2021-2022 Protocols Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

Page created by Beth Matthews
Human Resources Division
                                                                      333 South Beaudry Avenue, 14th Floor
                                                                            Los Angeles, California 90017
                                                                                Telephone: (213) 241-3444

2021-2022 Protocols
Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


The purpose of this document is to outline the steps and protocols of the Educator Development
and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers (EDSNCT) process. EDSNCT includes a series of
reflection activities, observations, evidence collection, conferencing opportunities, and
professional goal-setting activities, all of which are aimed at helping to identify strengths and
opportunities for improving professional practice.

The protocols, including purpose, timeline, role of both administrator and non-classroom
teacher, and alignment to LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework elements are outlined for
each of the steps of this process. Please note that while these protocols may be modified to
make the process more meaningful for teachers and administrators, they reflect best practices
in coaching professionals and encouraging professional reflection and growth. It is also
important to note that these procedures are to be used in conjunction with other ongoing
observations, meetings or professional conversations that take place as part of effective
ongoing leadership and support practices in schools.

NOTE: For the evaluation of classroom teachers, refer to the Protocols for the EDS: Teachers
(EDST) process. For the evaluation of secondary academic counselors, see the Protocols for
the EDS: Counselors (EDSC) process.

For any questions about the 2021-2022 EDSNCT, EDST, or EDSC processes, please contact
the Educator Development and Support staff at MyPGS@lausd.net.
2021-2022 Protocols
        Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                   Table of Contents


SEQUENCE OF EDSNCT ACTIVITIES                                        3

EDSNCT MAJOR TASKS TIMELINE FOR 2021-2022                            4-5


 SELF-ASSESSMENT                                                     6

  • Initial Planning Sheet                                           7

 INITIAL PLANNING CONFERENCE                                         8-9

 GROWTH PLAN VISIT                                                   10

 OBSERVATION OF PRACTICE                                             11-18

     • Pre-Observation Steps:
        o Lesson Design/Planning                                     11
        o Pre-Observation Conference                                 12-13
     • Observation of Practice
        o Observation                                                14-15
     • Post-Observation Steps:
        o Lesson Reflection                                          16
        o Post-Observation Conference                                17-18

EVIDENCE COLLECTION                                                  19

FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES                                                 20
   • Mid-Year Activities
   • Formative Conference

   • End-of-Year Activities                                          21
   • Final Evaluation Conference                                     22

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2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


 August/September     September           October       September- March                            December             April      April/May

                                                       Observation of
                                                                                                    Growth            Growth
                                                     • Lesson Design
  Teacher Self         Growth             Initial    • Pre-Observation                             Planning:         Planning:        Final
  Assessment          Planning:          Planning      Conference                                                    End-of-Year   Evaluation
                                                                                               Mid-Year Reflection
                     Initial Planning   Conference   • Observation                                                    Reflection   Conference
   (Confidential)          Sheet                     • Lesson Reflection
                                                     • Post-Observation
                                                     • Ratings

                                                                     Growth Plan Visit
                                                                           September - March

                                                                       Evidence Collection
                                                                               September - April

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
           Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

  Per the 2015-2016 Reopener Agreement, the timeline below indicates the contractual deadlines for certain EDSNCT steps (designated
  with an asterisk). To support the timely completion of the entire EDSNCT process, completion dates are also included for all other
  remaining EDSNCT steps.

  MONTH(S)              MAJOR TASKS                               ASSOCIATED COMPLETION DATES
August/September    SELF-ASSESSMENT             9/10/2021
September           GROWTH PLANNING:            9/24/2021
                    Initial Planning Sheet

October             INITIAL PLANNING            Contractual Deadline: 10/08/2021*

September-March     GROWTH PLAN VISIT           by 3/18/2022

September- March    OBSERVATION OF              Contractual Deadlines:
                    PRACTICE                     Observation: by 2/18/2022*
                    • Pre-Observation Steps      Post-Observation: by 3/07/2022*
                      o Lesson
                         Design/Planning        Note: Post-Observation Conference must be no more than ten work days after the
                         Documents              Observation of Practice.
                      o Pre-Observation
                    • Observation of Practice
                    • Post-Observation
                      o Lesson/Practice
                      o Post-Observation
                         Conference             *Contractual deadlines

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2021-2022 Protocols
           Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

September - March   EVIDENCE COLLECTION      4/08/2022
                                             Before End-of-Year Reflection and Conference
December            GROWTH PLANNING:         12/17/2021
                    Mid-Year Reflection
December-January    Mid-Year Activities      1/28/2022
April               End-of-Year Activities   4/22/2022

May                 FINAL EVALUATION         Contractual Deadline: 5/11/2022*
June                MyPGS PLATFORM           6/14/2022

  Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


 Purpose        • To assist the non-classroom teacher in identifying and reflecting on strengths and
                  opportunities for improving practice
                • To assist in developing appropriate objectives and action steps for the Initial Planning Sheet
                • To highlight a consistent cycle of reflection as an effective professional practice
                                Teacher Role                                      Administrator Role
 Protocol       • Review relevant student achievement data         • Ratings and reflection are confidential and
                  and/or relevant school-wide data.                  not viewable by administrator.
                • Reflect on practice by analyzing the data
                  and the LAUSD Teaching and Learning
                • Enter Self-Assessment ratings and
                  reflection via MyPGS. Ratings are
                  confidential and not viewable by
 Timeline      Suggested completion date: September 10, 2021

                LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework elements included in this task:
 Standard 1: Planning and Preparation                     Standard 4: Additional Professional
 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students                  Responsibilities
    1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge,        4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
      and Language Proficiency                                4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning
    1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, and            Outcomes
      Adults Learn                                            4a4. Submits Records on Time
 1e. Designing Student Assessment                         4b. Communicating with Families
   1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment Data for               4b3.Engagement of Families in the Instructional
      Planning                                                   Program
                                                          4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
 Standard 2: Classroom Environment                            4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School,
 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures                               District, State and Federal Regulations
     2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other                 4c2. Advocacy/Intervention for Students
       Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
                                                          Standard 5: Professional Growth
 Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction                      5a. Reflecting on Practice
 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques              5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
     3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student                   5a4. Implementation of New Learning from
       Participation                                             Professional Development
 3c. Engaging Students in Learning                        5b. Participating in a Professional Community
     3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and           5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry
       Assignments                                               and Collaboration
 3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
     3d3. Feedback to Students

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2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                             INITIAL PLANNING SHEET
   Purpose       • To support the teacher in developing the following:
                     o Professional Growth Objective (One TLF focus element from Standards 4 or 5)
                     o Data-Based Objective (Based on relevant student/school-wide data)
                 • To support the teacher in developing strategies to advance practice in the identified objectives
                                       Teacher Role                                      Administrator Role
 Preparation     • Review relevant data including: Self-                  • Coach teachers to develop relevant
                    Assessment, student assessment data, school-             objectives based on:
                    wide data                                                     - Professional conversations
                 • Select objectives for growth                                   - Relevant teacher/student/school
                 • Select elements best demonstrated during                         data
                    Observation of Practice activity, other
                    opportunities and evidence collected throughout
                    the year
 Timeline      Initial Planning Sheet to be submitted to administrator via MyPGS by September 24, 2021.
                                        INITIAL PLANNING SHEET PROTOCOL
               Via MyPGS:                                                Via MyPGS:
                 • Develop a Professional Growth Objective and            • Review teacher’s Initial Planning Sheet.
                    strategies targeting one focus element from           • Prepare feedback on objectives and
                    Standard 4 or 5 of the TLF.                              strategies for the Initial Planning
                 • Develop a Data-Based Objective and strategies.            Conference.
                 • Identify three teacher-selected focus elements         • Optional: Select additional growth
                    for the Observation of Practice/Evidence                 objective(s) from the TLF for the teacher
                    Collection.                                              to include in their Initial Planning Sheet,
                 • Submit the completed Initial Planning Sheet to            as appropriate.
                    administrator for review.                             • Review the three teacher-selected focus
                                                                             elements for the Observation of
                                                                             Practice/Evidence Collection.
 Standard 1: Planning and Preparation                                Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students                             4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
     1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language          4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
          Proficiency                                                     4a4. Submits Records on Time
     1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, and Adults Learn   4b. Communicating with Families
 1e. Designing Student Assessment                                        4b3. Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
    1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment Data for Planning            4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
 Standard 2: Classroom Environment                                       4c1. Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State
 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures                                             and Federal Regulations
      2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and            4c2. Advocacy/Intervention for Students
           Paraprofessionals                                         Standard 5: Professional Growth
 Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction                                 5a. Reflecting on Practice
 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques                         5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
     3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation                5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional
 3c. Engaging Students in Learning                                             Development
     3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments      5b. Participating in a Professional Community
 3d. Using Assessment in Instruction                                      5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and
     3d3. Feedback to Students                                                 Collaboration

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2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                     INITIAL PLANNING CONFERENCE
  Purpose       • To discuss and finalize the following:
                            o Professional Growth Objective
                            o Data-Based Objective(s)
                • To discuss and finalize the teacher’s action steps to achieve growth objectives
                • To discuss the timeline and protocols leading to the overall evaluation and schedule the
                  steps of EDSNCT
                • To review the three teacher-selected focus elements for the Observation of
                  Practice/Evidence Collection
                • To identify the cooperatively-selected focus element for the Observation of
                  Practice/Evidence Collection
                • (Optional) To review additional growth objective added by administrator
                                Teacher Role                                Administrator Role
 Preparation    • Complete and submit the Initial             • Review teacher’s Initial Planning Sheet via
                  Planning Sheet to the administrator           MyPGS.
                  via MyPGS.                                  • Prepare feedback on objectives and action
                • Prepare to discuss and identify the
                  cooperatively-selected focus element        • Prepare to discuss and identify the
                  by reflecting on individual practice in       cooperatively-selected focus element by
                  support of school instructional               considering instructional priorities (e.g.,
                  priorities (e.g., school professional         school professional development plan,
                  development plan, grade-                      grade-level/department goals, district
                  level/department goals, district goals).      goals) and planned Observation of
                • Plan for the Observation of Practice.
                                                              • (Optional) Review additional growth
                • (Optional) Review additional growth
                                                                objective(s) and appropriate action steps
                  objective(s) and appropriate action
                                                                (based on any element of the TLF).

 Timeline      Initial Planning Conference to be held by October 8, 2021.
                               INITIAL PLANNING CONFERENCE PROTOCOL
                 • Review objectives and action steps        • Provide feedback on objectives and action
                    developed in the Initial Planning          steps in the Initial Planning Sheet.
                    Sheet with administrator.                • Optional: Administrator may identify
                 • Review the teacher-selected focus           additional objective(s) and discuss
                    elements for the Observation of            appropriate action steps related to the
                    Practice and Evidence Collection.          added objective.
                 • Discuss the cooperatively selected        • Review the teacher-selected focus
                    focus element for the Observation of       elements for the Observation of
                    Practice/Evidence Collection.              Practice/Evidence Collection.
                 • Consider and discuss options for the      • Discuss and enter the cooperatively
                    Observation of Practice (professional      selected focus element for the Observation
                    development, parent workshop,              of Practice/Evidence Collection.
                    meeting facilitation, intervention       • Review the steps and timeline and
                    lesson, coaching session).                 schedule/enter dates for:
                                                                     o Pre-Observation Conference
                                                                     o Observation of Practice
                                                                     o Post-Observation Conference
                                                                     o Mid-Year Conference
                                                                Sign off in MyPGS to accept the Initial
                                                                Planning Sheet.

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
           Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                              SUGGESTED COACHING STEMS AND QUESTIONS
 NOTE: It is not the intent that every question is asked. The questions are provided as a resource to facilitate
 meaningful discussion during the Initial Planning Conference.

 Clarifying/Probing Stems or Questions for IPS Objectives and/or Focus Element Selection:
             What possible evidence may be collected for your _____________ objective?
              How might you know when you have met your _______________ objective?
              As you examine the data, what are some of the differences and similarities that are
              What might be some effective strategies that you have used before?
              Could you tell me more about . . .
              Could you give me an example . . .
              Tell me about your next steps . . .
 Clarifying/Probing Stems or Questions for Cooperatively-Selected Focus Element:
              As we think about our school’s instructional goals, which focus element will …
              What should we consider in selecting the focus element?

               • Professional Growth Objective (Any TLF focus element from Standards 4 or 5)
               • Three district unified elements:
                          o 4c1, Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State, and
                              Federal Regulations
                          o 4c2, Advocacy for Students
                          o 5b2, Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration
               • Three teacher-selected focus elements (Any three of twelve remaining TLF LAUSD
                  focus elements)
               • One cooperatively-selected focus element (Teacher and administrator select one of the
                  remaining LAUSD TLF focus elements)
               • (Optional) Administrator-Identified Additional Objective: Any TLF element, focus or

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
          Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


                                             GROWTH PLAN VISIT
 Purpose       • To provide further feedback to teachers on the Professional Growth Objective identified in the
                 Initial Planning Sheet (IPS)
               • To inform next steps on the Initial Planning Sheet objectives, strategies, and/or actions
                 Note: The Growth Plan Visit can take place before or after the Observation of Practice
                                Teacher Role                                   Administrator Role
 Preparation   • Identify an appropriate time for the            • Review the teacher’s IPS, focusing on the
                  administrator to observe when IPS                  Professional Growth Objective and
                  Professional Growth actions are likely to be       strategies.
                  observed.                                      • Identify an appropriate time to visit the
                                                                     teacher when IPS Professional Growth
                                                                     Objective actions are likely to be
 Timeline     Growth Plan Visit to be completed by March 18, 2022.
                                                                 • Observe the teacher’s practice and collect
               • Participate in the appropriate professional         evidence related to the Professional
                 practice for administrator to observe and           Growth Objective identified in the IPS.
                 provide feedback                                • Enter the collected evidence and provide
               • Review administrator’s evidence and                 suggested next steps and comments
                 comments.                                           under the “Primary Activities” tab via
               • Debrief with administrator, as appropriate.         MyPGS. The activity in MyPGS will be
                                                                     automatically marked complete once all of
                                                                     the required prompts have been
                                                                     answered, and this will notify the teacher
                                                                     that the observation notes are viewable.
                                                                 • Debrief with teacher, as appropriate.
              Elements selected as part of the teacher’s Growth Objectives in the Initial Planning Sheet and
              any other elements for which evidence is observed.

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


                                   LESSON PLAN/PLANNING DOCUMENTS
 Purpose          • To guide teachers through the planning process for the Observation of Practice via questions
                     and prompts that are aligned to the LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework
                  • To provide an opportunity for the teacher and administrator to identify strengths and areas for
                     improving the plan prior to the observation
                  • To provide administrators with evidence for addressing teaching practice in Standard 1:
                     Planning and Preparation from the Teaching and Learning Framework, if selected as focus
                     elements for the Observation of Practice.
                                  Teacher Role                                    Administrator Role
 Protocol      If the Observation of Practice is a classroom      Via MyPGS:
               lesson:                                             • Review teacher’s planning documents/
                 • Review relevant student data.                      lesson plan.
                 • Design a lesson using the Lesson Plan           •  Plan questions for the Pre-Observation
                    Template. If an alternative lesson plan           Conference.
                    format is used, upload to MyPGS as an          • Identify strengths and areas for improving
                    attachment.                                       the plan to be shared at the Pre-Observation
                 • Share lesson plan with administrator via           Conference.
                    MyPGS.                                         • If any of the teacher’s selected focus
                                                                      elements are from Standard 1, align the
               If the Observation of Practice is not a                evidence. (Note: If the teacher uses the
               classroom lesson, e.g., professional                   Lesson Design Template and selects
               development, parent meeting, coaching                  element 1b1, the “Auto Create Notes” button
               conversation:                                          will align evidence for that element.)
                   • Review relevant student and school-wide
                   • Prepare a plan for delivery
                   • Upload the planning documents, e.g.,
                      data, presentation, handouts; as
                      attachments to the Planning Documents
                      step on MyPGS

 Timeline      To be completed and submitted at least one        To be reviewed prior to the Pre-Observation
               day prior to the Pre-Observation Conference.      Conference.

 Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
    1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency
    1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, and Adults Learn
 1e. Designing Student Assessment
    1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment Data for Planning

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                       PRE-OBSERVATION CONFERENCE
 Purpose           • To provide teacher and administrator with an opportunity to discuss the event that will be
                     observed and its alignment to some of the focus elements selected for the teacher’s
                   • To provide teacher and administrator with an opportunity to discuss the lesson plan/planning
                   • To provide the administrator with evidence for assessing the teacher’s practice in Standard
                     1: Planning and Preparation, if selected as focus element(s) for the Observation of Practice.
                                Teacher Role                                   Administrator Role
 Preparation   If the Observation of Practice is a             Via MyPGS:
               classroom lesson:                                   • Review teacher’s plan for delivery/ lesson
                 • Review lesson plan entered into                    design.
                    MyPGS                                          • Ask questions about the plan/design.
                 • Be prepared to answer questions about           • Identify and share strengths and areas for
                    the lesson                                        improving the plan and delivery.
                 • Articulate concerns, seek guidance              • Address teacher’s concerns, provide
               If the Observation of Practice is not a             • Collect evidence to align to Standard 1
               classroom lesson, e.g., professional                   elements, if applicable.
               development, parent meeting, coaching               • If any of the selected focus elements
               conversation:                                          are from Standard 1, align the evidence.
               • Review planning documents entered
                    into MyPGS
               • Be prepared to answer questions
                    about the Observation of Practice
               • Articulate concerns, seek guidance

 Timeline      Pre-Observation conference to be held one to three days prior to the observation.
               •     Share instructional materials and         • Ask questions to clarify and gain understanding
                     student/participant data used in            about the event/lesson.
                     planning.                                 • Engage in a collaborative conversation focusing
               •     Discuss the planning documents/             on strengths and areas for improving the
                     lesson plan including the rationale for     event/lesson.
                     the instructional and assessment          • Explain how evidence will be collected during
                     strategies.                                 the Observation Cycle.
               •     Engage in a collaborative conversation    • If any of the selected focus elements are
                     focusing on strengths and areas for         from Standard 1:
                     improving the plans/lesson design.            o Collect additional evidence (if needed) for
                                                                       the element(s) during the pre-observation
                                                                   o Auto-create notes, or align the evidence for
                                                                       the element(s). Note: The “Auto Create
                                                                       Notes” button will align evidence only if the
                                                                       teacher uses the Lesson Plan Template
                                                                       and includes element 1b1 in the set of
                                                                       seven elements.

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2021-2022 Protocols
        Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

             NOTE: It is not the intent that every question is asked. The questions are provided as a resource to facilitate
             meaningful discussion during the Pre-Observation Conference.

             Introductory Questions
                    Can you walk me through the event?
                    Tell me how this event fits in with your other projects/workflows.

             Paraphrasing Stems:
                    In other words…
                    What I hear you saying…

             Clarifying and Probing Stems
                     Would you tell me a little more about…?
                     To what extent...?
                     I’m intrigued by…/I’m interested in… I wonder…

             Direct Suggestion Stems
                    One thing I’ve learned/noticed is…
                    Something to keep in mind when dealing with…
                    What do you imagine would happen if you were to try something like that in your class?
                    Which of these ideas might work best with your students?

             Indirect Suggestion Stems
                    Something you might consider trying is….
                    Several teachers I know have tried a couple of different things in this sort of situation and
                    maybe one might work for you….
                    There are a number of approaches…


             Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
             1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
                1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency
                1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, and Adults Learn
             1e. Designing Student Assessment
                1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment Data for Planning

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


                                          OBSERVATION OF PRACTICE
 Purpose         • To provide opportunities for the teacher to demonstrate practice in order to receive feedback
                   that will support professional growth and development
                 • To provide the administrator with evidence for assessing the teacher’s practice in the three
                   district-unified focus elements, the three teacher-selected focus elements, and/or the one
                   cooperatively selected focus element
                              Teacher Role                                     Administrator Role
 Preparation     • Participate in the Pre-Observation         • Facilitate the Pre-Observation Conference.
 Timeline       Contractual deadline: February 18, 2022
                One Observation of Practice must be completed during the school year. If conducted in the Fall
                semester, the recommended due date is November 12, 2021. If the Observation of Practice is
                conducted in the Spring semester, the contractual deadline is February 18, 2022.
                        PROTOCOL FOR OBSERVATION (The full duration of the event)
                 • Deliver instruction/presentation that      • Observe the teacher’s practice and collect evidence
                   focuses on meeting needs of                  from the beginning to the end of the event.
                   students/participants.                     • Following the observation, edit and enter notes in
                 • Following the observation, review            MyPGS and align (tag) the evidence to focus
                   and reflect; collect any work                elements in the LAUSD Teaching and Learning
                   samples that may be shared with              Framework, so the teacher can view the
                   the administrator for analysis and           observation evidence prior to the Post-Observation
                   discussion.                                  Conference.
                 • Following the observation,
                   complete the Reflection of Practice NOTE: Rating of focus elements for the Observation of
                   within one to three days and share       Practice will happen at the end of the year, along with
                   with the administrator via MyPGS.        the Evidence Collection ratings. Evidence from the
                   (Entering the Reflection of Practice Observation of Practice may align with only some of
                   on MyPGS is optional.)                   the seven selected elements.

                Standard 2: Classroom Environment
                2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
                    2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and Paraprofessionals

                Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction
                3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
                    3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
                3c. Engaging Students in Learning
                    3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments
                3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
                    3d3. Feedback to Students

                Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
                4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
                    4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
                    4a4. Submits Records on Time
                4b. Communicating with Families
                    4b3.Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program

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2021-2022 Protocols
        Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

             4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
                 4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State and Federal Regulations
                 4c2. Advocacy/Intervention for Students

             Standard 5: Professional Growth
             5a. Reflecting on Practice
                5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
                5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional Development
             5b. Participating in a Professional Community
                 5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers


                                          REFLECTION OF PRACTICE
 Purpose         • To provide the teacher an opportunity to reflect upon the Observation of Practice event,
                   assess student/participant progress and learning, and outline next steps
                 • To provide an opportunity for the administrator to view results and sample work from the
                   lesson or event
                 • To provide the administrator with evidence for assessing the teacher’s practice in element
                   5a2, Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction, if selected as a focus element for the
                   Observation of Practice.
                              Teacher Role                                    Administrator Role
 Protocol        • Review student/participant work       If Reflection  of Practice is completed on MyPGS:
                   and data/feedback/evaluations             • Review teacher’s reflection prior to the Post-
                   collected from the lesson or event.         Observation Conference.
                 • Answer the questions in the               • Identify questions, based on the teacher’s
                   Reflection of Practice and share            Reflection of Practice, for the Post-Observation
                   with the administrator one to three         Conference.
                   days after the Observation of             • If element 5a2 is one of the selected focus
                   Practice. (Entering the Reflection of       elements, align the evidence from the Reflection of
                   Practice on MyPGS is optional.)             Practice to Standard 5a2. (Note: Click “Auto Create
                 • Review the rubric descriptors in the        Notes” to align automatically).
                   LAUSD Teaching and Learning
                   Framework to have a clear              If Reflection of Practice is not completed on MyPGS
                   understanding of the expectations      and element 5a2 is one of the selected focus elements:
                   for this focus element (5a2).             • Ask questions from Reflection of Practice step in
                                                               MyPGS and transcribe answers at the Post-
                                                               Observation Conference step.
                                                             • Align answers as evidence for element 5a2.
 Timeline      The Reflection of Practice should be       If completed in MyPGS, the Reflection of Practice is to
               completed within one to three days         be reviewed prior to the Post-Observation Conference.
               after the observation, prior to the Post-
               Observation Conference.
 Standard 5: Professional Growth
 5a. Reflecting on Practice
    5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                       POST-OBSERVATION CONFERENCE
 Purpose         • To provide the teacher with an opportunity to share student/participant work and to reflect on
                   the success of the lesson/event
                 • To allow the administrator and teacher an opportunity to review the evidence collected during
                   the observation through the lens of the rubrics of the LAUSD Teaching and Learning
                 • To provide the teacher and administrator with an opportunity to discuss professional practice
                   and next steps for the teacher’s professional growth
                 • To provide the administrator with evidence for assessing the teacher’s practice in the three
                   district-unified focus elements, the three teacher-selected focus elements, and/or the one
                   cooperatively selected focus element
                                  Teacher Role                                    Administrator Role
 Preparation     • Review the evidence from the observation          • Review aligned evidence in MyPGS.
                   via MyPGS.                                        • Prepare questions for the Post-Observation
                 • Review sample work or any other materials           Conference.
                   from the observation.
 Timeline      The Post-Observation Conference is to be completed no more than ten workdays after the
                 • Discuss reflection about the lesson/           • Facilitate the conference.
                   event and share any student/participant        • Discuss the evidence collected during the
                   work with administrator.                         observation through the lens of the LAUSD
                 • Discuss the evidence from the lesson/            Teaching and Learning Framework.
                   event through the lens of the LAUSD            • Ask questions that promote teacher’s analysis
                   Teaching and Learning Framework.                 of practice.
                 • Discuss potential next steps for               • Enter and align additional evidence collected
                   professional growth.                             from the Post Observation Conference in
                                                                    MyPGS, if applicable.
                                                                  • Discuss potential next steps for the teacher’s
                                                                    professional growth.
                                                                 NOTE: Ratings of focus elements are finalized in
                                                                 MyPGS during End-of-Year Activities.
                              SUGGESTED COACHING STEMS AND QUESTIONS
               NOTE: it is not the intent that every question is addressed. The questions are provided as a resource to
               facilitate meaningful discussion about the evidence during the Post-Observation Conference.

               Paraphrasing Stems/ Questions:
                        Let’s review the key points in our discussion…
                        What you are saying is…
               Clarifying and Probing Stems/Questions:
                       What do you think went well?
                       Did the event/lesson go as expected? Were there any surprises?
                       As you delivered the content, what changes did you make, if any, and why?
                       How did you make decisions about….?
                       What is your thinking about…?
                       How do you know that students/participants were cognitively engaged during the entire
                       How does your feedback support students/participants in improving their understanding?
                       How do work samples demonstrate that participants have or have not achieved the
                       learning objectives?
               Direct Suggestion Stems:
                       A couple of the things to keep in mind…
                       One thing I’ve noticed is…

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
         Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

               Indirect Suggestion Stems:
                       Sometimes it’s helpful if…
                       There are a number of approaches…
                       Something you might consider trying is….

   Standard 2: Classroom Environment                    Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
   2c. Managing Classroom Procedures                    4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
       2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other             4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning
         Volunteers and Paraprofessionals                     Outcomes
   Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction                      4a4. Submits Records on Time
   3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques      4b. Communicating with Families
       3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student               4b3.Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
         Participation                                  4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
   3c. Engaging Students in Learning                        4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District,
       3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and          State and Federal Regulations
         Assignments                                        4c2. Advocacy/Intervention for Students
   3d. Using Assessment in Instruction                  Standard 5: Professional Growth
       3d3. Feedback to Students                        5a. Reflecting on Practice
                                                             5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
                                                            5a4. Implementation of New Learning from
                                                               Professional Development
                                                        5b. Participating in a Professional Community
                                                            5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry
                                                               and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
        Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                                  EVIDENCE COLLECTION
   Purpose        • To provide opportunities for the teacher to demonstrate practice in order to receive feedback
                    that will support professional growth and development
                  • To provide the administrator with evidence for assessing the teacher’s practice in the three
                    district-unified focus elements, the three teacher-selected focus elements, and the one
                    cooperatively selected focus element

                                      Teacher Role                                             Administrator Role
   Preparation    • Create and document evidence of                              • Create and document evidence of the
                    professional practice                                          teacher’s professional practice.
                                                                                 • Review and give feedback on the
                                                                                   teacher’s practice as represented in the
                                                                                   evidence collection.

   Timeline      Evidence is collected, posted, aligned, and documented using artifacts and attachments provided
                 by the non-classroom teacher and supervisor throughout the year. Evidence collection should be
                 finalized by April 8, 2022.
                 Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
                 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
                     1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge and Language Proficiency
                     1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, or Adults Learn
                 1e. Designing Student Assessment
                     1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment for Planning
                 Standard 2: The Classroom Environment
                 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
                     2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
                 Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction
                 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
                     3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
                 3c. Engaging Students in Learning
                     3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments
                 3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
                     3d3. Feedback to Students
                 Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
                 4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
                     4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
                     4a4. Submits Records on Time
                 4b. Communicating with Families
                     4b3. Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
                 4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
                     4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State and Federal Regulations
                     4c2. Advocacy for Students
                 Standard 5: Professional Growth
                 5a. Reflecting on Practice
                     5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
                     5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional Development
                 5b. Participating in a Professional Community
                    5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
           Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                            MID-YEAR ACTIVITIES
 Purpose         •
                 To review and reflect upon evidence collected to date
                 To assess progress on teacher’s objectives and action steps from the Initial Planning Sheet
                 To provide feedback on progress in meeting growth objectives and collecting evidence
                 To provide opportunity for the teacher and administrator to discuss evidence collection and
                 progress toward meeting growth objectives
                                Teacher Role                                   Administrator Role
 Preparation   • Review evidence collected to date.               • Review evidence collected to date.
               • Answer questions in the Mid-Year Self-           • Review Mid-Year Reflection (if complete).
                 Assessment and Reflection (It is optional to     • Prepare to conduct a Formative
                 enter answers in MyPGS).                           Conference.
               • Prepare to participate in Formative
 Timeline     Recommended completion date: January 28, 2022
                                  PROTOCOL FOR MID-YEAR ACTIVITIES
               • Review all evidence collected to date.           • Review evidence posted by teacher and
               • Answer questions in Self-Assessment/Mid-           administrator to date
                 Year Reflection (Optional to enter answers       • Facilitate Mid-Year Conference
                 in MyPGS)                                        • Provide feedback to ensure representative
               • Request additional support, if needed              evidence for all selected elements
               • Participate in Formative Conference.           NOTE: Ratings of focus elements are finalized
                                                                in MyPGS during End-of-Year Activities.
               Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
               1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
                   1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge and Language Proficiency
                   1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, or Adults Learn
               1e. Designing Student Assessment
                   1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment for Planning
               Standard 2: The Classroom Environment
               2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
                   2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
               Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction
               3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
                   3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
               3c. Engaging Students in Learning
                   3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments
               3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
                   3d3. Feedback to Students
               Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
               4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
                   4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
                   4a4. Submits Records on Time
               4b. Communicating with Families
                   4b3. Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
               4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
                   4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State and Federal Regulations
                   4c2. Advocacy for Students
               Standard 5: Professional Growth
               5a. Reflecting on Practice
                   5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
                   5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional Development
               5b. Participating in a Professional Community
                   5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
           Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                         END-OF-YEAR ACTIVITIES
 Purpose         •
                 To review and reflect upon all evidence collected.
                 To assess progress on teacher’s objectives and action steps from the Initial Planning Sheet
                 To provide feedback on progress in meeting objectives and collecting evidence
                 To provide opportunity for the teacher and administrator to discuss evidence collection and
                 progress toward meeting growth objectives
                                Teacher Role                                   Administrator Role
 Preparation   • Review all evidence collected.                     • Review all evidence collected.
               • Answer questions in the End-of-Year Self-          • Review End-of-Year Reflection (if
                 Assessment and Reflection (It is optional to         complete).
                 enter answers in MyPGS).                           • Prepare to conduct an End-of-Year
               • Prepare to participate in End-of-Year                Conference.
 Timeline     Recommended completion date: April 22, 2022
                               PROTOCOL FOR END-OF-YEAR ACTIVITIES
               • Review all evidence posted by teacher and          • Review evidence posted by teacher and
                 administrator.                                       administrator.
               • Answer questions in Self-Assessment/Mid-           • Facilitate End-of-Year Conference.
                 Year Reflection (Optional to enter answers in      • Rate professional practice based on the
                 MyPGS).                                              evidence provided and the rubrics of the
               • Participate in End-of-Year Conference.               Teaching & Learning Framework.
               • Request additional support, if needed
               • Review and acknowledge ratings on MyPGS.
               Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
               1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
                   1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge and Language Proficiency
                   1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, or Adults Learn
               1e. Designing Student Assessment
                   1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment for Planning
               Standard 2: The Classroom Environment
               2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
                   2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
               Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction
               3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
                   3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
               3c. Engaging Students in Learning
                   3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments
               3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
                   3d3. Feedback to Students
               Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
               4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
                   4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
                   4a4. Submits Records on Time
               4b. Communicating with Families
                   4b3. Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
               4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
                   4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State and Federal Regulations
                   4c2. Advocacy for Students
               Standard 5: Professional Growth
               5a. Reflecting on Practice
                   5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
                   5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional Development
               5b. Participating in a Professional Community
                   5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
2021-2022 Protocols
            Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers

                                            FINAL EVALUATION CONFERENCE
   Purpose           • To share and sign off on the EDSNCT Final Evaluation Report
                     • To inform next steps for the teacher’s professional growth
                                     Teacher Role                                 Administrator Role
 Preparation         • Review progress made on Growth             • Review teacher’s End-of-Year Reflection and
                       Objectives and action steps in the           provide feedback via MyPGS, if applicable.
                       Initial Planning Sheet.                    • Review evidence of teacher’s practice that has
                     • Review all evidence.                         been collected throughout the EDSNCT process.
                     • Complete the End-of-Year Reflection.       • Complete EDSNCT Final Evaluation Report via
                       (It is optional to enter the reflection in   MyPGS.
 Timeline        The Final Evaluation Report is to be issued by May 11, 2022, 30 calendar days before the
                 employee’s last regularly scheduled school day (Article X, Section 6.) The Final Evaluation
                 Conference should be held once the Report has been completed.
                                   PROTOCOL FINAL EVALUATION CONFERENCE
                  • Share reflection on the progress that      • Share Final Evaluation Report with teacher.
                    has been made throughout EDSNCT.           • Identify next steps for professional growth in
                  • Identify next steps for professional         collaboration with the teacher.
                    growth in collaboration with the           • Sign off on teacher’s Final Evaluation Report via
                    administrator.                               MyPGS using E-signature.
                  • Sign off on Final Evaluation Report        • Finalize the evaluation for 2021-22, no later than
                    via MyPGS using E-signature.                 May 11, 2022.
 Standard 1: Planning and Preparation
 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
     1b1. Awareness of Students’ Skills, Knowledge and Language Proficiency
     1b2. Knowledge of How Children, Adolescents, or Adults Learn
 1e. Designing Student Assessment
     1e4. Analysis and Use of Assessment for Planning
 Standard 2: The Classroom Environment
 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
     2c4. Management of Parent Leaders, other Volunteers and Paraprofessionals
 Standard 3: Delivery of Instruction
 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
     3b2. Discussion Techniques and Student Participation
 3c. Engaging Students in Learning
     3c1. Standards-Based Projects, Activities, and Assignments
 3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
     3d3. Feedback to Students
 Standard 4: Additional Professional Responsibilities
 4a. Maintaining Accurate Records
     4a1. Tracks Progress Towards Identified Learning Outcomes
     4a4. Submits Records on Time
 4b. Communicating with Families
     4b3. Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
 4c. Demonstrating Professionalism
     4c1.Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, State and Federal Regulations
     4c2. Advocacy for Students
 Standard 5: Professional Growth
 5a. Reflecting on Practice
     5a2. Use of Reflection to Inform Future Instruction
     5a4. Implementation of New Learning from Professional Development
 5b. Participating in a Professional Community
     5b2. Promotes a Culture of Professional Inquiry and Collaboration

Educator Development and Support: Non-Classroom Teachers 2021-2022
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