April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services - Brimbank, Melton, Melbourne and Wyndham - Western Melbourne

Page created by Patrick Duncan
Version date: 05/04/2019

              April 2019 Holiday Youth
              Engagement Supports and
                Brimbank, Melton, Melbourne and Wyndham

Version date: 05/04/2019

Better Outcomes Project (B.O.P) .................................................................................................... 4
Community Support Groups (CSG) ................................................................................................. 5
Community Support Groups (CSG) – Melton/Brimbank.................................................................. 6
Cut and Shine (CAS) – Barber Program ......................................................................................... 7
Frontyard Youth Services ................................................................................................................ 8
Intensive Case Management Support ............................................................................................. 9
Melbourne Library and Hubs programming ................................................................................... 10

Construction Craft at Kathleen Syme Library 16/04 10am – 11.30am .............................................. 10

Pop Up Play – Messy Play at Kathleen Syme 04/04-02-05 10.30am – 11.30a, 1st Thurs of the month .. 10
Melbourne Victory Holiday Program .............................................................................................. 11
Melbourne Youth Services provided by ......................................................................................... 12
The Drum ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Melton Teenage Holiday Program ................................................................................................. 13
Melton VYW (Victorian Youth Week) Activities ............................................................................. 14
NOSH (Nutrition Outreach Support Health) .................................................................................. 15
On Track ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Signal ............................................................................................................................................. 18

New Kids on the Block: Deck Art 18/04 11am – 3pm ....................................................................... 18
The Huddle School Holiday Program ............................................................................................ 19
Up-Beat music production program ............................................................................................... 20
Up-Skill - Barista ............................................................................................................................ 21
Up-Skill Cooking Program ............................................................................................................. 22
WYS - Wyndham Youth Services .................................................................................................. 23
YOTS School Holiday programs.................................................................................................... 24
Youth Leadership Camp ................................................................................................................ 26
Youth Umbrella Project (Y.U.P) ..................................................................................................... 27
Service Opening Hours and Dates ................................................................................................ 28

Program Name:                    Better Outcomes Project (B.O.P)
Summary of Service/program:      An early intervention Friday night sports program for young
                                 African males 16 – 28 years old.
Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. facilitated at Victoria University –
                                 Nicholson St Campus, Footscray

Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Program Manager – 0415 465 950

Dates program/service being      Weekly Friday nights
delivered:                       To be determined as to whether program will run on Good
Hours of program:                5.30pm till 8.00pm

Referral Criteria:               Residing within the North-West metro region, identity as being
(e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            from African-Australian backgrounds.
Referral Source/Referrals        Police, Court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, self
family, school, court, etc)
Capacity:                        Accepting referrals – up to 50 young people participating

Provides service in LGA areas:   North-West Metro
If not whole area specify
Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people an free pizza provided
(e.g. cost)
Version date: 05/04/2019

  Program Name:                    Community Support Groups (CSG)
  Summary of Service/program:      The program is a community led approach to enhance youth and
                                   community engagement and respond to local community needs
                                   and issues.
                                   The program also links South Sudanese young people and their
                                   families to a range of programs and activities such as education,
                                   training, employment pathways, health and human services, sports
                                   and recreation and other community activities.

  Provider:                        Wyndham Community Education Centre

  Contact details:                 Poly Kiyaga- 0434 178 753

  Dates program/service being      Saturday 06/04/2019 – Young South Sudanese and Families BBQ
  (e.g. Monday to Friday for 4     Saturday 13/04/2019 – 40 Tickets available for Young South
  weeks commencing 31/1            Sudanese and families to attend Adelaide vs North Melbourne FC
  excluding public holidays)
                                   From 08/04 to 15/04 Football Empowerment running Soccer
                                   Clinics for African Australians
  Hours of program:
  (e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)
  Referral Criteria:               African Australians of South Sudanese background
  (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
  Referral Source/Referrals        ALL
  accepted from (e.g. self,
  family, school, court, etc)
  Capacity:                        Open
  Provides service in LGA areas:   Wyndham Council
  If not whole area specify
  Additional Information:          All programs are Cost Free
  (e.g. cost)

Program Name:                    Community Support Groups (CSG) –
Summary of Service/program:      The program is a community led approach to enhance youth and
                                 community engagement and respond to local community needs
                                 and issues.
                                 The program also links South Sudanese young people and their
                                 families to a range of programs and activities such as education,
                                 training, employment pathways, health and human services, sports
                                 and recreation and other community activities.

Provider:                        CSG Melton/Brimbank (Centre for Multicultural Youth) and City of
Contact details:                 John Kon or Dominic Matiang
                                 Mobile: 0429 916 168/0429 939 780
                                 Email: jkon@cmy.net.au or dmatiang@cmy.net.au
Dates program/service being      Monday 8 April        Luna Park
delivered:                       Tuesday 9 April       Workshop sessions @ Q Lounge, Melton
(e.g. Monday to Friday for 4                           Money: we need to talk about it
weeks commencing 31/1                                  Making Healthy Choices – turning point
excluding public holidays)       Wednesday 10 April    Family Fun day
                                 Thursday 11 April     Young Initiators Program
                                 Friday 12 April       Young Initiators Program
                                                       Go Karting
                                 Saturday 13 April     Werribee Zoo
                                 Monday 15 April       Swimming Classes

                                 16 – 18 April   CSG Youth Camp, Lady Northcote YMCA camps,
Hours of program:                Varies.
(e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)
                                 CSG Youth Camp leaves Melton at 10.00am
Referral Criteria:               African Australians of South Sudanese background
(e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
Referral Source/Referrals        ALL
accepted from (e.g. self,
family, school, court, etc)
Capacity:                        Open
Provides service in LGA areas:   City of Melton
If not whole area specify        Brimbank city Council
Additional Information:          All programs are Cost Free
(e.g. cost)
                                 Registrations are essential – Please register at CSG office: Suite 2/3
                                 Alexandra Street, Melton
Version date: 05/04/2019

  Program Name:                    Cut and Shine (CAS) – Barber Program
  Summary of Service/program:      Provides young people with hands on experience and education in
                                   creating hair art, washing, cutting, customer service, budgeting,
                                   OH&S etc.
  Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. (Visy Cares Hub – 80B Harvester Road,
  Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Program Manager – 0415 465 950
  Dates program/service being      TBA (Tuesday or Wednesday) program will start on the week
  delivered:                       commencing 08/04/2019 and run for 10 weeks.

  Hours of program:                10.00 – 4.00pm
  (e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)
  Referral Criteria:               Residing within the North-West metro region
  (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
  Referral Source/Referrals        Police, Court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
  accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, Self
  family, school, court, etc)
  Capacity:                        Accepting referrals – up to 8 young people
  Provides service in LGA areas:   North-West Metro region
  If not whole area specify
  Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people but expectation to commit,
  (e.g. cost)                      engage, participate and complete.

Program Name:                    Frontyard Youth Services
Summary of Service/program:      Frontyard Youth Services provides integrated services to
                                 address the physical, social and emotional needs of young
                                 people aged between 12 and 25 years who spend time in
                                 Melbourne's CBD. Some of our services also work with young
                                 people across greater Melbourne and throughout Victoria.

Provider:                        Frontyard Youth Services, Melbourne City Mission

Contact details:                 244 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
                                 03 9611 2411 or Freephone 1800 800 531

Dates program/service being      No specific school holiday programming – open normal hours
(e.g. Monday to Friday for 4     Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm
weeks commencing 31/1            Saturday & Sundays, 10am–6pm
excluding public holidays)
Hours of program:                Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm
(e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)            Saturday & Sundays, 10am–6pm

Referral Criteria:               Young people 18-25years who spend time in Melbourne CBD
(e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            can avail of Frontyard Youth Services. Some services at
                                 Frontyard also work with young people across the whole of
                                 Melbourne and Victoria.
Referral Source/Referrals        Any
accepted from (e.g. self,
family, school, court, etc)

Provides service in LGA areas:   Across whole of Melbourne and Victoria
If not whole area specify
Additional Information:          No cost
(e.g. cost)
Opening Hours over the           Monday–Friday, 9am–8pm
school holiday period            Saturday & Sundays, 10am–6pm
(including public holidays).
Program Name:                    Intensive Case Management Support
 Summary of Service/program:      : Outreach-based and supporting high-risk and vulnerable young
                                  people aged 12-25 who live, work, or recreate in the Wyndham
                                  area. Long-term and short-term interventions available.
                                  Supporting and making connections for young people with:
                                  housing and homelessness, mental health, AOD, legal/justice,
                                  education/employment, health and wellbeing and more.
                                  Outreach workers available for assertive outreach.

 Provider:                        Whitelion

 Contact details:                 Luke Berry
                                  Program Manager
                                  Ph: 0414 322 178
                                  E: Luke.Berry@whitelion.asn.au

 Dates program/service being      Monday to Friday, ongoing
 Hours of program:                Workers are available 9am-6pm

 Referral Criteria:               High-risk young people (12-25) who either live, work or recreate
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            in Wyndham
 Referral Source/Referrals        All
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Varies at time of contact, will triage and prioritise as support
                                  needs require

 Provides service in LGA areas:   Wyndham LGA
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          No cost
 (e.g. cost)

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    Melbourne Library and Hubs programming
 Summary of Service/program:      Programs offered at City of Melbourne Libraries and community
 Provider:                        City of Melbourne
 Contact details:
 Dates program/service being      Construction Craft at Kathleen Syme Library 16/04 10am –
 delivered:                       11.30am
 (e.g. Monday to Friday for 4
 weeks commencing 31/1            Pop Up Play – Messy Play at Kathleen Syme 04/04-02-05
 excluding public holidays)       10.30am – 11.30a, 1st Thurs of the month

                                  CoderDojo Carlton at Kathleen Syme every Thursday 4.30pm –
 Hours of program:                Hours listed against each of the programs above
 (e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)
 Referral Criteria:               All young people
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Bookings can be made via the links above
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Differ per program
                                  Bookings are essential

 Provides service in LGA areas:
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          No cost
 (e.g. cost)

Page 10                                                                                   Document title
Program Name:                    Melbourne Victory Holiday Program
 Summary of Service/program:      DET funded program to engage young people at risk of

                                  The program will focus on team participation, mentoring,
                                  leadership and providing participants with skills to assist in
                                  gaining employment.
 Provider:                        Melbourne Victory

 Contact details:                 Stella Smith– community@mvfc.com.au – 03 8556 0762

 Dates program/service being      Monday 8 April to Friday 12 April 2019
 Hours of program:                9am – 5pm
 Referral Criteria:               Students from the schools listed below get priority access:
                                  Braybrook College
                                  Catholic Regional College Melton
                                  Catholic Regional College St Albans
                                  Catholic Regional College Sydenham
                                  Copperfield College
                                  Dandenong High School
                                  Hampton Park
                                  Mackillop Catholic Regional College, Werribee
                                  Maribyrnong Secondary College
                                  Melton Secondary College
                                  St Albans Secondary College
                                  St John's Regional College
                                  Sunshine College
                                  Tarneit P–9 College
                                  Tarneit Senior College
                                  The Grange P–12 College
                                  Victoria University Secondary College
 Referral Source/Referrals        Family, school, self, case workers, social workers, youth workers,
 accepted from                    DJCS, DHHS and Melbourne Victory networks
 Capacity:                        80 participants
 Provides service in LGA areas:   Melbourne metropolitan
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Participants are required to obtain and use their own Myki card
 (e.g. cost)                      Upon satisfactory completion of the program and where
                                  appropriate (subject to availability), Melbourne Victory will
                                  provide access to volunteering and/or casual employment
                                  Lunch/morning and afternoon tea will be provided

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    Melbourne Youth Services provided by
                                  The Drum
 Summary of Service/program:      Youth Services for young people aged 12-25 years who live or
                                  study in City of Melbourne
 Provider:                        The Drum funded by City of Melbourne
 Contact details:                 03 9663 6733
 Dates program/service being      Block Party
 delivered:                       Monday 8th April
 (e.g. Monday to Friday for 4     North Melbourne Community Centre, 49 Buncle Street, North
 weeks commencing 31/1            Melbourne
 excluding public holidays)
                                  Further programs to be provided

 Hours of program:                3pm – 7.30pm
 (e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)
 Referral Criteria:               Young people who live or study in City of Melbourne
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Provides service in LGA areas:
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free
 (e.g. cost)
 Opening Hours over the           Program based opening hours
 school holiday period
 (including public holidays).

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Program Name:                    Melton Teenage Holiday Program
 Summary of Service/program:      An inclusive program for young people from 12 – 17 years old
                                  who live or go to school in the City of Melton

 Provider:                        Young Communities Team – City of Melton

 Contact details:                 Contact Jaime V at Young Communities on 9747 5382 / 0412 617
 Dates program/service being      Monday to Thursday
 delivered:                       8 April: Archie Brothers at Docklands Melbourne $15
                                  9 April: Mountain Biking at Mount Atkinson $25
                                  10 April: Latitude Melbourne at Heidelberg $15
                                  11 April: Raft Building, Hut building & camp fire cooking at Lake
                                  Dewar Lodge YMCA $30

                                  15 April: World Series Splat Ball at Little River $25
                                  16 April: Tuki Trout Farm at Smeaton $20
                                  17 April: Melbourne Cable Park at Bangholme $30
                                  18 April: Uncle Nev’s Trail riding at Upper Plenty $35

 Hours of program:                Times vary
                                  Pick up between 8.30 to 10.30am
                                  Drop off between 2.00 – 4.30pm
 Referral Criteria:               12 up to 17 years of age
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            Early intervention homeless or at risk of homelessness
                                  Live, work, study or recreate within the City of Melton

 Referral Source/Referrals        Open to anyone who lives or attends school in City of Melton
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Open

 Provides service in LGA areas:   City of Melton Municipality
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          All booking s made online:
 (e.g. cost)                      Teenage Holiday Program – online application at
                                  Costs as outlined above

                                  Pick up from Melton Youth centre and Taylors Hill Youth and
                                  Community Centre

                                  Waivers forms will be sent by email once booking has been
                                  confirmed. Waiver forms need to be signed by a parent/guardian
                                  and returned before the day of the activity.

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:
                                  Melton VYW (Victorian Youth Week)
 Summary of Service/program:      An inclusive program for young people from 12 – 25 years old
                                  who live, work or study in the City of Melton

 Provider:                        Young Communities Team – City of Melton

 Contact details:                 Melton Youth Centre ph. 9747 5373, 193 Barries Road, Melton
                                  Taylors Hill Youth & Community Centre ph 9747 5422, 121
                                  Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill
 Dates program/service being      8 April: Boxing (14 years and over) 11.00 – 1.00pm Derrimut 247
 delivered:                       8 April: Celebrating YOUth 1.00 – 3.00pm The Amphitheatre
                                  9 April: Pool Party 11.00am – 3.00pm Melton Waves
                                  10 April: 3 v 3 Basketball Tournament 2.00 – 5.00pm Arnold’s
                                  Creek Children’s and Community Centre
                                  11 April: Active April Family Day 10.00 – 1.00pm Navan Park
                                  12 April: Open Day@ Melton and Taylors Hill Youth Centres 1.00
                                  – 4.00pm

                                  15 April: Casual Play @CS Leisure Centre 1.00- 4.00pm
                                  15 April: Boxing (14 years and over) 11.00 – 1.00pm Derrimut
                                  16 April: Cook It. Eat It. 11.00 – 1.00pm Taylors Hill Youth Centre
                                  17 April: Casual Play @ Melton Indoor Rec 1.30 – 4.30pm
                                  17 April: Arvo @ the movies time TBC Readings Cinemas
                                  18 April: Werribee Zoo (15 years and under) 10.00 – 2.00pm
 Hours of program:                Times vary – see above
 Referral Criteria:               12 up to 25 years of age
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            Live, work, study or recreate within the City of Melton

 Referral Source/Referrals        Open to anyone who lives or recreates in City of Melton
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Open

 Provides service in LGA areas:   City of Melton Municipality
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          All activities free
 (e.g. cost)                      Registrations required and must be completed at least one day
                                  prior to the activity. Drop in to the Melton or Taylors Hill Youth
                                  Centres to complete registrations

Page 14                                                                                      Document title
Program Name:                    NOSH (Nutrition Outreach Support Health)
 Summary of Service/program:      Mobile outreach service that attends community sites in
                                  Wyndham where young people congregate, such as: skate parks,
                                  train stations, shopping centres, parks etc. Young people have
                                  access to healthy food and snacks, general information and
                                  advice pertaining to health and wellbeing, as well as referral

 Provider:                        Whitelion

 Contact details:                 Luke Berry
                                  Program Manager
                                  Ph: 0414 322 178
                                  E: Luke.Berry@whitelion.asn.au

 Dates program/service being      Wednesday to Friday, ongoing

 Hours of program:                Varies, afternoon (1pm-5pm Wednesday and Thursday, Friday
                                  until 8pm)
 Referral Criteria:               High-risk young people (12-25) who either live, work or recreate
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            in Wyndham
 Referral Source/Referrals        All
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Varies at time of contact, will triage and prioritise as support
                                  needs require
 Provides service in LGA areas:   Wyndham LGA
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          No cost
 (e.g. cost)

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    On Track
 Summary of Service/program:      ON TRACK is an exciting music program giving students a rare
                                  opportunity to get up close and personal with some of
                                  Australia’s leading Music Industry Specialists and Artists.
                                  We’ve assembled an awesome collection of Australia’s Hip Hop
                                  artists & DJ’s to teach you! You’ll learn how to mix beats and get
                                  a crowd jumping in the DJ sessions with all the latest pop songs.
                                  In the Hip Hop sessions, you’ll learn to rhyme and drop the mic
                                  with your own song.
                                  You’ll also get an insight to the behind the scenes of the music
                                  industry with special guests. They’ll tell you their stories and how
                                  you can get your foot in the door as an artist, manager, DJ and so
                                  much more!
                                  A Graphic Designer will make a guest appearance so look your
                                  best as you’ll be in for a photo shoot. You will also receive your
                                  very own logo – by the end you’ll be a real artist.
                                  You don’t need any song writing or DJing experience – just a
                                  passion for music and hip hop, an eagerness to learn, express
                                  yourself, have fun AND be ready for a performance on the last
                                  day! You’ll get to perform with your friends and mentors, so
                                  invite your friends and family!
 Provider:                        Mushroom Group
 Contact details:                 Rebecca Schaefer

                                  Alie Pickin
 Dates program/service being      Monday April 8 – Thursday April 11, 2019
 delivered:                       Monday April 15 – Thursday April 18, 2019
                                  Program being delivered at St Albans Secondary College
 Hours of program:                9.45am arrival for 10.00am start
                                  3.30pm finish
 Referral Criteria:               Year 7-12
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Self-referral or services.
 accepted from (e.g. self,        Must complete consent forms (if under 18 parent/guardian must
 family, school, court, etc)      also sign consent form)
 Capacity:                        20 participants per week
 Provides service in LGA areas:   Brimbank, Melton and Wyndham
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free – all food is also catered for, including morning and
 (e.g. cost)                      afternoon tea and lunch each day (catering, food trucks each
                                  On Track is a 4 day-long program which runs twice across two
                                  weeks –
                                   Each morning is spent focussing on DJing and each afternoon
                                      learning to and writing a Hip Hop track

Page 16                                                                                      Document title
   For the first time in On Track, we’ll be doing rough demo
                                     recording of the students’ original tracks, that they’ll be
                                     able to take with them at the end of the week!
                                    We look after catering each day including morning tea, lunch
                                     and afternoon tea. Lunch includes Nando’s and a food truck.
                                    We have incentives or prizes available for students including
                                     merchandise and tickets to concerts/festivals
                                    Each student at the end of the week will receive their own
                                     professional press kit which will include their photo (by our
                                     professional photographer) and logo (designed by our
                                     professional designer)

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    Signal
 Summary of Service/program:      Youth arts space for young people 13-25 years

 Provider:                        City of Melbourne
 Contact details:                 Northbank
                                  Flinders Walk
 Dates program/service being      New Kids on the Block: Deck Art 18/04 11am – 3pm
 (e.g. Monday to Friday for 4     Sound School: Plant Synthesizers and Water Music 13/04 11am
 weeks commencing 31/1            – 4pm
 excluding public holidays)
                                  Queering Theatre 10/04-12/04 11am – 4pm

                                  Street Art mentoring 15/04-17/04 11am – 4pm

                                  Clay Mates 15/04-17/04 11am – 4pm

                                  New Kids on the Block: Printmaking 09/04-10/04 11am – 3pm
 Hours of program:
 (e.g. 10.00 – 2.00pm)            Please see above
 Referral Criteria:               Young people 13-25 years
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Booking can be made via the links above
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Differ per program
                                  Bookings are essential

 Provides service in LGA areas:   Visitors and residents of CoM
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          No cost
 (e.g. cost)

Page 18                                                                              Document title
Program Name:                    The Huddle School Holiday Program
 Summary of Service/program:      DET Funded program to engage 15-18 year-olds at-risk youth in

                                  8 days of activities, which include: Barista Course, Virtual Reality,
                                  Mountain Biking and Escape Room.

                                  Activities all relate to our key learning and development areas of
                                  Sports and Recreations, Leadership, Careers and Education and
                                  Digital Skills.
 Provider:                        The Huddle

 Contact details:                 Kynan Barnes – kynan.barnes@nmfc.com.au – 0429 543 100

 Dates program/service being      April 8: Leadership in Action Mountain Biking 12.00 – 3.00pm
 delivered:                       April 9: Team work challenge Escape Rooms 12.00 – 2.00pm
                                  April 10: Employment Skills Barista Course 11.00 – 3.00pm
                                  April 11: Digital Skills Session Virtual Reality 1.00 – 3.00pm
                                  April 15: Leadership in Action Mountain Biking 12.00 – 3.00pm
                                  April 16: Team work challenge Escape Rooms 12.00 – 2.00pm
                                  April 17: Employment Skills Barista Course 11.00 – 3.00pm
                                  April 18: Digital Skills Session Virtual Reality 1.00 – 3.00pm
 Hours of program:                2-4 hours per session, pick up/start times between 10am-12pm
                                  and drop off/finish times between 3pm-4pm
 Referral Criteria:               Government School students get priority access, must be
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            between 15-18 (or a little above or below either side)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Family, school, self, case workers, social workers, youth workers,
 accepted from (e.g. self,        DOJ, DHHS
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        20 participants per session
 Provides service in LGA areas:   Wyndham
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Shuttle Bus to and from specified pick up points and activities.
 (e.g. cost)                      Lunch provided each day.
                                  Participants can go to one or multiple sessions.

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Program Name:                    Up-Beat music production program
 Summary of Service/program:      Up-Beat is a music production program held on Saturday from
                                  2.00pm-4.00pm. Commenced in June 2016 and is available for all
                                  young people aged between 12-25 years from Melbourne’s
                                  North-Western Region. Provides: Instrumental lessons and band
                                  sessions run by established Melbourne musicians. A recording
                                  studio with an experienced sound engineer to help record and
                                  produce any genre of music from punk to hip hop. Studio
                                  sessions to learn how to produce, mix and master instrumental
                                  tracks of any genre. Live performances opportunities and
                                  assistance with booking and organising gigs.
 Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. (Visy Cares Hub – 80B Harvester Road,
 Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Program Manager – 0415 465 950
 Dates program/service being      Saturdays

 Hours of program:                2pm – 4pm

 Referral Criteria:               Residing within the North-West metro region
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Police, Court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
 accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, Self
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Accepting referrals – up to 20 young people

 Provides service in LGA areas:   West - Metro
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free
 (e.g. cost)

Page 20                                                                                  Document title
Program Name:                    Up-Skill - Barista
 Summary of Service/program:      Provides young people with skills in how to make a range of
                                  coffees, customer service, budgeting, OH&S and assists in
                                  building friendships and professional relationships (pre-
                                  accredited training) – This program is a partnership with the
                                  Department of Justice and can be credited towards community
                                  work hours.
 Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. (Visy Cares Hub – 80B Harvester Road,
 Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Project Manager – 0415 465 950

 Dates program/service being      Fridays

 Hours of program:                Beginners – 1.00pm – 5.00pm (next intake 12/04/2019)
                                  Intermediate – 9.00am – 12.30pm
 Referral Criteria:               Residing within Melbourne’s Western region
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Police, Court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
 accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, Self
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Accepting referrals
 Provides service in LGA areas:   North-West Metro region
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people.
 (e.g. cost)

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    Up-Skill Cooking Program
 Summary of Service/program:      Targets disadvantaged young people 16-25 years old and
                                  provides a range of new cooking skills and techniques. Young
                                  people are given the opportunity to learn about health, nutrition
                                  and cooking on a budget along the way.
 Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. facilitated at Blue Light Youth Camps 16
                                  Phoenix St, Maldon VIC 3463
 Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Project Manager – 0415 465 950

 Dates program/service being      Wednesdays

 Hours of program:                11.00am – 1.00pm
 Referral Criteria:               Residing within Melbourne’s Western region
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals        Police, court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
 accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, Self
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Accepting referrals – Average class size is 8
 Provides service in LGA areas:   North-West Metro
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people but commitment required.
 (e.g. cost)

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Program Name:                   WYS - Wyndham Youth Services
 Summary of Service/program:     Youth Services provides a range of activities and support services
                                 for young people in the City of Wyndham
                                      Holiday Action program
                                      16- 25 activities
                                      Breakaway
                                      WHN Excursions
                                      Western Region LGBTIQ excursion
                                      Pop up events
                                      Counselling
 Provider:                       Wyndham City Council – Youth Services
 Contact details:                8734 1355
 Dates program/service being     Holiday Action Activities (12- 16 years old)
 delivered:                      8 April Horse Riding – must complete waiver form
 (e.g. Monday to Friday for 4    9 April YRC Day: Cooking
 weeks commencing 31/1           10 April Outdoor Laser Skirmish – must complete indemnity form
 excluding public holidays)      11 April Rush HQ
                                 12 April YRC Day: DVD’s and Games
                                 15 April Luna Park
                                 16 April YRC Day: Games and Comps
                                 17 April Trees Adventure – must complete waiver form
                                 18 April Movies and Shopping @ Highpoint

                                 16-25 Excursions
                                 Friday 12th March, Wednesday 17th April

                                 Breakaway Program
                                 Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th April
                                 Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April

                                 WHN Excursions - Wednesday 10th and Wednesday 17th April

                                 Western Region GBLTIQ excursion – Monday 8th April

                                 Pop Events & Youth Engagement
                                 BBQ at Presidents park- Friday 12th April
                                 Kick Park Lounge at Station Place Werribee Centre- Monday 15th
                                 BBQ @ Tarneit Skate Park- Tuesday 16th April
                                 Kick Back Park Lounge at Station Place Werribee – Thursday 18th

                                 Youth Counselling
                                 Monday to Friday 9am til 6pm
 Hours of program:               Youth Services - 9am to 6pm except Public Holidays
 Referral Criteria:              12 – 25 years old that reside or have links to Wyndham.
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)           Minor need parent’s permission to attend excursions
 Referral Source                 Self –referral, Parents
 Capacity:                       Varied across all programs
 Additional Information:         Holiday Action/ Excursions : Cost varies from $9 - $15 per session
                                 Enrolment is essential – forms will be accepted by fax (8734
                                 1386) or in person at the Youth Resource Centre ONLY

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                 YOTS School Holiday programs
 Summary of Service/program:   A range of activities to engage young people.
 Provider:                     Youth off The Streets
 Contact details:              Heidi Puronpaa 0418 617 195 or
 Dates program/service being   Boxing Program
 delivered:                    Monday 8 April and Monday 15 April 2019
                               4.00 – 6.00pm includes free dinner

                               Werribee Zoo
                               Tuesday 9 April 2019
                               Pick up at 11.00am for an 11.30am start

                               President Park Outreach
                               Wednesday 10 April and Wednesday 17 April 2019
                               4.00 – 8.00pm
                               Wednesday 24 April 2019 4.30 – 8.30pm

                               Ice Skating
                               Thursday 11 April
                               Pick up at 11.00am

                               Indoor Soccer
                               Werribee Indoor
                               5.00 – 9.00pm

                               Point Cook Stockland Shopping Centre
                               Friday 12 April and Friday 19 April 2019
                               5.00 – 10.00pm
                               Friday 26 April – 5.00 – 9.00pm

                               Science Works
                               Tuesday 16 April 2019
                               Pick up 9.00am

                               Sun theatre
                               Thursday 18 April 2019
                               Times to be confirmed.

                               Mondays - Streets Way
 Hours of program:             As outlines above
 Referral Criteria:            12-21 years old
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)
 Referral Source/Referrals     All
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                     Werribee Zoo – capacity 8 young people
                               Ice skating – capacity 8 young people
                               Science Works – capacity 8 young people
                               Sun Theatre – capacity 8 young people

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Provides service in LGA areas:   Wyndham
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          All activities are free of charge and require a permission form to
 (e.g. cost)                      be completed that can be obtained by contacting the Youth off
                                  the streets office

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
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Program Name:                    Youth Leadership Camp
 Summary of Service/program:      A Youth Leadership Camp which targets African-Australian young
                                  people aged 15-18 years who are currently receiving support
                                  through Brimbank Crime Prevention Programs. The Youth
                                  Leadership Camp is delivered over three days and is hosted by
                                  Blue Light Youth Camps in partnership with TYJInc.
 Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. facilitated at Blue Light Youth Camps 16
                                  Phoenix St, Maldon VIC 3463
 Contact details:                 Kerry Cowling – Project Manager – 0415 465 950

 Dates program/service being      Monday 15/04/2019 – Wednesday 17/04/2019 (2 nights)

 Hours of program:                7.00am – 9.00pm each day
 Referral Criteria:               Must be currently engaged in The Youth Junction Inc’s Crime
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            Prevention Programs
 Referral Source/Referrals        Crime Prevention Case Workers
 accepted from (e.g. self,
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Limited spots available – must be initially referred to the Youth
                                  Umbrella Project. Up to 20 ‘at risk’ young people.
 Provides service in LGA areas:   Brimbank
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people although we require their full
 (e.g. cost)                      commitment and participation.

Page 26                                                                                     Document title
Program Name:                    Youth Umbrella Project (Y.U.P)
 Summary of Service/program:      YUP is a targeted early intervention program providing targeted
                                  youth service interventions to reduce risk and increase resilience
                                  for 120 disadvantaged young people aged between 12 – 24 years
                                  across the municipality of Brimbank. A range of organisations
                                  work collaboratively together to create practical, purposeful and
                                  sustainable outcomes around employment, education and
                                  training, together with the prevention of isolation and

 Provider:                        The Youth Junction Inc. (Visy Cares Hub – 80B Harvester Road,

 Contact details:                 Eliza Kandell – Team Leader – 0420 990 561
 Dates program/service being      Monday – Friday (business as usual)

 Hours of program:                9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday (business as usual)

 Referral Criteria:               Residing within the Brimbank municipality, currently involved or
 (e.g. age, LGA, etc.)            at risk of being involved in the justice system
 Referral Source/Referrals        Police, Court Services, Community Organisations, Family and
 accepted from (e.g. self,        Friends, self
 family, school, court, etc)
 Capacity:                        Up to 20 high risk young people.

 Provides service in LGA areas:   Brimbank LGA
 If not whole area specify
 Additional Information:          Free of charge to young people for a range of varied activities
 (e.g. cost)

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
                                                                                                    Page 27
Service Opening Hours and Dates
Centre for Multicultural Youth
Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00pm

Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00pm

Melton City Council - Youth Services
Closed public holidays
Open Monday to Friday 8.30 – 4.30pm

The Huddle
Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April

Whitelion Wyndham
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 6.00pm

Wyndham City Youth Services
ALL SITES will be closed on: 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Wyndham Youth Services (Hoppers Crossing Site)
Open Monday to Friday 9am until 6pm

Wyndham Youth Services (Point Cook Site)
Open Monday to Friday 9am until 6pm

Wyndham Youth Services (Manor Lakes Community and Learning Centre)
Open Monday to Friday 9am until 6pm

Wyndham Community Education Centre
Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00

Youth Junction Inc
Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00pm

Youth off the Streets
Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April

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Closed 19th April, 22nd April and 25th April
Open Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00pm

April 2019 Holiday Youth Engagement Supports and Services
                                                            Page 29
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