Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...

Page created by Tracy Padilla
Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Action Item | International Gemini Observatory
Authorization of an additional $27.3 million beyond the NSB-approved
              amount for management and operations
                                               May 18-19, 2021

     Martin Still | Division of Astronomical Sciences | NSF Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
NSF and the International
      Gemini Observatory
• Twin 8.1 meter visible-near infrared telescopes in
  Hawaii and Chile.
• Gemini Partnership is NSF + 5 international
  agencies. NSF is the Executive Agency. Decision
  authority is the Board of Directors.
• FY2021 O&M budget is $31M + $3.1M for
  instrument development.
• NSF provides 68% of O&M; US receives
  proportionate observing time and seats on the Board.

                                                NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 2
Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Request to NSB
• Two strategic opportunities for Gemini have
  arisen since 2016.
• Additional opportunities lead to additional cost,
  as communicated to NSB previously in CORF
  annual facility reports (2018-2020).

1. Science opportunity: Upgrade to Gemini-N
   adaptive optics capability ($26M, FY18-19).

2. Partnership opportunity: Facility instrument
   collaboration with South Korea ($1.3M, FY21)

• Without adjustment, Gemini spending limit will
  be reached in FY 2022.
• MPS/AST recommends authorized funding limit
  be raised from $145M by $27.3M.

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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Opportunity #1:
          Adaptive Optics at
• 2015 NASEM report identifies adaptive optics as
  critical need for Rubin and LIGO science.
• Maunakea is the #1 site available for adaptive
  optics science exploitation.
• Adaptive optics development is cornerstone of
  the Gemini-N strategic vision.
• Adaptive optics will deliver U.S. science
  leadership this decade and beyond.

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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Opportunity #1: Gemini in
                the Era of Multi-Messenger
                   Astronomy (GEMMA)

                • Will deliver near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy at
                  Gemini-N as sharp as space observations.

                • Will cover a field-of-view on the sky that complements
                  capabilities of NASA’s James Webb Observatory.

                • Investment in GEMMA delivers science punches for
                  Rubin, Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, and Webb.

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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
GW 170817
                                          Opportunity #1: Adaptive Optics are
                                         Critical to the Physical Interpretation
                                         of Multi-Messenger and Rubin Alerts

                                        • Gemini’s telescopes will be largest-aperture facilities in Rubin and
                                          Multi-Messenger Astrophysics follow-up system.

                                        • Gemini’s queue scheduling and agile operations make it well suited to
                                          this responsibility.

                                        • Adaptive optics result in significant improvement to Gemini’s observing
                                          efficiency, program completion, and science output.

                                        • Gemini will be linchpins responsible for identifying and characterizing
“Multi-Messenger Astrophysics is          the faintest, highest priority events.
  one of NSF’s Ten Big Ideas”
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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Opportunity #2:
    IGRINS-2 Detector Procurement
• South Korea became a Gemini partner in 2018 with 5% share of
  O&M - $1.7M per year.

    • In lieu of a joining fee, S. Korea are providing IGRINS-2 - a $10M
      facility instrument under construction, commissioning in 2023.

    • AST agreed to partner with S. Korea on IGRINS-2 by funding the
      detectors ($1.3M).

• IGRINS-2, a high-resolution infrared spectrograph will detect
  brown dwarfs and exoplanets.

• Will be in high demand by the U.S. community and deliver
  vibrant set of new science opportunities.

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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Opportunities, Risks, and
Programmatic Oversight
• GEMMA and IGRINS-2 development projects
  provide high-value opportunity at additional cost.
• NSF holds GEMMA to midscale standards of project
  management, with additional programmatic
  oversight provided by AST/MPS and Gemini Board.
• Robust mitigation strategies in place for major risks
  (see backup slides):
     • Cost and schedule
     • Technical
     • Personnel
     • Partnerships

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Action Item | International Gemini Observatory - National ...
Proposed Resolution
WHEREAS, the National Science Board authorized the Director of the National
Science Foundation to make an award not to exceed $145,338,000 for the
management and operation of the Gemini Observatory for a period of 72 months
from January 1, 2017 in resolution NSB-2016-13,
AND, supplemental funding in the amount of $27,267,244 was subsequently
awarded for instrumentation and related software systems for Gemini
Observatory, which combined with planned operations funding will exceed said
RESOLVED, that the National Science Board authorizes the Director of the
National Science Foundation, at his discretion, to increase the NSF appropriated
funding for the management and operation of the Gemini Observatory to an
amount not to exceed $172,605,244.
                               NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 9

             Backup Slides Follow
Gemini, GEMMA, and IGRINS-2 Timeline and Risks
                                                      2023-2027 NOIRLab
                                                       Renewal Proposal                                               • Schedule and risks managed
                                                          reviewed.                                                     to midscale project standards.
                                                                                  GEMMA AO bench
GEMMA selected for      IGRINS-2 supplement           GEMMA AO bench                Critical Design                   • Oversight provided by both
   NSF award.                  award.                 contract awarded.                 Review.
                                                                                                                        NSF and Gemini Board.

      2018           2019        2020          2021            2022        2023         2024          2025     2026       2027

                GEMMA AO                     2022-2027                   IGRINS-2            GEMMA award end           GEMMA AO
             Conceptual Design          International Gemini           commissioned.         date, development        commissioned.
                  Review.                Agreement signed.                                  completed thereafter
                                        GEMMA AO bench                                          with Gemini
                                        designs proposed.                                        Instrument
                                                                                             Development Fund.
                                        IGRINS-2 detectors

                                                                      NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 11
More Science
                              Opportunities with
                              Gemini-N Adaptive

                         • Cosmology and dark matter via
                           lensed galaxy clusters.
                         • Detection of intermediate mass
                           black holes in globular clusters.
                         • Galaxy formation back to epoch
                           of reionization.
                         • Monitoring star formation within
                           stellar nurseries.

NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 12
Risk Management
  Mechanisms are in place to mitigate the risks associated with NSF investments. NSF and the Gemini Board have
   oversight of the Gemini risk matrix and are provided regular updates. The most significant remaining risks and
                                                  mitigations for the GNAO and IGRINS-2 instrument projects are:
1. GNAO Cost & Schedule
• There is cost increase risk as project approaches Critical Design review gates and during subsequent
  build phase.
• Risk has been mitigated by the Gemini Board who have endorsed revised cost, scope and schedule
  plans and have agreed to fund all additional costs to GEMMA above award amount.
• All Gemini partners have indicated their intent to stay within the partnership over the development
• Hence, GEMMA provides no direct risk to either the Gemini O&M cooperative support agreement
  or the NOIRLab support agreement.
• Schedule risk does exist in that if GEMMA is delayed there will be decreased opportunities to follow
  up the spectroscopic signatures of Rubin, LIGO, and other multi-messenger events.
• Schedule risk is being mitigated through detailed discussions with potential vendors of the core
  adaptive optics systems and will be a consideration in the procurement of those systems.
• COVID-19 impacts have been minimal in procurement and design stages, and projected impacts are
  not anticipated to be significant unless the pandemic worsens again.

                                            NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 13
Risk Management
 Mechanisms are in place to mitigate the risks associated with NSF investments. NSF and the Gemini Board have
  oversight of the Gemini risk matrix and are provided regular updates. The most significant remaining risks and
                                                 mitigations for the GNAO and IGRINS-2 instrument projects are:

2. Technical project risks:
• GNAO technical risks are being managed and retired as subsystems pass
  through review gates.
• Two wider Gemini risks remain that have high impact for performance –
   • wavefront errors will be reduced by replacing the secondary mirror before instrument is
     operational, and
   • investigations to reduce telescope vibrations are underway.
• The last major subsystem requiring a vendor is the Adaptive Optics Bench; a
  design will be selected through request for proposals.
• Cost and schedule for the bench have been estimated with the oversight of
  independent review; both will be known to higher precision once the awarded
  system has undergone a preliminary design review (FY 2022).
                                           NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 14
Risk Management
 Mechanisms are in place to mitigate the risks associated with NSF investments. NSF and the Gemini Board have
  oversight of the Gemini risk matrix and are provided regular updates. The most significant remaining risks and
                                                 mitigations for the GNAO and IGRINS-2 instrument projects are:

3. Loss of project personnel:
• Potential loss of experienced personnel poses a risk to completing the project
  on schedule.
• Gemini management are working within the NOIRLab structure to identify
  contingency options in the larger pool of engineers available in the NOIRLab
  engineering group.

                                           NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 15
Risk Management
 Mechanisms are in place to mitigate the risks associated with NSF investments. NSF and the Gemini Board have
  oversight of the Gemini risk matrix and are provided regular updates. The most significant remaining risks and
                                                 mitigations for the GNAO and IGRINS-2 instrument projects are:

4. Gemini Partnerships:
• Current International Gemini Agreement expires on December 31, 2021.
• Renewal of the agreement is currently undergoing final approvals, with all
  partners reaffirming their continued support at similar levels for CY 2022-
• Commitment embodied within this agreement and the partners’ ongoing joint
  oversight of GEMMA and the Instrument Development Fund via the Gemini
  Board mitigate this risk.

                                           NSB Action Item | International Gemini Observatory | May 18-19, 2021 | 16
Risk Management
  Mechanisms are in place to mitigate the risks associated with NSF investments. NSF and the Gemini Board have
   oversight of the Gemini risk matrix and are provided regular updates. The most significant remaining risks and
                                                  mitigations for the GNAO and IGRINS-2 instrument projects are:
5. IGRINS-2 construction:
• As a one-time, off-the-shelf procurement, the IGRINS-2 detector purchase has not been
  impacted by COVID-19.
• The IGRINS-2 detector procurement provides no risk to either the Gemini O&M cooperative
  support agreement or the NOIRLab support agreement.
• Construction of IGRINS-2, detector integration, and delivery will be conducted exclusively
  by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), and KASI is managing the risks
  to the instrument construction, integration, and commissioning.
• Risks to cost, scope, and schedule are being monitored, so far with no concerning issues.
• Gemini provides non-financial support appropriate for a facility instrument project:
   • An internal project manager, systems engineer, instrument scientist, and operations scientists and
     engineers assigned to support and oversee the IGRINS-2 team effort.
   • KASI provides monthly progress reports and and participate in formal meetings each month, with regular
     (~weekly) interactions among the management team and daily interactions with the relevant scientific
     and engineering staff when needed.
   • Gemini fully participate in and provide feedback for critical project reviews.
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