Page created by Kim Baldwin
We are Australia’s          Welcome / 5

University of Enterprise,   Our programs / 8
recognised on the global    Our people / 14
stage, agile and astute,    Our precincts / 24
known for relevance,
                            Inspired by challenges / 40
equity and excellence.
                            Enterprising partnerships / 46

                            Connected and engaged / 52

                            World top 50 under 50
                            Ranked #25, 2020 THE Young University Rankings
                            Ranked #29, 2021 QS Top 50 Universities Aged Under 50

                            Top 5 young university
                            in Australia
                            Ranked #4, 2020 THE Young University Rankings

                            No.1 in Australia
                            for quality education
                            2020 THE University Impact Rankings

Unstoppable is an energy;
an attitude that reflects the
personality of the institution –
a young and dynamic university
that can take you anywhere.
UniSA is a place for unstoppable
people – staff, students
and our partners.


2                                  3
Welcome to
      IDEAS                                            the University
  UniSA creates
 knowledge and
                                                       of South Australia
 brings ideas to
  current issues.

                        We are a globally connected and engaged university, helping to solve the
                        problems of industry and the professions. Our teaching is industry-informed,
                        our research is inventive and adventurous. We create knowledge that is
                        central to global economic and social prosperity. Our graduates are the
                        new professionals, global citizens at ease with the world and ready to
                        create and respond to change.
    UniSA applies
  its knowledge to      Enterprise25 is the University’s current Strategic Action Plan (2018-2025),
   solve problems.      placing People, Programs and Precincts at the very heart of our operations.
It’s a university for   It's building on the continued evolution of our University, which since its
   new industries.      inception, has demonstrated a commitment to change and innovation.
                        We are a university that adapts to changes and challenges of our sector,
                        but remains true to its mission as an open and accessible institution,
                        with determination to chart our own course.

                        Professor David Lloyd
                        Vice Chancellor and President University of South Australia

  UniSA partners
   with industry
  and is actively
                        World top 100 for overall university impact
involved with the       Ranked #87, 2020 THE University Impact Rankings – Performance assessed
 communities in         in line the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
which it operates.
  UniSA staff are
 people you can
    work with.          Overall five star plus rating for excellence
                        and five stars in research, employability,
                        teaching, facilities, internationalisation,
                        inclusiveness and innovation
                        2020 QS Stars Ratings

 4                                                                                                     5

                   international students

                   annual parchments awarded



                   industry partnerships

                   research institutes
                   and concentrations

    2019 figures

6                                              7
Educating and preparing global learners

8                                         9
No.1 in South Australia for
                                                                                                                                                               graduate careers
                                                                                                                                                               ComparED (QILT) Graduate Outcomes Survey
                                                                                                                                                               2017-19 – Full-time Employment Indicator
                                                                                                                                                               (Undergraduate). Public SA-founded universities only.

                                                                                                                                                               No.1 in South Australia for
                                                                                                                                                               student satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                               ComparED (QILT) Course Experience Questionnaire
                                                                                                                                                               2018-19 – Overall Satisfaction Indicator
                                                                                                                                                               (Undergraduate). Public SA-founded universities only.

                                                                                                                                                               No.6 in Australia for
                                                                                                                                                               graduate employability
                                                                                                                                                               2019 QILT Employer Satisfaction Survey –
                                                                                                                                                               Graduate Employability Skills Indicator.
     Jeffrey Smart Building.

                                                                                                                                                               Our students complete around
Since 1991, we have graduated more than         • Aviation                  • Mathematics                   Experiencing the workplace                         270,000 placement days across
160,000 students from across 140 countries      • Business                  • MBA                           Our graduates move seamlessly into                 2,500+ locations each year
and have been a true trailblazer in providing
                                                • Communication and Media   • Medical Radiation Science     their professions and are highly adaptable
industry-focused education, producing
                                                • Construction Management   • Medical Sciences              to the changing global landscape, because
world-class research, investing in new
                                                                                                            we embed practical learning opportunities
infrastructure and state-of-the-art learning    • Contemporary Art          • Medical Sonography
                                                                                                            and experiences into every program.
facilities, and creating new opportunities      • Creative industries       • Nursing and Midwifery         This includes internships and placements,
and pathways for greater access into
                                                • Cybersecurity             • Nutrition and Food Sciences   real-world projects, industry and employer         Tomorrow's professionals
higher education.
                                                • Defence                   • Occupational Therapy          masterclasses, as well as volunteering and
                                                                                                                                                               We prepare our students beyond the
We are South Australia’s largest university                                                                 community-based programs. Our health
                                                • Design                    • Pharmacy                                                                         classroom, with a strong focus on creating
and a leading provider of education                                                                         students alone, complete more than one
                                                • Education and Teaching    • Physiotherapy                                                                    modern professionals who are ready to
internationally. We are ranked amongst the                                                                  million placement hours each year.
                                                                                                                                                               create real impact. Our highly practical and
best young universities in the world and        • Engineering               • Podiatry
                                                                                                            Our dedicated Career Services team also            industry-aligned approach to teaching and
are recognised for our overall excellence,      • Environmental Science     • Project Management            provides mentoring to students when mapping        learning is coupled with unique initiatives that
approach to teaching, research, international
                                                • Film and Television       • Property                      their future careers and provide resources to      aim to further develop the skills needed for
outlook, facilities, innovation, and more.
                                                • Financial Planning        • Psychology                    help build their personal portfolio.               global careers.
We offer more than 200 world-class degrees
                                                • Human Movement            • Public Health                                                                    The UniSA+ Award is a co-curricular
designed in partnership with industry and the                                                               Going global
                                                • Human Services            • Science                                                                          program, which explores practical skills
professions across a wide range of study and
                                                                                                            We provide our students with opportunities         in modern leadership, entrepreneurship,
career areas.                                   • Information Technology    • Social Work
                                                                                                            to broaden their thinking through a range          cultural understanding and self-awareness.
• Aboriginal and Australian Studies             • Journalism                • Speech Pathology              of global experiences, including student           The UniSA Leadership Program is also
• Accounting and Finance                        • Laboratory Medicine       • Sport and Exercise Science    exchanges, study tours, overseas internships       designed to focus on the qualities needed to
                                                                                                            and volunteering. Providing an international       thrive in a globally competitive environment,
• Ageing and Disability                         • Languages                 • Surveying
                                                                                                            perspective enriches the overall study             including emotional intelligence, conflict
• Architecture                                  • Law                       • Tourism, Sport and Events                                                        resolution, effective communication, personal
                                                                                                            experience and provides insight into industries,
• Arts                                          • Management and HRM        • Urban and Regional Planning   cultures and new practices around the world.       branding and goal setting.
                                                • Marketing                 • Visual Effects

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11
UniSA Online is rated above
                                                                                                      the national average for
                                                                                                      teaching quality, student
                                                                                                      support, skills development
                                                                                                      and learning resources
                                                                                                      Commencing UniSA Online Students,
                                                                                                      2019 ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey
                                                                                                      (Undergraduate, External Study Mode).

                                                                                                      Studying on demand

                                                                                                      A significant part of our digital growth has
                                                                                                      been the launch of UniSA Online. In 2018,
                                                                                                      we developed a suite of 100% online
                                                                                                      degrees in high demand areas such as
                                                                                                      ageing, psychology, public health, digital
Improving access                                  Flexible and online learning                        media, financial planning, construction
                                                                                                      management, data analytics, and more.
Our commitment to equity and access to            The University has over 25 years of
higher education is a cornerstone of our          experience in delivering online and distance        UniSA Online offers full flexibility for students,
foundation and future, underpinned by our         education. We are focused on supporting our         helping to meet the demands of modern life.
founding Act (1990). In 1993, we were the first   students to be highly capable professionals         Students are able to Study On Demand with
university to appoint a Pro Vice Chancellor       in a digital age, through engaging curriculum       the ability to learn in short blocks and access
with the task of improving access to              and access to industry-standard tools,              an online learning environment anywhere,
tertiary education.                               technologies and software. Students also            any time and on any device. Students can
                                                  learn and connect through a fully-integrated        also access personalised support services
Since then, we have made university study a
                                                  digital learning platform.                          over extended hours, seven days a week.
reality for thousands of students from a wide
variety of backgrounds. In fact, our student      Flexibility is critical in the modern day.          The fully-interactive, media-rich experience
community is the most diverse in the state.       Across our suite of programs, we offer              is designed to enhance learner engagement.
We are South Australia’s leading university       part-time, online, blended and accelerated          There are online communities for support and
for students with a non-English speaking          learning. We are also committed to expanding        discussions, capabilities to build an e-portfolio,
background, disability and low socio-economic     our flexible learning arrangements, to meet         sit an exam online and participate in virtual
status. We also have the largest cohort of        the demands of future students and the              classrooms with dedicated course facilitators.
regional and Aboriginal students, along           changing tertiary landscape.                        We are transforming online learning and
with female students completing studies in                                                            leading the digital learning experience.
                                                  Our custom online learning platforms provide
non-traditional areas (2019 Department of
                                                  students with a fully-integrated digital learning   UniSA Online has achieved great success
Education, Skills and Employment Data –
                                                  experience, which are supported by the latest       within the undergraduate market and has
Equity Groups).
                                                  technologies. We have a sector-leading digital      now extended its offerings to include both
The introduction of UniSA College has been        library that provides any time access to over       postgraduate and international audiences.
a key pillar to our success. Through a suite of   700,000 eBooks and eJournals, along with
alternative entry programs, students are able     more than 150,000 video-based resources.            Higher degrees
to access pathway options into university. A      We also provide personalised online support
                                                                                                      The University offers a wide range of higher
dedicated team, UniSA Connect, also engages       services over extended hours to ensure
                                                                                                      degrees by research, a PhD, professional
with schools and the community to further         students can achieve their best.
                                                                                                      doctorate or masters by research qualification.
encourage students to pursue tertiary study.
                                                                                                      Our research environment is supported by
                                                                                                      highly experienced and engaged supervisors,
                                                                                                      with strong connections to industry,
                                                                                                      government and communities. Research
UniSA is one of Australia's                                                                           degrees at UniSA are focused on producing
                                                                                                      new knowledge, providing solutions to global
largest online education providers                                                                    challenges, and preparing candidates for
2018 Department of Education and Training Data                                                        competitive careers.

12                                                                                                                                                         13
The core to our success

14                        15
As Australia’s University of Enterprise,
our people are the core to our success.
We look for those with the right knowledge,
who will thrive in an agile environment,
unconstrained by convention. We value
creativity and people who are inspired by
challenges. We are determined to make
new ideas come to life.

Our people ask questions, propose
solutions, are authentic and engaged
in their pursuit for excellence. Partnerships
and collaboration are in our DNA, along
with a shared sense of pride and ambition.

Our graduates learn from highly
experienced academics and industry
professionals who are leaders in their field.
In fact, UniSA is ranked second in Australia
for teaching quality in the 2019 Times Higher
Education Young University Rankings.

Our researchers are also ranked amongst
the world’s best across a wide range of
discipline areas. Their end-user approach
to finding solutions for industry and the
community has been at the forefront of our
research proposition. In the latest Australian
Research Council Assessment, UniSA
was ranked number one in Australia for
research impact and engagement (2018 ARC
Engagement and Impact Assessment).

                                                         “It’s a big positive that students get
                                                         exposed to working in the field and
No.2 young university in                                with industry throughout their degree.
Australia for teaching quality                           Our approach is to provide students
2020 THE Young University Rankings                     with as many opportunities as possible
                                                       to learn in a hands-on way. Connecting
                                                         what we teach to real-world issues       Our teaching advantage
                                                           is really important – we want our
76% of our academic                                      graduates to be confident problem-       Our teaching staff are focused on providing
staff hold a PhD                                          solvers who are fully prepared for      students with global knowledge and the
                                                               their professional careers.”       most current insights and practices.
2018 Department of Education and Training Staff Data                                              Our approach to teaching and learning
                                                       Associate Professor Tom Raimondo           is highly practical and our curriculum is
                                                                Program Director:                 influenced and co-developed with industry
                                                             Environmental Science
UniSA proudly holds Anthea                                                                        to align with the latest trends, needs,
                                                       Named in the Top 5 Researchers Under       challenges and innovations. Our teachers
Swan Bronze Accreditation                                                                         go beyond the classroom, they bring
                                                       40 by ABC Radio National and UNSW,
from SAGE – a movement aimed at                          and recipient of a 2016 Young Tall       expertise from professional life, working
improving gender equity and diversity in                       Poppy Science Award                across many industries and sectors.
STEM across universities worldwide

16                                                                                                                                              17
Student life

Student life is all about
experience and celebrating
a vibrant student culture.
We create an energetic
campus life so that our
students can make the
most of their time at
university. This includes
cultural and wellbeing
events, 100+ student clubs,
sporting competitions,
health and fitness facilities,
food vendors, and more.

                                 Our heart

                                 Pridham Hall is the heart of the University;
                                 a venue where our people can come together
                                 and where thousands of memories will be
                                 made. This state-of-the-art facility is based
                                 at City West Campus and has the ability to
                                 transform into a graduation and event space,
                                 performance hub, exam centre, sports ground
                                 and social destination for all students.
                                 It also features a fully-equipped gym
                                 and swimming pool.

                                 No.1 in South Australia for
                                 overall student experience
                                 ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2018-19 –
                                 All Indicators. Public SA-founded universities only.

18                                                                                19
“Reconciliation is much more than a word. It's a culture.”
 – Professor David Lloyd

Reconciliation                                     Aiming for success

We have a proud history in Aboriginal              The Australian Indigenous Mentoring
education, embedding real and measurable           Experience (AIME) is based at the University
actions within our institution, and extending      and provides Aboriginal high school students
the process of cultural change to strengthen       with the skills, opportunities, belief and
our position as the University of Choice for       confidence to finish school at the same
Aboriginal Peoples.                                rate as their peers.

In 2014, we released our first Reconciliation      Pathway to the future
Action Plan (RAP). A framework for building
                                                   The Aboriginal Pathway Program is offered to
relationships, deepening respect and providing
                                                   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
more opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres
                                                   through UniSA College as an alternative
Strait Islander people.
                                                   pathway into a bachelor's degree or diploma
Since then, we have continued to grow as an        with UniSA. The program is free and provides
inclusive institution. We have implemented         additional support to help students succeed
major reform for Aboriginal education,             at the tertiary level.
developed new economic partnerships
with Aboriginal organisations, and created a
leadership position directly responsible for
Aboriginal engagement and strategy at the
senior management level.
                                                                                                                                                  Circle of collaboration
Through the release of our Stretch RAP
2018-21, we are continuing to build on our track                                                                                       Our Program Director of Aboriginal Studies,
record of achievement and challenge our                                                                                            Dr Karen Sinclair, is a proud Ngarrindjeri woman and
understanding of reconciliation.                                                                                                     educator, and is exploring new ways of bringing
                                                                                                                                    knowledge and teaching practices of the world’s
Meaningful mentorship                                                                                                                  oldest living culture into higher education.
In 2017, UniSA announced a 10 year partnership                                                                                       Through a strategic partnership with the Menzies
with CareerTrackers – a non-profit organisation                                                                                    Australia Institute, a school of global affairs based at
that creates internship opportunities for                                                                                          King’s College in London, Dr Sinclair participated in a
Aboriginal university students, which align                                                                                        three-month placement that celebrated the sharing
with their degree and career goals. It's aimed                                                                                        of Indigenous knowledges and the identity and
at supporting students by linking them with        “We want to ensure there are not only more                                             contribution of First Peoples in Australia.
private sector employees to participate in         opportunities for Aboriginal people to attend
paid multi-year internships, and full-time         university and pursue the full range of career   1st university in Australia     The centrepiece of the program was a workshop
employment upon completion of their degree.        programs we offer, but also that they are        to issue a statement of        based on the Aboriginal yarning circle – a practice
                                                   successful and leave with the knowledge                                            that has been used by Indigenous people for
                                                   and skills to build both strong careers and
                                                                                                    commitment to reconciliation   thousands of years to discuss issues and ideas in a
                                                   strong communities.”                                                             way that breaks down structures and encourages
                                                                                                                                               inclusion and collaboration.
                                                   Professor Irene Watson
                                                   Pro Vice Chancellor for Aboriginal Leadership                                                     Dr Karen Sinclair
                                                   and Strategy and Unaipon Chair                                                       recipient of 2019 Early Childhood Australia
                                                                                                                                    Doctoral Thesis Award and 2019 Menzies Australia
                                                                                                                                      Institute-UniSA Aboriginal and Contemporary
                                                                                                                                               Australian Studies Fellowship.

20                                                                                                                                                                                            21
Inspiring alumni

                                                                                                                                      We have an impressive alumni community,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The gift of giving
                                                                                                                                      with over 220,000 graduates around the
Members of the Hetzel Group at the 2017 Alumni Awards (L–R): Wolf Blass AM, Gayle Cowan, Bob Cowan,                                   globe. We celebrate some of our most                                 Through the generosity of major donors
Associate Professor Margaret Davy AM, Dr Ian Gould AM, Tom Pearce and the late Professor Kym Adey AM.                                 distinguished members through our Alumni                             and supporters of the University, we
                                                                                                                                      Awards, recognising our innovators and                               are able to further invest and build our
                                                                                                                                      pioneers – people making a real difference                           capacity in delivering quality education,
                                                                                                                                      in the world. This includes Tirana Hassan                            graduate outcomes and research. We have
                                                                                                                                      (Director of Crisis Response at Amnesty                              established the Chancellor’s Club, Hetzel
                                                                                                                                      International); Mike Burgess (The Director-                          Group and College of Benefactors to honour
                                                                                                                                      General of ASIO); Senator The Hon Penny                              these contributions and their significance.
                                                                                                                                      Wong (political heavyweight); Glenn
                                                                                                                                                                                                           In 2016, the University received its single
                                                                                                                                      Cooper (Chairman of of Coopers Brewery);
                                                                                                                                                                                                           largest private donation from The Pridham
                                                                                                                                      and Professor Tom Calma AO (Co-Chair of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Foundation – which administers the
                                                                                                                                      Reconciliation Australia and Chancellor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           philanthropic activities of Australian
                                                                                                                                      the University of Canberra).
                                                                                                                                                                                                           investment banker and UniSA property
                                                                                                                                                                                                           alumni, Andrew Pridham, and his family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           To acknowledge this historic contribution,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the University’s signature building was
                                                                                                                                                                                                           named Pridham Hall. Home to graduation
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ceremonies, sporting activities and events,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           this building has become our new heart.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           To further celebrate this unique space,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           alumni, staff and supporters have the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           opportunity to become part of the building’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                           DNA by having their names and three
                                                                                                                                                                                                           words to live by, permanently etched into
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sculptural features, serving as inspiration
                                                                                                                                                                                                           for generations to come.
                                                                                     Members of the Hetzel Group at the 2017 Alumni                                                                        Thank you to all our donors. Your generosity
                                                                                     Awards.                                                                                                               and thoughtfulness in supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           University allows our research and academic
                                                                                                                                                                                                           community to continue to contribute to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           social, cultural and economic fabric of South
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Australia and beyond.

                                                                                                                                      Honorary greats

                                                                                                                                      UniSA has recognised many champions through Honorary Doctorates. The recipients are leaders in their field
                                                                                                                                      and are honoured for their varied contributions to society, spanning the arts, health, business, sport, human
                                                                                                                                      rights and higher education.

                                                                                                                                      Some of our most notable Honorary Doctorates include: Neil Gaiman (international author); Adam Goodes
                                                                                                                                      (Aboriginal leader and AFL legend); Gill Hicks AM, MBE, FRSA (London bombing survivor); Maggie Beer AM
                                                                                                                                      (food icon and inspirational business woman); Dr Nelson Mandela (champion for social justice); Thomas
                                                                                                                                      Keneally AO (Australian author); Professor Fiona Stanley AC (advocate for children's health); and Anna
                                                                                                                                      Meares OAM (Australian sporting great).

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         23
The Materials and Minerals Science Building.

Welcome to our campus community
24                                             25
Adelaide. Designed for Life.                       We are one of the world’s best
UniSA is based in the heart of Adelaide,           young universities and the
Australia’s education city and the capital of      largest in South Australia.
South Australia. Adelaide is a city shaped by
stories. The first of these stories were created
by the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains.
Adelaide is a celebration of diversity and
inclusion with a strong sense of community.
Its unique layout makes it the world’s only
true ‘city in a park’.

Adelaide is also a global study destination and
has been ranked in the top 30 best student
cities worldwide by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).
Adelaide is known for education excellence,
balanced lifestyle and the ability to turn
career ambitions into a reality through global
industry connections, support of start-ups and
leadership in growth areas such as health,
engineering, food and wine, creative and high
technology, advanced manufacturing, space,
minerals and energy.

26                                                                                  27
UniSA Business Hub

                          City West                                      UniSA Business ranked in the
                                                                         top 1% worldwide
                          Set on the western end of the city’s central   UniSA Business is one of just ten institutions in
                          business district, this campus is home to      Australia and 189 globally to be accredited by EQUIS
                                                                         (from over 16,500 worldwide). EFMD, February 2020.
                          our business, law and creative industries
                          programs. It's also the backdrop of the
                          impressive Pridham Hall, Samstag Museum
                          of Art, Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre,    UniSA Business has been
                          the South Australian School of Art Gallery
                          (SASA), the award-winning Jeffrey Smart
                                                                         globally endorsed for excellence,
                          Building and the nation’s first Architecture   holding EFMD (EQUIS) and
                          Museum. The UniSA Cancer Research Institute    AACSB accreditation
                          and futuristic museum of discovery, MOD.,
                          also form part of this campus community.

28                                                                                                                         29
Horizon Hospital and Health Service

City East                                          World top 100 for nursing, and
                                                   exercise and sport science
Home to our health-related programs,               2020 QS Subject Rankings
this campus features the very latest in teaching
and research facilities, including purpose-built
laboratories, simulated learning spaces
and community health clinics, fitted               Well-above world class research
with industry-standard equipment and               in pharmacy, human movement,
technologies. The unique Horizon Hospital
                                                   nutrition and cell biology
and Health Service (HHHS) is modelled on
real-world settings, providing nursing and         2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
midwifery students with vital experience in
a clinician-led simulated health environment
and connecting them with a virtual
health community.

30                                                                                                                                         31
Samsung SMARTSchool

                           Magill                                             World top 100 in education
                                                                              2020 QS Subject Rankings
                           Nestled within the lush foothills of Adelaide’s
                           eastern suburbs, this picturesque campus is a
                           meeting place of the arts and social sciences.
                           It's here that our future teachers, social         No.1 in South Australia
                           workers, psychologists, journalists and            for psychology research
                           filmmakers begin their journey. Featuring          The only university in SA to have all its assessed
                           industry-standard teaching facilities such as      Psychology and Cognitive Sciences research rated
                           research laboratories and practical studios,       well-above world standard. 2018 Excellence in
                           it's also home to one of the largest television    Research for Australia (ERA).
                           green screens in South Australia and Australia’s
                           most technologically advanced teacher
                           training facility – the Samsung SMARTSchool.

32                                                                                                                                 33
Wearable Computer Lab

Mawson Lakes                                          Well above world-class
                                                      research in engineering
Positioned next to South Australia’s                  2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
Technology Park, this campus is the natural fit
for staff and students within the discipline of
STEM. Located on campus are the multi-million
dollar Future Industries Institute (FII), immersive   World top 125
virtual teaching environments, and laboratories       in computer science
focused on robotics, augmented reality,
                                                      2020 THE Subject Rankings
geotechnical engineering, and more. Mawson
Lakes Campus is also home to its own solar
power research field and has over 5,000 solar
panels, reducing around 1,275 tonnes of carbon
dioxide emissions every year.

34                                                                                                                              35
The $12.5 million Mount Gambier Learning Centre
                                                   Mount Gambier                                     Online campus
                                                   Located on the scenic Limestone Coast             Our student learning extends beyond the
                                                   and in South Australia’s largest regional city,   physical campus footprint with custom online
                                                   this campus brings together collaborative         learning platforms that support flexible study
                                                   learning spaces and specialist teaching           options. Our online campus is supported by the
                                                   facilities for education, health and social       latest industry software, providing students with
                                                   work students. The recently constructed           access to a fully online learning experience.
                                                   Mount Gambier Learning Centre has tripled
                                                                                                     Within this globally accessible learning
                                                   the size of our facilities and enabled up to
                                                                                                     environment, students can access virtually
                                                   four times as many students to participate
                                                                                                     delivered lectures, join interactive tutorials and
                                                   in our programs.
                                                                                                     discussion groups, download course materials
                                                   The Mount Gambier Campus is also                  and call on support services from the Library,
                                                   home to the National Institute for Forest         IT Helpdesk, Campus Central and online tutors.
                                                   Products Innovation Hub – a partnership           Even exams and assessments can be taken
                                                   between UniSA and the state and federal           online. The digital learning experience also
                                                   governments, focusing on new research             features the UniSA mobile app and an extensive
                                                   and solutions for the forest industry that        range of online study help resources.
                                                   will fuel greater economic growth in
                                                   regional South Australia.

 The 22-hectare Whyalla Campus
                                                   This is the largest regional university
                                                   campus in South Australia, serving
                                                   the local community of Whyalla and
                                                   extending to the western and northern
                                                   parts of the state. Situated on a 22-hectare
                                                   site, it boasts excellent teaching, research
                                                   and on-site accommodation facilities.

                                                   The Whyalla Campus also plays host
                                                   to UniSA's Innovation & Collaboration
                                                   Centre (ICC) regional incubator program,
                                                   opening doors for local business owners
                                                   and entrepreneurs through commercial
                                                   knowledge sharing, business advice
                                                   and networking.

36                                                                                                                                                        37
Centre for Cancer Biology   Industry 4.0 Robotics Lab                                                                                    Flight Simulator

                                                             Future Industries Institute

                                                                                                                                           Iress Trading Room

     Anatomy Lab

                                                                                           No.1 in South Australia for campus facilities
                                                                                           ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2018-19 –
                                                                                           Learning Resources Indicator. Public SA-founded universities only.

38                                                                                                                                                               39
Images of Research 2018: A journey into Australia’s
                                        tumultuous geological past and into a groovy future,
                                        Jan Varga, UniSA Stem.

Delivering global research excellence

40                                                                                         41
Research that you can put to work                 Driven by curiosity

                            Our researchers are thought leaders and           Our research is curiosity-driven, whether it’s
                            change makers. We have big ideas and we           applied research that can be put to work
                            ask big questions. We translate our discoveries   immediately, or fundamental research that
                            into solutions that benefit our economy           will create new knowledge.
                            and community.
                                                                              A better world
                            Our approach to research has always been
                                                                              Because we are a young and agile university,
                            strongly aligned with industry, engaging in
                                                                              and we are good at what we do, we have built
                            partnerships with end-users who help to
                                                                              a culture of collaboration that brings our
                            shape the questions we ask. Through our
                                                                              best minds together to solve problems in a
                            research partnerships, we are developing
                                                                              multi-disciplinary environment. We are working
                            future industries, growing brands and
                                                                              on hundreds of research projects to make the
                            revolutionising cures for cancer.
                                                                              world a better place.

                                                                                                                               Images of Research 2017: Beautiful delamination,
                                                                                                                               Dr Thomas Michl, Future Industries Institute.

                                                                                                                               No.1 in Australia for research                     No.1 in Australia for
                                                                                                                               impact and engagement                              industry research income
                                                                                                                               2018 ARC Engagement and Impact Assessment          2021 THE World University Rankings.
                                                                                                                               (EI), Combined Impact – Approach to Impact and
                                                                                                                               Engagement on Assessed Fields.

                                                                                                                               100% of assessed research                          No.2 young university
                                                                                                                               rated at or above world-class                      in Australia for research
Images of Research 2018:                                                                                                       2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA),   excellence
Dirty hands make for creative minds,                                                                                           4-digit Fields of Research.
                                                                                                                                                                                  2020 THE Young University Rankings
Kylie Dankiw, UniSA Allied Health
& Human Performance.

42                                                                                                                                                                                                                      43
Don't just take our word for it...

                                                       New heights                                       Healthier communities                                   Creative minds

                                                       UniSA researchers are currently developing        Investigative work conducted by UniSA                   Creativity is often considered an art over
                                                       a 'pandemic drone' in partnership with            researchers was instrumental in building the            science, yet both are needed in order to
                                                       Canadian drone technology company,                foundation for the Royal Commission into                deliver advertising success. The Ehrenberg-
                                                       Draganfly Inc, to help detect people with         Aged Care Quality and Safety – a deep dive              Bass Institute for Marketing Science is leading
                                                       infectious respiratory conditions such as         into the aged care sector in Australia, focusing        the charge with research that focuses on
                                                       COVID-19. Fitted with a specialised sensor and    on systemic failures and ways to better deliver         the development of empirically grounded
                                                       computer vision system, the drone will use        core services. The same researchers, with               knowledge that helps brands to understand
                                                       algorithms to monitor temperature, heart and      expertise in mental health, are also focusing           the mechanics behind marketing and how to
                                                       respiratory rates, as well as detect people who   on suicide prevention, contributing to shifts in        spend their advertising dollars in the right way.
                                                       are coughing and sneezing in crowds.              policy, education and research. This research           The Institute's multi-million dollar corporate
                                                                                                         extends to the development of new guidelines            research and development program delivers
                                                       Reinventing the coffee cup
                                                                                                         for screening or viewing a movie, TV series or          world-leading marketing insights to companies
                                                       The design problem for disposable coffee          documentary portraying acts of suicide.                 such as Proctor & Gamble, CBS and Nestlé.
                                                       cups has always been about delivering a
                                                                                                         Ready for combat                                        War on cancer
                                                       product that doesn't leak and is recyclable.
                                                       In collaboration with the manufacturing and       Saab Australia and UniSA are collaborating              Using advanced computing simulation,
                                                       packaging company, Detpak, UniSA researchers      on the design of new combat consoles for                UniSA’s world-leading radiation oncology
                                                       are testing new ways to transform the humble      Australia’s fleet of submarines and ships,              and radiobiology researchers can analyse
                                                       takeaway cup using expert thin film coatings.     bringing together the knowledge and design              and predict the combination of treatment for
                                                       It is estimated that Australians use around a     of defence technologies with industrial design          hard to treat cancers. Our technology allows
                                                       billion throw away coffee cups each year and      capabilities and expertise in human factors.            us to grow biologically correct tumours that
                                                       around 16 billion worldwide.                      Saab has been selected to provide the combat            represent a patient’s cancer, to measure how
                                                                                                         management system and tactical interfaces               quickly it will grow and how aggressively it may
                                                                                                         for all ships in the Royal Australian Navy              spread. By predicting the best treatment plan
                                                                                                         and the research group will be based at our             and providing the right schedule and dose that
                                                                                                         Mawson Lakes Campus.                                    will target the cancer while sparing healthy
                                                                                                                                                                 cells, we are one step closer to winning the
                                                                                                         A silver lining
                                                                                                                                                                 war on cancer.
                                       UniSA Cancer Research Institute
                                                                                                         Vaccinations are the world's frontline defence
                                                                                                                                                                 Redefining child protection
                                       Located in Adelaide’s BioMed City, the UniSA Cancer               against infectious diseases. UniSA researchers
                                       Research Institute is the new leading destination                 have revolutionised vaccination and drug                UniSA researchers from the Australian
                                       for health research and teaching. It's home to one                delivery through the development of                     Centre for Child Protection are leading the
                                       of the most significant concentrations of cancer                  self-sterilising microneedle patches, which not         development of new approaches to preventing
                                       researchers in the state and features the latest tools            only sterilise the injection site, but are also fully   and responding to child abuse and neglect,
                                       and technologies to support improvements in patient               dissolvable. This is a giant step in providing          challenging the key assumptions which have
                                       diagnostics and treatments.                                       safer vaccinations and reducing infections from         underpinned child protection research and
                                                                                                         improperly sterilised syringes and needles.             system design for the past two decades.
                                                                                                                                                                 The Centre has spearheaded the application of
                                                                                                         Workplace health check
                                                                                                                                                                 contemporary evidence, research and a public
                                                                                                         UniSA is leading the world's first study into           health approach, resulting in rapid research
                                                                                                         the psychosocial safety climate of workplaces           translation, close collaboration with partners
                                        Big ventures                                                     through the Centre of Workplace Excellence.             and policy and practice reforms.
                                                                                                         A national and international research platform
                                        UniSA Ventures is focused on creating business                   will be established to explore the global trends
                                        opportunities by leveraging the needs of industry                in increased anxiety and depression and the
                                        against the core capabilities and intellectual assets            rise in psychologically unhealthy workplaces
                                        of our world-class research. It creates opportunities            with the aim of improving conditions
                                        for industry to engage with the University and secure            and productivity.
                                        commercial interest in innovative technologies that
                                        have commercial applications.
 The UniSA Cancer Research Institute
 located in Adelaide's BioMed City.

44                                                                                                                                                                                                                   45
UniSA Industry 4.0 Testlab.

Industry connected and engaged

46                                                        47
Real solutions don’t happen without great           Best on ground                                                             Shatterproof mirrors                              Business growth
                        partnerships and we are collaborating with
                                                                            Our industry connections extend into the                                   Through our collaborative research approach,      The Australian Centre for Business Growth
                        local icons and international heavyweights
                                                                            sporting elite through a partnership with the                              we have partnered with SMR Automotive to          works to help small to medium enterprises
                        to drive the advancements behind a better
                                                                            Adelaide Crows Football Club. UniSA students                               deliver the world's first shatterproof plastic    (SMEs) reach their potential with the latest
                        society. Across the University, we seek to
                                                                            have the opportunity to complete internships                               car mirror. This advancement has decreased        research, training and advice.
                        match our research capability and strengths
                                                                            in the AFL, and we are paving the way for                                  the product weight by 50%, reducing fuel
                        with the opportunities, challenges and needs                                                                                                                                     Smart satellites
                                                                            further collaboration in sports science and                                consumption and greenhouse gas emissions,
                        of our partners, and maximise the mutual
                                                                            sports business research.                                                  and increasing its safety rating.                 UniSA is proud to lead the largest
                        benefits of engagement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         investment in space industry R&D, along with
                                                                                                                                                       A new dawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                         a network of national and global partners.
                                                                                                                                                       UniSA has partnered with one of Australia’s       The Cooperative Research Centre for Smart
                                                                                                                                                       most successful visual effects companies,         Satellite Technologies and Analytics (SmartSat
                                                                                                                                                       Rising Sun Pictures, giving film and television   CRC) is aiming to lift Australia’s space industry
                                                                                                                                                       students the opportunity to complete part         to A$12 billion and generate an extra 20,000
                                                                                                                                                       of their degree in professional film studios,     jobs by 2030.
                                                                                                                                                       working alongside some of the best in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Virtual realities
                                                                                                                                                       movie business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         The University’s Australian Research Centre for
                                                                                                                                                       Tech giants
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Interactive and Virtual Environments (IVE) is a
                                                                                                                                                       Engineering and information technology            world leader in augmented and virtual reality
                                                                                                                                                       students now have access to the latest            technologies, partnering with companies such
                                                                                                                                                       software through a $450 million commercial        as Google, Saab, Amazon and Siemens to solve
                                                                                                                                                       grant from tech giants Siemens to prepare         large-scale industry challenges.
                                                                                                                                                       them for Industry 4.0. It allows them to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Innovation hub
                                                                                                                                                       explore trends in improved automation,
                                                                                                                                                       machine-to-machine communication,                 The Innovation and Collaboration Centre (ICC)
                                                                                                                                                       artificial intelligence and continued             is a strategic partnership between UniSA and
                                                                                                                                                       digitisation of manufacturing.                    the South Australian Government, aimed at
                                                                                                                                                                                                         supporting technology-based incubation and
                                                                                                                                                       Partners in IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                         business growth for startups and new ventures.
                                                                                                                                                       UniSA is partnered with global IT giant DXC       The ICC provides a unique environment,
                                                                                                                                                       Technology to support South Australia’s IT        offering services and expertise in business
                                                                                                                                                       innovators, including students and industry,      management, strategy and marketing,
                                                                                                                                                       with a new space to exchange and explore          commercialisation, design and technology.
                                                                                                                                                       ideas. This partnership was the first of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cancer hope
                                                                                                                                                       kind in Australia and incorporates internship
                                                                                                                                                       opportunities where students can learn from       In partnership with medical device company,
                                                                                                                                                       world-class experts in their field.               Ferronova, a team of experts (including
     The best defence                                                                                                                                                                                    researchers from UniSA) have developed new
                                                                                                                                                       Data driven
                                                                                                                                                                                                         technology to improve the early detection
     We are one of Australia’s leading defence universities. Defence is                                                                                UniSA's spin-off company, Myriota, is             of cancer. Moving into the next trial phase,
     big business in Australia, with the Federal Government investing                                                                                  changing the game of data distribution.           the hybrid smart magnetic and fluorescent
     $200 billion to modernise the nation’s defence capability. In fact,                                                                               Raising A$28 million in funding, the company      nanoparticle technology is capable of
     South Australia is home to around 30 per cent of all defence spend.                                                                               is growing its satellite network to support       detecting cancer in its very early stages,
     It's part of UniSA’s strategy to partner with defence companies                                                                                   billions of devices and make data more            which can't be done by current medical
     to support their education and research needs. We collaborate                                                                                     accessible for all Australians.                   imaging practices.
     with large defence companies such as BAE Systems, Naval Group,
     Saab and Lockheed Martin, along with hundreds of small-to-medium
                                                                                                                            Professor Andy Koronios,
     companies who are critical to the nation’s defence industry. We also
                                                                                                                            CEO, SmartSat CRC.
     work closely with the Defence Science Technology Group on major
                                                                                                                                                       Collaborating with 2,500+ companies worldwide
     defence research projects.

48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      49
Engineering possibilities

                                                                                                                                                            In an Australian first, UniSA has established
                                                                                                                                                            a joint college offering both bachelor
                                                                                                                                                            and master degrees in engineering
We are taking on the world with a global          Korea                                                                                                     and information technology with Xi’an
academic community that includes partners in:                                                                                                               University of Architecture and Technology
                                                  Establishing a King Sejong Institute in
                                                                                                                                                            (XAUAT) – one of China’s highest ranked
China                                             Adelaide as a hub for Korean Culture, business
                                                                                                                                                            universities for civil engineering. The XAUAT
                                                  and language education – the only one of its
• Discovering new approaches to health                                                                                                                      UniSA AnDe College has been endorsed by
                                                  kind in Australia.
  care through a partnership with Shandong                                                                                                                  the Chinese Ministry of Education and will
  University and the formation of the China-      Ireland                                                                                                   deliver quality engineering education on
  Australia Centre for Health Science Research.                                                                                                             an international scale.
                                                  Setting the stage for exciting new research
• Launching the first Maple Leaf                  in identity, with Trinity College Dublin’s
  English-Mandarin bilingual school at            Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities
  our Mawson Lakes Campus in 2019, in             Research Institute.
  partnership with Chinese company,
  Maple Leaf Education Asia Pacific Limited.
                                                  Working to better understand and identify
• First Australian university to have a
                                                  social theory issues with a research network
  technology transfer office in China’s most
                                                  including Keio University and other top
  vibrant industrial development hub, Suzhou
                                                  Japanese universities.
  Industrial Park (SIP).
                                                  Learning more about how languages and
• Working with Geisenheim University to offer
                                                  linguistics work with the University of
  a dual PhD in wine marketing.
                                                  Malaysia (UM).
• Providing a unique opportunity for students
  to learn how to apply business principles to
  support the most marginalised groups move       Assisting the University of Santo Thomas
  out of poverty in collaboration with the        (USM) to develop the Philippines’ first Master
  global organisation – Yunus Social Business.    of Physiotherapy program.

India                                             South Korea

Conducting research into transport and water      Launching a successful micro satellite mission
management systems with the India Institute       for Earth observation through an ongoing
of Technology (IIT Bombay).                       agreement with Korea Advanced Institute
                                                  of Science and Technology (KAIST).

A groundbreaking $1 million Australia Awards-
funded training program in data analytics for
public policy for Indonesian public servants.     Alumni chapters in China,
                                                  Hong Kong, Malaysia,
                                                  Singapore and the
                                                  United Kingdom
                                                                                                   London connection

                                                                                                   UniSA has a strong partnership with the University
                                                                                                   College London’s (UCL) Faculty of Engineering. A new
                                                                                                   home base has been opened for UCL engineering
                                                                                                   staff at our Mawson Lakes Campus to strengthen our
                                                                                                   research links, develop greater external partnerships,
                                                                                                   and advance and fast-track new industries
                                                                                                                                                                Over 500 international research
                                                                                                                                                                collaborations across 45 countries
50                                                                                                                                                                                                          51
Contributing to a culturally-rich society

52                                          53
Community clinics and public service                Our complete range of community
                                                         clinics and services include:
     We are giving back to our community
     and allowing students to gain valuable              • Dietetics Clinic
     experience through a range of public-facing
                                                         • Exercise Physiology Clinic
     clinics and services.
                                                         • General Practitioners
     At the heart of health
                                                         • High Performance Sports Centre
     Our community health clinics provide our
     students valuable clinical practice and             • Legal Advice Clinic
     the public with quality, low-cost exercise
                                                         • Mammography Clinic
     physiology, physiotherapy and podiatry
     services. We also offer mammography services        • Marketing Clinic
     through a joint venture with Breastscreen SA.
                                                         • Midwifery Clinic
     Supporting a strong society
                                                         • Occupational Therapy Services
     Seeking justice and supporting equality as
                                                         • Physiotherapy Clinic
     the foundations of a strong and fair society,
     our Legal Advice Clinic offers confidential, free   • Psychology Clinic
     advice on wills, power of attorney and personal
                                                         • Podiatry Clinic
     injury matters. The newly established Tax Clinic
     also allows our students to provide support to      • Tax Clinic
     unrepresented taxpayers under the supervision
     of qualified tax professionals. Located at the
     Magill Campus, our Psychology Clinic also
     delivers affordable, high-standard psychology
     and counselling services.                           1 million+ placement
     Giving good advice
                                                         hours completed by
                                                         health students
     Home to the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for
     Marketing Science and leaders in brand
                                                         each year
     management research, the University
     established a Marketing Clinic based at
     City West Campus. Under the supervision
     of qualified marketing practitioners and            $2 million+ pro bono
     academics, the Marketing Clinic is staffed by       legal advice provided
     students who provide free and confidential          to the community
     marketing advice to small and medium
     enterprises (SMEs). Areas of expertise
                                                         since 2011
     include advertising, brand management and
     development, marketing strategy, market
     analysis, and buyer and consumer behaviour.

54                                                                                         55
A new frontier

                                                                                                                                          MOD. is the nation’s latest interactive hub celebrating science and creativity
Celebrating culture and
                                                                                                                                          and the only one of its kind in South Australia. This award-winning futuristic
expanding knowledge                                    Samstag Museum of Art, 2018 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Divided Worlds.
                                                       Photo: Sia Duff.                                                                   museum of discovery features revolutionary exhibitions and programs designed
The University is acting on its social mission to                                                                                         to build a greater understanding of the role that science plays in our lives and
enrich our community by supporting initiatives                                                                                            to inspire young people to study STEM. It provides a window into new thinking
across the arts, sport and cultural calendar.                                                                                             and innovation through six dedicated gallery spaces and two studios. MOD. is
                                                                                                                                          also home to Australia’s first Science on a Sphere – a three-dimensional video
Samstag Museum of Art
                                                                                                                                          projection that displays planetary data onto a room-sized sphere giving visitors
One of Australia’s leading university art                                                                                                 an astronaut’s view without leaving the ground.
museums, known for its bold contemporary
art exhibitions and moving image
commissions. Samstag aims to simulate,
challenge and engage its audiences through
diverse and innovative programs. It's a
reflection of the University’s determination
to make a dynamic contribution to the
intellectual and cultural life of South Australia
and the higher education sector more broadly.

The Museum was named in honour of
two distinguished American benefactors
to Australian culture (Anne and Gordon
Samstag), whose remarkable bequest
provides opportunities for Australian artists
to study overseas through the prestigious
Anne & Gordon Samstag International
Visual Arts Scholarships.

Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre
                                                    Architecture Museum
The Hawke Centre, as it’s known, promotes
effective democracy of its citizens and runs        The University’s Architecture Museum is
regular public lectures on topical issues in        a unique repository of over 200,000 items
line with three key themes: strengthening           capturing South Australia’s architectural
our democracy, valuing our diversity and            history. Open to the public, it's housed in a
building our future.                                purpose-built facility at City West Campus.

The Hawke Lecture Series has been at                Supporting talent
the centre of stimulating discussions and
debates for over twenty years and has
included influtential speakers such as the          The University has a long history in art
Hon Julia Gillard AC, The Reverend Canon            and design education and continues to
Mpho A. Tutu, Professor Ross Garnaut AO             celebrate the art community through a strong
and the Hon Bob Hawke AC.                           partnership with this South Australian icon,
                                                    with agreements to collaborate and support
The Adelaide Planetarium
                                                    emerging artists and designers in their careers.                                                          Flying high
Mawson Lakes Campus is home to Adelaide’s
                                                    Football United                                                                                           The University has proudly sponsored the Adelaide
only planetarium, with public and school
                                                                                                                                                              Football Club since 2018, celebrating a powerful partnership
events offered all year-round, celebrating          Free football matches for at-risk youth,
                                                                                                                                                              between two South Australian brands, both focused
astronomy and all there is to know about            in particular refugee, migrant and
                                                                                                                                                              on reaching new heights in human performance.
the constellations, stars and planets.              Aboriginal children.
                                                                                                                                                              The partnership also provides opportunities for student
                                                                                                                                                              placements, research collaborations and study access
                                                                                                                                                              to the men’s and women’s rookie squads.

56                                                                                                                                                                                                                           57
                                     Telephone: (08) 8302 2376
                               Make an enquiry:

                                                                    The information provided in this publication is for
                                                                       general information only, and the University of
                                                                      South Australia makes no representation about
                                                                   the content, suitability, accuracy or completeness
Acknowledgement of Country                                           of this information for any purpose. It is provided
UniSA respects the Kaurna, Boandik and Bangarla                             “as is” without express or implied warranty.
peoples' spiritual relationship with their country.
Artist: Ngupulya Pumani                                     Information correct at time of printing (September 2020).
Find out more about the University’s commitment
to reconciliation at                                                 CRICOS provider number 00121B
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