Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy

Page created by Regina White
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
                                     Breastfeeding tips
                                        from our Baby

                                   BEYOND THE TEETH
                                     Protect your gums
                                         and jaws from
                                    periodontal disease

ISSUE 16   | JUN– JUL 2015

       Celebrity blogger QiuQiu
      shares her experience as a
          Thomson Mummy
                     SEE PAGE 4
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy

                                                                                                                                     04 COVER  STORY
                                                                                                                                        Blogger QiuQiu on being
                                                                                                                                            a Thomson Mummy

                                                                                                                                     06 TCM   RECOVERY
                                                                                                                                        Restore balance after childbirth
                                                                                                                                            with herbs and acupuncture

                                                                                                                                     08 HELLO   ANGELS
                                                                                                                                        Nurse Leeza is here for you,
                                                                                                                                            night or day

                                                                                                                                     10     ORAL HEALTH
                                                                                                                                            Protect your gums and jaws
                                                                                                                                            from periodontal disease

                                                                                                                                                                                          COVER PHOTOGRAPHY LONG FEI/T2 PICTURES ART DIRECTION SAVID GAN HAIR AND MAKEUP AARON NG/DECORUM WARDROBE OHVOLA VENUE BOUFE BOUTIQUE CAFE
                                                                                                                                     12     PARENTCRAFT
                                                                                                                                            The art of breastfeeding by
                                                                                                                                            Mrs Wong Boh Boi

                                                                                                                                     14     HEALTHY EATS
                                                                                                                                             beyond the hype – here’s
                                                                                                                                            why quinoa is good for you

                                                                                                                                     15     BODY BEAUTIFUL
                                                                                                                                             hat cellulite really is – and
                                                                                                                                            what you can do about it

                                                                                                                                     16     HAPPENINGS
                                                                                                                                             ew uniform, baby care talk,
                                                                                                                                            family day out and more!

                                                                                                                                     18     HOT STUFF
                                                                                                                                            Everything you need for your
                                                                                                                                            dream nursery

                                                                                                                                      Always Ready, Always Here
                                                                                                                                       THIS ISSUE, we are honoured to have celebrity
                                                                                                                                       blogger QiuQiu share her experience as a
                                                                                                                                       Thomson Mummy, and how Thomson Medical
                                                                                                                                       Centre has been helping her to recover after
                                                                                                                                       birth. We also shine the spotlight on a Thomson
                                                                                                                                       Angel who cares for patients at our 24-Hour
                                                                                                                                       Family Clinic any time, night or day.
                                                                                                                                           At Thomson, we believe in being there for

                                                10 15                                                                                  your entire family. With our network of clinics,
                                                                                                                                       we are a convenient one-stop centre for all
                                                                                                                                       your healthcare needs. Get complete oral care
                                                                                                                                       at Thomson Specialist Dentistry, take years off
   FOR ENQUIRIES ON ADVERTISING AND CORPORATE TALKS, PLEASE EMAIL                                                                      your face and body at Thomson Well Women
                  CONTACT@THOMSONMEDICAL.COM                                                                                           Clinic, and even shop for your dream nursery at
                                                                                                                                       Thomson ParentCraft Shop.
Celebrating Life is published bi-monthly for Thomson Medical by Publicitas Publishing (email:
                                                                                                                                            Happy reading!
The views and opinions expressed or implied in Celebrating Life do not necessarily reflect those of Thomson Medical or
Publicitas Publishing. No responsibility is accepted for the claims made in advertisements, articles, photographs or illustrations
contained in this publication. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of Thomson Medical
and Publicitas Publishing. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2015 by Thomson Medical. All information correct at time of
                                                                                                                                       Best Regards,
printing. Printed in Singapore by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd. MCI (P) 176/12/2014                                                         The Editorial Team
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
cover story

Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her
experience as a Thomson Mummy

YOU MAY KNOW HER as                        cotton wool to clean the eyes when
Singapore’s very own Budget Barbie.        bathing the baby. “This was all the
Local blogger QiuQiu, 27, together         more important because I have no
with hubby Josh, welcomed their little     confinement nanny to help me, so
girl Meredith at Thomson Medical           it gave me the confidence to care
Centre on 8 March.                         for Meredith on my own.”
     Why did she choose to deliver
at Thomson? “Actually I knew about
                                               Being pregnant was not easy for
                                           QiuQiu, who suffered from severe
                                                                                                                                                The first-time mum also made
                                                                                                                                            use of the 24-Hour Clinic at Thomson
                                                                                                                                                                                          “I hope she will            As a thrifty Budget Barbie, QiuQiu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 has some money-saving advice for
Thomson Medical all along! I went          water retention and put on a total                                                               Medical Centre. After falling sick          grow up to be kind       those who are considering hiring a
                                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHY LONG FEI/T2 PICTURES ART DIRECTION SAVID GAN

                                                                                                                                                                                         to people, to love
                                                                                 HAIR AND MAKEUP AARON NG/DECORUM WARDROBE OHVOLA

for the hospital tour when I was six       of 35kg. “My veins were popping,                                                                 herself shortly after delivery, she got                              confinement nanny.
or seven months pregnant. I was            I could not fit into my shoes and I                                                              herself checked at the same time                                          “If you have family members
impressed by the warm and motherly         could not even bend my knees. It                                                                 when she brought Meredith to see               those who love        who can help, consider catering just
nurses, and I was sure I would be in       was a good thing the massage at                                                                  the paediatrician.                            her, be thankful       confinement food – it’s much cheaper
good hands.”                               Thomson TCM was able to relieve                                                                      “We thought she was crying                                       than hiring a confinement nanny. The
     The childbirth education class also   the bloatedness.”                                                                                because of constipation, but it turned       always and to be        time and hassle you save is well worth
proved useful. “Even though I only             The TCM therapy also helped                                                                  out to be something else. I was quite        brave to stand up       it. My favourite confinement dish has
went for a one-day crash course, the
stuff they taught me really helped.
                                           QiuQiu to lose some weight.
                                               “I went for postnatal TCM
                                                                                                                                            impressed by Dr Eugene Han. He
                                                                                                                                            was very patient and he showed us
                                                                                                                                                                                        for herself and her      to be the pig trotters from Thomson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Confinement Food. It’s tender and
                                                                                 VENUE BOUFE BOUTIQUE CAFE

During my labour, I did what I was         massage two weeks after delivery,                                                                many ways to soothe my baby, such               loved ones.”         fragrant and it’s simply yummy!”
taught – how to breathe correctly,
using the momentum, positioning
                                           and in four sessions I managed to
                                           lose 13kg. It helped my womb to
                                                                                                                                            as playing white noise, bringing her
                                                                                                                                            out on a car ride or checking for
                                                                                                                                                                                          — Mummy QiuQiu              So when does she intend to have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sibling for Meredith?
and when to squeeze – and it was all       contract and to expel toxins from                                                                nasal blockage. I also saw the doctor           on her hopes for          “Well actually I’d want three
smooth for me!”                            my body,” said Qiuqiu, who will                                                                  here as well – this place really offers a        baby Meredith       children if I can, but I’ll leave that all
     QiuQiu was also thankful for          be going for a few more                                                                          convenient one-stop service for both                                 to fate… I’ll be back at Thomson if
the tips on baby care, such as using       acupressure sessions.                                                                            mummy and baby.”                                                     number two comes along!”

                                                                    4                                                                                                                                   5
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
AXA Mum’s Advantage

RESTORE BALANCE                                                                                                                                  Awarded “Best in Insurance Coverage for Mothers and

                                                                                                                                                              Babies” in 2012 & 2013

Postnatal recovery with traditional Chinese medicine
YOU MIGHT KNOW THAT CONFINEMENT care after having a baby is important, but do you know exactly why this                                                                            2012                                       2013
is so? From a TCM perspective, it is critical for you to get proper postpartum care, because this will set the stage for your
                                                                                                                                                                                  VOTED BY PARENTS                           VOTED BY PARENTS

                                                                                                                                                                           PR    P R E G NANC Y                             P R E G NANCY

future health.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       S            PR                             S
                                                                                                                                                                              O DU
                                                                                                                                                                                    C TS / S E R VI
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CE                   O D UC               IC E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TS / S E R V

Postpartum imbalances                       Herbs and acupuncture can help             who suffer from conditions such
A woman’s body undergoes major              To help with postnatal recovery,           as headache, osteoarthritis, lower
                                                                                                                                      AXA Mum’s Advantage is for an
hormonal, physiological, circulatory,       confinement herbs should be taken          back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome
respiratory and metabolic changes           according to these three stages:           and tension may benefit from
                                                                                                                                      expectant mother from as early as
during pregnancy. While most mothers        • Uterus recovery: Aid in uterus           acupuncture right after delivery.              18 weeks pregnancy as well as for
bask in this “glow” of pregnancy,             contraction and lochia discharge             Thomson Chinese Medicine                   the baby while still in the womb.
many are caught off guard by the                                                       offers postnatal TCM programmes.
post-delivery changes that occur in         • Digestive wellness: Improve              These include 28 Days Confinement
                                                                                                                                      It is a combination of two plans:
a matter of days or even hours.               digestion and absorption of nutrients    Herbal Care, Internal Rejuvenation
   Pregnancy and childbirth                   to improve Qi and Blood supply           for Mommies (post-confinement             C
                                                                                                                                      1. Prenatal plan – Mum’s Care
deplete Blood and Qi from the                                                          herbs) and Go Go Mommies (six                  • It helps to ease the cost of
mother’s body. The resulting                • Vitality booster: Nourishing             sessions of acupuncture to relieve

                                                                                                                                        treatment arising from possible
postpartum imbalances include:                the respective organs to regain          stress, fatigue, aches and pains).
                                                                                                                                        pregnancy complications.

• Qi and Blood deficiency:                    pre-pregnancy vitality                                                            CM

  Fatigue, frequent urination, low                                                                                                    • The baby is also ensured guaranteed
                                                                                                                                        protection against the 18 listed

  appetite, indigestion, incontinence       To address the concern of the safety of
  and poor breast milk production           TCM herbs for breastfeeding mothers,
                                                                                                                                        congenital illnesses up to the age of
                                            as well as the risk of postpartum                                                   CMY
                                                                                                                                        6 years old.
• Yin and Blood deficiency:                 bleeding, it is advisable to only take
  Constipation, excessive night             TCM herbs that are prescribed by
                                                                                                                                      • Both mother and child also enjoy
  sweats, insomnia, depression,             the physician. Together with proper                                                         hospital care BENEFITS.
  hair loss, dizziness and                  rest and diet, the herbs will help                                                        2. Savings plan – INSPIRETM
  hormonal imbalance                        mommies regain the balance of Qi
                                                                                       PHYSICIAN SEAH AI WEI
                                                                                       practises at                                      FlexiProtector and INSPIRETM
                                            and Blood at a pace in accordance          THOMSON CHINESE MEDICINE
                                                                                       (Thomson Medical Centre)
• Pathogenic cold resulting in              with their body constitution.              339 Thomson Road #03-01
  Blood stasis: Abdominal pain,                 While Chinese herbs nourish the        Singapore 307677                               • It provides a valuable head start in
                                                                                       T: 6350 8850                                     building up savings for your child’s
  retention of lochia (uterus discharge),   internal organs, acupuncture can be        E:
  incontinence and severe depression        used to improve circulation. Mothers                               future.
                                                                                                                                      • The mother can transfer this plan to
                                                                                                                                        the child upon birth. It provides
                                                                                                                                        guaranteed life protection up to
                                                                                                                                        $200,000 including 30 critical
                                                                                                                                        illnesses, without any further health
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “With Mum’s Advantage we can be confident that our child
                                                                                                                                        * Terms & Conditions apply.                                        will be well protected both before and after birth.”

                                                                                                                                                Contact Us Today
                                                                                                                                                  6100 6543

                                                                                                                                      AXA Life Insurance Singapore Private Limited
                                                                                                                                      8 Shenton Way #27-02 AXA Tower Singapore 068811
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
hello angels

                                                WHEN IT COMES TO emergency
                                                cases, Leeza Christina Pigao has
                                                seen them all.
 Nurse Leeza and the 24-Hour Family Clinic            As an Enrolled Nurse with the 24-
                                                Hour Family Clinic at Thomson Medical
      are here for you any time, day or night   Centre, the 28-year-old is no stranger
                                                to helping patients with cramps,
                                                bleeding and other chronic conditions.
                                                      Her team works eight-hour shifts
                                                round the clock, seven days a week,
                                                365 days a year.
                                                      “Weekends are usually the busiest
                                                for us, so I work six days a week, and
                                                take a day of rest on a weekday,” said
                                                Leeza, who hails from Manila.
                                                      For Leeza, it was a calling to help
                                                others in need. “Ever since I was
                   “Ever since I was            a child, I wanted to be a nurse. It’s
                   a child, I wanted            not easy caring for patients, but it
                                                is always worth it to help them get
                   to be a nurse. It’s          better,” she said.
                   not easy caring                    “So in a way I am happy to be part

                   for patients,                of the 24-Hour Clinic, because anyone
                                                can come and get help anytime – from
                   but it is always             acute situations to health checks and
                   worth it to help             minor surgery – and I get to serve a
                                                wide range of people.”
                   them get better.”                  Prior to joining Thomson Medical
                                                Centre, Leeza was a nurse in Manila,
                                                and had served in the orthopaedic
                                                ward of Tan Tock Seng Hospital. “Now,
                                                with Thomson Medical Centre, I get
                                                to gain new experience in a maternity
                                                and paediatric setting,” she said. “This
                                                is a great opportunity for me, and I get
                                                to work with wonderful doctors, fellow
                                                nurses and colleagues.”
                                                      Now in her fourth year as a
                                                Thomson Angel, Leeza has witnessed
                                                many emergency cases. “There was
                                                a case last year where a mother gave
                                                birth to a premature baby right in front
                                                of me, at the 24-Hour Clinic. Our team
                                                was trying our best to comfort the
                                                family and care for them as best as we
                                                could. That was a really difficult case
                                                we handled.”
                                                      Even when the going gets tough,
                                                it is ultimately her patients that keep
                                                Leeza going.
                                                      “One of my patients said to me,
                                                ‘Thank you for your help, you are truly
                                                an angel.’ There was also a family who
                                                gave me a heart-shaped necklace to
                                                thank me for taking care of the mother,
                                                who had heart problems. I was really
                                                touched by this gesture.”

Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
oral health

                                                                                               • Hormonal changes during
                                                                                                   puberty or pregnancy
                                                                                               • Uncontrolled diabetes
                                                                                               • Medication such as antidepressants
                                                                                                   and antihypertensives
                                                                                               • Immunosuppression due
                                                                                                   to AIDS or cancer
                                                                                               • Genetic susceptibility
                                                                                               • Halitosis (bad breath)

                                                                                               What is the treatment like?
                                                                                               The first step is a thorough examination
                                                                                               to assess the level and architecture of the
                                                                                               remaining bone structure. This usually
                                                                                               includes taking a set of radiographs.
                                                                                                   Next is initial periodontal therapy
                                                                                               (IPT), which includes removal of tartar
                                                                                               and plaque from beneath the gum line.
                                                                                               This process is called scaling and root

                                                                                               planing, and is usually done under local
                                                                                               anaesthesia. After the procedure, teeth
                                                                                               may become temporarily sensitive,

                                                                                               but this can be managed by using
                                                                                               densensitising toothpastes. Gum
                                                                                               shrinkage and gaps may occur due
                                                                                               to resolution of gum inflammation.
                                                                                                   Surgery may be required in severe
Protect your gums and jaws from                                                                cases. This involves surgical access
periodontal disease                                                                            to areas that are otherwise difficult
                                                                                               or impossible to clean thoroughly
                                                                                               during IPT. In certain situations,
WE ALL WANT healthy teeth, but                 What causes periodontal disease?                bone graft materials may be used to
for our teeth to be healthy, we need to        The main cause is bacterial plaque. At          encourage the regeneration of the
take care of our gums and jaws as well.        first it forms as a clear film on the teeth     supporting structures of the tooth.
     Periodontal disease refers to             surface. Over time, it turns into a hard            After active management, it is
the chronic bacterial infection of the         substance called tartar, which can serve        important to have a structured regime
teeth’s supporting structure. The most         as a harbour for even more bacterial            to maintain periodontal health.
common types of periodontal disease            accumulation. Tartar is not removable           The frequency of maintenance can
are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis   by normal brushing or flossing.                 range from three to nine months.
is a reversible condition where only the            As bacteria accumulates, gingivitis        During maintenance visits, a full
gums are affected, but periodontitis           (inflammation of the gums) occurs. This         periodontal assessment is done
is an irreversible condition that affects      can be reversed with proper cleaning            before any plaque is removed.
both the gums and bone structure.              and removal of plaque. The treatment
                                               can range from getting a scaling done
What are the symptoms?                         to simply brushing regularly/properly.
These include:                                      If gingivitis is not treated in time, it
• Red and swollen gums, which might          may progress to periodontitis. The gum
     be accompanied with abscesses/pus         attachment to the tooth is gradually
• Bleeding, especially while brushing        lost, and plaque advances along the
• Shaky teeth with “weak bite”               tooth surface deeper into the gums.
•  Teeth drifting/spacing                    The result is irreversible destruction
• Gum recession or “teeth getting longer”    to bone and connective tissue.
• Non-specific low-grade discomfort/pain                                                     DR LOW YI HAN
                                                                                               practises at
                                               Who are at risk?                                THOMSON SPECIALIST DENTISTRY
                                                                                               8 Sinaran Drive, #06-05/06/07
However, some people may not show              Although periodontal disease can occur          Novena Specialist Center
any symptoms even with underlying              to anyone at any age, risk factors that         Singapore 307470
                                                                                               T: 6255 1771
periodontal problems, so it’s still            are linked to periodontitis include:            E:
important to visit your dentist regularly.     •  Smoking                          

Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy

Mrs Wong Boh Boi on the Art of Breastfeeding
EVERY NEW PARENT probably                   for you,” said the affable mother       Thomson Medical offers before,
knows that breast milk is all that babies   of two who is completing her PhD        during and after birth (see below).
need until they are six months old.         in breastfeeding at the NUS Yong            To Mrs Wong, successful
However, with so much information           Loo Lin School of Medicine.             breastfeeding is not all just
available on Google and YouTube,                The UK-trained nurse educator set   about the mother. The father
and with many well-meaning friends          up the Thomson ParentCraft Centre       has a part to play too!
and relatives offering their advice         in 1999 to educate young parents.           “Daddy needs to learn how
on breastfeeding, it is easy to be              “I want to establish a centre to    to massage mummy, and be her
overwhelmed by information overload.        give new parents the confidence in      cheerleader in the labour ward. It is
    “No matter how much you                 caring for their little ones. We are    much easier for the milk to come when
can learn online or from people             always here for you, so don’t be        mummy is able to rest and relax.”
with experience, remember that              shy to consult us. I have seen too
every mummy is different – what             many cases where a simple case
works for others may not work               of infection developed into a bad
for you,” said Mrs Wong Boh Boi,            case of mastitis – all because people    YOUR BREASTFEEDING
Assistant Director (Clinical) and           were too shy to seek help early.”
                                                                                     JOURNEY WITH THOMSON
                                                                                    Before birth
Senior Lactation Consultant at                  A firm advocate of evidence-
                                                                                    • Join our childbirth education classes to
Thomson ParentCraft Centre.                 based teaching, Mrs Wong makes             learn about how milk is produced and
    “That’s why it is important to          sure that all the techniques taught        how to manage breastfeeding problems
consult the experts. Let them check         in Thomson ParentCraft Centre are       • Understand that your breasts produce
                                                                                       milk only after around three days after
how your baby is latching on,               backed up by clinical research, and        delivery, and that the colostrum produced
understand your flow and frequency          updates her staff regularly on new         before that provides enough nutrition for
                                                                                       baby at this early stage
of feeding, assess your situation and       research findings. This includes
                                                                                    Immediately after birth
work out a solution that is suited          the entire range of services that
                                                                                    • Establish skin-to-skin contact within
                                                                                      the first hour
                                                                                    • Let baby lead the way to search for
                                                                                      your breast
                                                                                    •O ur lactation consultant will assist you
                                                                                      in getting baby to latch on properly
                                                                                    Follow-up after birth
                                                                                      lactation consultant will see every
                                                                                     mummy before discharge
                                                                                      or advice on breastfeeding and baby
                                                                                     care after discharge, call our hotline
                                                                                     9119 3502 (Mon–Fri 8.30am–5pm, Sat

                                                                                    MRS WONG BOH BOI
                                                                                    practises at
                                                                                    THOMSON PARENTCRAFT CENTRE
                                                                                    Blk 2 Balestier Road #01-671
                                                                                    Balestier Hill Shopping Centre
                                                                                    Singapore 320002
                                                                                    T: 6251 4090

Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
body beautiful

KEEN                                                                                                                                                                   WITH CELLULITE
Go beyond the hype – here’s why this superfood is good for you
                                                                                                                                                                       What the “orange peel” effect really is – and what you can do about it

                                                                                                                                                                       Cellulite refers to the dimpling in flesh    • Weight change: Weight gain can            • Subcision
                                                                                                                                                                       that is common in most adolescent and           increase the appearance of cellulite,       This is a simple and safe clinic
QUINOA (KEEN-WA) has been                  that’s a complete protein – making it    carrot and red pepper with Thai                                                    adult women, notably on the thighs,             but weight loss may also either             procedure for depressed scars with
cultivated for 7,000 years. This South     ideal for vegetarians – as it contains   lime-cilantro vinagrette. For breakfast,                                           buttocks and abdomen. This lumpiness            improve or worsen it                        gentle sloping edges. A bevelled
America native comes from the same         all nine essential amino acids that      cook it with milk (instead of water),                                              is caused by fats under the skin pushing     • Lifestyle: Prolonged periods of sitting     hypodermic needle is used to release
family as spinach and beetroot. There      our bodies require but cannot            diced pumpkin and cinnamon,                                                        against connective tissues.                     or standing may worsen cellulite            the fibrotic strands that tether the
are thousands of quinoa varieties and      make. This includes lysine, which        then top with some honey.                                                               There is nothing to be really worried   • Pregnancy: Increase in insulin,             scar to the underlying subcutaneous
the three most common types you’ll         is vital for tissue growth and repair                                                                                       about – cellulite is not a harmful or           prolactin and fluid volume in the body      tissue. In this way, the depressed scar
find in stores are white, red and black.   but rarely found in plant foods.                                                                                            serious medical condition, but it may                                                       is lifted. The procedure can be done
     What you eat are actually the              Meanwhile, the high fibre            SUPER TIPS                                                                        affect an individual’s confidence.           What treatment is available?                   together with laser and filler injections
seeds of the plant. That’s why quinoa      content helps prevent constipation       • There is no need to buy organic                                                       Exercise and diet are not proven        Weight loss should be encouraged in            in the same visit. Subcision is available
doesn’t contain gluten – and that’s why    and aids digestion, while lowering         quinoa. The seeds have a tough, bitter                                           methods to effectively reduce cellulite,     those who are overweight, but may not          at the Thomson Well Women Clinic.
                                                                                      coating that provide natural defence
it’s been so popular in recent years.      cholesterol and glucose in the body.       against pests, so farmers don’t usually                                          although these should definitely be part     improve the appearance of the affected
                                                Quinoa is also good for               use pesticides during cultivation.                                               of your healthy lifestyle.                   skin. Two treatment options are:
Packed with protein                        stimulating weight loss with its         • Rinse it right! The same protective
                                                                                      coating on quinoa contains saponins,
Pound for pound, quinoa contains           low glycaemic index (GI), which            which can irritate the stomach and                                               Who gets cellulite?                          • Radio and ultrasound therapy
                                                                                                                                WORDS JOYCE ONG Y.T. PHOTO STOCKFOOD

more protein and fibre than rice,          means you’ll feel full for longer.         cause ‘leaky gut’ syndrome. This could                                           Cellulite is far more common in women          This involves delivering a combination
                                                                                      in turn lead to rashes, weight gain,
with less carbs.                                                                      fatigue and other health issues. So                                              than men. Factors include:                     of radio and ultrasound waves to the
    According to the USDA’s National       Easy peasy                                 make sure you rinse quinoa in water
                                                                                      thoroughly before cooking to remove
                                                                                                                                                                       • Genetic predisposition                      deeper layers of the skin. Fats are
Nutrient Database, 100g of cooked          This superfood is super easy to            any traces of the bitter coating.                                                •H ormones: Insulin increases fat content     broken down into fatty acids, which
quinoa contains 4.4g of protein,           cook. Just place one part quinoa                                                                                            • Ethnicity: Caucasians are more likely       empty into the lymphatic draining.
21g of carbohydrates and about 3g          and two parts water (or broth) in a      The information presented here                                                        to be affected than Asian women             This stimulates the production of new      DR LIU HAN PING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 practises at
of dietary fibre. The same amount          rice cooker and let it cook! Cooked      is endorsed by our dietician from                                                  • Diet: Excessive carbohydrate intake         collagen fibres, resulting in tighter      THOMSON WELL WOMEN CLINIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9 Scotts Road #10-02 to 06
of cooked medium-grain white rice          quinoa is deliciously nutty and          Thomson Well Women Clinic                                                             may enhance the amount of cellulite         skin and body contouring. One such         Scotts Medical Center at Pacific Plaza
has just 2.38g of protein, 0.3g of         creamy, and extremely versatile.         located at: 9 Scotts Road #10-02                                                   • Obesity: Cellulite is often more            popular treatment is Exilis, which         Singapore 228210
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 T: 6735 0300
fibre and 28.6g of carbohydrates.              Use it as a rice replacement, or     to 06, Scotts Medical Center at                                                       obvious in those with a high body           is available at the Thomson Well           E:
Quinoa is one of the few plant foods       as a salad with cucumber, tomatoes,      Pacific Plaza, Singapore 228210                                                       mass index (BMI)                            Women Clinic.                    

                                                                     14                                                                                                                                                                        15
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy

                                                                                                     ALL THINGS
                                                                                                     New parents had an afternoon of educational fun on 9 May at Raffles
                                                                                                     City Convention Centre, where experts from Thomson Medical
                                                                                                     provided advice on topics such as birthing options and postnatal

                                                                                                     care, and important nutrients in a child’s development. There was
                                                                                                     also a live demo on baby massage, a confinement food tasting
                                                                                                     session offered by Thomson Medical, and a mini bazaar with a wide
                                                                                                     range of mother and baby products. This event was supported by             This One’s for the Children
                                                                                                     Cordlife and Nestlé Mom and Me.                                            Thomson Medical has pledged $20,000 to Singapore
Have you noticed? Our new uniform takes on a more contemporary look to                                                                                                          Children’s Society as part of the 1000 Enterprise for
complement our Corporate and Professional Healthcare identity. The imported                                                                                                     Children-In-Need, a fundraising initiative to provide help
materials used for the uniforms were selected primarily for this feel and comfort.                                                                                              and support services, early intervention programmes,
                                                                                                                                                                                safety and protection for children and youths.
All this to better enhance our service and your experience.                                                                                                                     ABOVE: Ms Veronica Chan, Director of Corporate Marketing and
                                                                                                                                                                                Communications, Thomson Medical, receives the plaque from Mr Teo Chee
                                                                                                                                                                                Hean, Deputy Prime Minister together with Mr Koh Choon Hui, Chairman of
                                                                                                                                                                                Singapore Children’s Society on the appreciation dinner on 11 March 2015

                                                            First Mums’
                                                            and Dads’
                                                            Congress 2015                                                                                                       SUPERMOM
                                                            The First Mums’ and Dads’ Congress
                                                            2015 by Thomson Medical and Abbott                                                                                  CARNIVAL 2015
                                                            Nutrition was a great success, with                                                                                 Parents and their little ones had a great family day out on 19 April at
                                                            1,025 new parents learning childbirth                                                                               The Float@Marina Bay with our ParentCraft educator Mrs Wong Boh
                                                            and baby care tips from our experts.                                                                                Boi, who led them in a 25-minute mass baby massage session. In
                                                            The event held on 15 March at Raffles                                                                               addition to the parent-child bonding techniques learnt, participants
                                                            City Convention Centre included                                                                                     also got to check out the many mother and baby products from the
                                                            talks on pregnancy and delivery, a                                                                                  vendors at the show.
                                                            live demo on calming a fretful baby,
                                                            confinement tips for local mums, a
                                                            confinement food tasting session as
                                                                                                                                                                                        CONNECT WITH US
                                                                                                                                                                                        FOLLOW US FOR UPDATES ON UPCOMING EVENTS!
                                                            well as a mini mother and baby bazaar.
                                                            We also showcased our SG50 Special,
                                                            where new parents got a preview                                                                                            
                                                            of the goodies they will get when
                                                            they choose to deliver in Thomson                                                                                                    @thomsonmedical
                                                            Medical Centre this Jubilee Year.

                                          16                                                                                                                               17
Baby, My Love Celebrity blogger QiuQiu shares her experience as a Thomson Mummy
hot stuff

BLISSFUL                                                                           BUNDLE

                                                                            First Born Incentive

                                                                            Born Incentive (SBI)
                                                                              Members $599
                                                                             Non-Members $650

Build your dream nursery with
Thomson ParentCraft Shop


                                                                                   MUNCHKIN BABY CARE CART
PLAYGRO COT BUDDIES BUMPER BOOK                                                    • Multi-compartment organiser maximises nursery storage space
• Mirror for learning reflections                                                  • Keeps everyday items such as diapers, wipes and blankets all in
• Crinkle sounds for auditory stimulation                                            one convenient place
• Cot bumper folds into a book for fun on the go                                   • Neutral colours complement any nursery decor

                                       DREAMMAT WATERPROOF                                                                       ROOMMATES PEEL
                                       MATTRESS PROTECTOR                                                                        & STICK WALL DECALS
                                       • Super absorbent soft polyester fabric                                                   • 73 self-adhesive, pre-cut
                                         with special waterproof membrane                                                          and reusable letters
                                         protects mattresses and sheets                                                          • No need for paste or water –
                                         against bedwetting and soiling                                                            simply peel and apply
                                       • Breathable yet waterproof                                                               • Letters can be re-positioned
                                       • Protects against dust mites, bacteria,                                                    as often as you wish
                                         allergens and liquid spills

• Terms and conditions apply.
• Photos are for illustration purposes only. Actual item may vary. In the event
                                                                                                 BONBEBE VERMONT 4-IN-1 BABY COT WITH
   that a product is out of stock, the item may be replaced with a similar item.                 17PCS BEDDING SET
                                                                                                 •   Elegant Australian design
                                                                                                 •   Safe stable structure suitable from birth to 50kg
                                                                                                 •   Includes non-toxic teething rails and four castors
                                                                                                 •   Made from New Zealand pine wood with non-toxic paint
                                                                                                 •   Easy to convert to next stage
                                                                                                 •   Mattress size: 27 x 52 inches
                                                                                                 •   External measurement: 1,370 x 735 mm
                                                                                                 •   Free 4-inch normal foam mattress
                                                                                                 •   Free delivery and free assembly

                                                                                                     AVAILABLE AT PARENTCRAFT RETAIL SHOP
                                                                                                     Thomson Medical Centre
                                                                                                     339 Thomson Road, Level 1
                                                                                                     For enquiries, call 6350 8848/8818
                                                                                                     Online purchase also available at

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