Annual plan 2021/22 April 2021 - General Pharmaceutical Council

Page created by Joel Mcguire
Annual plan 2021/22
April 2021
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© General Pharmaceutical Council 2021
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2
  Strategic aim one: Deliver an adaptable standards framework that meets
  public and professional needs that are changing quickly ....................................... 3
  Strategic aim two: deliver effective, consistent and fair regulation ..................... 3
  Strategic aim three: drive improvements in pharmacy care by modernising how
  we regulate education and training ........................................................................... 4
  Strategic aim four: Shift the balance towards more anticipatory, proportionate
  and tailored approaches to regulating pharmacy.................................................... 5
  Strategic aim five: Enhance our capabilities and infrastructure to deliver our
  vision .............................................................................................................................. 6

Annual plan 2021/22                                                                                                                    1
April 2021

This annual plan 2021/22 outlines our key         In the coming year we will also continue to
priorities for year two of our Strategic Plan     deliver our regulatory responsibilities, including
2020-25, setting out where we intend to get to    setting the standards for pharmacy
towards achieving our ten-year vision of safe     professionals and pharmacies to enter and
and effective pharmacy care at the heart of       remain on the register, maintaining a register of
healthier communities.
                                                  those who meet these standards and
Our work over the coming year continues to be     investigating concerns about the people or
organised under the five strategic aims, to:      pharmacies we register.
• deliver an adaptable standards framework        We will need to keep our vision, strategic and
  that meets public and professional needs        annual plans under close review over the next
  that are changing quickly                       year and beyond, and reprioritise our work
                                                  accordingly, to make sure we are able to adapt
• deliver effective, consistent and fair
                                                  quickly to:
                                                  ongoing challenges in relation to COVID-19 and
• drive improvements in pharmacy care by
                                                  any impacts of Brexit;
  modernising how we regulate education and
  training                                        any changes in delivery models of pharmacy
                                                  services as a result of technology or changes in
• shift the balance towards more anticipatory,
                                                  the wider health and social care system; and
  proportionate and tailored approaches to
  regulating pharmacy                             changes as a result of governments’ regulatory
• enhance our capabilities and infrastructure
  to help deliver our vision                      whilst continuing to support and help bring
                                                  about responsible innovation that is focused on
This annual plan outlines the activities to be
                                                  safely delivering improved outcomes for
carried out under these areas this year as well
as setting out how we will measure our success.
It will be supported by more detailed regular
reporting to our Council.

2                                                                             Annual plan 2021/22
Strategic aim one: Deliver an                     • Developed new equality guidance for
                                                    pharmacy owners, to help them meet their
adaptable standards framework
                                                    obligations under the Equality Act and the
that meets public and professional                  Human Rights Act
needs that are changing quickly
                                                  Strategic aim two: deliver effective,
Over the remaining four years of our              consistent and fair regulation
strategic plan, our focus is on:
                                                  Over the remaining four years of our
• developing new regulatory standards for
                                                  strategic plan, our focus is on:
  updated roles in medicines legislation
                                                  • meeting all the standards of good regulation
• making sure our core standards and
  supporting guidance meet the changing           • reporting broadly on our regulatory and
  needs of the public and professionals             service performance

To help us achieve this overall aim, in           • regulating fairly
2021/22 we will have:                             To help us achieve this overall aim, in
• reviewed how effectively our core               2021/22 we will have:
  professionals and systems regulatory            • completed a programme of improvements
  standards and guidance work together to           around the timeliness of case progression,
  assure and improve the quality of pharmacy        the quality of reasons for decisions given,
  practice                                          and person-centred service in fitness to
• started to develop a holistic forward-looking     practise
  prioritised programme for the cyclical review   • started to see sustained improvements in the
  of all our core regulatory standards and          quality of our data at source
  supporting guidance across the organisation
                                                  • more joined up reporting covering both
• a clear plan setting out our approach to how      regulatory and service performance and
  and when we will develop new standards for        progress against plans, budgets and projects
  updated roles in medicines legislation
  (legislative timetable permitting)              • made sure we can evaluate the impact of the
                                                    new medium-term strategies for fitness to
• Published our updated guidance for                practise (FtP), equality, diversity and inclusion
  registered pharmacies providing pharmacy          (EDI), and communication over the longer
  services at a distance, including on the          term
                                                  • an understanding of the experience of
                                                    provisional registrants during the Covid-19
                                                    pandemic to inform our work

Annual plan 2021/22                                                                                3
April 2021

• an updated comprehensive Equality,                • worked collaboratively with others to develop
  Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy in place     our role in the post-registration education
                                                      and training of pharmacy professionals
• delivered the first phase of work to embed
  patient and public voice into the way we work     • assessed and agreed how further
                                                      development of revalidation is used to
Strategic aim three: drive                            demonstrate post-registration education and
improvements in pharmacy care by                      training
modernising how we regulate                         • started operating a tailored and intelligence
education and training                                led approach to accrediting and quality
                                                      assuring initial education and training
Over the remaining four years of our
strategic plan, our focus is on:
                                                    • run a four-country registration assessment
• refreshing standards for the initial education      on-line with the Pharmaceutical Society of
  and training of pharmacists and pharmacy            Northern Ireland (PSNI) and evaluated its
  technicians                                         effectiveness
• developing our approach to regulating the         • reviewed revised registration criteria for
  post-registration education and training of         overseas pharmacy professionals considering
  pharmacy professionals                              Brexit
• implementing a tailored and intelligence led
  approach to accrediting and quality assuring
  initial education and training providers
• updating the delivery, content and timing of
  the registration assessment for pharmacists
• enabling the efficient registration of overseas
  pharmacy professionals considering Brexit
To help us achieve this overall aim, in
2021/22 we will have:
• begun implementing the new initial
  education and training standards for
• reviewed education and training standards
  for independent pharmacist prescribing

4                                                                              Annual plan 2021/22
Strategic aim four: Shift the                     To help us achieve this overall aim, in
balance towards more                              2021/22 we will have:
anticipatory, proportionate and                   • been producing a regular insight (trends
                                                    reports) to inform our work
tailored approaches to regulating
pharmacy                                          • started to implement a prioritised
                                                    programme of securing new information and
Over the remaining four years of our                Information Sharing Agreements (ISAs) with
strategic plan, our focus is on:                    stakeholders where we have gaps in
• practising an approach to how we regulate         information
  that is increasingly informed by intelligence   • contributed to the Department of Health and
• managing the flow of incoming information,        Social Care (DHSC) consultation on the four
  intelligence and concerns strategically           aspects of regulatory reform (governance,
                                                    education, fitness to practise and
• operating a more person-centred and               registration) and continued preparations for
  restorative approach to fitness to practise       any future changes
• developing a more strategic approach to         • published core datasets on our website
  regulating pharmacy                               about our register, along with appropriate
• raising the public’s awareness and                EDI data related to FtP cases to inform
  understanding of the standards they should        others’ work
  expect from pharmacy                            • started to implement our new approved
                                                    fitness to practise strategy
                                                  • worked with stakeholders to explore the use
                                                    of technology in regulating on-line
                                                  • completed a pilot of a strategic approach to
                                                    assessing how well registered pharmacies
                                                    meet our standards
                                                  • started to implement our new approved
                                                    medium-term communications and
                                                    engagement strategy

Annual plan 2021/22                                                                                5
April 2021

Strategic aim five: Enhance our                   • integrated our approach to lean thinking and
                                                    business change into how we run individual
capabilities and infrastructure to
                                                    projects and programmes of work
deliver our vision
                                                  • continued to modernise our IT infrastructure
Over the remaining four years of our                including upgrading our core CRM business
strategic plan, our focus is on:                    system
• improving customers’ experience of our
• making sure we are organised for success
• improving our IT infrastructure to support us
  in delivering our vision
• establishing a sustainable and fair financial
To help us achieve this overall aim, in
2021/22 we will have:
• moved the paper-based pre-registration final
  declaration, application for certificate of
  current professional standing and
  independent prescriber status online
• started building the replacement website
• an overarching plan in place guiding all the
  work being done to support the new way we
  want our organisation to run going forward
• developed a digital service strategy with an
  updated business systems strategy to
  support the new way we want our
  organisation to run going forward
• a replacement purchase order system and a
  new adjudications portal up and running
• implemented changes to the operation of the
  customer contact centre to make sure it
  meets the needs of registrants and the public

6                                                                           Annual plan 2021/22
General Pharmaceutical Council      @TheGPhC
25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ    TheGPhC
F 020 3713 8000                     /company/general-pharmaceutical-council
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