American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief

Page created by Stanley Simmons
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
May 2010
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
Several television programs have found creative ways to support food banks and hunger relief
programs nationally and locally.
American Idol viewers caught a glimpse of the Foodbank                        Madden of Good Charlotte who
thanks to this year’s “Idol Gives Back” initiative. Food banks                visited Interfaith Food Pantry in
affiliated with Feeding America will benefit from donations                   Whittier. Help the Foodbank by
from the “Idol Gives Back” fundraising drive. A family that                   pledging your weight loss goal at
receives food assistance from the Foothill Unity Center, a          
Foodbank partner agency, was interviewed regarding the
importance of this support as they struggle to make ends meet.                In February, contestants from past
                                                                              seasons of The Bachelor came to
The Foodbank has been featured several times on The Biggest                   the Foodbank as part of the
Loser, as part of a national partnership between The Biggest                  “Bachelor Gives Back” initiative.
Loser, General Mills and Feeding America. On the March 9                      They sorted food at the Foodbank                Huell Howser stops filming his
                                                                                                                              upcoming episode for a moment
program, contestants struggled to balance their workouts with                 and distributed fresh produce to
                                                                                                                              to stand with Foodbank
volunteer jobs at the Foodbank. Contestants worked in the                     recipients at Our Saviour Center, a             President/CEO Michael Flood in
Foodbank’s main warehouse, made calls to thank donors for                     Foodbank partner agency site.                   the Foodbank’s main warehouse.
their support, and distributed food at the New Life in Christ
food pantry, a Foodbank partner agency.                                       Locally, the Foodbank will be featured in an episode of Huell
                                                                              Howser’s California Green which will highlight the Foodbank’s
In addition, the Foodbank was featured on several segments of                 fresh produce programs. The episode will air twice on KCET
The Biggest Loser’s “Pound for Pound Challenge,” which                        television on June 15 and June 30 at 7:30 p.m.
urges viewers to pledge to lose weight in order to benefit their
local Feeding America food bank.                                              Go to the Foodbank’s website at for more
“Pound for Pound” segments featured celebrities helping at
                                                                                                                                   The Uribe Family (center)
Foodbank agency sites including Katherine McPhee, who
                                                                                                                                   recently appeared on
visited Boys & Girls Club of Venice, and Joel and Benji                                                                            American Idol during Idol
In conjunction with Idol Gives Back, past contestants from American Idol                                                           Gives Back and told
stopped by the Foodbank to donate their time packing backpacks for children                                                        viewers just how vital the
in need.                                                                                                                           food from the Foodbank
                                                                                                                                   has been during this
                                                                                                                                   financially challenging
                                                                                                                                   time. Here, Mr. and Mrs.
                                                                                                                                   Uribe and their three
                                                                                                                                   children stand with Ellen
                                                                                                                                   DeGeneres, David
                                                                                                                                   Arquette, and volunteers
                                                                              from Foothill Unity Center, the Foodbank partner agency that the family turns to
                                                                              for help.

                                                                                  Inside this issue...
                                                                                  Note from the 3
                                                                                  Foodbank Steps Up 4
                                                                                  Programs Update 5
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
  Product Donor Spotlight

  Fresh and Easy
  Fresh and Easy Markets might be relatively new to your
  neighborhood, but they are not new to giving back to the
                                                                                                        Mission Statement: The mission
  Since 2006, Fresh and Easy has been donating high
                                                                                                        of the Los Angeles Regional
  quality product to the Foodbank. Our charitable agency
                                                                                                        Foodbank is to mobilize resources
  partners rave about the variety of donations we receive from Fresh & Easy. Donations often
                                                                                                        to fight hunger in our community.
  include fresh produce, prepared meals and baked goods. The Foodbank currently picks up
  donations regularly at seven Fresh & Easy locations.
                                                                                                        Shelf Life is published quarterly. If
                                                                                                        you are receiving multiple copies,
  Special thanks to Fresh & Easy for joining us in the fight against hunger by donating such high
                                                                                                        please call us at (323) 234-3030
  quality, nutritious items.
                                                                                                        ext. 146.

                                                                                                        We welcome questions, comments
                                                                                                        and ideas. Please address all
                                                                                                        correspondence to:
The Foodbank’s Board of Directors elected new officers at its recent annual meeting. Bob Kelly
was elected Chairman succeeding Donald Goodman. Mr. Kelly previously served as the Treasurer.             Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
Christina Carroll was elected Treasurer, and Karen Pointer was re-elected Corporate Secretary.                 1734 East 41st Street
Donald Goodman remains on the Board and now serves as Chairman of the Facility Planning                       Los Angeles, CA 90058
Committee. Mr. Goodman served as Board Chairman for the past three years and has provided                       Tel: (323) 234-3030
tremendous leadership in terms of planning, fundraising and increasing the awareness of the          
Foodbank and the problem of hunger.

   Board of Directors                                                      Entertainment Council      Advisory Board
   Chairman                           Todd DeMann                          Laila Ali                  Tim Lappen, Chairman
   Robert W. Kelly                    Freshology Inc.                      Curtis Conway              Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP
   Capital Guardian Trust Co.         Sherry Dewane                                                   Mike Connolly
                                                                           Marlee Matlin
   Treasurer                          Wells Fargo                                                     Leonard Green & Partners
                                                                           Cathy Schulman
   Christina Carroll                  Roni Eller                                                      Anthony Cordova
   Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin                                           Craig Wright
                                      Eisenberg Properties                                            New Atlantians
   Corporate Secretary                Gary Kirkpatrick                                                Bruce Corwin
   Karen E. Pointer                   NBC Universal                        Women’s Council            Metropolitan Theatre Company
   Lerman & Pointer LLP
                                      Susan K. Leonard                     Sheryl Main, Co-Chair      Bob Dowling
   Immediate Past Chairman            PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                                      Bob Dowling Group
                                                                           Paula Pettrota, Co-Chair
   Donald Goodman
                                      Doane Liu                                                       Ricki Frand
   Don Lee Farms
                                      Triple E Associates                                             Frand Partners
   Dino Barajas                                                            Members
                                      Kenneth A. Pickar, Ph.D.                                        Dresden Graham Robertson
   Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP                                            Linda Tibi Comfort
                                      California Institute of Technology                              Rosey T. Miller
   Marvin Barth                                                            Julie Depoian
                                      Mark A. Stegemoeller                                            Regional Investment & Management, LLC
   Tennenbaum Capital Partners LLC
                                      Latham & Watkins LLP                 Laurie Dworsky             Larry Nicola
   Karl Block
                                                                           Ricki Frand                Nic’s Restaurant
   Loeb & Loeb LLP
   Saul Brand                         President/CEO                        Mai Q. Lai                 Nick Saggese
                                                                           Teri Markowitz             Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
   Zacky Farms (Retired)              Michael Flood
                                                                                                       Flom LLP
   Michael Chiarodit                                                       Dresden Graham Robertson
                                                                                                      Jorge Sandoval
   Blue Shield of California                                               Jaquelin Sonderling
                                                                                                      Banamex USA
   Joseph E. Davis
                                                                                                      Dennis Winston
   Etonien, LLC
                                                                                                      James Yukevich
                                                                                                      Yukevich, Calfo & Cavanaugh
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
- A note from the Foodbank President/CEO –
It has been wonderful to see the work of our Foodbank network                                              HUNGER
highlighted in several major television programs in the last few months.
                                                                                                           ACTION UPDATE
Off the screen, the Foodbank continues to receive food, funding and volunteer support from the
greater Los Angeles community. This support is critical as the demand for food assistance                  Federal
remains high and is projected to continue to increase in 2010 due to the high unemployment
rate and cutbacks in other programs.                                                                       The Foodbank stays updated on legislative
                                                                                                           actions that affect food access. We
I want to thank all of you who have made a conscious decision to include giving back to the                discussed Child Nutrition in the last
community as part of your core values. Without your support, the Foodbank would not be able                newsletter—our focus is still on the Child
to increase our service during these difficult times for many people in our community.                     Nutrition Reauthorization Act. Every five
                                                                                                           years Congress “reauthorizes” federal Child
Thank you for your continued                                          Michael Flood thanks Craig           Nutrition Programs. The Foodbank operates
support.                                                              Willardson, President and CEO        lunch sites during summer breaks and also
                                                                      of the Moark Egg Company, for        distributes after-school snacks during the
                                                                      a generous donation of               school year through the Summer Food
                                                                      280,000 eggs. The agencies           Service Program. Child nutrition legislation
MICHAEL FLOOD                                                         and clients within the               determines how nutrition programs are
President/ CEO                                                        Foodbank network were                regulated and funded. We view all of the
                                                                      incredibly glad to have this         federal Child Nutrition Programs as critical
                                                                      healthy, high protein donation       to President Obama’s pledge to end child
                                                                      available just in time for Easter.   hunger in the U.S. by 2015.

                                                 A group of popular bloggers from around the               The Foodbank received a substantial
                                                 country toured the Foodbank and volunteered their         increase in the Emergency Food Assistance
                                                 time packing backpacks for the BackPack Program.          Program commodities through the Farm
                                                 After helping out at the Foodbank, the bloggers           Bill in 2008, and recently received
                                                 headed to the set of Desperate Housewives to              additional bonus commodities. This is good
                                                 launch ConAgra’s “Child Hunger Ends Here”                 news for the Foodbank and our partner
                                                 campaign and help rally the public to participate by      agencies!
                                                 holding their own individual fund raising events to
                                                 support Feeding America. All of the visiting bloggers     Jessica Jones, the Foodbank’s Policy and
                                                 shared their experience volunteering at the               Outreach Supervisor, was in Washington
                                                 Foodbank with their readers through video streams,        DC, in mid May, to discuss important
                                                 photos and blog posts.                                    aspects of this legislation with members of
                                                                                                           The Los Angeles Congressional delegation.
                                                                                                           Please tell your elected officials in Congress
                                                                                                           that you support and want to see
                                                                                                           improvements to these programs!

    Smithfield, Vons, the United Food                                                                      State
  and Commercial Workers and Food
  Network celebrity cook Paula Deen                                                                        On the state level, we have been focusing
    made a huge delivery of hams to                                                                        a large amount of energy on Food Stamp
    the Foodbank. This donation is a                                                                       legislation. Food stamps, now called
  part of their “Feeding The Hungry”                                                                       SNAP on the federal level, are a good
   coast-to-coast tour, during which                                                                       opportunity for people in our
        20 million servings of much-                                                                       communities to access healthy food. We
  needed protein will be delivered to                                                                      support a variety of legislation aimed at
     food banks around the country.                                                                        improving the quality and efficiency of
                                                                                                           the food stamp program. Foodbank
 MICHAEL FLOOD HONORED AS INNOVATIVE LEADER                                                                representatives have visited Sacramento
                                                                                                           several times to discuss this legislation
 The Center for Nonprofit Management honored Foodbank President/CEO Michael Flood as                       with our Los Angeles delegation.
 one of Los Angeles’ thirty “Most Innovative Leaders” at the Center’s 30th Anniversary
 conference. Other honorees included Eli Broad of the Broad Foundation and Bill Allen of                   If you have questions about policy issues
 the LA County Economic Development Corporation. The Center’s criteria for the awards                      or need help finding your representatives,
 were “leaders who have met ambitious goals, renewed lagging support or reinvented                         please contact Jessica Jones at
 organizations in the face of overwhelming obstacles.”                                           ; (323) 234-3030
                                                                                                           ext. 172.
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
Partners Preventing Hunger 2010
Individual donors contributing $1,000 or more from January 1 – March 31, 2010                      New Technology
                                                                                                   Makes Foodbank
Mr. Robert Andresini                              Mr. Thomas Jones and
                                                   Ms. Molly Newman
                                                                                                   Resources Easier to
Mr. and Mrs. George Baril
                                                  Mr. Jeffrey Joseph
Mrs. Eloise Barnett
                                                  Ms. Jeannie Jung                                 If you have visited the Foodbank’s
Ms. Sael Bartolucci                                                                                website lately you may have noticed - the
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Belzer                        Ms. Kay E. Kochenderfer                          Foodbank website has a brand new look!
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bennett                        Mr. John Lamonica                                This new site contains all of the familiar
Ms. Cathy Berry                                   Mr. David Lee                                    content from our previous site, plus some
                                                  Mrs. Susan K. Leonard                            upgrades and additions:
Mr. William Bingley and
 Ms. Jacqueline MacDonald                         Mr. Richard E. Lewis                               • The Foodbank is now able to post
                                                                                                       individual photo albums of
Mr. Peter Binkow                                  Ms. Lore Needham                                     volunteer groups on the volunteer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Borenstein                      Mr. Alfred Paiz                                      section of the website.
Mr. Shachar Breslouer                             Mr. Seyed M. Razavi                                • Our new and improved Pantry
                                                                                                       Locator allows you to find a food
Ms. Regina D'Amico                                Mr. John Rieber
                                                                                                       pantry in your neighborhood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dasteel                      Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Rotter                           using online mapping technology.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dooley                          Mr. and Mrs. Nick P. Saggese                       • Virtual Food Drives continue to be
Roni and Ethan Eller                              Mr. Steven Schechter                                 a great way to support the
                                                                                                       Foodbank's hunger relief efforts.
Mr. and Mrs. Moise Emquies                        Mr. and Mrs. Chia-Tso Shiau
                                                                                                       Now, the Foodbank website makes
Mr. William Flaugh                                Mr. and Mrs. Greg Simon                              it easier than ever to create and
Mr. Eric Foster                                   Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Slaughter                       customize a Virtual Food Drive
                                                                                                       page to get your friends and
Ms. Audree V. Fowler                              Mr. Steven P. Smith                                  family involved in the fight
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Guth                         Ms. Susie Spector                                    against hunger.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hays                          Ms. Susan Stern                                                           Don’t forget to
Mr. Stephen Hoffmann                              Mr. Robert M. Weekley                                                     check out the
                                                  Mr. Mark Zarem                                                            Foodbank’s
                                                                                                                            iPhone Pantry
Foundation, Organization and Corporate Donors                                                                               Application
Donations made between January 1, 2010 – March 31, 2010                                                                     The new Pantry
                                                                                                                            Locator iPhone
Aidlin Foundation                                 The Marcled Foundation                                                    Application
                                                                                                                            allows users to
American Express*                                 Morgan Stanley*                                                           make donations
Kathryne Beynon Foundation                        The Lluella Morey Murphey Foundation                                      and searches for
                                                                                                                            local food
Yvonne Burke Education & Policy                   Neiman Marcus*
                                                                                                                            pantries by zip
                                                  The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation                                           code using GPS
California Association of Food Banks                                                                                        technology.
                                                  Esper A. Petersen Foundation
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.                                                                  SPINX, Inc. developed the Pantry
                                                  The Pickar Family Foundation
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation                                                                   Locator App for the Foodbank pro bono,
                                                  Rotary Club of Los Angeles
                                                                                                   in an effort to encourage LA metro area
Dunkin' Donuts / Baskin-Robbins
                                                  Harold R. & Winifred R. Swanton                  donations and help social workers and
Foster's Group                                     Foundation                                      community organizations aid residents in
Goodman Family Foundation                         Union Bank                                       finding local agencies where they can
                                                                                                   receive food assistance.
Ernest Lieblich Foundation                        Union Pacific Foundation
                                                  *Donations made during the 4th Quarter of 2009
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief

Programs Update
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
                                              During the summer, many children struggle with hunger because
                                              federal school meal programs are not operating. To combat this
                                              problem, the Foodbank provides hot lunches through the Kids
                                              Cafe Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) to the students who
                                              qualify for reduced price or free lunches during the year.

This year, the need for summer lunches has
drastically increased as many summer
school programs have been eliminated due
to budget cuts. The Foodbank hopes to serve
over 3,000 children per day through the                                                                        Photo Credit:
                                                                                                               Photos by volunteer photographer Tera McHenry
Summer Food Service Program.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
The Foodbank is now able to                                                                                     “With thousands of
help more senior citizens than                                                                                  LA County seniors
ever before! Thanks to
                                                                                                                struggling to afford
additional funding through the
United States Department of                                                                                     food, the Foodbank
Agriculture (USDA), the                                                                                         has requested help
Foodbank has been able to                                                                                       to expand the CSFP
expand the Commodity                                                                                            program for several
Supplemental Food Program
                                                                                                                years,” said
                                                                                                                Michael Flood,
At the end of 2009, the
Foodbank served just fewer
                                                                                                                President and CEO
than 8,000 senior citizens per                                                                                  of the Foodbank.
month through CSFP. With the                                                                                    “Now with enough
increased funding that took                                                                                     resources to reach
effect at the beginning of                                                                                      20,000 people, we
2010—the first expansion of
CSFP in Los Angeles County in 5 years—the
                                                                                                                are actively
Foodbank is now serving almost 14,000 seniors per                                                               recruiting local
month and aims to reach 20,000 seniors per month                                                                senior centers and
before the end of June.                                                                                         community
CSFP is a federally funded USDA program which                                                                   organizations to
provides eligible seniors with age-prescribed food                                                              serve as new
kits each month. The program improves the health of                                                             distribution sites
seniors by supplementing their diets with nutritious
USDA commodity foods, including staples such as
                                                                                                                and to help us
canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables, dry milk,                                                           encourage eligible
cheese, cereals, rice, peanut butter and juice. The                                                             seniors to take
Foodbank distributes the monthly CSFP food kits for                                                             advantage of this
seniors at 63 locations throughout the county.                                                                  program.”
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
Big Sunday at the Foodbank
Every year, Big Sunday brings thousands
of volunteers together for one weekend
to help out at hundreds of non-profit
organizations throughout the Southern
California region.

During this year’s Big Sunday weekend, volunteers
from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Ernst & Young and
Food From the Bar came together to make a
difference at the Foodbank. The group packed an
impressive 2,500 CSFP kits for senior citizens in

Special Thanks to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for
sponsoring the event at the Foodbank and providing
great coffee and a lunch for all the volunteers.

Foodbank Honors Outstanding Charitable Agency Partners
Every year the Foodbank invites all of our agency partners to attend the All Agencies Conference. Attendees benefit from classes on diverse
topics including nutrition education, grant writing and food safety.
At this year’s All Agencies Conference, the Foodbank honored three member agencies for their great work in a particularly challenging year:

               The Tony Collier Award is named for the Foodbank's
                                  founder. The award recognizes
                                  an individual who has                                   The Community Spirit Award is given to an
                                  accomplished great strides in                           agency which demonstrates excellence in
                                  the fight against hunger. This                          Community Service. This year's award was
                                  year's recipient was Steve                                             presented to Santa Clarita
                                  Baker from Grace Resource                                              Valley Food Pantry. This
                                  Center. Steve founded Grace                                            agency’s creative ideas, such
                                  Resource Center 19 years ago.                                          as a milk money program
                                  The organization now serves                                            which provides milk for
                                  over 8,000 people each month                                           children each month, or a
                                  in the Antelope Valley.                                                mobile food truck to distribute
                                  Foodbank Agency Relations                                              food kits to senior citizens,
                                  Director Elizabeth Cervantes                                           allows them to serve as
                                  presented Steve with the award.                                        many clients in their area as
                                                                                                         possible. Elizabeth Cervantes
                                                                                                         presented the award to Santa
                                                                                                         Clarita Valley Food Pantry
                                                                                                         Executive Director Belinda

                                                             The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to an agency volunteer that
                                                          demonstrates dedication in volunteerism. This year's recipient was Charlotte
                                                          Forrest (center) who has volunteered at The Lord’s Church for 13 years. Pastor
                                                          Orvella Philips (right) was proud to join Elizabeth Cervantes, Agency Relations
                                                          Director at the Foodbank, in presenting Charlotte with this award.
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
Your Support Makes a
                                                                       Daniel Sanchez                     CARVE YOUR NAME
                                                                       arrived early at
                                                                       Wilshire Presbyterian                 IN GRANITE
                                                                       Church to receive the
                                                                                                         ndowment funds are like blocks of granite. They last. And

                                                                       free groceries that
                                                                       will help him make it             last. And one way you can extend your influence into the
                                                                       through the month.                future is by carving your name in a Foodbank endowment
                                                                       Daniel is unable to       Generations from now, the leadership and staff at the Foodbank –
                                                                       work any more due to      and the people they serve – will benefit from your foresight and
                                                                       a disability that         generosity. They will see your name on your endowment and know
                                                                       resulted from a car       that you once walked this earth. And that you cared enough to
                                                                       collision several years   support the ongoing mission of the Foodbank.
                                                                       ago. At 65 years old,
                                                                       he really struggles to    You can create an endowment in your own name. Or you can
                                                                       live off of a single      memorialize a loved one or someone else who has strongly
                                                                       disability check each     impacted your life for good, such as a teacher, a spouse or a trusted
                                                                       month.                    friend.
                                                                                                 Endowments can be established with the Foodbank now, during
                                                                                                 your lifetime. You can use cash, securities, real estate – almost
                                                                                                 anything of value. Or you can arrange for an endowment to be
                                                                                                 established through your will at the time of death.
                                                                                                 Some people do both. They establish an endowment now so they
                                                                                                 can watch it grow and enjoy the satisfaction of seeing their fund
                                                                                                 benefit others. They may add to it periodically and possibly
                                                                                                 encourage family members and friends to get involved. Then,
                                                                                                 through their wills, they make provision for a final and often larger
                                                                                                 When you establish an endowment, you accomplish several things:
                                                                                                 You express confidence in the future of the Foodbank; you create a
                                                                                                 lasting legacy; you encourage present and future leadership; and
                                                                                                 you make a difference!
                                                                                                 To find out more about creating your own endowment fund, contact
                                                                                                 Nancy Nagel, Chief Development Officer at the Foodbank: (323)
                                                                                                 234-3030 ext. 147;
                                                                                                 Carving your name in "granite" at the Foodbank may be one of the
“Nearly all of my check goes to cover my rent,” Daniel told a                                    most important things you do for yourself, your family and for
Foodbank staff member. “Every month I worry about how I                                          future generations.
am going to afford to pay my bills and buy groceries.”

Irma, a friend of Daniel’s from church, knew he was having
trouble make ends meet after his accident, so she told him
about the food distribution at Wilshire Presbyterian Church.
                                                                                                 Join us on facebook
“This food is a godsend,” Daniel said. “I am so glad Irma
told me about this resource. I’m not sure how I’d survive
without it.”
                                                                                                 Follow us on twitter
Wilshire Presbyterian Church is one of the 550 charitable
organizations throughout the county that receives food from
the Foodbank.
Photo Credit (top to bottom): Luis Munoz-Najar, student at Cypress College;
                              Clifford Lester, Professor of Photography at Cypress College
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
                                                                                              U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                             LOS ANGELES CA
                                                                                             PERMIT NO. 4848

LOS ANGELES, CA 90058-1502
(323) 234-3030


    Coming up…                                                                                               May 2010

               The Foodbank will be featured on an episode of
                      Huell Howser’s California Green
    Ever wonder how the Foodbank distributes millions of pounds of produce each year? Watch Huell follow
    fresh produce from the field to the hands of the recipient at Foodbank partner agency S.V.P. Blessed
    Sacrament Food Pantry on the following dates:
                                       June 15th, 7:30PM on KCET
                                       June 30th, 7:30PM on KCET
American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief American Idol, The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor Support Hunger Relief
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