15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes

Page created by Joe Howard
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress
Forests for Human well-being – more important than ever
                                     02.06.2021 (03.06.2021)

                                                                                                       © Mireille Feldtrauer

The evidence on the importance of forests and             According to the topic, this year’s congress aims
nature areas, as a whole, for human well-being is         to emphasize the well-being functions of our for-
growing. Forests provide a wide range of ecosys-          ests with a view to stimulate a holistic forest ped-
tem services and are more than ever important             agogical approach and to promote cooperation
recreation areas for physical activities, stress relief   between the different stakeholders.
and relaxation.
                                                          Unfortunately, due to Covid, the congress cannot
A ride through the forest, as a place of quietness,       take place physically. Nevertheless, it is important
can especially be considered as a privileged mo-          to us although to organize the 15th FP congress in
ment to escape from the daily life in order for re-       a shortened digital version.
invigoration. These experiences help people to re-
connect with nature and to awaken their senses.

                                                                                                         © Mireille Feldtrauer

                                                                                               Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois asbl
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Luxembourg
 Forests for Human well-being – more important than ever
 PROGRAM        Wednesday, 2nd June

Congress Language:

 Time                Occasion

 From 09.30          Warming up, technical checks

 10.00 - 10.15       Opening – Welcome speeches
                     Moderator: Dr. Laurent Schley
                                 Deputy Director – Nature Conservation Agency Luxembourg
                     Opening with a short Video / Teaser
                     Welcome speach - Minister of Environment – Carole Dieschbourg
 10.15 - 10.45       Keynote 1:
                     Positive effects of forests on human health and well-being.
                     What does research say?
                     Speaker: Dr. Liz O’Brien
                              United Kingdom – Forest Research - Head of Social and Economic Research
 10.45 - 11.15       Keynote 2:
                     Education of Forest health trainers as forest therapists
                     Speaker: Prof. Otmar Fuchß
                              Germany - University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg
 11.15 - 11.25       Short break

 11.25 - 12.15       Reflections on keynotes 1 and 2
                     Polls by moderation for the plenary
 12.15 - 13.00       Break

                                                                                           Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois asbl
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Luxembourg
Forests for Human well-being – more important than ever
PROGRAM        Wednesday, 2nd June 2021
Time            Occasion

13.00 - 13.30   Keynote 3:
                Forestbathing and Foresttherapy - Mindfulness for whom and what?
                Speaker: Verena Schatanek
                         Switzerland – Experienced Forest Pedagogue
                           Rolf Jucker
                           Switzerland – Environmental Educator – Managing Director SILVIVA

13.30 - 14.00   Discussion / Break-out
                Break-out (Pre random selection) with targeted questions to the 3rd keynote / topic
                (Exchange of experiences)

14.30           Closing – Conclusions / Summary
                As part of a short / concise panel discussion?

                Conclusions / Summary by Moderator Dr. Laurent Schley
                Deputy Director – Nature Conservation Agency Luxembourg

                Closing speech
                Dirk Schmechel
                Leader (coordinator) of the Forest Communicators Network-Subgroup
                Forest Pedagogics, Bavarian State Institure of Forestry (LWF)

15.00           End of congress

                  © Serge Hermes                        © Serge Hermes                           © Mireille Feldtrauer

                                                                                       Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois asbl
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Luxembourg
Forests for Human well-being – more important than ever
PROGRAM        Thursday, 3rd June 2021

Discovering mindfulness activities
from EU Forestpedagogics Network Member States:
We invite all members from the EU Forestpedagogics Network to propose short videos related
to the congress-topic. These videos will be posted on the organisations website as part of the
congress and are unlocked on that webpage from 3rd of June.

The videos must include:
       - Short title (in English)
       - Short presentation (text in English)
       - The duration must not exceed 5 minutes           English

The videos must relate to the congress-topic

Video format:
       - Link to the country of origin

If you want to contribute a video, please send it to the following address:
eufpc@mev.etat.lu before 20th May 2021.

The organizing institutions will endure the right to choose between all proposals.

                         © Serge Hermes                        © David Feldtrauer                    © Mireille Feldtrauer

                                                                                           Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois asbl
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Luxembourg
 Forests for Human well-being – more important than ever
 PROGRAM        2nd - 3rd June 2021

Registration has to be submitted by filling in the online registration form on the conference
website: www.eufpc.lu

You will receive an activation code which will give you access to the digital congress

Conference fee:
free of charge
Registration period: 26th April - 7th May 2021

                                          © Mireille Feldtrauer                                               © David Feldtrauer

                                                                                                Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois asbl
15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes 15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes 15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes 15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes 15th EU Forestpedagogics Congress - Forests for Human well-being - more important than ever - Haus des Waldes
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