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Jeff Leips,1,2 Jean M. L. Richardson,3,4 F. Helen Rodd,1,3,5 and Joseph Travis1
    Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306
    Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21250
    Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5, Canada
    Department of Biological Sciences, Brock University, St. Catharines, L2S 3A1, Canada

     Received August 26, 2008
     Accepted December 11, 2008

     Given a trade-off between offspring size and number and an advantage to large size in competition, theory predicts that the
     offspring size that maximizes maternal fitness will vary with the level of competition that offspring experience. Where the
     strength of competition varies, selection should favor females that can adjust their offspring size to match the offspring’s expected
     competitive environment. We looked for such phenotypically plastic maternal effects in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, a
     livebearing, matrotrophic species. Long-term field observations on this species have revealed that some populations experience
     relatively constant, low densities, whereas other populations experience more variable, higher densities. We compared sizes of
     offspring born to females exposed during brood development to either low or high experimental densities, keeping the per
     capita food ration constant. We examined plastic responses to density for females from one population that experiences high and
     variable densities and another that experiences low and less-variable densities. We found that, as predicted, female H. formosa
     produced larger offspring at the higher density. Unexpectedly, we found similar patterns of plasticity in response to density for
     females from both populations, suggesting that this response is evolutionarily conserved in this species.

     KEY WORDS:       Competition, life-history strategies, maternal effects, optimal offspring size, phenotypic plasticity.

Environmental conditions experienced by offspring during pre-              mothers respond to environmental challenges by manipulating
and postnatal development can have dramatic effects on their               the phenotype of individual offspring to enhance their fitness in
fitness (e.g., Clutton-Brock 1991; Mousseau and Fox 1998;                  that environment. These adaptive maternal effects include adjust-
Holbrook and Schal 2004). An important source of these effects             ments of nutrient provisioning, hormones (Benton et al. 2005;
is the maternal environment; stressful conditions experienced by           Meylan and Clobert 2005), and agents that enhance resistance to
the female parent can reduce offspring fitness (McCormick 1998;            disease (Spitzer 2004).
Jann and Ward 1999; Naguib et al. 2006) but, in certain cases,                  The initial size of free-living offspring has been a focal trait
                                                                           for studies of adaptive maternal effects because, in a broad range
All authors contributed equally in this article.                           of taxa, the environment experienced by the dam affects size of

                     C 2009 The Author(s). Journal compilation 
                                                               C 2009 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

            1341     Evolution 63-5: 1341–1347

eggs or size at birth (reviewed in Bernardo 1996; Mousseau and            in offspring continuously in response to environmental circum-
Fox 1998) and larger offspring sizes are associated with higher           stances. Long-term field studies of H. formosa populations impli-
early-age survivorship (e.g., Henrich 1988; Bridges and Heppell           cate intraspecific competition as an important determinant of indi-
1996; Persson et al. 1996; Heath and Blouw 1998; Magnhagen and            vidual fitness that varies in strength among populations and even
Heibo 2001; Sakwinska 2004, reviewed in Azevedo et al. 1997;              across time within some populations (Richardson et al. 2006).
Allen et al. 2008, but see Gomez 2004). Even when paternal                Conspecific density can be extremely high but vary seasonally
genotype influences size at hatching or size at birth, maternal           in some populations, whereas other populations have a chron-
control is the predominant influence (e.g., Travis 1981; Travis           ically low density with much less seasonal fluctuation (Leips
et al. 1987).                                                             and Travis 1999; Soucy and Travis 2003). Adults and juveniles,
      Perhaps the greatest advantage of an increased size comes           including newborn offspring, are found in the same microhabi-
from an enhanced ability to compete with conspecifics (e.g.,              tats (Leips and Travis 1999; Richardson et al. 2006), so mater-
Stanton 1984; Marshall et al. 2006). When competition among ju-           nal experience can usually predict the density that offspring will
veniles for resources is intense, a small increase in size at birth can   experience.
improve expected fitness (Wilbur and Collins 1973; Parker and                  Here we ask (1) Do female H. formosa increase the size
Begon 1986; Pen et al. 1993; Both et al. 1999; Benton et al. 2005;        of their offspring, at the cost of fewer offspring per brood, in
Allen et al. 2008; Bashey 2008). The importance of offspring size         response to greater conspecific density? (2) If females manipulate
to offspring fitness can increase directly with the degree to which       offspring size in response to density, is this response a general
competition is important (Hutchings 1991; Gliwicz and Guisande            characteristic of H. formosa or a locally adaptive, plastic response
1992) or where densities are high (e.g., Berven and Chadra 1988;          characteristic of populations that exhibit frequent and dramatic
Parichy and Kaplan 1992; Winn and Miller 1995; Marshall et al.            changes in population density?
2006).                                                                         We first tested the influence of differences in conspecific
      Although increased size is advantageous for offspring, when         density on offspring size and number using wild-caught females
there is a trade-off between offspring size and number, the opti-         from the Wacissa River, Jefferson County, Florida, which had been
mal offspring size will be that which maximizes maternal fitness          acclimated to laboratory conditions. This population exhibits reg-
rather than the size that maximizes fitness of individual offspring       ular and extreme seasonal changes in population density, ranging
(Smith and Fretwell 1974; Parker and Begon 1986). In variable             from high densities of 5000 individuals/m3 to low densities of
environments, optimal offspring size will vary (Brockelman 1975;          < 20 individuals/m3 (Leips and Travis 1999; Richardson et al.
Parker and Begon 1986; Allen et al. 2008) and this may select for         2006). These large fluctuations in density should be a potent se-
phenotypic plasticity in offspring size via plasticity in maternal        lective force favoring maternal adjustment of offspring size to
investment (McGinley et al. 1987; Fox et al. 1997), provided that         maximize maternal fitness. We next compared the effect of den-
mothers can adjust the amount of energy devoted to each offspring         sity on offspring size using females from the Wacissa River and
and that females have reliable cues predicting future environmen-         a second, genetically distinct population, Trout Pond (Baer 1998;
tal conditions (reviewed in Ghalambor et al. 2007).                       Leips et al. 2000; Soucy and Travis 2003). Unlike the Wacissa
      We explored the influence of conspecific density in the ma-         River population, the Trout Pond population has a comparatively
ternal environment on offspring size using the matrotrophic, live-        constant, low density rarely exceeding 30 individuals/m3 (Leips
bearing fish, Heterandria formosa. In this species, the dry mass          and Travis 1999; Richardson et al. 2006).
of embryos increases nearly 50-fold from fertilization to birth
(Reznick and Miles 1989; Schrader and Travis 2005) and nearly
all of the energy required by the embryo is provided by maternal          Materials and Methods
provisioning throughout development through a follicular pla-             BIOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY
centa (Turner 1937; Fraser and Renton 1940; Grove and Wourms              OF HETERANDRIA FORMOSA
1994). Females also exhibit superfetation, simultaneously carry-          The least killifish (H. formosa), a member of the topminnow
ing multiple broods of offspring at different stages of develop-          family Poeciliidae, is found in freshwater habitats throughout the
ment. The gestation period for this species is 27–35 days (Fraser         southeastern United States. Long-term studies of H. formosa pop-
and Renton 1940; Scrimshaw 1944) and superfetation allows fe-             ulations in north Florida have documented a number of dramatic
males to give birth continuously throughout a breeding season,            differences among populations; most strikingly, variation in off-
with the interval between successive broods being as short as a           spring size and number is associated with variation in average
few days (Cheong et al. 1984; Travis et al. 1987; Reznick et al.          population density such that, in the highest density Wacissa River
1996). Extreme matrotrophy and superfetation, in combination,             population, average offspring size is as much as 45% larger than
provide the opportunity for females to adjust their investment            that of all other populations (Leips and Travis 1999). Differences

          1342       EVOLUTION MAY 2009

among populations in offspring size at birth are driven by differ-      Daphnia (3:1 ratio of flake food to Daphnia), 9.25 mg food per
ences in provisioning by the female after fertilization, particularly   fish per day. We set up 12 tanks at each density for fish from
in the late stages of development (Schrader and Travis 2005).           Trout Pond and six tanks at each density for fish from Wacissa
                                                                        River. More Trout Pond replicates were set up because we had no
EXPERIMENT 1: DOES VARIATION IN MATERNAL                                prior data on this population, and we were simply trying to con-
DENSITY AFFECT OFFSPRING SIZE, COMPOSITION,                             firm the results obtained in Experiment 1 for the Wacissa River
AND NUMBER?                                                             population.
Wild-caught, adult H. formosa from the Wacissa River were hap-               After six weeks at experimental treatment densities, offspring
hazardly assigned to either low (two males, two females) or high        were collected every one or two days from all tanks for 44 days.
density (six males, six females) treatments in 21 L aquaria in a        In this experiment, females remained in the high- and low-density
controlled-temperature (31◦ C) room on a 14:10 light:dark cycle         treatments and all offspring were collected from each tank as they
at Florida State University. These densities are within the normal      were produced because Trout Pond females had low survival when
range of densities experienced by fish in the Wacissa River. Fish       isolated. Consequently, we were unable to determine whether ma-
were fed twice per day with 6.25 mg of ground TetraMin (Tetra           ternal density influenced brood size in this experiment. Newborn
Werke, Melle Germany) fish flakes per individual and 0.25 mL of         offspring (N = 797) were euthanized with MS-222 and frozen
frozen or newly hatched brine shrimp per individual every other         individually in eppendorf tubes at −60◦ C. Samples were subse-
day. Fish were held under these conditions for six weeks, a period      quently freeze-dried prior to weighing.
well within the usual adult life span of females (J. Travis, unpubl.
data). Given the approximately 28-day gestation period of this          STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
species, all offspring that were developing in females at the time      Experiment 1
of capture should have been born during this six-week period; we        Because successive offspring produced by a given female are
assumed that characteristics of offspring born after this time were     not independent, we analyzed treatment effects on the av-
mainly influenced by experimental density treatments. After six         erage mass of all offspring produced by the female. None
weeks, we removed a single female from each tank (10 and 9              of the following were significantly correlated with offspring
females from high and low density treatments, respectively) and         mass and consequently none were included as covariates in
isolated her in a 21-L aquarium, maintaining housing conditions         the analyses: female mass, mean number of offspring per
and feeding regime as above. Aquaria contained vegetation and           brood, and total number of offspring. The effect of maternal
cover to provide refuge for newly born offspring. Offspring pro-        density on dry mass of offspring was analyzed in a mixed
duced by females were collected daily for the next three weeks.         model analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the model, y =
We counted offspring as part of a single brood if they were born        c + Trt + Tank(Trt)+ error, where y was ln[offspring dry mass],
over two consecutive days. Offspring were euthanized in MS-222          Trt was the fixed effect of maternal density (low vs. high) and
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), frozen at −80◦ C, freeze-dried          Tank(Trt) was the random effect of tank nested within treatment.
for 24 h, and weighed. The lean dry weight of each individual was       The random effect of tank was necessary to account for different
measured by placing it in ether for 24 h, freeze-drying it again        females from the same tank included in the analysis. Offspring
for 24 h, and reweighing it. Total lipid mass was the difference        size was ln transformed to meet assumptions of ANOVA. Brood
between the offspring dry mass pre- and postlipid extraction. The       size was analyzed using the same model, except y was the average
standard length of each female was measured at the end of the           brood size per individual female in the three weeks following the
3-week period.                                                          density treatment. Because brood sizes are count data and ranged
                                                                        from 1 to 8 offspring per brood, we transformed the count data
                                                                            √       √
EXPERIMENT 2: IS THE PLASTIC RESPONSE                                   to [ x + ( x+1)] (per Snedecor and Cochran 1989) where x
OF OFFSPRING SIZE TO MATERNAL DENSITY                                   was the average number of offspring per brood produced by a
CONSERVED AMONG POPULATIONS?                                            given female. Using the same model and data transformations,
For this experiment, we collected an independent set of adult           we also evaluated the effect of maternal density on total number
H. formosa from the Wacissa River and from Trout Pond. These            of offspring and total number of broods produced by females in
fish were shipped to the University of Toronto and their first          the three weeks following the density treatment.
generation offspring were used in experiments.                               The effect of maternal density on the proportion of total
     We used the same protocols as in experiment 1, except where        mass that was lipids was analyzed in a mixed model ANOVA
noted. Housing aquaria were 19 L and kept in a walk-in envi-            with the model: [log(total lipid mass) − log(total offspring dry
ronmental chamber at 26◦ C. Fish were fed twice daily with a            mass)] = c + Trt + Tank(Trt) + error. We did not include off-
finely ground mixture of Tetra-Min fish flakes and freeze-dried         spring dry mass as a covariate because lipid proportion scaled

                                                                                             EVOLUTION MAY 2009           1343

isometrically with offspring mass. Determination of isometry was             Although the total number of offspring produced by females in the
based on the lack of any significant correlation between [log(lipid          low-density treatment exceeded that for the high-density treatment
mass) − log(offspring mass)] and log(offspring mass) in our data             by about 50%, this difference was not significant (F 1,12 = 2.48,
(r = − 0.16, P = 0.39) (Mosimann and James 1979).                            P = 0.14). However, we had low power to detect any but very
                                                                             large differences in total offspring number (>70% chance of a
Experiment 2                                                                 Type II error for an effect of this size or smaller based on post-hoc
Mean dry mass of all offspring from a tank was used as the unit of           power calculations outlined in Zar (1999, p. 193)).
replication in this experiment. As a result of some fish mortalities,              If female H. formosa constantly adjust offspring size to
n = 4 and 5 for low- and high-density treatments, respectively,              the potential competitive environment, it is possible that focal
of the Wacissa River population, and n = 11 and 12 for low- and              females in this experiment began to respond to their three weeks
high-density treatments of the Trout Pond population.                        in isolation by reducing the size of their offspring. Given the
     The effect of maternal density on the dry mass of offspring             27-day gestation period at these temperatures, this effect would
was analyzed in ANOVA with the model, y = c + Trt + Pop +                    be most apparent in offspring born late in the isolation period, and
Trt × Pop + error, where y was ln[average offspring dry mass], Trt           could partially obscure the effects of our density manipulation.
was the fixed effect of maternal density, Pop was the fixed effect           On average, offspring in later broods were smaller (least-squares
of the population from which fish originated, and Trt × Pop was              means across all females producing three broods were 0.91 mg for
the interaction. The effect of maternal density on offspring num-            the first brood, 0.95 mg for the second, and 0.74 mg for the third).
ber was analyzed using the same ANOVA model, with average                    A repeated measures ANOVA (using broods 1–3 for all females
offspring number per female in a tank substituted as the dependent           that produced at least three broods; few females produced more
variable, y. Average offspring per female was transformed to [ x             than three broods) confirmed that offspring size decreased over
+ ( x+1)] (per Snedecor and Cochran 1989) where x was the                    time (F 2,8 = 7.11, P = 0.02). The brood by treatment interaction
average number of offspring per female in a tank. We could not               was not significant (F 2,8 = 0.49, P = 0.63), although power for
analyze the effects of density on brood size or number of broods             this test was low.
in this experiment because females were reared together in a tank.
     All statistical analyses were carried out using PROC MIXED              EXPERIMENT 2
or PROC GLM in SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) or                     As in Experiment 1, females in the high-density treatment pro-
JMP3.1.5.                                                                    duced larger offspring (by 16%) than females at low density
                                                                             (F 1,28 = 9.35, P = 0.005, Fig. 1). Wacissa River females pro-
                                                                             duced offspring that were 10% larger than the offspring of Trout
Results                                                                      Pond females at both densities. Although this difference was not
EXPERIMENT 1                                                                 significant (F 1,28 = 3.62, P = 0.07), the direction of the differ-
The average dry mass of offspring produced by females in the                 ence is the same as that observed in nature (Leips and Travis 1999;
high-density treatment was 26% larger than that of females in the            Schrader and Travis 2005) and in common garden experiments
low-density treatment (F 1,12 = 5.92, P = 0.03, Table 1). This               (Leips et al. 2000). There was no evidence of any interaction
difference was not attributable to differences in lipid content; the         between population and density treatment (F = 0.0, P = 0.98).
proportion of dry mass attributable to lipids did not differ between               Increased offspring size came at the cost of total offspring
treatments (F 1,11 = 0.64, P = 0.43). Females in the high-density            number produced per female over the course of the experiment,
treatment had brood sizes 38% smaller than those in the low-                 as the average number of offspring per female was significantly
density treatment (F 1,12 = 7.31, P = 0.01). This result is consistent       reduced at high density (mean ± SE, high density = 5.19 ± 0.54,
with the trade-off between offspring size and number identified              low density = 10.81 ± 1.35; F 1,28 = 18.9, P < 0.001). This effect
in previous work (Leips and Travis 1999; Leips et al. 2000).                 reflects the trade-off seen in Experiment 1. Populations did not

Table 1.      Effects of maternal density on offspring size, composition, and number for females from the Wacissa River in Experiment 1.
Data are mean values±1 SE.

                           ∗                                             ∗
    Density                 Offspring               Percent               Number of                    Total number               Total number
                           size (mg)                lipid                offspring/brood               of offspring               of broods
    Low                    0.73±0.08                0.13±0.01            3.2±0.4                       8.9±1.2                    2.9±0.4
    High                   0.98±0.04                0.16±0.02            2.0±0.2                       6.1±1.3                    2.8±0.4

    Significant differences between treatments (P

                                                                       could expect to experience. We think this is the case because our
                                                                       field observations indicate that adults and juveniles use the same
                                                                       habitat and, also, that densities change little over the 14 days
                                                                       during which female investment in late stage embryos will most
                                                                       influence size at birth. In addition, when adult population den-
                                                                       sities are high, the densities of immature animals are also high
                                                                       (Leips and Travis 1999). Production of more, but smaller, off-
                                                                       spring in low-density environments is predicted to occur because,
                                                                       at low density, small offspring should have fitness similar to larger
                                                                       offspring and, because of the inherent trade-off between offspring
                                                                       size and number, females would benefit from producing as many
                                                                       offspring as possible (e.g., Fox et al. 1997). Therefore the plastic
                                                                       response of H. formosa that we observed is consistent with a life
                                                                       history that maximizes maternal fitness (Bradshaw 1965; Smith
                                                                       and Fretwell 1974; Parker and Begon 1986).
Figure 1.   Mean mass (± SE of untransformed data) for offspring             Surprisingly, the patterns of plasticity in offspring size in re-
of females from Trout Pond and Wacissa River held at high and low
                                                                       sponse to density were parallel, even though the two populations
density. Numbers beside symbols indicate sample size (tanks are
                                                                       typically experience very different density regimes. Although we
replicates). Analysis of ln-transformed data revealed significant
main effects of density and population, but no interaction effect.
                                                                       only tested two populations, our results suggest that this plastic
                                                                       response may be an evolutionarily conserved trait in H. formosa.
differ in total offspring per female (mean ± SE, Wacissa R =           This conserved response could be a nonadaptive, generic, phys-
8.09 ± 2.07, Trout Pond = 7.84 ± 0.91;F 1,28 = 0.02, P = 0.89),        iological response to high density. However, this seems unlikely
and there was also no population by treatment effect (F 1,28 =         because stress responses to high-density typically result in re-
1.22, P = 0.28).                                                       duced reproductive output (Weeks and Quattro 1991; Wingfield
                                                                       and Sapolsky 2003 but see Moore and Jessop 2003) and in some
                                                                       cases reduced offspring size (McCormick 1998). We found no
Discussion                                                             change in offspring number and an increase, rather than a de-
Female H. formosa adjusted the size of their offspring in re-          crease, in offspring size. Alternatively, the same response may
sponse to the density of adult conspecifics, increasing the size of    be adaptive in both populations. Densities in Trout Pond popu-
their offspring at higher densities. In fact, we found that females    lations rarely, if ever, get as high as those in the Wacissa River
were so sensitive to population density that, in Experiment 1, off-    (J. Travis, unpubl. data), but it may be that the critical “high”
spring size began to decline over the three weeks when the focal       density needed to induce the female response is occasionally at-
females were in isolation after the density manipulation. Although     tained in Trout Pond. By this interpretation, the highest densities
the adaptive significance of increased offspring size at higher        in Wacissa River would be far above the threshold “high” density
densities was not tested directly in these experiments, previous       needed to induce larger offspring sizes. This idea remains to be
work on H. formosa found that survivorship was positively cor-         tested.
related with offspring size in a laboratory environment (Henrich             A third explanation for the parallel reaction norms is that
1998) and a number of studies on other species have shown that         only the reaction norm for the Wacissa River is adaptive and the
larger offspring perform better under competitive conditions (e.g.,    Trout Pond norm is a retained ancestral trait. Supporting this idea,
Hutchings 1991; Marshall et al. 2006; Allen et al. 2008; Bashey        a model by Masel et al. (2007) shows that the evolutionary loss of
2008). Our results are counter to effects of resource limitation       formerly adaptive plasticity may be slow. In addition, plasticity in
on offspring size in H. formosa (Reznick et al. 1996), indicat-        resource allocation to offspring size may be maintained by genetic
ing that what we observed was not a simple response to resource        correlations and/or selection, even when it is rarely advantageous
competition/limitation. An adaptive interpretation of our results is   (Donohue et al. 2000; Bashey 2006). The relative importance of
that females produce larger offspring in higher densities because      factors that maintain plastic responses to density are an important
the size of an offspring, relative to the size of its competitors,     area of future research.
is an important determinant of offspring fitness in competitive
     For this plasticity to be adaptive, a female’s experience with    We are grateful to N. (Brinlee) Martin for advice and assistance in all
density must predict the level of competition that her offspring       phases of the experiments run at FSU. Thanks to M. Gunzburger for

                                                                                             EVOLUTION MAY 2009             1345

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