Page created by Clifford Steele

              Bath City FC
              Ownership Bid
              SHARE OFFER
              2 June 2015

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        ALL ABOUT?
        We need to raise a minimum
        of £750,000 by the 4th of
        September 2015. Our goal
        is to give Bath the football
        club it deserves.

        We will harness the appeal of the
        world’s most popular sport to help      We can achieve this goal
        make Bath an even better place for      by putting community
        all. We will give our city a football   engagement and social
        club to be proud of.                    purpose at the core of the
        We will be offering a positive
        alternative to the broken model         Throwing open the doors to
        of British football by getting          fresh ideas and new energy
        more people, businesses and             by giving people a real reason
        organisations invested and              to get involved and ensuring
        involved in Bath City FC.               fair and democratic control by
                                                shifting to a ‘one member, one
        With diverse support and a              vote’ ownership model.
        sustainable business plan, Bath
        City FC can push on towards the         Broadening the base of
        Football League, engage the whole       investment and participation
        community and deliver real social       in the club by transforming
        benefits to the people of Bath.         the club’s commercial
                                                performance, making the club
        Success off the pitch will drive        financially sustainable and
        success on the pitch by allowing        ending the constant reliance
        us to invest in playing performance     on debt.
        and push up the leagues.

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Why are we doing this?                   potential to totally transform Bath
                                                 City FC.
        Bath is a city of sport, with
        an excellent rugby club and a            Who are ‘we’?
        university that produces Olympic
        champions. Yet unusually for a           We are a group of supporters
        city of our size, it is without a well   and local people that have come
        supported football club. We think        together because we care about
        this can change. Our brilliant city      Bath and see a huge opportunity
        deserves a brilliant football club.      to build a brilliant community-
                                                 owned football club - the football
        Bath City FC faces two essential         club that Bath deserves.
        challenges. The first is its
        persistent failure to make an            The initial impetus towards
        annual profit. The second is the         community ownership came
        debts that have accrued as a             from the Bath City Supporters
        result. The club is flirting with        Society, a democratic membership
        crisis, but in that crisis there is a    organisation of Bath City
        fantastic opportunity to reject the      supporters that is the club’s largest
        broken model of British football         shareholder.
        and forge a new future.
                                                 We have the support and
        There is an opportunity to               permission of the Bath City
        change the ownership model to a          FC board of directors to fully
        members-led, community-owned             investigate a change of ownership
        club. A club where the doors are         structure and make a binding offer
        open for more people to step             to the club’s shareholders.
        forward and take responsibility,
        a club where more people can             Remember though: “we” are not
        take a real stake and share in the       the future of the club. You are
        journey - the ups and the downs -        the future of the club. With Bath
        of running their local football club.    residents, companies, charities
                                                 and organisations involved, we can
        Community ownership is a more            transform Bath City FC into a club
        positive, engaging, sustainable          that truly matters to the people of
        and democratic way of structuring        Bath and sets an example to the
        and running a club, it also has the      rest of football.

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How much will it cost me?           have created a share incentive
                                            scheme that provides additional
        The minimum share purchase          rewards and benefits to large
        has been set at £250. This makes    investors.
        buying shares in Bath City FC
        affordable to a wide range of       For organisations and companies,
        people in Bath and beyond.          we are offering further benefits
                                            that can be passed on to
        However, we will need those         employees. Details of the share
        with deeper pockets to buy more     incentive scheme are given on
        than the minimum if the bid is to   pages 32 & 33.
        succeed. With this in mind, we

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         We have identified three pillars for success, all of which
         are inextricably linked to a change in Bath City FC’s
         ownership model.

         Much of the work that sits beneath the pillars is still
         at the planning stage. We make no apology for this. A
         community-owned club stands or falls on how heartily
         the community commits to the club and uses the
         new ownership model to turn these pillars into real
         competitive advantages.

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                       Creating a Community Owned Club

                       Bath City FC has become disconnected from Bath. We believe
                       that community ownership will change this. Attitudes will shift
                       and imaginations will be captured. People who take pride in Bath
                       will take pride in Bath City. New faces will get involved and new
                       connections will be forged. Supporters will find new depths of
                       loyalty and commitment.

                       Community ownership provides an opportunity for Bath City FC to
                       become part of our city’s DNA. It will open up ownership of Bath
                       City FC to the whole community, giving more people a real stake
                       in the club’s success. Through community ownership, Bath City FC
                       will aim to achieve the following:

                       Create an ownership model that reflects Bath City’s true spirit

                       A private limited company is designed to maximise returns to
                       individual shareholders. This is at odds with how the club is
                       actually run: as a mostly volunteer effort driven by community
                       spirit and pride.

                       We will recognise this, and help external partners and funders
                       recognise this, by adopting the legal form of a Community Benefit
                       Society (CBS): a social enterprise that exists for the benefit of the
                       community. Bath City FC, unlimited.

                       Offer vibrant, meaningful and active membership

                       Smaller clubs live or die by the active involvement of their
                       supporters, partners and backers. Limiting input in decision-
                       making and participation to a handful of investors can paralyse
                       lower league clubs by starving them of fresh ideas and enthusiasm.

                       A membership-driven Bath City FC Community Benefit Society will
                       revitalise the club’s fortunes by opening the doors to people who
                       want to be actively involved in the club as a way of helping the city.

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Open up new opportunities and business advantages for the club

                       With the community collectively owning Bath City we will have the
                       potential to achieve more – building stronger partnerships with
                       the local community, presenting a different appeal to sponsors,
                       increasing attendances and matchday spend, and making more of
                       supporters’ goodwill with projects and volunteering opportunities.

                       Building a platform for great football

                       Success in football is strongly linked to finances. The problem
                       with modern football is that many clubs seek success by spending
                       beyond their means. Instead of spending money we don’t have,
                       our focus will be on generating more income for the club to make
                       it truly sustainable.

                       If we want success to be sustained, we need the team off the pitch
                       to be as strong - stronger - as the one on it. Bath City FC will only
                       be as successful as the community willing to support it.

                       We’ll need to work smarter and harder commercially than some of
                       our rivals who run at a loss but rely on benefactors. But our club
                       and our community will be the better for it.

                       Our first step will be to inject new energy and ideas into the
                       commercial offer, marketing effort and matchday experience. We
                       will then need to take stock of where we are, consult widely and
                       consider our options.

                       We have already identified some key areas where we will need a
                       strategic review. We will organise dedicated working groups to
                       look at the issues outlined on the next page.

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The Stadium

                       We will conduct a review of Twerton Park stadium’s suitability
                       for present and future needs. Possible options may include
                       development of parts of the ground, full redevelopment or
                       relocation. This review will be put to the membership.

                       3G All-Weather Pitch

                       If the numbers stack up, a 3G-equipped Twerton Park could
                       become the true “Home of Bath Football”, hosting Bath City Youth,
                       Foundation, Academy and student and corporate sides. We wil
                       investigate the commercial opportunities of a 3G playing surface
                       as a priority. Again, this review will be put to the membership.


                       We will conduct a strategic review of the club’s football structures,
                       facilities and support systems to ensure the club is equipped for,
                       and capable of, striving towards the Football League.

                       Commercial Activities

                       Drawing on the best ideas from
                       the world of sport and business,
                       Bath City will seek to maximise
                       commercial opportunities both
                       on matchdays and during the
                       rest of the year.

                       Matchday Experience

                       A thorough review of fan engagement, marketing activity
                       and matchday experience will ensure that the club
                       achieves the broadest possible engagement. We hope
                       to revitalise attendance, creating the next generations of
                       Bath City FC supporters.

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                       Use the power of football and Bath City FC to make a
                       tangible social impact

                       Football clubs have the power to reach people and parts of a
                       community like no other. A community-owned football club can go
                       even further.

                       Building on the experience and award-winning success of the
                       Bath City FC Community Sports Foundation, we will use our
                       community-owned model to bring in more resources and magnify
                       the club’s contribution to our city.

                                                      With a larger network of
                                                       businesses and organisations,
                                                        more active members and
                                                        a more attractive brand, the
                                                      possibilities are unlimited.

                                        We can engage marginalised communities to
                                       come to matches, link up with local authorities
                                      and agencies to reach out to disengaged young
                                     people or the isolated elderly, and support active
                                     lifestyle ambitions by working with the Foundation
                                     to consider new avenues of activity, such as futsal
                                     and walking football, so as to broaden the reach
                                     and range of Foundation activities and become
                                     even more relevant to Bath.

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        THIS HAPPEN?
        Bath City FC is a private company       If we can reach that figure, we
        kept alive by the generous              believe we can do the following:
        donations and loans of a handful
        of dedicated individuals. Without       A) Secure 75% agreement of the
        these donations the club would          club’s existing shareholders to
        never have reached its 125th            vote to convert the company into
        anniversary last year.                  a community ownership model -
                                                from a private limited company to
        These individuals deserve our           a community benefit society (CBS).
        respect and our gratitude. They
        have stepped forward when no            B) Clear critical debts and park
        one else felt able to do so.            some of the remaining debt into
                                                a longer term agreement that
        With this in mind, the Big Bath         will allow us 7-10 years to either
        City Bid team has attempted to          refinance the debt or realise funds
        find a way forward that is fair. Fair   from the ground or other means
        in recognising this support, but
        fair in that it gives community         C) Have £260k as working capital
        ownership a platform to succeed.        to cover the current operating
                                                shortfall, invest in opportunities
                                                to grow the club and keep some
            WE HAVE SET                         aside for contingencies while we

            OURSELVES AN                        turn the business around

            ABSOLUTE                            D) Increase the current playing
                                                budget by 10%

            MINIMUM                             Our optimum target is £1.25m.
             TARGET OF                          If we can reach £1.25m we are

                                                confident that we can negotiate
                                                repayment of all debt to directors
                                                and individual lenders.

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What happens if we reach
        the target?                             2
                                                Once the CBS has been registered
                                                with the Financial Conduct
                                                Authority and the takeover has
        If we reach our minimum viable          been agreed with the football
        target of £750k and negotiate           authorities, the funds raised will be
        what the bid team believe to be         released and community shares in
        a suitable debt agreement and           the CBS will be issued.

        share offer, this will kick start the
        following process:                      Separately, a motion will be put

                                                to the members of Bath City
        We will contact everyone who has        Supporters Society to propose a
        deposited money in support of this      Transfer of Engagements to the
        scheme to clarify the agreement         CBS club, allowing the Society
        we have negotiated. We will wait        to achieve its objective of a
        7 days before continuing on our         democratic football club existing
        journey to community ownership,         for the benefit of the community.
        giving people the chance to opt
        out if they aren’t happy with the
        ‘in principle’ agreement we have

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What happens if we don’t               What happens if we surpass
        reach the target?                      the target?

        If we don’t reach the minimum          The more money that we can raise,
        target your money will be              the more money we can invest in
        returned.                              our three pillars of success and
                                               accelerate real change: from a club
        If we are able to cover a small        that historically loses money to
        shortfall with the help of a           a club that can reap the benefits
        sympathetic lender, we may             of being community owned. In
        come back to you requesting your       particular we have identified that
        permission to use your funds to        we would:
        support a new arrangement, but
        you will be under no obligation to     • Pay down debts to the directors
        agree to this.                         and other lenders at a faster rate
                                               - the more we pay and quicker
        No matter what happens, you will       we do it, the more of the debt
        either get a community-owned           they are willing to write off, thus
        club or you will get your money        improving the club’s stability and
        back - that much is certain.           financial strength.

        What is not at all certain is the      • This also reduces pressure
        future of Bath City FC. Whilst the     to make structural changes at a
        club is fortunate compared to          future date to repay remaining
        many of our rivals in owning our       debts.
        ground, the club has consistently
        made trading losses of between         • Invest in building the club’s
        £50K-£100K over the last few           off-pitch revenue streams, as per
        years.                                 the outcomes of the strategic
                                               reviews proposed under ‘building a
        Understandably the existing            platform for great football’.
        board can’t keep sustaining those
        losses indefinitely, and the club is
        increasingly vulnerable to financial
        predators and crisis. Without
        community ownership, the future
        of the club will be in question.

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WITH £750k, WE
                        • secure a 75% vote of the club’s shareholders to
                        effect a change of status to a Community Benefit
                        Society (i.e. achieve community ownership)

                        • clear urgent debts of £100,000; pay off
                        approximately £385,000 of loans and negotiate with
                        the Directors of the Club regarding other loans with
                        the objective of achieving payment with 7 - 10 years

                        •   introduce £260,000 of working capital

        WITH £1.25m, WE
                        • secure a 75% vote of the club’s shareholders to
                        effect a change of status to a Community Benefit
                        Society (i.e. achieve community ownership)

                        •   clear all debts to directors and individual lenders

                        • leave the club with only £100,000 of debt to
                        NatWest Bank repayable over nine years by 2024

                        •   maximise working capital to strengthen the club

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What would make a                      Third, new and improved relations
        community-owned club                   with a wider range of Bath
        financially viable?                    businesses will bring in increased
                                               regular commercial income.
        We think there are several reasons
        why a community-owned Bath             Fourth, more astute commercial
        City FC will achieve profitability     property exploitation can make
        where the existing club has failed.    Twerton Park work harder for the
        First, our bid will recapitalise the
        club and reduce debt interest - the    Fifth, the possible installation
        more we raise, the more debt we        of a 3G pitch has the potential
        can pay off.                           to increase revenues through
                                               pitch hire fees, decrease ground
        Second, the bid campaign will          maintenance costs and bring more
        raise the profile of the club          of Bath’s football community into
        throughout Bath and create             contact with Twerton Park.
        an immediate boost in core
        attendance, which we will              Finally, as a social enterprise
        consolidate through improved           operating in a ward formally
        marketing, relationship-building       recognised as deprived, the CBS
        and matchday experience, backed        is likely to have access to social
        by a larger and more structured        funding for any projects and
        volunteer base.                        improvements that help both the
                                               community and the club.

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                        PROFIT & LOSS
                        OVERVIEW TO 2020
                                          FY 13/14    14/15 to   Year 1     Year 2      Year 3         Year 4         Year 5
                                                      5/5/15     15/16      16/17       17/18          18/19          19/20

                        Revenue            463,369     517,210    512,378   604,758      674,573        763,712        854,768

                        Direct costs       423,037     386,474    423,947   469,106      510,252        560,096        615,811

                        Gross operating
                                           40,332      130,736    88,431    135,652      164,321        203,615        238,957
                        profit (loss)

                        Indirect costs     122,785     119,641    163,907   168,981      182,493        191,612        209,193

                        Net operating
                                           -82,453     11,095     -75,476   -33,328      -18,172        12,003         29,764
                        profit BITDA

                        Net Profit/        -110,154    -9,481     -93,184   -50,236      -34,580        -4,155         13,856

                                                                                 Detailed breakdown of this table is on the next page

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Notes to Finances                                Social Club income represents a big
                                                         opportunity for expansion. Targeting growth
        For FY2014/15 the club is expected to make       in Year 1 of 29% still creates a shortfall of
        a loss of less than £25,000 (FY2013/14 loss      some £20,000 on FY2013/14. It is expected
        £113,174). This improved performance is due      that Social Club income will double from
        to an increase in football income of 39%,        FY2014/15 levels by year 5 to £290,368.
        which is due to an exceptional FA Trophy
        run, and an increase in commercial income        Market and Stadium income is due to
        in 57%. However social club sales were down      decline in Year 1 due to the expiry of certain
        30%. Running costs were kept under control       contracts. Growth thereafter is limited but
        and will end up about the same as FY2013/14.     a full assessment needs to be made of the
                                                         potential to hire out the stadium for other
        Five year financial Plan (starting FY2015)       events as well as development of the site to
                                                         create office rental opportunities or similar,
        It is expected that losses in Year 1 will be     which will come out of the strategic review.
        below £100k but will reduce in the following
        years to give a near breakeven performance       Merchandise and Programme sales are due
        in Year 4 and surplus in Year 5. The Financial   to increase in line with attendances and
        Plan does not include the installation of a      are budgeted to grow 26% in Year 1 and 2.
        3G pitch. Dependent in part on how it is         Opportunities to sell merchandise through a
        funded, this can offer considerable revenue      city centre retailer will also be pursued.
        opportunities from both use of the pitch and
        increased use of the other facilities at the     Other revenues relate mainly to the mobile
        club.                                            phone operator masts on-site.

        Revenue                                          Costs

        Football income is budgeted to decline           The trading costs of the business
        in Year 1 (in the absence of this year’s         are budgeted to be in-line with past
        exceptional cup run) before increasing by        performance but with inflationary increases
        22% in Year 2 and 15% thereafter, driven by      at 3%-5% per annum with the following
        our “1000BC” campaign to increase average        exceptions:
        attendances to 1000 by Year 4, and higher
        average spend per paying attendee. Football      •   Player’s wages to increase by 10% per
        income can be accelerated by hitting our         annum each year
        “1000BC” target earlier than Year 4.
                                                         •   Total Social Club wages to double over
        Commercial income is due to increase by          the period as revenue grows and staffing
        16% (£92,030) in Year 1 as new opportunities     levels increase.
        due to CBS are maximised and a General
        Manager is employed to focus on this type        •   A General Manager is employed
        of income stream. Commercial income in the
        following years will average 12%.

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        IN IT FOR
        Community shares are designed          share account each year, at the
        to balance social and community        discretion of the board.
        aspirations with hard business
        logic – to give people the chance      • We are seeking tax relief for
        to invest in the social outcomes       individual investors as part of the
        they want without simply making        Enterprise Investment Scheme
        charitable donations. Community        (EIS). This means that, subject
        shares are designed to be              to your personal circumstances,
        repayable. Where the club makes        you can claim up to 30% of your
        a surplus, holders of community        investment against your income
        shares can request repayment           tax return. Supporters Direct has
        with modest interest at the            been successful to achieving
        discretion of the board.               this for other clubs in the past,
                                               and The Bell Inn (Co-op) has also
        In particular:                         successfully achieved EIS. We
                                               have already received advance
        • The shares are withdrawable in       assurance from HMRC that our
        the future, at the discretion of the   project is likely to qualify for both
        board, if the club can afford it       Enterprise Investment Scheme
                                               relief and, if the community
        • The shares can pay a small           club needs to borrow, Social
        amount of interest, added to your      Investment Tax Relief.

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        LOOK LIKE?
        Step One: Interim Board                or are reserved to the members
                                               under the Club’s rules. They can
        For the first season, an interim       also make direct appointments
        board will ensure a smooth             to ensure diversity and a breadth
        transitional period whilst the new     of skills. They represent, and are
        governance structure is set up. The    responsible to, the membership.
        interim board will include existing
        board members and members of           The Governing Board will delegate
        the Big Bath City Bid. We seek to      responsibility to manage the day
        retain as much existing talent and     to day running of the Club to
        experience from Bath City FC as        an operational team, including
        possible. We aim to quickly build      a paid General Manager. The
        up a large pool of members during      operational team will report back
        the first season, including the bulk   to the Governing Board, to ensure
        of the existing supporter base,        that they are fully supported and
        which will pave the way for the        working to the budget.
        first election.
                                               Following the first election,
        Step Two: An Elected Board             subsequent years will see a third
                                               of the Board places being made
        Members of the newly created           available each year to ensure the
        Bath City CBS will elect a             right balance between continuity
        governing board for Bath City          and opportunity.
        FC at the end of the 2015/16
        season. The Governing Board            The Governing Board will report
        will be responsible for the overall    back to the membership, but
        performance of the Club. They          will rely on help from members
        will exercise all the powers of        to make the club a success. This
        the Club apart from those that         is about opening up the club
        they may choose to delegate,           to benefit from the goodwill of

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supporters and the city of Bath.      from Twerton Park – will require
                                              a greater majority of members to
        Members’ powers                       vote and turnout before the Board
                                              can make a decision.
        The members will own the club
        on a ‘one member, one vote’           Remember - this isn’t fantasy
        basis. Sounds like chaos? Well,       football. Members won’t be able
        democracy is vibrant and we           to pick the team, or sack the
        wouldn’t want it any other way.       manager at a whim. Members are
        But there will be measures in place   responsible for looking after the
        to ensure stability: in particular,   long-term interests of the club.
        decisions will be delegated to the    There will be opportunities to
        elected Board.                        contribute on a day-to-day basis
                                              via a range of practical volunteer
        If members really don’t like what     working groups. Every employee
        they see, they can propose new        and volunteer will have identified
        ideas and challenge the elected       roles and responsibilities, and each
        Board. The most fundamental           will be accountable to their fellow
        decisions facing the club –           members.
        especially, whether to move

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        Why a community share issue?               company. We think they are more
                                                   appropriate for a football club like Bath
        We are seeking to raise a large sum.       City FC for the following reasons:
        This can’t just be a bucket-shaking
        fundraiser: there has to be a clear        • Shares are withdrawable on request
        promise of a sustainable future. We        at the discretion of the CBS Board
        need a radical approach, and we
        believe that community shares offer        •   This offers an exit route to the
        the fairest and most cost effective        investor. Buying community shares
        solution.                                  is not a donation: should the investor
                                                   want to be repaid, the CBS Board
        What is a community benefit                can authorise this as long as it judges
        society (CBS)?                             that the club can afford it. The shares
                                                   will be withdrawable 5 years on from
        A ‘community benefit society’ is a         the date of completion, which we
        close cousin of a co-operative society.    anticipate will be August 2020, subject
        Whereas a co-operative exists for the      to the following conditions:
        benefit of its members, a CBS exists
        for the benefit of the community. Like          •   Applications to withdraw shares
        a co-operative, a CBS is run on a ‘one          will be made in writing to the
        member, one vote’ basis. Until recently,        Secretary of the CBS;
        CBSs were known as ‘industrial and
        provident societies’. Only a co-op or a         •   All withdrawals must be funded
        CBS can issue community shares.                 from trading surpluses and are at
                                                        the discretion of the CBS Board
        Why a community share issue                     with regard to the long term
        in a CBS?                                       interests of Bath City, the need
                                                        to maintain prudent reserves and
        Community shares issued by a                    the community club’s primary
        community benefit society (CBS) are             commitment to community
        different to shares issued by a private         benefit;

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•   The CBS Board will not permit       •   The principle of a community
              more than 10% of the total value of     benefit society is that it is individual
              the community shares issued to be       membership, rather than share
              redeemed in any financial year.         ownership, that confers voting rights.
                                                      Community shares are a separate class
        • Shares do not change in value               of share only available to members.
                                                      It is critical for the ongoing business
        • Shares can pay a small amount               model of the club that the whole
        of interest. Interest of up to 2% per         community takes responsibility for the
        annum above Bank of England clearing          club. Community shares are not about
        bank base rate may be credited to             “control”, they are about creating a
        shareholders’ accounts subject to the         platform for the club to survive and
        following conditions:                         thrive.

              •   Any payment of interest must        How much are we seeking to
              be from trading surpluses, at the       raise?
              discretion of the CBS Board, with
              regard to the long term interests       The minimum viable target is
              of Bath City FC, the need to            £750,000, which we believe will enable
              maintain prudent reserves and           the club to become a CBS. We’d need
              the community club’s primary            to raise £1.25m to clear all director and
              commitment to community                 individual lender debt.
                                                      How will the money be
              •   The CBS Board may, having           managed?
              regard to the principles set out
              in the preceding sub-paragraph,         The money will be held in a dedicated
              pay no interest or interest at a rate   Bath City Supporters Society account
              lower than the rate referred to         up until the offer is complete. If
              above.                                  successful it can then be released to
                                                      complete the purchase. If you apply
        • Shares aren’t tradable or                   online using the Microgenius facility,
        transferable                                  money will only be taken when
                                                      we reach the minimum target end
        • Club governance remains “one                following the 7 day opt out window.
        member, one vote” no matter how
        many community shares you buy

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What about Community                        ensure that investments are compliant
        Shares, how much will they                  with the Enterprise Investment
        cost?                                       Scheme. From year 5 requests to
                                                    withdraw will be considered by the
        Each community share will carry the         Board in order of receipt subject to the
        nominal value of £1. In order to attract    conditions set out above.
        the scale of investment we need, the
        minimum community share purchase            Can anyone buy community
        will be £250. By law, the maximum           shares?
        investment is £100,000.
                                                    Yes. Technically you must become
        What return will I receive for              a member of the new Bath City FC
        Community Shares?                           Community Benefit Society (CBS)
                                                    to buy shares, but you will be able
        Members who buy community shares            to apply for this at the same time as
        can receive potential interest of up        purchasing community shares.
        to 2% over Bank of England base rate,
        subject to the financial performance        Also the offer set out in this document
        of the club. Interest will be credited to   is only open to UK residents. If you live
        shareholder accounts rather than paid       abroad and would like to invest, please
        out on an annual basis. Distribution of     contact us separately.
        interest will be at the discretion of the
        board.                                      Is there any age limit?

        Are there any restrictions on               You must be aged 16 years or older
        the payment of interest?                    to be a full voting member of the
                                                    CBS (and therefore able to purchase
        No interest will be paid during the first   community shares).
        five years, in order to help the Club
        build its activities.                       However, we are aware that people
                                                    may want to buy shares for their
        When can I apply for the return             children or grandchildren.
        of my investment?
                                                    Community shares can only be held
        No withdrawals will be allowed for first    by full members, so if an adult wanted
        5 years to allow the Club to utilise the    to buy shares for a child or grandchild,
        funds raised to build the business and      the shares would need to be held on

prospectus-v2.indd 22                                                                     28/05/2015 13:56
their behalf by the adult until they        community shares in your will.
         reached the age of 16. At that point, the
         shares can be transferred as a special      Membership
         exception to the “non-tradable, non-
         transferrable” rule.                        An annual membership fee will be
                                                     payable. This will be set at a low
         As the shares would legally be held         level to encourage a large, diverse
         by the person over 16, the £100,000         membership. Initially the membership
         limit would still have to be observed       fee will be £10.
         - for example, someone couldn’t hold
         £100,000 of community shares and            The full rights, role and responsibilities
         then another £1,000 on behalf of a          of members are set out in the Rules
         minor. There would be no additional         of the CBS which are available at
         voting rights for the individual holding but
         shares for a minor, and the individual      the following points relevant to the
         holding shares would need to remain a       community share offer are drawn to
         member of the CBS.                          your attention:

         The transfer of the community shares        •   In the event that a member fails
         to the new holder when that person          to renew their annual membership,
         reached the age of 16 would still be        and they have purchased community
         subject to that person being admitted       shares, these funds will remain
         as a member of the CBS, as shares may       invested in the scheme until a request
         only be held by members.                    to withdraw is made in line with the
                                                     process outlined for members;
         The Secretary of the CBS would
         then record this in our register of         •   By not renewing your annual
         community shareholders that certain         membership fee, you may cease to be
         shares were being held on behalf of         entitled to member benefits, including
         someone else.                               your equal voting share in the CBS.

         What happens to my shares if                Can organisations/companies
         I die?                                      subscribe for Community
         The CBS rules allow for community
         shares to be transferable on death,         Yes. A representative of that
         so it is possible to bequeath your          organisation will need to become a

prospectus-v2.indd 23                                                                       28/05/2015 13:56
member of the CBS as nominee for          future generations;
        their organisation/company.
                                                  •   upholding the mutual ownership
        Where can I find out more                 of the Club operating democratically,
        about community shares?                   fairly and transparently;

        Our proposed CBS constitution is          •   ensuring the Club operates with
        based on Supporters Direct’s model.       financial responsibility enabling the
        To understand more about community        Club to be run for the long term
        shares and how they have helped other     interest of the Community;
        football clubs and enterprises such as
        community owned shops and pubs            •   providing sporting facilities and
        please go online to view our supporting   opportunities regardless of age,
        materials:        income, ethnicity, gender, disability,
        shares.                                   sexuality, religious or moral belief; and

        Who will run the club?                    •   playing at the highest level possible,
                                                  but always operating in a financially
        The new community club will be a          responsible and prudent manner.
        Community Benefit Society registered
        with the Financial Conduct Authority.     While we complete the purchase and
        It will be owned equally by members       manage the transition to the new
        who pay an annual subscription fee.       ownership model, a working group will
                                                  make up an interim board and guide
        The club’s constitution will state that   the Club to the first election which will
        there must be annual elections to the     take place by the end of the 2015/16
        Board who will serve on behalf of the     season. The interim board will be made
        members, and who will work to meet        up of the members of the Big Bath
        the objects of the Club:                  City Bid campaign who have made
                                                  this process possible, as we well as
        • The Club’s objects are to benefit the   members of the existing club structure
        community by:                             who bring invaluable knowledge and
        • enhancing the social, cultural
        and economic value of the Club to
        its Communities and by acting as a
        responsible custodian of the club for

prospectus-v2.indd 24                                                                     28/05/2015 13:56
Is tax relief available?                    So what will happen to my
         We are taking steps to seek approval
         from Her Majesty’s Revenue and              When we receive payment we will
         Customs (HMRC) for our community            send you an acknowledgement within
         share offer to be accepted into the         five working days.
         Enterprise Investment Scheme. Subject
         to personal circumstances, this would       Your funds will remain in a dedicated
         enable individual buyers of community       Bath City Supporters Society bank
         shares to claim tax relief of up to 30%     account. Direct Debit applications
         on community shares purchases at the        made through Microgenius will be
         end of the tax year in which they are       collected upon successfully reaching
         made.                                       the minimum target.

         We think this is a fantastic incentive to   If, and only if, we reach the target of
         invest and buy shares in our scheme.        £750k by 4 September 2015 and when
         More details on the scheme and how          the conversion of the private company
         individuals could benefit are shown at      Bath City Football Club Limited to the                  community benefit society Bath City
                                                     FC CBS is registered with the Financial
         EIS relief would not be applicable          Conduct Authority, will your money be
         to individuals who have previously          converted into the appropriate number
         bought shares in Bath City Football         of community shares.
         Club Limited and choose to convert
         to community shares in the new              You will receive notification that
         CBS, when the motion is presented           the community buyout has been
         to shareholders, should the deal go         confirmed and a personalised share
         ahead.                                      certificate will follow within 30 working
         Will I receive a share
         certificate?                                Your funds will then be used in line
                                                     with the purposes laid out in this offer
         Everyone who purchases £250 or              document.
         more community shares will receive
         a community share certificate. The          Progress/reporting
         Secretary will keep an updated share
         register.                                   Progress reports to all those supporting

prospectus-v2.indd 25                                                                     28/05/2015 13:56
the scheme will be issued as and when      if we reach this stage of the bid and
        appropriate.                               from the spirit of the negotiation we
                                                   have had so far, that people will want
        If we do not reach our target of           to see their deposits remain, to see the
        £750,000 by 4 September we will            community ownership bid succeed.
        be in contact with you through your
        preferred method of communication          So what will happen to the
        within 10 working days.                    personal information I provide?

        Why will you wait 7 days to                The information provided in application
        proceed after the end of the               forms will be dealt with in accordance
        offer if we reach or surpass the           with data protection legislation and
        minimum target?                            will not be disclosed to any third party
                                                   except for the purpose of running
        Whilst we are in advanced negotiations     the share offer; for preventing crime;
        with individuals who have loans with       to the police, if required by law; to
        Bath City Football Club Limited, we        any relevant regulatory authority, if
        have not been able to reach a final        required by law; or with the permission
        agreement (in principle) on what any       of the person concerned.
        repayment may look like at the time of
        the launch.                                •   Applications will be processed in
                                                   the order in which they are received
        We thought it was critical to get things   and may be accepted or rejected at
        moving over the off season so that         the absolute discretion of the interim
        everyone who has an interest in Bath       board of the CBS. Any application
        City will know what the ownership of       rejected will be returned to the
        the club will look like for next season.   applicant together with a cheque for
        We want to be open and honest with         application monies received without
        everyone about how the deal will fit       interest.
        together and where their money will
        go, which is why we have built a 7 day     •   By completing and delivering an
        ‘opt out’ window where people can          application form you, as the applicant:
        review the final deal.
                                                   •   Offer to acquire the number of
        Whilst this does constitute an extra       Community Shares in Bath City FC CBS
        step and potential risk to the deal        specified in the form on the terms and
        going ahead, we are confident that         subject to the conditions set out here

prospectus-v2.indd 26                                                                      28/05/2015 13:56
and in the offer document and subject      •   FAQs to provide more detail as to
        to the Rules of Bath City FC CBS;          how the scheme will work

        • Confirm that in making the               •   More information about community
        application you are not relying on         shares and how they have been
        any information or representations         successful at other football clubs
        other than those contained in the
        offer document and this application        •   A guidance document on the
        form, and agree that no person shall       Enterprise Investment Scheme and
        have any liability in connection with      potential tax relief for individual
        your application for any information       investors
        or representation not contained in the
        offer document and application form.       •   Financial projections for Bath City
                                                   FC CBS for season 2015/16
        Bath City Supporters Society and
        the Board accept responsibility            •   A business plan for Bath City FC CBS
        for the information contained in
        this document. To the best of the          What about Bath City
        knowledge of the Society and the           Supporters Society?
        Board (who have taken all reasonable
        care to ensure that such is the case)      This bid has been prepared with the
        the information contained in this          support and involvement of the Society
        document is in accordance with the         Board. If the bid is successful, and
        facts and contains no omission likely to   community ownership is achieved,
        affect its substance.                      the Society Board intend to put a
                                                   motion to the membership to transfer
        Supporting Documents                       engagements to the new Bath City FC
                                                   CBS, which will established through
        You can find all of the following          the conversion of Bath City FC Ltd. This
        supporting documents at www.               is because the Bath City Supporters or by              Society Board believes that the
        application to Bath City Supporters        objectives of the Society will have
        Society, Twerton Park, Bath, BA2 1DZ.      been met through the new community
                                                   club, and supporters will have a direct
        • The proposed constitution of Bath        opportunity to become involved in the
        City FC CBS                                ownership of the club by becoming a
                                                   member of Bath City FC CBS.

prospectus-v2.indd 27                                                                     28/05/2015 13:56
I am an existing shareholder               For this bid to be successful, we need
        in Bath City Football Club                 to secure a vote of 75% of the shares
        Limited, what about me?                    in the Company to convert into a CBS
                                                   Club, which means negotiating to
        Currently there are more than 850          make that possible.
        individual shareholders in Bath City
        Football Club Limited and 500,000          It will be up to each individual to
        issued shares carrying a nominal value     decide how they view their own
        of £1 each. Whilst there are rights        shareholding, but the bid team
        attached to these shares if the football   will offer the opportunity for all
        club is to continue in its current         shareholders in Bath City Football Club
        form, the likelihood of shareholders       Limited to exchange their shares for
        ever receiving a dividend is almost        community shares in Bath City FC CBS
        non-existent, and the likelihood           should they wish. This will form part of
        of shareholders ever getting the           the motion to shareholders if we reach
        money they paid for their shares in        the minimum target of £750k that will
        a repayment of capital is even more        allow us to put a motion to convert to
        remote.                                    the Club’s existing shareholders.

prospectus-v2.indd 28                                                                    28/05/2015 13:56
        Microgenius                           You will be making a commitment
                                              to pay the amount you specify,
        We are running our community          if and when the offer target is
        share offer through an online         reached and the board draw the
        facility called Microgenius, which    funds down.
        is operated by the Community
        Shares Unit and is backed by the      If we are successful, the Board will
        Department for Communities and        decide a specific time to begin the
        Local Government.                     transfer, and every investor will
                                              be given advance notice of when
        In order to use the service, you      exactly this will be.
        need a valid email address to
        create your Microgenius account,      More information on how
        and a UK bank or building society     Microgenius works can be found
        account to set up the Direct Debit    on the FAQ page on the website:
        instruction. You don’t need to have
        a credit card.              

        What happens when I invest?           The system uses GoCardless, a
                                              low-cost Direct Debit service
        Microgenius works as a one-off        accessed through GoCardless’
        Direct Debit, so when you sign        sponsor, the Royal Bank of
        up, your name, address and            Scotland, and is registered as a
        bank details will be taken but no     Small Payments Institution with
        money will be transferred from        the Financial Conduct Authority.
        your account until and unless the
        publicised target is hit. When you    You will not pay any added fees,
        have decided how much you want        but GoCardless does take 0.5%
        to invest, enter your bank details    of the funds raised for payment
        into their secure service when        processing on successful share
        prompted and GoCardless takes         offers to cover the transaction
        care of the rest.                     costs.

prospectus-v2.indd 29                                                         28/05/2015 13:56
Bank transfer or cheque               you must agree to join the new
                                              Bath City FC CBS as a member.
        To do this, please complete the       The proposed rules to the new
        form in the inside rear cover. By     Bath City FC CBS are available
        signing it you confirm that you       online at
        have read the offer document and      rules.
        accept the terms set out therein.
                                              In addition to your payment
        When you have completed and           for Community Shares you will
        signed the form please send it        be required to pay an annual
        to Bath City Supporters Society,      additional membership fee to
        Twerton Park, Bath, BA2 1DZ.          become and remain a member.
                                              The first year’s fee is included in
        You must either enclose a cheque      the share purchase. Next year’s
        for the value of shares you wish to   fee will be due at the end of next
        buy or make a bank transfer.          season. (Currently the membership
                                              fee is £10 a year for adults. Under
        Details of the secure Bath            16’s can be associate members
        City Supporters Society Bid           paying £5 to join but cannot be
        Fund account can be found at          part of the Community Share       Scheme).

        You must quote your full name and     Interest
        post code as a reference so that
        your payment can easily be linked     You may request to receive
        to your application for shares.       interest on your community
                                              shares. The maximum interest
        Your payment must come from a         available is 2% above Bank of
        UK clearing bank account in your      England base rate.
        name and you must complete this
        form with your full name, address     If interest is paid, additional
        and date of birth.                    monies will be credited to
                                              your share account rather than
        Community Shares &                    paid out in cash. Payment of
        Membership                            interest is subject to the financial
                                              performance of the club and is at
        In order to buy community shares,     the discretion of the board.

prospectus-v2.indd 30                                                          28/05/2015 13:56
Contingencies and Risks               and therefore the money you pay
                                              for your shares is not safeguarded
        This document contains certain        by any depositor protection
        forward-looking statements            scheme or dispute resolution
        that are subject to certain risks     scheme. As the whole of what
        and uncertainties, in particular      you pay could carry a risk, please
        statements regarding Bath City FC     consider it carefully in the context
        CBS’ plans, goals and prospects.      of the complete share offer
        The CBS’ actual results and           document, and if needed seek
        operations could differ materially    independent advice.
        from those anticipated in such
        forward looking statements as a       On the solvent dissolution or
        result of many factors including      winding up of Bath City FC CBS
        the risks faced by the CBS which      holders of the shares will have
        are described in this section and     no financial entitlement beyond
        elsewhere in this document.           payment of outstanding interest
                                              approved by the Board and
        These statements and the              repayment of paid-up share
        assumptions that underlie             capital.
        them are based on the current
        expectations of the interim           Supporters Direct
        CBS Board and are subject to a
        number of factors, many of which      Supporters Direct is the leading
        are beyond their control. As a        organisation developing and
        result, there can be no assurance     promoting community owned
        that actual results will not differ   sports clubs. We are a Community
        materially from those described in    Benefit Society owned by our
        this document.                        members; the Supporters Trusts
                                              or supporter owned clubs we have
        Our share offer is exempt from the    helped create.
        Financial Services and Markets Act
        2000 or subsidiary regulations;       Through our consultancy SD
        this means you have no right of       Club Development we have co-
        complaint to an ombudsman.            ordinated, or advised on, every
        A community benefit society is        community share offer involving
        registered with but not authorised    football clubs.
        by the Financial Services Authority

prospectus-v2.indd 31                                                         28/05/2015 13:56
        Legionnaire                            Gladiator
        £250                                   £5,000

        • Share Certificate                    • As above plus
        • Limited Edition Owner’s badge        • Official picture with team
        • 1 year’s membership of the           • Lifetime membership of the
        community club (thereafter £10 pa)     community club
        • EIS tax rebate (if eligible): £75    • 1 year’s free Premier Lounge
                                               Membership (from bid completion)
        Praetorian                             • 1 year’s dedicated Seat in stand
        £500                                   • Name listed on new lifetime
                                               membership board
        • As above plus                        • EIS tax rebate (if eligible): £1500
        • Name listed on new permanent
        Roll of Honour in stadium              Senator
        • 2 years’ membership of the           £10,000
        community club
        • EIS tax rebate (if eligible): £150   • As above plus
                                               • 3 years’ free Premier Lounge
        Centurion                              Membership with match day car
        £1,000                                 parking (from Bid completion)
                                               • 3 years’ dedicated Seat in stand
        • As above                             with your name on
        • Special listing in every             • 3 years’ Senator Forum
        programme for 2015/16 season           Membership including invitations
        (from bid completion)                  to special events
        • Invite to exclusive reception        • EIS tax rebate (if eligible): 30% of
        event for major shareholders           investment
        • Free entry to 5 home league
        games in 2015/16 season
        • 3 years’ membership of the
        community club
        • EIS tax rebate (if eligible): £300

prospectus-v2.indd 32                                                            28/05/2015 13:56
         Business Legion Bronze                • 2 years membership of the
         £1,000                                community club

         • Share Certificate                   • 2 years Business Club
         • Special listing in every            Membership giving access to
         programme for 2015/16 season          networking events.
         (from bid completion)
         • 10% discounted match day            Business Legion Gold
         tickets for up to 5 staff per home    £10,000
         league game for 2015/16 season
         (from bid completion)                 • Share Certificate
         • 1 years membership of the           • Special listing in every
         community club                        programme for 2015/16 season
                                               (from bid completion)
         • 1 years Business Club               • Own “Friends of the Club” plaque
         Membership giving access to           in ground.
         networking events.                    • 10% discounted match day
                                               tickets for 20 staff staff per home
         Business Legion Silver                league game for 2015/16 season
         £5,000                                (from bid completion)
                                               • 3 x 1 year season ticket.
         • Share certificate                   • 3 years membership of the
         • Special listing in every            community club
         programme for 2015/16 season          • 3 years Business Club
         (from bid completion)                 Membership giving access to
         • Own “Friends of the Club” plaque    networking events.
         in ground.
                                               Other packages can be tailored to
         • 10% discounted match day            individual company requirements
         tickets for 10 staff staff per home   to give further benefits to your
         league game for 2015/16 season        employees.
         (from bid completion)
         • 2 x 1 year season ticket.

prospectus-v2.indd 33                                                         28/05/2015 13:56
prospectus-v2.indd 34   28/05/2015 13:56

        Please complete this form if                                      Subject to a successful bid, I wish to join the
                                                                          Bath City FC CBS as a member (required)
        you are paying by cheque or

        bank transfer. When you have                                      We prefer to communicate by email. Tick
        completed and signed the                                          here if you do not want to receive email

        form please send it to Bath City
                                                                          Please send me the relevant HMRC form for
        Supporters Society, Twerton Park,
                                                                          Enterprise Investment Scheme tax relief if
        Bath, BA2 1DZ. By signing it you                                  the CBS successfully qualifies.
        confirm you have read the offer
        document and accept the terms                                     I would like to buy personal
        setout therin. Please refer to page                               community shares to the value of:
        30 for full details.
                                                                          □      £250             £500□
        Name                                                              □      £1,000               □
        ...............................................................   □      Other (£250+) ..............................

        Address                                                           I would like to buy organisation/
        ...............................................................   company community shares to the
        ...............................................................   value of:
                                                                          □      £1,000               □
        Date of Birth                                                     □      £5,000               □
        ...............................................................   □      Other (£250+) ..............................

        Telephone                                                         How much interest would
        ...............................................................   you like to receive, subject to
                                                                          performance? (See page 30)
        Email Address
        ...............................................................   □       None            □       1%         □       2%

        Organisation (where applicable)                                   Signed
        ...............................................................   ...............................................................

        Representative (where applicable)                                 Date
        ...............................................................   ...............................................................

prospectus-v2.indd 35                                                                                                             28/05/2015 13:56





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