Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...

Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
Ancillary Services
Actual achievements and actions needed at
present for stable operation of the electric
power system up to 2030
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
Table of contents

                                              The innovation report analyses the
                                              present state and future capability
                                              of ancillary services.                    pp. 4 – 5

                                                           The energy transition presents new
                                                           demands for ancillary services.

                                                           What are ancillary services?

                                                           What are ancillary services products?

                                                           Six key topics

                                                           Specific challenges for innovation
                                                           in ancillary services

                                                           Objectives of the dena ancillary
                                                           services platform
Current status and upcoming innovations
                                                           Achievements of the dena ancillary
                                            pp. 6 –15      services platform

                                                           ‘Green Access’ research project

                                                           Balancing power from
                                                           wind turbines

                                                           Battery bulk storage systems
                                                           for ancillary services

Practical examples:                                        Reactive power management
Examples of best practice for innovative                   Decentralised energy supply
applications of ancillary services         pp. 16 – 23

Environmental analysis:                                                             Annexes
Overview of key projects and activities
in the field of ancillary services
                                                              pp. 24 – 41            pp. 42 – 47

                                                                                              Table of contents   3
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...

                                     The pace of continuous
                                development of ancillary services
                                       must be sustained.
          The energy transition is characterised by a constantly increasing percentage of electricity being produced by
          decentralised renewable energy facilities. To a large extent, the security and stability of electricity supplies
          depend on whether it will also be possible to continue developing ancillary services in the future, and to adapt
          them to future demands.

          In this Innovation Report, the dena ancillary services platform       as a consequence could lead to blackouts. The provision of re-
          sets out the present state of development and need for action in      active power also demands action, particularly from the point
          the area of ancillary services, in order to provide players in the    of view of macroeconomically cost-effective configuration.
          field with orientation during the transformation of the electric
          power system. The individual areas of activity are developing         Besides the provision of ancillary services, the demands on
          dynamically, and therefore require constant, vigilant evaluation.     the grid connection and operation have important functions
                                                                                for the preservation of system security. Here it is particularly a
          For example, while development in the fields of balancing power       question of compliance with the European regulatory frame-
          and short-circuit current contributions is on target – according to   works and network codes.
          our present knowledge – a need for action is already becoming
          apparent in the area of instantaneous reserve. Here risks have
          been identified, particularly in a system-split scenario, which

4   Summary
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
1                                               2                                              3
           Securing economically                           Continuing to develop                          Developing techno-
           affordable provision                            interfaces between                             logical alternatives
           for all players                                 TSOs, DSOs and plant                           for the provision of
                                                           operators                                      instantaneous reserve

The use of ancillary service products           Decentralised power generating plants          Before the operating reserve can be
entails costs for both grid and plant op-       are becoming increasingly responsible          activated, the rotating masses of conven-
erators. In the course of its further techni-   for stability in the electricity grid. These   tional power stations cushion the effect
cal development, the associated economic        plants are almost all connected to the         of frequency fluctuations. This property
questions must also be answered.                distribution grid. Especially when system      is therefore essential for the stability of
Analyses must be carried out to determine       stability is concerned, e.g. balancing         the electric power system. If the running
what costs arise for players through an         power or redispatch, the interfaces            times of conventional power stations
enhanced provision of ancillary services.       between providers and all network levels       continue to decrease in future, this func-
Regulatory frameworks must be designed          affected must be improved. These improve-      tion can be taken over by the frequency
in such a way that the type of provision        ments include new processes and                converters of renewable energy facilities.
chosen makes most sense, both techni-           data interfaces.                               To this end, existing solutions must be
cally and economically.                                                                        further researched, and their capacity
                                                                                               for use in the network system must be

                                                                                                                                             Summary   5
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
Current status and
            upcoming innovations

            The energy transition presents new demands
            for ancillary services
            The energy transition is bringing about a      With the energy transition, the quota of      Here ancillary services take on a particular
            radical transformation of electricity sup-     decentralised energy producers such as        significance. These are used by grid op-
            ply in Germany. Renewable energy sour-         photovoltaic systems in the distribution      erators to keep the frequency, voltage and
            ces (RES) are being developed, while the       grid has increased considerably, while by     power loading in the grid within approved
            market share of conventional, controllable     contrast the number of large power sta-       limits, or to return them to their normal
            power stations is increasingly diminishing.    tions in the high and ultra-high voltage      range after malfunctions.
                                                           grid is on the decline.
            This has direct effects on stable grid                                                       The ‘Ancillary Services’ Innovation Report
            operation.                                     Electricity generation is becoming increas-   presents the developments in this field
                                                           ingly based on millions of small systems      over the past three years, and specifies the
            Volatile electricity provided by wind or sun   rather than a few hundred large-scale         action required at present to make the grid
            results in widely variable load flow situa-    power plants. At the same time, electricity   sustainable. At the same time, it describes
            tions in grids. At the same time, there is     consumers expect increasing flexibility.      suitable measures for realising a secure
            a tendency for the distances electricity       These developments present a major            and stable electricity supply. Additionally,
            is transported to increase, for example        challenge for energy systems, but also        the Innovation Report provides an over-
            because the wind turbines supplying the        harbour opportunities, and could be-          view of the broader landscape of research
            needs of the whole of Germany are pre-         come drivers for innovation in the            and development that is concerned with
            dominantly located in North Germany.           electricity grid infrastructure.              this important topic for the future.

6   Current status and upcoming innovations
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
‘The high quality of supply in the electrical
power system can only be sustained through
innovations in the field of ancillary services.’
Hannes Seidl, Head of Division Energy Systems and Energy Services,
Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – German Energy Agency

                                                                     Current status and upcoming innovations   7
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
What are ancillary services?
            To guarantee the high quality, reliability and security of electricity transmission and distribution, grid operators are increasingly
            adopting measures to keep frequency, voltage and load of grid operating equipment within the approved limits, or return them to
            the normal range after malfunctions. These ancillary services are absolutely crucial to the operational reliability of electrical energy
            supply. Within ancillary services, a distinction is made between operational management, frequency control, voltage control und
            system restoration.

            Providing ancillary services alone is not enough to guarantee the stability of the electric power system. An additional important
            aspect – and an equally complex one – is controlling malfunctions. This topic is not the focus of the present Innovation Report,
            but many aspects of it will be addressed here.

                       Operational management                                                    Frequency control

                   Definition:                                                        Definition:
                   For grid operators, the tasks which fall under the                 Frequency control is carried out by the transmission
                   heading of ‘operational management’ are: organising                system operators. They have the responsibility for
                   secure grid operation, continuously monitoring and                 keeping electricity generation and consumption pre-
                   controlling the electricity grid (including generation             cisely balanced at all times, which is an indispensable
                   and the load) for threshold violations (e.g. current flow          requirement for stable grid operation. For this purpose,
                   overloads). The objective is to guarantee secure opera-            the transmission system operators use the inherent
                   tion of the entire power supply system.                            property of the system (up to now) known as ‘instanta-
                                                                                      neous reserve’, and procure balancing energy through
                   Essential products and processes:                                  tendering.
                      Feed-in management,
                      Redispatch/congestion management,                               Essential products and processes:
                      Utilisation of reserve power plants,                               Instantaneous reserve1
                      Operational planning/shutdown planning                             Primary balancing capacity,
                      Data and information exchange (e.g. cascades)                      Secondary balancing capacity,
                      Planning utilisation of flexibility                                Minute reserve capacity
                      Control of flexibilities beyond grid levels

                See list of footnotes, p. 46

8   Current status and upcoming innovations
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
What are ancillary services products?
Grid operators use ancillary service products and a multitude of processes for providing the four ancillary services of operational
management, frequency control, voltage control and system restoration. Ancillary service products are sourced from the grid
operators’ operating resources, but also from grid users, i.e. through power generating units or flexible loads.

The use of the term ‘product’ does not necessarily imply that remuneration is or should be provided for the ancillary service product.
For example, remuneration is paid for the best-known ancillary service product, balancing power. By contrast, on the basis of stipula-
tions in the technical connection conditions, reactive power is provided free of remuneration in Germany.

                 Voltage control                                                     System restoration

    Definition:                                                            Definition:
    With regard to voltage control, the responsibility of the              In the event of a large-scale power failure, the trans-
    transmission and distribution system operators is to                   mission system operators, in collaboration with the
    maintain the grid voltage in their respective grid areas               distribution system operators, must be able to restore
    within a range that is permissible for the voltage quality.            the supply of electrical energy in the shortest time
                                                                           possible by means of system restoration.
    Essential products and processes:
       Transformer gradation and switchover                                Essential products and processes:
       Provision and control of reactive power                                Black start capacity
       Control of power generating plants                                     Capacity for island operation
       Switching of grid operating equipment                                  Coordination beyond grid levels
       Short-circuit current contributions

                                                                                                              Current status and upcoming innovations   9
Ancillary Services dena INNOVATION REPORT - Actual achievements and actions needed at present for stable operation of the electric power system up ...
Six key topics
              As part of the dena Study ‘Ancillary Services 2030’ I
              six key areas for development were identified:

                      Operational management
                      Balancing power (sub-topic of frequency control)
                      Instantaneous reserve (sub-topic of frequency control)
                      Reactive power (sub-topic of voltage control)
                      Short-circuit current contribution (sub-topic of voltage control)
                      System restoration

              The key development areas of operational management, oper-
              ating reserve, reactive power and system restoration may be
              subsumed as a whole under the topic of ancillary services, where-
              as instantaneous reserve and short-circuit current contribu-
              tion transcend this topic, since they also play an important role
              in cases of malfunction.

                  See list of publications, pp. 44-45

10  Current status and upcoming innovations
1               2

Key topics of the
Innovation Report
‘Ancillary Services’

6               5

                         lt   ag

                                            Current status and upcoming innovations  11
Specific challenges for
              innovation in ancillary services
              Operational management                                                 Since the number of balancing power providers connected to
                                                                                     the distribution grid will increase, this might result in interactions
              For a diverse range of reasons, the increasing proportion of renew-    between local bottlenecks and grid security measures (e.g. cho-
              able energy sources in the electricity system is leading to increas-   king of power generating plants because of local overloading)
              ing complexity in the electricity grid. Mastering this complexity      and the recall of balancing power. Avoiding this might make
              is one of the decisive challenges in the ongoing development of        additional co-ordination between transmission grid, distribution
              operational management.                                                grid and plant operators necessary.

              Moreover, the majority of renewable energy facilities in Germany       The objective is to provide balancing power at any time
              deliver an input that depends on the weather, predicting which is      securely, reliably, efficiently and in sufficient quantity.
              beset with uncertainties. This leads to frequently changing, not
              always predictable power generation and load flow situations in
              the transmission and distribution grids, which at present the grid     Instantaneous reserve
              operators can only control by means of a significant increase in
              targeted system interventions. For example, local bottlenecks in       At the moment, rapid frequency fluctuations are being cushioned
              the distribution grid are avoided by means of congestion manage-       by the inertia of rotating masses of machine assemblies (turbine
              ment. If the input in areas remote from the load centre is particu-    generator systems), which is an inherent property of the electrici-
              larly high, then redispatch in the transmission grid may addition-     ty system. This happens at the moment the frequency changes, in
              ally be required, since the transmission capacities are not            other words before balancing can take place via operating reserve,
              sufficiently developed yet. Further reasons for the increase in        and is therefore essential for the stability of the electric power
              complexity are the wider options in future for more actively           system. Turbine generator systems are found in all conventional
              integrating prosumers into the market, as well as the integration      power generating plants, including hydroelectric power stations
              of additional industries and sectors into the electric power           and pumped-storage plants. The centrifugal masses of the large
              system as part of a cross-sectoral, integrated energy transition.      power station machine assemblies are used to input or output de-
                                                                                     ficient or surplus energy in a matter of milliseconds, thereby main-
              The overall objective is system control that is also man-              taining the power balance until the operating reserve is deployed.
              ageable and reliable in future, despite increasing complexity.         In this way, the inertia of the rotating masses prevents rapid
                                                                                     changes of frequency.

              Balancing power                                                        Owing to market conditions, however, in future the running times
                                                                                     of conventional power stations will be reduced. This means that
              Because of the falling operating times at conventional power sta-      future renewable energy facilities must be able to meet the de-
              tions, in future the demand for balancing power will increasingly      mand for instantaneous reserve. Besides this, studies show that
              need to be met by alternative providers such as electricity stor-      significant stability problems can already occur today in the event
              age systems, renewable energy facilities and flexible power loads.     of a system split3, because it is not possible to guarantee suffi-
              In order to be better integrated into the balancing energy market,     cient inertia for system stability in every grid region at all times.VI
              weather-dependent providers, such as wind and photovoltaic
              systems, need shorter periods of time between tender and               The objective in this case is to keep sufficient instanta-
              provision so that they can predict the operating reserve potential     neous reserve available at all times, so as to be able to
              of the plants more precisely, as well as short product time slices2,   guarantee system stability in normal operation and also in
              so that they can offer more than just the minimum over the entire      the event of a wide-ranging system split.
              time period when input capacity varies. However, when adapting
              the regulatory frameworks to the balancing energy market, the
              guiding principle must always be that the balancing energy can
              be provided securely and reliably.

12  Current status and upcoming innovations
Reactive power                                                           In the case of a facility which feeds the grid via a frequency convert-
                                                                         er, the increased short-circuit current does not arise, since the fre-
Electricity grids are basically configured in such a way that reac-      quency converter inputs the prescribed power at all times. In the
tive power is available to maintain the prescribed voltage ranges.       distribution grid, therefore, it is necessary to adapt the protection
As a whole, the demand for reactive power in the grids is in-            concepts to these new demands. The digital protective technol-
creasing. The reasons for this are to be found in the lengthening        ogy available for this purpose is highly advanced, and can be used
transport paths that result from the decoupling of power gen-            flexibly. Radically new protective principles for high and ultra-high
eration and consumption centres, the local voltage increases that        voltage are in the development phase (e.g. travelling wave analysis)
result from connecting several decentralised power generating            or are being researched.
plants in the distribution grid, and in the increasing proportion
of cabling in the distribution grid.                                     The objective is being able to securely identify and rectify
                                                                         malfunctions in every grid situation in the future as well.
The increasing demand for reactive power can be met through
the grid operators’ operating resources, but also by decentral-
ised power generation plants. In addition to this, the reduction         System restoration
in conventional power stations’ operating times also leads to a
reduced supply of reactive power from these facilities, for which        According to current regulations, in the event of a complete
alternative providers must compensate.                                   or widespread power failure in the European integrated grid,
                                                                         system restoration is implemented on the basis of a central
The challenge this presents is to develop control concepts that          concept. This involves starting up small- to medium-sized
permit the coordinated use of reactive power potential from a            (50–150 MW) gas turbines and hydroelectric power stations in
multitude of provision options, and if necessary to make the po-         the transmission grid that are capable of black start, each of
tential from subordinate grid levels available to superordinate          which forms an individual microgrid at the start of the grid resto-
grid levels by adjusting specific values at the transfer points be-      ration process. In the subsequent course of the system restoration,
tween them.4 Additionally, the provision of reactive power entails       large power stations (> 500 MW) are additionally connected.
costs for all stakeholders (grid and plant operators), which can         These are not capable of black start, but are started up via smal-
therefore impact on the cost-effectiveness of facilities. The chal-      ler power stations that have this capacity. Simultaneously with
lenge in this case is to solve the question of how reactive power        the connection of additional power generation capacity, loads
can be configured so as to be macroeconomically optimised and            are added. On the basis of this, the microgrids that were created
economically affordable for all stakeholders.                            in the course of restoration are successively synchronised and
The objective is to efficiently maintain voltage ranges and
the reactive power balance at all voltage levels.                        In many distribution grids up to the low voltage level, not just
                                                                         consumers but also producers are already connected today.
                                                                         For example, a house can function as a producer and a consum-
Short-circuit current contribution                                       er. Therefore, in order to know the extent to which electricity
                                                                         consumption or generation must be supplemented during grid
A sufficient supply of short-circuit current contribution needs to       restoration before connecting additional grid areas, the weather
be available to ensure that short-circuit events are safely regis-       situation and other forecasts relevant to generation must be
tered by the corresponding protective devices, to guarantee the          incorporated in the system restoration concept. In addition
transient (i.e. temporary) stability of electrical assemblies, and to    to this, to achieve a controlled grid restoration, the communica-
restrict the voltage drop to an area as small as possible if a failure   tions technology option of intentionally choking the electricity
occurs. However, the short circuit power must not be unaccep-            generation from decentralised generation systems is required,
tably high, as otherwise operating resources could be damaged            in order to avoid load changes that are difficult to predict before
in the event of a malfunction, and power switches may not be able        or after reconnecting grid lines.
to disconnect securely. As a result of the energy transition, future
facilities will increasingly be feeding into the grid via frequency      The objective is to further develop the centralised system
converters. However, because of their magnetic flow, during short-       restoration concept, so that when additional grid areas
circuit events synchronous generators deliver an increased short-        are connected, changing load flows caused by the input of
circuit current, which triggers a shutdown by the protective devices.    decentralised energy units can be taken into account.

                                                                                                                 Current status and upcoming innovations  13
Companies                                                                               Input
                                  Research projects

                                  Questions                          Pilot facilities

   Politics                                                                                     TSOs


   Partners of dena ancillary services platform

              of the dena ancillary services platform
              The ‘Ancillary Services’ Innovation Report is informed by the ex-    The dena ancillary services platform brings together key players
              pertise of the cross-sectoral dena ancillary services platform, in   in the sector and sets processes of discussion and change in mo-
              which market players, associations and the Federal Ministry for      tion. As part of this, it identifies relevant areas of activity and con-
              Economic Affairs and Energy are represented. dena has set up the     tributes to a reassessment of processes and risks – for example,
              Platform with the aim of actively influencing the way in which an-   with the ‘Instantaneous Reserve 2030’ report initiated by the Plat-
              cillary services develop up to 2030 and pressing ahead with the      form.VI Moreover, it also sheds light on economic questions rela-
              ancillary services roadmap, to which the present Innovation Re-      ted to the provision of ancillary services and quantifies them, for
              port makes reference.II The tasks of the platform include:           example through the Platform activities ‘Economically affordable
                                                                                   provision of reactive power: a stakeholder process’IV and ‘Report
                continuously recording and evaluating ongoing activities in        on the development of a procedure for the quantitative assess-
                the field of ancillary services,                                   ment of different options for the provision of reactive power’.X
                pooling key projects and institutions in this field,
                developing process standards for the coordination of trans-        Its multi-stakeholder approach makes the Platform a solution-
                mission grid, distribution grid and plant operators, and           oriented sectoral forum for an efficient exchange of ideas between
                consolidating and communicating results and recommenda-            different market perspectives. This is important, because ancillary
                tions for action to politicians and experts.                       services not only possess fundamental importance for the areas
                                                                                   of responsibility of regulated grid operators, but also for market
                                                                                   players such as producers, suppliers or consumers, and only in
                                                                                   this way can sustainable solutions for the energy system of the
                                                                                   future be developed.

14  Current status and upcoming innovations
Output                                                                          Authorities

                                                                                       Approaches to solutions
                                                                 Recommended courses of action
   Ancillary Services
                                                                                                                             Professional public


                                   VDE FNN
              BMWi                                                         Forum for cross-stakeholder discussions on questions
acturer                                                                    of present and future stable system operation

          of the dena ancillary services platform

          1                                             2                                            3
                     Promoting political/                         Initiating research                          Recommending
                     regulatory decision-                         and pilot projects                           courses of action
                     making                                                                                    in key topic areas

          Including:                                    Including:                                   Including:
           	 Recommended courses of action for          	 Piloting the reactive power manage-       	 Identifying problems and developing
              balancing power are implemented               ment investigated in the dena study          approaches to solutions for the TSO/
           	 Contribution of alternative providers         ‘SDL 2030’                                   DSO interface
              for ancillary services is recognised in    	On the basis of the findings of the       	 Defining stakeholder positions and
              discussion paper ‘Electricity 2030’ of    	report on instantaneous reserve, the           design options for economically af-
              the Federal Ministry for Economic             research project ‘Grid regulation 2.0’       fordable provision of reactive power
              Affairs and Energy (BMWi)                     was initiated and applied for

                                                                                                                  Current status and upcoming innovations  15
Practical examples

              Examples of best practice for innovative applications of ancillary services:

                 ‘Green Access’ research                        Reactive power
                 project                                        management

                 Balancing power from                           Decentralised energy
                 wind turbines                                  supply

                 Battery bulk storage
                 systems for ancillary

16   Practical examples
Best-practice projects
‘Green Access’ research project
The energy transition – including the         grid capacities and prevent restrictive       We are working together in an overarching
integration of decentralised power            congestion.                                   consortium of new partners in order to
generating plants into the grid, the                                                        bring on board a wide range of expertise
opportunities of electromobility and many     In this it builds on existing technologies    and develop efficient, sustainable
current developments based on intelligent     of modern grid control but, at the same       operational control concepts for modern
grids – presents the energy supply system     time, also considers the medium and           distribution grids.
with new challenges in the areas of expan-    low voltage grid in combination.
sion of the power grid and secure, reliable
distribution grid operation.                  We are excited about the interaction be-
                                              tween the different control systems and
The aim of the ‘Green Access’ project is to   components. I find it particularly exciting
show how intelligent automation of the        that, in addition, we are developing an
distribution grid can best exploit existing   adaptive, self-learning system that adjusts
                                              itself autonomously to changes in the grid

     EWE NETZ GmbH
     Cloppenburger Str. 302
     26133 Oldenburg, Germany
     Tel.: +49 (0)441 4808-0                                                                Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kumm
     Email:                                                                Grid management Electricity and
                                                                                            telecommunications Strategic grid
     www.ewe­                                                                        development EWE NETZ GmbH

                                                                                                                    Best-practice projects   17
Best-practice projects
               Balancing power from ENERCON wind turbines
              Handing over responsibility for the system,     and the macroeconomic benefits of this        Moreover the integration should not just
              in the form of balancing power, to onshore      procedure in the pilot projects.              be limited to minute reserve, but include
              wind energy forms one of the key building                                                     all types of operating reserve and other
              blocks of the energy transition. As a system-   It is now the task of legislators and the     ancillary services.
              relevant power station, wind energy can         transmission system operators to make
              help guarantee a stable grid and reduce         complete integration into the operating
              conventional minimum generation – as            reserve market possible, and to support the
              long as the necessary framework con-            system change on the basis that providing
              ditions are created.                            operating reserve from the distribution
                                                              grid is also possible, and that renewable
              It has already been possible to demon-          energy sources und onshore wind power
              strate the technical suitability of wind        plants can enjoy access to the operating
              energy for providing operating reserve          reserve market without discrimination.

                   ENERCON Limited Liability Company
                   Dreekamp 5
                   26605 Aurich,Germany
                   Tel.: +49 (0)49 41 927-0
                                                                                                            Andreas Linder
                                                                                    Sales – Grid Integration
                                                                                                            Enercon GmbH

18  Best-practice projects
Best-practice projects
WWF Solar: bulk storage system with 50 MWh
for ancillary services

Located in Eberswalde, Germany, and specialising in integrating    By using the Vanadium Redox Flow technology, the storage
renewable energy sources into the grid, WWF Solar GmbH and its     system is able to cover all three areas of control. However,
American partner UniEnergy Technologies – the manufacturer of      it is mainly suited for the secondary balancing capacity field,
Vanadium Redox Flow storage systems – have begun building a        and therefore will be the first storage system in the secondary
bulk storage system for providing secondary balancing capacity.    balancing capacity.

Near AK Berlin Berlin-Schönefeld, Königs Wusterhausen              The Vanadium Redox Flow storage system will go into service in
OT Niederlehme, a multi-purpose power station is being             the first quarter of 2018. This will initiate the next step in storage
constructed to provide ancillary services for the transmission     systems of this size. Up to now, battery storage systems have
system operators of the German control area in the high            only been found in primary balancing capacity.
voltage grid. For this purpose, 25 Vanadium Redox Flow
Storage Systems with a power of 12,500 kW and a capacity           If the switch to renewable energy sources is to be successful, we
of 50,000 kWh are being used. An additional component of           must be in a position to disconnect conventional power stations
the project is a photovoltaic system of around 3,800 kWp,          entirely when sufficient renewable energy is input,’ says Patrick
which is being built on an area of around 8 ha, disjunctively      von Hertzberg, Founder and CEO of WWF Solar. The Eberswalde-
to the storage system.                                             based company has undertaken the development of the battery
                                                                   storage in partnership with the manufacturers of the storage
The connection to the grid will be effected via the power          system, and now delivers the plants ready for use.
station’s own transformer station (20kV/110kV, 50kVA) to the
110-kV lines of the distribution system operator E.DIS AG, about   The supplier, UniEnergy Technologies from Seattle, guarantees
1 km away, and thereby to their four clients, the transmission     the performance of the Vanadium Redox Flow storage systems
system operators (TSOs) 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT and               employed for the next 20 years.
Transnet BW.
                                                                   Dr. rer. nat. Frank Wiegandt
The purpose of the plant is to supply the TSOs in the German       CTO, WWF Solar GmbH
control area with ancillary services in the form of positive and
negative operating reserve in the event of imbalances in the
transmission grid caused by unforeseen incidents in electricity
generation (power station failure, meteorological events,
general planning uncertainty), as well as in electricity demand         Contact:
(important television programmes, meteorological events).               WWF SOLAR GmbH
Within the synchronous integrated electricity grid in Europe            16227 Eberswalde, Germany
(ENTSO-E), power fluctuations are equalised in a three-stage            Tel.: +49 (0)3334 55 29 00
control procedure, involving primary balancing capacity,                Email:
secondary balancing capacity and minute operating reserve.

                                                                                                                              Best-practice projects  19
Best-practice projects
              Mitnetz: Reactive power management –
              a key component of ancillary services
              Ancillary services are essential requirements for secure and          This challenge can be met by means of a reactive power
              reliable grid operation. In the past, they were to a large extent     management system. The opportunity exists to provide the
              derived from conventional power stations. For example, these          reactive power generation needed for voltage control largely
              power stations contributed to the voltage control of the grid by      from decentralised sources. The key requirement is that the
              means of variable reactive power generation or reactive power         range of controllable reactive power sources on offer should
              voltage regulation.                                                   be as wide as possible. With the growth of decentralised power
                                                                                    generating plants, but also with the constant development of
              The transition to renewable energy sources is leading to a change     decentralised storage technologies and new technologies on
              of granularity, to a marked inhomogeneity of power generation in      the consumer side, the potential for reactive power is constantly
              terms of space and time, and therefore is having radical effects on   expanding.
              the provision of ancillary services.
                                                                                    MITNETZ STROM has already integrated an actively control-
                                                                                    lable reactive power potential of -280 MVAR (cap) to 230 MVAR
                                                                                    (ind.) into the active reactive power management system. The
                                                                                    reactive power generation of plants is varied from the central
                                                                                    grid control centre according to the current load situation.

20  Best-practice projects
In this way, not only is compliance with operational limits        In the ARGE programme of the Local Grid Operators East, all
coordinated between the voltage levels of the distribution         distribution system operators have united under one control
grid, but also measures for static voltage control at the points   zone and adopted a common solution for these problems.
of connection with the ultra-high voltage grid are organised       Processes for active reactive power management have already
on a superregional basis. This procedure can also be carried       been agreed in partnership with the transmission system operator
out analogously for subordinate grid levels, e.g. by aggregating   50Hertz Transmission, thereby guaranteeing a unified and
available potential from the medium voltage grid at the point of   collectively coordinated procedure. In this way, it was possible
connection with the high voltage grid.                             to realise an important precondition for effective use of the
                                                                   ancillary service potential available from decentralised sources.

    Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft mbH
    Industriestrasse 10
    06184 Kabelsketal, Germany
    Tel.: +49 (0)345 216-0

                                                                                                                           Best-practice projects   21
Best-practice projects
              Siemens: Wildpoldsried – how decentralised
              energy supply works
              Microgrid with added value                                          This is why, in Wildpoldsried in the Allgäu region, the IREN2
                                                                                  research project is investigating innovative grid structures
              Around the world, the proportion of renewable sources in the        that are dominated by distributed power generation, and the
              energy supply is increasing. Expanding their use further depends    economic and technical aspects of controlling these systems.
              not just on economic and political factors, but on technological
              ones as well. In the long term, the proportion of fossil fuels      The key objectives of the project are:
              – mostly centralised – will have to fall. Demand will be met         	Operating a microgrid as an autarchic standalone network –
              more and more by renewable facilities – mostly decentralised.          disconnected from the superordinate distribution grid
              At the same time, the high levels of security and cost-efficiency      Using a microgrid as a topological power station to provide
              of supply will have to remain constant.                                ancillary services
                                                                                     Stabilised, economically optimised grid operation

                                                                                  Besides Siemens, Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbH/Allgäu-Netz GmbH
                                                                                  & Co. KG, RWTH Aachen University, Kempten University and ID.KOM
                    Contact:                                                      Networks GmbH are all involved in the project. It is being funded by
                    Dr Michael Metzger                                            the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
                    Siemens AG CT REE ENS
                    80200 Munich, Germany                                         The local community of Wildpoldsried in Allgäu generates five
                                                                                  times as much energy from renewable sources as it consumes
                                                                                  itself – from biogas, solar power and wind power. The local grid,
                                                                                  therefore, must cope with bidirectional energy flows and major

22   Best-practice projects
However, thanks to intelligent grid planning, implementation             A particular challenge is stabilising the grid during black start, in
of measurement technology at critical points and controllable            other words grid restoration ‘from below’, and during resynchroni-
grid components such as local network stations, it was possible          sation with the main grid when the microgrid is reconnected after
to avoid high investments in expansion of the power grid and             standalone operation. In addition to delivering internal stability,
comprehensive measurement technology.                                    the Wildpoldsried microgrid is designed to function as a topolo-
                                                                         gical power plant, supplying services to secure system stability
The available structures form an ideal basis for further research.       in the superordinate grid. By means of these ancillary services,
In collaboration with its consortium partners, Siemens plans to          for certain periods it can completely replace conventional power
show that a grid of this type, incorporating a high proportion of        stations. For this purpose, the control technology enables the
renewable generating sources, can also run autarchicly. And,             output of renewable generating sources to be authoritatively
moreover, to demonstrate how it can even replace large-scale             predicted and intelligently planned and controlled.
power plants for periods, by delivering ancillary services to the
superordinate main grid.                                                 What the microgrid carries out as a topological power plant:
                                                                            It predicts the potential for ancillary services.
                                                                            If ancillary services are agreed upon, the microgrid must
The solution                                                                be able to deliver them at any time.
                                                                            A control system ensures that the divided facilities supply
In Wildpoldsried, renewable and conventional generating sources             ancillary services in additional to normal operation.
form a hybrid structure. In the test area, photovoltaic roof installa-
tions and a biogas combined heat and power plant were supple-
mented by two diesel aggregates and a lithium ion storage system.        The benefits for Wildpoldsried and
The grid is equipped with a measurement and control infrastruc-          microgrids worldwide
ture and controllable transformers. Siemens control technologies
– Microgrid Manager and Hybrid Power Plant Control – are respon-         The IREN2 research project in Wildpoldsried shows that supply
sible for the central control and regulation of all units. Their main    grids incorporating a high proportion of renewable generating
task is to keep the grid stable in real-time operation.                  sources can be operated stably and cost-effectively.

This includes voltage and frequency control, and providing
short circuit power within the microgrid.

                                                                                                                                  Best-practice projects   23

              Studies/research projects related
              to the topic of ancillary services

                Status       Title/                            Responsible parties                                     Lifespan/     Short link
                             description                                                                               publication

                             SysDL 2.0 – ancillary services    DREWAG NETZ GmbH (DREWAG. project manage-               Oct 2014 –
                             from local distribution grids     ment), TU Dresden – Chair for Energy Industry           Mar 2018
                                                               (EE2), TU Dresden – Institute for Electrical Energy
                                                               Supply and High Voltage Technology (IEEH), ENSO
                                                               NETZ GmbH, Siemens AG – Corporate Technology,
                                                               Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy
                                                               Systems Technology (Fraunhofer IWES), Mittel-
                                                               deutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH (MITNETZ),
                                                               University of Kassel, Faculty of Electrical Engineer-
                                                               ing and Computer Science, 50Hertz Transmission
                                                               GmbH (50Hertz), F&S Prozessautomatisation
                                                               GmbH, Thüringer Energienetze GmbH (TEN,
                                                               associated), DNV GL (associated)

                             dena Study ‘Ancillary Services    dena (product management), TU Dortmund Univer-          Feb 2014
                             2030’: security and reliability   sity, 50Hertz, ABB AG, Amprion GmbH (Amprion),
                             of a power supply with a high     BELECTRIC Solar Power Plants GmbH (BELECTRIC),
                             percentage of renewable           E.DIS AG, ENERCON GmbH (ENERCON), EWE NETZ
                             energy.                           GmbH (EWE NETZ), MITNETZ, N-ERGIE Netz GmbH
                                                               (N-ERGIE), Netze BW GmbH, SMA Solar Technology
                             Roadmap, dena Study               AG (SMA), TenneT TSO GmbH (TenneT), TransnetBW
                             ‘Ancillary Services 2030’         GmbH (TransnetBW), Westnetz GmbH (Westnetz),
                                                               Younicos AG

24  Environmental analysis
completed             ongoing

Conventional minimum           Consentec, on behalf of the German TOS       Jan 2016
generation – classification,
current status and prospec-
tive treatment

REserviceS: Economic grid      EWEA (Projektleitung), EPIA, 3E N.V., VIT,   April 2012 –
support from variable rene-    Fraunhofer IWES, acciona, UCD, DTU, EDSO,    Sep 2014
wables                         Mainstream, SMA, GE

                                                                                                 Environmental analysis  25
Pilot facilities and demonstration projects for
              alternative provision of ancillary services

                Status       Title/                          Responsible parties                                       Lifespan/         Short link
                             description                                                                               publication

                             ‘Intelligent Energy Showcase’   Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy          since Feb 2015
                             funding programme –             (BMWi)
                             digital agenda for the energy
                             transition (SINTEG)

                             Smart Country – intelligent     RWE Deutschland AG (RWE, project management),             since July 2009
                             grid concepts for rural areas   ABB AG, TU Dortmund University, Consentec

                             SWARM – Storage With            N-ERGIE, Caterva                                          April 2015 –
                             Amply Redundant Megawatt                                                                  Dec 2017

                             Smart Operator – local,         RWE (project management), Hoppecke, Horle Mann,           2012 – 2015
                             intelligent grid control        University of Twente, RWTH Aachen University,
                                                             Stiebel Eltron, PSI AG

                             Smart Area Aachen –             Stawag (project management), RWTH Aachen                  2012 –  
                             innovative solutions and        University, ABB AG, Research Community for                July 2016
                             operating resources for         Electrical Installations and Electrical Industry (FGH),
                             the distribution grid of        SPIE SAG GmbH (SAG), TU Dortmund University,
                             the future                      MR, Kisters, Nexans Power Accessories Germany
                                                             GmbH (Nexans), BET, PSI AG, DKE in VDE, ptj

                             FLOW-R – flexible local grid    Pfalzwerke Netz AG (project management), TU               Oct 2014 –
                             voltage and active power        Kaiserslautern, Power Plus Communications AG              Sep 2017
                             controller                      (Power Plus), Pfalzwerke AG, Walcher GmbH & Co. KG

                             Battery storage systems for     Statkraft                                                 Feb 2016
                             stabilising the electricity

                             Dresden Battery Park            Younicos AG, DREWAG, LG Chem und Nidec                    June 2014 –
                                                                                                                       March 2015

26  Environmental analysis
completed             ongoing

Status   Title/                            Responsible parties                              Lifespan/       Short link
         description                                                                        publication

         Provision of operating            Younicos AG, WEMAG Netz GmbH (WEMAG)             Sep 2013 –
         reserve from battery                                                               Sep 2014

         INEES – Intelligent grid          Volkswagen AG (project management)               June 2012 –
         connection of electric ve-        Fraunhofer IWES, LichtBlick SE, SMA              May 2015
         hicles to provide ancillary

         iNES – Intelligent distribution   SAG (project management),                        2011 – 2013
         grid management system            University of Wuppertal (BUW),
                                           Mainova AG, Bilfinger Mauell GmbH (Bilfinger)

         IRENE: ‘Integrating Regen-        Allgäuer Überlandwerke GmbH                      2011 – 2013
         erative Energy sources and        (AÜW, project management),
         Electromobility’                  Siemens AG, Kempten University,
                                           RWTH Aachen University

         Combined power plant 2            Fraunhofer IWES (project management),            Sep 2011 –
         – secure electricity supply       Cube Engineering, DWD, ENERCON, Ökobit GmbH,     Aug 2014
         from 100% renewable               Leibniz University Hannover, Siemens AG, SMA,
         energy sources                    Solarworld Agency for Renewable Energy Sources

         PV-integrated – Integrating       Fraunhofer IWES (project management),            Oct 2010 –
         large percentage of photo-        SMA, Bosch Power Tec GmbH (Bosch),               Dec 2014
         voltaics into electrical ener-    juwi Energieprojekte GmbH, Bayernwerk AG
         gy supply: new procedure
         for planning and operating
         distribution grids

         SDL-Batt: Stabilising the grid    Brandenburg University of Technology             March 2013 –
         by means of battery power         Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU Cottbus, project        Feb 2016
         stations                          management), Energiequelle GmbH, 50Hertz

                                                                                                                Environmental analysis  27
Studies/research projects focused
              on frequency control

                Status       Title/                         Responsible parties                                    Lifespan/      Short link
                             description                                                                           publication

                Focused on balancing power

                             PV regulation – developing     SMA, TU Braunschweig (Elenia), GewiI AG,               Aug 2014 –
                             concepts and solutions for     associated partners: Amprion, TenneT,                  July 2018
                             providing operating reserve    TransnetBW, 50Hertz
                             from photovoltaic plants

                             ReWP – operating reserve       Fraunhofer IWES, ENERPARC AG                           Aug 2014 –
                             from wind and photovol-                                                               Dec 2016
                             taic parks

                             Reserve markets in             IAEW/RWTH Aachen University, ZEW                       Sep 2013 –
                             transition – new concepts                                                             Dec 2016
                             for greater supply security

                             arrivee – wastewater           TU Kaiserslautern (project management), Wupper-        April 2014 –
                             purification plants as         verbandsgesellschaft für integrale Wasserwirtschaft    March 2017
                             control units in intelligent   (WiW) mbh [Wupper association for integral water
                             distribution grids with        industry], Radevormwald Utilities Services GmbH,
                             renewable energy               iGas GmbH, ITB gGmbH, Leibniz Institute for Regional
                             production                     Development and Structural Planning, University of

                             Description of operating       Consentec, on behalf of German TSOs                    Feb 2014
                             reserve concepts and
                             operating reserve market

                             Dynamic provision of           Fraunhofer IWES (project management), TenneT           March 2013 –
                             operating reserve                                                                     Feb 2015

                             Survey on Ancillary Services   ENTSO-E                                                May 2016
                             Procurement and Electricity
                             Balancing Market
                             Design, 2016

28  Environmental analysis
completed             ongoing

Status     Title/                           Responsible parties                                Lifespan/       Short link
           description                                                                         publication

Focused on balancing power

           Optimising the market            Fraunhofer IWES on behalf of BEE                   April 2014
           conditions for operating
           reserve provision by means
           of renewable energy sources
           – a brief study

           Potential cross-border           E-Bridge, IAEW/RWTH Aachen University,             Oct 2014
           balancing cooperation            50Hertz, Amprion, Elia Group, TenneT
           between the Belgian,
           Dutch and German
           electricity transmission
           system operators

           Providing operating reserve      dena ancillary services platform: dena, 50Hertz,   Nov 2015
           from decentralised energy        Amprion, Bayernwerk AG, BMWi,E.DIS AG, E.ON AG,
           plants – an analysis of needs    ENERCON, Energiequelle GmbH, EWE NETZ,
           for further action by the dena   Main-Donau Netzgesellschaft mbH (MDN), MITNETZ,
           ancillary services platform      RWE, Siemens AG, SMA, TenneT, TEN, TransnetBW,
                                            VDMA Professional Association of Power Systems
                                            (VDMA), VGB Power Tech e. V. (VGB), Westnetz,
                                            Younicos AG.

           Balancing energy from wind       Fraunhofer IWES (project management);              May 2012 –
           power installations              ENERCON, Energiequelle GmbH, TenneT,               April 2014

                                                                                                                    Environmental analysis  29
Studies/research projects focused
              on frequency control
                                                                                                                     completed             ongoing

                Status       Title/                        Responsible parties                                   Lifespan/       Short link
                             description                                                                         publication

                Focus on instantaneous reserve

                             Grid regulation 2.0           Fraunhofer IEE                                        from Feb 2018

                             MIGRATE – Massive             TenneT                                                Jan 2016 –
                             InteGRATion of power                                                                Dec 2019
                             Electronic devices

                             Amses – aggregated            Leibniz University Hannover (project management),     Jan 2015 –
                             models for simulating         Leibniz Research Centre for Energy 2050 (LiFE 2050)   March 2018
                             dynamic processes in
                             energy systems

                             Impact of reduced rotating    University of Stuttgart                               Jan 2015 –
                             centrifugal masses on grid                                                          Dec 2017

                             Effects of reduced            50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT, TransnetBW                  April 2014
                             centrifugal masses on
                             stable grid operation

                             Demand for and provision of   dena ancillary services platform: dena, 50Hertz,      Feb 2016
                             instantaneous reserve in      Amprion, Bayernwerk AG, BMWi, E.DIS AG, E.ON AG,
                             2030                          ENERCON, Energiequelle GmbH, EWE NETZ, MDN,
                                                           MITNETZ, RWE, Siemens AG, SMA, TenneT, TEN,
                                                           TransnetBW, VDMA, VGB, Westnetz, Younicos AG.
                                                           Specialist partners: WEMAG, STORNETIC

                             Contribution of centralised   bofest consult GmbH on behalf of Federal              May 2014
                             and decentralised combined    Association of Combined Heat and Power
                             heat and power generation     Generation e. V.
                             plants for grid support

                             VISMA – virtual synchronous   TU Clausthal, EFZN                                    2006 – 2011

30  Environmental analysis
Studies/research projects focused
on voltage control
                                                                                                    completed              ongoing

Status   Title/                          Responsible parties                                    Lifespan/       Short link
         description                                                                            publication

         IMOWEN: Integrating large       Fraunhofer IWES (project management),                  Aug 2014 –
         quantities of wind energy       Avacon AG, Senvion                                     April 2018
         from in- and offshore
         production into the
         electricity grid by means
         of intelligent grid analysis
         and cluster operational

         NEMAR – grid management         Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems          Nov 2014 –
         as new market role              (Fraunhofer ISE), Fichtner IT Consulting,              Oct 2017
                                         seven2one, University of Stuttgart

         SyNErgie – system-              OTH Regensburg (project management), MDN,              March 2015 –
         optimised grid and              MFN Mainfranken Netze GmbH, FRAKO Capacitors           Feb 2018
         energy management               and Plant Construction GmbH, KBR GmbH
         for the distribution
         grids of the future

         U-control – technical and       TU Braunschweig (project management), FGH,             Nov 2014 –
         economic comparison             Technical University of Munich, RWTH Aachen            Feb 2018
         between procedures for          University
         static voltage control

         Distribution grid 2020 –        Technical University of Munich (project management),   Aug 2014 –
         improving the carrying          Grass Power Electronics GmbH, EMPURON AG,              Jan 2018
         capacity and ensuring the       infra fürth gmbh, Power Plus, KACO new energy
         grid quality of distribution    GmbH, Georg Simon Ohm Technical University of
         grids                           Nuremberg, A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG, BMZ battery
                                         assembly centre GmbH

         Multi-PV-LVRT – verifying       Fraunhofer ISE, AEG Power Solutions GmbH,              May 2012 –
         dynamic grid support by PV      KACO New Energy GmbH, Kostal Industrie Elektrik        Dec 2015
         installations in the event of   GmbH, Bonfiglioli-Vectron GmbH, bes new energy
         malfunctions in the medium      GmbH, Lti REEnergy GmbH
         voltage grid

         LISA – guidelines on the        Pfalzwerke AG (project management), Pfalzwerke         Sep 2014 –
         integration of voltage-         Netz AG, IDS GmbH, FGH, Power Plus, A. Eberle          June 2017
         stabilising applications        GmbH & Co. KG, TU Kaiserslautern – Faculty of
                                         Energy Systems and Energy Management

                                                                                                                     Environmental analysis  31
Studies/research projects focused
              on voltage control
                                                                                                                     completed             ongoing

                Status       Title/                           Responsible parties                                Lifespan/       Short link
                             description                                                                         publication

                             Future provision of reactive     OTH Regensburg on behalf of the BMWi               Nov 2013 –
                             power and other measures                                                            Sep 2016
                             for ensuring grid security

                             The contribution of industrial   OTH Regensburg – Institute for Grid and            Sep 2013
                             reactive power compensators      Applications Technology (INA), on behalf of ZVEI
                             and consumers to an
                             innovative reactive power
                             management system in
                             German power supply

                             Behaviour of power               TU Delft, on behalf of the Network Technology/     Aug 2014
                             generating plants                Network Operation Forum (FNN) at VDE
                             during malfunctions

                             FNN study: Static voltage        Network Technology/Network Operation Forum         Dec 2014
                             control                          (FNN) at VDE

32  Environmental analysis
Studies/research projects focused on
operational management
                                                                                                      completed             ongoing

Status     Title/                          Responsible parties                                    Lifespan/       Short link
           description                                                                            publication

Focus on grid operation

           FNN connection rules:           Network Technology/Network Operation Forum             Oct 2017
           technical rules for grid        (FNN) at VDE
           operators’ operation and
           planning – Part 1: Interface
           between transmission grid
           and distribution system

           ENSURE – New energy grid        Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),               Sep 2016 –
           structures for the energy       RWTH Aachen University, Schleswig-Holstein             Aug 2019
           transition                      Netz AG, TenneT, Siemens AG, ABB AG

           Green Access – intelligent      EWE NETZ GmbH (project management),                    Jan 2015 –
           distribution grid automation    University of Wuppertal (BUW), BTC Business Tech-      Dec 2018
           to increase access for          nology Consulting AG (BTC), DLR – Institute for net-
           renewable energy sources        worked energy systems e. V., Fraunhofer ISE, OFFIS
                                           e. V. Institute for Information Technology (OFFIS),
                                           PHOENIX CONTACT Energy Automation GmbH,
                                           SMA, SAG

           Advanced decentralised grid     EnBW AG, Information Technology Research               July 2015 –
           control                         Centre (FZI), Landis+Gyr, Fichtner IT Consulting,      June 2018
                                           seven2one, ads-tec, University of Stuttgart,

           High penetration of             Fraunhofer IWES (Institute of Wind Energy and          Jan 2015 –
           PV-systems in electricity       Energy Systems Technology)                             Dec 2018
           grids (second work period)

           IREN2 – Sustainable grids for   Siemens AG (project management),                       July 2014 –
           the integration of renewable    AÜW, Kempten University, RWTH Aachen                   May 2018
           energy systems                  University, IDKOM Networks GmbH

           The proactive distribution      RWE (project management),                              Dec 2014 –
           grid – resource-efficient,      TU Dortmund University, RWTH Aachen University,        Nov 2017
           optimised platform for          OFFIS, BTC, Venios
           RES integration and smart
           market tasks using condition-
           based load production and
           information management

                                                                                                                       Environmental analysis  33
Studies/research projects focused
              on operational management

                Status       Title/                           Responsible parties                                  Lifespan/      Short link
                             description                                                                           publication

                Focus on grid operation

                             REStable                         Armines, Artelys, ENERCON, Fraunhofer IWES,          April 2016 –
                                                              Hespul, Hydronext, INESC TEC, Maia Eolis,            March 2019

                             ROSVS – Robust optimisation      ProCom GmbH (project management),                    Oct 2014 –
                             of electricity supply systems    RWTH Aachen University                               Dec 2016
                                                                                                                   (but still

                             Transstabil-EE – Controls for    Fraunhofer IWES (project management), SMA,           April 2014 –
                             large wind and solar farms to    University of Rostock, University of Kassel          March 2018
                             maintain transient stability
                             in future integrated grids

                             PolyEnergyNet – resilient        Saarlouis Utilities Services GmbH (project manage-   Sep 2014 –
                             polygrids for secure energy      ment), Technical University of Berlin, German        Aug. 2017
                             supply                           Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence GmbH,
                                                              B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, TU Darmstadt, Scheer
                                                              Management GmbH, Urban Software Institute GmbH
                                                              & Co. KG, VOLTARIS GmbH, KIT – Steinbuch Centre
                                                              for Computing (SCC), VSE Distribution Grid GmbH

                             NiVeAu – Grid intelligence for   University of Wuppertal (BUW) (project               2013 – 2016
                             distribution grid automation     management), SAG, Bilfinger, Mainova AG

                             FNN study: Identification        Network Technology/Network Operation Forum           Dec 2015
                             of microgrids in the low
                             voltage supply

                             Investigation of the need        Consentec and Ecofys on behalf of the BMWi           Dec 2013
                             for more extensive system
                             control to maintain system

34  Environmental analysis
completed            ongoing

Status     Title/                         Responsible parties                                  Lifespan/       Short link
           description                                                                         publication

Focus on grid operation

           Stable DEA – decentralised     Fraunhofer IWES (project management),                April 2013 –
           power generating units         ENERCON, TenneT, DERlab e. V.                        March 2016

           In2VPP – Integrating           Siemens AG (project management), infra fürth         May 2013 –
           technologically and            gmbh, OFFIS, Technical University of Munich          Aug 2016
           economically optimised
           virtual power stations

           NEmo – Integrating             University of Wuppertal (BUW) (project manage-       May 2013 –
           electromobility and            ment), SAG, Bilfinger, WSW Netz GmbH                 Dec 2015
           renewable energy inputs
           into the grid with the help
           of an intelligent local grid

           REStabil – Security and        Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and       March 2014 –
           stability of operation for     Automation (Fraunhofer IFF, project management),     Dec 2014
           energy distribution grids      Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, MITNETZ,
           through use of aggregated      GETEC AG, ABO Wind AG, Sachsen-Anhalt Centre
           decentralised grid             for Renewable Energy Sources e. V.

           SECVER – Security and          Fraunhofer IFF (project management),                 Dec 2013 –
           reliability of distribution    Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,              May 2016
           grids on the path to a         Siemens AG, Harz Renewable Power Stations
           future energy supply           GmbH & Co. KG, Fraunhofer IWES, Avacon AG

           Smart North – intelligent      University of Oldenburg, OFFIS, Leibniz University   March 2012 –
           grids in North Germany         Hannover, TU Braunschweig, TU Clausthal, Next        Feb 2015
                                          Energy, EFZN

           SPIDERS – Smart Power          Collaboration of partners in the US, lead by the     2011 – 2015
           Infrastructure Demonstration   Department of Defense (DOD) partners include
           for Energy Reliability and     Department of Energy (DOE), Department of
           Security                       Homeland Security (DHS), and individual military
                                          services (army, marines, and navy).

                                                                                                                   Environmental analysis  35
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