BONNYRIGG HIGH SCHOOL - Year 7 2018 Assessment Information & Task Schedule

Page created by Micheal Myers
BONNYRIGG HIGH SCHOOL - Year 7 2018 Assessment Information & Task Schedule

         Year 7


 Assessment Information
     & Task Schedule
BONNYRIGG HIGH SCHOOL - Year 7 2018 Assessment Information & Task Schedule
Assessment Information ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
   The Purpose of Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   Student’s Responsibilities Regarding Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   Assessment Notification ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
   Late Tasks ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   NAPLAN ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   Mathletics .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
   Acknowledging Sources in Assessment Tasks ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
   Malpractice ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Weekly Study Planner .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Year Planner ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
       ENGLISH ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
       GEOGRAPHY/ HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
       HISTORY/ GEOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
       MATHEMATICS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
       MUSIC .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
       PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ........................................................................................................................................ 15
       SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
       TECHNOLOGY (MANDATORY).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
       VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18

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Assessment Information
             The Purpose of Assessment                                               Student’s Responsibilities Regarding
Assessment is the broad name for the collection and evaluation of
evidence of a student’s learning. It is integral to teaching and learning
and has multiple purposes. Assessment can enhance student                            Students are responsible for:
engagement and motivation, particularly when it incorporates
                                                                                     •   demonstrating through application and achievement that they have
interaction with teachers, other students and a range of resources.
                                                                                         met requirements
                                                                                     •   meeting all course requirements including attendance class
Assessment provides:
                                                                                     •   applying themselves with diligence and sustained effort, to the best
 • opportunity for teachers to gather evidence about student
                                                                                         of their ability, to the set tasks and experiences provided in each
    achievement in relation to outcomes
 • opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and can
                                                                                     •   making a genuine attempt at all assessment tasks
                                                                                     •   their personal honesty - work submitted must be the student’s own
 • ability to clarify student understanding of concepts and promotes
                                                                                         work and sources consulted or quoted must be acknowledged
    deeper understanding
                                                                                     •   submitting all tasks on or before the due date
 • evidence that current understanding is a suitable basis for future
    learning.                                                                        •   being present for all in class assessment tasks and examinations
                                                                                     •   understanding this document
Gathered evidence is used by teachers for assessment of learning to rank
or grade students. This usually takes place at key points in the learning            To help meet these responsibilities each student will have access to:
cycle. Students receive reports identifying the levels of skill, knowledge
and understanding they have achieved.                                                •   an assessment schedule and course requirements for each course
                                                                                     •   at least two weeks notification that an assessment task will take
                                                                                         place or be due on a particular date
                                                                                     •   feedback on each assessment task as soon as possible
                                                                                     •   a Mid-Course and Yearly Report, which will indicate to them, their
                                                                                         level of success in attaining the outcomes of each course, as
                                                                                         required by the Board of Studies

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Assessment Notification                                                               NAPLAN
All students must receive written notification from their teacher of the              Students in Year 7 will participate in NAPLAN testing, 15 – 17 May 2018.
actual due date and details of an assessment task at least two weeks
prior to the task. The written notification has precedence over the                   The NAPLAN student report will show your child's results in the key areas
information listed in the assessment schedule contained in the student                of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The report will
assessment booklet.                                                                   also show the national average, the range of results for the middle 60%
                                                                                      of students nationally and your school's average for each test. This
On some occasions it may be necessary for the type of task, date of the               means you will be able to compare the performance of your child against
task, syllabus components for assessment, or weighting of the task to be              other students in the same year of schooling.
changed from what is printed in the assessment booklet, so written
notification given by the teacher will be used to list the correct details for        The additional student report will list all the questions in each test, along
each assessment task.                                                                 with a brief description of each question. This report will show you which
                                                                                      questions your child answered correctly.
Late Tasks                                                                            A common assessment scale is used on each NAPLAN report so that you
                                                                                      can track your child's progress through the years.
All tasks submitted after the designated time will be deemed LATE unless
there are exceptional circumstances. Failure to submit a task by the                  For further information please go to the NSW Education Standards
designated time will result in:                                                       Authority site:
 • A note being sent home                                                             NAPLAN | NSW Education Standards
 • A mark deduction of 10% of the maximum mark per weekday
     (including holidays and weekends; a weekend will be treated as one
     day. After 5 days the student will receive zero.)                                Mathletics
A zero mark may be awarded when a student:                                            Mathletics switches kids on to maths. It is an engaging, highly supportive
• Submits a task late (without a valid reason)                                        software program with activities targeted to the Australian Mathematics
• Does not attempt a task (non-attempt)                                               Curriculum. Our school provides students with a Mathletics account to
• Does not make a serious attempt at a task (non-serious attempt)                     help them learn Maths. This program can be used at home to augment
• Is found to be involved in malpractice                                              learning done in class.

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Acknowledging Sources in Assessment Tasks                                           For further guidance on how to reference correctly please try:

                                                                                    James Cook University Australia, Referencing: Harvard
Referencing is a method of acknowledging the variety of sources of        
information and ideas that you have used while completing assessment
tasks outside the classroom. Its purpose is to acknowledge the original             The Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE NSW, Research help: Referencing
source of ideas and work that is not your own. Direct quotations, facts   
and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from both published and
unpublished works, must be referenced. Referencing is necessary to
avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and paraphrasing, and to enable
readers (and markers) to follow up and read more fully the cited author's
                                                                                    Malpractice is any activity undertaken by a student that allows them to
                                                                                    gain an unfair advantage over others. It includes, but is not limited to:
Referencing generally has two key elements:
                                                                                     • copying someone else’s work in part or wholly, and presenting it as
•   an in-text reference (that is, within the text of the assessment task)              your own
    that indicates you have used a phrase, idea or concept from                      • using material directly from books, journals, CDs or the internet
    someone else                                                                        without reference to the source
•   a complete Reference (in alphabetical order) at the end of the                   • building on the ideas of another without reference to the source
    assessment task giving full details of all sources referred to in the            • buying, stealing or borrowing another person’s work and presenting
    assessment task                                                                     it as your own
                                                                                     • submitting work to which another person such as a parent, coach,
Plagiarism is presenting another person's work as your own work by                      tutor or subject expert has contributed substantially using words,
copying or reproducing it without acknowledgement of its source.                        ideas, designs or the workmanship of others in practical and
                                                                                        performance tasks without appropriate acknowledgement
If an assessment task is not referenced in the required format, you may              • paying someone to write or prepare material
be suspected of plagiarism. All work presented in assessment tasks must              • breaching school examination rules
be a student's own or must be acknowledged appropriately.                            • using non-approved aides during an assessment task
Malpractice, including plagiarism, could lead to students receiving ZERO             • contriving false explanations to explain work not handed in by the due
marks for that.                                                                         date
                                                                                     • assisting another student to engage in malpractice

                                                                                    Where malpractice is detected a zero will be given for the task. The school
                                                                                    may apply additional penalties through the school’s disciplinary measures
                                                                                    at the discretion of the Principal.

2018-03-22, MM                                                     Year 7 Assessment Schedule                                                        Page 5 of 18
Bonnyrigg High School
                      Illness/Misadventure Appeal
                            Year 7 Assessment
                                     Name: ____________________________                   Date:
Subject: ___________________________                   Assessment Task: _________
Teacher: ___________________________                   Due Date: _______________

       Prior knowledge of absence          Illness          Exceptional circumstance

I was/will be:

 Absent from school on the day an Assessment Task is due to be handed in
 Absent from school on the day of an in-class Assessment Task
 Sick during the completion of an Assessment Task at school
 Exceptional circumstances adversely affected performance in an Assessment Task (in this case,
the Appeal MUST be submitted on the day of the Assessment Task)

Reasons      supporting    application    (to     be    completed      by     the     student):
I have attached:
 Medical Certificate from Dr ____________________ Dated: _______________________
 Letter from parent/caregiver
                                Other                             (please                           describe):

Student Signature: _________________________                        Date: ______________________

Parent Signature: __________________________                        Date: ______________________

To be completed by faculty Head Teacher
Faculty Recommendation                                     (tick one only)

    a) Zero mark awarded                                   
    b) Require the same task to be given at a later date   
    c) Set an alternative task                             
    d) Give an estimate                                    
    e) Other                                               

Head Teacher Signature: ____________________________________                 Date: ___________________
Weekly Study Planner
             7:00-9:00   9:00-11:00   11:00-1:00   1:00-3:00   3:00-5:00   5:00-7:00   7:00-9:00







Year Planner
                                Term 1                                   Term 2                          Term 3                            Term 4

  Week 1 A

  Week 2 B                                                              Mathematics                       Music

  Week 3 A                                                              Mathematics                                                        Science

  Week 4 B                   Mathematics                    Geography, History, Visual Arts                                     History, Science, Mathematics

  Week 5 A                                                  English, Music, PDHPE, Science    Geography, Science, Mathematics     English, Visual Arts, Music

  Week 6 B                     Geography                         Science, Mathematics                 History, Science             Geography, Visual Arts

  Week 7 A             History, Visual Arts, PDHPE                                                        PDHPE

  Week 8 B                   English, Music                                                               English

  Week 9 A               Science, Mathematics

  Week 10 B                                                                                               PDHPE

  Week 11 A

          PDHPE – Physical Development, Health and Physical Education
                   2018 Assessment Schedule

                                      Weighting                                Outcomes
              Task                                         Due Date                                           Syllabus Topic                     Overview of Assessment Task
                                     (100% for the year)                       Assessed

                                                            Term 1         EN4 – 1A, EN4 – 4B,
 #1       Reading & Writing                15%                                                         Common Module - Identity                           Reading and Writing
                                                            Week 8         EN4 – 8D, EN4 – 7D

              Viewing &                                     Term 2         EN4 – 2A, EN4 – 4B,
 #2                                        20%                                                                 Everyday Texts                         Viewing and Representing
             Representing                                   Week 5         EN4 – 5C, EN4 – 9E

                                                            Term 3         EN4 – 1A, EN4 – 3B,
 #3     Speaking & Listening               30%                                                                    Film Study                            Speaking and Listening
                                                            Week 8         EN4 – 8D, EN4 – 9E

                                                            Term 4         EN4 – 3B, EN4 – 6C,
 #4       Reading & Writing                35%                                                                      Poetry                                Reading and Writing
                                                            Week 5              EN4 – 8D

EN4-1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical             EN4-5C thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information,
analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure                                                 ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts
EN4-2A effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge       EN4-6C identifies and explains connections between and among texts
for responding to and composing texts in different media and technologies                     EN4-7D demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their
EN4-3B uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate        broadening world and their relationships within it
to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts                                                EN4-8D identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts
EN4-4B makes effective language choices to creatively shape meaning with accuracy,            EN4-9E uses, reflects on and assesses their individual and collaborative skills for
clarity and coherence                                                                         learning

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                       2018 Assessment Schedule
                                             Weighting                                 Outcomes
                  Task                           (100% per           Due Date                                       Syllabus Topic                          Overview of Assessment Task
                                                 semester)                             Assessed
                                                                                                                                                          Structured research task using a case study
            Structured Research                                       Term 1                                                                                of a coastal natural hazard. Multimedia
  #1                                               20%                                     GE4-8               Landscapes and Landforms
                Assignment                                            Week 6                                                                                    presentation to be submitted to
                                                                                                                                                                 complement oral component.

                                                                      Term 2       GE4-1, GE4-2, GE4-         Landscapes and Landforms,                    Multiple Choice, Matching, Short Answer
  #2         End of Course Exam                    30%
                                                                      Week 4               5                     Place and Liveability                          Questions, Geographical Skills

GE4-1 locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and           GE4-5 discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability
environments                                                                                            GE4-6 explains differences in human wellbeing
GE4-2 describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environment                 GE4-7 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools
GE4-3 explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments                 for inquiry
result in change                                                                                        GE4-8 communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies
GE4-4 examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues

                                             Weighting                                 Outcomes
                  Task                          (100% for the        Due Date                                       Syllabus Topic                          Overview of Assessment Task
                                                    year)                              Assessed
                                                                      Term 3       HT4-1, HT4-6, HT4-
   #1              Assessment                      50%                                                       Investigating the Ancient Past                            Research Assignment
                                                                      Week 6               7

                                                                      Term 4       HT4-1, HT4-2, HT4-        Investigating the Ancient Past
   #2              Course Exam                     50%                                                                                                                       Topic Exam
                                                                      Week 4               4                        Ancient Greece

HT4-1 describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an             HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
understanding of the past                                                                               HT4-7 identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past
HT4-2 describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from        HT4-8 locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry
the past                                                                                                HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of
HT4-3 describes and assesses the motives and groups in the context of past societies                    the past
HT4-4 describes and explains the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies        HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate
over time                                                                                               about the past
HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources
*Please note History and Geography are taught as a Semester Course

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                       2018 Assessment Schedule
                                            Weighting                                  Outcomes
                 Task                           (100% per       Due Date                                            Syllabus Topic                           Overview of Assessment Task
                                                semester)                              Assessed
                                                                   Term 1          HT4-1, HT4-6, HT4-
 #1              Assessment                       50%                                                        Investigating the Ancient Past                            Research Assignment
                                                                   Week 7                  7

                                                                   Term 2          HT4-1, HT4-2, HT4-        Investigating the Ancient Past
 #2             Course Exam                       50%                                                                                                                        Topic Exam
                                                                   Week 4                  4                        Ancient Greece

HT4-1 describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an             HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
understanding of the past                                                                               HT4-7 identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past
HT4-2 describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from        HT4-8 locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry
the past                                                                                                HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of
HT4-3 describes and assesses the motives and groups in the context of past societies                    the past
HT4-4 describes and explains the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies        HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate
over time                                                                                               about the past
HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources

                                           Weighting                                   Outcomes
                Task                                            Due Date                                            Syllabus Topic                           Overview of Assessment Task
                                                                                                                                                        Structured research task using a case study of
          Structured Research                                      Term 3                                                                                   a coastal natural hazard. Multimedia
 #1                                              20%                                       GE4-8               Landscapes and Landforms
           Assignment (Oral)                                       Week 5                                                                               presentation to be submitted to complement
                                                                                                                                                                       oral component.

                                                                   Term 4          GE4-1, GE4-2, GE4-      Landscapes and Landforms, Place                 Multiple Choice, Matching, Short Answer
 #2        End of Course Exam                    30%
                                                                   Week 6                  5                       and Liveability                              Questions, Geographical Skills

GE4-1 locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and           GE4-4 examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues
environments                                                                                            GE4-5 discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability
GE4-2 describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environment                 GE4-6 explains differences in human wellbeing
GE4-3 explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments                 GE4-7 acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools
result in change                                                                                        for inquiry
                                                                                                        GE4-8 communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies
*Please note History and Geography are taught as a Semester Course

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                    2018 Assessment Schedule
                     Weighting           Due
      Task             (100% for the               Outcomes Assessed                    Syllabus Topic                           Overview of Assessment Task
                           year)         Date
                                                                                                                            Students will be using Mathletics to practice their
                                       Term 1 Week 4                                        Computation with
                                                          MA4-4NA, MA4-5NA,                                                basic skills in mathematics. Students will sit quizzes
 #1      Quizzes          25%          Term 1 Week 9                                       Integers, Fractions,
                                                              MA4-9NA                                                      throughout the term to assess their progress after
                                       Term 2 Week 3                                    Decimals and Percentages
                                                                                                                                             each unit of work
           Half                                                                                                            A combination of multiple choice and short answer
                                          Term 2                                                 Indices
 #2       Yearly          25%                           MA4-2WM, MA4-18MG                                                    questions on Angle Relationships and Algebraic
                                          Week 6                                           Angle Relationships
          Exam                                                                                                                                  Techniques
                                                                                            Probability, Data
         Statics                          Term 3         MA4-19SP, MA4-20SP,                 Collection and               Students will conduct three experiments and write a
 #3                       20%
         Project                          Week 5             MA4-21SP                    Representation, Single                           report on the results
                                                                                         Variable Data Analysis
                                                                                          Linear Relationships,            A combination of multiple choice and short answer
          Yearly                          Term 4         MA4-8NA, MA4-10NA,
 #4                       30%                                                             Equations, Algebraic            questions on Linear Relationships, Equations, Length,
          Exam                            Week 4            MA4-18MG,
                                                                                            Techniques 1 + 2                               Area and Volume

MA4-1WM communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate                       MA4-14MG uses formulas to calculate the volumes of prisms and cylinders, and
terminology, diagrams and symbols                                                            converts between units of volume
MA4-2WM applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems                        MA4-15MG performs calculations of time that involve mixed units, and interprets time
MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning                   zones
MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies        MA4-16MG applies Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate side lengths in right-angled
to aid computation                                                                           triangles, and solves related problems
MA4-5NA operates with fractions, decimals and percentages                                    MA4-17MG classifies, describes and uses the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals,
MA4-6NA solves financial problems involving purchasing goods                                 and determines congruent triangles to find unknown side lengths and angles
MA4-7NA operates with ratios and rates, and explores their graphical representation          MA4-18MG identifies and uses angle relationships, including those related to
MA4-8NA generalises number properties to operate with algebraic expressions                  transversals on sets of parallel lines
MA4-9NA operates with positive-integer and zero indices of numerical bases                   MA4-19SP collects, represents and interprets single sets of data, using appropriate
MA4-10NA uses algebraic techniques to solve simple linear and quadratic equations            statistical displays
MA4-11NA creates and displays number patterns; graphs and analyses linear                    MA4-20SP analyses single sets of data using measures of location, and range
relationships; and performs transformations on the Cartesian plane                           MA4-21SP represents probabilities of simple and compound events
MA4-12MG calculates the perimeters of plane shapes and the circumferences of circles
MA4-13MG uses formulas to calculate the areas of quadrilaterals and circles, and
converts between units of area

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                    2018 Assessment Schedule

                                    Weighting                                   Outcomes
            Task                                            Due Date                                         Syllabus Topic                       Overview of Assessment Task
                                    (100% for the year)                         Assessed

                                                              Term 1                                          Classical Music
 #1       Performance                     15%                                  4.3, 4.9, 4.12                                                            Keyboard Performance
                                                              Week 8                                       Traditional Notation

            Half Yearly                                       Term 2                                                                                 Listening test on the orchestra
 #2                                       15%                                        4.7               Music for Large Ensembles
              Exam                                            Week 5                                                                                          instruments

           Composition                                        Term 3                                                                                         iPad Composition
 #3                                       25%                                      4.4, 4.5                      Film Music
              iPad                                            Week 2

                                   Listening 25%
                                                              Term 4                                  Popular Music – Rap and Film                     Rap and Film listening test
 #4        Yearly Exam                                                             4.1, 4.8
                                                              Week 5                                            Music                                      Rap Performance
                                 Performance 20%

4.1 performs in a range of musical styles demonstrating an understanding of musical             4.8 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through aural identification
concepts                                                                                        and discussion of the features of a range of repertoire
4.2 performs music using different forms of notation and different types of technology          4.9 demonstrates musical literacy through the use of notation, terminology, and the
across a broad range of musical styles                                                          reading and interpreting of scores used in the music selected for study
4.3 performs music demonstrating solo and/or ensemble awareness                                 4.10 identifies the use of technology in the music selected for study, appropriate to the
4.4 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring,                        musical context
experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing                                 4.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of
4.5 notates compositions using traditional and/or non-traditional notation                      music as an artform
4.6 experiments with different forms of technology in the composition process                   4.12 demonstrates a developing confidence and willingness to engage in performing,
4.7 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening, observing,             composing and listening experiences
responding, discriminating, analysing, discussing and recording musical ideas
                   2018 Assessment Schedule

                                          Weighting                               Outcomes
                 Task                                           Due Date                                       Syllabus Topic                    Overview of Assessment Task
                                          (100% for the year)                     Assessed
                                                                Term 1           4.6, 4.13                      Holy Health
 #1       Mental Health Task                 25%                                                                                                        Mental Health Article
                                                                Week 7        (4.15 Informal)                   (4.6, 4.13)
                                                                                                                                                           Skills Assessment
                                                                                                                                                           - Long Jump
                                                                Term 2                                            Athletics
 #2       Athletics Skills Test              25%                                  4.4, 4.14                                                                - Shot Put
                                                                Week 5                                           (4.4, 4.14)
                                                                                                                                                           - Sprint

           Shake, Rattle, Roll                                  Term 3                                       Shake, Rattle, Roll
 #3                                          25%                                  4.5, 4.11                                                                  Group Dance
                Dance                                           Week 7                                        (4.5, 4.11, 4.14)
                                                                                4.6, 4.7, 4.8,
                                                                Term 3                                           Smart Heart
 #4     Smart Heart Research                 25%                                    4.12                                                                     Research Task
                                                                Week 10                                      (4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.12)
                                                                               (4.2 Informal)

4.1 describes and analyses the influences on a sense of self                                     4.10 explains how personal strengths and abilities contribute to enjoyable and
4.2 identifies and selects strategies that enhance their ability to cope and feel                successful participation in physical activity
supported                                                                                        4.11 selects and uses communication skills and strategies clearly and coherently in a
4.3 describes the qualities of positive relationships and strategies to address the abuse        range of new and challenging situations
of power                                                                                         4.12 assesses risk and social influences and reflects on personal experience to make
4.4 demonstrates and refines movement skills in a range of contexts and environments             informed decisions
4.5 combines the features and elements of movement composition to perform in a                   4.13 demonstrates cooperation and support of others in social, recreational and other
range of contexts and environments                                                               group contexts
4.6 describes the nature of health and analyses how health issues may impact on young            4.14 engages successfully in a wide range of movement situations that displays an
people                                                                                           understanding of how and why people move
4.7 identifies the consequences of risk behaviours and describes strategies to minimise          4.15 devises, applies and monitors plans to achieve short-term and long-term goals
harm                                                                                             4.16 clarifies the source and nature of problems and draws on personal skills and
4.8 describes how to access and assess health information, products and services                 support networks to resolve them
4.9 describes the benefits of a balanced lifestyle and participation in physical activity

2018-03-22, MM                                                                  Year 7 Assessment Schedule                                                                 Page 15 of 18
                       2018 Assessment Schedule
                        Weighting              Due                                                                                                                        Overview of Assessment
       Task               (100% for the                                     Outcomes Assessed                                         Syllabus Topic
                              year)            Date                                                                                                                                Task
          Group                                                             1.2: SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS                               Sorting and Separating or
                                              Term 1                                                                                                                             Research, Working
  #1     Practical           30%                                            1.3: SC4-7WS, SC4-9WS                               To Infinity and Beyond or
                                              Week 9                                                                                                                           Scientifically (Practical)
           Task                                                                  1.4: SC4-17CW                              From Little Things Big Things Grow
                                                                      1.2: SC4-4WS, SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS                                                                            Working Scientifically
           Topic                             Term 2
  #2                         20%                                      1.3: SC4-7WS, SC4-8WS, SC4-9WS                                   Transformations                       (Practical), Knowledge and
            Test                            Week 5 - 6
                                                                     1.4: SC4-11PW, SC4-13ES, SC4-16CW                                                                                 Process
                                             Term 3                    1.1: SC4-1VA, SC4-2VA, SC4-3VA
  #3     Research            30%                                                                                                       Transformations                       Research and Presentation
                                            Week 5 - 6                            1.3: SC4-9WS
                                                                May contain a combination of any of the following
                                                                      1.1: SC4-1VA, SC4-2VA, SC4-3VA                        Transformations and Sorting and
          Yearly                             Term 4                  1.2: SC4-4WS, SC4-5WS, SC4-6WS                         Separating and/or To Infinity and
  #4                         20%                                                                                                                                               Knowledge and Process
          Exam                              Week 3 - 4               1.3: SC4-7WS, SC4-8WS, SC4-9WS                         Beyond and/or From Little Things
                                                                                                                                    Big Things Grow
                                                              1.4: SC4-10PW, SC4-11PW, SC4-12ES, SC4-13ES,
                                                               SC4-14LW, SC4-15LW, SC4-16CW, SC4-17CW

1.1 builds positive values and attitudes towards Science in their lives and everyday society:             SC4-9WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate
SC4-1VA appreciates the importance of science in their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in        scientific language, text types and representations
increasing understanding of the world around them                                                         1.4 knowledge of the physical world and/or Earth and Space and/or Living World and/or
SC4-2VA shows a willingness to engage in finding solutions to science-related personal, social and        Chemical World, and understanding about the nature, development, use and influence of
global issues, including shaping sustainable futures                                                      Science:
SC4-3VA demonstrates confidence in making reasoned, evidence-based decisions about the                    SC4-10PW describes the action of unbalanced forces inn everyday situations
current and future use and influence of science and technology, including ethical considerations          SC4-11PW discusses how scientific understanding and technological developments have
1.2 knowledge, understanding of and skills in applying the processes of working scientifically:           contributed to finding solutions to problems involving energy transfers and transformations
SC4-4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes                      SC4-12ES describes the dynamic nature of models, theories and laws in developing scientific
predictions based on scientific knowledge                                                                 understanding of the Earth and solar system
SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems            SC4-13ES explains how advances in scientific understanding of processes that occur within and on
SC4-6WS follows a sequence of instructions to safely undertake a range of investigation types,            the Earth, influence the choices people make about resource use and management
collaboratively and individually                                                                          SC4-14LW relates the structure and function of living things to their classification, survival and
1.3 presents science and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience, using              reproduction
appropriate language, conventions and representations:                                                    SC4-15LW explains how new biological evidence changes people’s understanding of the world
SC4-7WS processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to              SC4-16CW describes the observed properties and behaviour of matter, using scientific models
identify trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions                                         and theories about the motion and arrangement of particles
SC4-8WS selects and uses appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to produce creative             SC4-17CW explains how scientific understanding of, and discoveries about, the properties of
and plausible solutions to identified problems                                                            elements, compounds and mixtures relate to their uses in everyday life

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                    2018 Assessment Schedule

                                          Weighting                              Outcomes
                 Task                                            Due Date                                     Syllabus Topic                     Overview of Assessment Task
                                          (100% for the year)                    Assessed
                                                                                4.1.1, 4.2.1,
                                                                 On-going                         Information and Communications:              Students to plan, design and create a
 #1      Birthdays By Design             Graded A-E                             4.5.1, 4.5.2,
                                                                Assessment                                 Event Planning                           birthday party for a client

                                                                                4.1.1, 4.2.1,                                                 Students explore nutrition and develop
 #2         Healthy Snacks               Graded A-E                             4.3.2, 4.5.1,            Products: Food Design                cooking skills through creating healthy
                                                                                   4.6.2                                                                       snacks

                                                                                4.1.1, 4.2.1,
                                                                 On-going                                                                     Students develop their woodwork skills
 #3         Stash and Store              Graded A-E                             4.3.2, 4.5.1,          Products: Industrial Design
                                                                Assessment                                                                       and produce a wooden pencil box

4.1.1 applies design processes that respond to needs and opportunities in each design            4.3.2 demonstrated responsible and safe use of a range tools, materials and techniques
project                                                                                          in each design project
4.1.2 describes factors influencing design in the areas of study of Built Environments,          4.4.1 explains the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on society and the
Products, and Information and Communications                                                     environment
4.1.3 identifies the roles of designers and their contribution to the improvement of the         4.5.1 applies management processes to successfully complete design projects
quality of life                                                                                  4.5.2 produces quality solutions that respond to identified needs and opportunities in
4.2.1 generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions                             each design project
4.2.2 selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a                4.6.1 applies appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design project
variety of sources                                                                               4.6.2 identifies and explains ethical, social and environmental and sustainability
4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and                 considerations related to design projects
techniques with competence in the development of design projects

2018-03-22, MM                                                                  Year 7 Assessment Schedule                                                                 Page 17 of 18
                    2018 Assessment Schedule

                                          Weighting                              Outcomes
                 Task                                          Due Date                                       Syllabus Topic                     Overview of Assessment Task
                                         (100% for the year)                     Assessed

                                                                Term 1
 #1       Critical and Historical              15%                                    4.9                          Frames                                 Portrait assignment
                                                                Week 7

                                                                Term 2                                            Practice                       Artworks created in class in various
 #2              Artmaking                     35%                                 4.1, 4.3
                                                                Week 4                                            Frames                             forms over Semester One

                                                                Term 4                                      Conceptual Framework                 Artworks created in class in various
 #3              Artmaking                     35%                                 4.2, 4.4
                                                                Week 5                                         Representation                        forms over Semester Two

                                                                Term 4                                      Conceptual Framework                      Section 1 – Multiple choice
 #4       Critical and Historical              15%                                    4.8
                                                                Week 6                                                                                 Section 2 – Short answers
                                                                                                                                                        Section 3 – Drawing task

4.1 uses a range of strategies to explore different artmaking conventions and                   4.6 selects different materials and techniques to make artworks
procedures to make artworks                                                                     4.7 explores aspects of practice in critical and historical interpretations of art
4.2 explores the function of and relationships between artist-artwork-world-audience            4.8 explores the function of and relationships between the artist-artwork-world-
4.3 makes artworks that involve some understanding of the frames                                audience
4.4 recognises and uses aspects of the world as a source of ideas, concepts and subject         4.9 begins to acknowledge that art can be interpreted from different points of view
matter in the visual arts                                                                       4.10 recognises that art criticism and art history construct meanings
4.5 investigates ways to develop meaning in their artworks

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