2020-2021 Calendar - Photo Courtesy of Bemidji Middle School - Bemidji Area Schools

Page created by Amber Swanson
2020-2021 Calendar - Photo Courtesy of Bemidji Middle School - Bemidji Area Schools
2020-2021 Calendar

        Photo Courtesy of Bemidji Middle School
2020-2021 Calendar - Photo Courtesy of Bemidji Middle School - Bemidji Area Schools
District Offices                              Activities listed in this publication                                 School Times
Superintendent of Schools
 Tim Lutz .................. 333-3100, ext. 31120
                                                         are subject to change. Please be
                                                                                                                School                      Start        End
Director of Business Services                            sure to confirm the dates with a
Krisi Fenner ............. 333-3100, ext. 31121                                                                 Central Elementary          7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
Director of Curriculum & Admin. Services                school or district representative.                      Gene Dillon Elementary 8:10 a.m. 2:55 p.m.
Colleen Cardenuto .... 333-3100, ext. 31103
Director of Human Resources                                                                                     Horace May Elementary 7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
Jordan Hickman ....... 333-3100, ext. 31113
                                                                                                                J.W. Smith Elementary 7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
Director of Special Education
Alexis Wilde ............. 333-3100, ext. 31104                                                                 Lincoln Elementary          7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.

                                                                                                                Northern Elementary         7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
     School Board Members
                                                                                                                Paul Bunyan Center          8:05 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
John Gonzalez ...................... 218-407-0332
Jeff Haack .......................... 651-587-6950                                                              Solway Elementary           7:55 a.m. 2:40 p.m.
Carol L. Johnson .................. 218-751-0415
Jeff Lind ............................. 218-333-0918                                                            Bemidji Middle School       8:35 a.m. 3:20 p.m.
Ann Long Voelkner .............. 218-333-0510
Sarah Young ....................... 218-333-6959                                                                Bemidji High School         8:19 a.m. 3:05 p.m.

                                                         Schools and Departments
Central Elementary ................... 333-3220        Bemidji Career Academies............. 444-1600         Oshki Manidoo ........................... 751-6553
  Patricia Welte, Principal                              Brian Stefanich, Coordinator                           Tiffany Palmer, Special Ed Coordinator
Gene Dillon Elementary ............. 333-3400          Bemidji Middle School .................. 333-3215      Transportation Department .......... 333-3225
 Ami Aalgaard, Principal                                 Drew Hildenbrand, Principal                            Robert Wicklund, Coordinator
                                                       Bemidji High School .................... 444-1600
Horace May Elementary ............. 333-3240             Jason Stanoch, Principal                             Community Education ................. 333-3284
 Kathy VanWert, Principal                                                                                       Rachel Amdahl, Coordinator
                                                       Athletic/Activities Department ...... 444-1600
J.W. Smith Elementary ............... 333-3290           Troy Hendricks, Coordinator                               Early Childhood/Family Ed ....... 333-8329
  Patricia Welte, Principal                            Bemidji Alternative Ed. Center ...... 333-3299
                                                         Jason Stanoch, Principal                                  Adult Enrichment, Aquatics, Billing,
Lincoln Elementary ................... 333-3250                                                                    Kids & Co., School-Age Care, and
  Jason Luksik, Principal                              First City School ......................... 333-3458        Youth Services ....................... 333-3284
                                                         Tiffany Palmer, Special Ed Coordinator
Northern Elementary ................ 333-3260                                                                 Indian Education ........................ 441-6355
 Wendy Templin, Principal                              Lakeside Learning Center ............. 333-3299
                                                         Tiffany Palmer, Special Ed Coordinator                 Sonia Wadena, Coordinator
Solway Elementary ................... 467-3232         Lumberjack High School .............. 444-1600         Early Intervention Program .......... 333-8330
  Brian Stefanich, Principal                             Jason Stanoch, Principal                               Tiffany Palmer, Special Ed Coordinator

                                                                              Page 1                                          https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Minnesota State High School
August/September 2020                                                                   League (MSHSL) has moved Football and Volleyball to Spring 2021.
SUN                          MON                           TUE                          WED                 THU                         FRI                       SAT
23                           24                            25                           26                  27                          28                        29
                             Tnns G V/JV @ Pine City Trn   Sccr G V @ Esko Scrim        Tnns G V/JV H Tri   Sccr G V @ W-H-A            Tnns G V/JV @ Hibbing     CC @ Perham Inv
                                                                                                            Tnns G V/JV H EG/ME                                   Sccr B V/JV H SCC
                                                                                                                                                                  Sccr G V/JV H SCC

30                           31                           1                             2                   3                           4                         5
                             Teacher Day                  Teacher Day                   Teacher Day         BHS Freshmen/New Student    Sccr B V/JV H HLA
                             Tnns G V/JV @ Pequot Lks Tri Sccr B V/JV @ Detroit Lks     Tnns G V/JV H EGF   Orientation
                                                          SD G V/JV @ Brainerd                              Sccr G V/JV H Detroit Lks

6                            7       NO SCHOOL             8                            9                   10                          11                        12
                             Labor Day                     Sccr B V/JV @ EGF                                Sccr B V/JV @ Duluth-E      CC V H Inv                Sccr B V/JV @ Alex
                                                           Sccr G V/JV @ EGF                                SCCR G V/JV @ Cloquet                                 Sccr G V @ HLA
                                                           Tnns G V/JV @ TRF Inv                            SD G H Grand Rpds
                                                                                                            Tnns G V/JV @ Brainerd

13                           14                            15                           16                  17                          18                        19
National Grandparents’ Day   STUDENTS’ FIRST DAY           Sccr B V/JV H SC-A                               CC V @ Little Falls Inv                               Sccr B V/JV @ Crookston
                             MAP Fall Testing Begins       SD G H Perham                                    Sccr B V/JV H Moorhead                                Sccr G V/JV H Alex
                             Sccr G V @ Crookston          Tnns G V/JV H Detroit Lks                        Sccr G V/JV @ Moorhead                                SD G V/JV @ W Fargo Inv
                                                                                                                                                                  Tnns G V/JV @ Hibbing Inv

20                           21                            22                           23                  24                          25                        26
                             School Board Meeting          Sccr B V/JV H Denfeld                            CC V @ Invitational                                   Sccr B V/JV/B @ Brainerd
                                                           SD G V/JV H Warroad                              Sccr G V/JV H EGF                                     Sccr G V/JV/B @ Brainerd
                                                           Tnns G V/JV H Tri                                Tnns G V/JV H TRF                                     SD G V/JV H Inv
                                                                                                                                                                  Tnns G V/JV H Dbl Inv

27                           28                            29                           30
                                                           Sccr B V/JV @ Pelican Rpds
                                                           SD G V/JV @ Park Rpds
                                                           Tnns G V/JV H Grand Rpds

                                                                                                Page 2                                               https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
BHS Activity Admissions
Bemidji High School
                                                       Students in grades 9-12 are charged $70.00 for
The Pride of the Northland and Home of the
                                                       their first sport and $60 for each additional sport.
                                                       Fine Arts, Academic Teams and Music Programs
Bemidji High School is located on 200 acres of land    are charged a one time fee of $70 per year. Stu-
with the Mississippi River forming its southwest       dents in grades 6-8 are charged $50 yearly for
property line. Our school serves approximately 1400    their first sport; then, $35 per year for each addi-
students in grades 9-12. Bemidji High School was       tional sport; and a $50.00 one-time fee for Fine
named as one of the best high schools in the state     Arts, Music and academic teams. There is a Max-
and nation in a U.S. News & World Report. This         imum Family Fee of $380 for students in grades
honor is a reflection of our excellent AP scores,      7-12.
minority students taking the tests, free and reduced
price lunch statistics, college readiness and state    The district has established standard admission
reading and math assessment results.                   prices for the athletic events as indicated below:

Offering over 250 courses, the school features         Event admission prices (at the door):
a broad selection of academic opportunities for        Adults ....................................................... $6
students. The high school curriculum features:         Students ................................................... $3
Advanced Placement (AP) courses, pre-AP classes        (Prices apply only to regular season events)
for ninth grade students, Post-Secondary Education                                                                         Phone Directory #444-1600
Options (PSEO), College on Campus courses              For concerts the admission prices are:                              Contact ................................................... Ext. #
through partnerships with Bemidji State University     Adults ....................................................... $5   Dr. Stanoch, Principal ................................... 63305
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Johnson, Principal’s Secretary ................. 63308
and Northwest Technical College, JROTC, Project        Students ................................................... $2
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Newby, Main Office Clerk ........................ 63309
Lead the Way (PLTW) pre-engineering program,                                                                               Mr. Resler, Assistant Principal for A-K .............. 63306
and Career Academies. BHS also offers a Credit         Season Tickets (available at the Athletic Office):                  Mrs. Walter, Assistant Principal for L-Z ............ 63320
Recovery program to keep students on track for         Adult Ten (10) Event ticket ........................ $40            Mrs. Frisco, Attendance Secretary A-K ............. 63301
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Jessen, Attendance Secretary L-Z ............ 63303
graduation. Bemidji High School seeks to provide       Adult All Season ticket ............................... $70
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Rust, Registrar/Records/Transcripts ......... 63326
the best possible education for every student          Student Ten (10) Event ticket .................... $20              Ms. Fraley, Counselor, Gr. 9, Academies .......... 63701
regardless of their ability level, economic status,    Student All Season ticket .......................... $40            Mrs. Voge, Counselor, Gr. 10-12, A-K.............. 63324
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Hengel, Counselor, Gr. 10-12, L-Z ........... 63307
ethnic background, or post-secondary plans.            Employee Guest Pass ................................ $40
                                                                                                                           Ms. Daman, Counselor’s Secretary .................. 63304
                                                                                                                           Mrs. Lind, Social Worker ................................ 63310
The Lumberjacks have a history of success in           The season tickets are both non-refundable and                      Mrs. Falk, School to Work Coordinator ............. 63357
academics, athletics, music and fine arts. Each                                                                            Mr. Stefanich, Academies Coordinator ............. 63701
                                                       non-replaceable. If your season ticket is lost or                   Mrs. Vleck, Academies Secretary .................... 63701
year, teams are recognized by the Minnesota            destroyed you will need to purchase a new one.                      Mr. Cervenka, Career Center .......................... 63446
State High School League for earning all-academic                                                                          Mr. Hendricks, Athletic Director ...................... 63315
                                                       The other      activities establish admission prices
honors. Bemidji High School students and staff are                                                                         Mrs. Guest, Athletic Director’s Secretary .......... 63316
                                                       on an individual basis.                                             Mr. Murray, Indian Education ......................... 63318
proud of the traditions established in our programs
                                                                                                                           Ms. Ness, Indian Education ............................ 63327
and work very hard to exceed our expectations year     BHS Activities online:                                              Mrs. Peterson, Health Office ........................... 63317
after year!                                            http://bhs.bemidji.k12.mn.us/                                       Mr. Lorenzi, School Resource Officer ............... 63312

                                                                                    Page 3                                                      https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
October 2020
SUN     MON                    TUE                        WED                   THU                         FRI                      SAT
                                                                                1                           2                        3
                                                                                Sccr B V @ Moorhead         Sccr G V/JV @ Duluth-E   CC V @ U of M RG Inv
                                                                                                                                     Sccr B V/JV, B @ Sartell
                                                                                                                                     Sccr G V/JV @ Duluth-E
                                                                                                                                     SD G V/JV - H MSHSCA TT

4       5                      6                          7                     8                           9                        10
        Sccr B V/JV H EGF      ACT Plus Writing Test                            BHS Conferences             Tnns G V/JV H 8AA Ind    Sccr G V/JV H Duluth-M
                               (2020 Group)                                     CC V @ Perham Inv                                    Tnns G V/JV @ 8AA Ind
                               BHS Jr./Sr. College Fair                         Sccr B V/JV H SC Tech
                               BHS Conferences                                  Sccr G V/JV @ Detroit Lks
                               Sccr G V/JV H Grand Rpds                         SD G V/JV H Moorhead
                               Tnns G V/JV @ Crookston                          Tnns G V/JV H 8AA Team

11      12                     13                         14                    15      NO SCHOOL           16     NO SCHOOL         17
                                                          PSAT Testing at BHS   Staff Development           Boss Appreciation Day    Sccr B V @ 8A Quarters
                                                                                Sccr B V @ 8A Prelims       Tnns G V/JV H 8AA Team   Sccr G V @ 8A Quarters
                                                                                Sccr G V @ 8A Prelims                                Tnns G V/JV H 8AA Ind

18      19                     20                         21                    22                          23                       24
        School Board Meeting   CC V H Bemidji Inv                               Sccr B V 8A Finals          MAP Fall Testing Ends
                               Sccr B @ 8A Semifinals                           Sccr G V H 8A Finals
                               Sccr G @ 8A Semifinals

25      26                     27                         28                    29                          30                       31
        BHS Choir Concert      SD G V/JV H Detroit Lks                          BHS Academic Awards         SD G V/JV H Duluth-E     Halloween
                               Tnns G V/JV @ MSHSL Trn                          CC V @ 8AA Finals

                                                                   Page 4                                               https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Bemidji Middle School
Mission Statement
We recognize the uniqueness of middle level
students, and are committed to:
  The development of academic and decision
    making skills
  Creating opportunities of exploration
  The cultivation of individual strengths and
    talents in a supportive environment
  Respecting individual and cultural differences

Middle Level Education in Bemidji
Bemidji Middle School is founded on middle
level principles. The building design follows the
school-within-a-school concept for students in
grades 6, 7, and 8. This concept provides each
student a home base with a teaching team and a
core group of students.

Bemidji Middle School is the home of the 6th-8th
grade Lumberjacks. We have over 27 different
sports and activities for 1,100 students to
participate in - 85% will find their way into one of
them. Our student achievement scores in the core
subject areas (math, language arts, and science)
are consistently at or above state averages. We
                                                                    Bemidji Middle School Virtual Choir
offer more than 25 different elective courses so our
students have a variety of options to help receive a
                                                       Phone Directory #333-3215
balanced education. Our band, choir, and orchestra     Contact                                                                                                                     Ext. #
programs educate over 500 students each year in        Mr. Hildenbrand, Principal ............................................................................................. 52041
the arts. Our Band/Choir/Orchestra Concerts, Art       Ms. Sanford, Principal’s Secretary .................................................................................. 52051
Show, Science Fair, BASH Night, Yearbook, Family       Mr. Kyle McMartin, Assistant Principal. ............................................................................ 52031
Activity Night, National Junior Honor Society, and     Ms. Vaughn, Dean of Students/Activities Dir. .................................................................... 52021
AAAA Award nights are great opportunities for our      Ms. Adkins, Attendance Office ........................................................................................ 52004
students to showcase their impressive skills. BMS is   Ms. Stull, Registrar ....................................................................................................... 52005
always looking to ensure that our students receive     Ms. Stade, Counselor .................................................................................................... 58171
the support they need with special education,          Mr. Zachman, Counselor ............................................................................................... 51961
adaptive physical education, and smaller class         Ms. Winge, Social Worker .............................................................................................. 58181
settings for students who qualify. The bottom line     Ms. Hatfield, Health Assistant ........................................................................................ 51941
is, our staff at BMS work diligently each day to       Mr. Riley, Liaison Officer ............................................................................................... 51971
make Bemidji Middle School ROCK!!                      Ms. Myers, Indian Education .......................................................................................... 56153

                                                                               Page 5                                                           https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Due to uncertainties stemming from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the schedules
November 2020                                                           for Boys and Girls Basketball were not available at the time of publication.
SUN                          MON                       TUE                        WED                         THU                       FRI                      SAT
1                            2                         3                          4                           5                         6                        7
Daylight Savings Time Ends   BHS Native American       Election Day                                           Hcky G V/JV @ Brainerd                             CC V @ MSHSL Tourn
                             Heritage Month Kick-Off                                                                                                             Hcky G V/JV @ EGF
                             BHS Orchestra Concert

8                            9                         10                         11                          12     NO SCHOOL          13     NO SCHOOL         14
                                                                                  Veterans’ Day               Conferences               SD G V/JV H 8A Prelims   SD G V/JV 8A Finals
                                                                                  BHS Veteran’s Day Program   Hcky G V/JV @ TRF

                                                                                  End Term 1

15                           16                        17                         18                          19                        20                        21
                             School Board Meeting      BHS Band Concert           SD G V/JV @ MSHSL           Hcky B JV H Gentry Acad   Hcky G V/JV H Detroit Lks Hcky B JV H Rogers
                                                       Hcky G V/JV @ Grand Rpds

22                           23                        24                         25                          26     NO SCHOOL          27      NO SCHOOL        28
                                                       Hcky B JV @ Warroad                                    Thanksgiving Day          Thanksgiving Friday
                                                       Hcky G V/JV H Warroad

29                           30

                                                                                          Page 6                                                   https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Kids & Company School Age Care
Community Education                                    We provide a safe, caring environment in which
“Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All”              children explore art, games, crafts, computer
                                                       technology, gym and outdoor activities, plus
Bemidji Area Schools has provided Community            homework assistance and tutoring after school
Education programs for over 45 years. Our staff        until 5:45 p.m. The Kids & Company School Age
and community advisory council work together to        Care program is available 8-10 weeks during the
offer quality programming to all area residents.       summer for youth in grades K-8. Families may opt
Please visit: www.bemidjicommunityed.com or call       for either full or part-time attendance options.
for a brochure at 333-3284 ext. 35301. Join us on      Please call 333-3284 ext. 35309, for more
Facebook for updates and current information.          information.

Adult Enrichment                                       School Readiness
We publish Community Education brochures in            3 Year Old Preschool and 4-5 Year Old Pre-K
August and January, which contain information on       School Readiness is a developmentally appropriate
over 100 enrichment classes or activities, such as:    preschool program for children who are age 3, 4
Defensive Driving, Arts & Crafts, Dance, and           and 5 years old before September 1. Children
Fitness. Classes are added throughout the year.        attend their classes without a parent at Jack & Jill
For more information or to teach a class, call Jen     (on the BSU campus) and the Paul Bunyan Center.
Belisle at 333-3284 ext. 35303. Visit our site at:     For more information or to register for a School
www.bemidjicommunityed.com.                            Readiness class, call Sue at 333-8329 or go to:
The aquatic program offers several classes during      Youth Enrichment/Youth Services
the school year and summer months, including:          The activities and programs designed for youth
swimming lessons for all ages and abilities, water     create safe, fun, and caring environments in which
aerobics, lap swimming, open swimming, diving,         youth can enhance their physical, emotional, and
Swim Club and Zumba. For more information call         intellectual development. For more information call
“Woody” Scott Leindecker, 333-3284 ext. 35313.         John McRae at 333-3284 ext. 35306.

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
ECFE is a program available to all children 0-5
years of age, together with their parents. A variety
of classes and social events are available days and
evenings. Participation by families is voluntary and
there is a sliding fee for all classes. For more
information or to register for an ECFE class, go to:
www.bemidjicommunityed.com or call Sue at

Early Childhood Screening
In order for your child to start kindergarten in any
Minnesota public school, he/she must participate
in early childhood screening. Screening includes
vision, hearing, height, weight, speech/language
and developmental observations. We offer these
screenings throughout the year at the Paul Bunyan
Center. Ideally, children are screened between the
ages of 3 1/2 - 4 years of age. There is no cost for
screening. Please call Sue at 333-3119 to schedule
an appointment for your child.

                                                                             Page 7                           https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
December 2020
SUN     MON                        TUE                        WED                        THU                         FRI                         SAT
                                   1                          2                          3                           4                           5
                                   Wrstl V/JV H Scrim                                    Hcky B JV @ Duluth-E                                    BHS Winter Formal
                                                                                         Hcky G V/JV H TRF
                                                                                         SD B V/JV H Brainerd
                                                                                         Wrstl V/JV H Tri

6       7                          8                          9                          10                          11                          12
        Pearl Harbor Remembrance   Gymn G V/JV @ Alex                                    BHS Conferences             Hcky V JV H Buffalo         Wrstl V/JV @ Brainerd Inv
                                   Hcky G V/JV @ Crookston                                                           Hcky G V/JV @ Buffalo
                                   SD B V/JV @ TRF                                                                   SD B V/JV @ Park Rpds
                                   Wrstl V/JV @ Detroit Lks                                                          Wrstl V/JV @ Brainerd Inv

13      14                         15                         16                         17                          18                          19
        BHS Choir Concert          Gymn G V/JV H Brainerd                                Hcky G V/JV @ I Falls       Hcky B JV @ Alex            Wrstl V/JV @ Anoka Inv
                                   Hcky B JV H EGF                                       Wrstl V/JV H Brainerd, GR   Wrstl V/JV @ Princeton
                                   Hcky G V/JV @ Moorhead
                                   Wrstl V/JV @ Menahga Tri

20      21                         22                         23                         24      NO SCHOOL           25      NO SCHOOL           26
        Hcky G V/JV H Roseau       Gymn G V/JV H Moorhead                                Winter Break                Winter Break
        School Board Meeting       Hcky B JV H Roseau
                                   SD B V/JV @ Detroit Lks

27      28      NO SCHOOL          29       NO SCHOOL         30       NO SCHOOL         31      NO SCHOOL
        Winter Break               Winter Break               Winter Break               Winter Break
        Hcky B V @ Rochester Inv   Hcky B V @ Rochester Inv   Hcky B V @ Rochester Inv   New Year’s Eve
        Hcky G V @ New Hope Trn    Hcky G V @ New Hope Trn    Hcky G V @ New Hope Trn
                                   Wrstl V/JV @ Fargo RoR     Wrstl V/JV @ Fargo RoR

                                                                       Page 8                                                   https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Video Recording on School Buses
District Transportation                                                                                          Student behavior on the school bus is a significant
                                                                                                                 factor in the safety and efficiency of school bus
Bemidji Area Schools Transportation routes cover                                                                 transportation. Every school bus owned, leased,
over 800 square miles in the ISD 31 District. These                                                              contracted, and/or operated by the school district is
routes include 62 general education routes and 10                                                                equipped with a video camera.
Special Transportation. We transport approximately
5,000 students to 12 district buildings, four charter                                                            Common Questions
schools and three non-public entities.                                                                           Q: What if my child isn’t going to ride the bus?
                                                                                                                 A: Contact the transportation office and we will
                                                                                                                    take them off the routing system.

                                                                                                                 Q: What if my child does not get a bus card in the
                                                                                                                    mail by mid August?
                                                                                                                 A: Contact the transportation office at:
                                                          Late Buses                                                218-333-3225.
                                                          In the event a bus is late 15 minutes or more, a       Q: What if my child doesn’t get to their drop off
                                                          Skylert message is sent to families on how late the       location at the end of the day?
Bus Card                                                                                                         A: Contact the transportation office at:
                                                          bus may be running. Information will also be put on
All students who qualify and are registered to ride a                                                               218-333-3225.
                                                          the local Bemidji radio stations.
school bus must carry a bus pass with them every
time they ride. Bus passes will be mailed to each                                                                Q: What if we move or have a phone number
registered student in mid-August of each year. Bus        Rules on the Bus                                          change?
pass holders will be issued at Student Orientation in     a. Cooperate with the driver.                          A: Contact the District registration office at
August and on the first day of school. Students will      b. Stay in your seat with your feet on the floor.         218-333-3100, ext. 31131 or 31134 to make
need to insert their bus pass into the holder.            c. Talk quietly and use appropriate language.             the address change. They will contact the
                                                                                                                    transportation and we will make the change.
                                                          d. Keep all parts of your body and objects
                                                                                                                    A new bus card will be sent to the school with
The safety of every student in our district is our            inside the bus.                                       the bus information and start date.
priority. This process helps our drivers identify         a. Keep your whole body, objects and negative
children and the confirm the correct pickup or                comments to yourself.                              Q: What if some days I need my child to go to a
drop-off locations, as well as transfer information.                                                                different location?
                                                          b. No fighting, harassment, intimidation or
This process also helps with load counts and in                                                                  A: Each child is allowed one pickup location and
determining the number of buses needed.                                                                             one drop off location.
                                                          c. Do not throw any object.
Bus Rules and Bus Stop Rules                              d. No eating, drinking or use of alcohol, tobacco      Q: What if my child loses their bus card?
Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. ISD        or drugs.                                          A: They can get a new card/holder at their school.
31 general student behavior rules are in effect for all   e. Keep all harmful objects off the bus (alcohol,      Q: What if we change daycare providers?
students on the school buses, including non-public            drugs, tobacco, weapons, toys, etc.).              A: You need to contact the transportation office
and charter school students.                              f. Do not damage the school bus or equipment.             and they will make the change. A new bus
                                                          g. Electronic devices may be used without sound           card will be sent to the school with the bus
Please Be at Your Bus Stop                                    or with the use of headphones or earbuds.             information and start date.
Please be at your stop five minutes before your
                                                          h. The driver has the authority to assign seating
scheduled pickup time. The school bus driver will
                                                              on the bus.
not wait for late students.
                                                          i. Keep the bus clean.
Each child is allowed one pickup location and one
drop-off location. These locations need to be either      The school bus policy can be found in it entirely on
home or daycare. We cannot transport to work, a           the District website at :
friend’s home, or after school activities (such as        https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/district/board-of-
piano or horse-riding lessons).                           education/board-policies/policy-transportation/                             218-333-3100

                                                                                Page 9                                          https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
January 2021
SUN     MON                          TUE                         WED             THU                         FRI                         SAT
                                                                                                             1   NO SCHOOL               2
                                                                                                             Winter Break                SD B V/JV @ W Fargo Inv
                                                                                                             New Year’s Day

3       4                            5                           6               7                           8                           9
                                     Gymn G V/JV H Perham                        Gymn G V/JV @ SR-Rice Tri   Hcky G V/JV H River Lks     Gymn G V/JV @ Princeton Inv
                                     Hcky B JV H Crookston                                                   Wrstl V/JV H Rick Lee Inv   Hcky B JV @ TRF
                                     Hcky G V/JV @ Detroit Lks                                                                           Hcky G V/JV H SC Cath
                                     Wrstl V/JV @ Sartell                                                                                Wrstl V/JV H Rick Lee Inv

10      11                           12                          13              14                          15                          16
        MAP Winter Testing Begins    Hcky G V @ Roseau                           Gymn G V/JV H PRA           Hcky G V/JV H Crookston     Gymn G V/JV @ Buffalo Inv
                                     SD B V/JV H TRF                             Hcky B JV H SC Tech         SD B V/JV H Inv             Hcky B JV H Grand Rpds
                                                                                 Wrstl V/JV @ Greenbsh-MR

17      18     NO SCHOOL             19                          20              21                          22                          23
        Martin Luther King Jr. Day   Gymn G V/JV @ Detroit Lks                   Gymn G V/JV @ Detroit Lks   Hcky B JV H Cloquet         Hcky G V/JV H Moorhead
        (Snow Make-up if needed)     Hcky B JV @ Brainerd                        Hcky G V/JV @ Warroad       Wrstl V/JV H Meet           SD B V/JV H MSSC TT
                                                                                                                                         Wrstl V/JV @ Cambridge-I

                                                                                                             End Term 2

24      25                           26                          27              28                          29                          30
        ACCESS for ELLs Testing      Gymn G V/JV @ PRA                           BHS Registration Fair       Hcky G V/JV H Sartell       Hcky B JV @ SM-Alb
        Begins                       Hcky B JV H Greenway                        Gymn G V/JV H Detroit Lk    Wrstl V/JV @ Moorhead       Hcky G V/JV H Cloquet
                                     Hcky G V/JV @ Alex                          Hcky Boys JV @ Roseau                                   SD B V/JV @ PRA
                                                                                 SD B V/JV H PRA                                         Wrstl V/JV @ Fertile-Belt
        School Board Meeting


                                                                       Page 10                                            https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Elementary Schools
   Welcome to a new school year. Bemidji Area Schools will make every effort to provide a valuable school experience for your child or children.

                                                                           Mission Statement
                                                             Our mission is to empower each learner to
                                                             succeed in our diverse and changing world.

                                                                            We believe that:
                                                  Each learner should be challenged to develop to his/her full potential.
                                                         Learning is a life-long process that enriches our lives.
                                                    Education is a partnership among school, family and community.
                                                     There are expectations of quality for ourselves and for others.
                                     Our school district values and reflects culturally diverse talents, backgrounds and viewpoints.
                                                    All students should take responsibility for their own success.
                                             Our staff are highly qualified and should be reflective of our student body.

Central Elementary is one of seven elementary                                                                     (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math).
schools in the District of Bemidji Area Schools. This                                                             Our students rotate through these courses on a
is a neighborhood school near the downtown area of                                                                quarterly basis in both fourth and fifth grade.
Bemidji. The average enrollment is 130 students in
grades K-3. Central Elementary follows the Bemidji                                                                Students are thrilled with the opportunities for
Area Schools’ curriculum guidelines.                                                                              authentic outdoor experiences! Our grounds include
                                                                                                                  a combination of 160 acres woods and grassland,
The staff at Central Elementary take pride in                                                                     a pond and access to a small lake. We collaborate
continually seeking to meet the needs of their                                                                    with our local Department of Natural Resources,
students on an individual basis. With respect for                                                                 Bemidji State University and the Bemidji Science
the diversity of the school population, the staff uses                                                            Center to offer a 5th grade Fresh Water Day,
research-based, multi-learning style approaches of                                                                Vertebrate and Invertebrate pond organism
instruction that address the students’ cultural and                                                               collection & study, tree planting, grounds care,
social needs.                                                                                                     football fields, soccer fields and a whole host of
Central Elementary is a Title 1 School, receiving                                                                 other outdoor learning and recreational experiences.
federal funding for their School-Wide Program.
The federal school-wide status is based on a free         Gene Dillon is a State-of-the-Art Elementary School     We also believe that the whole child and all children
and reduced lunch population. This program                which houses approximately 825 fourth and fifth         have gifts to share and deserve to have the most
provides funding for educational materials and for        grade students. We opened our doors in the fall of      supportive learning environment possible designed
teachers. Title I teaching staff assist all students      2018 to our first classes of students. Our daily        for them. Our playground was designed and built to
who need additional help in reading and math.             schedule for our students includes a variety of         engage the whole child mentally and physically.
                                                          special learning components that offer our students     There are balance, core strength, spinning and
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meets               a robust variety of educational opportunities. Our      swinging components to our playground. It was
monthly to discuss fundraisers, events, and various       core curriculum is supported with a 2:1 Chromebook      also very important to us that ALL of our students
needs for the school. Title 1 and PTO have events         allocation that allows students a balanced approach     could play on our playground, so it is designed and
and activities throughout the year with opportunities     to learning in our current digital age. We also offer   built to be an Inclusive Playground. This means it is
for family, community, and school to work together        all students daily specialist classes in the areas of   designed and built to allow students of all abilities to
to enhance student learning and experiences.              Physical Education, Music, Art and STEAM                have access to and safely play with their friends.

                                                                                Page 11                                            https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Horace May Elementary is one of the seven                J. W. Smith Elementary, home of the J. W.          priorities. To do this, all teachers, students and staff
elementary schools in the Bemidji Area School            Smith All-Stars, has a population of roughly 200   members implement Responsive Classroom on a
District. We are a grade K-3 school and have an          students in grades Kindergarten through third.     daily basis, as well as Reading/Writing, Mathematics,
average enrollment of 325 students. We practice the                                                         Science and Social Studies. Specialists, such as
Big K, Kindness!                                         High expectations for our entire school            Music, Physical Education, Library, Technology and
                                                         community makes learning one of our top            Art are offered multiple times throughout the week.
Our school provides two developmentally cognitively                                                         To aide in student education, additional programs
delayed (DCD) self-contained classrooms. With the                                                           such as Title 1, Reading Corps and the American
inclusion of students with disabilities our caring and                                                      Indian Education Program are offered at J. W. Smith
kind school community is strengthened. All of our                                                           Elementary. In addition to those programs, J. W.
students are a gift with talents and knowledge to                                                           Smith works in collaboration with several different
share. Horace May has an inclusive playground                                                               local programs throughout the community to include;
designed to encourage independence and cooperative                                                          the Foster Grandparent Program, Bemidji State
play. We also have a huge husky head on our                                                                 University practicum students, Bemidji High School
playground where students start their recess time                                                           learning initiative and Peacemakers.
encouraged to be kind to each other and include one
another in play. Being compassionate with each                                                              Lincoln Elementary is a school of about 375
other is very important to all of us at Horace May;                                                         students. We serve students in grades kindergarten
we celebrate kindness and practice it daily!                                                                through third with school-wide Title I services. During
                                                                                                            the school day students are taught in the areas of
Horace May has an onsite forest with trails and an                                                          reading, math, science and social studies. Students
amphitheater. Our teachers bring students to the                                                            also participate in music, physical education, art and
forest to learn about the different ecosystems and                                                          technology.
experience nature with hands-on activities, which
helps to develop a lifelong appreciation for the                                                            The mission of Lincoln Elementary School is to work
great outdoors! We also have a new hallway that                                                             collaboratively with families, staff and community
brings the outdoor diversity trail inside providing                                                         to provide a welcoming, safe and challenging
information and beautiful photographs of what we                                                            learning environment where each child is successful
may see on the trail.                                                                                       and differences are respected.

                                                                             Page 12                                         https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Northern Elementary students are Respectful,               AmeriCorps offers Reading Corp tutors for individual     and school pride is at an all-time high with a GO
Responsible, Kind and Peaceful. Every student brings       reading instruction. Northern Elementary is proud of     TIGERS attitude! Solway Elementary offers a Title
his or her imagination and creativity to succeed each      our tradition of educational excellence!                 1 School-wide Program, and receives funding to
and every day. As a Northern community, we sing                                                                     provide educational materials and intervention
together, play together, and discover together! The        Solway Elementary is a small, rural school with 150      teachers to help all students at the school who
hallways, classrooms, playground, library, cafeteria       students in grades K-3 located in Solway, MN, about      need additional help in literacy and mathematics.
and gymnasium are filled with laughter and learning.       10 miles west of Bemidji. The school provides            Student achievement, as measured by the
We take pride in a community-based school filled           educational services to students living within a 227     Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, has
with individuals of character!                             square mile radius. We even have our own apple           historically been above state averages at Solway
                                                           orchard and raised garden beds for each classroom        Elementary. Northwest Evaluation Association
Our mascot, the Northern Timber Wolf is                    on our school grounds! The Solway School has a           (NWEA) Measurement of Academic Progress
characterized by its dedication to a social unit, keen     vibrant positive experienced staff! The school culture   (MAP) assessments and FastBridge provide
sensory abilities, and excellent communication skills.                                                              immediate feedback so teachers can plan learning
Territorial in nature, the Timber Wolf has the ability                                                              goals for each student. Solway provides
to remember, associate events and learn. As our                                                                     extensive intervention for skill deficits, with
mascot reveals, we are a school community built on                                                                  screening, assessing, benchmarking and frequent
loyalty, commitment, and family. We Howl for                                                                        monitoring through the Multiple Tiered Systems &
friendship as hard working, optimistic, wonderful                                                                   Supports (MTSS) process and Minnesota Reading
learners. Northern students and staff are committed                                                                 Corps provides reading intervention for students
to being Peacemakers not Peacebreakers! Everyone                                                                    in grades 1-3.
has dedicated themselves to the Northern Pack!
                                                                                                                    Programs for Solway Elementary School currently
Northern School is located just north of the bridge on                                                              include:
State Highway 71 and Irvine Avenue. Historically,                                                                    An Extensive Guided Reading Library
the original school building began in 1946 with just
                                                                                                                       Responsive Classroom teaching practices
over 2,000 square feet of space. Over time, four
building additions were added from 1958-1992 to                                                                        Leveled Literacy Intervention Program K-3
improve the school as it stands today. Northern                                                                        Minnesota Reading Corps Program
students not only benefit from a well-maintained                                                                       Tiger Bag and Tiger Cub Home Reading
school building, but an excellent outdoor                                                                               Program K-3
environment with a scenic walking path. The school
                                                                                                                       Title I Family Fun Night
itself is nestled in Bemidji’s beautiful lake region.
                                                                                                                       S.P.A.R.K.S Summer Reading Program
Presently, we are a three/four-section school
encompassing 350 students. We have 15 core
classroom teachers, three special educators, one
interventionist, and specialists for physical education,
art, music, and media. We also support the needs of
our students with many dedicated paraprofessionals.
Northern students are immersed in a highly
comprehensive, activity-based curriculum. We
address our curriculum through My View reading,
Math Expressions, Fusions Science, and numerous
other support systems. Measures of Academic
Progress (MAP) assessments identify student growth
to set goals. Northern’s MCA results are reviewed
annually to improve instructional practices focused
on the Common Core and Minnesota Standards.

                                                                                  Page 13                                         https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
February 2021
SUN               MON                        TUE                        WED             THU                            FRI                       SAT
                  1                          2                          3               4                              5                         6
                                             Hcky B JV H Moorhd                         Hcky B JV H Warroad
                                                                                        Wrstl V/JV @ Parkers Prairie

7                 8                          9                          10              11                             12      NO SCHOOL         13
                  BHS Orchestra Concert      Hcky B JV @ SC Tech                        Hcky B JV H TRF                Staff Development         Gymn G V/JV @ 8AA
                                             SD B V/JV H Fargo S                                                       MAP Winter Testing Ends
                                             Wrstl V @ 8 AAA Quarters                                                  Wrstl V H 8 AAA Team

14                15      NO SCHOOL          16                         17              18                             19                        20
Valentine’s Day   Presidents’ Day                                                                                                                Wrstl V @ 8 AAA Individuals
                  (Snow Make-up if needed)

21                22                         23                         24              25                             26                       27
                  BHS Choir Concert                                                     BHS Conferences                BHS Regional Speech Meet BHS Regional Speech Meet
                  School Board Meeting                                                                                 SD B V/JV H Sec Tourn    SD B V/JV H Sec Finals


                                                                              Page 14                                             https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Application for Educational Benefits can be made at    you to add credit your child’s account at any time.
Food Service                                              any time of the school year, if the need arises.       A minimal fee is charged to cover the cost of this
                                                          Applying for the program is important. Schools         convenience. You may also mail payments to ISD 31
District 31 participates in the National School Lunch
                                                          receive funding for educational programs based         at 502 Minnesota Ave. NW, Bemidji, MN 56601; or
and School Breakfast Programs. Breakfast and
                                                          directly on the number of students who qualify for     put them in an envelope and place in a Food Service
lunch are served at all schools. Participation in these
                                                          free or reduced price meals. These funds are used      drop box in the cafeteria near the meal service area.
programs is voluntary. Elementary students (K-5)
                                                          to provide additional educational support and          Personal checks should be written to ISD 31 with the
receive their school breakfast free. Middle and High
                                                          opportunities for students in every school.            student’s name and PIN in the memo area. When
School students pay $1.50 for their breakfast.
                                                                                                                 sending cash, please place it in an envelope with the
Elementary lunch is priced at $2.50, the Middle
                                                                                                                 student’s name, PIN and the amount of money
School lunch at $2.70, and the Senior High lunch at
                                                                                                                 written on the envelope. Please maintain a positive
$2.80. There is no cost for lunch or breakfast to
                                                                                                                 balance on student meal accounts.
students who are eligible for reduced price meals.
                                                                                                                 Food Allergies and/or Special Diets
                     Remember!                                                                                   Please contact the Food Service office prior to your
    All elementary students receive their school                                                                 child/children starting school if you have concerns
   breakfast free of charge! It is important that                                                                regarding their food allergies or diets. The Food
     students are prepared to learn each day!                                                                    Service website has forms to request special diets
   Eating breakfast, whether at home or school,                                                                  for students: Special Diet Statement for a Student
         helps to guarantee their readiness!!                                                                    Without a Disability and Special Diet Statement for
                                                                                                                 a Student With a Disability. For students who are
                                                          Each school in the district utilizes Individual Meal   lactose intolerant, lactose-free milk is available.
The Food Service program actively participates in
                                                          Accounting Systems where each student has their        Contact the school’s food service department and
the Farm to School Program, serving locally sourced
                                                          own individual account. Students are given a PIN       send a note with your child/children to receive this
foods in all of our school cafeterias. This program
                                                          (Personal Identification Number) for account access    option. This note needs to be signed by the parent
continues to be an asset to our students as well as to
                                                          that will remain with them throughout their school     or guardian.
the community. Students are able to eat fresh
                                                          years in the district. Meal accounts are managed
products that are grown in their geographic area,
                                                          similarly to debit accounts. There must be money       Menu Information
and local growers are able to sell their items to a
                                                          in the account in order for the student to use it.     Elementary menus for breakfast and lunch are
local institution. Factors that encourage continuation
                                                          Charging meals is discouraged in all Bemidji Area      analyzed as to their nutrient and caloric value
for our Farm to School Program are:
                                                          schools. Because every school in the district uses     to assure they meet the daily requirements for
    Raising students’ awareness/consumption of           the Individual Meal Accounting System, accounts        students of a specific age group. Menus and food
        fresh fruits and vegetables and grains            for students with positive or negative balances will   service program information is available on the
    Encouraging better eating habits among               be credited for the next school year. Positive         Bemidji Area Schools District web site at:
        children                                          balances will be transferred from one sibling to       http://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/parent/food-service/
    Educating students about where food comes            another to zero out a negative balance.
        from and how it is grown                                                                                 We also encourage the use of Family Access to
                                                          Students graduating from high school may have          secure knowledge of your child’s meal account,
    Supporting the local economy
                                                          their account balances transferred to a younger        as well as other school information. Register at:
                                                          sibling or another student by calling the Food         http://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/parent/food-service/
Applications for Educational Benefits are sent to
                                                          Service Office at 333-3100, ext. 31141. Refunds        Click the “sign-up link” link on the left side of the
district residents in August. Eligibility must be
                                                          from accounts will only be sent if the balance is      screen, fill in the request information, and click
determined each year. Applications MUST be
                                                          $5.00 or more. A request for a refund must be          “send” to start the process. A school district
completed and returned EACH YEAR. Please return           made by the parent or guardian when a student is       representative will contact you to provide your
your application as soon as possible to the Food          leaving the district.                                  username and password for system access.
Service office at 502 Minnesota Ave. NW in Bemidji.                                                              Please update your email address if it changes.
The program benefits cannot be given to students          Payments may be made to an individual student’s
until applications have been reviewed for eligibility.    account using your credit/debit card online through    Questions or concerns regarding the Food Service
If you do not have an application, please secure one      Family Access. Directions are posted on the            programs can be directed to the Food Service Office
from any school office.                                   website. Using the online payment center allows        at 333-3100, ext. 31141 or 31142.

                                                                               Page 15                                            https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
March 2021
SUN                            MON                          TUE                     WED            THU                 FRI                       SAT
                               1                            2                       3              4                   5                         6
                                                            Gymn G V/JV @ MSHSL                    SD B V/JV @ MSHSL

7                              8                            9                       10             11     NO SCHOOL    12     NO SCHOOL          13
                               BHS Orchestra Concert                                               Conferences
                               MCA Testing Math, Reading
                               and Science Begins
                               MTAS Testing Math,
                               Reading and Science Begins

14                             15                           16                      17             18                  19                        20
Daylight Savings Time Begins   School Board Meeting                                                                    ACCESS for ELLs Testing   JROTC Military Ball

21                             22                           23                      24             25                  26                        27

                                                                                                                       End Term 3

28                             29                           30                      31
                                                            ACT Plus Writing Test
                                                            (2021 Group)

                                                                                         Page 16                                    https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Registration                                              Change of Address                                   Specialized Programs
                                                          Please notify the school of a change of address
Welcome to Bemidji Area Schools! Let’s register your      or telephone number. Changes can be made
                                                                                                              ISD #31 offers a complete range of programs for
student so they can begin an awesome education!           year round by contacting the Registration Office
                                                                                                              students with unique educational needs.
                                                          at 218-333-3100 Ext. 31134 or 31131.
Requirements for Admission
To enter Kindergarten, a child must be five years of      Kindergarten Roundup March 2021                     Programs for Students with Disabilities
age on or before Sept. 1 of the current school year.      Every year in the spring, Bemidji Area Schools’     Bemidji Area Schools (ISD #31) provides a full
First grade children must be six years of age on or       Registration officials set up a kiosk at the K-3    array of special education services to students
before Sept. 1 of the current school year or have         elementary schools. This is the Kindergarten        with qualifying needs. Available services include:
been promoted from an acceptable Kindergarten.            Roundup event that provides opportunities for       Speech and Language Impairments, Developmental
                                                          parents to register their child into kindergarten   Cognitive Disabilities (Mild to Moderate and
Early Childhood Screening is a requirement for all        for the upcoming school year.
                                                                                                              Moderate to Severe), Physically Impaired, Deaf
children to attend any public school in Minnesota.                                                            and Hard of Hearing, Visually Impaired, Specific
                                                          Elementary Kindergarten Roundup schedule:
Call the Early Childhood for more information at
                                                          Date           School        Time                   Learning Disabilities, Emotional or Behavioral
218-333-8334 or 218-333-8329.
                                                                                                              Disorders, Deaf–Blind, Other Health Disorders,
                                                          March 15        Solway           4:00-6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                              Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Delay,
If your family is homeless or in transitional housing,    March 16-17     Lincoln          4:00-6:00 p.m.
a district representative is available to assist you                                                          Traumatic Brain Injury, and Severe Multiply
                                                          March 18        Central          4:00-6:00 p.m.     Impaired. Services to these identified children are
with registration, per your request.
                                                          March 22-23     Northern         4:00-6:00 p.m.     provided in various educational settings, with every
ISD #31 Checklist for Enrolling a New/Transfer            March 24-25     Horace May       4:00-6:00 p.m.     effort made to serve all students in their Least
Student                                                   March 25        J.W. Smith       4:00-6:00 p.m.     Restrictive Environment (LRE). Special settings
   Birth Certificate                                                                                         education occurs only when assessments and
   Certification of Immunizations for each child you                                                         planning determine the student’s needs require
    are enrolling.                                                                                            such a setting for service. Inclusion is a word often
   Parent/Guardian Photo Identification (address                                                             heard with regard to special education; it means
    must match the address on the primary proof of                                                            involving students with special needs in those areas
    residence).                                                                                               of development which is the typical environment in
   A copy of the official resident’s primary proof of                                                        which most children receive their education.
    residence:                                                                                                Bemidji Area Schools Special Education programs
     Home mortgage statement, Builder’s,                                                                     may begin identifying students at birth. Services
       Purchase, Rental Agreement,                                                                            provided are based on identified needs and goals,
     OR Beltrami/Hubbard County property tax                                                                 as identified through assessment, and are listed in
       statement,                                                                                             each student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or
     OR Current gas, electricity or water bill (within                                                       Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).
       the last 30 days).
     If you have a Beltrami/Hubbard/Cass County                                                              For more information, contact the principals at
       case number (TANF/SNAP).                                                                               individual schools. You may also contact Lisa Friedt
                                                                                                              at the Early Intervention Center at 333-8330,
     Custody papers, if applicable. If the student
       is not the biological child, documentation must                                                        Susan Flicek (Due Process Facilitator) at 333-3115,
       be presented that proves the transfer of                                                               or Alexis Wilde (Director of Special Education) at
                                                             *Registration into Bemidji Area Schools can      333-3100.
       custody and control has been achieved.
                                                             be done at the Downtown Education Center
                                                                     at 502 Minnesota Ave. NW.

                                                                                Page 17                                       https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
April 2021
SUN     MON                         TUE                       WED                 THU               FRI                    SAT
                                                                                  1                 2      NO SCHOOL       3
                                                                                                    Spring Break

4       5                           6                         7                   8                 9                      10
                                                              Appreciation Day

11      12                          13                        14                  15                16                     17
                                    ACT Plus Writing Makeup

18      19                          20                        21                  22                23                     24
        School Board Meeting                                  Administrative                        BHS Academies Fair
                                                              Professionals Day

25      26                          27                        28                  29                30
        BHS Band Concert                                                          BHS Conferences
        MAP Spring Testing Begins

                                                                      Page 18                                   https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Alternative Education Center                            First City School                                       Lakeside Learning Center program is to assist each
The Bemidji Alternative Education Center (AEC)          The First City School serves youth ages 10 to 18        student in becoming a productive and contributing
provides year-round education toward a high school      residing at the Northwestern Minnesota Juvenile         member of his/her community. Contact Tiffany
diploma for students age 16 through adult. Based        Center. Our school educates students through four       Palmer at 333-3100, ext. 36167 for additional
on initial assessment, instructors help students to     separate programs, each designed to meet the            information.
develop a learning plan that best fits their needs      specific needs of the courts:
and learning styles. The students meet with                     Residential Treatment                          Lumberjack High School
teachers in various subject areas, but work                     Satellite Homes                                Lumberjack High School (LHS) is a unique
independently. This individualized approach helps               Non-secure Detention                           alternative program within Bemidji High School
all students succeed in their education. For more               Secure Detention                               for students wishing to remain in a traditional,
information, please call 333-3299 or visit our                                                                  seat-based program to earn credits towards a high
                                                        First City School provides an individualized
website at: http://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/aec/                                                                   school diploma. Students that attend LHS access
                                                        curriculum designed to further students’ abilities
                                                                                                                the Bemidji High School for their health, art and
                                                        in all areas, but is focused on improving math,
Bemidji Educational Advocacy Program                                                                            elective credits. The staff at LHS focus on student
                                                        reading, and written language skills. The diagnostic,
Providing outreach and support for youth/families in                                                            improvement in attendance, self-esteem, earning
                                                        prescriptive curriculum stresses the skills necessary
a homeless situation, this program offers youth and                                                             credits in the core subject areas and nurturing
                                                        to pass the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment III
family advocates that work to ensure: enrollment,                                                               student and family relationships. This setting
                                                        Exams as well as preparing students to earn their
attendance, academic progress, stability, security                                                              provides a safe environment stressing acceptance of
                                                        diploma or GED certificate. For more information,
and a safe place to grow as families pursue stable                                                              cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles and offering smaller
                                                        contact Tiffany Palmer at 333-3100, ext. 36167.
housing. This program, along with area providers                                                                class sizes with shorter class periods. All students
and shelters, maintains membership on the                                                                       have an advisor with whom they meet weekly to
                                                        Lakeside Learning Center
Homelessness Advisory Team, a committee that                                                                    foster relationships and review academic progress.
                                                        Lakeside Learning Center (LLC) is a Federal Setting
aims to provide education to the community and                                                                  Student success is recognized through incentives for
                                                        IV special education program for middle and high
schools on issues related to homelessness. To                                                                   good grades and attendance. LHS also uses a credit
                                                        school individuals with emotional and/or behavior
receive assistance with enrollment, transportation,                                                             recovery program to give students an opportunity to
                                                        difficulties. Students demonstrating difficulty being
school or medical records and ideas for school and                                                              earn credit via online learning.
                                                        successful in special education programming at
community service projects, call Alea Stoll at
                                                        Bemidji Middle School or Bemidji High School may
333-3215, ext. 55151                                                                                            Oshki Manidoo School
                                                        be referred to the LLC Advisory Committee. Once
                                                                                                                The Oshki Manidoo School partners with the Oshki
                                                        a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP)
Bemidji Targeted Services                                                                                       Manidoo Center to provide educational services to
                                                        makes a team decision to move a student to
Bemidji’s after-school and summer programs support                                                              a unique population of youth from various American
                                                        Lakeside’s level IV setting, students are provided
students’ academic success. Each student has a                                                                  Indian reservations in Minnesota. All youth are
                                                        an individualized diagnostic curriculum designed to
tailored learning plan and participates in enriching                                                            considered to be at risk of school failure and exhibit
                                                        further their abilities in all areas but focused on
educational activities. If you would like additional                                                            numerous educational challenges including: mental
                                                        improving math, reading, and written language skills
information, please contact your school’s principal.                                                            health issues, chemical dependency, below grade
                                                        as well as preparing students to earn their diploma.
                                                                                                                level skills, previous school difficulties, transient
                                                        Students, families, and staff are vital members of
Early Childhood Special Educaion (ECSE)                                                                         issues, conduct disorders, as well as numerous
                                                        each student’s team. The ultimate goal of the
The Bemidji Area Schools’ Early Childhood Special                                                               behavioral difficulties. Roughly 60% of the youth
Education Program (Paul Bunyan Center) consists                                                                 served are on active Individualized Education Plans
of two components for children with special needs:                                                              requiring special education services to meet various
a home-based program for children age 0-3; and                                                                  emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. Many
a center-based program for 3-5 year-old children.                                                               of the students have not been in school for extended
Our home-based program operates year-round,                                                                     periods of time and have not been in a consistent
focusing on educating parents/guardians. The                                                                    educational program. Most students are placed for
center-based program follows the Bemidji Area                                                                   a 90-day program; others may be more long-term.
Schools’ academic calendar and focuses on individual                                                            The student population fluctuates in age and ability
children’s skills development. Contact Tiffany Palmer                                                           as well as length of stay. For more information,
at 333-3100, ext. 36167 for more information.                                                                   contact Tiffany Palmer at 333-3100, ext. 36167.

                                                                              Page 19                                         https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
May 2021
SUN            MON                        TUE                        WED            THU                      FRI                       SAT
                                                                                                                                       BHS Jr./Sr. Prom

2              3                          4                          5              6                        7                         8
               AP Exams Begin             Teacher Appreciation Day                  Nurse Appreciation Day
               BHS Hall of Fame Banquet

9              10                         11                         12             13                       14                        15
Mother’s Day   BHS Choir Concert                                                    BHS Indian Ed. Senior    AP Exams End
                                                                                    Honors Banquet

16             17                         18                         19             20                       21                        22
               School Board Meeting                                                 BHS National Honor       MAP Spring Testing Ends
                                                                                    Society Ceremony
                                                                                    BHS Senior Awards

23             24                         25                         26             27                       28                        29
               BHS Orchestra Concert                                                                                                   BHS Graduation Ceremony

30             31    NO SCHOOL
               Memorial Day

                                                                          Page 20                                       https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
June 2021
SUN            MON                    TUE   WED            THU                  FRI                       SAT
                                      1     2              3                    4                         5
                                                           STUDENTS’ LAST DAY   Teachers’ Last Half Day

                                                           End Term 4

6              7                      8     9              10                   11                        12

13             14                     15    16             17                   18                        19

20             21                     22    23             24                   25                        26
Father’s Day   School Board Meeting

27             28                     29    30

                                                                                      Become a substitute at your child’s
                                                                                     school in the Bemidji School District!

                                                                                     800.713.4439 / teachersoncall.com

                                                 Page 21                                     https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Page 22   https://www.bemidji.k12.mn.us/
Photo Courtesy of Solway Elementary
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