Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee

2020 / 4

  Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift
  Verfassung und Recht in Übersee

Das GIGA Informationszentrum erstellt für die Zeitschrift Verfassung und
Recht in Übersee (VRÜ, ISSN 0506-7286) eine Bibliographie der in der
Datenbank des „Fachinformationsverbundes Internationale Beziehungen
und Länderkunde“ (FIV-IBLK) verzeichneten Literatur.

Herausgeber der Bibliographie:

German Institute for Global and Area Studies /
Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 40 42825 – 598
Fax: +49 (0) 40 42825 – 512

Donnelly, Jack; Whelan, Daniel J.: International human rights / Jack Donnelly, Daniel J. Whelan. - New
York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2020 - xx, 371S., Tab., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-0-367-21784-6; 978-0-367-

Environmental law across cultures: comparisons for legal practice / Kirk W. Junker (ed.). - London:
Routledge, 2020 - xxii, 299S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-0-429-39761-5

Foundations of global health & human rights / Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin Mason Meier (eds.). - New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xvii, 467S., Ill., Lit., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-0-19-752830-3; 978-0-

Kaoutzanis, Christodoulos: The UN Security Council and International Criminal Tribunals: procedure
matters / Christodoulos Kaoutzanis. - Cham: Springer Nature, 2020 - xxi, 201S., Kt., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw.
(Studies in Global Justice; 20) ISBN 978-3-030-23776-9

Lorenzetti, Ricardo Luis; Lorenzetti, Pablo: Global environmental law / Ricardo Luis Lorenzetti, Pablo
Lorenzetti. - Washington, D.C: Environmental Law Institute, 2020 - xvii, 400S., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-1-

Meyer, William H.: Human rights and global governance: power politics meets international justice / William
H. Meyer. - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020 - ix, 248S., Lit. S. 223-243 (Pennsylvania
studies in human rights) ISBN 978-0-8122-5176-0

O'Rourke, Catherine: Women's rights in armed conflict under international / Catherine O'Rourke. -
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2020 - xxvi, 391S., Tab., Lit.Hinw. S. 361-385 ISBN 978-1-

The Oxford handbook of global legal pluralism / Paul Schiff Berman (ed.). - Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2020 - xiii, 1118S., Lit., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-0-19-751674-4

Reconceptualizing international investment law from the global South / Fabio Morosini, Michelle Ratton
Sanchez Badin (eds.). - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018 - xiii, 305S., Lit. ISBN 978-1-107-
19003-0; 978-1-316-64020-3

Redrafting constitutions in democratic regimes: theoretical and comparative perspectives / Gabriel L.
Negretto (ed.). - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 - XV, 247S., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw.
(Comparative constitutional law and policy) ISBN 978-1-108-83984-6

Revolutionary constitutionalism: law, legitimacy, power / Richard Albert (ed.). - Oxford: Hart, 2020 - viii,
424S. ISBN 978-1-5099-3457-7

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                  2
Smith, Amy Erica; Mukherji, Rahul; Seekings, Jeremy; Nattrass, Nicoli Jean: Covid vs. democracy / Amy
Erica Smith, Rahul Mukherji, Jeremy Seekings, Nicoli Nattrass. - In: Journal of democracy (Baltimore, Md),
31 (2020) 4, S. 74-121, graph. Darst.

Zwingel, Susanne: Translating international women's rights: the CEDAW convention in context / Susanne
Zwingel. - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 - xvii, 308S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. S. 247-282 (Gender
and politics) ISBN 978-1-349-95864-1; 978-0-230-29097-6


Achebe, Nwando: Female monarchs and merchant queens in Africa / Nwando Achebe. - Athens, Ohio:
Ohio University Press, 2020 - 224S., Ill. Lit. S. 199-209 ISBN 978-0-8214-2407-0

Anders, Gerhard; Kanyongolo, Fidelis E.; Seim, Brigitte: Corruption and the impact of law enforcement:
insights from a mixed-methods study in Malawi / Gerhard Anders, Fidelis E. Kanyongolo, Brigitte Seim. - In:
The journal of modern African studies (London), 58 (2020) 3, S. 315-336, graph. Darst.

Beresford, Alexander; Wand, Daniel: Understanding bricolage in norm development: South Africa, the
International Criminal Court, and the contested politics of transitional justice / Alexander Beresford, Daniel
Wand. - In: Review of international studies (Cambridge), 46 (2020) 4, S. 534-554

Bird, Lucia: Criminalisation of human smuggling in Africa: looking at the law / Lucia Bird. - [Erscheinungsort
nicht ermittelbar]: enact, July 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (11S.)] (Policy brief; 17)

Birkett, Daley J.: Managing frozen assets at the International Criminal Court: the fallout of the Bemba
Acquittal / Daley J. Birkett. - In: Journal of international criminal justice (Oxford), 18 (2020) 3, S. 765-790,

Brett, Peter; Gissel, Line Engbo: Africa and the backlash against international courts / Peter Brett, Line
Engbo Gissel. - London: ZED Books Ltd, 2020 - xv, 219S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 162-209 ISBN 978-1-
78699-298-7; 978-1-78699-297-0

Brooks, Heidi: 'This democracy is killing us': perceptions of rights and democracy in the South African
police service / Heidi Brooks. - In: The journal of modern African studies (London), 58 (2020) 2, S. 165-187

Chikohomero, Ringisai; Mjenga, Omar R.: Electoral reform in Tanzania / Ringisai Chikohomero, Omar R.
Mjenga. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, September 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (19S.)]
(Southern Africa report; 41)

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                      3
Dancy, Geoff; Dutton, Yvonne Marie; Alleblas, Tessa; Aloyo, Eamon: What determines perceptions of
bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya / Geoff Dancy, Yvonne Marie Dutton,
Tessa Alleblas, Eamon Aloyo. - In: The journal of conflict resolution (Thousand Oaks, Calif.), 61 (2020) 7-8,
S. 1443-1469, Lit. S. 1465-1469

De Vos, Christian: Complementarity, catalysts, compliance: the International Criminal Court in Uganda,
Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo / Christian De Vos. - Cambridge, United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press, 2020 - xxxv, 339S., Lit.Hinw. S. 298-327 (Cambridge studies in international
and comparative law; 147) ISBN 978-1-108-47248-7

Enonchong, Laura-Stella: The constitution and governance in Cameroon / Laura-Stella Enonchong. -
Abingdon: Routledge, 2021 - xx, 251S. ISBN 978-1-351-02886-8

Gates, Scott; Justesen, Mogens Kamp: Political trust, shocks, and accountability: quasi-experimental
evidence from a rebel attack / Scott Gates, Mogens Kamp Justesen. - In: The journal of conflict resolution
(Thousand Oaks, Calif.), 64 (2020) 9, S. 1693-1723, Lit. S. 1720-1723

Hove, Mediel; Chenzi, Vincent: A drive to regime change through nonviolent economic warfare: the post
Mugabe era, 2017-2019 / Mediel Hove, Vincent Chenzi. - In: African security review (Pretoria, South Africa),
29 (2020) 1, S. 82-102, Lit. Lit.Hinw.

Lahai, John Idriss: Human rights in Sierra Leone, 1787-2016: the long struggle from the Transatlantic slave
trade to the present / John Idriss Lahai. - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020 - xiv, 318S.
(Routledge studies in the modern history of Africa) ISBN 978-0-367-66497-8; 978-1-138-60476-6

Mkandawire, Thandika: Zimbabwe's transition overload: an interpretation / Thandika Mkandawire. - In:
Journal of contemporary African studies (London), 38 (2020) 1, S. 18-38, Lit. S. 35-38, Lit.Hinw.

Niyonkuru, Aimé-Parfait: Le droit d'accès au juge civil au Burundi: Approche juridico-institutionnelle / Aimé-
Parfait Niyonkuru. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2020 - 482S. (Recht und Verfassung in Afrika; 40) ISBN 978-3-

Okeke, G. S. Mmaduabuchi; Nwali, Uche: Campaign funding laws and the political economy of money
politics in Nigeria / G. S. Mmaduabuchi Okeke, Uche Nwali. - In: Review of African political economy
(Abingdon), 47 (2020) 164, S. 238-255, Lit., Lit.Hinw.

Okpe, Samuel Okpe: Anti-impunity norm of the International Criminal Court: a curse or blessing for Africa? /
Samuel Okpe Okpe. - In: Journal of Asian and African studies (London), 55 (2020) 7, S. 1077-1090, graph.
Darst., Kt., Lit. S. 1089-1090

Osaghae, Eghosa E.: Federal solutions to state failure in Africa / Eghosa E. Osaghae. - Uppsala: Nordiska
Africainstitutet/The Nordic Africa Institute, 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (56S., Ill., Lit. S. 49-55)] (Claude
Ake memorial papers; 12) ISBN 978-91-7106-867-5

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                    4
The president on trial: prosecuting Hissène Habré / Sharon Weill, Kim Thuy Seelinger, Kerstin Bree Carlson
(eds.). - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xv, 442S., Ill. ISBN 978-0-19-885862-1

Rukundo, Solomon: Witch-killings and the law in Uganda / Rukundo Solomon. - In: Journal of law and
religion (Cambridge), 35 (2020) 2, S. 270-296, Lit.Hinw.

Sanches, Edalina Rodrigues: Transitions to democracy, institutional choices and party system stability:
lessons from small African islands / Edalina Rodrigues Sanches. - In: Journal of contemporary African
studies (London), 38 (2020) 2, S. 186-204, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 202-204, Lit.Hinw.

Soutenier et proteger: l'application de la politique de diligence voulue en matière de droits de l'Homme par
la MONUSCO en République démocratique du Congo / Center for Civilians in Conflict. - Washington, DC:
Center for Civilians in Conflict, Juin 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (viii, 35S., Ill.)]

Southern, Neil: The pitfalls of power sharing in a new democracy: the case of the National Party in South
Africa / Neil Southern. - In: The journal of modern African studies (London), 58 (2020) 2, S. 281-299

Vhumbunu, Clayton Hazvinei: The formation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity in
South Sudan: key priorities, tasks and challenges ahead / Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu. - In: Conflict trends
(Durban), (2020) 2, S. 3-12, Ill., Kt., Lit.Hinw. S. 12

Wiebusch, Micha: Constitution building in the African Union: law, policy and practice / Micha Wiebusch. -
Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen, 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (200S., Ill.)] ISBN 978-90-5728-670-4

Wienkoop, Nina-Kathrin: Social movements as safeguards against democratic backslidings in Africa? A
comparison of term amendment struggles in Burkina Faso and Senegal: Soziale Bewegungen als
Rettungsanker für demokratische Stabilität in Afrika? Eine vergleichende Studie der Auseinandersetzungen
in Burkina Faso und im Senegal / Nina-Kathrin Wienkoop. - In: Lüneburg: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg,
2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (255, XS., graph. Darst.)]

Yusuf, Semir: Constitutional design options for Ethiopia: managing ethnic divisions / Semir Yusuf. - Pretoria:
Institute for Security Studies, September 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (64S., Ill.)] (Monograph; 204)


Ahmed, Hilal: Making sense of India's Citizenship Amendment Act 2019: process, politics, protests / Hilal
Ahmed. - Paris: Ifri, June 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (35S.)] (Asie.Visions; 114) ISBN 979-10-373-

Bhattacharyya, Harihar: Federalism in Asia: India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nepal and Myanmar / Harihar
Bhattacharyya. - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2020 - xv, 246S., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw. S. 226-240 (Routledge
studies in federalism and decentralization) ISBN 978-0-367-41818-2; 978-0-367-42081-9

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                               5
Chakrabarty, Bidyut; Pandey, Rajendra Kumar: Reconceptualizing Indian democracy: the changing
electorate / Bidyut Chakrabarty, Rajendra Kumar Pandey. - New Delhi, India: SAGE Publishing, 2020 - xv,
263S., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw. S. 246-255 ISBN 978-93-5388-273-0

Chung, Hiu-Fung: Changing repertoires of contention in Hong Kong: a case study on the anti-extradition
bill movement / Hiu-Fung Chung. - In: China perspectives (Hong Kong), (2020) 3, S. 57-63, graph. Darst.

Cohen, Mathilde: Judicial colonialism today: the french overseas courts / Mathilde Cohen. - In: Journal of
law and courts (Chicago), 8 (2020) 2, S. 247–276, Lit. S. 273-276, Lit.Hinw.

Dengfeng, Yang: A jurisprudential analysis of authorization for experimental administrative reform / Yang
Dengfeng. - In: Social sciences in China (Abingdon), 41 (2020) 3, S. 69-86

Descamps, Maud: China's cybersecurity legislation: a paper tiger or an institutionalized theft? / Maud
Descamps. - Stockholm: Institute for Security & Development Policy, May 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource
(8S.)] (Focus Asia)

Dettman, Sebastian: Authoritarian innovations and democratic reform in the "New Malaysia" / Sebastian
Dettman. - In: Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27 (2020) 6, S. 1037-1052

Greitens, Sheena Chestnut: The saohei campaign, protection Umbrellas, and China's changing political-
legal apparatus / Sheena Chestnut Greitens. - In: China leadership monitor (Stanford), (2020) 65, 18S.

Hameiri, Shahar; Zeng, Jinghan: State transformation and China’s engagement in global governance: the
case of nuclear technologies / Shahar Hameiri, Jinghan Zeng. - In: The Pacific review (London), 33 (2020) 6,
S. 900-930

Hooi, Khoo Ying: The Bersih Movement and democratisation in Malaysia: repression, dissent and
opportunities / Khoo Ying Hooi. - Singapore: ISEAS, 2020 - x, 213S., Lit.Hinw. S. 183-207 ISBN 978-981-
4951-12-8; 981-4951-12-9

Im, Hyeog baeg: Democratization and democracy in south Korea, 1960-present / Hyeog baeg Im. -
Signapur: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 - xxiii, 319S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw. S. 299-308 ISBN 978-
981-15-3702-8; 981-15-3702-X

Jackson, Karl D.; Dore, Giovanna Maria Dora: Asia's democracy puzzle: five uneasy pieces / Karl D.
Jackson, Giovanna Maria Dora Dore. - In: Asian perspective (Baltimore, Md), 44 (2020) 4, S. 617-649

Kim, Seok Joon; Connolly, Daniel: South Korea's embrace of good donorship norms: the bureaucratic
process of norm translation / Seok Joon Kim, Daniel Connolly. - In: Pacific focus (Inchon), 35 (2020) 2, S.

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                  6
Kössler, Karl: Bougainville moving towards independence? The role of autonomy for conflict resolution in
past and present / Karl Kössler. - In: Ethnopolitics (London), 19 (2020) 4, S. 402-415, Lit. S. 414-415,
Lit.Hinw. S. 414

Li, He: The Chinese discourse on good governance: content and implications / He Li. - In: Journal of
contemporary China (London), 29 (2020) 126, S. 824-837

Liu, Jun: Shifting dynamics of contention in the digital age: mobile communication and politics in China /
Jun Liu. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xv, 211S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw. S. 173-
207 (Studies in mobile communication) ISBN 978-0-19-088727-8; 978-0-19-088726-1

Mietzner, Marcus: Authoritarian innovations in Indonesia: electoral narrowing, identity politics and executive
illiberalism / Marcus Mietzner. - In: Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27 (2020) 6, S. 1021-1036

Nam, Sylvia: Fiction, fraud, and formality: the legal infrastructure of property speculation in Cambodia /
Sylvia Nam. - In: Critical Asian studies (Abingdon, Oxfordshire), 52 (2020) 3, S. 364-377

Pei, Minxin: Investigation of a death long feared: how China decided to impose its national security law in
Hong Kong / Minxin Pei. - Stanford, Calif: Hoover Institution, 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (14S.)] (China
leadership monitor; 65)

Pepinsky, Thomas B.: Decoupling governance and democracy: the challenge of authoritarian development
in Southeast Asia / Thomas B. Pepinsky. - Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, July 2020 -
[Elektronische Ressource (13S.)] (Foreign policy at Brookings)

Rogenhofer, Julius Maximilian; Panievsky, Ayala: Antidemocratic populism in power: comparing Erdoğan's
Turkey with Modi's India and Netanyahu's Israel / Julius Maximilian Rogenhofer, Ayala Panievsky. - In:
Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27 (2020) 8, S. 1394-1412

Rudolf, Moritz: Das Gesetz zur nationalen Sicherheit in der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong: ein Vorbote
für Chinas neue Deutungshoheit bei internationalen Rechtsfragen / Moritz Rudolf. - Berlin: SWP, November
2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (8S.)] (SWP-Aktuell; 91)

Ruoting, Zheng; Jieren, Hu: Mediating state–society disputes in China: outsourced lawyers and their
selective responses / Zheng Ruoting, Hu Jieren. - In: China information (London), 34 (2020) 3, S. 383-405

Shah, Khalid; Shah, Kriti M.: Kashmir after article 370: India's diplomatic challenge / Khalid Shah, Kriti M.
Shah. - New Delhi: ORF, Observer Research Foundation, July 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (47S.)] (ORF
occasional paper; 259) ISBN 978-93-90159-54-3

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                  7
Sinkkonen, Elina; Lassila, Jussi: Digital authoritarianism in China and Russia: common goals and diverging
standpoints in the era of great-power rivalry / Elina Sinkkonen, Jussi Lassila. - Helsinki: The Finnish Institute
of International Affairs, October 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (8S.)] (FIIA briefing paper; 294) ISBN 978-

Strong patronage, weak parties: the case for electoral system redesign in the Philippines / Paul David
Hutchcroft (ed.). - Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 2020 - ix, 209S., Ill., Tab., Lit.Hinw.
S. 188-200 ISBN 978-981-12-1259-8; 978-981-12-1360-1

Testriono, Fnu; Schraufnagel, Scot: Testing for incumbency advantages in a developing democracy:
elections for local government leaders in Indonesia / Fnu Testriono, Scot Schraufnagel. - In: Contemporary
Southeast Asia (Singapore), 42 (2020) 2, S. 200-223

Towards a new Malaysia? The 2018 election and its aftermath / Meredith L. Weiss, Faisal S. Hazis
(eds.). - Singapore: NUS Press, 2020 - xiv, 283S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit.Hinw. ISBN 978-981-325-

Wang, Yi: 'The backward will be beaten': historical lesson, security, and nationalism in China / Yi Wang. -
In: Journal of contemporary China (London), 29 (2020) 126, S. 887-900

Winkler, Christian Gerhard: A historical analysis of the LDP's 2018 constitutional amendment proposals:
mission: moderation? / Christian Gerhard Winkler. - In: Asian survey (Berkeley, Calif), 60 (2020) 5, S. 882-

Xuetong, Yan: Xunzi's and Kautilya's thoughts on inter-state politics / Yan Xuetong. - In: Strategic analysis:
a monthly journal of the IDSA (Abingdon), 44 (2020) 4, S. 299-311, Ill.

Yadav, Yogendra: Making sense of Indian democracy: theory in practice / Yogendra Yadav. - Ranikhet:
Permanent Black, 2020 - xxxi, 390S. ISBN 978-81-7824-546-1

Yilmaz, Gözde; Yıldırım, Nilgün Eliküçük: Authoritarian diffusion or cooperation? Turkey's emerging
engagement with China / Gözde Yilmaz, Nilgün Eliküçük Yıldırım. - In: Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27
(2020) 7, S. 1202-1220


Ambroggio, Iván Andrés: Malvinas: un pretexto para legitimar a un gobierno totalitario / Iván Andrés
Ambroggio. - Córdoba: Tinta Libre, 2019 - 282S. ISBN 978-987-708-386-6

Cambio climático y derechos humanos: contribuciones desde y para América Latina y el Caribe /
Naciones Unidas - CEPAL, Naciones Unidas, Derechos Humanos, Oficina del Alto Comisionado. -
Santiago: CEPAL, 2019 - [Elektronische Ressource (100S., Ill., Lit. S. 93-94)]

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                      8
Cohen, Mathilde: Judicial colonialism today: the french overseas courts / Mathilde Cohen. - In: Journal of
law and courts (Chicago, IL), 8 (2020) 2, S. 247–276, Lit. S. 273-276, Lit.Hinw.

La Cuba que quisimos: la constitución cubana de 2019 : debates en Cuba Posible sobre su formulación,
anteproyecto y proyecto final / Jorge I.Domínguez, Roberto Veiga González, Lenier González Mederos,
Sergio Angel (eds.). - Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Sergio Arboleda, 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource
(381S.)] ISBN 978-958-55-1186-6

Dammert, Lucía: Orden público para el nuevo Chile: demostraciones, marchas y protestas / Luciá
Dammert. - Santiago de Chile: Fundación Friedrich Ebert en Chile, Agosto 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource
(16S.)] (Paz y seguridad) ISBN 978-956-7630-83-7

Dos décadas sin mayoria: el impacto del pluralismo en el congreso / Rosa María Mirón Lince, Luisa Béjar
Algazi (eds.). - Ciudad de México: Ediciones La Biblioteca, 2019 - 231S., graph. Darst. ISBN 978-607-30-

Ferraz, Octávio Luiz Motta: Health as a human right: the politics and judicialization of health in Brazil /
Octávio Luiz Motta Ferraz. - New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020 - 320S. (Cambridge studies in
law and society) ISBN 978-1-108-48364-3; 978-1-108-72901-7

Gargarella, Roberto; Roa Roa, Jorge Ernesto: Diálogo democrático y emergencia en América Latina /
Roberto Gargarella, Jorge Ernesto Roa Roa. - Heidelberg: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law
and International Law, June 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (30S.)] (MPIL research paper series; 21)

Hinojosa, Magda; Kittilson, Miki Caul: Seeing women, strengthening democracy: how women in politics
foster connected citizens / Magda Hinojosa, Miki Caul Kittilson. - New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
2020 - 165S. ISBN 978-0-19-752694-1

M. Nunes, Rodrigo: Access to justice and the legal complex: building a public defenders' office in Brazil /
Rodrigo M. Nunes. - In: Journal of politics in Latin America (Hamburg), 12 (2020) 2, S. 155-176, Lit. S. 173

Molina, Fernando: ¿A dónde conducirá la crisis boliviana? Elecciones y reconfiguraciones políticas /
Fernando Molina. - In: Nueva Sociedad (Buenos Aires), (2020) 288, S. 4-14

The Oxford handbook of Caribbean constitutions / Richard Albert, Derek O'Brien, Se-shauna Wheatle
(eds.). - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xlviii, 702S. ISBN 978-0-19-879304-5

Padoan, Enrico: El instrumento político de los trabajadores no asalariados: los conflictos inter-organizativos
en el proceso de cambio boliviano / Enrico Padoan. - In: Iberoamericana (Madrid), 20 (2020) 74, S. 203-226

Poznansky, Michael: In the shadow of international law: secrecy and regime change in the postwar world /
Michael Poznansky. - New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020 - ix, 247S. ISBN 978-0-19-009659-5

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                  9
Silva, Danielle Costa da: Direitos humanos, política externa brasileira e ONGs: a democratização da
agenda / Danielle Costa da Silva. - Curitiba: Appris, 2020 - 343S., graph. Darst., Kt. (Ciências sociais) ISBN

Stiansen, Øyvind; Naurin, Daniel: Law and politics in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a new
database on judicial behavior and compliance in the IACTHR / Øyvind Stiansen, Daniel Naurin. - In: Journal
of law and courts (Chicago, IL), 8 (2020) 2, S. 359–379, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 376-379, Lit.Hinw.

Weber, Sanne: Trapped between promise and reality in Colombia's victims' law: reflections on reparations,
development and social justice / Sanne Weber. - In: Bulletin of Latin American research (Oxford), 39 (2020)
1, S. 5-21

Zibechi, Raúl: Nuevas derechas, nuevas resistencias / Raúl Zibechi. - Málaga: Zambra/ Baladre, 2020 -
190S. ISBN 978-84-12-14431-4

Zilla, Claudia: Chile auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Verfassung / Claudia Zilla. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, Oktober 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (3S.)] (Kurz gesagt)


Ardovini, Lucia; Mabon, Simon: Egypt's unbreakable curse: tracing the state of exception from Mubarak to
Al Sisi / Lucia Ardovini, Simon Mabon. - In: Mediterranean politics (Abingdon), 25 (2020) 4, S. 456-475

Arslanalp, Mert; Erkmen, T. Deniz: Mobile emergency rule in Turkey: legal repression of protests during
authoritarian transformation / Mert Arslanalp, T. Deniz Erkmen. - In: Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27
(2020) 6, S. 947-969

Baran, Deniz: The legal aspects of the Eastern Mediterranean crisis: analysis / Deniz Baran. - Istanbul:
Alsharq Strategic Research, September 2020 - [Elektronische Ressource (24S., Ill.)]

Belser, Eva Maria: A failure of state transformation rather than a failure of federalism? The case of Iraq / Eva
Maria Belser. - In: Ethnopolitics (London), 19 (2020) 4, S. 383-401, Lit. S. 400-401, Lit.Hinw. S. 399-400

Bragin, Alexey: How can migrants influence democracy in their countries of origin? Case study : CIS
countries of Central Asia / Alexey Bragin. - In: Central Asia and the Caucasus (Luleå), 21 (2020) 2, S. 131-
141, graph. Darst.

Erdoğan, Ayfer: Electoral and constitutional transitions: Tunisia and Egypt / Ayfer Erdoğan. - In: Middle East
policy (Oxford), 27 (2020) 2, S. 53-68, Lit.Hinw.

Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                  10
Golosov, Grigorii V.: The five shades of grey: party systems and authoritarian institutions in post-Soviet
Central Asian states / Grigorii V. Golosov. - In: Central Asian survey (Abingdon), 39 (2020) 3, S. 285-302,
graph. Darst.

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Hakimi, Aziz A.; Sa'adat, Masooma: Legal reform or erasure of history? The politics of moral crimes in
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Johansson-Nogués, Elisabeth; Rivera Escartin, Adrià: Supporting the Tunisian transition? Analysing
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Kabasakal Arat, Zehra F.: Authoritarian shifts and the façade of democracy in Turkey / Zehra F. Kabasakal
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Kayaoǧlu, Turan: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation's declaration on human rights: promises and
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Koussa, Ziad: The politics of public land dispossession in Egypt: 1975-2011 and beyond / Ziad Koussa. -
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Lemon, Edward; Antonov, Oleg: Authoritarian legal harmonization in the post-Soviet space / Edward
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Lottholz, Philipp; Heathershaw, John; Ismailbekova, Aksana; Moldalieva, Janyl; McGlinchey, Eric;
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Rogenhofer, Julius Maximilian; Panievsky, Ayala: Antidemocratic populism in power: comparing Erdoğan's
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Sebode, Ana Catarina: Peace-Keeping der 5. Generation? Die Afghanistanmission der Vereinten Nationen
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Sika, Nadine: Contentious activism and political trust in non-democratic regimes: evidence from the MENA
/ Nadine Sika. - In: Democratization (Ilford, Essex), 27 (2020) 8, S. 1515-1532

Skalamera Groce, Morena: Circling the barrels: Kazakhstan's regime stability in the wake of the 2014 oil
bust / Morena Skalamera Groce. - In: Central Asian survey (Abingdon), 39 (2020) 4, S. 480-499

Spierings, Niels: Democratic disillusionment? Desire for democracy after the Arab uprisings / Niels
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Vanderjill, Rachel: Autocracy and resistance in the internet age / Rachel Vanderhill. - Boulder: Lynne
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Yilmaz, Gözde; Yıldırım, Nilgün Eliküçük: Authoritarian diffusion or cooperation? Turkey's emerging
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Online-Bibliographie zur Zeitschrift Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2020 / 4                                12
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