Analysis of Influencing Factors of Serum Stress Index and Prognosis of HICH Patients by Different Anesthesia Methods Combined with Small Bone ...

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Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Volume 2022, Article ID 6971092, 7 pages

Research Article
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Serum Stress Index and
Prognosis of HICH Patients by Different Anesthesia Methods
Combined with Small Bone Window Microsurgery

          Guangping Zhao, Jiong Shi , and Yongxue Chen
          Anesthesiology Department, Handan Central Hospital, Handan 056001, China

          Correspondence should be addressed to Jiong Shi;

          Received 15 January 2022; Revised 6 February 2022; Accepted 17 February 2022; Published 25 March 2022

          Academic Editor: Ali Kashif Bashir

          Copyright © 2022 Guangping Zhao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
          License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
          properly cited.

          In order to investigate the effects of sevoflurane on the serum stress index level and prognosis of patients with hypertensive
          cerebral hemorrhage (HICH) during small bone window microsurgery, a total of 102 HICH patients are selected for analysis.
          MAP values in both groups decreased significantly at T1 and T2 (P < 0.05), and the changes in MAP and HR indexes in the
          sevoflurane combined group were more stable than those in the control group. The time of postoperative awakening in the
          sevoflurane combined group decreases significantly than the control group (P < 0.001). The levels of T-AOC and GSH-Px in both
          groups increase significantly after operation, and those in the sevoflurane combined group increase significantly than the control
          group (P < 0.001). The levels of MDA and 8-OHDG in the sevoflurane combined group decrease significantly than the control
          group after operation (P < 0.05). Spearman correlation coefficient analysis shows that the levels of T-AOC and GSH-Px are
          negatively correlated with the prognosis of HICH patients, while MDA and 8-OHDG are positively correlated with the prognosis
          of HICH patients (P < 0.001). Sevoflurane interventional anesthesia has a high anesthetic effect in small bone window mi-
          crosurgery, which has positive effects on controlling blood pressure of HICH patients, shortening postoperative recovery time and
          improving patients’ stress response and neurological function. This paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the prognosis of HICH
          patients, indicating that the prognosis of HICH patients is closely related to their serum stress indicators T-AOC, GSH-Px, MDA,
          and 8-OHDG, providing a new direction for follow-up clinical diagnosis and treatment of HICH patients and accurate
          prognosis assessment.

1. Introduction                                                        patients with cerebral hemorrhage lesions caused by op-
                                                                       pression brain tissue and nerve function damage after ce-
Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage (HICH) is a common                    rebral hemorrhage including primary and secondary
type of hypertension in severe complications; related data             damage; the process of the former pointed out that blood
show that the incidence of HICH rise year by year. The onset           lesions in brain tissue compression was caused by the
of a ruptured blood vessel in the hindbrain resulting in               damage. The latter refers to damage caused by activation of
cerebral hematoma and oppression of normal cells in the                oxidative stress response and increase of metabolites in the
brain bring bad effects on the central nervous system. A                dynamic change of hematoma [4]. The main means of
series of pathophysiological reactions occur in patients with          clinical treatment for cerebral hemorrhage is the removal of
high risk of death and disability [1, 2]. Due to the rapid onset       hematoma, combined with antioxidant drugs, which can
and progression of HICH, it is more difficult to improve and             relieve the oxidative stress response on the basis of the
control the prognosis of HICH patients [3]. HICH patients              removal of bleeding focus and then reduce the primary and
progress in the process of the neural function damage, in-             secondary damage of nerve function. At the present stage,
cluding primary and secondary damage. The former refers to             the application of small bone window microsurgery can
2                                                                                             Journal of Healthcare Engineering

effectively remove the hematoma in the patient’s brain and           supratentorial hematoma was ≥30 mL, and the volume of
shorten the compression time of the hematoma on the brain           subtentorial hematoma was ≥10 mL; (4) no history of cra-
tissue. The selection of effective anesthesia during the op-         niocerebral surgery; and (5) all patients had the first onset
eration can effectively achieve the control of the patient’s         and the interval from onset to admission was less than 48 h.
blood pressure and antihypertensive anesthesia. The re-             Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) patients with severe
duction of side effects of anesthesia is conducive to faster         liver, kidney, and other organic diseases or coagulopathy; (2)
recovery of patients and postoperative recovery of various          those with a history of mental illness or clinical manifes-
functions, promoting the normal level of body indicators            tation of mental disorder; (3) patients with cerebral hem-
and improving prognosis [5]. Therefore, in this study,              orrhage caused by cerebral aneurysm or trauma; and (4)
sevoflurane interventional anesthesia combined with min-             patients with contraindications or allergic manifestations of
imally invasive surgery with a small bone window was                the drugs used in this study.
analyzed to observe the effects of this operation on the serum
stress index, neurological function index, and prognosis of
HICH patients and further analyze the indicators affecting           2.2. Our Design Scheme and Method
the prognosis of HICH patients.                                     2.2.1. Anesthesia and Surgical Methods. Patients in both
    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:            groups received anesthesia induction before surgery and
Section 2 presents the data and methods, and Section 3              received intravenous anesthesia. The drugs and corre-
provides the experimental results, followed by the result           sponding doses were as follows: 0.05 mg/kg of midazolam
analysis inSection 4. Finally, the conclusions of this study        (Jiangsu Nhwa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., H10980025, spec-
and some future recommendations are given in Section 5.             ification 2 mL:10 mg), fentanyl (Yichung Renfu Pharma-
                                                                    ceutical Co. Ltd., H20003688, specification 10 mL:0.5 mg)
2. Data and Methods                                                 3 μg/kg, propofol (Xi‘an Libon Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.,
                                                                    National drug approval H20010368, specification 10 mL:
2.1. General Information. A total of 102 HICH patients              100 mg) 1.5 mg/kg, and vecuronium bromide (Chongqing
admitted to our hospital from November 2020 to May 2021             Medicine you Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., National drug ap-
were selected, and a sevoflurane combined group and                  proval H20084548, specification 4 mg) 0.1 mg/kg. After
control group were respectively established according to            anesthesia induction, the control group received the fol-
different anesthesia drugs, with 51 patients in each group.          lowing anesthesia maintenance regimen: the patients were
There were 33 males and 18 females in the sevoflurane                pumped with propofol and remifentanil (produced by
combined group. The mean age was 59.12 ± 6.35 years                 Yichung Renfu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., National drug
ranging from 47 to 70 years. The course of hypertension             approval H20030197, calculated as 1 mg C20H28N2O5). The
ranged from 3 to 11 years, with an average of 6.76 ± 2.14           Bispectral Index (BIS) was closely observed to ensure that it
years. There were 26 cases of cerebral basal ganglia hem-           was maintained within the range of 40∼60. The sevoflurane
orrhage, 21 cases of cerebral lobe hemorrhage, and 4 cases of       combined group was treated with continuous inhalation of
thalamic hemorrhage. According to HICH clinical classifi-            1∼2% sevoflurane on the basis of an anesthesia maintenance
cation criteria, 9 cases were grade I, 17 cases were grade II, 19   program of the control group. After that, both groups re-
cases were grade III, and 6 cases were grade IV. According to       ceived small bone window microincision. The specific steps
the classification of the American Society of Anesthesiolo-          were as follows: the incision was selected at the side of the
gists (ASA), 27 cases were grade II and 24 cases were grade         mass closest to the cerebral cortex, the skin was opened with
III. In the control group, there were 36 males and 15 females,      a spanner, the skull was exposed, the skull was expanded by
aged from 44 to 68 years, with a mean of 58.87 ± 6.64 years         drilling a hole to form a small bone window with a diameter
and 6.62 ± 2.05 years, respectively, and a course of hyper-         of about 3 cm, and the dura was dissected in a cruciform.
tension of 2 to 10 years. There were 29 cases of hemorrhage         Under the microscope, part of the hematoma attached to the
at the basal ganglia, 20 cases of hemorrhage at the lobe, and 2     blood clot was repeatedly absorbed with a puncture needle.
cases of thalamic hemorrhage. According to the evaluation           After no active bleeding, a drainage tube was indignant in
of the clinical classification standard of hypertensive cerebral     the vascular cavity for drainage, the dura mater was sutured,
hemorrhage, 8 cases were grade I, 16 cases were grade II, 20        and the brain was closed layer by layer. The intraoperative
cases were grade III, and 7 cases were grade IV. All of them        monitoring of intracranial pressure and drainage tube un-
were grade II to III by the ASA grading assessment and 25           obstructed will be done. After surgery, 20∼30 000 U uro-
cases were grade II and 26 cases were grade III. There were         kinase was injected into the hematoma cavity. Drainage was
no statistically significant differences in baseline data, such       performed 4∼6 hours later, and the drainage tube was re-
as gender, age, course of hypertension, site of cerebral            moved when the hematoma volume was less than 10 mL.
hemorrhage, HICH clinical grade, and ASA grade between              Propofol injection (1–4 mL/kg) was administered for seda-
groups (all P > 0.05), which confirmed that the comparison           tion within 48 h after surgery, and the dosage was adjusted
between the groups was scientific and reasonable. Inclusion          according to the patient’s situation.
criteria were as follows: (1) imaging examination results and
clinical manifestations of patients met HICH diagnostic
criteria [6]; (2) it was evaluated by the Glasgow Coma Scale        2.2.2. Detection Method of Serum Indicators. 5 mL of elbow
(GCS) with a score of 9–12 [7]; (3) the volume of                   venous blood in the fasting state was extracted 24 h and 7 d
Journal of Healthcare Engineering                                                                                            3

after surgery, and centrifuge operation was performed. The       3. The Experimental Results
parameters were set to 3500 r/min, the centrifuge radius was
10 cm, and the duration was 10 min. Then, the supernatant        3.1. Comparison of Hemodynamic Index Levels at Different
was separated and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay           Time Periods. There was no significant difference in the
was used to detect serum stress indicators, including total      MAP index at T0 and T3 (P > 0.05). There was significant
antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), malondialdehyde (MDA),             difference in the MAP index at T1 and T2, and the MAP
8-hydroxy glycoside (8-hydroxy-2) deoxyguanosine (8-OHDG),       value of the two groups decreased significantly at T2
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), neuron-specific enolase          (P < 0.05). There was no significant statistical difference in
(NSE), neuropeptide Y(NPY), and brain-derived neuro-             HR index levels at different time periods (P > 0.05). The
trophic factor (BDNF). The kit was provided by Shanghai          changes in MAP and HR index levels in the sevoflurane
Jining Biological Co. Ltd. All indicators were tested strictly   combined group at different time periods were more stable
according to the kit instructions.                               than those in the control group. Table 1 summarizes dif-
                                                                 ferences in MAP index levels at different time periods.
                                                                 Table 2 shows differences in HR indicators between the two
2.3. Observation Indicators. (1) Compare the differences of       groups at different time periods.
hemodynamic indexes between the two groups at different
time periods; specifically mean arterial pressure (MAP)
                                                                 3.2. The Control Time of Hemodynamic Indexes and Postop-
and heart rate (HR) before surgery (T0), before hyper-
                                                                 erative Recovery Time Were Compared. There were no sig-
tensive arterial pressure (T1), 10 min after hypertensive
                                                                 nificant differences in the time to reach the target MAP and
arterial pressure (T2), and 40 min after hypertensive ar-
                                                                 the duration of controlled hypotension (all P > 0.05), but the
terial pressure (T3) were observed. (2) The control time of
                                                                 time to wake up after operation in the sevoflurane combined
hemodynamic indexes and postoperative recovery time
                                                                 group decreased significantly than that in the control group
were compared between the two groups. (3) The levels of
                                                                 (P < 0.001). Table 3 displays comparison of the control time
serum stress indexes, including T-AOC, MDA, SOD, and
                                                                 of hemodynamic indexes, controlled hypotension time, and
GSH-Px, were compared between the two groups before
                                                                 postoperative awakening time.
and after surgery. (4) The levels of neurological function
indexes, including NSE, NPY, and BDNF, were compared
between the two groups. (5) The prognosis of the two             3.3. The Levels of Serum Stress Indexes Were Compared.
groups was compared. (6) The Spearman correlation                Before surgery, there were no significant differences in
coefficient was used to analyze the correlation between the        T-AOC, MDA, 8-OHDG, and GSH-Px levels (all P > 0.05).
serum stress index level and the prognosis of HICH               The levels of T-AOC and GSH-Px in both groups increased
patients.                                                        significantly after operation, and the levels of indexes in the
                                                                 sevoflurane combined group increased significantly than the
                                                                 control group (P < 0.001). The levels of MDA and 8-OHDG
2.4. Criteria for Prognostic Assessment. The Glasgow Out-        indexes after surgery decreased significantly than those
come Scale (GOS) was used for prognosis assessment 6             before the operation, and the indexes in the sevoflurane
months after surgery [8]. Those with mild impairment of          combined group decreased significantly than those in the
daily activities but normal daily life were judged to have       control group (P < 0.05). Table 4 shows comparison of se-
recovered well. Those with mild disability, such as memory,      rum stress index levels.
language, and movement dysfunction, but independent in
daily life can be assessed as moderate disability under the
protection of workers. Persons with high mental and mo-          3.4. The Differences of Neurological Function Indexes.
bility impairments, poor independence, and the need for          Before operation, there were no significant differences in
care in daily life are judged to be severely disabled. The       NSE, NPY, and BDNF (all P > 0.05). After operation, the
patient developed vital signs after treatment, but was un-       levels of NSE and NPY in the two groups decreased sig-
conscious and lost language ability, which was determined as     nificantly, and the levels in the sevoflurane combined group
vegetative death. Excellent and good rate � (good recover-       decreased significantly than those in the control group (all
y + moderate disability)/total number of cases × 100%.           P < 0.05). BDNF index levels in both groups increased
                                                                 significantly after operation, and comparison between the
                                                                 groups showed that the levels in the sevoflurane combined
                                                                 group increased significantly than those in the control group
2.5. Statistical Methods. This research collects the data and
                                                                 (P < 0.05), as shown in Table 5.
establishes the database. SPSS26.0 software was used for
statistical analysis of measurement data to meet the normal
distribution. The Mauchly test was used for data compari-        3.5. Comparison of Prognosis. Follow-up investigation is
son. P > 0.05 indicated the symmetry of the covariance           conducted 6 months after operation for patients in the two
matrix. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to           groups, which showed that the overall good and good rate of
analyze the correlation between the serum stress index level     prognosis in the sevoflurane combined group increased
and prognosis of HICH patients, and P < 0.05 proved to be        significantly than that in the control group (P < 0.05), as
statistically significant.                                        shown in Table 6. The survival curve is shown in Figure 1.
4                                                                                                                     Journal of Healthcare Engineering

                                 Table 1: Differences in MAP index levels at different time periods (mmHg, ‾x ± s).
Group                                                                T0                           T1                         T2                            T3
Sevoflurane combined group (n � 51)                               91.86 ± 8.42                 89.03 ± 7.85              77.32 ± 5.24#                88.79 ± 7.92△
Control group (n � 51)                                           92.14 ± 8.57                101.47 ± 8.53∗            74.56 ± 5.31∗#                89.64 ± 7.83#△
t                                                                  −0.761                       −7.664                      2.642                        −0.545
P                                                                   0.449
Journal of Healthcare Engineering                                                                                                                              5

                                                            Table 6: Comparison of prognosis 6 months after operation (n, %).
Group                              Good recovery Moderate disability Severe disability Plant response   Death    Excellent
Sevoflurane combined group (n � 51)   22 (43.14)     16 (31.37)           4 (7.84)         4 (7.84)     5 (9.80) 38 (74.51)
Control group (n � 51)              13 (25.49)      14 (27.45)          6 (13.73)         5 (9.80)    13 (25.49) 27 (52.94)
x2                                       —              —                   —                —            —        5.132
P                                        —              —                   —                —            —        0.023

                                                                                              Table 7: Correlation analysis of serum stress indexes and prognosis
                                                      Survival function                       of HICH patients.
                             1.0                                                                                                       Poor prognosis
                                                                                                                                rs                         P
                             0.8                                                               T-AOC                         −0.655
6                                                                                                Journal of Healthcare Engineering

reduces toxic peroxides to nontoxic hydroxyl compounds,             reduce patients’ stress response, cause little damage to nerve
so as to protect the structure and function of cell mem-            function, and also promote the improvement of prognosis,
branes from interference and damage by oxides [18]. In              which is worthy of clinical application. In addition, this
combination with the changes of oxidative stress indexes,           study further analyzed the prognostic mechanism of HICH
HICH patients had a high degree of oxidative stress re-             patients and found that serum stress indicators are closely
sponse in serum, and a high degree of oxidative stress              related to patients’ prognosis, suggesting that follow-up
response would damage the neurological function of pa-              clinical improvement of HICH patients’ diagnosis and
tients. Restoration of cerebral blood supply is the material        treatment plan can start from the control of patients’ stress
basis for the protection of nerve cells. When cerebral is-          indicators, providing a new direction for further improve-
chemia occurs, a large number of factors such as NSE and            ment of patients’ prognosis.
NPY are released into the blood through the damaged
membrane, so the high level of NSE and NPY in serum is a            Data Availability
sign of brain injury, and the level of NSE and NPY is
consistent with the severity of brain injury [19, 20]. BDNF         The simulation experiment data used to support the findings
is a protein with neurotrophic effects, which is widely              of this study are available from the corresponding author
distributed in the nervous system. Existing studies have            upon request.
shown that when nerve injury occurs, the generation and
release of BDNF is impaired, which further leads to irre-           Conflicts of Interest
versible apoptosis of nerve cells [21].
    This study compared the prognosis of the two groups 6           The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
months after surgery and showed that the good and good              regarding the publication of this paper.
prognosis rate of sevoflurane combined group was signifi-
cantly higher than that of the control group. In order to           Acknowledgments
further explore the influencing mechanism of prognosis of
HICH patients, the Spearman correlation coefficient was               This work was supported by the scientific research fund
used to analyze the correlation between the serum oxidation         project of Hebei Provincial Health Commission (no.
index and the prognosis of patients. It was found that the          20200480).
levels of T-AOC, MDA, SOD, and GSH-Px were closely
correlated with the prognosis of patients, which may be             References
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