2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve

Page created by Andrew Stewart
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
2020 Pricelist

                                                      Made by Keilhauer

February 12, 2020                    Division12.com
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
Terms & Conditions
Design & Engineering                            Prices                                          Orders
Design and Engineering are an integral          Published prices are LIST. Freight NOT          Orders are accepted by issuance of Division
part of Division Twelve’s commitment to         included. Canadian orders are payable in        Twelve’s formal order acknowledgement
customer satisfaction. Division Twelve works    Canadian funds. United States orders are        and are subject to the terms and conditions
with renowned Canadian, U.S. and European       payable in United States funds. Prices do       as set forth herein and on the order
product designers who collaborate with          not include taxes or installation. Please see   acknowledgement; notwithstanding any
a skilled in-house technical research           Freight.                                        variance from the terms and conditions set
and development team. Division Twelve                                                           forth on buyers order forms.
manufactures all products in accordance         Terms                                           Orders are to be submitted to:
with the BIFMA and ANSI requirements.           Net 30 days from date of invoice for            Division Twelve
Product specifications and information on       accredited buyers. Interest on overdue          1450 Birchmount Road
testing results are available upon request.     accounts may be charged at the rate of two      Toronto, ON
                                                percent per month. The buyer will also be       M1P 2E3
Dimensions                                      liable for reasonable collection costs and      or faxed to: 1-866-513-1535 or emailed to:
All dimensions noted herein are approximate     attorney fees.                                  customer.service@keilhauer.com
and subject to slight deviation.
                                                Credit                                          Order Changes
Special Sizes                                   Credit may be established upon acceptance       Requests for changes to orders must be
Division Twelve is prepared to address          of satisfactory references. Division Twelve     made in writing and are subject to approval
special size requirements. Please consult       requires a bank reference with initial          and applicable cost.
the factory with details. If the factory        purchase order for new customers. A
determines applicability of special             deposit on all first time orders is standard    Cancellation
requirements, a price quotation will be         procedure. Established customers must           Orders may not be terminated without
prepared.                                       provide a bank reference to increase current    Division Twelve’s consent. Cancellation
                                                credit limit. Division Twelve may cancel or     cannot be accepted after fabric has been
Care and Maintenance                            change credit terms at its discretion.          cut or after materials have been placed on
Maintenance of textiles should include                                                          order.
regular vacuuming to maintain appearance.       Placing Orders
For stains, please consult a professional       Product Name, Product Number, Quantity,         Returns
cleaning service.                               Fabric, End User Information, Applicable        No merchandise may be returned to Division
                                                Taxes, a Purchase Order Number, and             Twelve without Division Twelve’s consent. If
Leather upholstery should be dusted or          authorized signature as well as any product     returned by agreement, transportation must
wiped with a clean soft cloth dampened          specific options (as outlined in the Price      be prepaid. Call customer service first to
with water and a very mild liquid soap. For     List), are required when placing an order.      receive a return goods authorization number
stains, please consult a professional leather   Orders are to be submitted to:                  (RGA). Product returned without an RGA will
cleaning service.                                                                               be declined.
                                                Division Twelve
Warranty                                        1450 Birchmount Road                            Glides
Division Twelve merchandise is warranted        Toronto, ON                                     Standard Glides, made of K-resin, are used
to be free from defects in material and         M1P 2E3                                         on all Division Twelve products. Heavy duty
workmanship as follows:                         or faxed to: 1-866-513-1535 or emailed to:      Swivel Glides can be requested for use,
                                                customer.service@keilhauer.com                  made of steel and nylon. Request on your
Standard usage (single shift - 40 hours per                                                     order and add $25.00 LIST per chair for all
week)                                                                                           seating.
Structural and Weld -           10 years
Powdercoat defects –            1 year                                                          Parts & Accessories

Textiles -			                   1 year                                                          Orders for parts or accessories are to be
                                                                                                submitted with a courier account number.
                                                                                                Orders received without this information will
                                                                                                ship COD.

February 12, 2020                                                  Division12.com                                                               2
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
Terms & Conditions
Delivery                                         If customer requests a specific carrier,         Packaging
Division Twelve is not liable for delay or       shipments will be made freight collect at        As a standard Division Twelve blanket wraps
failure to deliver due to strikes, lockouts      customer’s expense.                              large orders. If you require your order to
or other labor color difficulties, failure or                                                     be boxed on large orders, please contact
delay at sources of supply, transportation       Due to the handling requirements of large        your customer service representative for
difficulties, accidents, fire, war, riot,        table tops, the Hectic collection of tables      additional costs.
compliance with government regulations,          will always be crated and there will be a NET
acts of God or other causes of like or unlike    upcharge for this crating. (32” x 66” = $100     Due to the handling requirements of large
nature beyond Division Twelve’s control.         NET. 32” x 90” = $120 NET).                      table tops, the Hectic collection of tables
Division Twelve makes every effort to meet                                                        will always be crated and there will be a NET
required delivery dates and times, however       Please contact Division Twelve customer          upcharge for this crating. (32” x 66” = $100
we do not guarantee arrival times. Division      service department with all freight              NET. 32” x 90” = $120 NET).
Twelve will not pay any labor charges            questions/quotes. Also see Prices.
without Division Twelve’s prior consent.
Division Twelve does not reimburse for late      Storage
arrival times.                                   If customer will not accept delivery when
                                                 goods are ready to ship in accordance with
Freight                                          Division Twelve’s order confirmation, Division
Freight charges are calculated as a % of total   Twelve reserves the right to transfer goods
LIST price (NOT NET). Freight is 9% of LIST      to storage at customer’s risk and expense
price with a minimum charge of $150.00.          and deem such transfer as delivery for all
If your order exceeds $25,000 LIST price,        purposes including invoicing and payment.
please contact customer service for a quote.
The above costs are based on shipping to a       Division Twelve is not responsible for
dealer warehouse in Canada (10 provinces)        damage suffered in transit or storage. If
and U.S.A. (48 contiguous states), on a          shipped via Division 12 carrier, customer
dock-to-dock basis, using Division Twelve’s      must examine merchandise upon receipt
carrier.                                         and note any obvious damage on carrier’s
                                                 delivery receipt. Any concealed damage
Direct-to-site shipments must be discussed       must be reported to Division Twelve, in
with Division Twelve to determine site           writing, within 24 hours of receipt. All
accommodations, at which point additional        packaging materials must be kept for
charges may be applicable. Charges will          inspection. Division Twelve reserves the
apply to non-commercial, inside delivery,        right to send in an inspection agent to
remote site, after hours deliveries, and all     assess damage. Failure to make such claims
other extraordinary deliveries. Dock must        shall constitute full acceptance of the
be able to accommodate a 53-foot trailer.        merchandise.
Receivers must be present to off load
merchandise. Minimum 4 hour delivery
window required, within standard business
hours of 9am to 5pm. Division Twelve
carriers provide one free hour for offloading
product, depending on the size of the order,
after which waiting charges will apply and
will be billed accordingly.

February 12, 2020                                                  Division12.com
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
Customer’s Own Material (COM)                     All stripes will be applied vertically unless     Division Twelve will not accept nor use
Approval                                          customer specifies otherwise.                     any painted leather. A painted leather is
Division Twelve reserves the right to reject      Shipping Instructions                             described as any suede or full top grain
COM fabrics that, in Division Twelve’s            All COM fabrics should be shipped freight         leather which is not vat dyed with the
opinion, are unsuitable. Once COM has             prepaid and tagged with Division Twelve’s         same color through the entire hide. For
been accepted Division Twelve assumes             order acknowledgement number, customer            COL square footage required, please note
no responsibility for its overall appearance,     name, address and purchase order number           heading by individual product in price list.
performance, flammability, normal durability,     to:                                               Where COL hide is less than 30 square feet
color fastness or any other quality after         Division Twelve C/O: Keilhauer                    per hide, please consult factory for COL
upholstered on a Division Twelve product.         1450 Birchmount Road                              requirements.
                                                  Toronto, ON
Yardage Requirements                              Canada M1P 2E3                                    COL Order Requirements
Yardage requirements, as shown in price                                                             The minimum order is a half hide. Exact
list, are based on 54” width plain material.      Attach a sample of the COM fabric to the          footage requests cannot be met. Due to
If fabric is less than 54” please apply the       purchase order for easy identification.           variable hide sizes, the shipping/ billing
following additional yardages:                                                                      quantity may differ from your order quantity.
49” – 53” add 10%                                 For fabrics being shipped from the United         The customer is liable for a maximum of 10%
44” – 48” add 15%                                 States for U.S. customers, please mark bill of    overage from order quantity. Marks, scars
Less than 44” please consult customer             lading “Attention: Welke Customs Brokers/         or wrinkles occurring naturally in leather are
service for required yardage.                     Keilhauer”. To ensure quick clearance by our      not covered by warranty.
                                                  broker, a commercial invoice describing the
If fabric is 54” wide with repeat, please apply   goods (eg. 100% wool, etc.) and the value,        Division Twelve Carded Textiles
the following additional yardages:                should be attached to the bill of lading.         All Keilhauer and Keilhauer Alliance textiles
Repeat 5” or under as noted in price list.                                                          are available and offered for Division 12
Repeat over 5” – 12” add 10% to yardage           Order Scheduling                                  products. Please contact customer service
required.                                         COM orders are not scheduled for                  or your sales contact for more information.
Repeat over 12” – 20” add 15% to yardage          production until all fabrics for your order
required.                                         are received. The entire order, including         Completed list of all offered textiles: https://
Repeat over 20” – 25” add 20% to yardage          non-COM products, will be held for COM            www.keilhauer.com/products/upholstery/
required.                                         arrival and scheduling unless Division Twelve     textiles.html
Any repeat over 25” – Please consult              is advised to split shipment. If split shipping
customer service for required yardage.            is requested, additional freight costs may        Flammability Standards
                                                  be incurred. Contact Customer service with        All Division Twelve upholstery, including
Total yardage must be from one single             inquiries.                                        textiles and leathers, as well as the foam
continuous roll (full bolt size where                                                               used in our products, meet CAL 117
applicable).                                      Customer’s Own Leather (COL)                      standards. CAL 133 fire retardance testing
                                                  Approval                                          has been done on a number of products.
All textile rolls must be in the same dye lot.    Division Twelve reserves the right to reject      Where product is required to meet other
Division Twelve will not be responsible for       COL’s that, in Division Twelve’s opinion, are     specific flammability codes, please contact
dye lot differences.                              unsuitable. Once COL has been accepted            the factory with information. Division Twelve
                                                  Division Twelve assumes no responsibility for     will determine whether the product can be
Upholstery of all vinyls, artificial leathers     its overall appearance, flammability, normal      manufactured to meet the specific codes
and faux suede will be charged at COM             durability, color fastness or any other quality   in question, and a price quotation will be
price.                                            after upholstered on a Division Twelve            prepared.

February 12, 2020                                                     Division12.com                                                                   4
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
Wood Finishes                                    Powder Coats                                      Custom RAL requests must be selected
Division Twelve solely uses solid White Oak      Division Twelve’s 19 colors will be finished in   from RAL CLASSIC collection:
wood with a clear coat for both wood seats       Sandtex. Sandtex is low gloss, sand textured      https://usa.ral-shop.com/overview-of-all-
and table tops. The White Oak wood is            finish that makes it of higher quality and        ral-colours/ral-classic-colours/
carefully selected for uniformity of color and   more durable. The texture provides impact,
grain, however, wood is a natural substance      slip, and fingerprint marks resistance. In        Division Twelve reserves the right to reject
and minor variations may occur due to the        addition, every year Division Twelve’s color      custom RAL CLASSIC colors that, in Division
unique nature of the material and may not        palette will include Pantone®’s Color of the      Twelve’s opinion, are not suitable. Once the
be an exact match to our samples.                Year, finished in Sandtex.                        custom RAL CLASSIC color is accepted,
                                                                                                   Division Twelve assumes no responsibility for
Wood is a natural product that will have         Custom RAL Colors                                 its overall appearance, flammability, normal
color variation within a single piece of         Division Twelve offers custom RAL                 durability, color fastness, or any other quality
furniture. There may also be variation from      CLASSIC finish requests. These requests           after applied to a Division Twelve product.
one piece to the next. Light finishes do not     are subject to a $250 NET upcharge.
hide or mask these natural characteristics       Additional lead times may be required for
and it is important that the customer            these items. Custom RAL orders will not
understand there will be variations from         be acknowledged until the Custom RAL is
piece to piece. Other factors also affect        approved in writing and received at Division
color over time such as exposure to light.       Twelve Customer Service.

The finishes on tables may vary slightly         Custom RAL CLASSIC powder coat requests
from those on seating due to the natural         will be finished in Tiger, a more glossy
characteristics of the wood.                     and smooth finish. Custom RAL CLASSIC
                                                 powder coat colors can be offered in
                                                 Sandtex finish upon request. These requests
                                                 are subject to a $1,250 NET upcharge.

February 12, 2020                                                   Division12.com
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
The Goods:                                                                                                              The Designer:
                                                                                                                        Geof Lilge
•   Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                                        About the Designer:
•   Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam
                                                                                                                        Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His
•   Frame - Steel 		                                                                                                    20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design
•   Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                                           for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the

•   Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon                                                                                    hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial

                                                                                                                        design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

                                                                                                                        award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
Safe Call:
                                                                                                                        charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the
This product is BIFMA compliant.
                                                                                                                        creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.
Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per item)

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                               Pricing:

                                        Height                           Resto - 101101A                                                      490
                                        32.75"                            Resto café chair
                                                                          with wood seat
                                                 Seat Height
                                                                                                                                              COM                                                                                       Yard
                                                 Wood Seat                                                              Grade                 COL        A           B          C     D           E            F   G          H

      Width 16.75" Depth 21"                     Upholstered Seat        Resto - 101101B                                Fabric                410        454       472          490   515       541         567    593      620         0.75
                                                                         Resto café chair
                                                                         with upholstered seat
                                                                                                                        Leather               451        668       757          859                                                     12.75

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                               Pricing:
                                        Height                           Resto - 101201A                                                      540
                                                                         Resto counter stool
                                                                         with wood seat
                                                 Seat Height
                                                                                                                                              COM                                                                                       Yard
                                                 Wood Seat                                                              Grade                 COL         A          B          C     D           E            F   G          H

                                                 Upholstered Seat        Resto - 101201B                                Fabric                460        504       522          540   565       591         617    643      670         0.75
     Width 16.75" Depth 21"                      25”                     Resto counter stool
                                                                         with upholstered seat                          Leather               506        723       812          914                                                     12.75

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                               Pricing:
                                                                         Resto - 101301A                                                      570
                                        44.75"                           Resto bar stool
                                                                         with wood seat
                                                 Seat Height                                                                                                                                                                            Yard
                                                                                                                        Grade                 COL        A           B          C     D           E            F   G          H
                                                 Wood Seat                                                                                                                                                                               Sq.ft.
                                                                         Resto - 101301B                                Fabric                490        534       552          570   595       621         647    673      700         0.75
                                                 Upholstered Seat
                                                 31”                     Resto bar stool
     Width 16.75" Depth 21"
                                                                         with upholstered seat                          Leather               539        756      845           947                                                     12.75

To Order Specify:                                         Height                                     Specs       Seat                               Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name              Resto              101             1      Or      2       Or     3           01          A      Or      B                           RC1206                      RC3014                         RC9005
Product Number                                                                                                                                                Division Yellow             Antique Pink		                 Jet Black
Frame Finish                                              Café           Counter         Bar         Armless     Wood          Upholstered
                                                                                                                                                              RC1023                      RC1201                         RC1202
Quantity                                                                                                                                                      Traffic Yellow              Division Light Pink            Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                                              RC1013                      RC1205                         RC1203
                                                                                                                                                              Oyster White                Division Orange                Division Light Blue

The Deets:                                                                                                                                                    RC9016                      RC5008                         RC6019
                                                                                                       Backrest                                               Traffic White               Grey Blue                      Pastel Green
                  Seat         Seat          Seat         Seat Pan       Backrest         Backrest                  Backrest          Footrest
                                                                                                        to Seat
Dimensions       Height        Width        Depth          Angle          Height           Width                     Angle             Height                 RC7040                      RC5019                         RC6005
                                                                                                         Angle                                                Window Grey                 Capri Blue                     Moss Green

101101A          18.25”        16.75”        16.75”            0°           14.5”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            n/a                   RC4010
                                                                                                                                                                                          Division Blue Green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

101101B             19”        16.75”        16.75”            0°          13.75”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            n/a                   RC3005
                                                                                                                                                              Wine Red
                                                                                                                                                                                          Division Earl Grey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

101201A          24.25”        16.75”        16.75”            0°           14.5”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            6”

101201B             25”        16.75”        16.75”            0°          13.75”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            6”

101301A          30.25”        16.75”        16.75”            0°           14.5”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            12”

101301B             31”        16.75”        16.75”            0°          13.75”              15”       97.5°          7.5°            12”

February 12, 2020                                                                                            Division12.com                                                                                                                       6
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
The Goods:                                                                                             The Designer:
                                                                                                       Geof Lilge
• Table Top - Solid natural White Oak or Laminated MDF
                                                                                                       About the Designer:
• Base - Steel
                                                                                                       Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His
• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                            20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design

                                                                                                       for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the

                                                                                                       hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial

                                                                                                       design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

                                                                                                       award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
Safe Call:
                                                                                                       charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the
This product is BIFMA compliant.
                                                                                                       creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.

Dimensions:                                                           Model:                                                          Pricing:

                                                                      Funk - 105400A                                                  1100
                 24 x 24"                                             Funk 24” square café table
                                                                      with wood top

                                                                      Model:                                                          Pricing:

                                                                      Funk - 105400E                                                  990
                                                                      Funk 24” square café table
                                                                      with laminate top

Dimensions:                                                           Model:                                                          Pricing:

                    30 x 30"                                          Funk - 105401A                                                  1240
                                                                      Funk 30” square café table
                                                                      with wood top

                                                                      Model:                                                          Pricing:

                                                                      Funk - 105401E                                                  1120
                                                                      Funk 30” square café table
                                                                      with laminate top

To Order Specify:                                        Height     Specs                      Table top                                 Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
                               Funk           105          4         00        Or     01         A     Or       E                                RC1206               RC3014                RC9005
Product Number                                                                                                                                   Division Yellow      Antique Pink		        Jet Black
Frame Finish                                             Café       Square          Square     Wood          Laminate                            RC1023               RC1201                RC1202
Quantity                                                            24”x 24”        30”x 30”                                                     Traffic Yellow       Division Light Pink   Division Pastel Blue
                                                                                                             LAM31 - Designer White
                                                                                                             LAM909 - Black
                                                                                                                                                 RC1013               RC1205                RC1203
                                                                                                                                                 Oyster White         Division Orange       Division Light Blue
                                                                                                             LAM90 - Walnut
                                                                                                             LAM91 - White Oak                   RC9016               RC5008                RC6019
                                                                                                                                                 Traffic White        Grey Blue             Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                                 RC7040               RC5019                RC6005
                                                                                                                                                 Window Grey          Capri Blue            Moss Green
The Deets:
                                                                                                                                                 RC4010               RC1204                RC0019
                                                                                                   Overall Footprint                             Telemagenta          Division Blue Green   Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019
Dimensions               Overall Height             Overall Width           Overall Depth
                                                                                                      Diameter                                   RC3005               RC1207                RC0020
                                                                                                                                                 Wine Red             Division Earl Grey    Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
105400A                         29”                     24”                         24”                    33.75”

105400E                         29”                     24”                         24”                    33.75”

105401A                         29”                     30”                         30”                    42.25”

105401E                         29”                     30”                         30”                    42.25”

February 12, 2020                                                                              Division12.com
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
Dimensions:                                                               Model:                                                     Pricing:
                    24" D

                                                                          Funk - 105402A                                                 990
                                                                          Funk round 24” café table
                                                                          with wood top

                                                                          Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                       Height                             Funk - 105402E                                                 890
                                                                          Funk round 24” café table
                                                                          with laminate top

Dimensions:                                                               Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                          Funk - 105403A                                                 1100
                                                                          Funk round 30” café table
                    30" D
                                                                          with wood top

                                                                          Model:                                                     Pricing:

                                                                          Funk - 105403E                                                 1000
                                                                          Funk round 30” café table
                                             Height                       with laminate top

To Order Specify:                                             Height     Specs                   Table top                                Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
                              Funk                 105          4         02       Or     03        A     Or         E                              RC1206            RC3014                RC9005
Product Number                                                                                                                                      Division Yellow   Antique Pink		        Jet Black
Frame Finish                                                  Café       Round          Round    Wood           Laminate                            RC1023            RC1201                RC1202
Quantity                                                                 24”            30”                                                         Traffic Yellow    Division Light Pink   Division Pastel Blue
                                                                                                                LAM31 - Designer White
                                                                                                                LAM909 - Black                      RC1013            RC1205                RC1203
                                                                                                                LAM90 - Walnut
                                                                                                                                                    Oyster White      Division Orange       Division Light Blue
                                                                                                                LAM91 - White Oak                   RC9016            RC5008                RC6019
                                                                                                                                                    Traffic White     Grey Blue             Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                                    RC7040            RC5019                RC6005
                                                                                                                                                    Window Grey       Capri Blue            Moss Green
                                                                                                                                                    RC4010            RC1204                RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                                                                          Telemagenta       Division Blue Green   Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                                                                                                                                                    RC3005            RC1207                RC0020
                                                                                                      Overall Footprint
Dimensions                  Overall Height               Overall Width           Overall Depth                                                      Wine Red          Division Earl Grey    Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

105402A                          29”                         n/a                        n/a                    24”

105402E                          29”                         n/a                        n/a                    24”

105403A                          29”                         n/a                        n/a                    30”

105403E                          29”                         n/a                        n/a                    30”

February 12, 2020                                                                                Division12.com                                                                                                      8
2020 Pricelist - Division12.com - Division Twelve
The Goods:                                                                                                    The Designer:
                                                                                                              Geof Lilge
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                              About the Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam
                                                                                                              Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His
• Frame - Steel                                                                                               20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design
• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                                   for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the

• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon                                                                            hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial

                                                                                                              design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

Safe Call:                                                                                                    award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end

This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                                              charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the

Beef it up:                                                                                                   creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.

Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per stool)

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                   Pricing:

                                                                         Dek - 100101A                                            360
                                                                         Dek café stool
                                                                         with a wood seat

                                  Wood Seat
                                                                                                                                  COM                                                                                       Yard
                                  18”                                                                          Grade              COL         A          B           C     D         E            F    G          H
                                  Upholstered Seat
    Width 16" Depth 13"           18.75”                                 Dek - 100101B                         Fabric             260        289        301         313   330      347        365     382      400           0.5
                                                                         Dek café stool
                                                                         with upholstered seat                 Leather            286        431       490          558                                                      8.5

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                   Pricing:
                                                                         Dek - 100201A                                            370
                                                                         Dek counter stool
                                                                         with a wood seat

                                                                                                                                  COM                                                                                      Yard
                                                                                                               Grade              COL         A          B           C     D        E             F   G           H
                                        Wood Seat                                                                                                                                                                           Sq.ft.
                                                                         Dek - 100201B                         Fabric             270        299        311         323   340      357        375     392       410          0.5
                                        Upholstered Seat
                                        24.75”                           Dek counter stool
     Width 16” Depth 15.5"
                                                                         with upholstered seat                 Leather            297        442       501          569                                                      8.5

Dimensions:                                                              Model:                                                   Pricing:
                                                                         Dek - 100301A                                            390
                                                                         Dek bar stool
                                                                         with a wood seat
                                                                                                                                  COM                                                                                      Yard
                                        Wood Seat                                                              Grade              COL        A           B          C     D         E             F   G          H

                                        Upholstered Seat                 Dek - 100301B                         Fabric             290        319       331          343   360      377        395     412      430          0.5
                                        30.75”                           Dek bar stool
      Width 16”     Depth 15.5”                                          with upholstered seat                 Leather            319        464       523          591                                                     8.5

To Order Specify:                                     Height                                      Specs     Seat                        Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number            Dek                 100             1     Or       2     Or         3     01         A     Or      B                    RC1206                       RC3014                       RC9005
                                                                                                                                                  Division Yellow              Antique Pink		               Jet Black
Frame Finish                                           Café              Counter        Bar       Armless   Wood          Upholstered             RC1023                    RC1201                          RC1202
Quantity                                                                                                                                          Traffic Yellow            Division Light Pink             Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                                  RC1013                    RC1205                          RC1203
The Deets:                                                                                                                                        Oyster White              Division Orange                 Division Light Blue
                       Seat         Seat             Seat         Footrest
                                                                                                                                                  RC9016                    RC5008                          RC6019
Dimensions            Height        Width           Depth          Height
                                                                                                                                                  Traffic White             Grey Blue                       Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                                  RC7040                    RC5019                          RC6005
100101A                 18”              16”         13”            n/a                                                                           Window Grey               Capri Blue                      Moss Green
                                                                                                                                                  RC4010                    RC1204                          RC0019
100101B                18.75”            16”         13”            n/a                                                                           Telemagenta               Division Blue Green             Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                                                                                                                                                  RC3005                    RC1207                          RC0020
100201A                 24”              16”         15.5”          6”                                                                            Wine Red                  Division Earl Grey              Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

100201B               24.75”             16”         15.5”          6”

100301A                 30”              16”         15.5”          12”

100301B               30.75”             16”         15.5”          12”

February 12, 2020                                                                                     Division12.com
The Goods:                                                                                                      The Designer:
                                                                                                                Geof Lilge
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                                About the Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam                                                  Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His

• Frame - Steel                                                                                                 20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design

                                                                                                                for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the
• Standard Glides - Plastic
                                                                                                                hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial
• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon
                                                                                                                design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

                                                                                                                award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
Safe Call:
                                                                                                                charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the
This product is BIFMA compliant.
                                                                                                                creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.
Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per stool)

Dimensions:                                                            Model:                                                     Pricing:

                                       Height                          Bender - 107201A                                               480
                                                                       Bender counter stool
                                                                       with wood seat
                                             Seat Height

                                             Wood Seat
                                                                                                                                  COM                                                                                           Yard
                                             24"                                                                Grade             COL           A          B           C      D           E            F    G         H
                                             Upholstered Seat
     Width 19.25"    Depth 17.5"             24.75”                    Bender - 107201B                         Fabric            440          484       502           520   545        571         597    623     650 0.75
                                                                       Bender counter stool
                                                                       with upholstered seat                    Leather           484          701       790           892                                                      12.75

Dimensions:                                                          Model:                                                       Pricing:

                                                                     Bender - 107301A                                             490
                                      Height                         Bender bar stool
                                      34"                            with wood seat

                                             Seat Height

                                             Wood Seat                                                                            COM                                                                                           Yard
                                                                                                                Grade             COL           A          B           C     D           E             F   G          H
                                             30"                                                                                                                                                                                Sq.ft.
                                             Upholstered Seat
                                                                     Bender - 107301B                           Fabric            450         494         512         530    555        581       607      633     660 0.75
     Width 19.75"   Depth 18.5"
                                                                     Bender bar stool
                                                                     with upholstered seat                      Leather           495          712       801          903                                                       12.75

To Order Specify:                                        Height                           Specs       Seat                                  Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number          Bender               107                2        Or          3       01             A      Or       B                        RC1206                       RC3014                         RC9005
Frame Finish                                                                                                                                         Division Yellow              Antique Pink		                 Jet Black
Quantity                                                 Counter               Bar        Armless     Wood              Upholstered                  RC1023                       RC1201                         RC1202
                                                                                                                                                     Traffic Yellow               Division Light Pink            Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                                     RC1013                       RC1205                         RC1203
                                                                                                                                                     Oyster White                 Division Orange                Division Light Blue

                                                                                                                                                     RC9016                       RC5008                         RC6019
The Deets:                                                                               Backrest
                                                                                                                                                     Traffic White                Grey Blue                      Pastel Green
                      Seat         Seat          Seat      Backrest           Backrest              Backrest      Footrest                           RC7040                       RC5019                         RC6005
                                                                                          to Seat                                                    Window Grey                  Capri Blue                     Moss Green
Dimensions           Height        Width        Depth       Height             Width                 Angle         Height
                                                                                                                                                     RC4010                       RC1204                         RC0019
                                                                                                                                                     Telemagenta                  Division Blue Green            Living Coral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - PANTONE® COY 2019
                       24”         16.75”       15.75”          4”             14.5”       90°        90°          6.25”
                                                                                                                                                     RC3005                       RC1207                         RC0020
                                                                                                                                                     Wine Red                     Division Earl Grey             Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
107201B              24.75”         17”            16”          3.25           14.5”       90°        90°          6.25”

107301A                30”         16.75”       15.75”          4”             14.5”       90°        90°          12.25”

107301B              30.75’”        17”            16”      3.25”              14.5”       90°        90°          12.25”

February 12, 2020                                                                                   Division12.com                                                                                                                      10
The Goods:                                                                                  The Designer:
                                                                                            Scott Laughton
• Frame - Steel
• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                 About the Designer:

                                                                                            Scott Laughton is an industrial designer with over
• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon
                                                                                            30 years experience. He is the founding member of several

                                                                                            design groups: Portico, Furnance, as well as founding his own

                                                                                            practice. With expertise in both residential and commercial

                                                                                            markets, he has worked with renowned global brands such as

                                                                                            Keilhauer, Pure Design, Du Verre, Umbra and Nienkämper. Scott
Safe Call:
                                                                                            studied industrial design at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto during
This product is BIFMA compliant.
                                                                                            which time he designed the Strala light – which later was recognized by Time magazine as one of year’s
Beef it up:                                                                                 top ten designs. In 2003, he was named Designer of the Year by the Interior Design Show, Toronto.
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per stool)                                   His designs have been exhibited in Canada, Britain, Scotland and Japan with permanent collections in

                                                                                            Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum and the Design Exchange.

Dimensions:                                                    Model:                           Pricing:

                                                               Shop - 102201C                   250
                                                               Shop counter stool
                                                               with steel seat


              Width 16.5"

Dimensions:                                                    Model:                          Pricing:

                                                               Shop - 102301C                   260
                                                               Shop bar stool
                                                               with steel seat


              Width 16.5"

To Order Specify:                                      Height                     Specs                             Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name                                                                                                                  RC1206                      RC3014                  RC9005
Product Number          Shop              102              2      Or          3      01           C                           Division Yellow             Antique Pink		          Jet Black
Frame Finish                                           Counter          Bar       Armless     Steel                           RC1023                    RC1201                    RC1202
Quantity                                                                                                                      Traffic Yellow            Division Light Pink       Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                              RC1013                    RC1205                    RC1203
                                                                                                                              Oyster White              Division Orange           Division Light Blue

                                                                                                                              RC9016                    RC5008                    RC6019
                                                                                                                              Traffic White             Grey Blue                 Pastel Green
                                                                                                                              RC7040                    RC5019                    RC6005
                                                                                                                              Window Grey               Capri Blue                Moss Green
                                                                                                                              RC4010                    RC1204                    RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                                                    Telemagenta               Division Blue Green       Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                     Seat      Seat             Seat   Footrest
                                                                                                                              RC3005                    RC1207                    RC0020
Dimensions          Height     Width           Depth    Height                                                                Wine Red                  Division Earl Grey        Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

102201C             24.25”      13”             13”      6”

102301C             30.25”      13”             13”      12”

February 12, 2020                                                                      Division12.com
The Goods:                                                                                                         The Designer:
                                                                                                                   Sam Pettersen
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                                   About the Designer:
• Frame - Steel                                                                                                    Sam Pettersen has worked in furniture design and manufacturing

• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                                        for over a decade. As the founder and principle of Not Another

• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon                                                                                 Chair, he is passionate about process of making. Sam places

                                                                                                                   functionality at the heart of his designs and tempers this with

                                                                                                                   creative innovation and the needs of our industrial reality. Sam

Safe Call:                                                                                                         holds a BA in furniture and product design from Nottingham Trent

This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                                                   University. As part of the degree, he spent a yearlong placement

                                                                                                                   working for internationally renowned Sawaya & Moroni in Milan
Beef it up:
                                                                                                                   where he contributed to the design of high-end bespoke interiors
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per chair)
                                                                                                                   for the firm’s discerning clients.

Dimensions:                                                                                   Model:                                             Pricing:

                                                                                              Winny - 104101A                                    530
                                                                                              Winny café chair
                                                                       Height                 with wood seat

                                                                           Seat Height

                 Width 21.5"                 Depth 21"

Dimensions:                                                                                   Model:                                              Pricing:

                                                                                              Winny - 104102A                                     560
                                                                       31.25"                 Winny café chair
                                                                                              with wood seat and arms

                                                                           Seat Height

                  Width 23"                   Depth 21"

To Order Specify:                                          Height               Specs                                   Seat                Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number
                           Winny               104                 1                 01           Or      02                A                           RC1206                 RC3014               RC9005
                                                                                                                                                        Division Yellow        Antique Pink		       Jet Black
Frame Finish                                               Café                   Armless              Arms             Wood
                                                                                                                                                        RC1023                RC1201                RC1202
Quantity                                                                                                                                                Traffic Yellow        Division Light Pink   Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                                        RC1013                RC1205                RC1203
                                                                                                                                                        Oyster White          Division Orange       Division Light Blue

Winny stacks 6 on the floor, 8 on a dolly.                                                                                                              RC9016                RC5008                RC6019
                                                                                                                                                        Traffic White         Grey Blue             Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                                        RC7040                RC5019                RC6005
                                                                                                                                                        Window Grey           Capri Blue            Moss Green
                                                                                                                                                        RC4010                RC1204                RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                              Backrest
                                                                                                                                                        Telemagenta           Division Blue Green   Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                      Seat        Seat           Seat     Seat Pan        Backrest     Backrest                      Backrest                           RC3005                RC1207                RC0020
                                                                                                         to Seat                                        Wine Red              Division Earl Grey    Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
Dimensions           Height       Width         Depth      Angle           Height       Width                         Angle

104101A               17.75”      16.25”         16”        3.5°            15”             17”           101°        104.5°

104102A               17.75”      16.25”         16”        3.5°            15”             17”           101°        104.5°

February 12, 2020                                                                                      Division12.com                                                                                                     12
The Goods:                                                                               The Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam                           Geof Lilge

• Frame - Steel                                                                          About the Designer:

• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                              Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His

                                                                                         20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design
• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon
                                                                                         for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the

                                                                                         hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial

                                                                                         design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an
Safe Call:                                                                               award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                         charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the

                                                                                         creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.
Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per stool)

Dimensions:                                              Model:                                           Pricing:

                                                                                                          COM                                                                                    Yard
                                                                                         Grade            COL          A         B            C     D          E           F   G        H

                                                         Daytrip - 109201B               Fabric           370         414      432       450       475       501       527     553   580         0.75
                                                         Daytrip counter stool
                                                         with upholstered seat           Leather          407         624      713           815                                                 12.75
                                  Upholstered Seat

              Width 18.5"

Dimensions:                                              Model:                                           Pricing:

                                                                                                          COM                                                                                    Yard
                                                                                         Grade            COL          A        B             C    D          E            F   G       H

                                                         Daytrip - 109301B               Fabric           380         424      442       460       485       511       537     563   590 0.75
                                                         Daytrip bar stool
                                  Height                 with upholstered seat           Leather           418       635       724       826                                                     12.75

                                  Upholstered Seat

              Width 18.75"

To Order Specify:                                                                                                 Frame PowderCoat Finish
                                                     Height                    Specs       Seat
Product Name
                                                                                                                            RC1206                       RC3014                      RC9005
Product Number          Daytrip         109              2      Or         3        01            B                         Division Yellow              Antique Pink		              Jet Black
Frame Finish
                                                     Counter         Bar       Armless     Upholstered                      RC1023                       RC1201                      RC1202
Quantity                                                                                                                    Traffic Yellow               Division Light Pink         Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                            RC1013                       RC1205                      RC1203
                                                                                                                            Oyster White                 Division Orange             Division Light Blue

                                                                                                                            RC9016                       RC5008                      RC6019
                                                                                                                            Traffic White                Grey Blue                   Pastel Green
                                                                                                                            RC7040                       RC5019                      RC6005
                                                                                                                            Window Grey                  Capri Blue                  Moss Green
                                                                                                                            RC4010                       RC1204                      RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                                                  Telemagenta                  Division Blue Green         Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                     Seat    Seat           Seat     Footrest                                                               RC3005                       RC1207                      RC0020
Dimensions          Height   Width         Depth      Height                                                                Wine Red                     Division Earl Grey          Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

109201B              24”      13.5”        13.5”        6”

109301B              30”      13.5”        13.5”        12”

February 12, 2020                                                                   Division12.com
The Goods:                                                                                                 The Designer:
                                                                                                           Geof Lilge
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                           About the Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam                                             Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His

• Frame - Steel                                                                                            20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design

                                                                                                           for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the
• Standard Glides - Plastic
                                                                                                           hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial
•     Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon
                                                                                                           design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

                                                                                                           award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
Safe Call:                                                                                                 charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the
This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                                           creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.

Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per chair)

Dimensions:                                                         Model:                                                  Pricing:

                                                                    Wedge - 103102A                                          530
                                                                    Wedge café chair
                                        Height                      with wood seat

                                                                                                                            COM                                                                                         Yard
                                                                                                           Grade            COL           A         B           C     D           E            F   G          H
                                             Seat Height                                                                                                                                                                Sq.ft.
                                             Wood Seat              Wedge - 103102B                        Fabric           450         494        512          530   555       581         607    633     660 0.75
                                                                    Wedge café chair
       Width 22.75"     Depth 22.5"          Upholstered Seat       with with upholstered                  Leather          495         712        801          903                                                     12.75
                                             19.25”                 seat

To Order Specify:                                                                                                                  Frame PowderCoat Finish
                                                           Height        Specs       Seat
Product Name
Product Number                Wedge        103                  1           02              A      Or       B                                 RC1206                      RC3014                         RC9005
Frame Finish                                                                                                                                  Division Yellow             Antique Pink		                 Jet Black
                                                           Café          Arms         Wood              Upholstered                           RC1023                      RC1201                         RC1202
                                                                                                                                              Traffic Yellow              Division Light Pink            Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                              RC1013                      RC1205                         RC1203
                                                                                                                                              Oyster White                Division Orange                Division Light Blue

                                                                                                                                              RC9016                      RC5008                         RC6019
                                                                                                                                              Traffic White               Grey Blue                      Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                              RC7040                      RC5019                         RC6005
                                                                                                                                              Window Grey                 Capri Blue                     Moss Green
                                                                                                                                              RC4010                      RC1204                         RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                                                                    Telemagenta                 Division Blue Green            Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019
                       Seat     Seat      Seat        Seat Pan      Backrest     Backrest                    Backrest                         RC3005                      RC1207                         RC0020
                                                                                                 to Seat
    Dimensions        Height    Width    Depth         Angle         Height       Width                       Angle                           Wine Red                    Division Earl Grey             Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

    103102A           18.5”       19”     17.5”        5.0 °          13”          14”            95°           100°

    103102B           19.25”      19”      18”         5.0 °         12.25”        14”            95°           100°

February 12, 2020                                                                            Division12.com                                                                                                                     14
The Goods:                                                                                                       The Designer:
                                                                                                                 Geof Lilge
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                                 About the Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam                                                   Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His

• Frame - Steel                                                                                                  20 years of experience spans bespoke and mass product design

• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                                      for residential and commercial markets, interior design for the

                                                                                                                 hospitality industry, and manufacturing. After studying industrial
• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon
                                                                                                                 design at University of Alberta, Geof co-founded Pure Design, an

                                                                                                                 award-winning furniture manufacturer; OnOurTable, a high-end
Safe Call:                                                                                                       charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He is now the
This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                                                 creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.

Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available ($25 LIST upcharge per chair)

Dimensions:                                                           Model:                                                        Pricing:

                                                                      Brat - 106101A                                                530
                                         Height                       Brat café chair
                                         27"                          with wood seat

                                                                                                                                    COM                                                                                         Yard
                                               Seat Height                                                         Grade            COL          A          B           C     D           E            F   G          H
                                               Wood Seat
                                                                      Brat - 106101B                               Fabric           450        494         512          530   555       581         607    633     660 0.75
                                                                      Brat café chair
                                               Upholstered Seat
                                                                      with upholstered seat                        Leather          495         712        801          903                                                     12.75
  Width 17.25"      Depth 20.25"               19.5”

To Order Specify:                                                                                                                         Frame PowderCoat Finish
                                                           Height           Specs            Seat
Product Name
                                                                                                                                                      RC1206                      RC3014                         RC9005
Product Number           Brat              106                    1               01               A        Or       B                                Division Yellow             Antique Pink		                 Jet Black
Frame Finish                                                                                                                                          RC1023                      RC1201                         RC1202
                                                           Café             Armless              Wood             Upholstered
Quantity                                                                                                                                              Traffic Yellow              Division Light Pink            Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                                      RC1013                      RC1205                         RC1203
                                                                                                                                                      Oyster White                Division Orange                Division Light Blue

                                                                                                                                                      RC9016                      RC5008                         RC6019
                                                                                                                                                      Traffic White               Grey Blue                      Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                                      RC7040                      RC5019                         RC6005
                                                                                                                                                      Window Grey                 Capri Blue                     Moss Green
                                                                                                                                                      RC4010                      RC1204                         RC0019
The Deets:                                                                                          Backrest
                                                                                                                                                      Telemagenta                 Division Blue Green            Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

                     Seat       Seat            Seat       Seat Pan     Backrest       Backrest                     Backrest                          RC3005                      RC1207                         RC0020
                                                                                                     to Seat
Dimensions          Height      Width          Depth        Angle        Height         Width                        Angle                            Wine Red                    Division Earl Grey             Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

106101A             18.75”      16.75”          17.75”       3.0 °        8.75”         15.75”          93.5°         96.5°

106101B              19.5”      17.25”           18”         3.0 °        8.25”         15.75”          93.5°         96.5°

February 12, 2020                                                                                  Division12.com
The Goods:                                                                                                   The Designer:
                                                                                                             Geof Lilge
• Seat - Solid natural White Oak
                                                                                                             About the Designer:
• Upholstered Seat - Engineered plywood with polyurethane foam
                                                                                                             Geof Lilge is a furniture designer, maker and entrepreneur. His 20 years
• Frame - Steel
                                                                                                             of experience spans bespoke and mass product design for residential
• Standard Glides - Plastic                                                                                  and commercial markets, interior design for the hospitality industry, and
• Heavy Duty Glides - Steel, Nylon                                                                           manufacturing. After studying industrial design at University of Alberta,

• Leveling Glides - Steel, Nylon (Standard for Hectic tables only)                                           Geof co-founded Pure Design, an award-winning furniture manufacturer;

                                                                                                             OnOurTable, a high-end charcuterie board brand; and Division Twelve. He

                                                                                                             is now the creative director of Division Twelve, a subsidiary of Keilhauer.
Beef it up:
Heavy duty glides available for stool & bench ($25 List upcharge per item).                                  Table Crating NET Upcharge
Safe Call:                                                                                                   32 x 66 = $100
This product is BIFMA compliant.                                                                             32 x 90 = $120

Dimensions:                                                             Model:                                               Pricing:
                                                                        Hectic - 108101A                                     400
                                                                        Hectic café stool
                                                                        with wood seat
                                          Wood Seat
                                                                                                                                         A         B            C     D           E            F    G         H         Yard
                                          Upholstered Seat                                                                   COL                                                                                        Sq.ft.
      Width 17.5" Depth 15.25"
                                                                        Hectic - 108101B                   Fabric            300        329       341          353   370       387        405      422     440           0.5
                                                                        Hectic café stool
                                                                        with upholstered seat              Leather           330        475      534           602                                                       8.5

Dimensions:                                                             Model:                                               Pricing:
                                                                        Hectic - 108201A                                     410
                                                                        Hectic counter stool
                                                                        with wood seat

                                          Wood Seat                                                        Grade
                                                                                                                                        A          B           C     D           E             F   G         H          Yard
                                                                                                                             COL                                                                                        Sq.ft.

                                          Upholstered Seat              Hectic - 108201B                   Fabric            310        339      351          363    380       397          415    432     450          0.5
      Width 17.5" Depth 18.25"            24.75”
                                                                        Hectic counter stool
                                                                        with upholstered seat              Leather           341        486      545           613                                                      8.5

Dimensions:                                                             Model:                                               Pricing:
                                                                        Hectic - 108301A                                     430
                                                                        Hectic bar stool
                                                                        with wood seat
                                          Wood Seat                                                        Grade             COL        A          B           C     D           E             F   G         H          Yard

                                          Upholstered Seat              Hectic - 108301B                   Fabric            330        359      371          383    400       417        435      452     470          0.5
      Width 17.5" Depth 18.25"                                          Hectic bar stool
                                                                        with upholstered seat              Leather           363        508      567          635                                                       8.5

To Order Specify:                                      Height                                   Specs     Seat                      Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number        Hectic          108                   1     Or       2      Or     3        01        A    Or      B                   RC1206                       RC3014                         RC9005
                                                                                                                                             Division Yellow              Antique Pink		                 Jet Black
Frame Finish
                                                      Café              Counter        Bar      Armless   Wood        Upholstered            RC1023                       RC1201                         RC1202
                                                                                                                                             Traffic Yellow               Division Light Pink            Division Pastel Blue

The Deets:           Seat        Seat            Seat
                                                                 Foot                                                                        RC1013
                                                                                                                                             Oyster White
                                                                                                                                                                          Division Orange
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Division Light Blue
Dimensions          Height       Width          Depth
                                                                Height                                                                       RC9016                       RC5008                         RC6019
                                                                                                                                             Traffic White                Grey Blue                      Pastel Green
108101A               18”        13.5”             12.0”          n/a                                                                        RC7040                       RC5019                         RC6005
                                                                                                                                             Window Grey                  Capri Blue                     Moss Green
108101B              18.75”      13.75”            12.25”         n/a                                                                        RC4010                       RC1204                         RC0019
                                                                                                                                             Telemagenta                  Division Blue Green            Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

108201A               24”        13.5”             12.0”         6.00”                                                                       RC3005                       RC1207                         RC0020
                                                                                                                                             Wine Red                     Division Earl Grey             Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
108201B              24.75”      13.75”            12.25”        6.00”

108301A               30”        13.5”             12.0”        12.00”

108301B             30.75”       13.75”            12.25”       12.00”

February 12, 2020                                                                                  Division12.com                                                                                                              16
Dimensions:                                                        Model:                                             Pricing:

                                                                   Hectic - 108103A                                   900
                                                                   Hectic café bench
                                                                   with wood seat

                                          Wood Seat
                                          18"                                                                         COM                                                                                    Yard
                                                                                                    Grade             COL          A         B            C     D          E           F    G       H
          Width 41”      Depth 18.25"     Upholstered Seat                                                                                                                                                    Sq.ft.
                                                                   Hectic - 108103B                 Fabric            440         484     502           520    545       571       597     623   650 0.75
                                                                   Hectic café bench
                                                                   with upholstered seat            Leather           484         701     790           892                                                  12.75

Dimensions:                                                         Model:                                            Pricing:

                                                                    Hectic - 108203A                                  940
                                                                    Hectic counter bench
                                                                    with wood seat

                                          Height                                                                       COM                                                                                    Yard
                                                                                                    Grade              COL         A         B            C     D          E           F    G       H
                                          Wood Seat                                                                                                                                                             Sq.ft.
                                          24"                       Hectic - 108203B                Fabric             480        524      542           560   585        611       637    663    690 0.75
                                          Upholstered Seat          Hectic counter bench
         Width 41"      Depth 18.25"
                                          24.75”                    with upholstered seat           Leather            528        745      834           936                                                 12.75

Dimensions:                                                        Model:                                             Pricing:

                                                                   Hectic - 108303A                                   950
                                                                   Hectic bar bench
                                                                   with wood seat

                                          Height                                                                      COM
                                                                                                    Grade             COL         A         B            C     D          E          F     G       H         Yard
                                          Wood Seat
                                          30"                      Hectic - 108303B                 Fabric            490        534      552        570       595      621        647     673   700         0.75
                                          Upholstered Seat         Hectic bar bench
                        Depth 18.25"
        Width 41"                         30.75”                   with upholstered seat            Leather           539        756     845         947                                                     12.75

To Order Specify:
                                                  Height                                    Specs   Seat                        Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number        Hectic        108              1       Or       2       Or     3        03      A      Or      B                  RC1206                       RC3014                      RC9005
Frame Finish                                                                                                                            Division Yellow              Antique Pink		              Jet Black
                                                  Café            Counter          Bar      Bench   Wood          Upholstered
Quantity                                                                                                                                RC1023                       RC1201                      RC1202
                                                                                                                                        Traffic Yellow               Division Light Pink         Division Pastel Blue

                                                                                                                                        RC1013                       RC1205                      RC1203
The Deets:                                                                 Foot                                                         Oyster White                 Division Orange             Division Light Blue
                           Seat         Seat              Seat
                                                                          Support                                                       RC9016                       RC5008                      RC6019
Dimensions                Height        Width            Depth
                                                                          Height                                                        Traffic White                Grey Blue                   Pastel Green
                                                                                                                                        RC7040                       RC5019                      RC6005
108103A                     18”           37.0”            12.0”             n/a                                                        Window Grey                  Capri Blue                  Moss Green
                                                                                                                                        RC4010                       RC1204                      RC0019
108103B                    18.75”       37.25”             12.25”            n/a
                                                                                                                                        Telemagenta                  Division Blue Green         Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

108203A                     24”           37.0”            12.0”            6.00”                                                       RC3005
                                                                                                                                        Wine Red
                                                                                                                                                                     Division Earl Grey
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020

108203B                    24.75”       37.25”             12.25”           6.00”

108303A                     30”           37.0”            12.0”            12.00”

108303B                    30.75”       37.25”             12.25”           12.00”

February 12, 2020                                                                              Division12.com
Dimensions:                                                                                                    Model:                                                           Pricing:

                                                                                                               Hectic - 108404A                                                 2870
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                               café table with wood top

                                                                                                               A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                                Model:                                                          Pricing:
                                                                        Height                                                                                                  2440
                                                                                                               Hectic - 108404E
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                               café table with lam top

             66" Width                       32" Depth
                                                                                                               A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

Dimensions:                                                                                                    Model:                                                           Pricing:
                                                                                                               Hectic - 108405A                                                3400
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 90”
                                                                                                               café table with wood top

                                                                                                               A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                               Model:                                                           Pricing:
                                                                                        29"                    Hectic - 108405E                                                 2910
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 90”
                                                                                                               café table with lam top
                    90" Width                                   32" Depth
                                                                                                               A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

Dimensions:                                                                                                    Model:                                                           Pricing:
                                                                                                               Hectic - 108504A                                                3480
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                               counter table with wood top

                                                                                                               A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                                Model:                                                         Pricing:
                                                                                                               Hectic - 108504E                                                3050
                                                                                                               Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                               counter table with lam top

             66" Width                         32" Depth                                                       A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

To Order Specify:
                                                Height                        Specs                           Table top                                 Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
Product Number       Hectic          108           4       Or       5              04        Or     05           A        Or       E                          RC1206                       RC3014                RC9005
Frame Finish                                                                                                                                                  Division Yellow              Antique Pink		        Jet Black
                                                Café            Counter          32 x 66          32 x 90     Wood             Laminate
Quantity                                                                                                                                                      RC1023                       RC1201                RC1202
                                                                                 Rectangle        Rectangle                                                   Traffic Yellow               Division Light Pink   Division Pastel Blue
                                                                                                                               LAM31 - Designer White

The Deets:                                                                                                                     LAM909 - Black                 RC1013                       RC1205                RC1203
                                             Overall             Foot Support                                                  LAM90 - Walnut                 Oyster White                 Division Orange       Division Light Blue
                    Overall Height
Dimensions                                  Footprint               Height                                                     LAM91 - White Oak
                                                                                                                                                              RC9016                       RC5008                RC6019
                                                                                                                                                              Traffic White                Grey Blue             Pastel Green
108404A                  29”               34.25” x 66”                 n/a                                                                                   RC7040                       RC5019                RC6005
                                                                                                                                                              Window Grey                  Capri Blue            Moss Green
108404E                  29”               34.25” x 66”                 n/a                                                                                   RC4010                       RC1204                RC0019
                                                                                                                                                              Telemagenta                  Division Blue Green   Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

108405A                  29”               34.25” x 90”                 n/a                                                                                   RC3005                       RC1207                RC0020
                                                                                                                                                              Wine Red                     Division Earl Grey    Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
108405E                  29”               34.25” x 90”                 n/a

108504A                  36”               34.25” x 66”                 6”

108504E                  36”               34.25” x 66”                 6”

February 12, 2020                                                                                      Division12.com                                                                                                           18
Dimensions:                                                                                                Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                                                           Hectic - 108505A                                               4200
                                                                                                           Hectic rectangular 32” x 90”
                                                                                                           counter table with wood top

                                                                                                           A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                           Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                                       Height              Hectic - 108505E                                               3710
                                                                                                           Hectic rectangular 32” x 90”
                                                                                                           counter table with lam top

                      90" Width                              32" Depth                                     A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

Dimensions:                                                                                                Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                                                           Hectic - 108604A                                               3640
                                                                                                           Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                           bar table with wood top

                                                                                                           A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                            Model:                                                        Pricing:
                                                                           42"                             Hectic - 108604E                                               3210
                                                                                                           Hectic rectangular 32” x 66”
                                                                                                           bar table with lam top

                 66" Width                    32" Depth
                                                                                                            A crating charge of $100 NET will be applied to each table

Dimensions:                                                                                                Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                                                            Hectic - 108605A                                              4330
                                                                                                            Hectic rectangular 32” x 90”
                                                                                                            bar table with wood top

                                                                                                           A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

                                                                                                           Model:                                                         Pricing:

                                                                                                           Hectic - 108605E                                               3840
                                                                                            Height         Hectic rectangular 32” x 90” bar
                                                                                            42"            table with lam top

                                                                                                           A crating charge of $120 NET will be applied to each table

                      90" Width                                  32" Depth

To Order Specify:                          Height                          Specs                        Table top                                 Frame PowderCoat Finish
Product Name
                                                                                                                                                        RC1206                       RC3014            RC9005
Product Number      Hectic         108        5       Or         6               04    Or     05           A        Or       E                          Division Yellow          Antique Pink		        Jet Black
Frame Finish                               Counter                                                      Wood                                            RC1023                   RC1201                RC1202
                                                           Bar             32 x 66          32 x 90                      Laminate
Quantity                                                                   Rectangle        Rectangle                                                   Traffic Yellow           Division Light Pink   Division Pastel Blue
                                                                                                                         LAM31 - Designer White
The Deets:                                                                                                               LAM909 - Black
                                                                                                                                                        Oyster White
                                                                                                                                                                                 Division Orange
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Division Light Blue
                                           Overall               Foot Support
                    Overall Height                                                                                       LAM90 - Walnut
Dimensions                                Footprint                 Height                                               LAM91 - White Oak              RC9016                   RC5008                RC6019
                                                                                                                                                        Traffic White            Grey Blue             Pastel Green

108505A                      36”         34.25” x 90”                6”                                                                                 RC7040
                                                                                                                                                        Window Grey
                                                                                                                                                                                 Capri Blue
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moss Green

108505E                      36”         34.25” x 90”                6”                                                                                 RC4010                   RC1204                RC0019
                                                                                                                                                        Telemagenta              Division Blue Green   Living Coral   - PANTONE® COY 2019

108604A                      42”         34.25” x 66”                12”                                                                                RC3005                   RC1207                RC0020
                                                                                                                                                        Wine Red                 Division Earl Grey    Classic Blue - PANTONE® COY 2020
108604E                      42”         34.25” x 66”                12”

108605A                      42”         34.25” x 90”                12”

108605E                      42”         34.25” x 90”                12”

February 12, 2020                                                                                    Division12.com
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