Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy

Page created by Johnnie Mann
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
Holy Names Academy

                                                                      building an
News for alumnae & friends   I Fall 2020                        anti-racist future
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
contents                                 from head of
 3 Anti-Racism: How HNA Fosters
		 its Committment                       school & Principal
 6 Student Spotlight: Imani Maher ’22
 7 Alumna Spotlight:                                                  Dear Alumnae and Friends,
		Dr. Angela Martinez Dy ’01
                                                                      Early in this school year, we received a thoughtful letter,
 8 HNA Education in a Time of Pandemic
                                                                      signed by over 500 of our alums, seeking collaboration and
10 Class of 2020
                                                                      communication on the anti-racism work that our school,
12 Foundation for the Future Campaign
                                                                      community, and nation needs to address. Seeing so many
13 Annual Giving;
		Endowment Spotlight: Susan Heath                                    familiar names and signatures was powerful testament to the
15 HNA Legacy Society Spotlight:                                      school community’s dedication to work toward racial justice.
		Celeste McDonell ’73                                                We are proud of our alums for reaching out to us and for
16 2020 Distinguished Alumna:                                         engaging in this important effort.
		Caryn Geraghty Jorgensen ’89
17 Alumnae Board; New Alumna Staff
                                                                      The letter spurred us to dedicate this issue of Columns to
		Member; Save the Dates                                              anti-racism work in the HNA community. We are pleased to
18 Leading Without Limits:               share some of the efforts undertaken at the school and by our students, faculty/staff, and
		Alyson Palmer ’02                      trustees. We recognize that anti-racism work is never done, and are grateful for your
19 Alumnae Updates                       interest and partnership. Holy Names Academy stands in solidarity with Black Lives
21 In Loving Memory                      Matter, and we are committed to engage in the ongoing work needed to create a more
22 Brides and Babies                     just, anti-racist community and world.
24 Important Dates for HNA Admissions
                                         On another note, our current students, faculty, and staff continue to respond to the
                                         restrictions of the pandemic with creativity, ingenuity, and resilience. With state officials
                                         concerned about the high COVID-19 infections rate as summer waned, we opened the
Head of School and Principal             new school year with our all-virtual learning platform. The program of online learning
Liz Eldredge Swift ’71
                                         was successful last spring, and we were able to improve on it as we prepared for this
Director of Alumnae Relations            fall. Teachers engaged in conversations on best practices for teaching online, lessons
Aoife Gallagher Groppo ’00
                                         learned from last spring, and new strategies and tools to improve the experience.
Contributing Writers
Aoife Gallagher Groppo ’00               The education of the whole person is an important aspect of a Holy Names Academy
Gabrielle Harrison ’15                   education, whether online or in-person. Our faculty and students continue to find creative
Jen Hawes ’98
Tricia Johnson
                                         ways to engage online in student activities, clubs, liturgies, and musical performances.
Thomas O’Connor                          For example, our theatre students are writing and scripting an original musical about their
Cara Priestley ’97                       experiences in the pandemic and will, we hope, produce it in the spring.
Aoife Gallagher Groppo ’00
                                         When infection rates go down in King County, we will transition to a hybrid model that
Thomas O’Connor                          involves simultaneously teaching half the students in-person at the same time the other
Photo Credits                            half is at home on a video-conference call. While opening in an online platform for the
Aoife Gallagher Groppo ’00               academic program this fall, we have offered a few in-person, social-distanced
Ruth Gavino-Lutu                         opportunities for our students to provide some of the social emotional experiences that
Erin Schedler Photography
Kendra Reiser ‘11
                                         are so important in education. In September, we began in-person athletic workouts in
VanHouten Photography, Inc.              small groups, and, as this edition of Columns goes to press, we are bringing each class to
Design/Production                        the school, one at a time over a two-day interval, for a social-distanced retreat.
Two Pollard Design
                                         Finally, we look forward to opening our new Jeanne Marie Lee McAteer Athletic Complex
Alumnae Office                           and underground parking garage later this fall. The project remains on time and on
(206) 720-7804                budget, despite the six-week shutdown last May. You will be amazed at the new
Main: (206) 323-4272                     facilities—from the 237-vehicle garage to the enhanced athletic facilities. Thank you so                    much for your support! We look forward to showing it to our community.
Cover: Multicultural Student Union       Sincerely,
leaders and members celebrate after
hosting an inspiring Martin Luther
King Jr. Day assembly.

Columns is published two times a year
by Holy Names Academy.                   Liz Eldredge Swift ’71

  2 I holy names academy columns
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

How HNA Fosters
Its Commitment
With a history of diversity and inclusion, the Academy draws on the SNJM core values to
extend the work of anti-racism in its students, curriculum, and faculty.
By Jen Hawes ’98

In the second-floor corridors outside        equity and access in education have      This past spring, following the killings
the HNA Library, a century’s worth of        made clear and urgent, representation    of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and
graduating-class portraits hang in orderly   is not enough. HNA’s mission statement   Ahmaud Arbery, educational institutions
fashion. If you have ever flipped through    calls out diversity in acknowledgement   across the country were called to
the panels of pictures, you can observe      that our multitudes make us stronger,    account for their practices around
change over time—class sizes contract        smarter, and better as a community.      diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and
and expand over decades, hairstyles          From the school’s founding, the          to make a stronger commitment to anti-
and fashion choices cycle through. From      core values of the Sisters of the Holy   racist action. But before that nationwide
the names and faces of generations           Names of Jesus & Mary—including full     outcry, HNA heard that call. With
of Holy Names Academy graduates,             development of the human person,         diversity a cornerstone of its mission,
you also get an impression of the racial     dedication to justice, and commitment    the school community has taken steps
and ethnic diversity represented in the      to liberating action—foster a more       over the past four years to deepen its
student body over the years.                 compelling mandate, calling each         commitment to anti-racism, using the
Representation matters. However, as          member of the community to undertake     SNJM core values as its guide.
recent national conversations around         the work of anti-racism.

                                                                                                                     fall 2020 I 3
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

Strength in
full Development of                         with faculty, staff, students, and the
the Human Person:                           Board of Trustees, and the committee
Faculty/Staff                               will host a year-long virtual education
                                            series of speakers on anti-racism
Fostering an environment in which           principles and practices for families of
students can develop into full              current students.
personhood requires that the educators
around them take the same journey.          Over the summer, School Counselors
HNA’s ongoing commitment to anti-           Jen and Emily participated in the
racism dictated support for more            National SEED Project New Leaders
personal and professional development       Week and have brought the SEED                  “Anti-racism work is never
opportunities for faculty and staff.        program back to HNA’s faculty and                done. As a collective of
In early 2017, the HNA Diversity            staff this fall. The National SEED Project       educators, students, alumnae,
Committee was formed to create an           was founded in 1987 to create                    parents, and trustees, we
open, safe space where topics of            “conversational communities to drive             know that this all-important
identity, pedagogy, and community           personal, organizational, and societal           effort will continue to
could be discussed and analyzed             change toward social justice.” A group           grow and change with our
through a DEI lens. The committee,          of faculty and staff will commit to over         community and we must adapt
which is co-facilitated by School           25 hours each of training on topics of           to meet those needs. Holy
Counselors Jen Hawes ’98 and Emily          identity, power, and justice in pursuit of       Names Academy commits to
McKenzie ’01, has helped faculty and        a more equitable community for all               doing the ongoing work of
staff engage with these issues through      stakeholders.                                    anti-racism, affirming that our
conversations and close readings                                                             strength lies in our diversity.”
of titles such as So You Want to Talk       Dedication to                                    – Jen Hawes ’98, School Counselor

About Race? (Oluo, 2018), How to be         Justice: Curriculum
an Antiracist (Kendi, 2019), Why Are All    The commitment to be an anti-racist
the Black Kids Sitting Together in the      school requires a close examination of       and mental health. The final projects are
Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations         what knowledge and values we impart          then presented with action plans for
About Race (Tatum, 2017), and White         to students each day of every school         how the community can collectively
Like Me: Reflections on Race from a         year. Each academic department               work to create a more just and equitable
Privileged Son (Wise, 2014).                regularly assesses ways to bring a           world.
In addition to regular meetings and         plurality of voices and experiences into     Curriculum at HNA has been developed
book talks, the Diversity Committee         the classroom that reflect the               over many years in response to the
welcomes speakers— among them,              community’s diversity. For the past four     needs of students and the world at
author Ijeoma Oluo and educator             years, Theology teachers have engaged        large. Scores of students who attended
Rosetta Lee—to lead conversations and       students in yearly social-justice projects   HNA in the late 1990s and 2000s
trainings on race in education. In its      that are planned and executed in             learned about the history, political
fourth year, the committee will expand      grade-level committees. Topics students      experiences, and social dynamics of
its work to other community stakeholder     have selected include racial justice,        people of color in America through a
groups: DEI trainer Alison Park will work   environmental activism, women’s rights,      course, created by Social Studies

4 I holy names academy columns
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

  1                                            2

       HNA’s greatest commitment to anti-racism comes from the student body,
        who today continue a long tradition of practicing liberating action
                  both under the dome and in the wider community.

  3                                                            4

Department Chair Ruth Gavino-Lutu,        the dome and in the wider community.      1. Students perform an original
called Histories of the American People   The Multicultural Student Union (MSU)        spoken-word piece about police
                                                                                       brutality during the Martin Luther
(HOTAP). A powerful and much-beloved      and Black Student Union (BSU) both           King Jr. Day Assembly.
course, it was reintroduced to the HNA    enter their 25th year of leadership at
                                                                                    2. Members of MSU following an
student body last year as American        HNA in 2020-21. In addition to               engaging and inspiring Martin
Ethnic Studies and continues as an        coordinating school-wide activities and      Luther King Jr. Day Assembly.
elective this school year.                events focused on promoting diversity
                                                                                    3. Faculty members of HNA’s
                                          and inclusion, the student leadership        Diversity Committee attend
Commitment to                             of MSU and its associated affinity           the NAIS People of Color
                                          groups—which includes BSU, Asian-            Conference (PoCC) in Seattle.
Liberating Action:                        Pacific Islander Union (API), Latina      4. Students from the American
HNA Students                              Student Union (LSU), and Middle              Ethnic Studies class on a field
HNA’s greatest commitment to anti-        Eastern Student Union (MESU)—lead            trip to Sea Mar Museum of
                                                                                       Chicano/a/Latino/a Culture.
racism comes from the student body,       weekly conversations that bring the
who today continue a long tradition of    experience of students of color at HNA
practicing liberating action both under   into sharper focus.

                                                                                                                fall 2020 I 5
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

     student spotlight

     Imani Maher ’22
     Imani Maher ’22 is one of HNA’s Black Student Union (BSU) leaders this year.
     In addition to her activism at HNA, Imani has coordinated and led student marches
     for Black Lives Matter with St. Therese Catholic Academy.

                                             What draws you to leading                    people can make a bigger impact and
                                             anti-racism and social-justice               create long-lasting change.
                                             I’m able to collaborate with the other       What has your experience at
                                             leaders to make fun and educational          HNA taught you about social
                                             presentations to the student body. Our       justice and anti-racism?
                                             presentations discuss historical and         That even small leadership roles can
                                             modern issues that Black people face,        create change in the HNA community.
                                             as well as recognize and praise the          HNA has also taught me that you don’t
                                             accomplishments of Black Americans. I        have to wait until you’re a certain age,
                                             like working with others to create a more    or at a certain point in your life, to create
                                             positive and inclusive community that        change. You can create change in your
                                             recognizes and serves everyone.              own small community that will help
                                                                                          bring equality to everyone.
                                             Who/what are your
                                             inspirations when it comes to                What do you hope to see
                                             social justice/anti-racism?                  happen at HNA in terms of
                                             My biggest inspirations are my mom,          social justice/anti-racism
                                             Angela Davis, and John Lewis. My             programs and projects in
                                                                                          coming years?
                                             mom inspires me because she is
                                             unapologetically herself. She taught         I think that the American Ethnic Studies
                                             me one of my favorite quotes, “Ask for       class is a great opportunity for all
                                             forgiveness, not permission.” Angela         students to learn about the history of
                                             Davis is an inspiration to me because        minority groups, which is not often
                                             she’s a fierce, strong Black woman who       told. Through this class, students can
                                             is not afraid to speak up and call America   make connections between problems
                                             out on its racist and unjust ways. John      faced by minority groups in the past and
                                             Lewis’s strength and determination           similar problems in our world today. I
                                             inspires me because even as a kid            hope that in the future more students
Imani Maher ’22 led a student march and      he fought for racial justice and equal       will sign up for this class, and it will
prayer service for Black Lives Matter with   opportunities for Black Americans. He        eventually be made mandatory.
St. Therese Catholic Academy in June. The
march started at Immaculate Conception       inspires me to get into “good trouble.”      How has HNA (so far) prepared
Church and ended with the prayer service                                                  you to be a leader? What type
at St. James Cathedral.                      What values/skills do you
                                                                                          of leader do you hope to be
                                             feel are most important for
                                                                                          after you leave HNA?
                                             young people to learn when
                                             it comes to social justice                   HNA has taught me to be unafraid
                                             and anti-racism work?                        and to put my all into everything I do.
                                             Young people need to remember to             When I leave HNA, I hope to be a more
                                             work together and learn from each            confident and experienced leader who’s
                                             other. Everyone has something unique         not afraid to take a chance and help
                                             to offer; it’s important to listen and       bring about change in our world.
                                             respect the opinions of everyone. By
                                             staying united and working together,

6 I holy names academy columns
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

    alumna spotlight

    Dr. Angela Martinez Dy ’01
    The HNA Class of 2001 poet, writer, and educator is a Senior Lecturer in
    Entrepreneurship at Loughborough University London, where she is Advocacy
    Lead for the Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Network.

What social-justice/                        space for social-justice organizing in the
anti-r acism work have you                  Seattle arts/activism scenes, particularly
been involved in?                           the late Rahwa Habte of Hidmo.
My social justice and entrepreneurial
orientation was formed from age 14,         What values/skills do you
when I joined an emerging Filipinx-         feel are most important for
American arts group called isangmahal       young people to learn when
                                            it comes to social-justice
arts kollective. The group used art and
                                            and anti-r acism work?
spoken-word poetry as activism to
                                            Listening. Centering affected groups
express ourselves, educate, and raise
                                            and the most marginalized. Paying
racial and socio-political consciousness.
                                            attention to power dynamics and how
From there, I co-founded a youth arm of
                                            they might be shifted; understanding
the organization; it later developed into
                                            intersectionality, privilege and reflexivity,
Youth Speaks Seattle, which I co-
                                            structure and agency. Prioritizing
directed for five years in my early 20s.
                                            accessibility. Being strategic, thoughtful,     Dr. Angela Martinez Dy ’01
At age 18, I attended a summer Freedom      principled, and committed. Being                Photo credit: Adrianne McKenzie
School led by the Seattle chapter of        patient with people but impatient with
Youth Undoing Institutional Racism.         institutions and systems. Learning the          American People class, taught by Ms.
I am a poet, writer, and educator now       difference between calling out and              Gavino-Lutu, which offered a radically
based in the UK. I am Senior Lecturer in    calling in. Building bridges, alliances,        inclusive approach to American history,
Entrepreneurship at Loughborough            and meaningful connections through              and from the positive environment for
University London. I am co-founder of       which solidarity can grow.                      student-of-color collectivity and activism
Building the Anti-Racist Classroom, a                                                       generated by the presence of the API,
                                            What did your experience at
scholar-activist collective that develops                                                   BSU, and Latinx student organizations,
                                            HNA teach you about social-
anti-racist pedagogy and practice for       justice and anti-r acism work?
                                                                                            supported by Ms. Gavino-Lutu, Mrs.
higher education, and the Decolonizing                                                      Dawson, Sr. Alvarado, and Sra. Ficele.
                                            I gained many skills such as how to make
Alliance. Within my university, I am
                                            an argument based on evidence and               What do you hope to see
Advocacy Lead for the Black, Asian, and
                                            analysis, how to present myself with            happen at HNA in terms of
Minority Ethnic Network, and I sit on the
                                            confidence, and to put myself forward           social-justice/anti-r acism
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
                                            for leadership positions in which I             work, progr ams, projects,
Committee.                                                                                  etc. in the coming years?
                                            could learn by doing. I was co-class
Who/what are your                           president during my first year, through         It is great to see that since I was a
inspir ations when it comes                 which I learned how to run a campaign           student at HNA, a group for students
to your social-justice/                     and speak across audiences. I came to           of Middle Eastern heritage has formed.
anti-r acism work?                          understand the value of safer spaces for        I hope HNA can continue to generate,
I owe special debts to the Black            people who are otherwise marginalized           champion, and resource student-led
American feminist academic tradition;       by gender, race, and ethnicity. The all-        initiatives, as young people’s insight
BIPOC activists, writers, and artists       girls environment really suited me and          is often some of the most forward-
who used their creativity to precipitate    supported my confidence, helping me             thinking. Enabling and supporting
change, especially through hip-hop          to be bold, outspoken, and ambitious;           student leadership, which was a great
and all its branches; and journalists who   reducing my self-consciousness; and             feature of my HNA experience, will
never hesitate to speak truth to power,     generally prioritizing collaboration over       ensure the work is live and relevant for
even at great cost. In my own history, I    competitiveness.                                years to come.
include the isangmahal arts kollective      While at HNA, I benefited from being
co-founders, and all the folks who made     part of the inaugural Histories of the

                                                                                                                              fall 2020 I 7
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

      HNA Education
      in a Time of
Throughout spring and summer 2020,          for more one-on-one interaction help            Planned Future Model:
HNA’s COVID-19 Response Task Force          bring students “into the classroom”             Hybrid
worked to develop plans for both            for demonstrations and collective               When health officials greenlight
fully remote learning and an effective      lab experiences. Says social-studies            socially distanced in-school learning
hybrid model of in-person and online        teacher Sean Harris-Campf, who chairs           for high schools in King County, HNA
instruction. Based on recommendations       HNA’s Technology Committee, “We’re              expects to transition to the hybrid
from the governor in early August, Holy     having these small-group discussions            model administrators and teachers
Names Academy opened this school            where I can give them a topic, and they         planned and practiced this past
year online only. The week prior to the     can each go into a meeting and have             summer. To provide the appropriate
opening of school, teachers and staff       six concurrent video meetings going             physical distancing, half of the school’s
engaged in workshops and planning           on. I can jump into each of them for a          students would attend in-person on a
to expand on the successful online-         couple of minutes and listen.” He notes         given day while the other half would
learning program HNA implemented            that remote learning is even providing          simultaneously attend the classes at
last spring. Despite the pandemic, HNA      new opportunities for some: “Students           home via Teams. The next day, students
continues to provide an excellent and       that are pretty quiet, that tend not to         will swap locations, with the previous
engaging online learning experience for     talk in large group discussions, had            day’s homebound half coming into
students and is prepared to transition to   fantastic things to say in the text-based       school. Strategies to reduce risk at
a hybrid learning model when infection      conversation because they had a lot             school include requiring face masks,
rates for COVID-19 in King County           more space to think and process.”               daily health screening, and classrooms
decrease sufficiently.                      The quality of instruction has remained         reconfigured for increased physical
                                            high during remote learning. In a school-       distancing and re-equipped with special
Current Model: Online                                                                       cameras and speakers for teaching
                                            record, 95% of the 439 HNA students
The school continues to use a               who took Advanced Placement exams               online and in-person simultaneously, to
synchronized learning model for             this spring amid the pandemic scored            name a few. At the heart of the hybrid
remote instruction, as it did in the        3 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 5). “It’s not   plan is the educational philosophy that
spring. Through HNA’s partnership           filler,” says Darren Briner, HNA’s Director     students learn best when there is real-
with Microsoft, students have early         of IT. “They’re still getting an education.     time engagement—between student
access to new online-learning features      Our teachers are putting in the work and        and teacher, and between student
in Microsoft Teams. They attend class       the effort to provide that.”                    and student. The Teams platform
online Monday through Friday via the                                                        provides this capability, while the in-
videoconferencing tools in Teams, a         Student activities and the social
                                                                                            person instruction adds the benefits of
model that provides an engaging and         interactions that are so essential to the
                                                                                            increased personalization.
structured experience for students and      full development of adolescents also
affords teachers more teaching tools        continue online; student leaders plan
and strategies than an asynchronous         virtual assemblies and social activities for
model of pre-recorded lessons.              their classmates, while athletic coaches
                                            create socially-distanced workout
Large-group discussions and the             programs and team-bonding exercises.
ability to join a small-group “channel”

8 I holy names academy columns
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
Under the dome

1                2

3   4

        1. Student leaders during HNA’s opening
           (virtual) assembly.
        2. Physics teacher James Rufo Hill guides students
           remotely from HNA's historic physics lab.
        3. Ruth Gavino-Lutu speaking to her
           homeroom online.
        4. Chemistry teacher Jenny Wielbruda conducting
           a demonstration for her chemistry students
           through Microsoft Teams.
        5. Marianne Harris McGah ’01 demonstrating the
           hybrid model planned when health officials
           permit in-person learning: fewer classroom
           desks allow for six feet of distance; new cameras
           and speakers at the front of the classroom allow
           at-home students to attend class more actively
           and participate in real time.

                                                  fall 2020 I 9
Building an anti-racist future - Holy Names Academy
under the dome

        Class of 2020

10 I holy names academy columns
under the dome

                                                                                              Congratulations to our newest alumnae,
                                                                                              a very special class whose senior
                                                                                              year was disrupted by the COVID-19
                                                                                              pandemic. Undaunted by the loss of
                                                                                              senior-spring athletics, Senior Prom,
                                                                                              and other HNA traditions, the Class
                                                                                              of 2020 and their teachers found
                                                                                              innovative ways to celebrate. These
                                                                                              included an online Class Day, a moving
                                                                                              virtual Commencement, and surprise
                                                                                              deliveries of HNA swag bags and yard
                                                                                              signs to the grads’ homes.

                                                                                              Senior Appeal
                                                                                              Thank you to members of the Class
                                                                                              of 2020, who raised a record $3,300
                                                                                              on Giving Tuesday Now to support
Members of the Class of 2020 celebrating their graduation.
                                                                                              tuition assistance for HNA students and
                                                                                              families facing financial uncertainty due
Congratulations to the Valedictorians and                                                     to the pandemic. Many students chose
Salutatorians of the Class of 2020!                                                           to make their gift in honor of a faculty
Valedictorians               Salutatorians                   Class                            or staff member or coach who helped
Sanjna Battepati             Isabella Battistoni             Representatives                  make their years at HNA memorable.
Paavnee Chauhan              Olivia Bay                      Hazel Babinec-Thompson
Grace Duffy
Lucinda Harden
                             Sophie Clipson
                             Michela Gerbino
                                                             and Jillian Evans, elected
                                                             by their classmates as           Thank you!
Emily Jones                  Ava Isarankura                  Class Representatives for        Thank you to the more than 350
Elena Mastrobattista         Miranda Lambert                 the Class of 2020, will          alumnae who signed up to assist the
Avery McCammon               Mia Lee                         help class members stay          Class of 2020 in making their college
Isabelle Reilly              Millie McChesney                connected with each              decisions when COVID-19 prevented
Natasha Rothstein            Lauryn Nakamura                 other and with HNA.              the class from being able to complete
Lauren Sims                  Bridget O’Hearn                                                  college visits.
Matilda Vary                 Jacqueline Pickel
Cora Wright                  Shelby Pierson
Allyson Yao

                            Facts from HNA’s College Counselors

All 163 members of the Class of 2020               81% of the Class of 2020 collectively      99 members of the Class of 2020 received
chose to continue their educations. They           received offers of academic scholarships   the Washington State Honors Award. The
were admitted to 213 different institutions,       and awards totaling $36.8 million.         award is given to the top 10% of seniors
of which they chose to attend 81—located           Approximately $6.62 million, or almost     in the State of Washington on the basis
in 25 states, plus the District of Columbia        18% of the awards, will actually be used   of SAT or ACT scores and an unweighted
and British Columbia.                              to fund their educations.                  grade point average—meaning that over
                                                                                              60% of our seniors ranked in the top
                                                                                              10% of students in Washington!

                                                                                                                            fall 2020 I 11
Building Futures through Philanthropy

Foundation for the
Future Campaign:
Be a Part of Academy History
In the spring 2020 edition of Columns,      commitment and generous financial          each designed to offer an opportunity
we introduced Foundation for the            support of our friends and supporters      for you to express your particular
Future: The Campaign for Holy Names         throughout the region, including           interest:
Academy, an opportunity for the             the Board of Trustees, current school      Pledges: Commitments made in
Holy Names Academy community to             parents, alumnae and alumnae parents,      writing can be paid over a period of
support the largest capital initiative in   and others who understand and believe      up to five years.
the Academy’s history—a new athletic        in the importance of the Holy Names
complex and five-level underground          Academy mission. Foundation for the        Gift of Securities: Gifts of appreciated
parking garage.                             Future seeks to raise $8.4 million. We     securities may provide tax advantages
                                            are pleased to share that to date, the     when compared to gifts of cash.
While a significant portion of the
$36.4-million cost for this project will    campaign has raised $6.4 million, but      Estates/Planned Gifts: Gifts by
come from capital and cash reserves,        your continued support is needed to        bequest or other planned-giving
philanthropic support from the HNA          reach the finish line.                     methods provide significant tax benefits
community is essential to complete the      Holy Names Academy invites you to          and are a practical way to support this
project. Foundation for the Future is an    help realize this vision for the future.   campaign.
extraordinary effort that requires the      There are many funding opportunities,

            Consider making a gift to make an impact today!
                       For more information, please contact Tricia Johnson, Development Director,
                                  at (206) 720-7801 or

12 I holy names academy columns
Building Futures through Philanthropy

  Annual Giving                                                    HNA Community
                                                                   Rallies to aid
The Annual Giving Fund, which runs from July 1 to June 30,
is the foundation of the Holy Names Academy fundraising
                                                                   HNA Students
program and is now more important than ever. In addition           On May 5, Holy Names Academy
to funding ongoing faculty/staff professional development          participated in Giving Tuesday
and maintenance/enhancements to our historic building,             Now, a global day of unity and
gifts made to Annual Giving support students and families          giving created in response
in financial need (a need that has understandably increased        to the unprecedented need
due to COVID-19) and help cover the significant expenses           caused by COVID-19. Some
necessary to prepare for online and hybrid learning during the     173 individuals together
pandemic. Annual Giving represents a true collective effort:       contributed more than
alumnae, current and past parents, Trustees, faculty and staff     $28,000, including members
all contribute to the program.                                     of the Class of 2020—who gave
                                                                   a record amount in response to the
To support HNA during these uncertain
                                                                   annual Senior Appeal. Their support
times, please visit our website to make
                                                                   provided immediate tuition assistance to HNA students
a gift to Annual Giving:
                                                                   and families facing financial hardship due to the pandemic.
                                                                   Thank you to our generous and compassionate community
We deeply appreciate your support of                               for ensuring all students can continue to receive an
HNA’s students!                                                    extraordinary education at Holy Names Academy.

Supporting Racial Equity
through Endowment
By Susan Heath

                                            HNA could not have been richer. HNA         and inclusion work, it became clear to
                                            was foundational to her career and life     me that a gift to support the education
                                            choices, and her deepest friendships        of young BIPOC women at HNA would
                                            emerged from her high-school years.         align with my family’s social justice
                                            In early 2019, I began studying the         values and desire for actionable allyship.
                                            concept of reparations as a method          Kate and I proudly established the
                                            for supporting racial equity. While it      Heath-Sortun Family Scholarship
                                            is a complicated issue, a common            Endowment in 2019. We learned
                                            thread through the research addresses       in the process that we would have
                                            how educational inequities, both            the opportunity to meet the student
                                            past and present, restrict economic,        recipients and join them on their journey
                                            political, and social advancement for       at HNA—where we know our resources
Susan Heath with her daughter,
Kate Heath Sortun ’04.                      many communities of color. I began          will have a great impact.
                                            exploring how my own family, in even
When our daughter, Kate Heath               a small way, could assist in dismantling    To learn more about establishing
Sortun ’04, approached high-school          these systemic barriers to educational      a scholarship endowment, please
age, we chose Holy Names Academy for        opportunities for Black and Indigenous      contact Cara Priestley ’97, Planned
the breadth and depth of the education      People of Color (BIPOC). Seeking the        Giving Officer, at (206) 720-7803 or
she would receive. Her experience at        guidance of experts in diversity, equity,

                                                                                                                      fall 2020 I 13
Building Futures through Philanthropy

Annual Giving Kick-Off
Every September, Holy                                   special video message from         how her passion for math and science
Names Academy hosts the                                 Head of School and                 was first sparked and then nurtured at
Annual Giving Reception to                              Principal Liz Eldredge             HNA through the encouragement of her
kick off the new year of                                Swift ’71, members of its          teachers and peers. Now a member of
Annual Giving and                                       Board of Trustees, and             the Alumnae Board, Alissa remarked that
welcome the spirit of                                   keynote speaker, Dr. Alissa        she looks forward to her future
collective giving. This event                           Curda Roberts ’02.                 involvement with HNA as a parent,
is an opportunity to express                            Alissa is an attending             when her two daughters can attend. She
gratitude for HNA’s                                     Pediatric Endocrinologist at       saluted HNA donors and volunteers by
generous donors and                                     Seattle Children’s Hospital,       emphasizing the importance of investing
volunteers who go above                                 where she cares for children       in young women’s education: “Thank
and beyond to support the Dr. Alissa Curda Roberts ’02 with Type 1 Diabetes and is         you for your continued support and
HNA Mission and the                        the site lead for a national study of           investment of time and treasure in our
young women it serves. Although this       COVID-19 patients with Type 1 Diabetes.         future female leaders, who will change
event could not take place in-person this  During her speech, Alissa reflected on          the world.”
year, HNA honored these donors with a

                            Join us for these annual events

                   deck the dome                                                             CHEER!
                     Saturday, December 5, 2020                                  Saturday, March 27, 2021
                  Streaming live from Holy Names Academy!                      More information about this annual event
                 Register here: .                     available in the new year. Stay tuned!
                        Registration is complimentary.

Show Your HNA Spirit at Home
For just $125, own a limited-edition “Sisterhood” glassybaby,
custom-made for the HNA community.
And decorate your tree with this year’s hand-painted HNA
keepsake ornament, available for $30.
Quantities are limited; shipping is available for an additional
fee. To purchase, please contact Auction and Deck the Dome
Coordinator Marnie Foust at
or (206) 720-7808.

Where in the World are HNA Alumnae?
                                                                    To share where you are, download the HNA alumnae
                                                                    sign, fill in your class year, take a photo with it, and e-mail it
                                                                    to the Alumnae Office at
                                                                    Download your sign here:
                                                                    Left: Friends from the Class of ’53 gathered for lunch in Edmonds in
                                                                    November 2019. (L-R): Geraldine Newman Christensen, Anna Mae
                                                                    Fox Horton, Beverly Waltier Cook, Aline Corwin Wilson, Marylen
                                                                    Powers Fitzgerald, Sharon Heib Boyce, Marion Edwards Sullivan,
                                                                    Winnie Turner Maloney Coleman.

14 I holy names academy columns
Building Futures through Philanthropy

HNA Legacy Society Spotlight

From Work-Study Student
to Legacy Society
                                         education, personally and spiritually.         says. “I have had the privilege of serving
                                         “I was proud I had the opportunity to          on the Alumnae Board, Planned Giving
                                         attend Holy Names Academy,” says               Committee, and Board of Trustees, all
                                         Celeste, now a successful estate-              of which have made me so grateful for
                                         planning attorney in Seattle. “There           the extraordinary dedication to HNA
                                         is no other high school in Seattle that        education and the remarkable talents
                                         has extensive education and depth of           that our students have developed.”
                                         experiences open for young women.              For that reason, Celeste made the
                                         The leadership and commitment to               commitment to the HNA Legacy Society.
                                         social justice the students experience         “I see the difference this makes to their
                                         are awe-inspiring.”                            lives, and I know that leaving a legacy
                                         Celeste and her classmates of the              is a simple but powerful way to help
                                         Class of ’73 have fully funded an              ensure that all students who want to
                                         HNA Scholarship Endowment, which               attend HNA have that opportunity.”
For Celeste McDonell ’73, current        provides scholarships for young women          For more information on including
member of the Board of Trustees and      whose families need help with the              HNA in your estate plans, please
former president of the HNA Alumnae      tuition burden, just as hers once did.         contact Cara Priestley ’97, Planned
Board, four years as an HNA work-study   “Many of my fondest memories and               Giving Officer, at (206) 720-7803 or
student provided keen insight into       celebrations have been with my HNA   
the enormous value of an Academy         classmates and near classmates,” she

                                                                Tax-Free IRA
                                                                Gifts: A Win-Win
                                         A gift directly from your IRA is a smart way to support HNA and receive tax benefits
                                         in return. If you are at least 70 1/2 years old, you can make a tax-free transfer of up
                                         to $100K from your IRA to Holy Names Academy. If you have not taken your
                                         required minimum distribution* this year, an IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy
                                         all or part of the requirement.
                                         * Conditions apply. Check with your tax advisor.
                                         Contact Cara Priestley ’97, Planned Giving Officer, at (206) 720-7803 or
                                to learn more.

                                                                                                                       fall 2020 I 15
Alumnae forevermore

2020 Distinguished Alumna
                                          attorney in tort and commercial litigation    MacKenzie ’16. Caryn’s excellence
                                          and a shareholder at the firm Stokes          in her professional career and her
                                          Lawrence. In addition to maintaining a        longstanding support of the HNA
                                          busy litigation practice, Caryn writes        community are truly inspiring. (While
                                          and speaks on aviation-liability and          the pandemic closure prevented the
                                          product-liability topics and participates     alumnae community from celebrating
                                          in numerous professional organizations.       Caryn at the 2020 Alumnae Luncheon,
                                          She was selected to Super Lawyers             honors at the 2021 event are planned.)
                                          in 2013-2020 and listed in The Best
                                          Lawyers in America in the Commercial
                                          Litigation field in 2016-2020.                Thank you!
                                          Caryn is deeply committed to furthering       Thank you to all who generously
                                          the HNA mission, serving on the Board         donated your Alumnae Luncheon
                                          of Trustees and as Finance Committee          registration fee when the pandemic
                                          Chair in addition to various other roles      required cancellation of the Luncheon
                                          since she graduated. She has also been        just days before the event. We are
                                          an active participant in HNA’s alumnae        deeply grateful for your overwhelming
Caryn Geraghty Jorgensen ’89              program, frequently attending events          support and hope health conditions
was named the 2020 Distinguished          and previously serving on the Alumnae         will allow us all to see each other at the
Alumna for “achievement in professional   Board. She has a large family of HNA          Alumnae Luncheon next year!
career.” Caryn is an accomplished         alumnae, including her daughter,

                                                                  Congratulations to all the classes celebrating milestone
                                                                  reunions this year. Although we were not able to celebrate
                                                                  you in person, please know how much we value your
                                                                  classes and hope to see you back under the Dome for
                                                                  future alumnae events.
                                                                  Special congratulations to the Class of 1970 on your
                                                                  50th Reunion! We hope to celebrate your class during the
                                                                  50th/50PLUS Reunion on May 22, 2021.

                                                                  Do you want to make professional connections with your
                                                                  fellow alumnae? Join HNA’s Alumnae Networking Directory!
                                                                  In this opt-in directory, alumnae are listed by profession, along
                                                                  with either their e-mail address or the link to their LinkedIn
                                                                  profile. Alumnae may also indicate if they would like to serve
                                                                  as mentors to other alumnae. This directory is visible on the
                                                                  HNA website and is not password-protected. If you have any
                                                                  questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Alumnae
                                                                  Office at or (206) 720-7804.
                                                                  View and join the directory:

16 I holy names academy columns
Alumnae forevermore

Alumnae Board
The 2020-21 Alumnae Board will have no fewer than 45 members! Thank you to the following members who have
finished their service on the Board: Michaela Bromfield ’07 (former Co-Secretary), Joan Siderius McDonagh ’75,
Rachel McMillan ’09, Marell Jandacka Morel ’96, Jessica Mikasa Perry ’00, and Charlotte Platt ’12.

  2019-20 Alumnae Board
  Jessica Gockel Nelson ’03      Leila Cummings Curtis ’97        Annette Lund ‘67                      Kate Sortun ’04
  President                      Celeste Reilly Dargent ’02       Adriana Johnson Martin ’09            Clare Eagle Spano ’06
  Taylor Grady ’11               Liz Coleman Davis ’03            Maria Perez Mason ’72                 Anna Strickland ’11
  Vice President                 Annie Wickwire Delucchi ’82      Christine Caasi Mencias ’02           Michaela Dorres Terrenzio ’03
  Sarah Yohannes ’04             Kathryn Faille ’69               Sarah Michels ’08                     Joann Gulla Urtula ’04
  Treasurer                      Valency Peterson Genis ’90       Keli Nelson ’12                       Aoife Gallagher Groppo ’00
                                 Maris Jager Grigalunas ’03       Sister Rosemary Perisich, SNJM ’56    Director of Alumnae Relations
  MaryFrances Kindell Cruz ’94   Kelsey Heffernan ’09             Alexandra Rombough Pipes ’02
  Susan Wickwire ’85                                                                                    Liz Eldredge Swift ’71
                                 Laura Irvine ’09                 Natalie Platt ’14                     Head of School & Principal
  Co-Secretaries                 Madeline Jager ’06               Julia Reed ’05
  Andrea Genord Anthony ’01      Sarah Johnson ’10                Alissa Curda Roberts ’02              Cara Priestley ’97
  Angela Bever ’08               Michelle Mierz Jolly ’00         Allie Savio ’03                       Planned Giving Officer
  Jo Jo Bromfield ’10            Megan Karalus ’03                Megan Sherman ’03
  LiseMarie Curda ’06            Amina Kapusuzoglu Leighton ’12   Nicole Simard ’10

    Save the dates!                                                                             New Alumna on Staff

    The following alumnae events are currently scheduled. Please be sure to                     Welcome back!
    check the HNA calendar on our website for updates regarding whether
    the events will occur in person or pivot to virtual events due to the                       Welcome to our newest alumna on
    pandemic. Either way, rest assured that our Alumnae Board is planning a                     staff, Ann Pugel Switzer ’88, who will
    meaningful and engaging alumnae program this year!                                          serve as Registrar and Attendance
                                                                                                Manager. Ann earned a B.S. in Cell and
    Young Alumnae Holiday Social
                                                                                                Molecular Biology from the University
    Monday, December 21, 2020 I Virtual
                                                                                                of Washington. She has a variety of
    Alumnae Luncheon                                                                            work experiences including clinical
    Saturday, March 13, 2021 I The Golf Club at Newcastle                                       laboratory specialist, property manager,
    Wine Tasting                                                                                and personal assistant. It’s great to have
    Friday, April 16, 2021 I Holy Names Academy                                                 another alumna back under the Dome!
    50th/50PLUS Reunion
    Saturday, May 22, 2021 I Holy Names Academy

                                                                                                                               fall 2020 I 17
Alumnae forevermore

Leading Without Limits

Alyson Palmer ’02
Alyson Palmer ’02 is Associate Corporate Counsel on
the Global Employment Legal team at Google in San
Francisco. Alyson received a B.A. in Political Science
from Seattle University and her J.D. from the University
of Washington School of Law. She practiced law in
Seattle with the firms Miller, Nash, Graham & Dunn
and Stoel Rives. During the Obama Administration,
she worked in the White House Office of Management
and Administration and for the General Services

Describe positions and                      I served as Alumni Coordinator for           How did HNA prepare you
leadership roles you                        the Black Law Students Association           to be a leader?
have held.                                  and as Associate Editor-in-Chief of the      I credit HNA with helping me recognize
Service in leadership roles has always      International Law Journal. Both roles        my leadership ability. I came to HNA as
come natural to me. I enjoy partnership     provided me the opportunity to support       a defeated candidate for St. Paul School
and collaboration, and I take pride         my peers in achieving personal and           President. I wasn’t terribly confident
in working with people to achieve a         professional milestones. I acted as a        that anyone wanted me to lead, and my
common goal. That’s been true for me        two-way resource, connecting peers           leadership track record was pretty short.
since my time at HNA. While attending       to law professionals and scholars,           The light switched on for me when my
Seattle University, I was Co-President of   and providing feedback on those              Spanish teacher, Señor Angel Alvarado,
the Black Student Union and founder         interactions to support growth on both       suggested that I run for Multicultural
and President of the university’s           ends. I found great joy in helping to        Student Union Officer as a 9th-grader. I
NAACP College Chapter. I also began         enhance the experience of legal practice     was surprised at the suggestion because
volunteering as a mentor with the YMCA      and scholarship amongst my classmates.       I wasn’t even a terrific Spanish student!
Black Achievers Program, where I led                                                     I was flattered that Señor assessed that
                                            As a legal professional myself, I’ve had
sessions on college admissions.                                                          I’d make a better student leader, which
                                            the opportunity to support other junior
In Washington, D.C., I tried hard to        attorneys by serving as Co-Chair of the      was absolutely correct. I ran and won
learn from and give back to my newly        Associates Committee at Stoel Rives,         that position. From then on, I didn’t
adopted home. In 2009, some friends         LLP, and organizing the Associates of        doubt that I had both the passion and
and I recognized that many neighbor-        Color group at Miller Nash Graham and        the ability to lead.
hoods in D.C. were experiencing a great     Dunn, LLP.                                   What advice do you have for
transition. I helped organize and
                                                                                         upcoming leaders and/or
co-chaired a fun, massively collaborative   What are the best parts of
event—the Big Kids Block Party Charity      your leadership roles?
                                                                                         My advice to students is to be your
Fundraiser—to support nonprofits            There are so many great parts to
                                                                                         best authentic self. By doing the things
working to sustain the health of the        leadership! At the top of the list for me
                                                                                         that you love and enjoy, and expressing
majority-Black and Brown communities        is collaborating with other people and
                                                                                         yourself in the most authentic ways,
being impacted. I also founded and          driving an audacious idea through to
                                                                                         you’ll draw other good and like-
chaired The Pipeline Project, a             execution. Planning the Big Kids Block
                                                                                         minded people to you. This, I believe,
mentoring program I developed in            Party didn’t feel like work at all because
                                                                                         is the foundation for success in life and
partnership with Dunbar High School,        the planning team was so invested
a public school in the heart of D.C.’s      and the community came together to
Shaw neighborhood.                          support our effort so beautifully and
                                            seamlessly. Doing that work reminded
Similarly, I brought my commitment
                                            me that even as a leader, I don’t have to
to service leadership to the University
                                            do big things alone.
of Washington School of Law, where

18 I holy names academy columns
Alumnae Updates Alumnae forevermore

    Alumnae updates

1960s                                          2000s
Victoria Slind-Flor ’61 spent time this        Jessica Au ’01 is an Ear, Nose, and Throat
year sewing more than 1,000 masks. Most        Nurse Practitioner at Harborview Medical
went to the Catholic Worker House in San       Center. She was named as a “Top Nurse
Antonio, Texas, where they have been           Practitioner: Ear, Nose, and Throat” on
distributed to people experiencing             Seattle Met’s 2020 Top Doctors list.
homelessness, and to agricultural workers.     Caitlin McClain ’01 began working as
Others went to a hospital in California and                                                        1
                                               Head Women’s Rowing Coach at Seattle
to a friend in Texas who has run a feeding     Pacific University this fall. Caitlin coached
program delivering more than 100,000           and inspired countless young women
meals to home-bound seniors since the          under the Dome as the HNA crew coach
beginning of the pandemic.                     since 2005. Under her leadership, HNA
Members of the HNA Class of 1969/              crew became one of the nation’s top
St. Paul Class of 1965 got together earlier    programs, achieving regional and national
this year, before the stay-at-home order, at   success, including 10 national medals
Mary Laviolette Smith’s house in Tacoma.       and two national championships—in
Those in attendance were: Kathy Faille,        2015 and 2017. Caitlin also worked in
Sandy Jensen Heinzle, Romey DeFuria            positions throughout HNA, most recently,
Principe, Jeanie Widden, Patty Markovich       as Assistant Athletic Director. Although the
Becker, Martha Leary St. John, and Mary        HNA community will miss Caitlin, we wish            2
Laviolette Smith. Missing were Sandy           her the best of luck in her new position!
Moran, MaryJane Loran Reynolds, JoAnn          Mia Pizzuto ’04 is an artist who shared
Moore Oiye, and Suzie Epps Miller. The         her beautiful work on Capitol Hill with her
classmates shared a potluck lunch, many        first-ever outdoor mural! Check out Mia’s
photos, and memories of both grade             work on Instagram (@seattlesignorina) or
school and high school. Kathy Faille writes,   her website ( Mia
“It was so heartening to hear the stories my   writes: “Art brings people together, and
’sisters‘ had to share, and easy to see why    at a time like this, we need it the most. I’m
these women are the best people I’ve ever      excited to share this community service             3
had in my life.”                               project located at Adana Restaurant on
                                               Capitol Hill. This was hand-painted with
1980s                                          love on one of their boarded-up windows.
Tia Moeller Bailey ’82 and her husband         Being homebound has been challenging
facilitated a series of sessions from the      — I found myself wanting to volunteer or
JustFaith program, Faith and Racial Equity:    help in some way.”
Exploring Power and Privilege, at their
parish (St. John the Baptist-Covington).
The program was designed to awaken             1. Victoria Slind-Flor ’61 in front of her sewing
small groups to the economic systems,             machine in Oakland, Calif., wearing one of
public policies, cultural norms, and hidden                                                        4
                                                  her homemade masks.
biases that empower some and oppress           2. Caitlin McClain ’01 holding the Women’s
others. They plan to offer two follow-on          Varsity 4+ USRowing Northwest Regional
programs from JustFaith Ministries: Faith         Junior Championship trophy won by HNA’s
and Racial Healing and Faith and Racial           Cougars. This trophy was sponsored by
Justice. Tia writes, “We hope to help raise       Caitlin’s parents, Claudia and Pat McClain.
awareness and encourage people to              3. Members of the Class of 1969 (L-R): Sandy
stand up against the inherent racism being        Jensen Heinzle, Mary Laviolette Smith,
experienced by our brothers and sisters of        Kathy Faille, Martha Leary St. John, Romey
color to drive a more peaceful and equal          DeFuria Principe, Patty Markovich Becker.
existence for all.”                            4. Siri Fischer Herzog ’97 (L) and Gerrie
                                                  O’Leary Cunningham ’04 at Gonzaga
1990s                                             Preparatory School.
                                               5. Mural by Mia Pizzuto ’04 titled, “Bloom
Siri Fischer Herzog ’97 and Gerrie
                                                  Where You Are Planted.”
O’Leary Cunningham ’04 both teach at
Gonzaga Preparatory School. Siri taught
Gerri at HNA from 2003-2004!                                                                       5

                                                                                                             fall 2020 I 19
Alumnae forevermore                     Alumnae Updates

Kelsey Albro Itämeri ‘05 recently                 Riley. Kristin writes, “HNA girls in the           This spring, Anja Malawi Brandon ’12
opened a winery in Walla Walla called itä         making! Class of 2038!”                            received a Ph.D. in Environmental
wines and dedicated to expressing the             Sisters Laura Snowden La Rosa ’09,                 Engineering and Science from Stanford
unique terroir of the eastern foothills of the    Karen Snowden ’13, and Sara                        University. Her dissertation research
Walla Walla Valley, bringing a restrained         Snowden ’16 all graduated this spring!             focused on understanding natural systems
style that matches the moderation and             Laura received a Master of Reading from            capable of plastic biodegradation and has
finesse of these hillside grapes. Read more       National Louis University, Karen received a        been featured in The Economist, CNN,
at:                            Master of Social Work from the University of       NPR, and in a forthcoming CNN video
On June 19, 2020, Mari Shibuya ’08 was a          Washington, and Sara received a B.S. from          segment. Anja was awarded the American
featured muralist in The Seattle Times Pacific    Santa Clara University.                            Geophysical Union Congressional Science
NW Magazine for her mural of Charleena                                                               Fellowship as part of the prestigious AAAS
Lyles, a Seattle woman shot and killed by         2010s                                              Science & Technology Policy Fellowship
                                                                                                     Program. It includes a one-year assignment
police in 2017, and her mural “Creativity         Chanelle Felix ’10 recently got
Regenerates.” The Seattle Times reports,                                                             in a congressional office, working on
                                                  engaged to Jessie De Jesus and plans to
“Creativity, Shibuya contends, is what                                                               science policy, which she started this fall.
                                                  marry at Holy Rosary Church in Seattle
makes us human, and especially during             on August 14, 2021.                                Anna Vizzare '15 and Riley
turmoil, artists anchor human culture. ‘Our                                                          Peterson '15 both work as Instructional
                                                  Elsie Howell Bigelow ’12 and her
role is to encourage lateral thinking,’ she                                                          Aides at St. Anne School.
                                                  husband, Spencer, both graduated from
says, ‘to uplift the spirits, and to envision a                                                      Isabella Garcia-Camargo ’16, a 2020
                                                  Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas
future that we can actually live in.’”                                                               Stanford graduate, works for Election
                                                  Jefferson University in Philadelphia in May
Kristin Gill Stewart ’08 and her                  2020. They will do their anesthesiology            Integrity Partnership, a coalition of research
daughter, Kennedy, met up with Alyssa             residencies at the University of California,       entities focused on supporting real-time
Jensen Hemming ’08 and her daughter,              San Diego.                                         information exchange between the

                           2                                  3                                  4


 6                         7                                 8                               9                            10

1. Abby Kostolansky ’16 holding the               4. Elsie Howell Bigelow ’12 at graduation           8. Anna Vizzare '15 (L) and Riley Peterson '15
   nanotechnology thesis she wrote for her           from medical school.                                on their first day of school in their second
   senior year at Princeton University.           5.	Mackenzie Jorgensen ’16.                            year as Instructional Aides at St. Anne
2. Chanelle Felix ’10 with her fiancé, Jessie     6. Isabella Garcia-Camargo ’16.                        School.
   De Jesus.                                      7. (L-R): Snowden sisters Laura ’09, Karen ’13,    9. Alyssa Jensen Hemming ’08 (L) and her
3. Anja Malawi Brandon ’12 during her                and Sara ’16 celebrating their respective           daughter, Riley, with Kristin Gill Stewart ’08
   thesis defense, conducted via Zoom!               graduations.                                        and her daughter, Kennedy.
                                                                                                     10. Kelsey Albro Itämeri ’05.

20 I holy names academy columns
Alumnae Updates Alumnae forevermore

research community, election officials,                  King’s College London and will continue                   Southern California. She is involved with
government agencies, civil society                       her outreach to inspire girls who code!                   The Farmlink Project, a non-profit,
organizations, and social-media platforms.               Mackenzie was recognized as a National                    grassroots movement that transports
The organization’s objective is to detect                Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate                         surplus produce from farms to food banks
and mitigate the impact of attempts to                   Research Fellow, and won Honorable                        in need while restoring the jobs of farmers
prevent or deter people from voting or to                Mention for the 2020 National Center for                  and truckers. Maddy writes that she is
delegitimize election results.                           Women & Information Technology                            incredibly passionate about The Farmlink
Miranda Howe ’16 graduated this spring                   Collegiate Award.                                         Project and thrilled to see it grow rapidly
from the University of Washington, Seattle               Abby Kostolansky ’16 graduated from                       and receive coverage from The New
with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular,                 Princeton University this year. She                       York Times, Fox News, ABC, and The
Cellular, and Developmental Biology.                     concentrated in Chemistry and received                    Washington Post. Read more about
She is now working at Atlas Genomics in                  certificates in Dance as well as Materials                The Farmlink Project here: https://thefarm
Seattle, where her primary responsibility is             Science and Engineering. Abby remained          
to run COVID-19 tests on samples.                        involved with ballet and loved dancing with
Mackenzie Jorgensen ’16 graduated                        the Lewis Center for the Arts. She also                   2020s
from Villanova University with a B.S. in                 completed a written thesis in physical                    Jamie Margolin ’20 was featured in The
Computer Science and Philosophy. She has                 chemistry, working on nanotechnology,                     New York Times Magazine in July for her
completed research projects in the U.S.,                 which she defended in early May. Abby is                  work as a climate activist and founder of
U.K., and Germany, focused on such topics                currently working in a small life sciences/               Zero Hour, a youth-led group advocating
as big-data analytics, multi-agent                       healthcare consulting firm in Boston called               for climate action. Read about Jamie’s
communication and coordination, and                      Trinity Life Sciences Partners. She hopes to              work here:
hate-speech moderation through machine                   enroll in a medical or M.D./Ph.D. program.                interactive/2020/07/21/magazine/
learning. Mackenzie will pursue her Ph.D.                Maddy Kim ’18 completed her                               teenage-activist-climate-change.html.
in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence at           sophomore year at the University of                       Jamie recently wrote a book titled, “Youth
                                                                                                                   to Power: Your Voice and How to Use It.”

                                                                              The Holy Names Academy Alumnae Association
                                                                              prayerfully remembers these alumnae and their families:

Ruth Albrecht Cook ’39                                   great-aunt of Ashley Raney ’13, Emily Raney ’17, and      Jerene and John Morford, parents of Ann Morford
Catherine Hoyt Sellers ’43                               Rowan Williams ’18                                        Preisinger ’75 and Kathleen Morford McGinn ’76
Virginia Clark Olson ’44                                 Charlie Brown, husband of Kimberly Habenicht              Edward Muters, husband of Jean McCullough
Virginia Zweigart Donley ’45                             Brown ‘71; brother-in-law of Pamela Habenicht             Muters ’64; father of Clover Muters McIngalls ’02;
Mary Jo Dibb Downey ’48                                  Kyle ’63                                                  brother-in-law of Mary Alice McCullough Cesard ’59,
Mary Ivers Allard ’49                                    Rock Caley, husband of Susan Allen Caley ’57 (dec.)       Helen McCullough Simpson ’60, Margaret
Barbara Seitz Miller ’50                                                                                           McCullough ’69, Elizabeth McCullough Guevara ’71,
                                                         Neil Callahan, husband of Sharon Henderson
Constance Jacobson Hevly ’51                                                                                       and Kathleen McCullough Marzec ’79
                                                         Callahan ’65; brother-in-law of Lynn Henderson
Margaret Primley Eaton ’52                                                                                         Douglas Neyhart, father of Becky Neyhart
                                                         Banke ’67
Mary Jo Paradis Alexander ’54                                                                                      Shaddle ’83
                                                         Aileen Der-huei Chang, mother of Bridget
Donna Baker Stedman ’56
                                                         O’Hearn ’20                                               Dick Olson, husband of Virginia Clark Olson ’44
Beverlee Mitchell McClanahan ’58
                                                         Lois Colasurdo, mother of Katie Colasurdo                 (dec.); brother-in-law of Elizabeth Clark Layman ’41
Clare Ann Smith Castona ’59
                                                         Harshbarger ’82                                           (dec.) and Sr. Ilene Clark, SNJM ’43 (dec.)
Gretchen Rotter ’60
                                                         Anna Marie Coluccio, mother of Gina Coluccio ’78,         Margaret (“Peggy”) Parietti, mother of
Charlene Katana Miller ‘62
                                                         Mary Jo Coluccio Gidley ’81, and Lisa Coluccio            Jean Parietti ’76
Juli Kelly Hasenkamp ’63
Germaine St. Pierre Korum ’63                            Smith ’83                                                 Charles (“Tony”) Partington, husband of Dolores
Patricia Morgenroth ’63                                  Charles DeRosier, father of Michelle DeRosier             Zipp Partington ’69; son-in-law of Stella Durocher
Geraldine Tomalin Bernhard ’65                           Walsh ’80                                                 Zipp ’37; brother-in-law of Cecilia Zipp Miller ’59,
Sharon Green ’65                                                                                                   Barbara Zipp Friedl ’60, Lucy Zipp Morgan ’61,
                                                         Harry (“Steve”) Dye, husband of Sheila
Sarah Slater ’72                                                                                                   Theresa Zipp Carey ’62, Catherine Zipp Hetzler ’67,
                                                         Pollard Dye ’57
Mary Harper MacMillan ’76                                                                                          Rita Zipp Dearey ’70, Marietta Zipp O’Sullivan ’76,
                                                         Charles Hagan, husband of Marta Lawson
                                                                                                                   and Jeanette Zipp Kundert ’79
John Augustavo, husband of Ginger Suva                   Hagan ’63
Augustavo ’52; brother-in-law of Mary Lou Suva                                                                     Theresa Pizzello, mother of Jo-Ann Pizzello
                                                         Sue Harris, mother of Colleen Harris ’97, Becky
Newman ’51, Bunny Suva Renouard ’55, and Pauline                                                                   Kelly ’66
                                                         Harris Masters ’97, and current HNA faculty Marianne
Suva Coveny ’58; uncle of Joyce Newman Griffin ’75,                                                                Carolyn Priestley, mother of current HNA
                                                         Harris McGah ’01 and Sean Harris-Campf
Mary Jo Newman Sisley ’80, and Nancy Newman                                                                        staff member Cara Priestley ’97 and Candace
                                                         Raymond Lagucik, father of Mary Lagucik
Kuester ’81                                                                                                        Priestley ’01
                                                         Williams ’78
Michele Betts, mother of Michaela Betts                                                                            Phillip Sloan, husband of Mary Cullinane Sloan ’51
                                                         JoAnne Lazzaretti, mother of Linda Lazzaretti
Soroczak ’96; aunt of Erin Raney ’80, Julie Raney ’82,                                                             Phyllis Webb, mother of Judith Webb Robbins ’63,
                                                         Monroe ’69; sister of Anita Lazzaretti Smith ’54 (dec.)
Mary Raney Briner ’87, Sara Raney Williams ’88,                                                                    Carol Webb Avery ’65, and Connie Webb
                                                         Michael Lippman, father of current HNA
Colleen Raney ’94, and Brigid Raney Jerrell ’98;                                                                   Cummings ’66
                                                         student Sara Lippman ’21

                                                                                                                                                        fall 2020 I 21
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