ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - EuroGeographics

Page created by Hector Mendez
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - EuroGeographics
ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 - EuroGeographics
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                         OUR MEMBERS

                         PRESIDENT’S REPORT

                         ABOUT US






                         A FEW HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2019 8-13       NORTH MACEDONIA               36

                         MEMBERS’ CASE STUDIES        14-15    NORTHERN IRELAND              37        Our members are the National Mapping, Cadastral and Land
                         ALBANIA                      16       NORWAY                        38        Registration Authorities in Europe.
                         ARMENIA                      17       POLAND                        39        We currently represent more than sixty official government bodies responsible for geodetic surveying,
                                                                                                       topographic mapping, cadastral surveys and land registration in 46 countries – from Iceland to Cyprus, Portugal
                         AUSTRIA                      18       PORTUGAL                      40        to Azerbaijan.
                         BELGIUM                      19       ROMANIA                       41
                                                                                                       EuroGeographics’ members fulfil an essential role providing official, definitive and detailed geospatial
                         BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA         20       SCOTLAND                      42        information for the public good. These are underpinned by professional, scientific and technical expertise and
                                                                                                       support a wide range of applications, including positioning, navigation and emergency response.
                         CROATIA                      21       SLOVAKIA                      43
                                                                                                       By simplifying access to their data, our members are driving applications to realise a wide range of social,
                         CYPRUS                       22       SPAIN                         44
                                                                                                       economic and environmental benefits, as well as quicker, more efficient, secure and reliable land registration in
                         CZECH REPUBLIC               23       SWEDEN                        45        support of an equitable property market.

                         DENMARK                      24-25    SWITZERLAND                   46        A full list of our members can be found on pages 50 and 51.
                         ESTONIA                      26       THE NETHERLANDS               47

                         FINLAND                      27       UKRAINE                       48

                         FRANCE                       28       LIST OF MEMBERS               50-51

                         GERMANY                      30-31    MANAGEMENT & HEAD OFFICE 52-53

                         HUNGARY                      32       FINANCES                      54-57

                   Navigate through the review by clicking the directional and home buttons on the
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           Data from official national sources is important because it
           supports a range of legal, fiscal, security and other public
           administrative purposes, and provides reliable, consistent
           context and clarity to information about people and places.

           In many countries, the cadastral, geodetic surveying,             We must demonstrate its critical role in helping to address      Working together, we can seize this moment to demonstrate
           topographic mapping and land registration process carried         key issues that extend across borders and require fully          the benefit of authoritative, trusted information and raise
           out by our members is enshrined in law with a public body         connected national databases.                                    awareness among politicians and policymakers of our value in
           given authority for the task. This makes the data authoritative                                                                    delivering better data for better lives.
           according to our research with EuroSDR and KU Leuven.             EuroGeographics and its members have a long, successful
                                                                             tradition of working with the national statistical agencies.     The case studies contained in this review of our joint
           Our joint paper defines authoritative data as data provided       Integrating our data brings context and clarity to information   activities in 2019 demonstrate the great personal, societal
           by a public body (or authority) which has an official mandate     about people and places. This provides valuable insight,         and economic importance of our members’ data. They
           to provide it, that is based on a set of criteria to ensure       helping decision-makers to ensure maximum impact in areas        continue to fulfil the essential role of providing official and
           known quality, and that is required to be used and reused by      where action is most needed. This is particularly true for the   detailed geospatial, or location, information for important
           the public sector and society as a whole.                         United Nation’s 2030 Development Agenda which presents           public purposes.
                                                                             an unrivalled opportunity for us to promote the tangible
           The importance of authoritative data has long been                                                                                 I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Secretary
                                                                             benefits that together we deliver to society.
           recognised at a national level and is increasingly                                                                                 General and Executive Director, Mick Cory, and the Head
           recognised internationally, in particular in addressing           In Europe, the new Open Data Public Sector Information           Office team for all their hard work and support.
           the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.           Directive, which identifies geospatial data as one of five
                                                                                                                                              Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Board members, both
           Together with our members, we are committed to facilitating       ‘high-value’ data themes that warrant further regulatory
                                                                                                                                              current and those who completed their term in October 2019,
           access to it and to unlocking its value across the European       action, creates many opportunities. We continue to work in
                                                                                                                                              for their significant contribution to EuroGeographics on behalf
           and international systems and integrating it into a sustainable   partnership with members to explore how appropriate
                                                                                                                                              of its members.
           infrastructure for the public good.                               pan-European datasets can be made more widely available
                                                                             to meet international requirements under terms that are free
           Other sources can supplement, but not replace, reliable,          for use and reuse consistent with the Directive.
           comparable official data of verifiable quality. Communicating
           the value of our information is therefore crucial.
                                                                                                                                              Colin Bray
                                                                                                                                              President, EuroGeographics
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           ABOUT US
                                                                                                                                                              Our Core Reference Dataset (CRD) prototype, which was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Knowledge Exchange
                                                                                                                                                              developed with the help of BKG, was provided under an evaluation
                                                                                                                                                              licence to the European Environment Agency early in 2019.              Change is constant, and our members operate in an industry that
                                                                                                                                                              Feedback has been positive, and we must now secure sustainable         has seen radical changes over the past 20 years, with no sign
                                                                                                                                                              funding to proceed with full coverage.                                 that such changes will slow down. We are committed to delivering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     knowledge exchange activities that provide our members with
                                                                                                                                                              The Open ELS Project concluded on 30 April 2019 after                  significant tools to help improve their capabilities and role, impart
                                                                                                                                                              two years of work by the project partners. The test services           their experience and learn from others. As a forum for discussing
                                                                                                                                                              launched at Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam have played an         issues of mutual interest, these knowledge exchanges demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                              important role in demonstrating authoritative open geospatial data,    the tremendous value our members place in collaborating to
                                                                                                                                                              and we continue to explore how we might expand these                   find solutions to common challenges, as well as their willingness
           Connecting you to maps, geospatial and land information                                                                                            in future.                                                             to share experiences and best practice. During the year, we
           for Europe                                                                                                                                                                                                                delivered a comprehensive calendar of events, including support

                                                                                                                                                              Representing members’ interests                                        for cadastral and land registry activities in collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the Permanent Committee on Cadastre (PCC), and a series of
                                                                                                                                                              EuroGeographics represents its members’ interests internationally      dedicated webinars on issues such as high value datasets,
                                                                                                                                                              in the European institutions, at the UN and through participation in
           EuroGeographics is proud to be the voice of the European
                                                                                    Facilitating access to members’ data                                      regional collaborative groups such as those in the Western Balkans.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INSPIRE and data quality. Our work with EUROSDR and KU Leuven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on authoritative data demonstrates how we work with strategic
           National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities.
                                                                                    Helping users to find geospatial information from official national                                                                              partners for the wider public good and benefit of our members.
           We bring together national authorities from the whole                                                                                              At the UN we are an observer organisation at the UN Global
                                                                                    sources is in the public interest and supports the public good. It
           of geographical Europe in a unique international membership                                                                                        Geospatial Information Management Initiative (UN-GGIM)                 Our strength as an Association of member organisations from
                                                                                    is a key pillar of our activity. The membership map on our website
           association. By providing a single point of contact, we                                                                                            Committee of Experts and the UN-GGIM Europe Executive                  across Europe lies in our ability to work together to achieve our
                                                                                    provides links to the national data available from our members, and
           enable government, business and citizens to benefit from                                                                                           Committee. In August 2019, we were pleased to participate in           shared ambition of a society empowered by the use of trusted
                                                                                    the case studies in this report demonstrate the value and breadth
           their official, reliable, comparable and verifiable geospatial                                                                                     the ninth GGIM plenary at the UN in New York where we made a           geospatial data and services. I look forward to this cooperation and
                                                                                    of our members’ activities.
           data and collective expertise.                                                                                                                     number of interventions highlighting our members’ contributions        collaboration continuing into the next decade and beyond as we
                                                                                    We also integrate and make accessible interoperable                       and our support for the Integrated Geospatial Information              seize this opportunity to continue to contribute to the economy and
           EuroGeographics believes in a society empowered by the use of            pan-European geospatial datasets. These datasets are produced             Framework, the application of geospatial information related to land   society as a whole, for the wider public good.
           trusted geospatial services from official national sources. To do this   through a unique collaboration between our members, and the               administration and management, and the importance of geospatial
           we facilitate access to our members’ geospatial data and to              data integration process we have developed is a particularly              information and services for disasters.
           pan-European geospatial datasets. As an independent,                     important example of international collaboration in the geospatial
           international not-for-profit organisation which supports the public                                                                                In Europe we have contributed to the legal debate for
                                                                                    area. By working together to deliver pan-European data, our
           good, we also represent our members’ interests and provide                                                                                         the development of the Regulation on establishing the EU
                                                                                    members are demonstrating not only what can be achieved
           forums for sharing knowledge and expertise that help support and         through Europe-wide cooperation but also the benefits that result
                                                                                                                                                              Space programme and have participated in the public consultation       Mick Cory
           improve our members’ capabilities and role.                              for the wider public good.
                                                                                                                                                              by the European GNSS Agency on the Integrity and Reliability           Secretary General and Executive Director
                                                                                                                                                              of Digital Maps for Connected and Automated Driving. We also           EuroGeographics
                                                                                    Our datasets include open data, administrative boundaries,                contributed to the review of the Public Sector Information (PSI)
           Secretary General & Executive                                            topographic mapping, a digital elevation model and a Regional             Directive, and together with our members, we are exploring how
           Director’s Report                                                        Gazetteer. All are created using official national geospatial data        appropriate high value datasets can be made more widely available
                                                                                    from our members and are harmonised to standard specifications,           to meet international requirements under terms that are free for use
           During 2019 EuroGeographics and its members responded to                 so users can be confident that the information provided is                and reuse consistent with the new Open Data PSI Directive.
           the changing operating environment by agreeing to put data               consistent, comparable and easily shared.
           accessibility at the heart of the Association’s strategy. At their                                                                                 By providing a strong independent voice, we continue to support
           General Assembly in Manchester, members also pledged to                  The EuroGlobalMap dataset is now also an open web                         our members in making the case for their authoritative data to
           continue working in partnership to achieve the widespread use            feature service produced with support from The National Institute         their national governments, as well as through our networks and
           of their data across the European and international systems.             of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN France). The addition           partnerships. In 2019 we took this message to DGI Europe 2019, the
           Facilitating access to authoritative data from Europe’s National         of NUTS 3 official boundary information in 2019 has enabled our           leading global geospatial intelligence conference held in London
           Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry Authorities, is therefore           small-scale data users to experience the benefits of integrating          as well as to the European Forum for Geospatial Statistics (EFGS)
           at the centre of the activities we carry out on our members’             geospatial and statistical information to identify trends and patterns.   in Manchester, the Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam, and the
           behalf. It drives our representation activity and is supported by                                                                                  International Cartographic Conference (ICC) in Tokyo.
           two-way communication through knowledge exchange and other               We also enhanced our dataset of official administrative boundaries
           membership activities.                                                   of Europe (EuroBoundaryMap) and our multi-themed topographic
                                                                                    mapping (EuroRegionalMap), which now includes data from
                                                                                    Ukraine. Both are produced by Germany’s Federal Agency for
                                                                                    Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) on behalf of our members.
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       FROM 2019
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        Facilitating access                                                                                                        Knowledge Exchange
        to your data

                                                                                                                                   We held a ‘Super’ KEN workshop following the Extraordinary         EuroGeographics was very pleased to participate in the PCC Plenary
                                                                                                                                   General Assembly                                                   in Romania

                                                                                                                                    An active programme of events
                                                                                                                                    You have consistently told us that knowledge exchange is a key benefit of EuroGeographics’ membership
                                                                                                                                    and we continued to deliver an active programme of meetings, workshops and seminars. This includes
                                                                                                                                    joint activities, such as with the PCC. The activities and plans of the Knowledge Exchange Network
                                                                                                                                    (KEN) are widely communicated and circulated to members by providing a report prior to each of our
                                                                                                                                    general assemblies in May and October. All information is available to members via the website.

          Our Data Producers - A unique example of international collaboration

           A unique example of international collaboration
           Our data integration process is unique internationally, and a particularly important example of international
           collaboration in the geospatial area. Our production teams are multi-national distributed teams responsible for
           developing our innovative datasets and services. Their work is led from the Association’s offices in Brussels
           and coordinated by production managers from Germany and France. Our 2019 annual data producers
           meeting was hosted by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        It was a pleasure to welcome so many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        members to our 2019 Extraordinary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        General Assembly

           Delivering                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Extraordinary
           pan-European datasets                                                                                                                                                                                                         General
                                                                                                                                   Members gathered in Manchester, UK for the 2019 General Assembly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Assembly 2019
           To facilitate access to your data and demonstrate
           its importance, EuroGeographics has continued
           to maintain and develop its pan-European
                                                                                 Launch of Open ELS test services at GWF
                                                                                                                                    General Assembly 2019                                                                                Seventy representatives from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         33 member organisations
           datasets. EuroBoundaryMap, EuroRegionalMap
           and EuroGlobalMap were all updated during
                                                                                  Open ELS Project                                  We welcomed 48 member organisations from 39 countries to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         participated in our extended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2019 Extraordinary General
           2019. Our portfolio also includes EuroDEM and                                                                            the 2019 General Assembly in Manchester, UK. In addition to                                          Assembly in Leuven, Belgium.
           the Regional Gazetteer which was created as part                       The Open ELS Project concluded on 30 April        opportunities for high-level peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, your                                   To bring together KEN chairs
           of the Open ELS project. The Core Reference                            2019 after two years of work by the project       discussions also helped to shape the future of the Association so that                               and members, we again
           Dataset (CRD) prototype, developed with the help                       partners. The Open ELS test services, launched    it continues to deliver value to all members. Members agreed that                                    held a dedicated roundtable
           of BKG, was provided under an evaluation licence                       at Geospatial World Forum in Amsterdam, have      our focus will now move away from sales with a greater emphasis                                      session. The meeting
           to the European Environment Agency in early 2019.                      played an important role in demonstrating         on facilitating access to your data. This will drive our representation                              was followed by a ‘Super’
           Feedback has been positive, however funding to                         authoritative open geospatial data. More          activity and be supported by two-way communication through                                           KEN workshop to discuss
           proceed with full coverage is still to be identified.                  information on the outcomes is available here.    our knowledge exchange and other membership activities.                                              mutual topics of interest.
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        Representing your                                                                                                                      Representing your
        interests                                                                                                                              interests
           of European
           The European Union is a
                                                                                                                                               Our CLRKEN took an active role in the joint PCC workshop and plenary In Helsinki, Finland
           significant influencer and
           stakeholder whose policies
           affect all our members’
           interests. To keep you up
           to date with significant
           policy developments, we        EuroGeographics Secretary General and Executive Director, Mick Cory makes an intervention at GGIM9
           continued to provide you
           with weekly policy news
           summaries, policy news items
                                           An active role in the United Nations
           in the members’ newsletter,
           tracking records and             European NMCAs have an important role to play in UN-GGIM and, as
           other relevant documents.        your membership association, EuroGeographics is committed to ensuring                              EuroGeographics Management Board took part in panel discussions at GWF
           Our policy knowledge             your distinctive voice and interests are heard. In June, we participated in
           exchange also included
           briefing papers on the Open
                                            the 6th Plenary of UN-GGIM: Europe and in August we were pleased to
                                            participate in GGIM9 at UN Headquarters in New York. Mick Cory made a
                                                                                                                                                Regional and internatonal                                                        Our President, Colin Bray spoke at the Twelfth Western Balkans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 regional conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina
           Data and PSI Directive,          number of interventions highlighting your contributions and our support                             collaboration
           meetings and webinars. All
           information is available to
                                            for the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, the application of
                                            geospatial information related to land administration and management,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The voice of European
           members via the website.         and the importance of geospatial information and services for disasters.
                                                                                                                                                We participated in a number of regional and
                                                                                                                                                international collaborative groups, including the
                                                                                                                                                European Forum for Geospatial Statistics (EFGS)
                                                                                                                                                in Helsinki and Manchester, the Twelfth Western                                    Our communications activities have continued
                                                                                                                                                Balkans regional conference in Bosnia and                                          to embrace opportunities to promote the
                                                                                                                                                Herzegovina, and the 29th International Cartographic                               importance of authoritative geospatial
           Meetings with                                                                                                                        Conference in Tokyo. Members also took part in                                     information to key stakeholders through events,
           key European                                                                                                                         panels organised by EuroGeographics at GWF                                         social media and face-to-face meetings. We
           Commission                                                                                                                           2019 and DGI Europe 2019, the leading global
                                                                                                                                                geospatial intelligence conference held in London.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   are also focussed on keeping you up to date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with the Association’s response to issues
                                          EuroGeographics is committed to ensuring your          Your Association actively participates in
                                          distinctive voice is heard within the United Nations   UN-GGIM and UN-GGIM: Europe
                                                                                                                                                We have maintained our relationships with the                                      impacting on your work through our members’
                                                                                                                                                Group for Earth Observation (GEO) and EuroSDR.                                     newsletter and letters from our President.
           We have held formal and
           informal meetings with          Constructive participation in policy
           a variety of European
           stakeholders including DG
           Connect, the European
           Environment Agency, DG          During the past year, we contributed to the legal debate for the
           Grow, European Global           development of the Regulation on establishing the EU Space
           Navigation Satellite            programme by submitting an information paper to the respective
           Systems Agency (GSA),           Parliamentary Committee. In addition, we participated in the public
           Eurostat and the Joint          consultation by the European GNSS Agency on the Integrity and                                                                                                                         Mick Cory was delighted to meet with Radu Codrut Stefanescu,
           Research Centre (JRC).          Reliability of Digital Maps for Connected and Automated Driving.                                                                                                                      Head of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration,
                                                                                                                                               EuroGeographics members highlighted the role of NMCA data at DGI 2019             Romania which was hosting the PCC Plenary
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        Albania                                                                                          Armenia
        Albania improves geodata with new GNSS network                                                   Putting citizens at the heart of a more
                                                                                                         transparent, secure and unified Cadastre

                                                      sustainability and quality coverage throughout

        Albania is
                                                      Albania, each station is positioned no more
                                                      than 35 km apart. This facilitates the efficient   Digitalisation of the
        improving                                     and effective acquisition and distribution of      cadastral archives
                                                      GNSS data to meet the needs of users.
        geodata by                                                                                       in Armenia is
                                                      As a result, ALBCORS improves the
        launching a new                               coordinate assignment methodology using            facilitating the
        Global Navigation                             contemporary technologies and programs for         creation of modern
                                                      coordinate measurements and calculations
        Satellite System                              using differential and post-processed (or static   online, streamlined
        (GNSS) which                                  measurements). High millimeter precision
                                                      levels in plan and height are achieved through
        provides the                                  Real Time Kinematic (RTK) methods. For the

        basis of its unique                           management of the entire system and its
                                                      operation, the software installed in the control
                                                                                                         The work, part of the Cadastre
                                                                                                         Committee’s five year reform plan, is a
        three-dimensional                             center is GEO ++.
                                                                                                         key component of the move towards a

        point coordinates.                            The network was built with Albanian
                                                                                                         more transparent, secure, unified and
                                                                                                         citizen-oriented cadastral system.
                                                      Government funding according to European
                                                      standards (Eupos).
                                                                                                         The Committee, which maintains around
        With technical specifications developed                                                          2.4 million records which are kept in four
        by the State Authority for Geospatial                                                            territorial subdivisions in two buildings
        Information (ASIG), the cutting-edge                                                             in Yerevan, is working in collaboration
        infrastructure of the ALBCORS network                                                            with The Netherlands Cadastre, Land
        ensures the accuracy, integrity, continuity                                                      Registry and Mapping Agency to develop       Users of the simplified Armenian Real               as forecast by the Cadastre Committee in
        and availability of reliable positioning.                                                        a unified approach and tailored strategy     Property Information System (ARPIS) will            its development programme.
                                                                                                         for digitising its archives. Archives are    benefit by reduced working time, increased
        By enabling the implementation and                                                               classified according to either addresses     effectiveness and resource savings.                 The overall concept of digitised archives
        maintenance of European Geodetic                                                                 or real estate cadastral codes, or both.     Furthermore, the work also reduces any              includes professional consultancy,
        Reference according to the INSPIRE                                                               In some cases classification can also        risk of corruption by significantly simplifying     particularly for development of unified
        Directive, it provides the basis for                                                             be at the discretion of the relevant         the information acquisition procedure and           approaches to archive organisation
        improving the basic reference used                                                               archive specialist.                          submission of applications. Documents can be        and classification, and proper software
        by all public and private institutions to                                                                                                     obtained without visiting Cadastre offices          for digitalisation processes, as well
        support geodetic works, topographic                                                              Digitalisation will provide a range of                                                           as organisation and training on the
                                                                                                                                                      and information will be available
        and cadastral maps, and scientific                                                               benefits from paperless self-services to                                                         digitisation of documents, archive transfer,
                                                                                                                                                      immediately after inquiry.
        research in earth dynamics. It also                                                              improved efficiency.                                                                             and classification.
        offers an online service and enables                                                                                                          By reducing the workload of employees in
                                                                                                         Once completed, the readability of the
        GNSS data exchange collaboration with                                                                                                         the territorial subdivisions and front offices,
                                                                                                         scanned documents in the archives will
        neighbouring countries.                                                                                                                       system maintenance costs are significantly
                                                                                                         be enhanced and the resulting online,
                                                                                                                                                      reduced. In turn, this contributes to the
        The ALBCORS system consists of                                                                   paperless self-service Cadastre will not
                                                                                                                                                      effective and efficient functioning of the
        27 active stations, six of which are                                                             require direct contact from citizens and
                                                                                                                                                      Integrated Cadastre, including collected and
        integrated from the previous ALBPOS                                                              officials as far as possible.
                                                                                                                                                      processed data accessibility for state bodies,
        system. To guarantee network
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        Austria                                                                                                                                   Belgium
        Supporting elections with geodata in Austria                                                                                              Delivering data for safer air traffic in Belgium

                                                      Created jointly by the Federal Ministry of     The connection of all three registers via                                                 The main adaptations in the NGI datasets have         The team is now working on a platform
                                                                                                     the Central-Constituency-Tool enables the
        The Federal Office
                                                      the Interior, the Austrian Association of
                                                                                                                                                  Belgium’s National
                                                                                                                                                                                               been twofold. For the digital terrain model,          where information of new air obstacles
                                                      Municipalities, the Austrian Association of    referencing of buildings where people                                                     the change in coordinate system from Lambert          being planned or built can be directly
        of Metrology and                              Cities and Towns and the Federal Office of     who are entitled to vote are registered
                                                                                                                                                  Geographic                                   2008 + Ostend height to WGS 84 + EGM 2008             uploaded, an approach that the Ministry
                                                      Metrology and Surveying (BEV), the             to constituencies and polling stations in                                                 was necessary. For the air traffic obstacles, the     of Transport strongly recommends and
        Surveying (BEV)                               Central-Constituency-Tool links together the   the appropriate municipality. The central    Institute (NGI) has                          addition of semantic information and a new            even wants to oblige in the near future.

        has developed                                 data of the Central Electoral Register, the
                                                      Austrian Address Register and the Central
                                                                                                     application gives an overview of the
                                                                                                     progress of this process – every record
                                                                                                                                                  built on a history                           classification as well as an improved accuracy
                                                                                                                                                                                               had to be organised.
        a Central-                                    Residents Register and thus standardises and   is comprehensive.                            of providing air
                                                                                                                                                                                               The database now counts around
        Constituency-Tool                             simplifies the core process of elections.
                                                                                                     Quality assurance procedures improve         traffic obstacle                             6,000 obstacles spread across the whole

        based on the                                  The Central Residence Register already
                                                      connects the attributions of permanent
                                                                                                     the reliability of correct allocation. For
                                                                                                     example, a multi-level process ensures
                                                                                                                                                  data by updating                             country, which have a height of 60 metres
                                                                                                                                                                                               or more above ground level. The newly
        Austrian Address                              residents in Austria with the building data    that the municipalities evaluate, complete   its datasets                                 structured dataset went into production in
                                                                                                     and release the data before any election.
        Register, the                                 in the Austrian Address Register, a central
                                                      database of all addresses and buildings        The data is then checked and released,       to meet new                                  September 2019.

        Austrian Central                              administered by BEV and used as a              first by the districts and then by the       International                                The process of adaptation and compliance
                                                                                                                                                                                               to new standard specifications gave the NGI
                                                      reference for mailing, spelling, serial        provinces who then forward them to the
        Residents Register                            numbers and spatial location.                  Federal Ministry of the Interior.            Civil Aviation                               the opportunity to simultaneously rethink

        and the Austrian
                                                                                                                                                                                               the process and workflow for capturing and
                                                                                                                                                  Organisation                                 maintaining this air traffic obstacle dataset.
        Electoral Register.                                                                                                                       (ICAO)                                       As a result, the NGI now collects and
                                                                                                                                                                                               maintains the air obstacle data completely in
                                                                                                                                                  specifications.                              accordance with the ICAO specifications. The
                                                                                                                                                                                               expected update cycle is 3 years.
        The Austrian Address Register
        authentically displays all the                                                                                                            Evolving ICAO rules for safe air traffic
        addresses and buildings as allocated by                                                                                                   require digital terrain models and air
        the 2,095 Austrian municipalities. BEV                                                                                                    traffic obstacle data. The NGI was
        is responsible for the administration                                                                                                     asked to adapt the datasets to meet the
        of the data of the Austrian Address                                                                                                       electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data
        Register. Federal laws apply to                                                                                                           (eTOD) specifications by the Ministry of
        nationwide elections such as to                                                                                                           Defence and the Federal Public Service
        National Council, President and to the                                                                                                    Mobility and Transport in charge of aerial
        European Parliament, while the federal                                                                                                    navigation. This task started in 2014 with
        provinces act under their relevant voting                                                                                                 a study of the new legal and technical
        legislation for elections to the provincial                                                                                               framework, and the eTOD project itself
        parliaments, municipal councils and                                                                                                       started at the end of 2016.
        for mayors. Depending on the type of
        election, different groups of residents are                                                                                               The NGI is responsible for the
        entitled to vote.                                                                                                                         implementation of the electronic Terrain
                                                                                                                                                  and Obstacle Database, with the Ministry
        The Electoral Register Law 2018                                                                                                           of Defence, the Directorate-General for
        provides the legal basis for the Austrian                                                                                                 Aviation and skeyes (previously known as
        municipalities to integrate their data in a                                                                                               Belgocontrol) as stakeholders.
        centrally managed application.
20   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                             EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019              21

        Bosnia & Herzegovina                                                                                                               Croatia
        Projects deliver public services for                                                                                               New portals put users on the map with localised information
        economic growth and social development

                                          Working with other spatial data holders, the       staff, the Sales Price Register (SPR) data
                                                                                             was published for public and other users.
        Cooperation and
                                          Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real
                                          Property Affairs (FGA) is using standards,         As a result, almost 30,000 individual         New portals from
        interoperability                  procedures, and policies to establish accurate,    transactions have been displayed publicly
                                                                                                                                           the State Geodetic
                                          up-to-date spatial data registers. These           on the FGA geoportal. Establishment of
        is delivering a                   activities are making a significant contribution   an up-to-date official database of address    Administration
        range of projects                 towards digital transformation, European
                                          Union accession, and overall economic
                                                                                             data is also well under way. FGA now
                                                                                             distributes data for 23 of the Federation’s
                                                                                                                                           (SGA), Croatia are
        to provide public                 growth and social development.                     79 municipalities with full coverage          providing users
        services in Bosnia                                                                                                                 with geospatial
                                                                                             expected by the end of 2021.
                                          By the end of 2019, 1.9 million land

        and Herzegovina.                  registry folios had been incorporated in
                                          the electronic land registry thanks to the
                                                                                             Increased exchange of data via web
                                                                                             services with different authorities and
                                                                                                                                           information in
                                          systematic harmonisation of real estate data       local governments is preventing data          general and
                                                                                             duplication, the issue of incorrect data
                                          between the land registry and the cadastre.
                                          As a result of the project, funded by the World    from unauthorised sources and helps to        particularly
                                          Bank, 52.9% of these folios are now based on       clearly define the roles and jurisdictions    cadastral ones
                                          the new cadastral survey as opposed to 30%         of public institutions. This not only
                                          at the start.                                      helps to improve the efficiency of            related to their
                                          Following the development of an IT system
                                                                                             land administration but also lays
                                                                                             the foundations for e-government to
                                                                                                                                           location with a
                                          used by local tax authorities and municipal        benefit users.                                simple touch of a

                                                                                                                                           In June 2019, SGA launched
                                                                                                                                           to provide information about land rights to
                                                                                                                                           citizens and all interested parties. The portal   When accessed via computer, cadastral parcels            GeoHrvatska integrates and visualises
                                                                                                                                           can be accessed on mobile phones as well          can be found either by entering its number,              the spatial data in six thematic areas:
                                                                                                                                           as computers, and an English language             by searching using its address or the name of            Environmental Quality, Land, Nature around
                                                                                                                                           version is available for users who are not        nearest geographical feature, such as settlement         me, Leisure, Protected Areas and Nearby
                                                                                                                                           Croatian citizens.                                or stream, or by turning on a digital orthophoto.        Pollution. The information displayed is
                                                                                                                                                                                             Once selected, information about the owners and          interoperable and uses network services
                                                                                                                                           The portal uses digital orthophotos, the          holders is displayed with the possessors shown in        operated by the institution responsible for
                                                                                                                                           1: 5000 scale Croatian base map, and              possessory sheets, maintained in the competent           the data.
                                                                                                                                           1: 25 000; 1: 50 000; 1: 100 000; and             cadastral offices, and the owners in title deed.
                                                                                                                                           1: 200 000 scale topographic maps. By                                                                      The portal enables the user to use spatial
                                                                                                                                           pressing the ‘Locate’ button on a mobile          Official, up-to-date spatial data from public            data in a simple, mobile and intuitive way
                                                                                                                                           phone, users can get information about the        authorities is also being promoted and made              with an emphasis on viewing data for their
                                                                                                                                           cadastral parcels around them as well as          available to citizens through            location using the ‘Data Around Me tool’,
                                                                                                                                           the nearest cadastral offices, land registry      Launched by SGA in cooperation with the National         which shows the closest spatial data of the
                                                                                                                                           offices and authorised surveyors for the          Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) subjects, it aims     selected thematic area. The system is fully
                                                                                                                                           selected location.                                to increase the level of transparency of public          customisable for mobile devices and has a
                                                                                                                                                                                             authorities by sharing and using the data.               responsive design focussed on mapping the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      user environment.
22   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019            23

        Cyprus                                                                                                                                       Czech Republic
        Delivering new levels of high accuracy                                                                                                       Delivering the most accurate data
        aerial photography in Cyprus                                                                                                                 available for the Czech Republic

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Descriptive and qualitative information is           ZABAGED® is provided to users as

        Cutting-edge                                                                                                                                 Positional                                       obtained from the owners and administrators
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of individual objects, or are collected in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           datasets and web services. Web file
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           services or web map services meet
        technology is                                                                                                                                accuracy                                         field by ČÚZK surveyors. How up to date this         national specifications, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                      information is varies significantly, however         the standardised INSPIRE product
        being used in                                                                                                                                refinements                                      many datasets are updated and verified               specifications formats. Derived and

        a project to                                                                                                                                 are ensuring                                     in cooperation with primary object and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      information administrators at least once a year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           generalised ZABAGED®-based 1: 50 000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and 1: 250 000 scale data is provided
        provide new high                                                                                                                             even greater                                     ČÚZK completes the revision of the entire            as open data under the licence CC BY

        precision and high                                                                                                                           accuracy of the                                  ZABAGED® content over a four year period.            4.0. Following the new Directive of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           European Parliament and Council EU
        resolution aerial                                                                                                                            Czech Republic’s                                 The present trend in the Czech
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Republic is to develop integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2019/1024, on open data, ČÚZK is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           preparing the publication of ZABAGED®
        photography of                                                                                                                               most detailed                                    geographic systems. ČÚZK strives to                  as open data, the first step being the
        Cyprus.                                                                                                                                      topographic                                      develop computer-supported interfaces for
                                                                                                                                                                                                      data migration between information systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           implementation of this Directive into the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Czech legal system.
                                                                                                                                                     database.                                        of the public administration, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                      online web services for delivery of updated
        An agreement, signed in September                                                                                                                                                             information from thematic information systems.
        2019, has seen the Director of the                                                                                                           The Fundamental Base of Geographic
        Department of Lands and Surveys (DLS)                                                                                                        Data of the Czech Republic (ZABAGED®)
        work with a consortium of companies,                                                                                                         is administered by the Czech Office
        Eratosthenes SA Greece, and Sintegra                                                                                                         for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
        SAS France, to deliver the initiative,                                                                                                       (ČÚZK) and originates from 1995 to 2004.
        which is expected to last 12 months.       The data that will be delivered will include the   trustworthy applications. The Government       It was created by digitising information
                                                   following: High resolution, 100% cloud-free        fully supports these activities and believes   from 1: 10 000 scale base topographic
        The project involves the acquisition       aerial photos and ortho-photos at an accuracy      that sound spatial information is needed       maps and, as well as position data. It
        and processing of high-precision and       of ±20-25 cm and 10 cm pixel size; Lidar data;     for good and secure governance at all          contains approximately 350 qualitative
        high resolution aerial photographs         DSM and DTM at 10 points/sqm in urban areas        levels, and that it should always be           attributes and descriptive information, and
        and related data, using state-of-the-art   and 5 points/sqm in rural areas; and contour       readily available.                             altimetry models – Digital Terrain Model
        equipment and software. The digital        lines at 1m intervals.                                                                            and Digital Surface Model. ZABAGED®
        data that will be produced will be
                                                                                                                                                     is also the base source for positional
        entered into the Department’s Land         The new aerial photographs and related
                                                                                                                                                     determination of orthophotos together
        Information System, and then onto the      data will be combined seamlessly following
                                                                                                                                                     with the information system of the real
        DLS-Portal and INSPIRE online platform,    predefined standards. They will enable the
                                                                                                                                                     estate cadastre.
        for direct use by DLS staff to satisfy     Department to handle difficult cases from the
        internal processes, by other government    office, collect reliable cartographic data, and                                                   Positional accuracy of individual
        departments, by private organisations      significantly reduce fieldwork time.                                                              geographic objects within ZABAGED®
        and services, and by the public.                                                                                                             varies from 0.14 metres to 1 metre. Objects
                                                   The development of the Land Information
                                                                                                                                                     that are difficult to identify, such as forest
        The data acquisition phase has already     System and the National Spatial Data
                                                                                                                                                     borders, are digitised approximately using
        been completed successfully. Data          Infrastructure (SDI) is the foundation for
                                                                                                                                                     orthophoto and airborne laser scanning
        analysis, processing, checking and         the development of sound GIS systems for
                                                                                                                                                     data. The comprehensive refinement of
        acceptance phases will follow in the       other agencies and users with the aim of
                                                                                                                                                     position data will enable their positional
        coming months.                             creating consistent spatial data, products, and
                                                                                                                                                     adjustment to the highest accuracy.
24   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                            EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                25

        Denmark                                                                                                                                   Denmark
        New National Data Distributor in service                                                                                                  Improvement of information about the coastline

                                                   experience for handling the responsibility                                                                                                  Only chartered surveyors can change                   information about improving the quality of
                                                                                                      of the Danish society. During 2020 it
                                                                                                                                                                                               coastal boundary lines in the cadastral               coastal boundary lines without any cost
        The Agency for
                                                   implementing the Data Distributor, which
                                                   provides public-sector geodata as well as data
                                                                                                      is planned to support the eIDAS
                                                                                                      regulation, which will allow EU/EEA users
                                                                                                                                                  Increased use                                map. However, before a change can be                  to the landowners. The project included

        Data Supply and                            from other domains.                                with an eID, to access data and services    of the cadastral                             registered, a request from the landowner              41.1 km of coastline and 78% of the real
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     properties participated (135 out of 172). As
                                                                                                                                                                                               and a signed declaration is required.
        Efficiency (SDFE)                          This one-stop distribution channel, gives
                                                                                                      on the Data Distributor.
                                                                                                                                                  map also                                     Furthermore, the landowner has to pay all             a result, it is necessary to make changes

        works to create
                                                   access to a range of interoperable basic
                                                   public data, ranging from information about
                                                                                                      SDFE is committed to open data –
                                                                                                      and has analysed its economic value,
                                                                                                                                                  requires quality                             the costs.                                            in the Act of Subdivision if all coastal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     boundary lines are to be corrected without
        a core part of the                         individuals, businesses and real property, to      demonstrating how open data multiplies      improvements                                 The Danish Geodata Agency launched                    accept from the landowners.
                                                   geospatial data on buildings.                                                                                                               a test project in 2018 to provide useful
        data foundation
                                                                                                      the number of users and the value
                                                                                                      for society. With the Data Distributor,
                                                                                                                                                  in terms of
        for growth and
                                                   At the end of 2019, the Data Distributor
                                                   was implemented, and thereby went into
                                                                                                      Denmark is now sharing the high quality     information about
                                                                                                      authoritative Basic Data available,
        development                                operation. It marked the end of a challenging
                                                                                                      providing the foundation for digital        the coastline.
                                                   and exiting journey. The Data Distributor
        in the Danish                              now allows public authorities, utilities as well
                                                                                                      transformation. This will support
                                                                                                      the creation of innovative and coherent
        society.                                   as private companies to centrally collect,
                                                   combine and apply basic data for the benefit
                                                                                                      digital solutions across the public and
                                                                                                                                                  In Denmark, the coastline is constantly
                                                                                                                                                  changing because of natural growth
                                                                                                      private sector.
                                                                                                                                                  and reduction. The Cadastre contains
                                                                                                                                                  more than 7,300 km of coastal boundary
        SDFE is in charge of collecting,                                                                                                          lines and many do not match the actual
        managing and making available                                                                                                             coastline. This is a problem for users of
        public-sector data to Danish                                                                                                              cadastral data.
        decision-makers, businesses
        and citizens.

        Over the last years, SDFE has been in
        a transition from a traditional mapping
                                                                                                                                                  Improving the Danish Cadastre by optimising data quality and use
        agency to a data agency, recognising the
        value of combining geospatial data with
                                                                                                                                                                                               In 2019, the Danish Cadastre took over the            In February 2019, the Danish Geodata
        other data sources.
                                                                                                                                                   One single
                                                                                                                                                                                               basic registration of condominiums from               Agency received data for 337,199
        SDFE is a key contributor to the Danish                                                                                                                                                the Land Registry. The handover is part of            condominiums from the Land Registry,
        Digitisation Programme, and through the                                                                                                    registration                                Denmark’s Real Property Data Reform, where            and since then has registered 5,000 new
                                                                                                                                                                                               the basic registration of all real property           condominiums. All have been provided
        Basic Data Programme responsible for
        the national Data Distributor. Providing
                                                                                                                                                   system for all real                         types will take place at the Cadastre as the          with a BFE-number.
        services for geospatial data has                                                                                                           property.                                   authoritative register.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Private licensed land surveyors prepare
        proven to be a relevant foundation and
                                                                                                                                                                                               To meet user need for harmonised                      the data for new condominiums, including
                                                                                                                                                                                               property information that is available and            changes to condominiums. They deliver
                                                                                                                                                   The Danish Geodata Agency has made
                                                                                                                                                                                               accessible via interoperable networks, a              the data to the cadastral authority for
                                                                                                                                                   it easier to access and improve data by
                                                                                                                                                                                               new unique property identification called the         registration upon scrutiny of the legal basis
                                                                                                                                                   collecting information for real property
                                                                                                                                                                                               BFE-number has been established and is used           for the proposed changes. The data then
                                                                                                                                                   and condominiums in one single
                                                                                                                                                                                               in the property registers. This makes it possible     continues to the Land Registry Verification
                                                                                                                                                   registration system. The move is part
                                                                                                                                                                                               to re-use data in the Cadastre, Building              Loop to ensure that an approved and
                                                                                                                                                   of its focus on improving methods and
                                                                                                                                                                                               Register, Property Ownership Register and             registered change will not be in violation
                                                                                                                                                   procedures to help ensure optimal quality
                                                                                                                                                                                               Land Registry.                                        with a registered ownership or mortgage.
                                                                                                                                                   and multiple uses of the data.
26   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                 27

        Estonia                                                                                                                            Finland
        Improving data quality to support                                                                                                  Finland’s geospatial platform enables
        preparations for the 2021 census                                                                                                   management of data from different providers

                                          The census takes place in 2021 and will mostly     been registered as a place of

        The Estonian Land
                                          be based on data from different registers. It is
                                          therefore important for the data to be accurate,
                                                                                             residence, or the residential building
                                                                                             is no longer standing.
                                                                                                                                           Finland’s new
        Board’s Address                   complete and up-to-date. The Land Board is
                                                                                             All proven residential or work buildings
        Data System
                                          collaborating with other institutions to prepare
                                          by improving the data quality and efficient use
                                                                                             are assigned a unique address by the          platform enables
        (ADS) fulfils a vital             of all relevant databases.
                                                                                             local governments who are supported
                                                                                             by Land Board specialists, its X-GIS map
                                                                                                                                           the management
        social function                   The Land Board helps to improve data quality       application and photo warehouse. It is        of distributed data
                                                                                             essential that the information is collected
                                                                                                                                           sources with work
                                          by providing additional information. This
        and will also play                includes updated orthophotos and linked            only once and then reused, and to ensure

        a pivotal role in                 data for other registers such as the register of   that changes made in one register are         now taking place
                                          construction works, population register and        automatically made in the other registers.
        the forthcoming                   business register.                                                                               to include 3D data
                                                                                             The Address Data System contains more
        population and                    In addition, it is coordinating the efforts of     than 2.4 million objects, including 1.1       and addresses.
                                          local governments in improving address data        million buildings, 526,000 apartments and
        housing census.                   quality. In 2019, data for more than 60,000        692,000 cadastral parcels. For viewing
                                                                                                                                           The three-year government project, which
                                          objects, mostly the addresses of residential       the Estonian address data, a new public                                                    2 A
                                                                                                                                                                                           n upload service and life-cycle              10 N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ew data download services based
                                                                                                                                           was completed at the end of 2019, was          management for municipal building
                                          buildings, were fixed. This helps to eliminate     service at                                                                                                           on OGC API Features.
                                                                                                                                           a collaboration between the Ministry of        information.
                                          cases where a substation, shed or garage has       was created.
                                                                                                                                           Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of                                                      11 A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              geocoding service based on
                                                                                                                                           Environment, the National Land Survey        3 National INSPIRE implementations.                 addresses, geographical names,
                                                                                                                                           of Finland, and the Finnish Environment                                                           cadastral IDs and map sheets.
                                                                                                                                           Institute. The services are now available    4 A
                                                                                                                                                                                           crowdsourcing application for collecting
                                                                                                                                           at                  building entrances and waypoints, and for       12 T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              he Suomigrammi Dashboard which
                                                                                                                                                                                          reporting possible errors.                         enables users to access, geospatial
                                                                                                                                           The focus of the platform is to manage                                                            statistics from the platform.
                                                                                                                                           the quality and lifecycle of distributed     5 N
                                                                                                                                                                                           ational redirection service.
                                                                                                                                           data from different data providers, such                                                       13 A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              n indexing service pilot to manage
                                                                                                                                                                                        6 N
                                                                                                                                                                                           ational geospatial search using the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             buildings and addresses by
                                                                                                                                           as municipalities, using common data
                                                                                                                                                                                          different names by which a place is
                                                                                                                                           models as a basis. Data models are now                                                            administrative and statistical areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                          known as well as the contents of the
                                                                                                                                           available for buildings, road network,
                                                                                                                                                                                          national registries which have been            National Land Survey of Finland is now
                                                                                                                                           hydrography and addresses, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                          implemented. It also supports general          continuing the development of the
                                                                                                                                           as a pilot for land cover and use. In
                                                                                                                                                                                          search engines such as Google.                 National Topographic Database and
                                                                                                                                           addition, the Government has started a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the new address register which are part
                                                                                                                                           new project to establish a new building      7 A
                                                                                                                                                                                           table Joining Service for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of the platform. A key target is to add
                                                                                                                                           platform and register for Finland.             edge-matching data.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         municipality data, correct data according
                                                                                                                                           The key services developed in the                                                             to the new data model and to create new
                                                                                                                                                                                        8 D
                                                                                                                                                                                           ata cards for geospatial names with
                                                                                                                                           geospatial platform project include;                                                          3D building data for all of Finland. This will
                                                                                                                                                                                          linked data.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         be based on new laser scanning which
                                                                                                                                            1 A
                                                                                                                                               quality guard which allows              9 N
                                                                                                                                                                                           ew data viewing services: National Land      started in 2020.
                                                                                                                                              automated quality checking of the           Survey of Finland maps with vector tiles;
                                                                                                                                              logical consistency rules for municipal     and national satellite mosaics based on
                                                                                                                                              buildings and regional plans.               Sentinel 1 and 2 images.
28   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                               EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019   29

        An observatory for reliable
        monitoring of soil artificialisation

        A better
        understanding of
        the phenomenon
        of soil degradation
        and promoting
        awareness of
        these issues is the
        dual objective of
        the artificialisation
        observatory in

        The initiative is implemented under the
        supervision of the Ministry of Ecological
        and Solidarity Transition, to which
        National Institute of Geographic and
        Forest Information (IGN) contributes.       Anyone can access the information, which            artificialisation covering the entire
                                                    includes a cartographic tool displaying             territory with an update rate of three
        The national biodiversity plan of July
                                                    binary artificialisation flows (artificialised/     years, at sustainable costs, and available
        2018 has the unprecedented ambition
                                                    non-artificialised), computed from the land files   as open data.
        of developing an inventory of the use
                                                    of the Cadastre. Large-scale land cover and
        of space and providing territories and                                                          Prototyping is underway in the city
                                                    land use data will provide better resolution
        citizens with soil degradation data under                                                       of Arcachon in the Gironde with a
                                                    than the current land parcel, as well as richer
        comparable territorial scales published                                                         deadline of June 2020 when national
                                                    nomenclature (beyond the binary). These data
        annually. It also includes the need to                                                          implementation will be decided. The
                                                    will be available for download.
        define the time horizon to achieve the                                                          challenge is ensuring that data meets user
        objective of zero net artificialisation.    To deliver the data, IGN is first building          expectations, adjusting the specifications
                                                    a framework from existing data, which is            to the definition of artificialisation, and
        Within the Plan’s framework, the Ministry
                                                    updated regularly. Then, based on training          producing data in the most automated
        of Ecological and Solidarity Transition
                                                    data, a deep learning process is initiated on       way possible from aerial shots taken in
        launched a national reference system
                                                    orthophotography and satellite images. The          2015 and 2018, as well as satellite
        in July 2019. As the display portal, the
                                                    multitude of objects detected, such as forests,     images, through deep learning to
        observatory of soil, managed by IGN and
                                                    meadows, buildings, parking lots and vines,         achieve a partition of the territory into
        other national agencies, provides data
                                                    will be distributed by land use classes through     homogeneous plots.
        to measure the consumption of natural
                                                    a vectorisation and aggregation process. This
        agricultural and forest areas.
                                                    benchmark data will allow stable monitoring of
30   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                       EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019            31

        Germany                                                                                                                                             Germany
        Enabling smarter farming in Germany with                                                                                                            Delivering free, seamless, cloudless
        open data satellite positioning service, SAPOS®                                                                                                     mosaic images of Europe to the world

                                                                                                                                                                                                          With the EU-financed Copernicus programme             gives an impression of this new product

                                                                                                                                                            In Germany, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and the corresponding open data policy, BKG           which will be published in the first half
        SAPOS®, the                                                                                                                                                                                       is now able to publish the derived mosaics            of 2020.

        satellite positioning                                                                                                                               Federal Agency                                for free. For example, a complete, almost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BKG will be continue to expand the time
                                                                                                                                                                                                          cloudless and high-quality mosaic of Germany
        service operated                                                                                                                                    for Cartography                               in 2018 and 2019 from Sentinel-2 datasets             series (past and current ones) of remote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                sensing data in the future. Commercial
        by the surveying                                                                                                                                    and Geodesy                                   is now published as a web map service
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and shared on various platforms. The                  and open data will be used. BKG will

        authorities of the                                                                                                                                  (BKG) delivers high                           requests for this service are very high and still     continue to keep its datasets and mosaics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                as open as possible.
        Länder of the                                                                                                                                       quality remote                                rising; from March to December 2019, it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                          accessed more than 8 million times with 430

        Federal Republic                                                                                                                                    sensing products                              Gigabytes transferred.

        of Germany (AdV),                                                                                                                                   as open data.                                 In addition, the established process of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          creating a mosaic from multiple satellite
        is now available                                                                                                                                                                                  images is enabling BKG to produce a free,
                                                                                                                                                            Remote sensing through satellite
        free of charge                                                                                                                                      imagery is an important source and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          seamless, cloudless and radiometrically color
                                                                                                                                                                                                          balanced mosaic image of Europe as open
        and being used                                                                                                                                      method for specialised services provided      data (data source 2018 and Sentinel-2 data
                                                                                                                                                            by BKG, such as surface models for air        of the European initiative Copernicus with 3
        extensively for
                                                          Tractors using SAPOS® / NRW
                                                                                                                                                            traffic control and landcover changes         bands and 10m resolution). The picture here

        smart farming.                                   infrastructure basic provision and is part of the                                                  for spatial planning. These and other
                                                                                                                                                            satellite products are important
                                                         legal remit of the German authoritative survey
                                                         with AdV and the BDVI, an association of about                                                     contributions to issues of public
       The 2017 conference of the agricultural           1,300 publicly appointed surveyors in Germany,                                                     relevance, for example civil security
       ministers of the German Länder was the            having an official agreement to use it. SAPOS®                                                     and environmental monitoring.
       starting point for a new SAPOS® user group        has been registered since 1997 and the brand is
                                                                                                                                                            BKG has established a process chain
       and the demand for open data with the goal        well-established nationally.
                                                                                                                                                            for high quality mosaics that allows for
       to use SAPOS® for smart farming. As a result,
                                                         SAPOS® enables users to save a temporary                                                           the harmonisation of any optical remote
       almost all German Laender provide SAPOS®
                                                         reference station to solve spatial reference tasks                                                 sensing data and for any area on Earth.
       free of charge to the agricultural sector or as
                                                         more economically and efficiently. It is based                                                     This is particularly beneficial to the
       open data for all users.
                                                         on a network of around 270 GNSS reference                                                          Federal Administration in Germany and,
       In North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) for               stations which are operated by AdV.                                                                whenever legally permitted, for the public
       example, SAPOS® became available as                                                                                                                  as open data.
       open data in April 2018 and today it is used      SAPOS® correction values are available to the
                                                         user in real-time and for post-processing. This                                                    BKG’s technologies and services
       in almost 3,000 tractors. This is a significant
                                                         service is widely available with high reliability                                                  allow the production of time-shifted
       change in user behaviour as the agriculture
                                                         and comprises three service areas with different                                                   data sets. For example, offering
       sector starts much earlier in the morning                                                                User behavior / NRW
                                                         properties and accuracies: SAPOS®-EPS                                                              nationwide remote sensing data and the
       and works even longer than the ‘classical’
                                                         real-time positioning service; SAPOS®-HEPS                                                         corresponding derived products from
       surveying community.                                                                                   SAPOS®-HEPS allows a position to be
                                                         high precision real-time positioning service;                                                      2009, 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2018. Due
                                                                                                              determined with an accuracy of 1 to 2 cm
       SAPOS® provides the official spatial              and SAPOS®-GPPS geodetic post-processing                                                           to copyright restrictions, the first
                                                                                                              to meet the requirements of legally secure
       reference for everyone using modern               positioning service.                                                                               generation of these products could only
                                                                                                              real estate surveys carried out by publicly
       technology. The service is considered an                                                                                                             be provided for internal use within the
                                                                                                              appointed surveyors in Germany.                                                            Mosaic image of the entire Europe (2018)
                                                                                                                                                            Federal Administration.
32   EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EuroGeographics Annual Review 2019             33

        Hungary                                                                                                                                          Italy
        Improving efficiency, transparency                                                                                                               Automatic update and dynamic online
        and data access through e-services                                                                                                               cadastral cartography services in Italy

                                                      but also to increase transparency through            design must take into account information

                                                      automated decision-making mechanisms.                received on the location and positions        Automatic updates
                                                                                                           of public networks. E-utility enables
        cadastre, remote                              Development started in 2019 and is expected          this to be done electronically to reduce      account for 90%
                                                      to finish at the end of 2022. The new system
        sensing and GIS                               is expected to start in autumn 2022. A data
                                                                                                           administrative burdens and bureaucracy
                                                                                                           that may limit business activities and
                                                                                                                                                         of all submissions
                                                      cleaning program using artificial intelligence is
                                                      also included in the project activities to ensure
                                                                                                           citizen requests.                             to online cadastral
        are delivering                                the creation of an up-to-date, reliable database     The system is built on the registers of       services in Italy,
        e-projects to
                                                      in three to five years’ time.                        the public utility providers (about 900
                                                                                                           electricity, hydrocarbon, water supply,
                                                                                                                                                         demonstrating the
        improve efficiency
                                                      E-utility is a national register of public
                                                      utilities implemented with web-based
                                                                                                           drainage, telecommunication and district      power of citizen
                                                                                                           heating network providers) through
        and provide                                   technologies, such as map visualisation and          real-time Web Map Service (WMS) and           participation to
        information to the
                                                      geospatial information supply. It enables the
                                                      reconciliation of data from public utility service
                                                                                                           Web Feature Service (WFS) technologies,       public services.
                                                                                                           Public utility networks are shown on the
        public through                                providers following official authentication at
                                             Following the INSPIRE
                                                                                                           e-utility map interface, which is based on
                                                                                                           Open Street Map, but also incorporates        Updating of the Italian Cadastre is carried
        the new Lechner                               guidelines, e-utility has been available to          basemap layers from the land registry and     out by licensed technical professionals
                                                      the public since July 2017 and has been
        Knowledge Centre                              fundamental in concluding more than
                                                                                                           the National Orthophoto Database.             who submit their changes to the
                                                                                                                                                         cartographic, land and urban census and       In 2019, as part of the implementation of           demonstrates the benefits to citizens,
        (LTK).                                        230,000 cases.                                       The system is currently under development
                                                                                                                                                         archives through a 24/7 IT system known       the INSPIRE Directive, the Revenue Agency           professionals, public administrations
                                                                                                           to ensure support for field construction
                                                      In Hungary, planners, designers and architects                                                     as Pregeo (GEOmetric PREprocessing).          launched its service to provide cadastral           and enterprises in using cadastral maps
                                                                                                           works in the near future via location-based
                                                      have to consult public utility companies before                                                    This allows the management of survey          cartography, without charge, through a WMS          through online services and is part of
       LTK has been created by the merger                                                                  Augmented Reality mobile application.
                                                      building and construction works. Planning and                                                      data and the automatic recording on the       view service and the Cadastral Cartographic         the Agency’s commitment to constant
       of two prestigious Hungarian institutes,                                                                                                          database. A management and control            Geoportal, based on the SIT database.               improvement, both in terms of data quality
       the Government Office of the Capital                                                                                                              system checks the proposal and, if                                                                and in opportunities for use through
       City Budapest Department of Geodesy                                                                                                               correct, updates the archives notifying the   The cartographic and census variations              increasingly advanced services.
       Remote Sensing and Land Offices – former                                                                                                          professional of the result.                   generated through the updating process
       Institute of Geodesy Cartography and                                                                                                                                                            currently appear within the SIT database within
       Remote Sensing (FÖMI) – and the Lechner                                                                                                           Along with the updating system,               24 hours. When the SIT is fully operational
       Knowledge Centre.                                                                                                                                 the Italian Revenue Agency, of which          by the end of 2020, any cadastral variation
                                                                                                                                                         Cadastre is part, is evolving the entire      submitted by a licensed professional and
       The e-Land Registry project aims to                                                                                                               Cadastral Information System into a           automatically processed, will update in real
       improve the competitiveness of the                                                                                                                modern webGIS. The Integrated Land            time and be immediately available through the
       Hungarian economy by reducing land                                                                                                                Information System (SIT) is based on the      online services.
       administration transaction times. It will                                                                                                         cadastral cartography. In addition, the
       increase the electronic procedures for                                                                                                            unified management of the technological       Users can monitor the updating of the
       citizens and other stakeholders through                                                                                                           infrastructure and integration of data,       cartographic database, which is fully
       the creation of client-oriented, electronic                                                                                                       processes and quality control is              transparent, and can also consult daily
       land administration services with new                                                                                                             helping to improve the cadastral, land        updated interactive graphs reporting the use
       e-solutions and communication channels.                                                                                                           registration and real estate-estimation       of online services in the data and statistics
       An additional benefit will be the electronic                                                                                                      services archives.                            section of the Geoportal. The system
       reorganisation of land administration
       proceedings, not only to improve efficiency
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