Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online

Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
Among Friends
                  January 2019

Proudly serving the Fond du Lac Community for over 50 years!
                    ...where friends meet!
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
                                                           Cathy’s Corner
                                                           Happy 2019!
                                                           As we move into 2019, I think it’s natural to reflect on the
                                                           past year - and what a year it was!
                                                           For our Center, we continued to be a busy hub of activity.
       A Free Monthly Publication                          We added more new activities to our monthly programming.
             Vol. 10 • No. 1
                                                           We strengthened existing partnerships with community
              What’s Inside                                resources and developed new ones in order to enhance the
 Cathy’s Corner .................................. 2       programs we could offer. We survived the reconstruction of 1st Street! We
 Special Event ................................... 3       continued to look at new opportunities and how to best utilize our space.
 Programs & Activities ............... 4-7& 9              Overall it was a pretty successful year!
 Monthly Movies................................. 8
 Health & Wellness .....................10-11              As a staff, we hope you know that each of you is an important part of the work
 Outreach ......................................... 12     we do. We have laughed with you and cried with you. With you, we celebrate
 Club Feature of the Month .............. 13               the births of Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, and mourn the losses of
 Activity Calendar ........................14-15           spouses, children and friends. Whether we are setting up for a program,
 Special Event .................................. 17       signing someone up for a trip, showing the latest merchandise in our gift shop,
 Happy Travelers .........................18-19            answering questions , or giving tours, we hope that you can tell how much we
 Save The Date ................................ 20         enjoy our work. We are really proud of the work that we do at our Center and
 Brown Paper Packages Gift Shop ... 21                     we look forward to continuing to serve you in 2019. We hope that we have a
 Programs & Activities ...................... 22           Center that you enjoy coming to and that makes you proud.
 Dining.............................................. 23   Thanks for being such a big part of our 2018 – and here’s looking forward to
 Activities Index ...........................24-25
                                                           everything that 2019 brings our way. Happy New Year and hope to see you
 Membership Application ................. 27

Fond du Lac Senior Center
151 E. 1st St.
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935
Phone ..........................(920)322-3630
                                                                                  HAMILTON PARK
Hours ........... M-F 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
The Fond du Lac Senior Center provides
                                                                                FAMILY WINTERFEST
equal services to all individuals 50 years and                                         Saturday, January 5
over, including those with disabilities.
Friends bylaws available at our Center.                                                10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
Visit us online at

Newcomer Tour                                                         •   Fruit Cake Toss               •   Hot Chocolate Bar
Call 322-3630 if you would like a tour of the
Senior Center and to learn about our                                  •   Marshmallow Toasting          •   Winter Activities
programs and activities.
This tour is for new members
                                                                      •   Broom Ball                    •   Open to All!
or those who have not been
very active but want to find out
more about our Center.
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
Special Event                                                                                     3

                       Friends Annual Meeting                                                                Newsletter Crew
                                                                                                             Editor………………….......….Cathy Loomans
                                                                                                             Coordinator……………………………Lisa Cole

                         and Board Election                                                                  Mail Crew….…..20+ awesome volunteers

                                                                                                             Newsletter Deadline
                       Thursday, January 24                                                                  Information must be submitted at
                                                                                                             least six weeks prior to the event in
                               3:00 p.m.                                                                     order to be included in the
                                                                                                             newsletter. Please submit
The Friends Annual Meeting will be held at the Senior Center on                                              information to Cathy Loomans at
Thursday, January 24 at 3:00 p.m. Friends members are                                              
                                                                                                             Up-to-Date Information
encouraged to attend to find out what’s happening with the                                                    Tune in to KFIZ-AM 1450 on Monday
Friends organization.                                                                                        mornings at 9:35 for
                                                                                                             the Senior Center
            * Senior Center updates                                                                          update.

            * Annual report                                                                                  Listen in for information about
                                                                                                             upcoming activities and events at
            * Elections ( If you cannot attend the meeting, ballots will be                                  the Senior Center each Monday
                        available at the front desk from January 14-24.)                                     when Cathy Loomans, Senior Center
                                                                                                             Director, joins Bob Hoffmaster on his
                                                                                                             Morning Show.
  If you plan on attending, please register at the front desk or call (920) 322-3630.                        Sponsored by Smith & Hatch Insurance.

                                           NOW LEASING!
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                                           • 1 Bedrooms
   Call Matt and Lisa
Love-Care-Comfort & Secure Dog Boarding
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                                           • Rent based on income
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                             Call 922-7072

                                                                                   286 18th Street • Fond du Lac

                          For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •         Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI         A 4C 01-1122
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
                               Programs & Activities
                                                        Melodies and Memories Choir
    THE SENIOR CENTER WILL BE CLOSED:                                         2nd Thursday of each month
    New Years Eve Day and New Years Day.                                            3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m.
                                                                            This is a FREE Program, just drop in!

             Hiking Group                              All singers welcome, including those with the early
         This group meets                              stages of dementia, along with their care partners.
       Tuesdays & Thursdays                                     OFF FOR THE WINTER
             10:00a.m.                                   Watch the Newsletter for 2019 dates!

           Please call Ruth at
     921-7192 for more information.
                                                          Parkinson’s movement
       Winnebago Woodworkers                                  & dance Class
                                                               Fond du Lac Senior Center
                                                                 2019 Dates Out Soon
                                                      This FREE class will include chair and standing
          2nd Tuesday, 6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.
     General meeting held at the FDL Senior Center.   movements to music for group fitness and fun!
         Other Tuesdays at NFDL High School.
                                                                               Learn more and sign up at:
               Open art lab                                               or
         Tuesdays 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
     Bring your project and join the fun!
    This is a free
     drop-in lab.
                                                        FRIENDS ALONG THE JOURNEY
All Levels Welcome!                                     Sponsored by Kurki-Mach Funeral Chapel
                                                           2nd and 4th Fridays of the month
       Handchime Choir                                           1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.

     Wednesday or Thursday at 9:00a.m.                 Karen Kraus, an Outreach Chaplain from
                                                       Kurki-Mach Funeral Chapel, invites those
Call Gail Zimmerman                                    who are bereaved to share life experiences
  (920) 924-0218
     if interested.                                    and make new friends.
                                                                 EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
Programs & Activities                                                                   5

      Scrapbooking                                                                Fondy Rocks
                                                                                     Rock Painting
                Thursdays at 10:00a.m.                                            Saturday, January 19
               Please note: Group does not meet
                the 4th Thursday of the month.                                    1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.
                                                  Fondy Rocks!! Is a local group that paints and hides
Stitchery Group                                   rocks to spread kindness one rock at a time. The
 Tuesdays at 1:00p.m.                             Fondy group developed out of the national Kindness
   Bring your project                             Rocks Project which believes that one message at
     and join us!                                 just the right moment can change your whole day.
                                                  Come enjoy this FREE community rock painting
        Scamp Band                                event at the Senior Center. Supplies will be
                                                  provided but you can bring your own.
       Wednesdays at 8:30a.m
                                                        Sign up at the front desk or call 322-3630

              The “Scamp” Band is looking                           EVERYONE WELCOME!
              for musicians to play in their
              band. If you’re interested in                                         Tech Tyme
              playing or know someone                                      Thursdays 1:00p.m.-3:00p.m.
              who is, please contact the                         Returning Thursday, January 17
              Senior Center at 322-3630.
                                                  Bring your tablet, smart phone, iPad or other
                Beginning Country                 electronic device and meet with the MPTC IT Club
                                                  members for one-on-one help with your device.
                   Line Dancing
               Saturdays 9:00a.m. - 10:30a.m.     *Sessions are limited to 15 minutes per person if other people are
                     January 12, 19, 26           waiting.

    Country Line Dancing                                                                 TOPS
     Thursdays 6:10p.m. - 7:30p.m.                                                 Chapter #0566
         January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31                                              (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
         4 classes for only $10.00                                         Thursdays at 5:45p.m.
  Punch cards available at the front desk.

                Woodcarving Club                              Memory Writers Group
                     Mondays at 9:00a.m.                                            Fridays at 1:00p.m.
                       New Members                                                 Join us to write about
                      Always Welcome!                                                your life’s stories.
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
                                   Programs & Activities
                 Red Hat Honeys
                   The FDL Senior Center Chapter
                                                                                        BOOK CLUB
                       of the Red Hat Society                                         Monday, January 21
                                                                                      9:30a.m. - 10:30a.m.
                     Royal Rummy                                              Copies available at the Senior Center.
    Thursday, January 24 1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m.                                         BOOK OF THE MONTH:
             Senior Center Rooms 2 & 3                                          “Firefly Lane” by Kristen Hannah
               Cost: $3.00 Limit: 25
    Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 17                     Book due back by Monday, January 21.
                                                             This book is about an epic exploration of the
•       Bring you own drinks                                 complicated terrain between best friends, one who
•       Snacks will be provided                              chooses marriage and motherhood while the other
•       Prizes awarded                                       opts for career and celebrity.
Hostesses: LaVerne Kabat, Cathy Stratz, Gail Zimmerman       Due to the limited number of books in the Book Club Kit,
& Patti Werdin Please contact the event hostesses if you     we ask that they are returned as soon as you’re done
have questions.                                              reading it.

           scrip Gift Cards                                                                      ART
                                                                                      Unleashing Your Creativity
                                 In amounts from $5                                    Tuesdays 12:30 - 3:30
                                      Cash or Check Only.
                                     Other Cards may be      Tuesday, January 8
                                    available, please ask!   Dot Mandala Snowflake. $25 12 x 12 canvas.
                                                             All materials included to make this fun snowflake on a
Including: A&W, Ala Roma/Schmitty's, Annie’s                 large canvas.
Fountain City Café, Backyard Grill, Buffalo Wild             Tuesday, January 15
Wings, Culver’s, Dairy Queen, Dunkin’ Donuts,                Starry Night, $30 12 x 16 canvas.
Faro’s, Festival, Fleet Farm, Friar Tucks, Gilles,           All materials included to paint a starry night starred filled
                                                             sky. Learn how to spatter your paint to make the stars on
Kohl’s, Kwik Trip, McDonald’s, Menards,                      this fun piece.
Noodles & Co., Panera Bread, Piggly Wiggly,
                                                             Tuesday, January 22
Pizza Hut, Roundy’s, Schreiner’s, Shopko,                    Clouds & Sky, $30 12 x 16 canvas.
Starbuck’s, Subway, Taco Bell, Target,                       Learn how to paint clouds and skies during this unique
Walgreen’s, Walmart, & and more!                             painting class. It’s time to learn something new!
Are you wondering what to get that “hard to                  Tuesday, January 29
                                                             Folk Art Painting Class. 2 for $25 8 x 10 canvases.
buy “person for Christmas? Do you have a                     Paint a pair of fun folk art paintings with MaryAnn. We will
large purchase coming up?                                    complete the set with another 2 paintings in February. Folk
    We can special order scrip gift cards.                   art is a decorative painting style with a whimsical touch.
                                                                PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.
          Call 322-3638 for more information!                      Please register and pay at the front desk.
                                                                  No experience necessary. All levels welcome!
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
Programs & Activities               7

       Photography group    Red Hat Umbrella BRIGADE
                                                                              Come see the Umbrella Brigade’s
                                                                                 upcoming performance:
                                                                                         Wednesday, January 30
 No experience necessary.                                                                Crossroads Care Center
    All levels welcome.
                                                       A fun activity has opened recently for all Red Hat Honeys, and
                                                       you can be a part of it! The last Wednesday of each month, we
                               dances                  practice for a half hour and then as we give out smiles through
                                                       our “old time rain” songs, we receive love from residents of the
                             $4.00 donation            20 assisted living and nursing homes in our community. If you
                              Wednesdays               would like to make someone happy by giving your time one
                           7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m.         Wednesday afternoon a month - and laugh, and dance, and get
                                                       better acquainted with a smaller group of Honeys: JOIN US!
                       Call Caroline at 920-929-9333   If you are interested or looking for more information, call the
                           for more information.       Senior Center at 322-3630.

                    Red Hat Chorus
                      Fridays at 10:00a.m.
    The Center is alive with the sound of music!
              Come check them out!

 Genealogy Group
                                                                            Odd months January - September
  2nd and 4th Wednesday                                      Thursday, January 24 at 1:00p.m.
         1:00p.m.                                       Speaker: Fond du Lac City Detective Division
                                                                 Topic: Human Trafficking
                                                        Human Trafficking is a form of modern slavery
Mondays at 1:00p.m.                                     that is becoming more and more prevalent in
                                                        every state, including Wisconsin. What is the
         Everyone                                       difference between this and abduction? What are
         Welcome!                                       we seeing in the Fond du Lac area? Attend this
                                                        meeting to find out the answers to these
                                                        questions as well as other important information
                                                        to know and share.
                                                        SALT is a voice to advocate for action to ensure that Seniors live in a
                                                        healthy, safe, enjoyable and vibrant community. Join us as we link
                                                        seniors and service providers in the Fond du Lac County Area.
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
                                                   Monthly Movies
            Thursday, January 3                                                                   Wednesday, January 16
      The Children Act                                                                                 Dog Days
                                                                                     11:45a.m. Lunch (optional)
11:45a.m. Lunch (optional)                                                           1:00p.m. Movie
1:00p.m. Movie                                                                       PG · 2018 · Drama/Comedy · 1h 53m
R · 2018 · Drama · 1h 46m
                                                                                     Starring: Eva Longoria , Nina Dobrev , Finn
                                                                                     Wolfhard , Vanessa Hudgens , Thomas Lennon , Adam Pally , Jon Bass ,
Starring: Emma Thompson , Fionn Whitehead , Stanley Tucci , Ben                      Lauren Lapkus , Tony Cavalero , Tone Bell , Casey Deidrick
Chaplin , Wendy Nottingham
                                                                                     SUMMARY: Elizabeth is a charming anchorwoman who seeks
                                                                                     advice from her dog's therapist. Tara is a spunky barista who dreams
SUMMARY: In the midst of a marital crisis, a High Court                              of a life beyond the coffee shop. Daisy is a dog walker who's
judge must decide if she should order a life-saving blood                            enamored with a client. Garrett pines for a woman while trying to
transfusion for a teen with cancer despite his family's                              keep his adopt-a-dog business afloat. The beloved canines in their
                                                                                     lives soon start to influence their careers, friendships and romantic
refusal to accept medical treatment for religious reasons.                           relationships in funny and unexpected ways.
                                                                                      If you’re interested in watching a movie, please call
       Mark your calendar for February movies:                                        (920)322-3630 to register. If you’re interested in joining us
     Thursday, February 7: God Bless the Broken Heart                                 for lunch, please read about the Senior Dining Program on
         Wednesday, February 20: A Star is Born                                       page 23 for more details!

                Thanks to Moraine Park Technical College for sponsoring movies at our Center!
                                        The former Benefit Specialist for Fond du Lac County,
                                        Julie served older adults for the past 15 years.
                                        She will provide the same experience and expertise
                                        in her new role as she did with Fond du Lac County.
                                        Julie will specialize in Medicare, Individual/Group
                                        Health Insurance, and Life Insurance.                                                 Christopher S. McFarlane DDS
                                                                                                                                 Mark J. Ridenour DDS
            Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.
                       (920) 923-2626 •                                                                  Services provided:
      Visit our website at: | 879 Forest Avenue • Fond du Lac, WI 54935                                              IV Sedation
                                                                                                                                 Dental Implant
                                                                                                                              Wisdom Tooth Removal
                                                                                                                                 Tooth Removal

                                                                                                                                NEW PATIENTS WELCOME

                                                                                                                              155 N. Rolling Meadows Drive
                                                                                                                                 Fond du Lac, WI 54937

                                          Contact Peter Van Doren to place an ad today!                                            (920) 921-5001
                                 or (800) 950-9952 x2631                                  

                                                                                     Bay Shore
                                                                                     Elegant Living on Beaver Dam Lake
                                                                                                for Seniors
                                                                                           RENT BASED-ON INCOME

                                                                                      (920) 557-6992
                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                       Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI     B 4C 01-1122
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
Programs & Activities                                                             9

        BAGELS WITH BEN                                                                     Bingo
         2nd Tuesday of every odd month                                              Tuesdays at 1:00p.m.
  Ben Baertschy, Financial Advisor with Edward                                     EVERYONE WELCOME!
  Jones Investments, will answer your investment
  questions, give a market update and discuss
  investment strategies.
                                                             Stamp Club
                                                              3rd Wednesday
                     BAGELS FROM THE BAGELMEISTER.               7:00p.m.
                          Call 322-3630 to register.    (except March, July and December)

                       It’s FREE to attend!
                                                        Calling all card players
     Coin Club                                            Check out the monthly calendar for dates and times.
        2nd Tuesday                                      Come and try your hand at one of your favorite games!
         6:00p.m.                                                 EVERYONE WELCOME!
                                                        ♦   Bid Euchre           ♦    Hand and Foot
                                                            Bridge                    Recreational Sheepshead
            Quilting groups                             ♦
                                                        ♦   Canasta
                                                                                 ♦    Sheepshead
                                                        ♦   Cribbage             ♦    Skat
             Flying Geese Quilting Club                 ♦   Euchre               ♦    Poker
        1st Thursday of each month at 1:00p.m.
       3rd Thursday of each month at 11:45a.m.
           Call Jean at 920-921-7359 for info.                  Game day
     Sunset Stitchers Quilt Guild                           Join us every Friday from
2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00p.m.                         1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m.
  Call Laura at 920-923-1693 for info.                         for fun and games!
                                                             EVERYONE WELCOME!
                               Mah jongg
                             Tuesdays & Thursdays
                          New players always welcome!

                        Jam Session                                          Wii Bowling
                                                                          Fridays at 1:00p.m.
                2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 10:00a.m.
                 Get out your instruments and come                   Openings for substitute bowlers.
                          “Jam Out” with us!            If you are interested in bowling or for more information,
                     Any instrument welcome!                            contact Sarah at 322-3641.
Among Friends January 2019 ...where friends meet! - Parishes Online
                                  Health & Wellness
                                                               LOW IMPACT VIDEO exercise
                Strong bodies                                   Wednesdays
               Monday / Wednesday                           10:00a.m. - 10:30a.m.
               7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m.                        This is a free drop-in program.
                   (Senior Center)
                                                            Everyone Welcome!
                 Tuesday / Thursday
                 5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.
                   (Senior Center)
                                                                Cardio drumming
               Monday / Wednesday
               9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.                       Tuesdays at 3:15p.m.
                      (UW FDL)                            8 classes for only $24!!
                 Tuesday / Thursday                       First Class is free!!!
                9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.
                      (UW FDL)                                 Punch cards sold at the front desk.
 For more information, call Sarah Docter
            (920) 322-3641                                         Chair Tai Chi Concepts
                                                                       Fridays 9:00a.m. - 9:45a.m.
              Tai Chi Class                                                       This is a free drop-in program.
          Tuesdays 9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.                                             Everyone Welcome!
                8 classes for $45
                   NEXT SESSION:                          A perfect program whether you want to practice
     December 11, 2018 - February 12, 2019                   Tai Chi from a standing or sitting position.
                 No class January 1
     Please register and pay at the front desk.
                                                          LOW IMPACT HEAD TO TOE STRETCH
                                                                        with Sarah Docter
                                                                             Mondays, 9:00a.m. - 9:30a.m.
                                                                              This is a free drop-in program.
                                                                                 Everyone Welcome!
                      YOGA                   8 class
            Beginning: 9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.
                                                                             Zumba GOLD
     Beginning/Intermediate: 10:30a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
               Winter Session
 Thursday, January 24 - Thursday, March 21                            Mondays, 5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m.
                                                                $5 walk in or a 10 class punch card for $40.00.
     No class on Thursday, February 28                            Available from Instructor Kirsten Quam
Health & Wellness                                                     11

        Walk this way                                      Health Services
                                                   BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING
         Mondays & Wednesdays                      Sponsored by Hometown Hospice and Homecare
          4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m                       Friday, January 11 at 9:00a.m.
                                                   No appointment needed. Donations accepted.
Videos by Leslie Sandsone will be used to
walk your way to a leaner, stronger you with       BLOOD SUGAR TESTING
this total body workout!                           Sponsored by Lutheran Homes
                                                   Friday, January 11 at 9:00a.m.
                                                   No appointment needed. 12-hour fast required.
          EVERYONE WELCOME!                        Donations accepted.
                                                   Sponsored by ATI Physical Therapy
                                                   Friday, January 11 at 9:00a.m.
      TAI CHI IN THE PARK                          Please register at the front desk or call 322-3630.
     Every Saturday & Sunday at 10:00a.m.
                                                   HEARING SCREENING/HEARING AID CLEANING
  Held at the Senior Center in rooms 2 & 3.        Sponsored by Avada Hearing Care Center
                                                   • FREE hearing screenings
                                                   • FREE hearing aid cleaning.
                                                   Friday, March 8 at 9:00a.m.
                                                   Please register at the front desk or call 322-3630.
          This is a free drop-in program.
                All Levels Welcome!
                                                          balance & Body Movement
                                                              Fridays 10:00a.m. - 10:30a.m.
         Self Defense                              Join us for this ongoing weekly program
                                                   which helps participants improve their
                                                   balance in a variety of situations. Tips and
                         10:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.     techniques taught will
                                                   benefit all fitness levels.
                        No registration required
                             just drop in!          NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED
                                                         FREE ADMISSION
                             Free admission!              JUST DROP IN!
                      Senior Outreach Program
                                 Become an Outreach Volunteer!
     The gift of your time can make a giant impact in the life of a lonely or isolated senior.
                       There are many ways to make a difference including:
                                ♦ Community Cares
                                ♦ Friendly Visits
                                ♦ Group Community Cares Enrichment Activities
                                ♦ Caring Companions
                                ♦ Caring Companion Community Partnerships
                                ♦ Veterans to Veterans

                                                     For more information call Sarah Docter
                                                                   (920) 322-3641

                            Outreach Schedule:
        Group community cares
         enrichment activity
                                                 Community Cares Meeting
                                                             Tuesday, January 15th
3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30p.m.                          2:00p.m.
       For information, call Sarah Docter
                (920) 322-3641                  There will not be any Community Care Visits
                                                in January. Instead, both groups will have a
                                                meeting at the Senior Center, in room 3.
The Senior Outreach Program                          Call Sarah if you have any questions.
   is funded in part by the
 Fond du Lac area United Way

                                                   Outreach volunteer meeting
                                                  1st Thursday of every month at 9:00a.m.
Club Feature of the Month                                                                               13

                                                           SALT/TRIAD meetings take place the
                                                           4th Thursday of every odd month at
                                                           the Fond du Lac Senior Center.
                                                           Meetings have a focus on community
                                                           safety and include police and/or fire
                                                           department updates and a guest
More information about senior safety is located inside the speaker on a topic of community
Fond du Lac Senior Center's main hallway bulletin board. interest. There is also a round-table
  Meetings are free to attend and open to the public.      discussion by community providers.
                  All Ages Welcome!

          Call Us Today for your
         FREE Hearing Screening
             (920) 923-2000
525 E. Division St., Ste. 106 • Fond Du Lac           Enjoy the Sounds
                                                                   of the Season

                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI   C 4C 01-1122
 Specializing in Collision Repairs
 FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY             845 South Main Street, Suite 130
                                         Fond du Lac, WI 54935
         W2217 CTH WH
       Mt. Calvary, WI 53057                 (920) 922-7012
        (920) 753-5811               If... time, quality and gentle care are important to you...

Funeral Chapel & Crematory
 Serving the Fond du Lac area
          since 1892

Don Kurki – Funeral Director

                                                                                                                                    Care. Comfort. Commitment

                                                                                                                                        Home Care and Hospice, Inc.
                                        Contact Peter Van Doren to place an ad today!                                                     1028 S. Main St. Ste C
                                                                                                                                            Fond Du Lac, WI
                                or (800) 950-9952 x2631                                                          (877) 545-0551


                                                                                                                Ages 55+ and/or disabled
                                                                                                                      • Nice 1 bedroom apartments
                                                                                                              • Rent is 30% of monthly adjusted income
                                                                                                        • All utilities included • Community Room • Elevator
                                                                                                     • Laundry room on each floor • On-site 24hr maintenance
                                                                                                        • 1 pet allowed (restrictions apply) with pet deposit
                                                                                                         • Smoke-free Housing • Professional Management
                                                                                                                      • FDL County Sr. Meal Program
                                                                                                     • Social Service Coordinator with monthly planned events
                                                                                                             • Near the YMCA and Public Transportation
                                                                                                          Conveniently located near downtown
                                                                                                        101 Western Avenue, Fond du Lac
                                                                                                                 Call or stop by today!
                                                                                                      920-921-7298 |
                      For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                               Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI   D 4C 01-1122
Programs and Resources                                                        17

                                                        Senior Outreach invites you to help decorate our
                                                                       Heart tree
                                                           with delicate spun glass heart ornaments.

We couldn’t provide the programs, classes,                        Open your heart to the Senior Outreach
services, clubs and presentations without your                    Program and donate for a spun glass
help!                                                             ornament in memory of a deceased
A renewal form is included on page 27. The cost to                loved one or in honor of a special
join is $10 for an individual and $15 for a couple    person in your life who is still living. Each ornament
with the same address. For those that can give        is a donation to the program and allows us to
more to support the Center, please consider a         directly impact the lives of isolated seniors in our
Utility Donation or become a Fabulous or Fantastic    community. Rather than keeping the ornament, it
Friend!                                               will be hung on a beautiful cherry blossom tree
                                                      which represents the fragility and beauty of life.
 Not sure if your membership is renewed for 2019?     Glass heart ornaments are hung by staff.
      You have not renewed if the mail label shows:
     “MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/2018”.         The cherry blossom tree will be
                                                      displayed at the Senior Center in
      You have renewed if the mailing label shows:
     “MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/2019”          the reception area starting
                                                      Thursday, February 1.
 Thank you for supporting the Friends!                Watch the February Newsletter for additional
                                                      information and the Heart Tree order form.
                                                        2018-2019 Fond du lac school district
                             SNOWBIRDS                         complimentary tickets

    MOVING                                            The Senior Center has 10 complimentary tickets to
                                                      FDL School District events for the 2018-2019 school
If you have recently moved or will be temporarily     year. They must be checked out by the user and returned
away and have asked the Post Office to hold or          to the Senior within 2 days of the event.
forward your mail, PLEASE CALL THE RECEPTION          These tickets can be used by Seniors for FREE
DESK at 322-3630 TO LET US KNOW!                      admission to:
                                                      • All regular season sporting events - one senior
Because of our bulk mailing status for the Among          and their guest get in free.
Friends newsletter, any newsletters that cannot be    • Music department musicals and plays - each
delivered will be returned to the Senior Center           senior must take a complimentary ticket to the
and will be charged to the Center, which can get          box office. One Senior ticket is free, Guest must
quite costly.                                             purchase one.
18                                          Happy Travelers
                                  Be a Happy Traveler… We’re going places!
                                           HAPPY TRAVLERS’ OFFICE
                                                             (920) 322-3635
                                               Monday - Thursday, 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

         2019 DAY TRIPS                                                      2019 EXTENDED TRIPS

Thursday, January 10 E                                                     April 7 - 12
Legends of Country - Fireside Theatre
$110 IN 18 seats available
                                                                           Mystery trip                    A

                                                                           $559 DBL $709 SGL               2 seats available
Sunday, January 27      E

The Highwaymen LIVE - Schauer Arts Center                                  July 7 - 14
The Mineshaft $89 IN 18 seats available
                                                                           Canadian Rockies Collette Tour                       A

Thursday, February 7  E
                                                                           $6,299 DBL        $7,699 SGL          16 seats available
Disney’s The Lion King - Fox Cities PAC
Good Company $145 IN FULL call to get on the waiting list.
                                                                           September 12 - 18
Wednesday, April 3 E
Come From Away - Fox Cities PAC
                                                                           Washington, dc Diamond Tour                     A

                                                                           $759 DBL
Victoria’s $120 IN 44 seats available

Wednesday, April 24 E
Menopause The Musical - Fireside Theatre
$110 IN 18 seats available                                                 November 3 - 9
                                                                           Nashville Diamond Tour                A

Saturday, May 18 M                                                         $799 DBL          7 seats available
Milwaukee Tour - LaVerne & Shirley Style
$123 IN 47 seats available
                                                                           December 1 - 6
Friday, May 31 E                                                           South charm holiday Collette Tour                           A

Moon River & Me - Schauer Center                                           $2,679 DBL          $3,279 SGL Until June 1, 2019
$104 MJ Stevens IN  50 seats available

•   A $50 non-refundable deposit is required for all day trips.
•   Friends of the Fond du Lac Senior Center annual membership is required to travel with the Happy Travelers.
    Membership fees are $10 for a single and $15 for a married couple.
•   Sign up for trips as soon as possible to prevent cancellation. Most of our vendors require deposits months before actual date of trip.
•   Payments for day trips and extended bus trips can be paid by cash or check, payable to Happy Travelers.
•   Collette trips can be paid by credit card or check, payable to Collette.
•   Please bring your deposit receipt with you when making your final payment. It’s very helpful and saves time.
Happy Travelers                                                                               19
                                Be a Happy Traveler… We’re going places!
                                     ACTIVITY LEVEL                                                             LUNCH OR DINNER
  E   = Easy: Easy programs involving minimal walking and not too many stairs                           Dutch Treat = DT   Included = IN
  M   = Moderate: Expect to walk up to a mile a day or to stand for an extended period of time
                                                                                                                      Happy Travelers
  A   = Active: You will likely walk as much as two miles a day and potentially climb stairs                     =     Exclusive Trip

              Shades of Ireland                           A

              Featuring Northern Ireland                                           14 Day Trip, October 16 - 29, 2019                      A

          13 Day Trip, April 29 - May 11 2019                                    $5,099 DBL $6,299 SGL Until April 17, 2019
        Past guaranteed date, call for rates.                                                    20 SEATS AVAILABLE
                        12 SEATS AVAILABLE

                                       TOUR HIGHLIGHTS
                                      Experience the Ring of
                                      Kerry, one of the world's
                                      great coastal roads.             •   Step back in time in Toledo, the former capital of the
                                                                           Spanish Empire.
                                                                       •   Join a local expert for a tour of the world-famous
Travel through mountain passes                                             Alhambra palace.
to gaze upon the spectacular                                           •   Get to know Seville's quaint old Santa Cruz Quarter.
"Ladies View."                                                         •   Savor a "paella experience" including a paella making
Experience daily life of an Irish                                          demonstration and lunch.
family during a visit to a dairy                                       •   Dine on traditional Portuguese cuisine and enjoy Fado
farm.                   Collette Tour PLUS MUCH MORE!                      music.                                         Collette Tour
                                        Save The Date
                                   Happy 52nd
                                   Anniversary     Thursday, February 28
                                      Friday, February 1                                  11:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
                                     1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.
                                                                                                •   Anyone can enter a crockpot of soup
Stop in on Friday, February 1st, to help us                                                         into the contest.
celebrate the Center’s 52nd Anniversary with                                                    •   Pickup an entry form at the front
cupcakes, conversation and fun!                                                                     desk.
We would like to thank everyone who has                                  •   Return the entry form and a copy
contributed (and continues to do so) to our Center!                          of your recipe to the front desk by
We appreciate each and every one of you, from our                            Thursday, February 21.
volunteers to our sponsors to our donors to our                          •   Soup will need to be at the Senior
Friends and visitors!                                                        Center by 9:00a.m. Thursday,
                                                                             February 28.
    We look forward to serving our community
               for many more years!                                          For more information or questions, call Sarah at 322-3641.

                                                                           JERRY TIGHE
                                                                         ROOFING CO. INC.

                                                                                                               The Wisconsin Veterans Home at
                                                                         Dean Tighe, Owner                    King is a long term and rehabilitative
                                                                                                                 care facility serving veterans and
                                                                                                              their eligible dependents. Residency
                                                                                                               requirement has been lifted and we
                                                                                                               do not have a waiting list. Call us at
                                                                                                                     715.256.5027 for a tour.
         305 Fond du Lac Ave                 109 W. Main St.
             Fond du Lac                      Campbellsport                                                    Discover everything King
            920-921-0960                      920-533-4422                                                          can offer you:
     Cost conscience funeral services from full services to cremation                                         • Physician                 • Library
                                                                                                              • Dentist                   • Veterans Café
                                                                                                              • Physical, Occupational,   • Theater
                                                                                                                and Speech Therapy        • Numerous Outings/
                                                                                                              • Social Workers              Sponsored Events
                                                                                                                & Pastoral Care           • Numerous Gatherings
                                                                                                              • Movie Theater               Activities on Camp
                                                                                                              • Bowling Alley

                                                                                                               N2665 County Road QQ • King, WI
                                        Contact Peter Van Doren to place an ad today!
                                or (800) 950-9952 x2631                      
                       For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •         Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI               E 4C 01-1122

Brown Paper Packages Gift Shop
                     Offering Your Favorite Things!
When you shop at the Brown Paper Packages Gift Shop, you help support the programs and activities at the Fond du Lac Senior Center!

This month’s feature consignor is Gail Zimmerman.                                                    January
Gail started “Earth Products” by Gail about 20 years ago after                                    CONSIGNOR
retiring from teaching music in Fond du Lac.                                                     OF THE MONTH!
Earth Products are hand made natural products scented with a
variety of pure, aromatic and therapeutic essential oils. They are
free from chemicals, artificial fragrances, colors and preservatives.
Gail created her products for health conscience individuals that
value natural ingredients and healing power of herbs and oils as an
alternative way to health and beauty.
Gail also makes wreaths from painted pinecones. They come in
different sizes and shapes. These make wonderful gifts any time
of the year.
           Thank you, Gail, for being part of our family.

                                                               151 E. 1st Street, Fond du Lac
                                                  We are located inside the Fond du Lac Senior Center and open to the public!
                                                           (920) 322-3638 
                                                  Monday through Friday, 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
                                                                        Closed Saturday and Sunday
22                            Programs & Activities
           Support Groups                                 AARP #614 Holiday Party
                                                                 Wednesday January 16, 2019
ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP                                       North FDL Community Center
4th Thursday at 6:30p.m.
                                                              280 Garfield St - North Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac Senior Center, 151 E. 1st. Street
                                                                  Lunch served at 12:00p.m.
3rd Tuesday at 3:00p.m.                                                 Baked Chicken
Aurora Health Center - Fond du Lac                              Beef Tips & All The Trimmings
210 Wisconsin American Drive                                        Milk, Coffee and Water
Community Education Room (1st floor off clinic lobby)          Entertainment by the Scamp Band
No registration necessary. For more information,                        Cost is $11.00
contact the Aurora Diabetes & Nutrition Center
at 920-303-8700 ex 5770

1st & 3rd Thursday 6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.                               Print Name / Names
Fond du Lac Senior Center, 151 E. 1st Street
The Local Parents of Angels is a support group for
parents who have lost a child - it can be a recent or a
long-term loss. Everyone is welcome!                                       Phone #

PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP                                             Return payment to:
2nd Monday at 10:00a.m.                                                   AARP #614
Aurora Health Center - Fond du Lac                                   c/o Charlotte Nelson
210 Wisconsin American Drive ~ American Room                            377 Walker St
♦ January: Swallowing Issues with PD and the
                                                                    Fond du Lac WI 54935
    LOUD program. Presenter: Jaime Roth, Taylored           Any questions call Charlotte at 922-8857
♦ February: Deep Brain Stimulatio. Presenter:              Reservation deadline Friday, January 11th
    Fred Markland, Medtronics
♦ March: Importance of Physical Activity with
    Parkinson Disease. Presenter: Joel Mason, PT,
    Sports Certified Specialist, Agnesian Healthcare                POOL LEAGUE
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP                               8 Ball - 2 man - Tuesdays at 8:30a.m.
2nd Tuesday at 8:30a.m.                                   9 Ball - 1 man - Wednesdays at 8:30a.m.
Rolling Meadows Family Restaurant
947 S. Rolling Meadows Drive                                      SUBS ALWAYS WELCOME!
Dining                                                              23

                       2019                                                             Romeos
                Fond du Lac County                               All men are welcome to join the “Retired Old Men Eating
                                                                 Out” for noon lunch. You don’t have to be retired (or old)
                   Senior Dining                                            to join in on the camaraderie & fun!
               Come join us for lunch!                                  ROLLINGS MEADOWS
    The Senior Center is a meal site for the FDL                   947 S Rolling Meadows Dr., FDL
    County Senior Nutrition Program. Served Monday                 Thursday, January 3 at 12:00p.m.
    through Friday at 11:45a.m., lunch is available to                Call the Senior Center at (920) 322-3630 to register!
    all seniors regardless of income, with a suggested           The ROMEOS are looking for help picking restaurants for their
    donation of $3 for those age 60 or over. Please              monthly meetings. Call Sarah at (920) 322-3641 if interested!
    register for lunch by calling 929-3937 at least one
    day in advance before 1:00p.m. Complete menus
    are available at the front desk or our website:
                                                                                   SUPPER CLUB
                                                                 If you like to laugh and enjoy dining with friends, old and under the “Services” tab.                  new, join the Supper Club each month! Call the Senior
•     Tuesday, January 1: CLOSED                                 Center at (920) 322-3630 to make your reservation so we
                                                                  can let the restaurant know how many people to expect.
•     Wednesday, January 2: Roast Pork Loin
•     Thursday, January 3: Beef Stew
•     Friday, January 4: Orange Chicken
•     Monday, January 7: Swedish Meatballs
      Tuesday, January 8: Chili Casserole

•     Wednesday, January 9: Baked Chicken
                                                                                 584 W Johnson St, FDL
      Thursday, January 10: Ham Roll
                                                                                  Saturday, January 19
•     Friday, January 11: Pepper Steak                                             Social at 5:00p.m.
•     Monday, January 14: Ring Bologna                                             Dinner at 5:30p.m.
•     Tuesday, January 15: Chicken Marsala

      Wednesday, January 16: Salisbury Steak
      Thursday, January 17: Chicken Chow Mein over Brown Rice
                                                                    Tuesday night dining group
                                                                The Fond du Lac Senior Dining Group invites all men & women
•     Friday, January 18: Pork Jaegerschnitzel                  aged 55 and older to join them on Tuesday nights. The group
•     Monday, January 21: Baked Spaghetti                       meets weekly for dining, with cocktails beginning at 5:00p.m.
                                                                and dinner at 6:00p.m.
•     Tuesday, January 22: Hamburger on a Bun
                                                                 January 8 Sunset on the Water, N7364 Winnebago Dr, FDL
•     Wednesday, January 23: Baked Chicken
                                                                 January 15 Coliseum, 91 S Main St, FDL
•     Thursday, January 24: Honey Mustard Meatballs
•     Friday, January 25: Chicken Tetrazzini                     January 22 Gino’s, 584 W Johnson St, FDL
•     Monday, January 28: Swiss Steak                            January 29 Paddy’s North Pizza Pub, 160 W Scott St, FDL
•     Tuesday, January 29: Meatloaf                                 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SOCIALIZE & MEET NEW FRIENDS!
•     Wednesday, January 30: Mush. Pork Cutlet                             For more information, Call Vince at 922-3457
                                                                          For rides call Max 269-4180, Jim, Pat 923-0295
•     Thursday, January 31: Chicken Teriyaki
                                               Activities Index
       Call 322-3630 for more information about any of these activities. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
 Unless otherwise noted, there is no cost to participate in these recreational activities, but there is a 50¢ requested donation. These donations
        help defray the cost of programming and operations at the Senior Center. It is a DONATION and is not required for participation.

       GROUPS                                            GROUPS                                            HEALTH & FITNESS
BOOK CLUB                                       RED HAT HONEYS                                     BALANCE & BODY MOVEMENT
3rd Monday at 9:30 a.m.                         Activities include Chorus, Good Deed               Fridays at 10:00a.m.
                                                Gals, Umbrella Brigade & more. The cost
COIN CLUB                                       is $5 annual dues; a free newsletter               BIKE RIDE
                                                telling of chapter activities is also              Call for details!
2nd Tuesday at 6:00p.m.                         available at the Front Desk!
DANCES                                                                                             CHAIR TAI CHI CONCEPTS
                                                RED HAT HONEYS CHOIR                               Fridays 9:00a.m.
$4.00 donation                                  Fridays at 10:00a.m.
Wednesday 7:30p.m. – 9:30p.m.                                                                      HIKING/WALKING CLUB
Call Caroline at 929-9333 for info.             SCAMP (Senior Center Band)                         Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00a.m.
                                                Wednesdays at 8:30a.m.                             9:30a.m. from May - August.
Fridays at 1:00p.m. - 3:30p.m.                  SCRAPBOOK CLUB                                     LOW IMPACT CHAIR
                                                Thursdays at 10:00a.m.                             EXERCISE
GENEALOGY                                       Group does not meet 4th Thursday of
2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:00p.m.                                                                  Mondays at 9:00a.m.
                                                the month.
GERMAN CLUB                                                                                        SELF DEFENSE
                                                STITCHERY                                          Fridays at 10:30a.m.
Mondays at 1:00p.m.
                                                Tuesdays at 1:00p.m.
HANDCHIME CHOIR                                 STAMP CLUB                                         STRONG BODIES
Wednesdays/Thursdays at 9:00a.m.                                                                   At the Senior Center
                                                3rd Wednesday at 7:00p.m.
                                                                                                   Monday and Wednesday 7:00a.m.
JAM SESSION                                     (except March, July and December)
                                                                                                   Tuesday and Thursday 5:00p.m.
2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 10:00a.m.               TECH TYME                                          At UWFDL
Practice                                        Thursdays at 1:00p.m.                              Monday and Wednesday 9:00a.m.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00a.m.                                                                  Tuesday and Thursday 9:00a.m.
                                                TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
MELODIES & MEMORIES                             Chapter #0566                                      TAI CHI
CHOIR                                           Thursdays at 5:45p.m.                              Tuesdays at 9:00a.m.
2nd Thursday at 3:30p.m.                                                                           TAI CHI IN THE PARK
PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                                        Saturdays & Sundays at 10:00a.m.
3rd Wednesday at 2:00p.m.                       2nd Tuesday                                        VIDEO CHAIR EXERCISE
QUILTING                                        6:00p.m. - 8:00 p.m.                               Wednesdays at 10:00a.m.
                                                General meeting held at the FDL
Flying Geese Quilting Club                      Senior Center.                                     “WALK THIS WAY”
1st Thursday at 1:00p.m.                                                                           Indoor Walking Group
3rd Thursday at 11:45p.m.                       Other Tuesdays                                     Mondays & Wednesdays at 4:00P.M.
Call Jean at 921-7359 for info.                 6:00p.m.-8:00 p.m.
                                                Workshop meetings at Horace Mann                   YOGA
Sunset Stitchers Quilt Guild                    High School, North Fond du Lac.                    Thursdays
2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.                       Call Dave Jackson at 923-5233 for                  Beginning
Call Laura at 923-1693 for info.                more info.                                         9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m.
                                                WOODCARVERS GROUP                                  10:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.
                                                Mondays at 9:00a.m.                                Classes fill fast, stop in to check
                                                WRITERS GROUP                                      availability.
                                                Fridays at 1:00p.m.                                ZUMBA GOLD
                                                The Memories Writers meet to share and
                                                preserve life experiences and family history.
                                                                                                   Mondays at 5:30p.m.
                                                New members welcome!
Activities Index                                                                               25

        Call 322-3630 for more information about any of these activities. New members are always welcome!
Unless otherwise noted, there is no cost to participate in these recreational activities, but there is a 50¢ requested donation. These donations
help defray the cost of programming and operations at the Senior Center. It is a DONATION and is not required for participation.

    SPECIAL EVENTS                                             RECREATION                                        ART & DANCE
MOVIES                                            HAND & FOOT (Card Game)                            ART LAB
1ST Thursday and 3rd Wednesday at                 Wednesdays 12:00 p.m.                              Tuesdays at 10:00a.m.
1:00p.m. (dates could vary)
TRIAD/SALT                                        Mondays at 1:00 p.m.
(Seniors and Law Enforcements Together)                                                              UNLEASHING YOUR CREATIVITY
4THThursday at 1:00 p.m.                          SHEEPSHEAD                                         Tuesdays at 12:30PM
Odd months January—September .                    Mondays at 1:15 p.m.                               Dates and classes vary, please check
                                                   Jack of Diamonds $1.50                            the Art section in the Newsletter for
ROMEOS                                            Wednesdays & Fridays at 1:15 p.m.                  more details.
(Retired Old Men Eating Out)
                                                   Black Queens $1.50.
1st Thursday at Noon – Restaurant                                                                    BEGINNING COUNTRY LINE
Varies.                                           RECREATIONAL
SUPPER CLUB                                       SHEEPSHEAD                                         Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.
Dates vary, please check the                      Wednesdays at 12:45p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
“Dining” section in the Newsletter for
                                                  SKAT                                               COUNTRY LINE DANCING
more details – Restaurant Varies.                                                                    Thursdays at 6:10 p.m.
                                                  Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1:00p.m.

                                                  OTHER ACTIVITIES
                                                  BINGO       50¢ for 2 cards
                                                  Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.                                    MEETINGS
            RECREATION                            Thanks to our Bingo Sponsors who provide
                                                  prizes, treats, and caller.
                                                                                                     AARP MEETING
                                                                                                     3RD Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
CARD GAMES                                        1st Tuesday: Fond du Lac Lutheran Home
                                                  2nd Tuesday (odd months): Southern Care
BRIDGE                                            2nd Tuesday (even months): Harbor Haven            SUPPORT GROUPS
Tuesdays: 12:30 p.m.                              3rd Tuesday (odd months): Almost Family            ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT
                                                  3rd Tuesday (even months): The Meadows
                                                  4th Tuesday (odd months): Grancare Rehab           GROUP
Thursdays: 10:00 a.m. Beginners                   4th Tuesday (even months): Lincoln House           4TH Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Except
Thursdays: 12:30 p.m.                             5th Tuesday: Generations Home Care and             November when they meet the 5th
For information or to play, call Judy                          Hospice
Rupp at 920-477-3021.                             MAHJONGG                                           PARKINSON’S SUPPORT
CANASTA                                           Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m.
1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays                         Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                     2ND Monday at 10:00 a.m.
at 12:00 p.m.                                     POOL                                               Meets at Aurora Health Care
CRIBBAGE                                          Open Pool daily.                                   Center.
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.                 POOL LEAGUES                                       PROSTATE CANCER
BID EUCHRE                                        8 Ball Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.                          SUPPORT GROUP
4th Thursday of the month at                      9 Ball Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.                        2ND Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.
10:00a.m.                                         Wii BOWLING                                        Meets at the Rolling Meadows
REGULAR EUCHRE                                    Open Bowling by request—call to                    Family Restaurant.
Mondays at 12:30 p.m.                             reserve day.                                       DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP
                                                  Fridays at 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.                   3RD Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.
                                                  League Play (September—April)                      Meets at Aurora Health Care Center.
                                                  Subs also needed for league play.
St. Charles Cemetery
                                                                                                  A Peaceful Country Place
                                                                                                        on the Ledge
                                                                                                  W4287 Golf Course Drive
                                                                                                   Fond du Lac, WI 54937
                                                                                                     921-4381 or 921-0580

                                                               �   oodlands is a family owned business dedicated
                                                                    to providing a quality home-like environment.
                                                               We provide onsight medical care, hospice care, and
                                                               independent care for those who want to escape the
                                                                        duties of owning their own home.
Contact Peter Van Doren to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2631
                                                                               Senior Park
                                                                      Call 920.922.8770 today
                                                                         to schedule a tour.
                                                                 77 Wisconsin American Dr., Fond du Lac, WI
                                                                                 (near the Aurora Clinic)

             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •     Friends of Fond du Lac Sr. Center, Fond du Lac, WI   F 4C 01-1122
2019 Friends Membership Application                                                                                                                       27

To join the FRIENDS of the FOND DU LAC SENIOR CENTER or to renew your membership, please complete this
application and return it to the Fond du Lac Senior Center. Membership is for the 2019 calendar year.
We do not share your information with any outside organization.
Please make check payable to: “FRIENDS, INC.”                                           Fond du Lac Senior Center
                                                                                        151 E. 1st Street
                                                                                        Fond du Lac, WI 54935
  NAME(s) (both, if couple)
  MAILING ADDRESS (with apt #)

  BIRTHDATE (optional)
  E-MAIL (absolutely confidential)

    PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY as all information is entered into the computer by a volunteer.
                                                                                             Thank you for supporting the friends!
 $10.00 Single  $15.00 Couple (same address)                                                   Renew your membership now
 $____            UTILITY DONATION for the City of Fond du Lac                              For a few years now, we have asked members to give $25 or whatever
                   they could afford. A $10,000 donation has been made each year in the fall by the Friends Board to City Council to help with the cost of utilities at the
                   Senior Center. Thank you to all who helped with donations. Your donation for 2019 is optional but very much appreciated!

 $50.00 FANTASTIC FRIENDS membership support – Thank you for your $50 donation to the Friends of the Fond du Lac Senior
                   Center. This special membership helps with the day-to-day operation of our Center and is much appreciated. You will receive a 2019 Dine Out
                   Coupon Book in appreciation of your fantastic donation. You can pick it up at the front desk. The FANTASTIC FRIENDS MEMBERSHIP includes
                   your single or couple membership and additional donation to Friends to help with the operation of our Center.

 $100.00 FABULOUS FRIENDS membership support – Thank you for your “above and beyond” FABULOUS                                                 $100 donation to the
                   Friends. In recognition of your support, you will receive two 2019 Dine Out Coupon Books with our appreciation. Please pick them up at the front
                   desk. The FABULOUS FRIENDS MEMBERSHIP includes your single or couple membership, and a fabulous donation to the Friends of the
                   Fond du Lac Senior Center to help with operations.

 _______________   TOTAL ENCLOSED (Utility Donation and Friends Membership can be on the same check.)
                   Because the Friends is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution is tax deductible.
Please note that RED HAT HONEYS members use another purple form for the $5 chapter dues. The $5 dues can be paid at the same time as the Friends
membership. Friends membership, utility donation, and Red Hat dues CAN be on the same check. Forms are available at the Senior Center and Red Hat
Honeys membership is on-going throughout the year. We always welcome new Red Hatters!

                                                                FOR OFFICE USE ONLY

DATE PAID ___________ CASH AMT ________ CHECK AMT________ CHECK #_________ Receipt Given _____

   NEW 2019 Member                          Renewal                                              Receptionist Initials ___________________
   Received Dine Out Book for Fantastic or Fabulous membership  Received Happy Travelers Info
   Received Among Friends Newsletter
  January 2019 Newsletter                                             ___________________Card File                       ___________________Computer
                                                                                                                  U.S. POSTAGE
              Fond du Lac Senior Center                                                                              PAID
              151 E. First Street                                                                               FOND DU LAC, WIS
              Fond du Lac, WI 54935                                                                              PERMIT NO. 129

                                                                              2019                              ADDRESS SERVICE


               FOND DU LAC SENIOR CENTER 920-322-3630
           STAFF                       FRIENDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                        Kate Barr
                                                   Joanne Bunkelman
 Cathy Loomans 322-3632
                                                       Kevin Dickie                               Robert Katzfey
 TRAVEL COORDINATOR                                   Vickie Michels                    @FondduLacSeniorCenter
                                                      John Mirenda
 Mary Schneider 322-3635
                                                       Terri Resop                      @FondyHappyTravelers                             Kathy Schreiber                    @BrownPaperPackagesGift
     BOOKKEEPER                                        Judi Walters                      ShopFondduLac
   Pat Heyer 322-3639                             Fond du Lac Senior Center
                                                   is a member of WASC
    COORDINATOR                          Wisconsin                                       The Fond du Lac Senior Center
  Sarah Docter 322-3641                                                                  is dedicated to enriching the
                                         Association of                                  social, physical, emotional, and
                                         Senior                                          intellectual well-being of seniors
   OFFICE ASSISTANT                                                                      in the community.
    Lisa Cole 322-3640                   Centers
GIFT SHOP COORDINATOR                                                          VISION

      The Friends of the FDL Senior Center assume no responsibility for advertising content, mistakes or omissions.
   Programs and events are subject to change or cancellation without notice. No partial sessions or refunds on classes.
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