided while they last.
engineering physics, and robotics kits, games, and
puzzles.                                             Movie Night
                                                     3RD Tuesday of the Month @ 5:00 PM
                                                     Family friendly movie and
                                                     popcorn. Contact the
                                                     library for movie titles.

McDonald                                    All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Paws 2 Read                                            Reptiles!
4 Tuesday of the Month @ 5:45PM                        (family event)
Hone literacy skills and reduce stress by reading to   Saturday, August 6TH @ 1:00-2:00 PM
a friendly therapy dog that lends a loving, non-       Animals from the Botanical Gardens are visiting the
judgmental ear to beginning readers. Provided in       library, and they want to meet YOU! A Texas
partnership with Go Team Therapy.                      Master Naturalist will share information about each

                                                       For Adults
                                                       Pláticas Musicales
                                                       Facilitated by Mike Chavez
                                                       Last Wednesday of the Month @ 6:00 PM
                                                       Tour La Música del Sur de Tejas/The Music of South
                                                       Texas photo gallery. Maria Castañón Memorial
                                                       Music Series. Call the Library for more information.
                                                       (361) 826-2356

Joke Scavenger Hunt
The entire month of July
Find hidden jokes and riddles in the library. Add a
new joke to our bulletin board and solve at least
one riddle to win a prize.

                                                       Con Mi Corazon Reading Group.
                                                       Facilitated by Dora Wilburn
                                                       Last Monday of the Month @ 5:30 PM
                                                       Reading Only Latina Authors. Call the Library for
                                                       more information. (361) 826-2356

                                                                 Con Mi Corazón Book Club
                                                                   Reading Only Latina Authors

Anita & W.T. Neyland
    Public Library

 Dates and times are subject to change. Check for updates.

Neyland                                        All minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Just for Kids                                               Ages 6+
Guppy Music +                                               June 9th– July 23rd
Movement                                                    Oceans of STREAM
(Ages 3-5)                                                  Mondays @ 3:00 PM
Mondays & Thursdays                                         (Ages 6+)
@ 10:15 AM                                                  Come explore the world of
Music, dance, and                                           S.T.R.E.A.M (SCIENCE,
rhythm to help the little fishes build literacy and         TECHNOLOGY, READING, ENGINEERING, ART, AND
interaction skills.                                         MATH) Through hands on experiments and crafts.

                                                            June 9th– July 23rd
Guppy Story Time
(Ages 0-5)                                                  Ocean of Fun
Tuesdays & Wednesdays                                       Wednesdays @ 3:00 PM.
@ 10:15 AM                                                  (Ages 6+)
Help the little fishes build literacy skills and discover   Come discover an ocean of fun activities with us!
the joy of reading.                                         This program will include Nerf Wars, Balloon
                                                            Battles, and Snowball Bashes.
Guppy Play
Tuesdays & Wednesdays                                       For All Ages
(Ages 0-5)                                                  June 9th– July 23rd
Playtime for the little fishes still exploring their
environment and honing their motor skills.
                                                            Ocean of Games
                                                            Tuesdays @ 3:00 PM
                                                            (All Ages)
Guppy Bilingual Story Time                                  Join us for a variety of family board, card, and
(Ages 0-5)                                                  party games.
Starting July 8!
Friday July 8, 22, August 5, 19 @ 10:15 AM                  June 9th– July 23rd
Help los pececillos build literacy skills and discover
                                                            Ocean of Movies
the joy of reading in English and Spanish.
                                                            (All Ages)
                                                            Thursdays @ 3:00 PM
                                                            Join us for a fun family

For Teens
Chess Club
(Ages 12–18)
Saturdays @ 11:00 AM
Share your skills or learn to play this classic game.

All minors must be accompanied by an adult.                                               Neyland
For Adults                                             Virtual Book Club Discussions
                                                       Last Wednesday of the Month @ 10:30 AM
Adult Make It & Gift It Craft Workshop                 June 29TH, July 27TH, and August 31ST
1ST Monday of the Month @ 10:30 AM                     Check the library website or Facebook page for the
Join us in completing the adult craft of the month.    title of the month with unlimited downloads from
Missed this event, stop by for a Make It and Gift It   Axis360. Join the discussion through
kit for Adults. Share what you make at        or contact Neyland                           for an invitation. (361) 826-2370

Hooked on Yarn Club                                    Want to “Meet the Author”? Join us for Mystery at
Thursdays @ 3:00 PM                                    the Library.
Join fellow crochet and
knitting fanatics and work on                          Mystery at the Library
your latest project.                                   Once a Month @ 6:00 PM
                                                       Sponsored by the Friends of Corpus Christi Public
Taste of Murder Book Club                              Libraries, this is a virtual “Meet the Author” event.
2ND Monday of the Month @ 10:30 AM                     Registration required.
Bring a favorite mystery to share or come hear         Go to to register. The
about ones to read.                                    book of the month is also available for the whole
                                                       month on Axis 360.

Neyland Literary & Pie Society
2ND Tuesday of the Month @ 4:00 PM
Share titles of books read each month. Sometimes
there is pie!                                          BOOKOPOLY!
                                                       Join the Adult Summer Reading Program and
                                                       make your own bookmark. Complete
                                                       neighborhoods and earn beads. 4 Chance cards
                                                       get you a charm!

Resume 101
June 24TH, July 22ND,
& August 19TH
@ 3:00 PM
Learn tips and tricks to
build your resume.
Includes PowerPoint
presentation and a free

Library Services

Library Services                                      

  Automatic Renewal
      CCPL now offers
    automatic renewals.
 Items on hold (requested) for
  another patron will not renew.
 Renewal of Inter Library Loan
  item is dependent on lending
 Flour Bluff Materials will not
  automatically renew.                                    Local History
                                                          and Genealogy

      Check Out more                               Texas and Local History, photograph
                                                   collections, Genealogy (National and
   Virtual Programing on                              International), and the Hispanic
                                                    Genealogy Collection. The Hispanic
                                                  Genealogy Collection is considered one
                                                     the most extensive collections on
                                                  Hispanic genealogy in the state of Texas.

             @                                         If you have questions about these
                                                     collections, you can contact CCPL at
       Corpus Christi                            

      Public Libraries                                    Located on the second floor of
                                                              La Retama Library

                                Authoritative, ad-free, and available 24/7
                  These e-resources are licensed exclusively to Texas libraries and their
                patrons. Use TexShare for homework help, health information, business
                 information, academic journals, popular magazines, genealogy, or job
                                       and career development.
                     All you need is an active CCPL card! Contact the library for details and access.

Join Friends

For Updates on Facebook!
Dr. Clotilde P. Garcia Public Library
Janet F. Harte Public Library
Owen R. Hopkins Public Library
La Retama Central Library (Main)
Ben F. McDonald Public Library
Anita & W.T. Neyland Public Library

Cover photos and header photos courtesy of Sabrina Reyna Photography
Anita & W.T. Neyland Public Library                          Janet F. Harte Public Library
1230 Carmel Pkwy.                                            2629 Waldron
Corpus Christi, TX 78411                                     Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 826-2370                                               (361) 826-2310
Mon - Tue: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.                                  Mon - Fri:   10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wed - Thu: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.                                  Sat:         10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Fri:         10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
                                                             La Retama Central Library (Main)
Sat:         10 a.m. - 2 p.m.                                805 Comanche
                                                             Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
Ben F. McDonald Public Library                               (361) 826-7000
4044 Greenwood Dr.                                           Mon:         2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Corpus Christi, TX 78416                                     Tue - Wed: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
(361) 826-2356                                               Thu - Fri:   9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Mon - Wed: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.                                  Sat:         9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Thu - Fri :  10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat:         11 a.m. - 3 p.m.                                Owen R. Hopkins Public Library
                                                             3202 McKinzie Rd.
Dr. Clotilde P. Garcia Public Library                        Corpus Christi, TX 78410
5930 Brockhampton                                            (361) 826-2350
Corpus Christi, TX 78414
                                                             Mon - Wed: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
(361) 826-2360                                               Thu - Fri:   9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Mon-Fri:      10 a.m. - 2 p.m.                               Sat:         9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
              5 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Sat:          2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

                                                                                 For more information:

                                                                   All CCPL Libraries will
                                                                         be closed
                                                                   June 20TH and July 4TH

        Persons requiring an accommodation, contact the library 48 hours in advance: 361-826-7000.   10/1/21
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