Aspects of embryo-maternal communication in establishment of pregnancy in cattle

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Aspects of embryo-maternal communication in establishment of pregnancy in cattle
DOI: 10.21451/1984-3143-AR2019-0075

          Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Ilha de Comandatuba,
          BA, Brazil, August 15th to 19th, 2019.

     Aspects of embryo-maternal communication in establishment of pregnancy in cattle
                         José M. Sánchez, Constantine A. Simintiras, Patrick Lonergan*

               School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

                        Abstract                                established in commercial embryo transfer following the
                                                                transfer of 6-7 day old embryos, often produced in vitro,
         Establishment of pregnancy in mammals                  to synchronized recipients. Indeed, pregnancy can be
requires reciprocal molecular communication between             established following the transfer of elongated
the conceptus and endometrium that modifies the                 conceptuses up to at least Day 16 (Betteridge et al.,
endometrial transcriptome and uterine luminal milieu to         1980; Kimura and Matsuyama 2014) indicating that the
support pregnancy. Due to the small size of the early           uterus does not need to receive any signals from the
embryo and elongating conceptus relative to the volume          embryo prior to that stage in order for pregnancy occur.
of the uterine lumen, collection of endometrium adjacent                  Up to the blastocyst stage (Day 7-8), the
to the developing conceptus is difficult following              bovine embryo is relatively autonomous, as blastocysts
conventional uterine flushing methods in cattle. Use of         can be produced in vitro in the absence of contact with
endometrial explants in culture can overcome this               the female reproductive tract and are capable of
challenge and reveal information about the dialogue             establishing pregnancy after transfer to a synchronous
between the developing embryo and the uterus. The aim           uterus. In contrast to primates and rodents, in which
of this short review is to summarize some of our recent         implantation occurs shortly after the blastocyst enters
findings in relation to embryo maternal interaction during      the uterus, in ungulates, such as ruminants and pigs, the
bovine pregnancy establishment and to put them in the           early conceptus undergoes a phase of rapid growth and
wider context of fertility in cattle.                           elongation before implantation, the latter occurring 2-3
                                                                weeks after fertilization. In cattle, conceptus elongation is
Keywords: conceptus,         fertility,   bovine,    uterus,    initiated around Day 13 of gestation when the hatched
progesterone.                                                   bovine blastocyst transitions sequentially from a
                                                                spherical- to ovoid-, then tubular- and finally
                      Introduction                              filamentous-shaped structure that primarily involves
                                                                proliferation of the conceptus trophectoderm cells.
          Embryo mortality is a major contributor to            During this time, the elongating conceptus secretes
poor reproductive efficiency in dairy and beef cows. A          interferon tau (IFNT), the maternal pregnancy
significant proportion of embryonic loss in cattle,             recognition signal in ruminants (Bazer and Thatcher
                                                                2017). While there is a strong positive correlation
particularly lactating dairy cows, occurs during the first
                                                                between conceptus length and IFNT secretion (Rizos et
2-3 weeks after conception, before maternal recognition
                                                                al., 2012), surprisingly, threshold concentrations of IFNT
of pregnancy, which occurs around Day 16. In a recent
                                                                required to overcome luteolysis are as yet not known
comprehensive review, Wiltbank et al. (2016) described
                                                                (Forde and Lonergan 2017; Spencer et al., 2017).
four pivotal periods of pregnancy loss during the first
                                                                          Elongation is necessary to ensure sufficient
trimester of gestation and discussed possible causes for
                                                                concentrations of IFNT are secreted and to expand the
pregnancy failure during these periods. Despite a
                                                                conceptus surface area for maximal vascular exchange
relatively high fertilization rate (>85%), 20%-50% of
                                                                with maternal tissues after implantation. An inability of
high-producing lactating dairy cows experience                  the conceptus to optimally elongate undoubtedly results
pregnancy loss during the first week of gestation. From         in embryonic loss and is believed to significantly
Days 8 to 27, concomitant with embryo elongation and            contribute to reproductive failure in cattle (Wiltbank et
maternal recognition of pregnancy, losses average               al., 2016; Moraes et al., 2018). In contrast to pre-
approximately 30%. From Days 28 to 60, losses of                hatching development, elongation is predominantly
approximately 12% occur while in the fourth period,             maternally-driven, dependent on substances in the
during the third month of pregnancy, pregnancy losses           uterine lumen fluid (ULF; or histotroph). As evidence
are reduced (approximately 2%), but may be elevated in          for this, blastocysts do not elongate in vitro (Brandão et
some cows, particularly in those carrying twins in the          al., 2004) and the absence of uterine glands in vivo
same uterine horn (Wiltbank et al., 2016).                      results in failure of blastocysts to elongate following
          Communication between the developing                  embryo transfer (Gray et al., 2002).
embryo and the mother is vital for the successful                         Spatial and temporal changes of the
establishment and maintenance of pregnancy but the              endometrial transcriptome and histotroph composition
requirement for this dialogue is temporal in nature and         are necessary to establish uterine receptivity to
in reality only becomes absolutely essential from around        implantation and, in turn, are pivotal to the likelihood of
Day 15-16 onwards. Pregnancies are routinely                    successful pregnancy in cattle. Those modifications are
*Corresponding author:
Received: June 5, 2019                                                         Copyright © The Author(s). Published by CBRA.
Accepted: June 27, 2019                                                        This is an Open Access article under the Creative
                                                                               Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0 license)
Sánchez et al. Pregnancy establishment in cattle.

primarily regulated by the steroid hormone progesterone                   The capacity of the uterus to stimulate
(P4) derived from the corpus luteum (CL) which acts              conceptus elongation is primarily dependent on
via the endometrium to promote conceptus growth and              secretions from the luminal and glandular epithelium.
implantation, as well as conceptus-derived IFNT, which           However, the timing of conceptus elongation is clearly
prevents development of the endometrial luteolytic               associated with concentrations of P4 in circulation,
mechanism (Forde and Lonergan 2012; Brooks et al.,               which acts via the uterus (Clemente et al., 2009) to alter
2014). The role of P4 in uterine receptivity is                  the timing of PGR downregulation and thus onset of
unequivocal (Lonergan et al., 2016; Spencer et al.,              expression of key genes required for elongation in cattle
2016). Low circulating P4 concentrations in the first            (Forde et al., 2009) and sheep (Satterfield et al., 2006).
week after ovulation, as frequently occurs in high-              Consequently, P4 has an indirect effect on the secretion
producing lactating dairy cows, are associated with              of IFNT by the conceptus, given the strong positive
under-developed conceptuses (Forde et al., 2012) with            correlation between conceptus length and IFNT
an altered transcriptomic signature (Barnwell et al.,            production (Rizos et al., 2012). In order for P4 output
2016) and a low likelihood of establishing pregnancy             from the CL to be maintained, sufficient quantities of
(Wiltbank et al., 2016). On the other hand, elevated             IFNT must be produced by the conceptus by Day 16 to
concentrations of circulating P4 in the period                   abrogate the luteolytic mechanism and maintain CL
immediately after conception have been associated with           function and induce expression of both classical and
advanced conceptus elongation (Carter et al., 2008),             nonclassical interferon-stimulated genes (ISG) in the
increased IFNT production (Mann and Lamming 2001),               different cellular compartments of the endometrium that
and greater pregnancy rates in cattle and sheep                  are proposed to regulate conceptus elongation.
(Ashworth et al., 1989; Stronge et al., 2005; McNeill et                  Temporal changes in uterine gene expression
al., 2006). Despite the definitive association between P4        occur irrespective of whether the cow is pregnant or not
and conceptus elongation, significant natural variation          (Forde et al., 2009) and it is only during maternal
in age-matched in vivo- (Betteridge et al., 1980) and in         recognition of pregnancy, around Day 16, by which
vitro-derived conceptuses occurs, even amongst                   time the conceptus is secreting copious amounts of
conceptuses developing in the same uterus (Clemente et           IFNT (Forde and Lonergan 2017) that major changes in
al., 2009; Sánchez et al., 2019a; b). This would suggest         gene expression between cyclic and pregnant
that part of the ability to elongate is intrinsic to the         endometrium become apparent (Forde et al., 2011;
embryo and may be related to oocyte and/or blastocyst            Bauersachs et al., 2012).
           The aim of this short review is to summarize            Blastocyst-induced changes in the endometrium
some of our recent findings in relation to embryo
maternal interaction during bovine pregnancy                               Pregnancy recognition in cattle is initiated
establishment and to put them in the wider context of            around Day 15-16, both at the physiological and
fertility in cattle. Several of the recent studies referred to   transcriptomic level. Nonetheless, the first week of
below have used an endometrial explant co-culture                development is critical as evidenced by the fact that, at
system to elucidate this fine dialogue by examining              least in high-producing dairy cows, about 50% of
changes in endometrial gene expression induced by                embryos are no longer viable by Day 6-7 (Sartori et al.,
blastocysts (Passaro et al., 2018, 2019) or by an                2010). Whether communication between the embryo
elongating conceptus (Mathew et al., 2019; Sánchez et            and endometrium at this stage is really important
al., 2019b; Bagés-Arnal et al., 2019). Due to the                remains to be demonstrated convincingly. There is
maintenance of normal cellular and extracellular                 unequivocal evidence that when development occurs in
architecture in endometrial explants (Borges et al.,             vivo, blastocyst quality is improved in terms of
2012), some of the limitations of traditional cell culture       ultrastructure (Rizos et al., 2002a), gene expression
can be overcome; for example, uterine explants allow             profiles (Lonergan et al., 2003a, b; Gad et al., 2012),
the communication between resident populations of                cryotolerance (Rizos et al., 2002b) and pregnancy rate
endometrial cells which cannot be achieved with current          after transfer (Hasler et al., 1995) compared to when
2D and 3D cell culture technologies.                             blastocysts are produced in vitro. However, evidence of
                                                                 a reciprocal effect of a single embryo on the cells of the
   Role of progesterone in uterine receptivity and               uterus is more difficult to detect. As mentioned earlier,
               conceptus elongation                              the fact that blastocysts can be produced routinely in
                                                                 vitro in the absence of contact with the reproductive
         Progesterone from the CL induces both                   tract and subsequently establish a pregnancy after
temporal and spatial changes in the endometrial                  transfer to a recipient supports the notion that exposure
transcriptome necessary to establish uterine receptivity,        of the reproductive tract to the early embryo, or vice-
when implantation in the uterus is possible (Forde et al.,       versa, is not required for pregnancy.
2009). These changes include down-regulation of the                        In vitro studies have demonstrated that
nuclear progesterone receptor (PGR) in the luminal and           preimplantation embryos secrete a variety of
then glandular epithelium (Okumu et al., 2010), which            biochemical messengers, embryotropins, that act in an
allows expression of genes and secretion of their protein        autocrine manner to promote embryonic development
products, as well as active transport of other molecules,        (reviewed by Wydooghe et al., 2015). For many of
required for conceptus elongation.                               these factors, expression of corresponding receptors in

Anim. Reprod., v.16, n.3, p.376-385, Jul./Sept. 2019                                                                   377
Sánchez et al. Pregnancy establishment in cattle.

the uterus has been identified, the activation of which       2019b; Fig. 1) indicated that all of the DEG induced in
could lead to cellular and tissue responses in regions        the endometrium by blastocyst-stage embryos are
that are in close physical contact with the embryo.           IFNT-stimulated, in contrast to Day 15 when a
Others have reported that the early bovine embryo (from       significant number of IFNT-independent genes are
Day 5 to Day 9) induces an anti-inflammatory response         induced (Mathew et al., 2019; Sánchez et al., 2019b –
in uterine epithelial cells and immune cells in vitro         see below).
(Talukder et al., 2017). Therefore, if factors secreted by             These results support the concept that the early
the pre-elongating embryo enhance changes in the              embryo is capable of communicating with the
transcriptome and in the proteome of the endometrium,         reproductive tract. The effect on the endometrial
those changes are most likely to be local in nature and       transcriptome is dependent on the stage of embryo
may not be detectable using crude methods of sample           development and appears to be due solely to IFNT. The
collection. Use of an explant model allows the                functional significance, if any, of such induced changes
interrogation of cells that were in direct contact with the   remains to be fully elucidated given that it is possible to
embryo(s) facilitating the detection of such local            transfer embryos from Day 7 onwards to a uterus that
embryo-induced changes in the endometrium during the          has not previously been exposed to an embryo and
very early stages of pregnancy.                               achieve normal pregnancy rates.
          Recently, local embryo-induced alterations in
the endometrial transcriptome from spatially-defined           Response of the endometrium to in vivo or in vitro
regions in response to the presence of a Day 7 bovine                         derived conceptuses
embryo were reported (Sponchiado et al., 2017). In that
study, the presence of an embryo altered the abundance                  It has been elegantly shown that the
of 12 transcripts in the cranial part of the uterine horn     endometrium can act as a ‘sensor’, with its
ipsilateral to the CL, including classical ISG (ISG15,        transcriptome reflective of the type and developmental
MX1, MX2, OAS1Y), genes involved in prostaglandin             competency of the conceptus present (Bauersachs et al.,
biosynthesis (PTGES, HPGD, AKR1L4), water channels            2009; Mansouri-Attia et al., 2009). These studies
(AQP4) and a solute transporter (SLC1A4); however,            compared the endometrial responses to bovine
the extent of change was relatively minor in nature           conceptuses produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer,
ranging from 1.35- to 2-fold). Based on this, we              in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination (AI) and
hypothesized that the blastocyst induces local changes        suggested that placental failure in bovine clone
in the endometrial transcriptome through the production       pregnancies may originate from abnormal embryo-
of IFNT and potentially other diffusible factors. Using       maternal communication during the peri-implantation
co-culture of endometrial explants in the absence or          period (Day 18-20).
presence of blastocysts or medium conditioned by                        As stated above, it is generally accepted that
blastocysts, we demonstrated that bovine endometrium          blastocysts produced in vitro are inferior in quality to in
responds to the presence of 8-day old blastocysts by          vivo-derived embryos. This difference is reflected in the
upregulating expression of classical ISG (Passaro et al.,     fact that in commercial embryo transfer, the majority of
2018). This effect was (i) specific to the blastocyst stage   in vitro-produced blastocysts are transferred fresh while
- earlier stages did not induce gene expression changes,      the majority of in vivo-derived blastocysts are
(ii) dependent on the number of blastocysts present - a       transferred frozen (Viana, 2018).
minimum of 5 blastocysts were required to detect such                   Mathew et al. (2019) compared the
changes, and (iii) independent of direct contact - the        transcriptomic response of the endometrium following
effect was induced by embryos co-cultured on                  exposure to IFNT or a conceptus derived from the
endometrial explants using a cell culture insert              transfer of an in vivo-derived (superovulation and AI) or
(preventing direct contact) as well as by blastocyst-         in vitro-produced (IVF) blastocyst in order to identify
conditioned medium (Passaro et al., 2018). While others       novel transcripts dependent and independent on IFNT,
have reported differential expression of a small number       conceptus origin and conceptus sex. IVF- or AI-
of other transcripts in the endometrium in vivo, induced      produced blastocysts were transferred into recipient
by the presence of a single blastocyst (Sponchiado et         heifers on Day 7 of the estrous cycle. On Day 15, IVF-
al., 2017), or in cultured endometrial cells (Talukder et     or AI-derived conceptuses were obtained by uterine
al., 2017; Gómez et al., 2018), we failed to detect in        flushing and individually placed on endometrial
endometrial explants using qPCR (Passaro et al., 2018).       explants in media for 6 h. Explants were also cultured
          To extend these findings, Passaro et al. (2019)     with media alone as a control or media containing 100
used RNA sequencing to investigate global changes in          ng/mL recombinant ovine IFNT. Incubation of
the transcriptome of endometrial explants induced by          endometrium with IFNT or IVF- or AI-derived
exposure to blastocysts. Exposure of bovine                   conceptuses altered the expression of 491, 498 and 576
endometrium to blastocyst-stage embryos resulted in the       transcripts, respectively, compared to the control.
upregulation of 40 transcripts in blastocyst-exposed          Further, 369 DEG were common between explants
endometrial explants compared to the control.                 exposed to IFNT or a conceptus. 240 DEG were
Comparison of this list of differentially expressed genes     uniquely altered by conceptuses (IVF- and AI-derived)
(DEG) with the common list of genes altered in                but not IFNT. Of these transcripts, 46 were shared
endometrial explants following culture with 100 ng/ml         between the IVF and AI groups, while 61 and 133 were
IFNT or a Day 15 conceptus (from Sánchez et al.,              specific to IVF and AI conceptuses, respectively. Five

378                                                                    Anim. Reprod., v.16, n.3, p.376-385, Jul./Sept. 2019
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genes (MLPH, PROM2, MYADM, VN1R4L, HTR1A)                     conceptus transcriptome mentioned above describing
were more abundant in endometrium exposed to female           differential patterns of mRNA expression between short
compared to male conceptuses while a single gene              (mean length of 4.2 ± 0.1mm) and long (24.7 ± 1.9 mm)
(ARL4C) was more abundant in response to male                 bovine conceptuses recovered on Day 15 of gestation
conceptuses than female conceptuses.                          (Barnwell et al., 2016). In that study, a total of 348
         These data support the hypothesis that               genes were differentially expressed related to
conceptus regulation of gene expression in the                metabolism and biosynthesis. These genes and cellular
endometrium is complex and involves factors other than        pathways involved in enhanced conceptus elongation, as
IFNT that may have a biological role in pregnancy             well as the endometrial response blueprint to short and
establishment. The findings are consistent with the           long conceptuses (Sánchez et al., 2019b), may
presence of unique proteins in ULF of pregnant heifers        ultimately serve as markers of successful pregnancy.
on Day 16 and produced by short-term in vitro cultured                  Whether or not smaller conceptuses on a given
Day 16 conceptuses (Forde et al., 2015) and those of          day are actually abnormal or whether they are simply
Bartol et al. (1985) who demonstrated that the fully          slower in development is unclear; however, it is likely
elongated bovine conceptus produces a significant             that they are compromised compared to longer (normal)
number of proteins when cultured in vitro. Further,           conceptuses. Definitive proof will come from the
Spencer et al. (2013) demonstrated that the bovine            recovery and retransfer of long and short age-matched
conceptus produces prostaglandins, which can modify           conceptuses to establish their ability to initiate and
the endometrium prior to pregnancy recognition.               maintain pregnancy.
                                                                        While the differences in conceptus length are
    Effect of conceptus length on the endometrial             due, at least in part, to intrinsic differences in the
                      response                                embryo/conceptus, likely related to oocyte quality, it
                                                              would be wrong to completely discount a role for the
          Significant variation in the length and             uterus in contributing to variation in conceptus length
morphology of age-matched conceptuses exists, even            and pregnancy establishment. Using a model of repeated
when multiple conceptuses are recovered from the same         embryo transfer originally described by McMillan et al.
uterine environment (Clemente et al., 2009; O’Hara et         (1999), Geary et al. (2016) classified heifers based on
al., 2014), despite the fact that embryos were produced       pregnancy success following serial embryo transfer as
in vitro under the same conditions until the blastocyst       high fertile (HF), subfertile (SF), or infertile (IF).
stage and were of similar morphological quality at the        Conceptus survival and growth to Day 14 was not
time of transfer on Day 7. Conceptus length on a given        compromised in SF and IF heifers. However, pregnancy
day in the period around pregnancy recognition is             rate on Day 28 was higher in HF (70.4%) than in heifers
thought to be indicative of its quality and the likelihood    with low fertility (36.8%; SF and IF). In a follow-up
of establishing and maintaining a pregnancy (Barnwell         study (Moraes et al., 2018), pregnancy rate on Day 17
et al., 2016), although this has yet to be definitively       was substantially higher in HF (71%) and SF (90%)
established. While significant differences in the             than IF (20%) heifers. Furthermore, elongating
transcriptomes of long and short Day 15 conceptuses           conceptuses were about twofold longer in HF than SF
have been reported (Barnwell et al., 2016), the               heifers. Taken together, these data suggest that the
interaction between such divergent conceptuses and the        uterus impacts conceptus survival and programs
endometrium had, until recently, not been described.          conceptus development, and effects of dysregulated
We hypothesized that bovine endometrium exposed to            conceptus-endometrial interactions elicit loss of the
long vs. short Day 15 conceptuses would exhibit a             post-elongation conceptus in SF cattle during the
different transcriptome profile reflective of potential for   implantation period of pregnancy.
successful pregnancy establishment. To test this                        In summary, bovine endometrium responds
hypothesis we used a combination of in vitro production       differently in terms of its gene expression signature to
of bovine blastocysts, multiple embryo transfer and           age-matched long and short conceptuses, in an IFNT-
conceptus-endometrial explant co-culture to investigate       dependent and independent manner, which may be
the response of the endometrium to age-matched                critical for embryo survival. In particular, short
conceptuses of different sizes collected from the same        conceptuses failed to alter the expression of a large
uterine environment (Sánchez et al., 2019b). The main         number of ISG that were altered by both IFNT and long
findings were that: (i) Day 15 conceptuses vary               conceptuses, suggesting that insufficient IFNT
significantly in length, even when derived from the           production is a major contributory factor to lower
same uterine environment; and (ii) the endometrium            survival of such conceptuses. Furthermore, the
responds in an IFNT-dependent and independent                 alteration of >100 endometrial transcripts uniquely by
manner to conceptuses of different sizes which likely         long conceptuses suggests that other aspects of
reflects the ability to successfully establish pregnancy      maternal-embryo communication at this critical time are
(Fig. 1). These data complement nicely the data on the        IFNT-independent.

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Figure 1. Use of an ex-vivo uterine endometrial explant-conceptus co-culture system to elucidate conceptus-induced
effects on the endometrium both dependent and independent of interferon-tau (IFNT). Uterine explants taken from
the same uterus were exposed to (i) medium alone (control), (ii) 100 ng/ml recombinant ovine IFNT, (iii) a long Day
15 conceptus, or (iv) a short Day 15 conceptus. Numbers of differentially expressed genes indicated for each group
are relative to the Control. Modified from Sánchez et al. (2019b).

Differential response of endometrium ipsilateral and          a separate experiment within the same study, ten Day 7
               contralateral to the CL                        in vitro produced blastocysts were transferred into the
                                                              uterine horn ipsilateral or contralateral to the CL or into
          Embryo transfer studies established that the        both horns (i.e., bilateral) of synchronized recipient
incidence of embryo loss is higher following transfer to      heifers. Reproductive tracts were recovered at slaughter
the uterine horn contralateral to the ovary containing the    on Day 14 and the number and dimensions of recovered
CL compared to transfer to the ipsilateral horn (Christie     conceptuses were recorded for each horn. Site of
et al., 1979). Whether these differences are manifest in      embryo transfer did not affect recovery rate (48.0%,
conceptus growth and elongation in the critical window        168/350) or length of conceptuses. Thus, although
preceding maternal recognition of pregnancy is                differences in gene expression exist between the
unknown. Knowledge of differences in gene expression          endometrium of uterine horns ipsilateral and
between the uterine horns during the estrous cycle could      contralateral to the CL in cattle, these differences were
further enhance our understanding of uterine receptivity      not associated with a reduced ability of the uterus to
and the process of conceptus elongation, key events for       support conceptus survival or development to Day 14
the maternal recognition of pregnancy and, in turn,           after embryo transfer on Day 7.
successful pregnancy establishment.                                     In a follow-on study, we asked whether the
          We hypothesized that differences in the             endometrium from the uterine horn ipsilateral or
endometrial transcriptome between the ipsilateral and         contralateral to the CL responds differently to an
contralateral horns throughout the cycle exist, and those     elongating conceptus. Bagés-Arnal et al. (2019)
differences would be correlated with differences in           compared the local response of the ipsilateral and
conceptus elongation after embryo transfer (Sánchez et        contralateral endometrium to a Day 14 conceptus.
al., 2019a). Endometrial samples from both horns were         Although no differences in gene expression were detected
collected from synchronized heifers slaughtered on Day        between ipsilateral and contralateral endometrium, the
5, 7, 13 or 16 post-estrus and subjected to RNA               response of the endometrium to a Day 14 conceptus was
sequencing. Main findings were that: (i) day of the           distinct in each uterine horn. Interestingly, more genes
estrous cycle contributed to the greatest variation in the    were differentially expressed in the contralateral than in
endometrial transcriptome; (ii) there were many more          the ipsilateral endometrium after exposure to a conceptus
altered genes between the uterine horns ipsilateral and       239 vs. 61 DEG, respectively). Many of the biological
contralateral to the CL in the early (Day 5 and 7) as         processes enriched in the DEG between both horns in
compared to late (Day 13 and 16) luteal phase; (iii)          response to a conceptus were associated with immune
signalling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem           response and response to stimuli. This observation is
cells were highly dysregulated when both uterine horns        consistent with the study of Moraes et al. (2018), where
were compared, regardless of the day of luteal phase. In      relatively few differences were detected in the

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endometrial transcriptome of non-pregnant high-fertile,       (Simintiras et al., 2019a) - the greatest differences
subfertile and infertile heifers; however, the response of    observed throughout the study - suggestive of a key role
the endometrium from high-fertile and subfertile              for these metabolites in sustaining, in addition to
animals to pregnancy was remarkably different (3422           initiating, conceptus elongation.
vs. 1095 DEG, respectively).                                            Secondly, sub-pathway enrichment and
          These data extend those of Sánchez et al.           representation analyses revealed that metabolic cascades
(2019a) describing temporal changes in the                    of likely importance to conceptus elongation-initiation
transcriptome of the endometrium ipsilateral and              revolve around phospholipids, polyamines, and purines.
contralateral to the CL during a nonpregnant estrous          Regarding the former, membrane biogenesis is
cycle by describing differential response of the              intuitively essential to the ~30-fold increase in
endometrium in both uterine horns to an elongating            trophoblast length between Days 12-15 (Betteridge et
conceptus. The large difference in the number of DEG          al., 1980; Brooks et al., 2014). As 47% of identified
between the endometrium ipsilateral and contralateral to      lipids were intricately linked to membrane biogenesis, it
the CL in response to a Day 14 conceptus may be               seems reasonable to suspect that endometrial lipid
related to the differences in P4 concentrations during the    secretions contribute to conceptus membrane fusion,
first days after ovulation (Takahashi et al., 2016), since,   and, thus, elongating conceptus membrane biogenesis is
as mentioned earlier, P4 is one the major regulators of       not entirely de novo (Simintiras et al., 2019b). The
the uterine receptivity through changes in the                latter, polyamines and purines, are discussed below
endometrium transcriptome.                                    within the context of adenosine monophosphate
            Uterine lumen fluid compositon                              Thirdly, P4 supplementation amplified the total
                                                              mean metabolite abundance on Day 14 (P ≤ 0.0001);
          The composition of ULF during the                   however, just 19 metabolites (8.2% of total) were
preimplantation period has been extensively studied in        elevated (P ≤ 0.05) on Day 14 in high vs. normal P4
sheep (see review by Bazer et al., 2015 and references        heifers, and are, therefore, largely responsible for
therein). Data in cattle are more limited although            raising the mean (Simintiras et al., 2019d). The
various studies have reported on aspects of ULF               biochemical properties of the these ‘selectively’
composition under various physiological states (Mullen        amplified 19 metabolites - including glucose (primary
et al., 2012; Faulkner et al., 2013; Forde et al., 2015).     fuel     source),    trimethylamine-N-oxide      (protein-
          We recently metabolically interrogated ULF          stabilizing osmolyte), and phenol sulfate (relatively
flushes on Days 12-14 - the window of conceptus               metabolically inert yet acidic molecule) - (i) support the
elongation-initiation - from cyclic heifers, either (i)       notion that optimal conceptus elongation is contingent
supplemented with P4 on Day 3 post-estrous (high P4           on biophysical and physicochemical, in addition to
cohort), or (ii) not (normal P4 cohort; physiological         metabolic, cues, and (ii) contribute to the generation of
control). The former group is an established model of         our hypothesis pertinent to the molecular bases of
conceptus elongation rate acceleration (Carter et al.,        conceptus elongation initiation, discussed below.
2008; Clemente et al., 2009; O’Hara et al., 2014).                      These findings combined, coupled with
Given that conceptus elongation coincides with a period       previous data on the enzymatic profile of bovine ULF
of significant bovine pregnancy loss, our aim was to          (Muñoz et al., 2012; Forde et al., 2014), give rise to the
achieve a better understanding of the biochemical             hypothesis that conceptus elongation internally hinges
landscape surrounding the peri-elongation conceptus.          on 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
Over 5000 metabolites were screened for by high-              (AMPK) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
throughput untargeted ultra-high-performance liquid           gamma (PPARγ) activity, and is modulated by glucose,
chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy, with 233             adenine, and adenosine mono- (AMP), di- (ADP), and
consistently identified, clustering within 8 super-           tri-phosphate (AMP) influx (discussed in Simintiras et
pathways: amino acids, carbohydrates (Simintiras et al.,      al., 2019d). Additional observations worth highlighting
2019a), lipids (Simintiras et al., 2019b), cofactors,         include: (i) that total ULF metabolite abundance (Fig.
vitamins, nucleotides, peptides, energy substrates, and       2A) is not indicative of activity in terms of total day
xenobiotics (Simintiras et al., 2019c). A global analysis     effects (Fig. 2B), P4 effects (Fig. 2C), or day by P4
of this dataset revealed three core ‘strategies’ likely       interactions (Fig. 2D), and (ii) the identification of a
utilised by the bovine endometrium to facilitate              plethora of microbiome-associated molecules in ULF,
conceptus elongation, discussed below.                        some of which were responsive to P4 (Simintiras et al.,
          Firstly, indicative of the changing biochemical     2019c), highlights a need for further research into the
requirements of the conceptus around the initiation of        influence of the uterine microbiome in uterine
elongation, a metabolic shift in the ULF of normal P4         metabolism and maternal-embryo communication.
heifers after Day 12 was observed (Simintiras et al.,
2019d), to which fructose and mannitol/sorbitol were                                Conclusion
central. More specifically, only these two metabolites
increased on Days 13 and 14 vs. 12 within the normal                  The period of early embryo development and
P4 group. Moreover, fructose and mannitol/sorbitol            pregnancy establishment is fascinating. This complex
were elevated by 18.4 and 28.4-fold, respectively, in the     process encompasses ovulation, fertilization, blastocyst
ULF of high vs. normal P4 heifers on Day 12                   formation and growth into an elongated conceptus,

Anim. Reprod., v.16, n.3, p.376-385, Jul./Sept. 2019                                                                381
Sánchez et al. Pregnancy establishment in cattle.

pregnancy recognition signalling, and development of            exhibited amongst conceptuses which is independent of
the embryo and placenta. Despite the aforementioned             the uterus and may point to variation in oocyte and early
advances in the field, there is still much to learn. The        embryo quality. Furthermore, the role of the sire in
precise drivers of conceptus elongation remain                  determining embryo quality and in conceptus
unknown. While the process is dependent on the uterus           development is only beginning to be appreciated
- it does not occur in vitro - there is significant variation   (Ortega et al., 2018).

Figure 2. Breakdown of metabolites identified in uterine luminal fluid, by super-pathway, on Days 12-14 of cyclic
heifers in terms of total: (A) abundance, (B) day effects, (C) progesterone (P4) effects, and (D) day by P4
interactions. Adapted from Simintiras et al. (2019d).

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