Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...

Page created by Rafael Santiago
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...


Dr. Soleimani has been passionate about healthcare and field of
medicine from an early age. He started working in the hospitals at
the age of 16 and had been involved in helping patients ever since.
After working as a critical care nurse for 4 years he decided to go
back to school to further his education and eventually graduated
from medical school and completed an emergency medicine

Through out his career one thing that has been essential to him and
his core values have been helping patients in anyway possible. He
believes in knowing and learning about all aspects of his patients
and not just looking at them as a certain disease process.

He believes that we should always try to be the best version of
ourselves. By eating well, exercising and taking a good care of our
bodies inside and out.

             Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When
             you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.
                                                  - Zoe Kravitz
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
The attention to details and his overwhelming desire to create the most
comprehensive natural and patient centered practice is something that has
driven him to open up Neomed.

We can all take care of our bodies, inside and out!

Neomed is a place for the residence of Temecula and Inland empire to receive
the most comprehensive and patient centered aesthetic treatment. Dr.
Soleimani has made it his mission to not only treat patients but also educate
patients about what they will be receiving in the clinic. There will be no
unnecessary treatments and we will be using the most cutting edge and
holistic approach to creating beautiful results for our patients.

He has partnered up with a smart and talented Kayla Bratton PA-C who is
equally passionate and qualified in this field to deliver exceptional care to our
patients. We are excited to be treating patients men and women in our

To make an appointment please call:           760-542-8643

 Center for Rejuvinating Medicine

                       "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase
                               perfection we can catch excellence."
                                                - Vince Lombardi
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
Natural Beauty
"Beauty   is Power,
          SMILE is it's sword"
             -John Ray

NeoMed is a place where you can rejuvenate your soul! We
specialize in both Men and Women, and have created a safe and
comfortable environment where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a
truly unique healing experience. We want you to look and feel
your best and give you the confidence you need to thrive!

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love
yourself, that's when you're most beautiful. - Zoe Kravitz

NeoMed Center for Rejuvenating Medicine

We believe that true happiness and fulfillment comes from living a life
full of passion, and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Our procedures
are designed to help you look and feel your absolute best, by only using
the most effective, and safest aesthetic techniques. We invite you to be
part of the NeoMed family!
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels can rejuvenate your face making the texture of your skin smoother by removing
the top layers of dead skin.
Benefits include:
Diminish acne scars and blemishes
Even skin texture and tone
Improve sun damaged skin and decrease hyperpigmentation (melasma)

PRP Therapy

Platelet rich plasma, commonly referred to as “PRP" is plasma with many more platelets than what is
  typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets — and, thereby, the concentration of growth
  factors — can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual. The platelets are separated from other
  blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. PRP can help to
  restore your natural beauty!


Injectibles can be a very effective way to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Injectables typically block the
nerve signals that cause muscles to contract. This effect relaxes and smooths the look of lines and
wrinkles caused by repetitive movements on the face — most commonly, between the brows, crows-
feet, around the eyes, and horizontal creases on the forehead.
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
Dermal Fillers
Filler are a minimally invasive treatment that will add volume and fullness to your skin giving a
more youthful appearance. They can be used for scar filling, lines, wrinkles, thin lips and shallow
contours. At Neomed, we offer a variety of fillers depending on your needs and wants. During your
consultation, together we’ll determine which filler is best for you.


The quest for long, beautiful lashes is something all women desire. Latisse is actually a version of a
glaucoma drug in eye drop form called bimatoprost (brand name Lumigan, manufacturer Allergan,
Inc.), in use since FDA approval in 2001. During that period, eye doctors and their glaucoma patients
noticed the hair growth side effect, with longer, lusher eyelashes appearing over time.

Spider Vein Treatment

Who wears short shorts!! Don’t let spider veins diminish your confidence and make those veins a thing
of the past! Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that are not required for your circulation, so
they can safely be eliminated with sclerotherapy.
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...


 A Natural Peel that will Rejuvenate Your Healthy Glow

 An excellent peel for most skin types. This peel
 smoothes and rejuvenates the skin producing beautiful
 results in treating mild to severe acne, discoloration,
 moderate wrinkling and sun damage. Available for face,
 neck, hands and upper chest. This deeper exfoliation has
 noticeable peeling and flaking in the following three to
 four days after the peel. Patients can expect a smoother
 healthier layer of skin within a week.

 Chemical peels differ according to their strength, or how    SMOOTHE OUT ROUGH SKIN

 deep they go in the skin. Jessner's solution is a
 combination of three chemicals: resorcinol, lactic acid,
 and salicylic acid.

 A Jessner's peel is a combination of 3 fruit acids mixed
 together to give you a wonderful light chemical peel. It
 is made up of 14% lactic acid, resorcinal and salicyclic
 acids and is done every 2 weeks for a series of 4-6 peels.

                                                              DIMINISH FINE LINES AND WRINKLES
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
Trichloracetic acid (TCA) Peel

$350 Per Treatment
                                                                     "   SUPER SMOOTH

                                                                                                    -A. Smith
                                                                  A trichloracetic acid (TCA) peel is often used for
                                                                  the treatment of wrinkles, pigmentary changes
                                                                  and skin blemishes.

                                                                  Many patients can benefit from having TCA
                                                                  applied not only on the face but also on the neck
                                                                  and other parts of the body that have been
                                                                  exposed to the sun.

                                                                  For spot peeling of limited areas such as around
                                                                  the mouth or eyes, TCA formulas are often
                                                                  preferred because they have less bleaching
                                                                  effect than solutions containing phenol, another
                                                                  popular peeling agent.

MR PARISH            MR PARISH            SUN DAMAGE

We will carefully examine your skin to determine which resurfacing technique, or combination of treatments, will
provide you with the best results. Your skin type, the severity of any sun damage, the extent of uneven pigmentation
and the depth of skin imperfections will be evaluated.

Fine lines, coarse wrinkling or deep acne scarring each may require a different approach to treatment.

Medical History

You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history.
This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies,
medical treatments you have received, previous surgeries, and medications that
you currently take.

Be sure to tell your provider if you have ever had X-ray treatments of your facial
skin such as those used in the treatment of acne or if you have had a prior
chemical peeling procedure. Current or past use of Accutane, as well as Retin-A
and other topical skin preparations, must be reported.

"I love the look on someones face when they see
the great results" - Dr. Bratton
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...

PRP For Hair Loss - $400 Per Session


 PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Our blood is made
 of two main components, red blood cells and plasma.
 Plasma contains white blood cells and platelets which
 are rich in growth factors. Growth factors play the role of
 messengers, signaling skin cells to function.

 For anyone with thinning hair the growth factors can help
 stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote
 new hair growth. It involves withdrawing a patient’s own
 blood, processing it so that the PRP remain, and injecting
 it into the scalp. This can also be combined with hair
 transplant surgery. The entire PRP process takes about
 90 minutes.

 We recommend 1 treatment per month x 4 months,
 then two maintenance per year.

                                                               REGROW YOUR HAIR NATURALLY
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
PRP Facials
                                                                " tissue"
                                                                    IT'S YOUR OWN

                                                                                          -Dr. Bratton
                                                 Use the body’s natural tissue to heal and restore your skin.
                                                 As noted above blood will be drawn from your arm,
                                                 separating platelets and then injecting them to into your
                                                 skin via micro-needling.

                                                 We will run the needle pen over the face while injecting the
                                                 platelets. PRP stimulates the production of collagen to
                                                 improve the overall look of your skin creating a healthier,
                                                 younger looking skin.

                                                 The result can mimic a facelift but with zero down time.
                                                 You can be back at work the next day.

                                                You are using your own growth factors to get your skin
                                                looking it's absolute best.


   This amazing procedure involves withdrawing a patient's blood, processing it to isolate the platelet-
   rich plasma (PRP), then re-injecting it to erase wrinkles and create a more youthful look.
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful - Zoe Kravitz - GLUTEN FREE | LOCAL PRODUCE ...
O-Shot (Orgasm Shot)
$1800 Per Treatment
                                                                        "   ALL I CAN SAY IS

                                                                                                        -V. Jones

                                                                  It is a non-surgical procedure claims to treat
                                                                  sexual dysfunction and improve orgasm in
                                                                  women. The O-shot or orgasm shot is a non-
                                                                  surgical procedure that claims to treat sexual
                                                                  dysfunction and improves orgasms in women.

                                                                  The O shot is a non-surgical procedure that treats
                                                                  sexual function and stimulates the vagina in a
                                                                  way that positively impacts orgasm.

                                                                  It can also improve stress urinary incontinence,
                                                                  lichen sclerous, lichen planus, postpartum fecal
                                                                  incontinence, chronic pain from childbirth, and
                                                                  chronic pain from a mesh.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from the patient's blood and injected into an area near the clitoris and inside
the vagina. The goal is to stimulate the growth of new cells and make the injected areas more sensitive.

The 0-Shot may be what you need to get you back to feeling your absolute best.

Priapus Shot or P-Shot

The P-Shot is a procedure designed to deliver a lasting improvement of sexual
performance to men especially those who have lost function due to an enlarged
prostate, prostate cancer, the after effect of surgery, drug side effects and other
conditions like diabetes.

Unlike other erectile dysfunction treatments, the P-Shot delivers long-lasting
results that you cannot achieve with pills, creams and other male enhancement
procedure. It is a pain-free penis injection. It represents the cutting edge in
medical innovation for male enhancement.

"It is a natural process that the body does
not reject and is very successful"
                                                  - Dr. Soleimani

Priced Per Area   Two Areas $475
One Area: $250    Three Areas $675

                                                    Dysport works by temporarily relaxing facial muscles. It is
                                                    made with the same ingredient as BOTOX: botulinum toxin
                                                    type A.

                                                    Like BOTOX, it tends to be most effective in treating
                                                    wrinkles caused by muscles related to expression lines
                                                    around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

                                                    Dysport is an FDA-approved, prescription injection for the
                                                    treatment of moderate to severe frown lines between the
                                                    eyebrows in adults under 65. Results typically last for four to
                                                    six months, though they can sometimes last for a year.

                                                    Dysport may not have the same brand recognition as Botox,
                                                    but we have found that it is similarly successful in reducing
                                                    the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

                                                    Dysport is a neuromodulators that relaxes wrinkle-
                                                    causing muscles. Dysport tends to diffuse to a wider area
                                                    than Botox, and results appear slightly faster.

$14 Per Unit

An injectable neuromodulator, Xeomin is very similar in form
and function to BOTOX and Dysport, and can be a fabulous
alternative for the right patient.

 Xeomin temporarily paralyzes facial muscles, helping them
relax and “unlearn” the habit of frowning. As a result, your
frown lines become less severe and your face appears more
youthful and refreshed.

Xeomin is FDA approved to smooth frown lines, but can
also be used to address other expression lines around the
eyes and forehead (i.e., crow’s feet or brow furrows).
Botox Cosmetic
$12 Per Unit

                                                                      BOTOX injections are most often used for
                                                                      reducing the appearance of frown lines between
                                                                      the eyebrows, crow’s feet, and forehead lines.

                                                                      Less common uses of BOTOX are for reducing
                                                                      the appearance of upper lip lines, a.k.a. “smoker’s
                                                                      lines,” bunny lines across the nose and gummy
                                                                      smile, the showing of the upper gums when

                                                                      BOTOX works by blocking nerve impulses telling
                                                                      the muscles to contract. Every time the muscles
                                                                      of the face contract the skin is pinched. Over time
                                                                      those little pinches lead to lines or wrinkles which
                                                                      can be noticeable even when the muscle is at
GREAT RESULTS                        QUICK AND EASY

By relaxing the muscles and reducing their use, especially habitual or unintentional use, the skin is allowed to relax
resulting in a smoother, younger-looking appearance. Common injection sites include the forehead, the area
between the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, and the sides of the chin.

Botox can also be used for a wide variety of other conditions, including migraines, excessive sweating, and


FDA-approved injectable to permanently reduce moderate to severe fat on the
upper neck, otherwise known as the “double-chin”. The injection contains a
naturally occurring substance in the body, deoxycholic acid, which helps the
body absorb fat cells. When properly injected, Kybella destroys fat cells.

Kybella treatments are fairly straightforward. After we determine if you are a
good candidate, we will ice and numb the area before the treatment. Some
patients might feel a slight burning sensation, but it is temporary. The entire
process will likely take less than an hour.

"Kybella is a great Non-surgical solution to
get rid of a double chin"    - Dr. Bratton

  Juvéderm is an FDA-approved collection of injectable fillers used for a variety of
  reasons, including lifting the cheeks, smoothing marionette lines around the mouth,
  and plumping the lips.

 Filler are a minimally invasive treatment that will add
                                                                  Juvederm Ultra XC - $600 Per Syringe
 volume and fullness to your skin giving a more youthful
 appearance. They can be used for scar filling, lines,
 wrinkles, thin lips and shallow contours. At Neomed, we           The hyaluronic acid gel is used for moderate to
 offer a variety of fillers depending on your needs and            severe wrinkles and folds. This filler is used at
 wants. During your consultation, we’ll determine which            the nasolabial folds, cheeks, frown lines, jowls,
 filler is best for you.                                           lips and orbital rim. This filler will last up to 1
                                                                   year with partial permanency due to new,
 Procedure                                                         natural tissue growth.
 A topical anesthetic cream or nerve block is performed
 to the areas to be injected, which takes about 30 minutes        Juvederm Voluma XC - $800 Per Vial
 to go into effect. The dermal filler is then injected into the
 targeted areas of the skin with a small needle and                Creates youthful appearance by boosting
 syringe, which takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to             volume in the cheek areas. This treatment will
 complete.                                                         last up to 2 years.

                                                                  Juvederm Volbella XC - $450 per syringe
 Initially, there is some mild swelling which may occur a few
 hours after the procedure. Bruising may occur, but can be
                                                                   Increase lip fullness and correct premolar lines
 concealed with makeup. The rejuvenated skin will appear
                                                                   for up to 1 year with optimal treatment
 immediately after the procedure for you to enjoy!
$560 per syringe
                                                                     "    ALL I CAN SAY IS

                                                                                                       -V. Jones

                                                                Belotero is an excellent choice for use under the
                                                                eyes (tear-trough). It is a HA dermal filler, made of
                                                                the same volumizing and moisturizing
                                                                component of your skin, so it works well for a
                                                                natural choice when reducing the appearance of
                                                                lines and wrinkles.

                                                                One of the most important factors in choosing a
                                                                filler treatment is understanding how it works.
                                                                Over time, our skin begins to lose naturally
                                                                occurring components such as collagen, elastin,
                                                                and hyaluronic acid (HA), leaving skin more prone
                                                                to develop etched-in lines and wrinkles.1-3

                                                                Belotero will last up to 6-12 months

BELOTERO BALANCE® is a hyaluronic acid (HA) injectable filler that completely integrates into the skin tissue.2,3
While some fillers are designed to rebuild facial volume and structure, BELOTERO BALANCE specifically treats
moderate-to-severe etched-in lines and wrinkles such as vertical lip lines above and around the lips.4

Don't trust just anyone to inject your face. Seek professional medial care at NeoMed.


Developed with safety, durability, and longevity in mind, Radiesse is a dermal
filler made with very tiny, smooth calcium hydoxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres.
These create a scaffolding effect for which your own body’s collagen grows,
producing a desired long-term effect.

The results of RADIESSE® usually last between 9 to 15 months, with partial
permanency due to new, natural tissue growth.

"Radiesse is a safe and very effective
procedure that lasts a long time"
                                                 - Dr. Soleimani

    The quest for long beautiful lashes, is something women
    have dealt with forever. There are those lucky ones that
    everyone envies. They have long, thick curving eyelashes
    but they are in the minority.

    Now there’s a new product on the market that was
    developed as a result of a glaucoma eyedrop. In 2001,
    patients taking a medical product to lower inner eye
    pressure in people started noticing enhanced eyelid
    growth. Allergan developed this into a treatment to be
    applied to the base of the eyelashes.

    In their clinical trials, they found that 78% of their study
    patients had a noticeable increase in eyelash growth.
    Latisse® is thought to work by extending the duration of
    the growth phase of the eyelashes as well as increasing
    the number of hairs in the growth phase at one time.

                                         Amazingly beautiful
                                              AND Loved"

$100 for first vial, $75 each vial after

 Who wears short-shorts!

 Don’t let spider veins diminish your confidence and make
 those veins a thing of the past! Spider veins are small,
 dilated blood vessels that are not required for your
 circulation, so they can safely be eliminated with

 Asclera® is a sclerosing agent that is injected into the
 vein. It works by damaging the endothelium, the cells
 lining the inside of blood vessels. This causes blood
 platelets and cellular debris to attach to the lining of the
 vessels; eventually, cellular debris and platelets cause
 the blood vessel to clot. Over time, the clotted vein will
 be replaced with tissue.

 An injectable known as Asclera is used to treat the
 varicose veins. Number of treatments can vary
 depending on how many and the severity of spider

 Treatments can occur up to 6 weeks apart.
                                                                GET READY TO SHOW OFF

We are so excited for you to be part of our new
venture. We are in the process of building our
state of the art medical facility and hope to
open our doors by the end of Summer 2018.

But, we couldn't wait that we are
starting to see patients on Saturdays at the
Temecula Center for Integrative Medicine. They
are located at 27450 Ynez. Rd. #100, Temecula
CA 92591.

Much more to follow! Please follow us on
Facebook and Instagram to keep up with all of
the construction, receive special offers, and be
part of the NeoMed Family!

                            Center for Rejuvenating Medicine
                                     BEAUTY | NATURAL | GROW
                                           LET'S CONNECT


Center for Rejuvenating Medicine

             LET'S CONNECT
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