2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia

Page created by Sara Conner
2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
S A’s # 1
                            F O R G R A D UAT E
   N o. 1                       CAREERS
                              QILT: Graduate Destinations Survey 2015 and Graduate

                                 Outcomes Survey 2016–17 – Full-time Employment
                                       Indicator. Public SA-founded universities only.

    S AT I S FA C T I O N

                            R A N K E D 2 6 th
  QILT: Course Experience
  Questionnaire 2016–17.
  Public SA-founded
  universities only.
                              IN THE WORLD'S
                             TOP 50 UNDER 50
                                         2017 QS Top 50 Universities Aged Under 50

                                               To be the best in
                                         your field, you need a
                                          university that offers
                                          a choice of over 200
                                          world-class degrees,
                                                 and is globally
                                              recognised for its
                                             teaching, research
                                                   and facilities.
2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
    with Australia’s University of Enterprise

    We are number one in South Australia for
    graduate careers.* We take a practical approach
    to teaching and learning so that our graduates
    can make a real impact in their chosen field.
    *QILT: Graduate Destinations Survey 2015 and
    Graduate Outcomes Survey 2016–17 – Full-time
    Employment Indicator. Public SA-founded
    universities only.


    Be surrounded by impressive, purpose-built
    facilities across all six campuses. Be supported
    by the latest technologies including our fully
    interactive online learning platform.


    Make your study experience relevant and
    learn from highly qualified academics and
    industry professionals. UniSA is Australia's
    best young university for teaching quality.
    *Ranked Number 1, 2017 THE Top 200
    Under 50 – Teaching Indicator.

    Take part in international field trips, work
    placements, internships, study tours,
    short-term programs, volunteer opportunities,
    conferences or a student exchange.


    Our learning is influenced by industry,
    and the latest trends and demands. We
    collaborate with over 2,500 companies
    worldwide to bring our students placement,
    project, research and work opportunities.

2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
Take full control over your study with our new 100%
online, career-focused degrees. Get online student
support seven days a week, plan your study to fit
around your life, access learning resources 24/7, and
log in to an online interactive learning environment
anywhere, any time and on any device.

Explore our range of degrees in:




               COMMUNITY HEALTH

                 CRIMINAL JUSTICE

                   DIGITAL MEDIA







  Take the next step and see if you’re eligible
         by answering a few short questions.


2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
Explore the fascinating
    No. 1 IN SA FOR TEACHING QUALITY                                                 world of science and
                                                                                     the built and natural
    QILT: Course Experience Questionnaire 2016–17.
    Public SA-founded universities only.                                             environments. Unlock
                                                                                     the answers for tomorrow
                                                                                     through new discoveries
                                                                                     and by building new
    No. 1 IN SA FOR GRADUATE CAREERS                                                 foundations. Learn about
    IN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING                                                     science in its many forms,
    QILT: Graduate Destinations Survey 2015 and Graduate Outcomes Survey             study the interaction
    2016–17 – Full-time Employment Indicator. Public SA-founded universities only.
                                                                                     between people and the
                                                                                     natural landscape, or
                                                                                     focus on the construction
                                                                                     and development of built
    STUDY SA’s ONLY CONSTRUCTION                                                     environments.
    MANAGEMENT DEGREE                                                                unisa.edu.au/study

2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
Attend guest lectures, industry
networking events and site
visits. Further your experiential
learning by completing a
hands-on design project
and link-up with our leading
research concentrations.

The Builders Organisation
for Students and Staff (BOSS)
provides training, personal
development and industry-
based networking for students
in UniSA’s built environment
programs. Run by a student
committee, BOSS supports
and promotes social activities,
academic development
and professional placement
opportunities. Students can
get involved in site visits,
community events, the BOSS
Annual Dinner and more. It’s
a great way to keep up to
date with what’s happening
on campus and in industry.

Science / 9
Environmental Science / 10
Geospatial Science / 10
Nano- and Biomaterials / 12
Sustainable Environments / 12
Built Environment / 13
Construction Management / 13
Construction Management and
Economics / 14

Building Surveying / 15
Quantity Surveying / 16
Project Management / 16
Surveying / 18
Environmental Science / 18

Masters by Research / 19
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / 19

2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia

                MM EXPERIENCE STUDIO / A dedicated
          student space at Mawson Lakes campus fitted
            with computers, configurable project rooms,
              storage lockers and mini kitchen facilities.

2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
New               SPACES

                                                           PRIDHAM HALL / A $50 million space that has transformed our
                                                           campus blueprint in the city’s west end; featuring a sports centre,
                                                           lap pool, gym, dance/aerobics studio, function rooms, and facilities
                                                           to seat 1800 students and their families for graduation ceremonies.
                                                           Discover the virtual fly-through at unisa.edu.au/pridhamhall

                                                                                                  Image courtesy of Insight Visuals
                                                                                                       (photographer Chris Oaten)

     PROJECT LIVE / Learn through Immersive Virtual
          Environments using the latest visualisation
    technologies that transform traditional classroom
                   activities into interactive learning.

dollar research space focusing on building knowledge
         and capacity in core future industries through
 innovation in engineering and the physical sciences.      UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA CANCER RESEARCH
                                                           INSTITUTE / Located in SA’s health and biomedical precinct in
                                                           the Adelaide CBD, this $247 million building is the new leading
                                                           destination for health research and teaching.
                                                           See this world-class project at unisa.edu.au/facilities/unisaCRI

                                                           MOD. / This futuristic museum of discovery offers immersive
                                                           experiences to the public through dynamic and changing exhibition
                                                           programs across seven dedicated gallery spaces.
                                                           To find out more visit unisa.edu.au/MOD

2019 SCIENCE AND THE ENVIRONMENT - University of South Australia
    BECOME A TEACHER                                                                   UniSA MATHS SHORT COURSE
    Apply for a packaged program at UniSA and receive                                  Want to study a science degree but didn’t complete
    guaranteed entry* into the Master of Teaching (Secondary) to                       SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods? We offer a unique
    become a high school science teacher. Simply preference the                        short course for students to complete the required
    unique SATAC code below.                                                           prerequisite before commencing their degree at
                                                                                       UniSA. Work alongside highly qualified tutors in small
    Bachelor of Science / Master of Teaching
                                                                                       learning groups, and get prepared for tertiary study.
    (Secondary): SATAC code: 434101
                                                                                       For more information visit unisa.edu.au/maths-short-course
    To learn more visit unisa.edu.au/become-a-teacher
    *Additional selection criteria applies.

    Didn’t get the Selection Rank (ATAR) needed to study construction management? You can
    choose to pathway directly into the final year of the program and graduate with honours.

                                                                              YEAR 1                YEAR 2       YEAR 3           YEAR 4

      BACHELOR OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT                                           YEAR 1                YEAR 2       YEAR 3

    Are you interested in studying a specialised degree focused on spatial technology
    used in land surveying, gaming, mapping and more? If you haven’t completed the
    prerequisite of SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods^, successfully pass any of
    the programs below including the specified mathematics courses to gain entry
    into the Bachelor of Geospatial Science.
    ^ Stage 2 Mathematical Methods from 2017, or Stage 2 Mathematical Studies if studied in 2016 or prior.

                                                              UniSA Maths Short Course
      Successfully completed Year 11 Maths                      or
      (SACE Stage 1 Mathematics)                              SAIBT Diploma of Engineering with
                                                              Advanced Mathematics 1 & 2

                                                                                                                COMMENCE BACHELOR
                                                              OUA with Essential Mathematics 1 & 2              OF GEOSPATIAL SCIENCE
                                                                                                                AT UniSA

                                                              UniSA Diploma of Science and
                                                              Technology with Foundation
      Didn’t complete Year 11 Maths                           Mathematics 1 & 2
      (SACE Stage 1 Mathematics)                                or
                                                              UniSA Foundation Studies with
                                                              Foundation Mathematics 1 & 2

Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                                           ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                                                Full-time program                           Part-time study           Honours
                                                                                                 duration in years                                 available          available

UNDERGRADUATE                                                       Bachelor of

                                                                      ON-CAMPUS               ML       3      PT      H unisa.edu.au/science

Your tertiary learning and career
                                                                    ENTRY                                                                    • SACE Stage 2 Chemistry for
starts with undergraduate study.                                    SATAC code................................................... 434201
                                                                                                                                               the Chemistry major
                                                                                                                                             • SACE Stage 2 Mathematical
                                                                    Selection Rank (ATAR).................................... 61.2
                                                                    Guaranteed Entry:                                                          Methods* for the
                                                                       Selection Rank (ATAR)................................70                Mathematics major
                                                                       Selection Rank ( VET)................................DIP           *or Stage 2 Mathematical Studies
QUALIFICATIONS*                                                     Prerequisites........................................see below         if studied in 2016 or prior.
                                                                    Assumed knowledge..................see below
• Bachelor: 3 years                                                 Start date(s).................................February, July           BECOME A TEACHER
• Bachelor (Honours): 4 years                                                                                                               This degree can be used for
                                                                                                                                            guaranteed entry into the Master of
• Honours: 1 year                                                   Unravel the mysteries of the                                            Teaching (Secondary) (MMET) subject
                                                                    natural and physical world.                                             to meeting set academic criteria.
*study times are approximate and based on a full-time study load.                                                                           For more information see page 8.
                                                                    Study the fundamentals of
                                                                    science through observation,                                            ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS
                                                                    experiment and measurement.
FIND OUT MORE                                                                                                                               Alternative entry options are
                                                                    Choose your majors based on                                             available through the Foundation
For more information about all of the undergraduate                 your interests and career goals.                                        Studies program or Diploma
degrees on offer and entry requirements visit:                                                                                              in Science and Technology
                                                                    Gain practical experience through                                       offered by UniSA College.
unisa.edu.au/study                                                  laboratory and field work.
                                                                                                                                            Students interested in the Applied
Further details about studying with UniSA are also outlined on      Access state-of-the-art facilities                                      Physics or Mathematics majors can
page 20 of this guide.                                              and engage with researchers                                             also complete the UniSA Maths Short
                                                                    at the multi-million dollar                                             Course to meet their mathematical
                                                                    Future Industries Institute.                                            prerequisites. See page 8.

HOW TO APPLY                                                                                                                                RELATED DEGREES
                                                                    MAJORS                                                                   • Bachelor of Environmental
Go online for all the information you need on applying to study      •    Applied Physics                                                      Science
at UniSA including SATAC requirements, admissions pathways,          •    Biology                                                            • Bachelor of Geospatial Science
guaranteed entry scores, study credit and other commonly                                                                                     • Bachelor of Health Science
                                                                     •    Chemistry
asked questions.
                                                                     •    Computer Science                                                   • Bachelor of Mathematics
unisa.edu.au/apply                                                   •    Environmental Systems                                                (Industrial and Applied
                                                                     •    Geoscience
                                                                     •    Geospatial Information Systems                                    FURTHER STUDY
Please note: The Selection Rank (ATAR) scores listed in the
                                                                     •    Mathematics
Entry information are indicative of the 2018 cut-offs.                                                                                       • Bachelor of Science
                                                                    Note: Students interested in taking                                        (Honours) (Nano- and
                                                                    a major in another area of science                                         Biomaterials) – one year
                                                                    can discuss their options with the                                       • Masters by Research
                                                                    University after enrolment.                                              • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
                                                                    CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                    PROGRAM STRUCTURE
                                                                    This degree can lead to a variety
                                                                    of careers in the following:                                             FIRST YEAR
                                                                                                                                             Professional and Technical Communication
                                                                    Research laboratories /                                                  Science Major A – course 1
                                                                    pharmaceutical industry /                                                Science Major B – course 1
                                                                    manufacturing / environmental                                            Elective 1
                                                                    management / food development /
                                                                                                                                             Statistics for Laboratory Sciences
                                                                    mining and energy / information
                                                                                                                                             Science Major A – course 2
                                                                    technology / defence /
                                                                                                                                             Science Major B – course 2
                                                                    teaching (with further study)
                                                                                                                                             Elective 2
                                                                    PREREQUISITES                                                            SECOND YEAR

                                                                    Applicants must have completed                                           Science Major A – course 3
                                                                                                                                             Science Major A – course 4
                                                                    at least two of the following
                                                                                                                                             Science Major B – course 3
                                                                    SACE Stage 2 subjects:
                                                                                                                                             Elective 3
                                                                     •    Biology                                                            Science Major B – course 4
                                                                     •    Chemistry                                                          Science Major B – course 5
                                                                     •    Geology                                                            Science Major A – course 5
                                                                                                                                             Elective 4
                                                                     •    Mathematical Methods*
                                                                                                                                             THIRD YEAR
                                                                     •    Physics or Specialist Mathematics
                                                                                                                                             Science Major A – course 6
                                                                                                                                             Science Major A – course 7
                                                                    ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                                                             Science Major B – course 6
                                                                     • SACE Stage 2 Physics and                                              Elective 5
                                                                       Mathematical Methods* for                                             Science Major A – course 8
                                                                       the Applied Physics major                                             Science Major B – course 7
                                                                     • SACE Stage 2 Chemistry                                                Science Major B – course 8
                                                                       for the Biology major                                                 Elective 6
Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                                                                                                ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                                                                                                     Full-time program                         Part-time study           Honours
                                                                                                                                                      duration in years                               available          available

     Bachelor of                                                                                                         Bachelor of

     ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCELBVT                                                                                          GEOSPATIAL SCIENCELBSP
       ON-CAMPUS                ML       3      PT       H unisa.edu.au/enviro                                             ON-CAMPUS               ML       3     PT      H unisa.edu.au/geo

     ENTRY                                                                    FURTHER STUDY                              ENTRY                                                                 RELATED DEGREES
     SATAC code..................................................434921      • Bachelor of Sustainable                  SATAC code..................................................434981   • Bachelor of Environmental
     Selection Rank (ATAR)............................... 60.6                 Environments (Honours)                   Selection Rank (ATAR)...............................67.75              Science*
     Guaranteed Entry:                                                          – one year                               Guaranteed Entry:                                                     • Bachelor of Science
        Selection Rank (ATAR)............................. 70                • Master of Environmental Science             Selection Rank (ATAR)............................. 70             • Bachelor of Engineering
        Selection Rank ( VET)............................. DIP              • Master of Teaching (Secondary)              Selection Rank ( VET)............................. DIP             (Honours) (Civil)
     Prerequisites................................................... none                                              Prerequisites..............................SACE Stage 2
                                                                              • Masters by Research                                                                                            *The Bachelor of Geospatial
     Assumed knowledge............................. none                                                                                                          Math Methods
     Start date(s)..............................February, July               • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)               Assumed knowledge........SACE Stage 2                                Science (LBSP) shares common first
                                                                                                                                                                                     Physics   year courses with the Bachelor of
                                                                              PROGRAM STRUCTURE                          Start date(s)..............................February, July            Environmental Science (LBVT), so
                                                                                                                                                                                               you can transfer and retain credits
     Develop a career in environmental                                        FIRST YEAR                                                                                                       for courses you have completed.
     sustainability, addressing today’s
     most pressing scientific issues.                                         Biodiversity for the Environment           Build a career in land surveying
                                                                              Earth Systems                              and environmental management.
                                                                                                                                                                                               FURTHER STUDY
     Explore how humans interact with                                         Environment: A Human Perspective                                                                                 • Bachelor of Sustainable
     the environment and how we can                                           Principles of Geospatial Science           Learn about environmental                                               Environments (Honours)
     best manage it.                                                          Environmental Analytical Methods           mapping and modelling and                                               – one year
                                                                              Land Use Planning                          spatial analysis using the latest
     Learn about ecology, soil science,                                                                                                                                                        • Master of Quantity Surveying
                                                                              Soils in the Australian Landscape          technologies.
     geography and social sciences.                                                                                                                                                            • Master of Teaching (Secondary)
                                                                              Sustainable Ecosystems                     Study geospatial science,
     Complete in-depth examinations                                           SECOND YEAR                                landscape and soil science,
     in biological and earth sciences.
                                                                                                                                                                                               PROGRAM STRUCTURE
                                                                              Caring for Country                         mathematics and physics,
     Master the essential skills                                              Ecology                                    environmental science, and                                            FIRST YEAR
     of working with Geospatial                                               Environmental Interpretation and           land planning.                                                        Biodiversity for the Environment
     Information Systems (GIS) to                                               Community Engagement                                                                                           Earth Systems
                                                                              Geospatial Data Acquisition and Analysis   Master the essential skills
     capture, analyse and manage                                                                                         of working with Geospatial
                                                                                                                                                                                               Environment: A Human Perspective
     spatial and geographic data.                                             Elective 1
                                                                                                                         Information Systems (GIS) to
                                                                                                                                                                                               Principles of Geospatial Science
                                                                              Environmental Policy and Regulations                                                                             Environmental Analytical Methods
     Gain practical experience through                                                                                   capture, analyse and manage
                                                                              Minor Course 1                                                                                                   Land Use Planning
     field trips and real-world projects.                                                                                spatial and geographic data.
                                                                              Minor Course 2                                                                                                   Soils in the Australian Landscape
                                                                              THIRD YEAR                                 Gain practical experience through                                     Sustainable Ecosystems
                                                                              Elective 2                                 field trips and real-world projects.                                  SECOND YEAR
     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                     Environmental Conflict and Public                                                                                Applied Physics 1
     Environmental adviser /                                                    Consultation                                                                                                   Caring for Country
     land management officer /                                                Environmental Remote Sensing               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                  Geospatial Data Acquisition and Analysis
     ranger / sustainability officer /                                        Minor Course 3                                                                                                   Problem Solving and Programming
                                                                                                                         Cartographer / photogrammetrist /
     environmental consultant /                                               Elective 3                                 GIS technician / geospatial analyst /                                 Elective 1
     ecologist / environmental                                                Environmental and Geospatial Field         teacher (with further study)                                          Engineering and Environmental Geology
     scientist / teacher (with                                                  Project
                                                                                                                                                                                               Mathematical Methods for Engineers 1
     further study)                                                           Minor Course 4
                                                                                                                         ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS                                                   Surveying 1
                                                                              MINOR IN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT              Alternative entry options are                                         THIRD YEAR
     ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS                                                      AND SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                                         available through the Foundation                                      Elective 2
     Alternative entry options are                                            SECOND YEAR                                Studies program or Diploma                                            Environmental Remote Sensing
     available through the Foundation                                                                                    in Science and Technology                                             Geospatial Exploration
                                                                              Community Service Learning Project 1
     Studies program or Diploma                                                                                          offered by UniSA College.                                             Surveying 2
                                                                              Sustainable Development: A Global
     in Science and Technology                                                  Perspective                                                                                                    Web Cartography
     offered by UniSA College.                                                                                           Students can also complete
                                                                              THIRD YEAR                                                                                                       Elective 3
                                                                                                                         the UniSA Maths Short Course
                                                                              Park and Wilderness Management                                                                                   Environmental and Geospatial Field
     COMBINED DEGREE                                                                                                     to meet their mathematical                                              Project
                                                                              Sustainability and Entrepreneurship        prerequisites. See page 8.
     You can complete this degree
     together with the Bachelor of                                            MINOR IN BIODIVERSITY
     Geospatial Science (LBSP) in                                             AND EARTH SYSTEMS                          COMBINED DEGREE
     just four years. This option can                                         SECOND YEAR                                You can complete this degree
     be explored after enrolment.                                                                                        together with the Bachelor of
                                                                              Conservation Biology
     Eligibility criteria applies.                                                                                       Geospatial Science (LBSP) in
                                                                              Engineering and Environmental Geology
                                                                                                                         just four years. This option can
                                                                              THIRD YEAR                                 be explored after enrolment.
                                                                              Restoration Ecology                        Eligibility criteria applies.
      • Bachelor of Geospatial Science*                                       Environmental Monitoring
      • Bachelor of Science
     *The Bachelor of Environmental
     Science (LBVT) shares common first
     year courses with the Bachelor of
     Geospatial Science (LBSP), so if you
     meet the subject requirements you
     can transfer and retain credits for
     courses you have completed.

“  An interest in maps as a
   young child led Mathew to
   study geospatial science with
   a clear career goal in mind.

   “When I finish my studies I
   plan to become a licensed
   surveyor. This work appeals
   to me because of the mix of
   indoor and outdoor work and
   the varied day-to-day tasks,
   which this field offers.

   “The strong link between
   UniSA and industry bodies
   has opened up opportunities
   for guest lectures and
   networking sessions where
   I have met industry people
   and even gained casual

   Mathew is now working
   as a field assistant with
   surveying consultancy,

   Alexander Symonds.

Mathew Johns-Forbes / BACHELOR OF

Bachelor of                                                                                                 Bachelor of

     SCIENCE (HONOURS) (NANO-                                                                                    SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS
     AND BIOMATERIALS)LHSC                                                                                      (HONOURS)LHST
       ON-CAMPUS                ML       1      PT unisa.edu.au/science                                            ON-CAMPUS                ML       1      PT unisa.edu.au/geo

     ENTRY                                                                    FURTHER STUDY                      ENTRY                                                                    PROGRAM STRUCTURE
     SATAC code.............................................4BH009           • Masters by Research              SATAC code..............................................4BH010
                                                                                                                                                                                          FIRST YEAR
     Selection Rank (ATAR)................................. n/a              • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)       Selection Rank (ATAR)................................. n/a
     Guaranteed Entry:                                                                                           Guaranteed Entry:                                                        Directed Elective 1
        Selection Rank (ATAR).......................... n/a                                                        Selection Rank (ATAR).......................... n/a                  Research Theory and Practice
                                                                              PROGRAM STRUCTURE                                                                                           Environmental Sustainability Research
        Selection Rank ( VET)............................ n/a                                                     Selection Rank ( VET)............................ n/a
                                                                                                                                                                                            Thesis 1
     Prerequisites................................................... none   FIRST YEAR                         Prerequisites................................................... none
                                                                                                                                                                                          Principles of Project Management
     Assumed knowledge............................. none                     Research Project Preparation       Assumed knowledge............................. none
     Start date(s)............................................February       Advanced Topics in Materials and   Start date(s)..............................February, July
                                                                                                                                                                                          Research Data Analysis
                                                                                Interfaces 1                                                                                              OR
                                                                              Honours Research Project 1                                                                                  Directed Elective 2
     Focus on advanced study and                                              Advanced Topics in Materials and   Study a one-year honours
                                                                                                                                                                                          Environmental Sustainability Research
     research in nano- and biomaterials.                                       Interfaces 2                      program and learn about                                                    Thesis 2
                                                                              Honours Research Project 2         managing environmental
     Explore materials science,                                                                                  impacts in business activities.
     biomedical engineering,
     nanomedicine and biology,                                                                                   Gain an in-depth understanding of
     manufacturing, biotechnology                                                                                environmental performance and
     and nanotechnology.                                                                                         reporting, and the expectations
                                                                                                                 of organisations and key
     Complete a one-year                                                                                         stakeholders in these areas.
     research project in an area
     that interests you most.                                                                                    Complete a multi-disciplinary
                                                                                                                 environmental research project in
     Prepare for additional                                                                                      an area focused on sustainability
     postgraduate studies in science or                                                                          and that interests you most.
     a career as a professional scientist.
                                                                                                                 Benefit from links to the
     Access the Materials and                                                                                    University’s Barbara Hardy
     Minerals Science Learning                                                                                   Institute and the Natural and Built
     and Research Hub and work                                                                                   Environments Research Centre.
     alongside research and industry
     experts at the Future Industries
     Institute located on campus.
                                                                                                                 IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                                                                                 This program has no direct entry.
     IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                                                                       Students who have successfully
                                                                                                                 completed a bachelor’s degree in
     This program has no direct entry.                                                                           a related discipline, and who have
     Students who have successfully                                                                              displayed a high level of academic
     completed a bachelor’s degree in a                                                                          achievement throughout their
     relevant area of science, technology                                                                        degree (typically a credit average
     or engineering, and who have                                                                                or above and evidence of research
     displayed a high level of academic                                                                          capability) are encouraged to apply.
     achievement throughout their
     degree (typically a credit average
     or above) are encouraged to apply.                                                                          CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                 This qualification can lead to a
     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                        variety of careers in the following
     This qualification can lead
     to a variety of careers in                                                                                  Environmental sector / government
     the following areas:                                                                                        departments and agencies /
                                                                                                                 environmental consultancy firms /
     Product development /                                                                                       engineering sector / mining and
     manufacturing / clinical trials /                                                                           resources / manufacturing /
     technology advancement /                                                                                    construction sector
     environmental remediation /
     research and academia
                                                                                                                 FURTHER STUDY
     RELATED DEGREES                                                                                              • Master of Environmental Science
                                                                                                                  • Masters by Research
      • Bachelor of Applied Science
        (Honours) (Industrial and                                                                                 • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
        Applied Mathematics)
      • Bachelor of Sustainable
        Environments (Honours)
      • Bachelor of Health
        Science (Honours)
      • Bachelor of Biomedical
        Research (Honours)
      • Bachelor of Information
        Technology (Honours)

Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                                                                                            ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                                                                                                 Full-time program                           Part-time study            Honours
                                                                                                                                                  duration in years                                 available           available

Bachelor of                                                                                                         Bachelor of

BUILT ENVIRONMENTIBBE                                                                                              CONSTRUCTION

  ON-CAMPUS                CE       3      PT unisa.edu.au/construction
                                                                                                                     100% ONLINE                       unisaonline.edu.au/degrees/construction
ENTRY                                                                    RELATED DEGREES
SATAC code..................................................414301      • Bachelor of Construction
Selection Rank (ATAR)......................................67             Management and                           DEGREE INFO                                                              HOW TO APPLY
Guaranteed Entry:                                                          Economics (Honours)*                     Selection Rank (ATAR)...............................NEW                 1. Check your eligibility at
   Selection Rank (ATAR)...............................75               • Bachelor of Construction                 Start dates..................January, April, June,                      unisaonline.edu.au/eligibility
   Selection Rank ( VET)............................. DIP                Management                                                                                September               2. Receive your conditional offer
Prerequisites................................................... none   • Bachelor of Engineering                  Time commitment................10–15 hours
Assumed knowledge............................. none                                                                                            per week per course                          3. Complete your application and
                                                                           (Honours) (Civil)                                                                                                 send through your documents
Start date(s)..............................February, July                                                          Study as..................Full-time or part-time
                                                                         • Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                                                    Prerequisites................................................... none   To apply, visit unisaonline.edu.au
                                                                           (Honours) (Civil and
                                                                                                                    Assumed knowledge............................. none                     or call 1800 531 962.
                                                                           Project Management)
Build a career in the construction
industry focusing on residential                                         *Following successful completion of
                                                                                                                                                                                             PROGRAM STRUCTURE
and low-rise buildings.                                                  the Bachelor of Built Environment          Study Construction On Demand
                                                                         (IBBE), students can enter directly        – access online support services                                         FIRST YEAR
Study core courses in construction                                       into fourth year of the Bachelor           seven days a week, view learning
law, management, communication,                                          of Construction Management and                                                                                      Critical Approaches to Online Learning
                                                                                                                    resources 24/7 and log in to the                                         Introduction to Construction
materials, economics and                                                 Economics (Honours) (IHCN).
                                                                                                                    interactive online environment                                             Management
quantity surveying.                                                                                                 anywhere, any time, and on any                                           Construction Communication
                                                                         FURTHER STUDY                              device.                                                                  Construction 1
Develop your knowledge in
estimating, contract administration,                                     • Graduate Certificate in Built                                                                                     Construction Materials
                                                                                                                    Benefit from flexible study with
scheduling and cost planning.                                              Environment (Building Surveying)                                                                                  Economics for Construction Professionals
                                                                                                                    no need to attend lectures, or
                                                                         • Graduate Diploma in Built                                                                                         Structures 1
Learn in the Experiential Learning                                                                                  come on campus – all courses and
                                                                           Environment (Building Surveying)                                                                                  Introduction to Contract Administration
Suite based on campus, featuring                                                                                    assessments are 100% online.
                                                                         • Master of Quantity Surveying                                                                                      SECOND YEAR
the latest technologies.                                                                                            Learn in bite-sized ten-week                                             Construction Scheduling
                                                                         PROGRAM STRUCTURE                          blocks with courses designed                                             Construction 2
                                                                                                                    specifically for online learning.                                        Quantity Surveying Practice 1
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                     FIRST YEAR                                                                                                          Contract Administration
                                                                                                                    Develop a career in the
Construction manager /                                                   Introduction to Contract Administration    construction industry focusing on                                        Structures 2
estimator / construction planner /                                       Construction 1                             residential and low-rise buildings.                                      Building Estimating
site supervisor / contract                                               Introduction to Construction Management                                                                             Building Services
administrator                                                            Construction Communication                 Go on to pursue your career                                              Construction Cost Planning
                                                                         Construction Materials                     goals in quantity surveying,                                             THIRD YEAR
PROFESSIONAL                                                             Economics for Construction Professionals   building surveying or construction
                                                                                                                                                                                             Development Regulation
ACCREDITATION                                                            Structures 1                                                                                                        Sustainable Construction
                                                                         University Elective                        Choose a degree developed                                                Development Economics
This degree is professionally
endorsed by the Australian Institute                                     SECOND YEAR                                in consultation with leading                                             Construction Environmental Science
                                                                                                                    accrediting bodies and learn                                             Construction Operations and Safety
of Building Surveyors and graduates                                      Quantity Surveying Practice 1
                                                                                                                    from experienced academics with                                          Fire Engineering
can apply for accreditation as a                                         Contract Administration
                                                                         Construction 2                             strong industry connections.                                             Building Surveying
Level 2 Building Surveyor.
                                                                         Structures 2                                                                                                        Advanced Contract Administration

ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS                                                      Building Estimating
Alternative entry options into this
                                                                         Construction Cost Planning                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                         Construction Scheduling
degree are also available through                                                                                   Construction manager / estimator /
                                                                         Building Services N
the Foundation Studies program or                                                                                   construction planner / quantity
Diploma in Science and Technology                                        THIRD YEAR                                 surveyor / building surveyor
offered by UniSA College.                                                Development Regulation
                                                                         Development Economics                      ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS
                                                                         Construction Environmental Science
                                                                                                                    Alternative entry options include:
                                                                         Building Surveying
                                                                         Construction Operations and Safety          • Completion of online literacy
                                                                         Advanced Contract Administration              and numeracy test with
                                                                         Fire Engineering N                            relevant work experience
                                                                         Sustainable Construction                    • Foundation Studies program
                                                                                                                       through UniSA College

                                                                                                                    SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS
                                                                                                                    Apply for a range of scholarships
                                                                                                                    and grants when you enrol
                                                                                                                    into a UniSA Online degree.
                                                                                                                    Conditions apply – visit

                                                                                                                    CREDIT CHECK
                                                                                                                    Fast-track your degree and receive
                                                                                                                    credit for past study and/or work
                                                                                                                    experience. For more information
                                                                                                                    visit unisaonline.edu.au/credit

Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                     ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                          Full-time program                           Part-time study            Honours
                                                                           duration in years                                 available           available

                                             Bachelor of

                                             CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND
                                             ECONOMICS (HONOURS)IHCN
                                               ON-CAMPUS                CE       4      PT unisa.edu.au/construction

                                             ENTRY                                                                    Students that successfully complete
                                                                                                                      the three-year Bachelor of Built
                                             SATAC code..................................................414021
                                                                                                                      Environment (IBBE) can also transfer
                                             Selection Rank (ATAR).............................81.05
                                                                                                                      directly into the fourth and final
                                             Guaranteed Entry:
                                                                                                                      year of the Bachelor of Construction
                                                Selection Rank (ATAR).............................80
                                                                                                                      Management (Honours)
                                                Selection Rank ( VET)...................AdvDIP
                                                                                                                      (IHCN) degree. See page 8.
                                             Prerequisites................................................... none
                                             Assumed knowledge............................. none                     RELATED DEGREES
                                             Start date(s)..............................February, July
                                                                                                                      • Bachelor of Built Environment
                                                                                                                      • Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                                                        (Honours) (Civil)
                                             Join South Australia’s only
                                             construction management and                                              • Bachelor of Engineering
                                             economics degree, recognised                                               (Honours) (Civil and
                                             by a number of peak industry                                               Project Management)
                                             organisations in Australia and                                           • Bachelor of Business (Property)
                                             overseas.                                                                • Bachelor of Construction

                                             Learn about construction
                                             fundamentals including building                                          FURTHER STUDY
                                             technology, building structures                                          • Graduate Certificate in Built
                                             and housing studies.                                                       Environment (Building Surveying)
                                             Develop your knowledge                                                   • Graduate Diploma in Built
                                             in contract administration,                                                Environment (Building Surveying)
       Jake excelled in his studies          development regulation and                                               • Master of Quantity Surveying
                                             development economics.
       and even travelled to                                                                                          PROGRAM STRUCTURE
       the US to compete in an               Choose to focus on quantity
                                                                                                                      FIRST YEAR
                                             surveying, building surveying
       international design and              or construction management                                               Introduction to Contract Administration
       construct competition where           in your final year.                                                      Construction 1
       he was awarded first prize.           Complete a minimum of 100
                                                                                                                      Introduction to Construction Management
                                                                                                                      Construction Communication
                                             days supervised work experience
       Since then, Jake has enjoyed          through an industry placement.
                                                                                                                      Construction Materials
                                                                                                                      Economics for Construction Professionals
       a great career working for                                                                                     Structures 1
       industry leaders such as                                                                                       University Elective
                                             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
       Hansen Yuncken and Mossop                                                                                      SECOND YEAR
                                             Construction manager / project
       Group. He now works for EY            manager / estimator / construction
                                                                                                                      Quantity Surveying Practice 1
                                                                                                                      Contract Administration
       as a consultant utilising             planner / site supervisor /                                              Construction 2
       his project-based skills and          contract administrator / quality                                         Structures 2
                                             surveyor / building surveyor
       financial expertise.                                                                                           Building Estimating
                                                                                                                      Construction Cost Planning
                                             PROFESSIONAL                                                             Construction Scheduling
       “The knowledge that I will be         ACCREDITATION                                                            Building Services N
       part of influential future            This degree is professionally                                            THIRD YEAR
       developments inspires me to           endorsed by the Australian Institute                                     Development Regulation
       continue pursuing this line           of Building (AIB).                                                       Development Economics
       of work.                              PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                                                                                      Construction Environmental Science
                                                                                                                      Building Surveying
                                             This degree meets the educational                                        Construction Operations and Safety
       “My course had many other             requirements for corporate                                               Advanced Contract Administration
       students who were motivated           membership with the Australian                                           Fire Engineering N
       to succeed; this has allowed          Institute of Quantity Surveyors and                                      Sustainable Construction
                                             the Australian Institute of Building
       me to make good friends,                                                                                       FOURTH YEAR

                                             Surveyors, and for professional
       who I still remain in contact         membership with the Australian
                                                                                                                      Research Theory and Practice
                                                                                                                      Integrated Project
       with today.”                          Institute of Building. It also meets
                                                                                                                      and two of the following three
                                             the requirements for varying levels                                         specialisation courses
                                             of membership with applicable                                             ·· Quantity Surveying Practice 2
                                             associations in Hong Kong, Malaysia,                                      ·· Asset Management and Building
                                             Singapore and the United Kingdom.                                            Pathology
                                                                                                                       ·· Construction Business Management
                                             ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS                                                      NBE Honours Research Project
                                             Alternative entry options into this                                      and two of the following three
     Jake Harry / BACHELOR OF CONSTRUCTION   degree are also available through                                           specialisation courses:
                                             the Foundation Studies program or                                         ·· Advanced Quantity Surveying
     MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS (HONOURS)                                                                                ·· Advanced Building Surveying
                                             Diploma in Science and Technology
                                             offered by UniSA College.                                                 ·· Advanced Construction Management

Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                                                      ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                    Full-time program                                         Part-time study                       Commonwealth-supported
                                                                     duration in years                                               available                         (see page 20 for more info)

POSTGRADUATE                                                        Graduate Diploma in

                                                                    BUILT ENVIRONMENT
                                                                    (BUILDING SURVEYING)IGBE
Take your career to the next                                        NESTED WITH
                                                                      • Graduate Certificate in Built Environment
level and develop further                                               (Building Surveying) (ICBE)

knowledge and skills through                                                ONLINE                    CE          1       PT unisa.edu.au/construction

postgraduate study.                                                 ENTRY                                                                                      ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS
                                                                    SATAC code....................... (GradDip) 4GD097                                       The Graduate Certificate in
                                                                    ...................................................... (GradCert) 4GC075                  Built Environment (Building
                                                                     Fees.............................................................................. CSP   Surveying) (ICBE) provides an
QUALIFICATIONS*                                                      Start date(s)..............................February, July                                entry pathway for applicants
                                                                         Not available to international students                                               who have a minimum six years of
• Graduate Certificate: 6 months                                         studying onshore under a student visa.                                                relevant industry experience.
• Graduate Diploma: 1 year
                                                                                                                                                               PROGRAM STRUCTURE
• Master: 1–2 years                                                 Develop the knowledge
                                                                    and skills to become a                                                                     FIRST AND SECOND SEMESTER
*study times are approximate and based on a full-time study load.   professionally-accredited                                                                  The Constructed Environment
                                                                    building surveyor in Australia.                                                            Introduction to Construction Law
                                                                                                                                                               Building Structures and Materials
                                                                    Gain a strong understanding of
FIND OUT MORE                                                       the construction industry and
                                                                                                                                                               Building Surveying
                                                                                                                                                               Fire Engineering N
For more information about all of the postgraduate                  the complete building lifecycle.                                                           Development Regulation
qualifications on offer and entry requirements visit:               Focus on core courses in building                                                          Asset Management and Building
                                                                    processes and technologies,
unisa.edu.au/study                                                                                                                                             Advanced Building Surveying
                                                                    assessment and analysis of
Further details about studying with UniSA are also outlined         structures, construction law, and                                                          Students complete their studies online
on page 20 of this guide.                                           building regulations and codes.                                                            and are not required on-campus.
                                                                    Benefit from flexible study
                                                                    with the program delivered
                                                                    completely online.
Go online for all the information you need on applying to
study at UniSA.                                                     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
unisa.edu.au/apply                                                  Building surveyor / estimator /
                                                                    construction planner /
                                                                    project manager

                                                                    This program provides graduates
                                                                    with accreditation as a Building
                                                                    Surveyor with the Australian Institute
                                                                    of Building Surveyors (AIBS) – Level
                                                                    1 Unrestricted Building Surveyor.

                                                                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                      • Bachelor degree in built
                                                                        environment, civil engineering,
                                                                        structural engineering, building
                                                                        surveying, quantity surveying,
                                                                        property, construction
                                                                        management or architecture
                                                                        from a recognised higher
                                                                        education institution; or
                                                                      • Graduate Certificate in Built
                                                                        Environment (Building Surveying)
                                                                        (ICBE) from the University of
                                                                        South Australia, or equivalent
                                                                        qualification from a recognised
                                                                        higher education institution.
                                                                    Note: Applicants that have completed
                                                                    bachelor degrees from other
                                                                    relevant disciplines will also be
                                                                    considered on a case by case basis.

Campus: CE: City East, CW: City West, M: Magill,
                                                                                                                                                                                         ML: Mawson Lakes, MG: Mount Gambier or W: Whyalla
                                                                                                                                      Full-time program                                          Part-time study                        Commonwealth-supported
                                                                                                                                       duration in years                                                available                         (see page 20 for more info)

     Master of                                                                                                                        Master of

     QUANTITY SURVEYINGIMQS                                                                                                          PROJECT MANAGEMENTIMPA
       ON-CAMPUS                       CE         2        PT unisa.edu.au/construction                                               NESTED WITH
                                                                                                                                        • Graduate Certificate in Project Management (ICPM)
     ENTRY                                                                                     PROGRAM STRUCTURE                        • Graduate Diploma in Project Management (IGBP)
     SATAC code.................... 4CM205, 4CM206                                                                                     • Master of Applied Project Management (IMAM) NEW
                                                                                               FIRST YEAR
     Fees.............................................................................. CSP
     Start date(s)..............................February, July                                Quantity Surveying Practice 2
                                                                                               Principles of Project Management          ON-CAMPUS                       CE          2        PT unisa.edu.au/projectmanagement
                                                                                               Project Risk Management
                                                                                               Project Governance and Ethics          ENTRY                                                                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
     Gain advanced knowledge in
     financial and project management.                                                         Masters Research Theory and Practice
                                                                                                                                      SATAC code........................(Master) 4CM001,                                         • Bachelor degree or equivalent
                                                                                               Advanced Quantity Surveying
                                                                                                                                         .........................................................4CM150, 4CM151                    qualification from a recognised
     Learn to estimate and monitor                                                             Economic, Social and Environmental
                                                                                                                                      .................................................... (GradCert) 4GC050                        higher education institution; or
     construction costs from project                                                             Analysis
                                                                                                                                       ........................................................ (GradDip) 4GD001                  • Graduate certificate or
     feasibility through to completion.                                                        Project Control Methods
                                                                                                                                        ........................................(Master Applied) 4CM209                             graduate diploma in project
                                                                                               SECOND YEAR
     Develop the skills to advise in                                                                                                     Fees.............................................................................. CSP     management, or equivalent
     post-construction activities such                                                         Portfolio and Program Management          Start date(s)..............................February, July                                  qualification, from a recognised
     as tax depreciation schedules,                                                            Research Data Analysis                                                                                                                higher education institution.
     replacement cost estimation                                                               NBE Masters Thesis Part A
     and dispute resolution.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Some applicants may be eligible
                                                                                               Construction Claims and Disputes       Undertake industry-standard
                                                                                                Resolution                                                                                                                         for Advanced Standing and can
                                                                                                                                      studies in project management
     Relate theoretical concepts                                                               Commercial Contract Management                                                                                                      complete the program in 1.0 or
                                                                                                                                      that can be applied across
     to workplace applications                                                                 NBE Masters Thesis Part B                                                                                                           1.5 years of full-time study, or
                                                                                                                                      different industries, businesses
     using real data collected from                                                                                                                                                                                                equivalent part-time study.
                                                                                                                                      and government institutions.
     the construction industry.
                                                                                                                                      Learn the fundamentals of                                                                    EXTERNAL STUDY
     Benefit from links to the
                                                                                                                                      project management and gain an
     University’s Barbara Hardy Institute                                                                                                                                                                                          The 1.5 year Master of Applied
                                                                                                                                      advanced understanding of risk
     – bringing together scientists,                                                                                                                                                                                               Project Management program
                                                                                                                                      management, leadership, strategy
     engineers and social scientists                                                                                                                                                                                               can also be studied online via
                                                                                                                                      and international best practice.
     focused on sustainability.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Open Universities Australia
                                                                                                                                      Graduate with the skills to                                                                  (OUA). For more information
                                                                                                                                      apply project management                                                                     visit open.edu.au/courses
     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                             methodologies, work in
                                                                                                                                      interdisciplinary project teams,                                                             PROGRAM STRUCTURE
     Quantity surveyor / cost manager /                                                                                               and manage projects from
     estimator / project manager /                                                                                                    inception to commissioning.                                                                  FIRST YEAR
     operations manager / construction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Principles of Project Management
     economist                                                                                                                        Complete a major integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Project Risk Management
                                                                                                                                      research project, which can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Procurement and Contract Management
     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                               focus on a real issue within your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Project Governance and Ethics
       • Bachelor degree in construction                                                                                                                                                                                           Project Control Methods
         management or a relevant                                                                                                     Benefit from coursework based on                                                             Project Leadership and Teams
         discipline* from a recognised                                                                                                the industry-standard A Guide to                                                             Economic, Social and Environmental
         higher education institution,                                                                                                the Project Management Body of                                                                 Analysis
         or equivalent qualification; or                                                                                              Knowledge (PMBoK® Guide).                                                                    Masters Research Theory and Practice
       • Graduate certificate or graduate                                                                                                                                                                                          SECOND YEAR
                                                                                                                                      Fast-track your studies with the
         diploma in construction/project                                                                                                                                                                                           NBE Masters Research Project
                                                                                                                                      new Master of Applied Project
         management or a relevant                                                                                                                                                                                                  Portfolio and Program Management
                                                                                                                                      Management program, and
         discipline* from a recognised                                                                                                                                                                                             Strategy in Project Organisations
                                                                                                                                      complete your qualification while
         higher education institution.
                                                                                                                                      you work.                                                                                    International Project Practices
     Some applicants may be eligible                                                                                                                                                                                               Professional Practice Project
     for Advanced Standing and                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elective 1
     can complete the program in                                                                                                                                                                                                   Elective 2
                                                                                                                                      CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
     one year of full-time study, or
     equivalent part-time study.                                                                                                      Qualified project managers
                                                                                                                                      can work across a wide range
     *Relevant disciplines typically                                                                                                  of industries, including:
     include architectural studies, interior
     architecture, civil engineering, built                                                                                           Information technology /
     environments and building. Applicants                                                                                            construction / engineering /
     with qualifications in other disciplines                                                                                         health / defence / finance / mining
     are encouraged to apply and will be                                                                                              and resources / biopharmaceuticals /
     assessed on a case-by-case basis.                                                                                                the arts / government / not-for-profit

                                                                                                                                      PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                                                                                                      This program is endorsed
                                                                                                                                      by the Australian Institute of
                                                                                                                                      Project Management (AIPM).

“ After a positive experience
  completing her undergraduate
  degree with UniSA, Alison
  decided to continue her studies.

  “The UniSA community
  brings together like-minded
  individuals that are passionate
  about lifelong learning. I really
  enjoyed how the University
  supports critical thinking and

  “The teaching staff are
  leaders with extensive
  industry knowledge. They’re
  approachable and have
  supported my growth both
  professionally and personally.

  “Project management is an
  area of study that is important
  to me as there is a global need
  to educate professionals
  to enhance the outcomes of
  projects and their productivity.”

  When thinking about the future,
  Alison would like to eventually
  run her own business, continue

  to learn and give back to the


Master of                                                                                                                         Master of

     SURVEYINGLMSV                                                                                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCELMEV

       ON-CAMPUS                      ML 1.5 PT unisa.edu.au/geo                                                                       NESTED WITH
                                                                                                                                         • Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science (LCES)
     ENTRY                                                                                     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                        • Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science (LGES)
     SATAC code...............................................4CM210                          Bachelor degree or equivalent
     Fees.............................................................................. CSP   qualification in a related discipline     ON-CAMPUS                      ML          2       PT unisa.edu.au/enviro
     Start date(s)............................................February                        from a recognised higher education
                                                                                               institution with a minimum
                                                                                               Grade Point Average (GPA) of            ENTRY                                                                                    RELATED DEGREES
     Build advanced theoretical                                                                4.5. The qualification must show         SATAC code.........................................................................   • Master of Engineering (Water
     knowledge and practical                                                                   strength in geospatial science          ....................................(Master) 4CM163, 4CM200                               Resources Management)
     skills in land surveying                                                                  and reside in disciplines such as        ..................................................... (GradCert) 4GC083
     measurements and analysis.                                                                Geographical Information Systems          ......................................................... (GradDip) 4GD108            FURTHER STUDY
                                                                                               (GIS), science, environmental              Fees (in 2018)............................... A$29,400 pa
     Complete fieldwork and attend                                                                                                                                                                                              • Masters by Research
                                                                                               science, natural resource               Start date(s)..............................February, July
     study camps focusing on cadastral                                                         management or geography.                                                                                                         • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
     surveying, GPS surveying, geodetic
     science and precision positioning.                                                        Applicants that do not meet the                                                                                                  PROGRAM STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                       Develop integrated knowledge in
                                                                                               GPA requirements may also be
     Train using the latest tools and                                                                                                  sustainability, natural resources
                                                                                               considered for entry based upon                                                                                                  FIRST YEAR
     technologies, and graduate                                                                                                        and geospatial sciences.
                                                                                               three years of full-time relevant                                                                                                Seminar in Sustainability
     with the necessary skills for                                                             work experience. Relevant               Further your skills in natural                                                           Ecological Economics N
     leadership in contemporary                                                                experience would typically be in        and/or water resources                                                                   Elective 1
     surveying practice.                                                                       the field of engineering or cadastral   management.                                                                              Elective 2
                                                                                               surveying. These applicants
     Connect with industry through                                                                                                     Work with the latest Geographic                                                          Community Partnerships
                                                                                               are also required to submit a
     a real-world surveying project                                                                                                    Information Systems (GIS) and                                                            Natural Resource Management
                                                                                               detailed curriculum vitae.
     in your final year of study.                                                                                                      spatial data analysis equipment                                                          Research Theory and Practice
                                                                                               Note: All applicants must have          in state-of-the-art laboratories                                                         Elective 3
     Take the option to graduate with                                                          passed university coursework
     a diploma-level qualification                                                                                                     located on campus.                                                                       SECOND YEAR
                                                                                               with the following content:
     after just one year of study.                                                                                                     Complete a major research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Elective 4
                                                                                               • Basic and advanced courses in                                                                                                  Elective 5
                                                                                                                                       project that is closely aligned
                                                                                                 land surveying including GPS                                                                                                   NBE Masters Thesis Part A
                                                                                                                                       with industry in your final year.
                                                                                               • Earth systems/geology                                                                                                          Elective 6
                                                                                               • Geographical information systems      Benefit from links to the                                                                Elective 7
     Licensed boundary and engineering                                                         • Maps and coordinate systems           University’s Barbara Hardy                                                               NBE Masters Thesis Part B
     surveyors can work in a variety                                                           • Mathematics (preferably               Institute and the Natural and Built
     of settings, including:                                                                     engineering mathematics)              Environments Research Centre.
     Construction / government                                                                 • Physics
     infrastructure projects / mining                                                          • Remote sensing
     and resources / local council /                                                           • Urban planning                        CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
     agriculture / environmental                                                                                                       Natural resource manager /
     remediation                                                                               EXIT POINT                              environmental manager /
                                                                                               Students can exit after one year of     environmental adviser /
     PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                                                  successful study with the award of      environmental planner /
     This program is recognised by                                                             Graduate Diploma in Surveying.          sustainability adviser
     the Council of Reciprocating
     Surveyors Boards of Australia                                                             PROGRAM STRUCTURE                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
     and New Zealand.                                                                                                                  Bachelor degree, graduate
                                                                                               FIRST YEAR                              certificate or graduate diploma
     Completion of one year in this
     program provides students with                                                            Cadastral Surveying                     in a relevant discipline (typically
     the option to undertake additional                                                        Geodetic Science                        including science, engineering,
     industry training in cadastral                                                            Remote Sensing: Photogrammetry          environmental studies or
                                                                                                 (KG544. University of Tasmania)       management) from a recognised
     surveying with the Surveyors
                                                                                               Land Law and Administration             higher education institution,
     Board of South Australia, which
     will lead to formal licensing.                                                            Cadastral Surveying Experience          or equivalent qualification.
                                                                                               Observation and Network Analysis
     Completion of the 1.5 year                                                                Advanced Satellite Surveying            Some applicants may be eligible
     program will result in official credit                                                    Surveying Applications                  for Advanced Standing and
     towards the experience required                                                                                                   can complete the program in
                                                                                               SECOND YEAR
     to become a licensed surveyor.                                                                                                    one year of full-time study, or
                                                                                               Surveying Project 1N                    equivalent part-time study.
                                                                                               Surveying Project 2
                                                                                                                                       Note: Applicants with qualifications
                                                                                                                                       in other disciplines are encouraged
                                                                                                                                       to apply and will be assessed
                                                                                                                                       on a case-by-case basis.

                                                                                                                                       ADMISSIONS PATHWAYS
                                                                                                                                       Applicants that do not meet
                                                                                                                                       the entry requirements may be
                                                                                                                                       eligible to enter the Graduate
                                                                                                                                       Certificate in Environmental
                                                                                                                                       Science (LCES) based on an
                                                                                                                                       appropriate amount of experience.

RESEARCH                                                             Masters by

                                                                     Doctor of
Make a lasting contribution                                          PHILOSOPHY (PhD)LPHD
to your field through a
research degree                                                      DIVISION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING
                                                                     AND THE ENVIRONMENT

                                                                     SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
QUALIFICATIONS*                                                      SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND
• Masters by Research: 2 years^                                      MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES
• Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): 4 years^
                                                                     SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENTS
*study times are approximate and based on a full-time study load.
^in total including examination time. Students must be prepared to
submit 3-6 months prior to official completion of their program.
                                                                     Contribute to the progress of        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                     science and technology by
                                                                     investigating a topic of interest.   MASTERS BY RESEARCH:
FIND OUT MORE                                                        Flourish in a technological
                                                                                                          • Bachelor degree of at
                                                                                                            least three years with a
unisa.edu.au/resdegrees                                              hub of theoretical, applied and
                                                                                                            minimum credit average in
                                                                     cross-disciplinary research.
                                                                                                            a relevant discipline; or
                                                                     Benefit from links to the            • No tertiary qualifications (some
                                                                     University’s multi-million dollar      discipline areas only) with
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                   Future Industries Institute –          demonstration of research
unisa.edu.au/resdegrees-eligibility                                  aimed at transforming the              capabilities via assessment of
                                                                     industries of today and seeding        relevant quality publications
                                                                     the industries of tomorrow.            and professional experience.
                                                                     Work alongside world-class
HOW TO APPLY                                                         supervisors on industry-based
                                                                                                          DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PhD):

                                                                     projects focused on meeting the      • Honours 1, Honours 2A
unisa.edu.au/apply                                                                                          or an appropriate master
                                                                     challenges of modern enterprise.
                                                                                                            degree or equivalent.

                                                                                                          ALTERNATIVE ENTRY
                                                                     DISCIPLINE AREAS
                                                                                                          Other postgraduate and
                                                                     • Applied Physics                    undergraduate degrees may
                                                                     • Bioinformatics                     be considered for admission
                                                                     • Biomaterials Engineering           into the Masters by Research
                                                                       and Nanomedicine                   or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
                                                                     • Civil Engineering                  with demonstration of research
                                                                     • Computer and                       capabilities via assessment of
                                                                       Information Science                relevant quality publications
                                                                                                          and professional experience.
                                                                     • Construction Management
                                                                     • Electrical Engineering             Note: Eligibility for entry into a
                                                                     • Energy and Advanced                research program is also subject
                                                                       Manufacturing                      to an assessment of the proposed
                                                                     • Environmental Science              research, supervisor availability,
                                                                                                          and any school or research-specific
                                                                     • Environmental Science
                                                                                                          eligibility requirements.
                                                                       and Engineering
                                                                     • Geographic Information Science
                                                                     • Information and
                                                                       Communication Technology
                                                                     • Mathematics
                                                                     • Mechanical Engineering
                                                                     • Minerals and Resources
                                                                     • Statistics
                                                                     • Systems Engineering


     Minimum entry requirements for undergraduate bachelor and associate degrees

     APPLYING WITH YEAR 12                                                            BEFORE APPLYING
     Applicants are required to have successfully completed the South                 All applicants should check and ensure that they meet all entry and
     Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) with:                                 prerequisite requirements before applying. For more information on entry
                                                                                      requirements, visit:
     • a competitive Selection Rank (ATAR); AND
     • the fulfilment of the program’s prerequisite requirements                      unisa.edu.au/study
       (where applicable).
     Applicants may also be eligible to compete for entry if they have
     completed the program’s prerequisite requirements and have                       SUPPORT SERVICES
     completed one of the following:                                                  UniSA offers services to assist rural and/or socio-economically
                                                                                      disadvantaged students, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,
     • an interstate or overseas qualification considered by the University as        and people with a disability. For more information, contact
       equivalent to SACE; or                                                         (08) 8302 2376 or visit:
     • the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum score of 24 points.

     Universities in South Australia include ATAR-related adjustment factors
     (previously known as bonus points) to Australian high school students            UniSA offers a range of scholarships and grants to support students
     applying for entry into university via the following schemes:                    from all walks of life. Each year, 2500 students benefit from scholarships
                                                                                      at UniSA, providing financial assistance as well as valuable work
     • The Universities Equity Scheme – provides additional points for students       experience, mentoring opportunities and even overseas travel.
       coming from specified schools, as well as individuals experiencing             For more information and to check the eligibility criteria, visit:
     • The Universities Language, Literacy and Mathematics Adjustment                 unisa.edu.au/scholarships
       Scheme – provides additional points for students who successfully
       complete a language other than English, or specified English and
       Mathematics subjects.                                                          HOW TO APPLY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA
     Need some help? Visit unisa.edu.au/adjustmentfactors or contact                  Applications to most programs at UniSA are administered through the South
     Future Student Enquiries on (08) 8302 2376 or submit an enquiry via              Australian Tertiary Admission Centre (SATAC). For more information visit:
     unisa.edu.au/enquire                                                             unisa.edu.au/apply

     GUARANTEED ENTRY                                                                 FEES
     UniSA offers guaranteed entry into many programs for domestic Year 12 and        All domestic undergraduate students at the University of South
     VET students. If your Selection Rank (ATAR) or VET award meets the UniSA         Australia are in Commonwealth-supported places. Students in these
     Guaranteed Entry score for that program, you have met the prerequisites and      places pay a contribution of their fees depending on the program
     any other program specific entry requirements, and you have listed the program   chosen and the contribution band in which those courses are
     as your first preference, you are in. It’s guaranteed.                           classified (see table below). The amount of your student contribution
     unisa.edu.au/guaranteed                                                          also depends on the unit value of your courses of study.
                                                                                      As per the Australian Government guidelines, the student contribution
                                                                                      amounts for 2018 are:
     Entering your chosen program straight from high school is not the only pathway                                                        STUDENT
     into UniSA. Applicants may also meet the minimum requirements to apply for                                                            CONTRIBUTION
                                                                                       BAND     AREA OF STUDY
     entry (via competitive selection) through one of the following pathways.                                                              For one year of
                                                                                                                                           full-time load (1 EFTSL)
     Higher Education Study – completion of at least half a year of
     full-time equivalent study, at UniSA or a recognised higher education
     institution. You can apply using your Grade Point Average (GPA).                           Humanities, behavioural science,
                                                                                                social studies, foreign languages,
                                                                                         1                                                 $6,444
     Higher Education Diploma – completion of a higher education diploma,                       visual and performing arts, clinical
     from the UniSA College (applicable programs listed on each bachelor                        psychology, nursing and education
     program in this guide), the South Australian Institute of Business and
     Technology (SAIBT), or another recognised higher education institution.
                                                                                                Computing, built environment, health,
     Special Entry – a competitive Special Tertiary Admissions Test                      2      engineering, surveying, agriculture,       $9,185
     (STAT) score. A personal competencies statement or employment                              Mathematics, statistics, science
     experience may also be considered for some programs.
     Vocational Education Training (VET) – applicants may be eligible
                                                                                                Law, dentistry, medicine, veterinary
     for entry with the completion of an award from TAFE or another
                                                                                         3      science, accounting, administration,       $10,754
     Registered Training Organisation at AQF Certificate IV or above.
                                                                                                economics, commerce
     UniSA College – there are a variety of pathway options offered through UniSA
     College including diplomas and the Foundation Studies program.                   Some postgraduate programs are also Commonwealth-supported
     Alternative Pathways – there are a range of alternative pathways                 (or CSP), while others are full fee-paying (the fees for these are
     including bridging qualifications offered through SAIBT and Eynesbury.           listed on each applicable program in this guide and are based on
                                                                                      an equivalent full-time student load). For more information on fees
     Open Universities Australia – completion of at least four Open                   including eligibility for Commonwealth-supported places, deferring
     Universities Australia (OUA) courses at an undergraduate level or higher.        your student contribution through HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP loans, or
                                                                                      fee information relating to international students please visit:

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