Austin: US, Japan can beat 'any competitor' - Stripes Lite

Page created by Kristen Love

Austin: US, Japan can beat ‘any competitor’
      BY SETH ROBSON                      The alliance remains a cor-        Japanese broadcaster NHK.            ing to reach the Senkakus.
        Stars and Stripes              nerstone in addressing today’s           The two countries, in the            Blinken and Austin travel to
   TOKYO — The United States           demands and challenges as the         statement, also expressed con-       South Korea on Wednesday for
and Japan can “outmatch any            countries work together to up-        cern over human rights in Chi-       talks with their counterparts in
competitor” in the years ahead,        hold a free and open Indo-Pacif-      na, its growing assertiveness at     the defense and foreign minis-
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Aus-        ic, Austin said, as he, Kishi and a   sea and its new coast guard law,     tries there, too.
tin told his Japanese counter-         group of U.S. and Japanese gen-       the report said.                        It’s especially meaningful
part Tuesday at the start of a se-     erals and other officials met in a       Blinken, meanwhile, warned        that the Tokyo meetings are hap-
ries of high-level meetings.           conference room at Japan’s            China against using coercion         pening so close to the 10th anni-
   On his first international trip     Ministry of Defense in the Japa-      and aggression.                      versary of the Great East Japan
since taking over as America’s         nese capital.                            “We will push back, if neces-     Earthquake, Austin said of the
top civilian military leader, Aus-        “I am confident that working       sary, when China uses coercion       triple disaster of March 11, 2011.
tin gave an upbeat assessment of       together we can meet any chal-        and aggression to get its way,” he   The magnitude-9.0 earthquake,
the state of the alliance to Japa-     lenge and outmatch any compet-        said Tuesday according to the        the most intense ever recorded
nese Defense Minister Nobuo            itor in the years ahead,” the de-     Reuters news agency.                 in Japan, created a massive tsu-
Kishi.                                 fense secretary said.                    Tensions have risen this year     nami that inundated the north-
   Also that afternoon, Secretary         Austin didn’t mention any          between Japan and China over         eastern coast, killing more than
of State Antony Blinken met            competitors by name but, in a         the disputed Senkaku islands.        19,000 people and causing a
with Japanese Minister for For-        statement issued later in the day,    China in February gave its coast     meltdown at the Fukushima
eign Affairs Toshimitsu Motegi.        the allies said China’s actions       guard authority to fire at boats     Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The discussions were part in the       pose political, economic, mili-       entering waters claimed by Chi-      More than 20,000 U.S. troops
U.S.-Japan Security Consulta-          tary and technical challenges to      na, to which Japan responded by      worked alongside their Japa-
tive Committee, informally             the Japan-U.S. alliance and the       permitting its coast guard crews     nese allies to respond to the di-
called 2+2.                            global community, according to        to fire on foreign ships attempt-    saster.

N. Korea greets new US administration with threats
        Associated Press               for coming four years, it had bet-    (South Korean) authorities,” be-     a response. The official was not
   SEOUL, South Korea — In             ter refrain from causing a stink      fore determining whether to          authorized to publicly discuss
North Korea’s first comments           at its first step.”                   take exceptional measures            the diplomatic outreach and
directed at the Biden adminis-            Kim Yo Jong, a senior official     against its rival, she said in her   spoke on condition of anonymi-
tration, Kim Jong Un’s powerful        who handles inter-Korean af-          statement published in Pyon-         ty.
sister on Tuesday warned the           fairs, also criticized the U.S. and   gyang’s official Rodong Sinmun          “This is Kim Yo Jong contin-
United States to “refrain from         South Korea for holding military      newspaper.                           uing to be the tip of the wedge
causing a stink” if it wants to        exercises. She also said the             Challenges posed by North         North Korea tries to drive be-
“sleep in peace” for the next four     North would consider abandon-         Korea’s nuclear arsenal and          tween South Korea and its U.S.
years.                                 ing a 2018 bilateral agreement        China’s growing influence loom       ally,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a
   Kim Yo Jong’s statement was         on reducing military tensions         large in the Biden administra-       professor of international stud-
issued as U.S. Secretary of State      and abolish a decades-old ruling      tion’s first Cabinet-level trip      ies at Ewha University in Seoul.
Antony Blinken and Defense             party unit tasked to handle inter-    abroad, part of a larger effort to   “North Korea’s latest threats
Secretary Lloyd Austin arrived         Korean relations if it no longer      bolster U.S. influence and coun-     mean the allies have precious lit-
in Asia to talk with U.S. allies Ja-   had to cooperate with the South.      ter concerns about the U.S. role     tle time to coordinate their ap-
pan and South Korea about                 She said the North would also      in Asia following four years of      proaches on deterrence, sanc-
North Korea and other regional         consider scrapping an office          former      President      Donald    tions and engagement.”
issues. They met officials in To-      that handled South Korean tours       Trump’s “America first” ap-             Biden’s presidency begins as
kyo on Tuesday before heading          to the North’s scenic Diamond         proach.                              Kim Jong Un faces perhaps the
to Seoul for talks on Wednesday.       Mountain, which Seoul sus-               A senior official from the Bi-    toughest moment of his nine-
   “We take this opportunity to        pended in 2008 after a North Ko-      den administration said Satur-       year rule. His country’s battered
warn the new U.S. administra-          rean guard fatally shot a South       day that U.S. officials have tried   economy has decayed further
tion trying hard to give off (gun)     Korean tourist.                       to reach out to North Korea          amid pandemic border closures
powder smell in our land,” she            The North “will watch the fu-      through multiple channels since      while his summits with Trump
said. “If it wants to sleep in peace   ture attitude and actions of the      last month, but had yet to receive   failed to lift crippling sanctions.
PAGE 2      • STRIPES LITE •                  Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Squadron replaces pit bull morale patch
    BYMATTHEW KEELER                       spokesman Master Sgt. Joshua                mation League website, white                tion with Lt. Col. Ryan Walinski,
         Stars and Stripes                 Garcia said in an email Tuesday             supremacists use a specific pit             commander of the civil engi-
  OSAN AIR BASE, South Ko-                 to Stars and Stripes.                       bull graphic so often that it has           neer squadron, and Col. E. Jo-
rea — The civil engineer squad-               The morale patch of the 51st             become a white supremacist                  nelle Eychner, commander of
ron at Osan has replaced its pit           Civil Engineer Squadron “Mon-               symbol itself. One racist group,            the 51st Mission Support Group,
bull morale patch because it too           grels” depicted a pit bull with a           Keystone United, formerly                   according to the wing.
closely resembled a symbol as-             striking resemblance to what                known as Keystone State Skin-                  “To prevent any inappropri-
sociated with a white suprema-             the Anti-Defamation League                  heads, adopted it as part of its lo-        ate association with that organi-
cist group, according to a wing            has labeled as a racist symbol.             go.                                         zation, we have decided to cease
statement Tuesday.                            While the wing did not name a              Gonzales, according to the                use of the current Morale Patch,
  Col. John Gonzales, com-                 particular hate group, its state-           wing, said he found “that the               and the unit will return to a pre-
mander of the 51st Fighter                 ment said the squadron’s red,               similarity between the em-                  vious version of the Morale
Wing, ordered the change after             white and black patch was simi-             blems could reasonably cause                Patch that bears no resem-
an internal review “on all Unit            lar to a graphic used by a known            confusion between the unit and              blance visually, and could not
Emblems, Mottos, Nicknames                 and active extremist group in               a known active extremist hate               reasonably be considered to be
and Other Symbols” back in Oc-             the United States.                          group.”                                     associated with that extremist
tober and December, wing                      According to the Anti-Defa-                Gonzales acted in conjunc-                organization,” Gonzales said.

Special ops forces train                                                                                             Americans less
                                                                                                                     sure than allies
Mozambique troops                                                                                                    on NATO support
             BYJOHN VANDIVER                              gust, the State Department said. The port,                              BY JOHN VANDIVER
                 Stars and Stripes                        positioned in an oil-rich area in northern                                  Stars and Stripes
   STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. special                      Mozambique, is a cargo hub for the east                       STUTTGART, Germany — A majority of
operations troops have launched a mission                 African nation.                                            people in allied countries want to remain in
to assist counterterrorism forces in Mozam-                  Mozambique’s government has appealed                    NATO and think the alliance protects them
bique, where there are growing concerns                   for international help to curb the insurgen-               from aggression, but skepticism runs higher
about escalating violence by Islamic State                cy, saying its troops need specialized anti-               in the United Statesthan most other member
militants.                                                guerrilla training.                                        states, a public opinion poll found.
   The two-month effort will focus on train-                 The arrival of U.S. commandos marks the                    NATO on Tuesday released its 2020 an-
ing Mozambican marines as the country                     entry of U.S. Africa Command into a region                 nual report, which included a poll commis-
tries to “prevent the spread of terrorism and             where past American military efforts have                  sioned by the alliance on attitudes toward
violent extremism,” the U.S. Embassy in                   focused more on humanitarian campaigns.                    the 30-member security pact.
Maputo said Monday in a statement. The                       The new counterterrorism mission also                      The poll found that 62% of respondents
United States has also provided medical                   could serve as an opportunity for the U.S. to              would vote to stay in NATO, compared to 11%
and communications equipment.                             distinguish itself from Russia, which has at-              stating they would vote for their country to
   The U.S. effort, led by Special Operations             tempted to deliver similar assistance, but                 quit the alliance. The rest did not know or
Command Africa, comes during a time of                    with mixed results.                                        had no opinion.
increased violence in Mozambique, where                      During the past two years, Russia has dis-                 The surveys of 28,635 adults in 30 NATO
nearly 670,000 people have been displaced                 patched fighters from the state-sponsored                  member countries were conducted between
by ISIS attacks in the mainly Muslim Cabo                 Wagner Group, which operates in various                    July 20 and Aug. 8, 2020, with an additional
Delgado province.                                         countries, such as Libya, Central African                  28,517 polled Nov. 5-23. The poll had a mar-
   Last week, the State Department desig-                 Republic and Syria. But the Kremlin-                       gin of error of 3%, the statement said.
nated the militants as a foreign terrorist                backed fighters have performed poorly in                      But Americans were less convinced. In
group along with a similar ISIS affiliate in              parts of Africa, a March 9 analysis by the                 the U.S., 51 % of people polled thought NATO
the Democratic Republic of Congo.                         Rand Corp. think tank found.                               membership made an attack from an adver-
   The Mozambique branch has orchestrat-                     It’s not clear whether U.S. forces will fol-            sary less likely, while 17 % disagreed and the
ed a series of “large scale and sophisticated             low the two-month mission with other                       rest weren’t certain. Fifty-seven percent of
attacks,” most notably resulting in the cap-              means of counterterrorism support, but the                 Americans polled said they would vote to
ture of the strategic port of Mocimboa da                 embassy suggested that more types of as-                   stay in the alliance, while 10% would elect to
Praia near the border with Tanzania in Au-                sistance could be on the way.                              leave.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •          PAGE 3

Army pushed to deny DC’s Guard request
             The Washington Post                                                                      duty forces — not the National Guard.
   WASHINGTON — The Army initially                                                                       Unlike in the 50 states, where governors
pushed to reject the Washington D.C. gov-             Fencing around                                  control the National Guard, the D.C. Guard
ernment’s request for a modest National                                                               answers to the president, who delegates au-
Guard presence ahead of the Jan. 6 rally that
led to the Capitol riot, underscoring the deep
                                                      Capitol to be                                   thority to the defense secretary and Army
                                                                                                      secretary. The mayor of the District of Co-
reluctance of some higher-ups at the Penta-
gon to involve the military in security ar-
                                                      scaled back                                     lumbia can only request that the federal gov-
                                                                                                      ernment deploy the D.C. Guard.
rangements that day.                                             Associated Press                        The thinking of Pentagon leaders before
   In an internal draft memo obtained by The            WASHINGTON — Amid strong bi-                  and during the riot is now facing scrutiny
Washington Post, the Army said the U.S. mil-          partisan pushback, security officials           from lawmakers who have accused the De-
itary shouldn’t be needed to help police with         say they will soon scale back fencing           fense Department of reacting too slowly to
traffic and crowd management, as city offi-           that has circled the U.S. Capitol and           the Capitol Police’s 11th-hour plea for mili-
cials had requested, unless more than                 cut off the entire area to pedestrian           tary assistance, as rioters breached the Capi-
100,000 demonstrators were expected.                  and vehicular traffic since a mob at-           tol in a catastrophic security failure.
   The draft memo also said the request               tacked the building Jan. 6.                        Maj. Gen. William Walker, the command-
should be denied because a federal agency               Timothy Blodgett, the acting House            ing general of the D.C. Guard, told lawmak-
hadn’t been identified to run the prepara-            sergeant-at-arms, said Monday in a              ers on March 3 that after receiving a pan-
tions and on-the-day operations; the re-              memo to members of Congress that                icked call from the chief of the Capitol Police,
sources of other federal agencies hadn’t been         the fencing will be scaled back in two          he had to wait three hours and 19 minutes be-
exhausted; and law enforcement was “far               phases in response to guidance from             fore the Pentagon allowed him to send his
better suited” for the task.                          the U.S. Capitol Police that “there             available forces to the building.
   The Army leadership made its position              does not exist a known, credible                   Pentagon officials have denied that their
clear in deliberations at the Pentagon the            threat” that warrants keeping the               response was delayed, describing the arrival
weekend before the event, citing those rea-           temporary barrier in place.                     of the D.C. Guard about three hours after the
sons among others, according to four people             House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said               call for help as a quick rollout, considering
familiar with the discussions, who like others        in a letter to colleagues after Blod-           that the military hadn’t been postured or
in this report spoke on the condition of ano-         gett’s announcement that the Capitol            asked to provide backup to the Capitol Police
nymity to discuss internal Defense Depart-            Police “will continue to monitor the            if needed.
ment matters.                                         threat posture, and plans will be ad-              By the time of the riot, Pentagon leaders
   The Army ultimately relented after facing          justed if and as needed.”                       had become skittish about using the military
pressure from acting defense secretary                  Blodgett said.the outer perimeter             to support law enforcement on domestic soil.
Christopher Miller and the chairman of the            fencing will be removed in the latter              Last June, Milley and then-defense secre-
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, and          part of March and Independence and              tary Mark Esper were excoriated by law-
realizing that D.C. officials weren’t going to        Constitution avenues, the two major             makers and retired military personnel for
turn to the Justice Department for help in-           thoroughfares that flank the Capitol,           appearing alongside President Donald
stead, as the Army had wanted, the people             will be opened for traffic.                     Trump as federal law enforcement cleared
said.                                                   An inner perimeter will be moved              racial-justice protesters near the White
   Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy agreed to             closer to the Capitol building this             House using force and pepper balls.
support the request, so long as a lead agency         week, providing reopened access to                 The Army leadership also felt strongly that
was identified and all other federal agencies         nearby streets and some sidewalks.              the military shouldn’t be used unless a feder-
“exhausted their assets to support these              Strings of razor wire atop the fence            al agency was designated to lead the activ-
events,” according to the recommendation              will also be removed.                           ities.
he gave in a revised final memo to Miller,                                                               White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
who approved the request.                                                                             told Miller and acting attorney general Jef-
   Still, the Army’s initial impulse to consider   Defense Department unprepared to respond           frey Rosen that the Justice Department
refusing military involvement in the security      rapidly when the situation got out of control.     would serve as the “lead” agency, according
arrangements — even though the Guard is            The draft memo, however, suggests that the         to people familiar with the arrangement.
trained to assist law enforcement during           Army leadership also had been disinclined to          The designation pertained only to the Jus-
large-scale protests and has done so regular-      get involved from the start.                       tice Department, the FBI, the Defense De-
ly for decades in Washington — shows the              Reluctance at the Pentagon about the de-        partment and the Interior Department, the
extraordinary steps officials at the Pentagon      ployment of the D.C. Guard during the prep-        official said, and did not cover the Capitol,
were taking to stay away from what was             arations also raises questions about when it is    where Capitol Police oversee security.
shaping up to be a politically toxic and vola-     appropriate to use the U.S. military on do-           The designation was so vague that officials
tile moment for the nation.                        mestic soil. While top Pentagon officials have     in the D.C. government and at the D.C. Guard
   In the weeks since the riot, top Pentagon       emphasized that military force should be           didn’t even know that the Justice Depart-
officials have emphasized that the Capitol         used to support domestic law enforcement           ment was functioning as the “lead agency.”
Police and federal agencies didn’t request         only as a last resort, that maxim has tradi-       The Justice Department declined to com-
military backup before the event, leaving the      tionally been understood to apply to active-       ment.
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •             Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Nations, EU divided on AstraZeneca shot
              Associated Press                    group of European Union nations choosing           tinent, where the virus is again surging and
   BRUSSELS — With coronavirus cases              caution over speed, even as the head of the        where the vaccination campaign has re-
rising in many places, governments faced          European Medicines Agency said the                 peatedly stumbled.
the grimmest of dilemmas Tuesday: push            agency is “firmly convinced” that the ben-            The choice may be even more fraught
on with a vaccine that is known to save           efits of the AstraZeneca shot outweigh the         elsewhere because many countries are re-
lives or suspend use of AstraZeneca over          risks.                                             lying heavily on AstraZeneca, which is
reports of dangerous blood clots in a few           Emer Cooke noted Tuesday that thou-              cheaper and easier to handle than some
recipients, even as the European regulator        sands of people across the EU develop              other shots. The vaccine has so far played a
said there was “no indication” the shot was       thromboses every year for a variety of rea-        huge role in the global initiative to ensure
responsible.                                      sons and that there were no reports of in-         vaccines get to poorer countries known as
   It has created a jagged divide across the      creased blood clots in the clinical studies of     COVAX.
globe, forcing politicians to assess the          the AstraZeneca vaccine. Still, experts               In addition to the EMA, AstraZeneca and
health risks of halting the shots at a time       would undertake a “very rigorous analy-            the WHO have said there is no evidence the
when many countries, especially in Eu-            sis” and make a recommendation Thurs-              vaccine carries an increased risk of blood
rope, are already struggling to overcome          day, she said.                                     clots. There have been 37 reports of blood
logistical hurdles and vaccine hesitancy            Europe has the luxury to be able to pick         clots among the more than 17 million peo-
among their populations.                          from several vaccine candidates — but the          ple who have received the vaccine across
   Sweden was the latest to join a swelling       decision is still not an easy one on the Con-      the EU and Britain, the company said.

Senate confirms 1st Native American Cabinet head
              Associated Press                    lection means that Indigenous people — who         many other places,” Schumer said.
   WASHINGTON — The Senate on Monday              lived in North America before the United              Haaland, a member of the Laguna Pueblo
confirmed New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland as          States was created — will for the first time see   and a 35th-generation resident of New Mexi-
interior secretary, making her the first Native   a Native American lead the powerful depart-        co, thanked hundreds of supporters at a vir-
American to lead a Cabinet department and         ment where decisions on relations with the         tual party hosted by Native American organi-
the first to lead the federal agency that has     nearly 600 federally recognized tribes are         zations.
wielded influence over the nation’s tribes for    made. Interior also oversees a host of other is-      Her confirmation shows that tribal mem-
nearly two centuries.                             sues, including energy development on public       bers are “visible” and being taken seriously,
   Haaland was confirmed by a 51-40 vote, the     lands and waters, national parks and endan-        Haaland said after the vote. “And no, it should
narrowest margin yet for a Cabinet nomina-        gered species.                                     not have taken more than 200 years for a Na-
tion by President Joe Biden.                         “Rep. Haaland’s confirmation represents a       tive person to take the helm at Interior, or even
   Four Republicans voted yes: Lisa Murkow-       gigantic step forward in creating a govern-        be a Cabinet secretary for that matter.”
ski and Dan Sullivan, of Alaska; Susan Collins,   ment that represents the full richness and di-        Haaland said she was “ready to roll up my
of Maine; and Lindsey Graham, of South Car-       versity of this country,” said Senate Majority     sleeves” so Interior can play its part in Biden’s
olina.                                            Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.                       plan to “build back better” and “responsibly
   Democrats and tribal groups hailed Haa-           “Native Americans for far too long have         manage our natural resources to protect them
land’s confirmation as historic, saying her se-   been neglected at the Cabinet level and in so      for future generations.”

Homeland Security chief defends handling of border
              Associated Press                    era policy of sending them immediately             cessor, President Donald Trump, who
  WASHINGTON — Faced with a rising                back to Mexico or other countries.                 waged a broad effort to significantly cur-
number of migrants at the southwest bor-             “They are vulnerable children and we            tail both legal and illegal immigration.
der and criticism from all sides, the Biden       have ended the prior administration’s                 The number of children crossing by
administration’s head of Homeland Securi-         practice of expelling them,” Mayorkas said         themselves rose 60% from January to
ty insisted Tuesday that the situation is un-     in his most detailed statement yet on a sit-       more than 9,400 in February, according to
der control as he defended a policy of al-        uation at the border that he characterized         the most recent statistics available. The
lowing teens and children crossing by             as “difficult” but not the crisis that critics     overall increase is blamed on a number of
themselves to remain in the country.              have portrayed.                                    factors, including the economic upheaval
  Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro              The increasing number of migrants at-           caused by the pandemic in Central Amer-
Mayorkas conceded that a surge in the             tempting to cross the border, which is at          ica and two recent hurricanes in the re-
number of children, mostly from Central           the highest level since 2019 but is on pace        gion. U.S. officials have also conceded that
America, is a challenge for the Border Pa-        to rise to hit a 20-year peak, has become an       smugglers have likely encouraged people
trol and other agencies amid the coronavi-        early test for President Joe Biden as he           to try to cross under the new administra-
rus pandemic. But he rejected a Trump-            seeks to break from his immediate prede-           tion.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •         PAGE 5


Woman accused of faking              and Orinda helped in the 16-         were moving back to Haines            Police find suspicious
                                     day search for the animal that       with all their pets, including
photos of daughter’s                 included setting padded traps        Spot’s mom and siblings.              devices near church
rivals                               with bait.                              A few days later, she was told

PA          DOYLESTOWN —
            A      Pennsylvania
                                     Food truck owner admits              Spot was in Juneau, about 6
                                                                          miles from the ferry dock in the
                                                                                                                NC          BREVARD — Po-
                                                                                                                            lice in North Caroli-
                                                                                                                na evacuated local businesses
woman is accused of doctoring
                                     to also selling guns                 city. Another couple had heard        after they found several sus-
                                                                          Spot crying under their porch
photos and video of her daugh-
ter’s cheerleading rivals to try
to get them kicked off the
                                     IL       CHICAGO — The own-
                                              er of a Chicago food
                                     truck admitted he illegally sold
                                                                          and took her in. They then post-
                                                                          ed on social media in order to
                                                                                                                pected incendiary devices near
                                                                                                                a Baptist church and a county
squad, officials said.               guns from his mobile eatery          locate her owner.                       Police in Brevard, a city of
  The Bucks County District          along with sandwiches piled             The couple gave her to volun-      about 7,500 in western North
Attorney’s Office charged Raf-       high with salami, roast beef and     teers, who donated a kennel           Carolina, said they received a
faela Spone, 50, with three mis-     turkey.                              and drove her to the airport. A       call for a report of the devices
demeanor counts of cyber ha-           Terry Ferguson, 56, of Wil-        regional airline even flew Spot       near the First Baptist Church of
rassment of a child and related      lowbrook, pleaded guilty in          home for free.                        Brevard and the Transylvania
offenses.                            U.S. District Court to narcotics     Woman hoping to find                  County Community Services
  Spone manipulated photos           and gun-trafficking charges
from social media of three girls     that included the 2015 sale of
                                                                          precious family heirloom              Building.
                                                                                                                  When officers responded,
on the Victory Vipers cheer-
leading squad in Chalfont to
make it appear they were
                                     two dozen guns from the back
                                     of his truck known as “Chica-
                                     go’s finest Deli on Wheels.”
                                                                          MN            ST. PAUL — A 90-
                                                                          Lake woman whose prized
                                                                                                                they found several small de-
                                                                                                                vices that had not detonated,
                                                                                                                police said in a news release.
drinking, smoking and even             The gun transaction was cap-       family heirloom was mistaken-           The area was cordoned off
nude, investigators said.            tured on video by an undercov-       ly sold at an estate sale is trying   and local establishments were
  Spone also sent messages           er agent for the U.S. Bureau of      to get it back.                       evacuated as a precautionary
with the so-called “deepfake”        Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms              It took Mary Lou Dosland al-       measure, police said. There
pictures to the the girls and        and Explosives. The guns, in-        most two years to create “Win-
                                                                                                                were no injuries.
suggested they kill themselves,      cluding 10 rifles, four shotguns     ter Bird Feeder,” a detailed
officials said.                      and an array of pistols, were al-    needlepoint scene featuring a         University to restore
Coyote that attacked 5               legedly stolen by a Ferguson         snow-covered bird feeder and          15th-century chapel
                                     associate from a Chicago home.       more than a dozen birds. She
people captured, killed
                                     Good Samaritans find,                then had the artwork, which
                                                                          came from a counted-cross-            WI         MILWAUKEE
                                                                                                                           Marquette Universi-

CA         MORAGA — A
            coyote that attacked
                                     return kitten to couple              stitch kit by a Danish company        ty is working to restore a 15th-
                                                                                                                century chapel where Joan of
five people, including a 3-year-
old girl, in the San Francisco       AK          JUNEAU — A cou-
                                                 ple has been re-
                                     united with their 4-month-old
                                                                          named Eva Rosenstand, pro-
                                                                          fessionally framed.
                                                                             Years later, she gave it to her
                                                                                                                Arc once prayed.
                                                                                                                  The St. Joan of Arc Chapel
Bay Area was captured and eu-
thanized, wildlife officials said.   kitten after it slipped out of       son, who years after that be-         has stood on the Marquette
   The coyote was captured and       their car on a ferry ride to Alas-   lieved he packed the piece with       campus since 1965, WTMJ-AM
killed, “very close to one of the    ka.                                  a box of belongings for his           reported.
attack sites,” Fish and Wildlife        Cassidy Timm and Blake            daughter, Instead, it was sold to       The structure was built in the
Capt. Patrick Foy told the San       Ward lost their cat within hours     someone who paid cash and             early 1400s in the village of
Francisco Chronicle.                 of leaving on a mainline ferry       could not be traced.                  Chasse in France’s Rhone Val-
   DNA results later confirmed       that began in Bellingham,               Dosland placed a classified        ley. Michael Maher, an associ-
it was the same coyote respon-       Wash., and stopped throughout        ad in the St. Paul Pioneer Press      ate professor of history at Mar-
sible for several attacks since      cities in Alaska, KTOO Public        that read: “Family heirloom           quette, said it was originally de-
last summer.                         Media reported.                      mistakenly sold at estate sale        signed as a knight’s burial
   California wildlife officials,       Their kitten, Spot, slipped       two years ago. Handsome re-           chamber and Joan of Arc
the U.S. Department of Agri-         through the sunroof of the cou-      ward to return.”                      prayed in it before entering the
culture and the police depart-       ple’s car, which was parked on          “No one has called yet, unfor-     Battle of Orleans.
ments of Lafayette, Moraga           the ferry. Timm and Ward             tunately,” Dosland said.                        — From wire reports
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •             Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Stanford women take top overall seed
        Associated Press             is seeds do not matter,” she          don’t think you can get a coach         played in the San Antonio area
   UConn is in its normal spot       said. “It’s not like you get any      who has a better record in the          because of the pandemic, with
with a No. 1 seed for the wom-       extra points when you show up         tournament than she does.”              the last four rounds tipping off
en’s NCAA Tournament. Fa-            at the gym.”                            While      the     coronavirus        at the Alamodome.
miliar territory for Stanford           VanDerveer       said   being      caused many disruptions to the             This could be one of the most
and South Carolina, too.             healthy and excited to play was       schedule throughout the regu-           wide-open tournaments, with a
   It’s a brand new day for          most important. Teams basical-        lar season, it looks as if most of      dozen teams capable of win-
North Carolina State. And the        ly will be locked down in hotels      the teams in the field made it to       ning the title. There were five
Huskies, while used to their po-     except to head to practice or         the tournament healthy.                 No. 1 teams in The Associated
sition in the bracket, are facing    games as part of the stringent          Stanford, which will open             Press women’s basketball poll
some uncertainty after coach         COVID-19 safety protocols.            against Utah Valley, had quite          this year, including the Husk-
Geno Auriemma tested posi-              Auriemma’s Texas arrival           the odyssey this season be-             ies, who finished the season at
tive for the coronavirus.            will be delayed. He will remain       cause of the coronavirus. It had        No. 1.
   N.C. State is a No. 1 seed for    in isolation for 10 days and can      to play on the road for nine               The national semifinals take
the first time, joining Stanford,    rejoin the team on March 24.          weeks after Santa Clara County          place on April 2, and the cham-
South Carolina and Connecti-         The other members of UConn’s          health officials announced they         pionship game will be held
cut on the top lines for the San     travel party have tested nega-        were prohibiting all contact            April 4.
Antonio-themed regions for the       tive for COVID-19.                    sports in late November.                   Tennessee continued its
women’s tourney. The Cardinal           Auriemma will miss the               The Cardinal, who are look-           streak of making the NCAA
earned the overall No. 1 when        Huskies’ opening game against         ing for their third national            Tournament all 39 years. Join-
the field was revealed Monday        High Point — one of four first-       championship, are the top seed          ing High Point as NCAA roo-
night.                               timers in the NCAAs — and a           in the Alamo region. The He-            kies are Stony Brook, Utah Val-
   “The No. 1 seed is a is a great   potential second-round match-         misfair, Mercado and River              ley and Bradley.
honor, obviously,” N.C. State        up against either Syracuse or         Walk are the other region                  Notre Dame’s run of 24
coach Wes Moore said. “Y’all         South Dakota State.                   names.                                  straight NCAA appearances
know me, I’d rather just stayed         “I’m an innocent bystander           For the past few years, earn-         came to an end. The Irish were
a No. 2 and laid low.”               right now. I’m going to sit back      ing one of the top 16 seeds             one of the first four teams out
   Stanford coach Tara Van-          and watch them do their               would put a team at home in             of the tournament. They were
Derveer downplayed being the         thing,” he said. “(Assistant          the tournament’s first two              joined just outside the field by
top choice.                          coach Chris Dailey) is unde-          rounds, but that’s not the case         Houston, DePaul and Oklaho-
   “What I really tell our team      feated in tournament play. I          this March. Every game will be          ma.

Six of top eight men’s seeds are seeking first title
        Associated Press             teams on the top two seed lines       of them won it all.                     lier. You can tell by their seed
   If you’re tired of watching the   are seeking a first national title.     But don’t assume Gonzaga              we didn’t base that off the NET,”
same old powerhouses, this is an     Ohio State is the only No. 2 seed     would have been better off los-         selection committee chairman
NCAA Tournament for you.             that has already won one. You         ing during the regular season to        Mitch Barnhart said. “I don’t
   Duke, Kentucky and Louis-         have to go all the way down to        take the pressure off. It’s been        think there’s a perfect metric
ville didn’t qualify. UCLA, Mi-      third-seeded Kansas before            even longer since a team won            out there. I think if everybody
chigan State and Syracuse bare-      you’ll find a team with multiple      the national title with exactly         was looking for the perfect met-
ly did. North Carolina is a No. 8    championships.                        one loss. The last team to do that      ric, you wouldn’t have a commit-
seed.                                  Here are a few more things to       was N.C. State (30-1) in 1974.          tee that looked at it through the
   The four No. 1 seeds are Gon-     watch in this NCAA Tourna-                                                    prism of different lenses.”
zaga, Baylor, Illinois and Michi-    ment:
                                                                           Weighing the numbers
gan. Those programs have com-                                                The NET rankings raised               New arrivals
bined for only one national          Chasing history                       some eyebrows this season. Col-           Hartford and Grand Canyon,
championship — Michigan’s in            Gonzaga (26-0) is trying to be-    gate finished No. 9, but when it        the two first-time participants in
1989. The last time the top four     come the first undefeated na-         came to the tournament seed-            this tournament, have their
seeds had only one title between     tional champion since Indiana         ings, the Raiders were treated          work cut out for them. Hartford,
them was in 1990, when Michi-        went 32-0 in 1976. Since then,        the way a Patriot League team is        which won the automatic bid
gan State, UNLV, Connecticut         four teams have entered the           usually treated. They are a No.         from the America East Confer-
and Oklahoma were atop the re-       NCAA Tournament undefeated:           14 seed.                                ence, is a No. 16 seed and will
gions. Out of that foursome, only    Indiana State in 1979, UNLV in          Loyola Chicago is ranked 10th         face Baylor in the first round.
Michigan State had won a cham-       1991, Wichita State in 2014 and       in the NET, but received a No. 8        Grand Canyon, which won the
pionship prior to that year.         Kentucky in 2015. Three of those      seed.                                   WAC Tournament, is a No. 15
   This year, six of the eight       reached the Final Four, but none        “Colgate is a little bit of an out-   seed and takes on Iowa.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •          PAGE 7

Source: Fitzpatrick to sign with Washington
        Associated Press             ter stints with the St. Louis         Loomis comes on the heels of          sive back Jalen Mills also is
  Washington has agreed to           Rams, Cincinnati Bengals, Buf-        Drew Brees’ decision over the         headed to Foxborough for four
sign veteran quarterback Ryan        falo Bills, Tennessee Titans,         weekend to retire and provides        years and $24 million. In addi-
Fitzpatrick, according to a per-     Houston Texans, New York              Winston a chance to compete           tion, the Patriots announced de-
son with direct knowledge of the     Jets, Tampa Bay Buccaneers            with Taysom Hill to be New Or-        fensive lineman Carl Davis also
move.                                and Miami Dolphins.                   leans’ next starter under center.     had re-signed for undisclosed
  The person spoke to The As-
sociated Press on condition of
                                     Broncos exercise option Pats focus on defense                               terms.

anonymity Tuesday because            to re-sign LB Miller    with four signings                                  Bucs re-sign Barrett,
the deal cannot be official until       The Denver Broncos have ex-          The Patriots took a step back       David, Gronkowski
the new league year starts           ercised star linebacker Von           on defense last season. It’s            Sackmaster Shaq Barrett, fel-
Wednesday.                           Miller’s 2021 option.                 prompted Bill Belichick to focus      low standout linebacker La-
  Fitzpatrick — or “FitzMagic”          The move engages the final         a lot of attention — and money        vonte David and Rob Gronkow-
— gives Washington more expe-        season of the six-year, $114.5        — on that side of the ball at the
                                                                                                                 ski will remain in Tampa Bay.
rience at football’s most impor-     million contract Miller signed        unofficial start of free agency.
                                                                                                                   Just as he had done several
tant position after it released      in 2016 in the aftermath of his         A person familiar with the
                                                                                                                 times in New England, Tom
Alex Smith. The team now has         Super Bowl 50 MVP perform-            deal said Monday the Patriots
                                                                                                                 Brady reworked his big-ticket
Fitzpatrick, journeyman-turn-        ance.                                 have agreed to sign edge rusher
ed-playoff standout Taylor                                                                                       contract last week to free up
                                        It also guarantees him $7 mil-     Matt Judon to a four-year, $56
Heinicke and coach Ron Rivera                                              million deal — including $32          money in free agency. The Buc-
                                     lion of his $17.5 million base sal-                                         caneers used it to keep David,
favorite Kyle Allen under con-                                             million guaranteed — for the
                                     ary.                                                                        and on Monday, the first day of
tract at quarterback.                                                      the former Baltimore Ravens
  Washington also has the 19th       Winston returns to                    standout who totaled 15 ½ sacks       “legal tampering” before the
pick in the draft and could use                                            in earning back-to-back Pro           NFL’s business year begins on
                                     Saints with 1-year deal                                                     Wednesday, the 28-year-old
one of its first few selections on                                         Bowl selections in 2019 and
a QB of the future. Fitzpatrick        The New Orleans Saints are          2020.                                 Barrett agreed to a four-year,
would be in the mix for the pre-     bringing back quarterback Ja-           New England also came to            $72 million contract with $36
sent on what’s expected to be a      meis Winston on a one-year con-       terms with free agent defensive       million guaranteed, agent Drew
one-year deal.                       tract.                                tackle Davon Godchaux on a            Rosenhaus confirmed. Later in
  Fitzpatrick is joining his ninth     The move announced by               two-year, $16 million deal with       the day, Gronk agreed to return
different NFL team at age 38 af-     Saints general manager Mickey         $9 million guaranteed. Defen-         for his 11th season with Brady.

Indiana fires Miller after going 67-58 over 4 seasons
        Associated Press             Code, a Clemson point guard in        Friday in Indianapolis.               the worst seasons in the history
   Indiana athletic director Scott   the 1990s who later worked with         McCaffery’s annual base sala-       of the program, athletic director
Dolson fired coach Archie Miller     Nike and Adidas, was among 10         ry of $2.3 million for the next two   Jamie Pollard announced.
after four mediocre seasons.         individuals arrested in 2017 for      seasons will remain unchanged.          The school said in a statement
   Miller was 67-58 with the Hoo-    their alleged plan to get top pro-       DePaul fired coach Dave           that Pollard and Prohm met in
siers. His teams never made the      spects to sign with managers          Leitao on Monday six years into       person Monday night and that
NCAA Tournament.                     who would handle their finances       his second tenure in another ef-      Pollard would have additional
   Miller’s $10.3 million buyout     once they turned professional.        fort to lift a once-proud program.    comment Tuesday.
was one of college basketball’s          Iowa coach Fran McCaf-             The Blue Demons went 5-14
priciest but in a fiscal year        fery signed a four-year contract      overall in a season that started      Brewers’ slugger Braun
where the COVID-19 pandemic          extension through 2027-28 on          about a month late because of         mulls retirement
cost the athletic department mil-    Monday after leading the eighth-      COVID-19 issues. They finished
                                                                                                                    Ryan Braun visited the Brew-
lions, Dolson says he raised         ranked Hawkeyes to the Big Ten        last in the Big East for the fifth
                                                                                                                 ers’ spring training site Monday
enough money privately to pay        Tournament semifinals and             straight year at 2-13.
                                                                                                                 and said he hasn’t picked up a
for the coaching change.             their highest NCAA Tournament            Minnesota fired Richard
                                                                                                                 bat since the end of the 2020 sea-
   In other college basketball       seeding since 1987.                   Pitino on Monday after the coach
                                                                                                                 son. The 2011 NL MVP became a
news:                                   The Hawkeyes are 21-8 and          compiled a 54-96 regular-season
    A former point guard sen-       finished third in the Big Ten reg-    record over eight years in the        free agent when the Brewers de-
tenced to prison in 2019 for his     ular season at 14-6. They’ve been     Big Ten and had only three con-       clined to exercise a $15 million
role in a college basketball brib-   ranked in the top 15 every week       ference finishes higher than 10th     mutual option in his contract last
ery scheme has a book coming         this season and peaked at No. 5       place.                                October. “I’m strongly leaning in
out next year.                       last week. The team is a No. 2           Iowa State and men’s bas-         the direction of being done as an
   Merl Code's “Black Market”        seed in the NCAA Tournament           ketball coach Steve Prohm have        active player,” the 37-year-old
will be published in March 2022.     and will play Grand Canyon on         agreed to part ways after one of      Braun said.
PAGE 8    • STRIPES LITE •             Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Harden, Irving lead Nets past rival Knicks
              Associated Press                      The Bucks pulled away late after let-            12 apiece.
  NEW YORK — Kyrie Irving scored 34               ting a 26-point third-quarter lead slip to            Hornets 122, Kings 116: Terry Rozier
points, James Harden welcomed himself             five midway through the fourth.                    scored 26 points, Gordon Hayward add-
to New York’s basketball rivalry with his           Bradley Beal led the Wizards with 37             ed 25 and Charlotte overcame a 15-point
10th triple-double of the season, and the         points after sitting out Saturday to rest a        deficit in the second half and extended
Brooklyn Nets beat the Knicks 117-112 on          sore left knee. Russell Westbrook had 23           its winning streak to four games with a
Monday night.                                     points and a season-high 17 assists.               victory over visiting Sacramento.
  Harden finished with 21 points, 15 re-          Washington has lost four in a row.                    De’Aaron Fox led the Kings with 29
bounds and 15 assists in his first game             Lakers 128, Warriors 97: LeBron                  points, while Richaun Holmes had 17
against the Knicks since arriving in              James had a triple-double with 22 points,          points and 15 rebounds.
Brooklyn two months ago and turning the           11 assists and 10 rebounds, leading inju-             The Hornets (20-18) trailed the entire
Nets into one of the NBA’s best teams.            ry-depleted Los Angeles to a win at Gold-          way until Hayward came up with the
  The Nets agreed to the deal that                en State.                                          play of the game — a steal and thunder-
brought Harden to Brooklyn on Jan. 13,              Montrezl Harrell backed up James’                ous dunk — with 1:33 left.
playing short-handed that night at Madi-          fourth triple-double of the season by                 Spurs 109, Pistons 99: Dejounte
son Square Garden in a 116-109 victory            scoring 27 points off the bench on 11-             Murray had 19 points and 10 rebounds to
over the Knicks. That made them just              of-14 shooting as the Lakers won the sea-          lead a balanced attack as San Antonio
7-6, but they are 20-7 since Harden’s ar-         son series with Golden State.                      won at Detroit.
rival, including 19-4 when at least two of          Clippers 109, Mavericks 99: Kawhi                   The Pistons’ leading scorer, Jeremi
their three superstars play.                      Leonard scored 22 points, Marcus Mor-              Grant, left the game in the third quarter
  Jeff Green scored 20 points as the Nets         ris Sr. added 14 in a rare start and Los           after falling hard on his hip while trying
won for the 13th time in 14 games, even           Angeles won at Dallas.                             to drive between Drew Eubanks and Ru-
with Kevin Durant sitting out the last 12           Luka Doncic had 25 points, 16 assists            dy Gay.
of them with a strained left hamstring.           and 10 rebounds for the Mavs, and Kris-               Nuggets 121, Pacers 106: Nikola Jok-
  Julius Randle had 33 points, 12 re-             taps Porzingis scored 22 points.                   ic notched his 35th double-double with
bounds and six assists for the Knicks.              Paul George scored 15 as seven Clip-             32 points and 14 rebounds, leading host
  Bucks 133, Wizards 122: Giannis An-             pers finished in double figures. Ivica Zu-         Denver over travel-weary Indiana.
tetokounmpo had 31 points, 15 rebounds            bac had 15 points and 11 rebounds. Nico-              Michael Porter Jr. and Will Barton
and 10 assists for his third consecutive          las Batum, who sat while Morris made               each scored 20 points for the Nuggets.
triple-double to lead Milwaukee past              his third start of the season, had a couple           Suns 122, Grizzlies 99: Devin Booker
Washington for its fourth consecutive             of big three-pointers and scored 14. Reg-          scored 27 points, Chris Paul added 18 and
victory.                                          gie Jackson and Patrick Patterson scored           host Phoenix rolled past Memphis.

Pens beat Bruins, Malkin reaches 1,100th point
        Associated Press             have four wins in their last 13       It was the Panthers’ first short-      holm, Dillon Dube and Andrew
   PITTSBURGH — Evgeni Mal-          games. Jaroslav Halak made 22         handed goal this season.               Mangiapane each had a goal and
kin scored on a power play for his   saves in his fourth straight start.      Predators 4, Lightning 1: Calle     an assist, and host Calgary
1,100th career point, leading the       Flyers 5, Rangers 4 (OT): Ja-      Jarnkrok had a short-handed            earned its third straight win un-
Pittsburgh Penguins to a 4-1 de-     kub Voracek scored 3:47 into          goal and had three assists, help-      der new coach Darryl Sutter.
feat of the Boston Bruins on Mon-    overtime, sending visiting Phila-     ing Nashville to the road win.            Noah Hanifin also scored, Mi-
day.                                 delphia to the win.                      Pekka Rinne stopped 38 shots        kael Backlund had two assists
   Malkin is the third Russian-         Claude Giroux, Joel Farabee        and picked up his 14th career as-      and Jacob Markstrom stopped 28
born player to reach 1,100 points    and Ivan Provorov each had a          sist in the Predators’ first victory   shots. Sutter replaced Geoff
in the NHL, joining Alex Ovech-      goal and an assist, and James van     against Tampa Bay in six meet-
                                                                                                                  Ward, who was fired March 4.
kin and Sergei Fedorov. Malkin       Riemsdyk also scored for the          ings this season. Mattias Ekholm
                                                                                                                     Canadiens 4, Jets 2: Tyler Tof-
has eight goals on the season and    Flyers, who won for the third         had a goal and an assist, and Eeli
                                                                                                                  foli had two goals for visiting
also had an assist while extend-     time in eight games. Voracek also     Tolvanen and Viktor Arvidsson
                                                                                                                  Montreal, including an empty-
ing his point streak to eight        had two assists, and Carter Hart      also scored.
games.                               finished with 20 saves.                  Golden Knights 2, Sharks 1:         netter in the final minute.
   Tristan Jarry made a season-         Panthers 6, Blackhawks 3:          Max Pacioretty and Mark Stone             Canucks 3, Senators 2 (OT):
high 42 saves in the Penguins’       Aleksander Barkov scored a tie-       each had a goal and an assist to       J.T. Miller scored in overtime for
sixth straight win. Sidney Crosby    breaking short-handed goal in         help Vegas beat visiting San Jose.     visiting Vancouver, and Thatch-
had a goal and two assists, and      the third period, sending host           Marc-Andre Fleury, making           er Demko made 44 saves.
Jake Guentzel and Evan Ro-           Florida to its fourth consecutive     his 16th start in 17 games, fin-          Miller got his eighth of the sea-
drigues also scored.                 win.                                  ished with 23 saves to improve to      son at 1:40. Jayce Hawryluk and
   Matt Grzelcyk scored a power-        Barkov poked in a loose puck       14-5-0 this season.                    Tanner Pearson scored in regula-
play goal for the Bruins, who        from right in front with 6:34 left.      Flames 4, Oilers 3: Elias Lind-     tion for the Canucks.
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