Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise

Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise
Beyond the storm
Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to
thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis
Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise
Innergise Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.
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Copyright © Innergise Pty Ltd, 2020.

The objective of publishing this paper is to foster new insight and encourage constructive
debate and action on matters of organisational, societal and national interest. This paper
should be read in full and no excerpts taken as representative of the whole. Persons who
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Imagery sourced with permission from

Citation: Nicholas S. Fleming (2020) Beyond the storm – Critical questions for business
leaders aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis, Innergise Pty Ltd,

Published on 4 May 2020, revised 27 July 2020.

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Page 2                                                                                   Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise
Beyond the storm
Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to
thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis

The challenge                         The solution                          The benefits

The world is in the midst of a        Every organisation will respond to    In a crisis, an executive team must
pandemic which, while not             the crisis in their own unique way.   be supported by the board to
unexpected, has hit with a speed      But all organisations can take        respond swiftly and effectively to
and scale of impact that is           similar steps to discern what their   immediate challenges to business
unparalleled. Governments have        best response would be. The           continuity. While the board “gets
created economic crises by            board of directors has an             out of the way” of management, it
shutting down society to control      important role alongside the          can be building its “strategic
the health crises. As Australia and   executive team to set up the          muscle” for the challenges ahead.
other nations around the world        organisation to survive and thrive    While the situation can feel
ease restrictions on movement         in the medium term. Undoubtedly       confusing and overwhelming, a
and business, the recognition is      there will be growth opportunities.   carefully structured suite of
growing that the world won’t          Whether these opportunities are       questions can allow the board to
“return to normal”. Business is       identified and grasped will           engage in crucial conversations
central to the economic recovery      depend on the attitude and            that bring clarity and coherence to
and leaders are asking “What do       approach adopted now.                 the organisation’s strategy and
we need to do now to thrive in        Identifying and exploring some        practices beyond the crisis.
the months ahead?”                    critical questions can clarify and
                                      shape the way ahead.

INNERGISE | Beyond the storm                                                                                     Page 3
Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise
“Only a crisis – actual or perceived –
         produces real change. When that crisis occurs,
         the actions that are taken depend on the ideas
                     that are lying around.”
                           Milton Friedman

Page 4                                              Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
Beyond the storm Critical questions for leaders of businesses aiming to thrive and grow out of the coronavirus crisis - Innergise
Beyond the storm
As Australia works toward relaxing social isolation rules and prepares to reboot the economy,
business leaders are questioning what the new normal will look like. How will business
conditions continue to evolve and what needs to be done now to thrive in the months ahead?
This paper provides some insights and critical questions for company directors and executives
to address in preparing for a new world.

                                       economy should strengthen from         Citizens (and politicians) have
A little history                       here, but for now directors aren’t     been reminded of the importance
One year ago in April 2019,            buying it. Rather, they see the risk   of a trustworthy government and
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg rocked       of further deterioration ahead.”2      the power of people unifying
to the beat of Back in Black. It was   At the time, most of eastern           against a common foe.
the theme of his first budget as       Australia was in drought and
Australia’s treasurer, signalling      bushfires had been burning since       Emerging from the storm
that in 2020 the Australian            June.
government would be back in                                                   Today, Australia is moving slowly
surplus. It would be the first time    By mid-January 2020, the Prime         but surely toward easing the
in more than a decade.                 Minister was being pilloried for       requirement for social isolation, to
                                       his poor leadership of the             open up schools and businesses.
It was a pre-election budget           “unprecedent bushfire crisis” and      Clearly, this does not mean the
founded on some bold                   his government’s dismissive            crisis has passed. Maintaining
assumptions. It promised tax cuts,     attitude to the climate                public health and rebuilding the
congestion-busting infrastructure      emergency3. Ironically, at the         economy remains a critical
and more doctors and mental            same moment, the World                 communal problem.
health services for the bush. These    Economic Forum4 identified
benefits wouldn’t arrive straight      climate action failure as the top      Indeed, as we emerge from the
away, of course, but in the next       global risk.                           unifying clarity of virus-induced
four years (or the four years after                                           isolation into the uncertainty and
                                                                              complexity of the world beyond, it
that). At the time, journalist         Navigating into the storm              seems that the challenges might
Annabel Crabb1, commented “In
this environment of global             On 25 January, the first case of       only escalate. Business leaders are
unpredictability we now inhabit,       coronavirus was confirmed in           genuinely questioning “What is on
the very idea of forecasting four      Australia when a man returned          the other side of the storm?” and
years into the future feels            from Wuhan, China5.                    “What do we need to do now to
bizarre.”                                                                     thrive in the months ahead?”
                                       By mid-March Australia’s borders
                                       were closed and social isolation
The federal government was
                                       was imposed. Now, nearly two
                                                                              A clear role for government
returned to power in May 2019
thanks to “the quiet Australians”.     thirds of businesses are suffering     Averting the health crisis has
Prime Minister, Scott Morrison,        plummeting demand for their            incurred an economic crisis.
reassured voters the economy was       products and services6, and            Nearly 800,000 Australians have
strong, resilient and under the        governments take on debt               lost their jobs. Millions more have
Coalition’s plans would “keep          exceeding $320 billion (16% of         had their work hours reduced or
ticking along”. This was despite       GDP) to prop up the economy7.          are working differently8.
the country’s economic growth          On the upside, supermarkets are        Unemployment is predicted to rise
slowing to its weakest point since     booming and farming prospects          to between 10% and 15%.
the global financial crisis.           are up. Oil is being given away.
                                                                              So, the priority for government is
In October 2019, AICD’s Chief          By world standards, Australians        clear: to restore economic growth
Economist, Mark Thirlwell, said        have navigated the COVID-19            so that people can return to work
“The Reserve Bank says that the        crisis remarkably well, thus far.      and debt can be repaid.

INNERGISE | Beyond the storm                                                                                Page 5
inequality, will economic inclusion
                                                                                             be on the private sector agenda?

                                                                                             And does the disposition and
                                                                                             capability exist within our
                                                                                             business community to navigate
                                                                                             and thrive in a world of
                                                                                             uncertainty, within a community
                                                                                             that generally views it as

                                                                                             Uncertainty on steroids
                                                                                             Any assumption that coming out
Figure 1. Before the pandemic, Australian businesses were considered competent but           of social isolation means “getting
unethical by the general population (Edelman Trust Barometer, 2020)                          back to normal” is naïve. Many
                                                                                             businesses are already adapting
Remember that our economy was                 savings may be the priority of                 their business models (think tele-
faltering before we encountered               households for many months. So,                health) and social attitudes are
COVID-199. So, it will be essential           we should expect a lower than                  changing. Indeed, there are good
to remove major impediments to                ordinary level of consumer                     reasons to argue against returning
economic growth. Taxes on                     demand over the medium term.                   to our prior state of thinking,
income, consumption and land                  That is, consumer spending                     operating and governing.
must be reformed along with                   should not be looked to as the                 While the social disruption
innovation policy and industrial              stimulus for an economic                       experienced in Australia is less
relations. At the same time, people           recovery.                                      than other countries, and
will be seeking government                                                                   consequently the political impetus
support for education and                     A critical role for the                        for change is lower, there will still
retraining as many of the jobs that
                                              business community                             be a suite of policy reforms by
were lost will not return.                                                                   federal and state governments.
                                              Consequently, there is a critical
To pay down debt, governments                                                                These represent just one aspect of
                                              role for private investment and
will also be looking for cost                                                                the uncertainty and complexity
                                              the business community in
savings rather than raising taxes.                                                           that businesses must navigate.
                                              Australia’s economic recovery.
Any increase to business and                                                                 How the community responds to
household costs puts confidence,              Like governments, the private
                                                                                             circumstances will have major
spending and thus the economy at              sector is seeking the highest
                                                                                             consequences too. Current crises
greater risk.                                 impact, least cost way of
                                                                                             have raised big questions like “Is
                                              rebuilding consumer confidence
                                                                                             the economy serving private
                                              and demand. Business leaders will
Muted consumer spending                                                                      interests at the expense of public
                                              be keenly focused, endeavouring
While the Australian Government                                                              interests?”, “Who are the most
                                              to ensure that every dollar spent
has taken on considerable debt to                                                            essential workers?” and “Are we
                                              creates maximum value.
keep people in jobs it has not                                                               more entwined and vulnerable to
reached all workers10. Many are               But in a society where COVID-19                Nature than we think?” More
now having to draw on limited                 has increased unemployment and                 fundamentally, as people move
savings and superannuation to                                                                through different environments,
survive. If the need for social
isolation drags on, more
businesses and households will
become bankrupt.                                      “How do we make sense of the situation?
Indeed, Australian households are                           I’m not sure anyone can.”
already the most indebted in the
world11. Paying for basic                                         John Mullen, Chair of Telstra and Toll Holdings13
necessities, paying down debt and
establishing some precautionary

Page 6                                                                                                Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
Figure 2. Responses to the coronavirus crisis could be many and varied making it
virtually impossible to predict the medium-term future with any confidence.

like public transport or high-                 Leading your business                 What then are the practical
density apartments, they will be                                                     actions you should take to
asking “Do I feel safe?”                                                             maximise the odds your business
                                               How we respond to these and           and its stakeholders can thrive
Quite simply, many shifts in
                                               other questions as leaders in         over the medium term?
community expectations, public                 business, public enterprise and
policy and economic and business                                                     GOVERNING WITH PURPOSE
                                               the community will reflect our
activity are possible locally and              sense-making capability and           Prior to COVID-19, company
abroad (see Figure 2). The                     values. It will be reflected in the   directors, investors, regulators
combinations and permutations
                                               choices we make. Those choices        and academics around the world
are vast, making the medium-term               could create confusion, fear and      were debating and revising the
future impossible to predict.
                                               anger or comfort, hope and            role of business in society16. Now
                                               productivity.                         this question is front and centre …

INNERGISE | Beyond the storm                                                                                      Page 7
and the answer has possibly never      To be able to lead and govern your    BOX 2
mattered more.                         organisation with clarity,
                                                                             Scenarios aren’t optional
                                       creativity and conviction, you
While executives are busy dealing      should examine the ideology that      Scenarios have always been a
with immediate issues of business      shapes your organisation. Discuss     feature in good strategic analysis
continuity, directors should be        these five questions:                 but now they are essential.
reviewing the expectations,
                                                                             Your scenarios should be framed
material issues and direction of       • How is the role of our business
                                                                             around business-critical variables
the organisation in the medium           in society changing?
                                                                             that have uncertain outcomes.
term.                                  • What societal outcomes can we
                                         influence effectively,              Work across multiple time
                                         constructively and responsibly?     horizons, discerning between
                                       • If consumption is the route to      short-term changes triggered by
                                         economic recovery, what             the shock of COVID-19 and
                                                                             longer-term shifts arising from
                                         characteristics make goods and
                                                                             the enduring stress it has created.
                                         services worthy for
                                         consumption?                        What trends are reliable and
                                       • How is our business purpose         which are speculative, and what
                                         more or less relevant? Do we        factors while concerning are less
                                         need to pivot?                      relevant to your industry or
 BOX 1
                                       • What are the big assumptions        business? Climate change, for
 Why are we here?                        we’re making that might not be      example, will be a feature in all
 We must learn from this crisis.         true?                               scenarios as it presents a
 The tragic and ongoing loss of                                              significant, predictable and
 thousands of lives must not be in     LEADING STRATEGICALLY                 enduring condition.
 vain. This means facing into the      Business leaders have always had      Identify options for action,
 real root causes of the dual          to negotiate uncertainty. Now it’s    particularly those that are
 health and economic crises, and       more vivid and confronting. But       sensible under a number of
 what’s required of us in building     rather than fighting and reacting     different scenarios. Remember
 more a resilient, prosperous          to it, you could be assertive and     that it’s not about starting with
 society.                              embrace it. Many business leaders     the perfect plan; it’s about being
 Leading scientists have               will not have experienced a similar   on the fastest improvement
 demonstrated that rampant             opportunity to redirect, declutter    trajectory17.
 deforestation and exploitation of     and energise their business. Four
                                                                             Beyond the immediate insights
 wild species has created the          questions to examine are:             scenarios provide to build robust
 perfect storm for the spill-over of                                         business strategies, they also
                                       • What do we need to do to
 diseases. Today, roughly 70% of                                             build a collective awareness how
 emerging human diseases
                                         enhance the clarity and power of
                                                                             circumstances can change. This
 originate from contact with wild        our strategies?
                                                                             enables an attentiveness to the
 animals14.                            • What are we collectively
                                                                             early signals of emerging
                                         inspired to create?
 So, while it might be politically                                           important shifts.
                                       • What are the three business-
 expedient to relax environmental                                            Indeed, it may be wise to brace
                                         shaping choices that are crucial
 standards to prop up industries, it                                         for another crisis. In Australia, we
                                         for us to make?
 essentially subsidises the                                                  are probably just lucky that we
                                       • What recalibrations should we
 emergence of future pandemics.                                              weren’t fighting bushfires at the
                                         make to our risk appetite?
 While the cost of environmental                                             same time as the coronavirus
 protection and rehabilitation may     Make sure the board and               outbreak. Could your
 be billions of dollars per year, a    executive team discuss these          organisation survive, say, a water-
 pandemic can cost trillions. By       things together. You will need to     borne virus outbreak at the same
 the end of 2020, “rich-world          build a collective consciousness      time as a cyber-attack or a warm
 public debt” could run to $66         and make sense of the uncertainty     conflict in south-east Asia?
 trillion or over 120% of GPD15.       together. Otherwise, different
                                       interpretations of the business

Page 8                                                                               Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
conditions will hamper effective
decision making, sap confidence
and destroy alignment and                 “Resilience is no longer a theoretical concern.
productivity.                              Companies and countries have been made
ENABLING GROWTH                           painfully aware of the fragility of the critical
In the midst of a recession it                   systems on which they depend.”
might seem that there are no
growth opportunities. But change                               Rich Lesser and Martin Reeves18
brings opportunity. To be
successful, you need to adjust your
perspective and expand your
                                       Some questions to help identity           • How do we align our financial
economic imagination. Consider:
                                       productivity improvement                    arrangements and shareholder
• What now are our customers’          opportunities are:                          expectations?
  unmet needs?
                                       • What initiatives should we stop         Try to move beyond incremental
• What do customers value more           because they add little value?          adjustments to budgets to make
  now than before?
                                       • How can we achieve greater              sure you are resourcing for the
• How can we make customers              utilisation of valuable assets?         future, not the past.
  more “sticky”?
                                       • What service extensions can we
• How can we act more nimbly             offer to existing customers?
  than our competitors?
                                       • How should we refocus our
• How is your market access              innovation, research and
  changing? What partnerships            development investments?
  can expand our access?
                                       • How can we engage our people
• What market segments could             to drive week-on-week
  benefit from our capabilities          performance improvements?
  (e.g. clothing manufacturers
                                       • What parts of the business are
  producing protective masks)                                                     BOX 3
                                         over-optimised and
• What should we divest and/or           consequently fragile?                    Solve problems better
  acquire to facilitate future                                                    It is confronting but true that
                                       • What low value, highly
  growth?                                                                         much of the time people are
                                         repetitive work can we
                                         automate?                                solving the wrong problems. It’s a
It might be that your access to
                                                                                  major impediment to productivity
international markets is impeded
                                       FINANCING GROWTH                           growth. To overcome it, first
but local demands are growing,
                                       Beyond the short-term issues of            encourage people to ask, “Are we
particularly for simpler, lower cost
                                       cash flow and solvency, you need           solving the right problem?”.
products that can be trusted.
                                       to set the business up to fund             Second, maintain a sharp focus
Customers might particularly
                                       growth over the medium term.               on those things that create value
appreciate service options that
                                       This may require you to rework             for your customers. Don’t assume
allow them to expand over time
                                       your budgets.                              a business-as-usual response is
and pay on an instalment basis.
                                                                                  still fit for purpose, nor jump at
                                       • What functions should be
ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY                                                            the first solution idea. Generate a
                                         operating on a survival budget?
Emerging from COVID-19, all                                                       range of ways the customer value
                                       • How should we adjust cash                and outcome can be delivered.
organisations will need to invest
                                         reserves and access to debt to
carefully. Every dollar spent needs                                               Third, make a range of small bets.
                                         fund future growth?
to create value. So, how do you                                                   Reduce your investment and risk
                                       • What provisions do we need to
best allocate resources on a day to                                               by trying solutions as quickly and
                                         make for bad debts and
day basis, particularly when so                                                   simply as possible. Embrace and
much is uncertain and conditions                                                  improve those that work best.
can still change quickly?              • What non-core business
                                                                                  Learn fast and compete on the
                                         functions can we outsource to
                                                                                  basis of your rate of learning.
                                         reduce recurrent costs?

INNERGISE | Beyond the storm                                                                                    Page 9
• How could we derive value by         • What workforce capability to do
                                         exceeding minimum regulatory           we need to build (or access) to
                                         standards?                             enable our future business?
                                       • How can we make regulations          • How can we equip our people to
                                         irrelevant?                            make decisions as if it were their
                                       LOOKING AFTER YOUR PEOPLE              • Who should we engage to think
                                       Over the medium term, the work           with and coach our executives?
 BOX 4                                 environment has the potential to
                                       be tremendously exciting but also
 Remove your own red tape                                                     Summary
                                       very stressful. The pace of learning
 While systems, procedures and                                                The dual health and economic
                                       and adjustment will likely be high.
 rules have their place, they can                                             crises triggered by coronavirus
                                       People will learn lessons that will
 also stifle innovation and be a                                              present the greatest challenge to
                                       serve them well throughout their
 significant self-imposed ‘red tape’                                          our communities, governments
                                       careers. But this will also expose
 cost. In fact, Deloitte Access
                                       people to mental health risks.         and businesses since the Second
 Economics found that the cost of
                                       Those that can’t cope with the         World War. And as we emerge
 complying with self-imposed
                                       pressure will be particularly          from the crisis, the challenges will
 rules in the private sector is
                                       vulnerable. So, look after your        likely exceed those going into it.
 double that attributable to
                                       people, from the top floor to the      Reforms will be necessary and will
 government regulations19.
                                       shop floor. Make their health and      not be easy. There will be winners
 It can be a better investment to      welfare an authentic, overt            and losers.
 equip people to make good             priority.
 decisions on the basis of values,                                            For many it is a distressing time
 good-business principles and          MAKING IT HAPPEN                       and the future can appear bleak. A
 customer interest than to follow      The question then becomes “Can         desire to “get back to normal” can
 ever-expanding rules and              you pull this off?” Do you have the    be coupled with the hope that the
 procedures.                           leadership skills, culture and         economic recovery won’t be too
                                       alignment to succeed? Based on         painful and future circumstances
                                       the low levels of productivity and     not so different to before. But
                                       innovation commercialisation           hope is not a strategy. Nor is there
While you are making the
                                       occurring prior to our current         room for complacency. We will
business fit for the future, you
                                       crisis20, it’s reasonable to assume    not “return to normal”.
can’t forget matters of hygiene.
The business must remain viable        many organisations will struggle.      Responsible business leaders
by complying with regulations and      Undoubtedly, it presents a             should get on the front foot.
mitigating critical business risks.    challenge (and growth                  Change brings opportunity.
Of course, there are also              opportunity) for many business         Indeed, our current crisis provides
opportunities here for value           leaders21.                             an unequalled opportunity to
creation. It needn’t just be a drain                                          refocus, declutter and energise
                                       Furthermore, no business leader
on resources. Some questions to                                               businesses. For business leaders
                                       can gather all the data, make
explore are:                                                                  with ambition and vision, it is an
                                       sense of the complexity or have all
                                       the answers. So, tap into the talent   immensely exciting prospect.
• Who is responsible for keeping                                              There is reason to be confident,
  close to regulators and emerging     and potential of your people.
                                       Invite your people take ownership      and confidence matter
  policy shifts?                                                              enormously to your investors,
                                       for the business success, because
• How will safety expectations                                                staff and the wider community.
                                       it is their jobs on the line too.
  evolve in a post-COVID-19
  world?                               Consider the following:                While management teams deal
• How can we benefit from a                                                   with the immediate issues, it is up
  heightened focus on cyber            • Are executives clear about the       to directors to start to do the
  resilience?                            risks we want them to take?          deeply thoughtful work in
• What adjustments in our              • What missions can we use to          supporting the executive to
  financial and business reporting       align everyone’s efforts?            reposition businesses for growth
  will enhance trust?                  • Are our decision-making criteria     over the medium term. A good
                                         clear and applicable by all staff?   place to start is some powerful

Page 10                                                                               Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
References                             12. Edelman Trust Barometer 2020
                                           (Australian edition)
1. Annabel Crabb (2019) Federal
   Budget 2019 sees Josh               13. Narelle Hooper and Jane
   Frydenberg make a noisy debut           Southward (2020) What
   — but we've seen this act before,       happens next? Company
   ABC News (online), 2 April              Director, Vol. 36 Issue 4, pp 16-
2. Ipsos (2019) Director Sentiment
   Index: Research Findings,           14. Eduardo Brondizio et al (2019)
   Second Half 2019, Australian            Global assessment report on
   Institute of Company Directors          biodiversity and ecosystem
   (AICD), Melbourne                       services of the
                                           Intergovernmental Science-
3. Laura Tingle (2020) Are the             Policy Platform on Biodiversity
   bushfires Scott Morrison's              and Ecosystem Services,
   Hurricane Katrina moment that           Intergovernmental Science-
   he can't live down? ABC News            Policy Platform on Biodiversity
   (online), 4 January                     and Ecosystem Services
4. World Economic Forum, The               (IPBES), Bonn.
   Global Risks Report 2020,           15. The Economist (2020) The
   Geneva.                                 pandemic will leave the rich
5. Department of Health (2020)             world deep in debt, and force
   First confirmed case of novel           some hard choices, 23 April
   coronavirus in Australia, 25        16. David Walker (2019) What is the
   January, Australian                     purpose of the corporation?
   Government, Canberra                    Company Director, Vol. 36 Issue
6. Andrew Stevens (2020)                   2, December 2019
   Repositioning for recovery,         17. Martin Hirt et al (2020) Getting
   Company Director, Vol. 36 Issue         ahead of the next stage of the
   4, pp 48-49                             coronavirus crisis, McKinsey &
7. Mark Thirwell (2020) Fighting           Company
   the fallout, Company Director,      18. Rich Lesser and Martin Reeves
   Vol. 36 Issue 4, pp 38-39               (2020) Leading Out of
8. Alex Collie (2020) 90% out of           Adversity, 9 April, BCG
   work with one week’s notice.            Henderson Institute
   These 8 charts show the             19. Deloitte Access Economics
   unemployment impacts of                 (2014) Get out of your own
   coronavirus in Australia, In: The       way: Unleashing productivity,
   Conversation, 28 April                  Building the Lucky Country
9. Stephen Letts and Michael               Series #4, Deloitte Touche
   Janda (2019) RBA cuts interest          Tohmatsu, Sydney
   rates to new low of 1pc amid        20. Ian Jacobs (2018) Australia can
   slowing economy, prompting big          do a better job of
   four banks to respond, ABC              commercialising research –
   News (online), 2 July                   here’s how, In: The
10. Paul Karp (2020) Jobkeeper             Conversation, 3 May
    payment: check your eligibility.   21. Peter Gahan et al (2016)
    Here's everything you need to          Leadership at Work: Do
    know to register. The Guardian,        Australian leaders have what it
    30 April                               takes? Melbourne: Centre for
11. Chris Pash (2018) Australia's          Workplace Leadership,
    household debt is now one of the       University of Melbourne
    highest in the world, Business
    Insider Australia, 18 January

INNERGISE | Beyond the storm                                                   Page 11
Innergise is a firm focused on fuelling progress and prosperity by helping people to
          conceive, design and deliver better programs and projects.

          We remove the impediments to superior productivity by unleashing and focusing the talents of
          your people, achieving your current goals and setting you up for enduring success. Monotony
          becomes momentum. Risks become results.

          Innergise provides proven skills in strategic thinking, complex problem solving, innovation and

          We apply hands-on experience in executive leadership and change management, with insights
          drawn from our work across industry sectors and regions of the world, to generate a sharper
          focus and more realistic, integrated solutions that stick.

          It’s all about better placed effort – not more effort – to deliver immediate and lasting

Page 12                                                                                    Beyond the storm | INNERGISE
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