1/2021 China, Europe and the New Power Competition over Technical Standards Tim Rühlig

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1/2021 China, Europe and the New Power Competition over Technical Standards Tim Rühlig

China, Europe and the New Power
Competition over Technical Standards
                             Tim Rühlig

1/2021 China, Europe and the New Power Competition over Technical Standards Tim Rühlig
Technical standards, which have long been treated as non-political product specifications, are
be-coming the subject of power rivalry. This is the result of: (a) broader competition between
China and the United States over key enabling technologies; (b) a more state-directed approach
to technical standards in China; and (c) the often-overlooked power potential inherent in
technical standards. Technical standardization’s transformation into an arena for power
competition has challenged the European Union (EU), which has traditionally punched above its
economic weight and held and still holds enormous influence over international technical
standards. This paper unpacks the growing power rivalry over technical standards, develops a
concept of “technical standardization power” and explains how China has successfully utilized its
party-state-permeated economy to increase its technical standardization power. Finally, it
summarizes the implications for the EU, outlines a number of scenarios and makes
recommendations for Europe.

  Tim Rühlig
  Research Fellow
  The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Language editing: Andrew Mash
1/2021 China, Europe and the New Power Competition over Technical Standards Tim Rühlig
Introduction                                            in concert with other products. In most
                                                        cases, states had no interest in these
                                                        commercial implications. In recent years,
    Standards support acceleration of our
                                                        however, states have rediscovered the
      domestic economic reform and our
                                                        power potential of technical standards,
      international status. […] Technical
                                                        which had once been utilized by nation
   standardization will help spread Chinese
                                                        states in the late 19th and early 20th
  wisdom to the world and contribute to the
                                                        century. The recent trend is the result of
      construction of a multipolar world.
                                                        three factors.
  - Senior Chinese national ministry official,
            Qingdao, October 2019
                                                        First, we are witnessing a broader trend of
                                                        emerging competition over key enabling
Geo-economic rivalry is back on the
                                                        technologies between the United States
international agenda, including competition
                                                        (US) and the People’s Republic of China
for the lead in high technology and
                                                        (PRC). Second, the PRC has adopted a very
innovation. Within this field, albeit largely
                                                        different approach to technical
overlooked, technical standards risk
                                                        standardization. In the West, technical
becoming a major battlefield with far-
                                                        standards are developed by private sector
reaching consequences. Only a few years
                                                        standards developing organization (SDOs)
ago, technical standards were seen purely
                                                        in what is at its core private self-regulation.
as non-political enablers of globalization.
                                                        In Information and Communication
While companies competed over technical
                                                        Technologies (ICT) standardization
standards, with some minor exceptions,
                                                        consortia, for example, commercial entities
they did not appear to be an area of concern
                                                        make up more than 90% of the
to states.
                                                        membership. In Europe, the role of public
                                                        agencies (state organs and the European
This is hardly surprising since technical
                                                        Commission) is limited to licensing a small
standards are voluntary product
                                                        number of SDOs. In Sweden and at the
specifications developed by industry. For
                                                        European level, only three organizations are
example, USB is a standard for cables,
                                                        allowed to develop national and European
connectors and protocols that enables
                                                        standards, respectively. In the US, the role
charging and the exchange of data on a
                                                        of government is even more limited. The
wide range of devices. Similarly, Wi-Fi is a
                                                        Chinese standardization system, by
family of radio technologies built on
                                                        contrast, is a state-steered one. For many
technical standards that allow for wireless
                                                        years, it was entirely controlled by the
local area networking of a wide range of
                                                        Chinese party-state. A new standardization
technological equipment. Technical
                                                        law of 2018 has supplemented the state tier
standards allow products of all kinds to be
                                                        of standardization with a “market” tier.
applicable in a wide range of contexts
                                                        However, even this market tier is subject to
across countries and manufacturers. They
                                                        considerable party-state influence. This
create interoperability and guarantee basic
                                                        makes technical standardization part of the
safety. Hence, technical standards facilitate
                                                        Chinese party-state’s strategic industrial
globalization and international trade.
                                                        policymaking and turns it into a political
                                                        tool. China’s growing footprint in
The inherent commercial force of technical
                                                        international technical standardization has
standards has always been beyond doubt.
                                                        sparked international interest in and
Products that do not comply with technical
                                                        concern over the Chinese approach. Third,
standards cannot be sold on world markets
                                                        and as a result of the first two trends, the
because they only work in isolation and not

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                 3
1/2021 China, Europe and the New Power Competition over Technical Standards Tim Rühlig
power potential of technical standards has              technology. Around 55% of all ICT
come to the notice of Chinese and US                    standards are patented technology in
leaders.                                                widely applied in fields such as
                                                        telecommunications, e-commerce,
As long as technical standards appeared                 electronics, the life sciences, the health
non-political, European actors have been                sector, manufacturing and the automotive
able to punch above the continent’s                     sector. One-third of the entire new
economic weight. Recent developments                    generation wireless technology, better
endanger the European Union’s (EU)                      known as 5G, is believed to consist of
stronghold in technical standardization and             standardized patented technology. At first
will require the EU to readjust its                     glance, this might be surprising since
standardization policy.                                 technical standards and patents exist for
                                                        contrasting purposes. Patents protect
This UI Brief explores how technical                    inventions and prevent competitors from
standardization is a source of economic,                utilizing new inventions. Technical
legal, political and discursive power in                standards, by contrast, spread technological
international relations, and summarizes                 solutions across manufactures in order to
China’s increasing standardization power. It            establish interoperability and guarantee
explains the fundamental differences                    basic safety. This contradiction is resolved
between China’s state-steered and the                   through licensing schemes. Holders of
European private sector-led standardization             patents that are essential for compliance
systems and describes how the PRC is                    with a technical standard, referred to as
utilizing the characteristics of its party-             standard-essential patents (SEPs), commit
state-permeated economy to gain technical               to license their patented technology on fair,
standardization power. The paper closes                 reasonable and non-discriminatory
with a discussion of the implications for the           (FRAND) terms. While this framework
EU, outlines various scenarios and makes                guarantees that SEPs are available to all
policy recommendations for Europe.                      suppliers and not just to the patent holder,
                                                        enormous amounts of royalty fees must be
Technical standards: a potential                        paid to the inventors of the innovative
                                                        technologies underlying the respective
source of power?                                        SEPs. The Swedish technology giant,
                                                        Ericsson, for example, earned €5.2 billion by
At first glance, technical standards might
                                                        licensing technology in 2017, accounting for
appear non-political. They are developed
                                                        more than 20% of the company’s revenues.
from discussions among leading engineers
in their field in a search for efficient
                                                        The distributary effects of technical
solutions to common challenges to
                                                        standards are not limited to the payment of
generating interoperability and basic safety.
                                                        royalties for SEPs. Companies that fail to
A closer look, however, reveals that they
                                                        establish their technological solutions as
can be far more than technical
                                                        technical standards must redesign their
specifications. Below, I develop the concept
                                                        products to comply with standards that
of technical standardization power in order
                                                        generate interoperability. This results in
to outline how technical standards confer
                                                        switching or adaptation costs. Hence, those
power in at least four dimensions: the
                                                        who successfully set international technical
economic, legal, political and discursive.
                                                        standards can expect royalties from SEPs
                                                        and avoid adaption costs. Given the
Economic dimension: A large proportion of
                                                        considerable size of both, the distributary
technical standards is made up of patented

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                               4
effects resulting from technical standards              Domestically, technical standards can be
affect competitiveness. Back in the late                referenced in legally binding documents,
19th century, Werner von Siemens already                most often in regulations. For example,
understood this when he stated that: “he                when regulations prescribe certain legally
who owns the standards, owns the market”.               binding thresholds, technical standards can
                                                        serve as a method for upholding the limits
Legal dimension: International technical                set in that regulation. In such a case,
standards are voluntary technical                       technical standards remain voluntary on
specifications. Through the backdoor,                   paper but prescribe the easiest way for
however, these standards become part of                 companies to ensure compliance with the
international trade law. If domestic                    legally binding regulation. Both
technical standards deviate from                        internationally and domestically, voluntary
international standards, the judiciary of the           standards can turn out to be effectively
World Trade Organizations (WTO) can find                binding under the TBT Agreement or by
a state to be noncompliant with                         being referenced in regulations.
international trade law by violating the
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)                       Political dimension: Standards generate
Agreement. Only if the respondent can                   interoperability only in the area where they
provide a reasonable explanation for such               are applied. Hence, technical standards can
deviations, such as specific requirements for           create geographically bifurcated or
the protection of human health and safety               fragmented technological areas. Competing
or environmental protection, are deviant                contradictory standards result in a lack of
standards deemed legal. This is more crucial            global interoperability, creating lock-in
than one might think given that around 80%              effects.
of trade is affected by technical standards
and associated technical regulations.

               Figure 1: Dimensions of technical standardization power. Own graphic.

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                 5
To date, for example, technical standards in            observers counter that standardization is a
the railway sector remain largely national or           process of maximum transparency in which
regional. If country A were to adopt the                it is hardly possible to hide security-relevant
national railway standards of country B,                flaws from the eyes of the engineers of
however, ranging from track gauges to                   potential adversaries. From this
traction technical parameters and voltage,              perspective, a high degree of
the maintenance and further buildout of the             standardization even increases the (cyber-
railway cannot be carried out by suppliers              )security of the relevant products by
other than those based in country B. Other              providing international transparency.
manufacturers will be producing using                   Whichever perspective is the most accurate,
deviant technical standards; their products             technical standardization influences the
would simply not be compatible. Country A               degree of (cyber-)security in critical digital
is therefore locked into country B’s                    technologies.
technology and fully reliant on suppliers
based in country B.                                     In sum, technical standards have political
                                                        implications that stem from lock-in effects
Railways are a critical infrastructure,                 while also affecting the (cyber-)security of
enabling the flow of goods and people as                states.
well as generating welfare and mobility. A
lock-in effect in such a critical sector would          Discursive dimension: How technology is
have political implications. As the only host           designed is highly political as it inscribes
to suppliers that are compliant with their              ethical values to it. Technology does not
respective technical standards, Country B               exist in a vacuum, divorced from the
could ask country A for political concessions           political. Technical standards are of
in return for the maintenance and buildout              importance in this regard since they
of its critical infrastructure. Even if country         formulate a “basic recipe” by setting the
B does not explicitly ask for such                      general rules by which different
concessions, country A would think twice                manufacturers develop specific products.
before adopting a confrontational stance on             Hence, technical standards shape what is
issues of core interest to country B in fear of         perceived as “normal” technology.
the consequences for the functioning of its
critical infrastructure.                                Today, for instance, we are used to Wi-Fi as
                                                        the dominant standard for wireless local
Apart from such lock-in effects, some                   area networks (WLAN). This, however, was
experts controversially suggest that                    by no means a given. A few years after Wi-Fi
technical standards have the potential to               was adopted as the international standard,
impinge on what is often regarded as the                the rival WAPI technology was proposed as
crown jewels of state power: security. Some             a new standard. It promised better
observers argue that those who develop a                performance but provided worse privacy
technology are likely to have a deeper                  compared to Wi-Fi. WAPI met considerable
knowledge of how it works, including its                resistance and finally failed to become an
vulnerabilities. Once internationally                   international standard, largely due to
standardized, this technology spreads                   procedural issues. Whether intentionally or
globally. When this concerns critical digital           not, by rejecting WAPI, international
infrastructure, the developer of the                    standards bodies prioritized privacy over
technology in question possesses prime                  performance, shaping what consumers and
knowledge of its flaws that can be used to              manufacturers around the globe can expect
undermine an adversary’s security. Other                from WLAN technology. This is not an

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                  6
isolated example. At a time when emerging               China: a technical
technologies are increasingly penetrating all
spheres of public and private life, ethical,
                                                        standardization power?
political and security questions are playing a
                                                        Over the past decade, China has acquired
growing role in technical standardization.
                                                        considerable technical standardization
                                                        power. At the governance level, China is
Algorithmic bias, transparency in
                                                        taking on more and more leadership
algorithmic decision making and data
                                                        positions in international technical
privacy are just three examples of ethical
                                                        standardization organizations (see box 1).
underpinnings in technical standardization.
                                                        While still considerably behind Germany,
The discursive power implications of
                                                        the US, France, the United Kingdom and
technical standardization are not limited to
                                                        Japan, China is gaining more and more of
its underlying ethical values. If a country can
                                                        the influential secretariat positions on
shape international technical
                                                        Technical Committees, Subcommittees and
standardization it is likely to gain a
                                                        Working Groups in the International
reputation as a credible and important
                                                        Standardization Organization (ISO) and the
power in world affairs. It is a sign of
                                                        International Electrotechnical Committee
technological supremacy since technical
                                                        (IEC). In the International
solutions are accepted as international
                                                        Telecommunications Union (ITU), the PRC
standards, in a sign of societal progress
                                                        has gained leadership positions in the
beyond economic and military prowess.
                                                        Telecommunication Advisory Group, study
                                                        groups and focus groups. In the General
In addition to the economic, distributary,
                                                        Assembly of the Third Generation
legal and political implications, the ability to
                                                        Partnership Project (3GPP), another
shape international technical
                                                        international technical standardization
standardization provides a source of power
                                                        organization focused on
since it helps to “normalize” future
                                                        telecommunications standards, Chinese
technology, inscribes political values and
                                                        companies hold around 25% of the votes.
boosts a state’s image as a technological
                                                        Companies from all the European states
leader. Technical standardization can be a
                                                        combined have around one-third of the
source of power for states. It is therefore no
wonder that it has become one of the most
crucial arenas of the emerging power rivalry
over technology.

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                            7
China’s successful efforts to influence                 as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), comes
international technical standardization                 with a standardization component. In 2015,
organizations have not been matched by a                China’s main macroeconomic agency, the
growing willingness to adopt international              National development and Reform
standards in China. At the end of the 1990s,            Commission (NDRC), issued its first “Action
up to 70% of new standards in the PRC were              Plan for the Harmonization of Standards
adopted from international standardization              along the Belt and Road”. At the end of
organizations. In 2005, the share of                    2017, the NDRC published another action
international standards stood at 54%. The               plan setting further benchmarks to be
proportion had declined still further to no             fulfilled by the end of 2020. As part of the
more than 21% by 2017. This indicates that              plan, China began to translate its domestic
the PRC’s engagement is not the result of               technical standards into foreign languages
an appreciation or acceptance of                        to facilitate their adoption in third
established institutional frameworks.                   countries. By September 2019, China had
Instead, existing international                         signed 90 bilateral agreements on technical
standardization organizations appear to be              standardization cooperation with 52
a platform that China can use to project its            countries and regions.
power. It is not international standards that
are the core motivation for China’s                     Despite these impressive numbers, Chinese
standardization engagement, but its craving             experts acknowledge that these broad
for power.                                              agreements are vague and mostly no more
                                                        than paper tigers. A major state-sponsored
This is even more visible in China’s                    research project, “China Standards 2035”,
international technical standardization                 suggests transforming these agreements
activities outside the established                      into a regional technical standardization
institutional framework. Most crucially,                organization, the BRI Standards Forum, that
China’s major infrastructure policy, known              could develop BRI Regional Standards. If

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                              8
this plan were implemented, the new                     among US experts about whether high
institution would be a potential rival that             frequencies provide a greater degree of
undermines existing international                       security for wireless communications, and
standardization organizations such as the               there are concerns that US troops might
ISO and the IEC. Another interpretation of              need to rely on Chinese technology for their
the Chinese initiative is that the PRC is               communications in overseas operations.
aiming to improve coordination with other               Beyond 5G, China’s BRI raises concerns
BRI states in the BRI Standards Forum to                about the political lock-in effects described
make it more effective at influencing the               above. In this context, several BRI railway
ISO and the IEC. In addition to these                   projects financed by China’s state-
institutional developments, many BRI                    controlled financial institutions have raised
projects rely on Chinese technical                      concerns, such as the Jakarta-Bandung
standards. It is through these projects that            high-speed railway, the Abuja-Kaduna
the PRC disseminates its domestic technical             railway, the Ethiopia-Djibouti railway and
standards to third countries without                    the China-Laos railway. All these projects
submitting them to the established                      are based on domestic Chinese technical
international SDOs.                                     railway standards, which means that the
                                                        respective countries must rely exclusively
China’s growing footprint in international              on Chinese suppliers to maintain and
technical standardization organizations and             further build out their railway networks.
the spread of its domestic standards within
the BRI have boosted China’s technical                  Discursively, China’s expressed intention to
standardization power. Economically,                    invest in facial recognition standards and its
China’s share of SEPs declarations and of               proposal for a reformed standard internet
expected revenues has increased                         protocol, referred to as New IP, have
dramatically. For example, the share of                 alarmed experts in Europe and the US. The
Chinese SEPs declarations in connection                 fear is that Chinese standards proposals in
with 5G is around one-third, compared to                both areas could restrict privacy to a greater
only around 7% in the previous generation               extent than technically necessary. In
of mobile technology, 4G/LTE.                           developing countries, however, China’s
                                                        reputation as a digital innovation leader is
The increase in China’s share of SEPs has               improving.
been accompanied by a larger impact on
the technical standards that underpin future            China’s standardization power: a
technologies linked to 5G. Legally speaking,
noncompliance with these technical
                                                        result of state-steering?
standards would be a violation of the TBT
                                                        China’s growing technical standardization
                                                        power is not just the result of its increased
                                                        efforts to shape international technical
Politically, China’s growing impact on 5G
                                                        standardization. Its state-steered
standards has raised concerns in the US
                                                        standardization system has also played a
about the potential cybersecurity
                                                        role. China’s recent domestic
implications. For example, the US
                                                        standardization law introduced a market-
Department of Defense is concerned that
                                                        tier alongside the previously existing state-
China’s strong presence could focus 5G
                                                        controlled standardization system, but even
technology on low-frequencies while US
                                                        this market-tier is steered by the Chinese
manufacturers have prioritized high-
                                                        party-state. State-owned enterprises
frequencies (mmWave). There is a debate
                                                        (SOEs) and privately owned national

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                9
champions with close ties to the party-                 Apart from prioritizing R&D, China’s
state, and defunct ministries serving as                innovation and its impact on international
industry associations played a crucial role in          technical standardization have profited
the development of some of the most                     from efforts to become an early if not the
important technical standards developed in              first mover, coupled with early
the “market tier”. The state-permeated                  commercialization. Of particular
character of the Chinese economy more                   importance in this respect is to bridge the
generally does not allow for a truly private            “valley of death” between fundamental
sector-driven standardization tier.                     research and obtaining commercial profits
                                                        from new products and technologies based
Internationally, the PRC has made best use              on that fundamental research. China has
of the core characteristics of the specific             tackled this “valley of death” in key enabling
structures of its party-state permeated                 technologies by easing regulation to allow
economy to boost its technical, material                quick rollout and by providing more long-
and reputational capabilities that – in                 term funding that allows innovative
combination – have helped the country to                companies to put less pressure on a
shape international technical                           technology to become profitable. This has
standardization.                                        allowed Chinese technology companies to
                                                        take greater risks when investing in
Technical factors: Technical standardization            innovation, and helped them to set
processes are discussions by the engineers              international standards because they were
debating innovative technical solutions to              able to illustrate the effectiveness of their
the common problems that affect safety                  technical standards proposals.
and interoperability. Technical expertise is a
vital and necessary but – as discussed below            A third and final technical factor that was
– not a sufficient prerequisite for shaping             found to be decisive for an actor’s ability to
international technical standardization. The            shape international technical
PRC was less innovative than the                        standardization was the capacity to make
industrialized countries for many years but             regular contributions, resulting in active
this is changing rapidly. According to the EU           participation, and the ability to achieve
Chamber of Commerce in China Business                   leadership positions. The Chinese party-
Confidence Survey, the proportion of                    state has incentivized active participation
European companies that perceive Chinese                by setting quantitative targets for SOEs and
R&D competitiveness to be more favorable                encouraging privately owned companies to
than the world average rose from 15% in                 do the same. At times, this has resulted in a
2016 to 38% in 2019. China’s “digital                   lower quality of Chinese standardization
competitiveness” has already overtaken                  proposals. Overall, however, the high
that of the EU according to BuinessEurope               proportion of Chinese standardization
calculations based on the IMD World Digital             proposals has helped the country gain
Competitiveness Ranking. This is largely the            influence in international technical
result of the party-state’s prioritization of           standardization.
R&D and innovation, particularly in key
enabling technologies such as electrical                Material factors: China’s increased technical
equipment, energy saving, digital                       capabilities are largely the result of material
connectivity and railways, which have                   factors, primarily massive investment. In
received preferential treatment under the               contrast to the private sector-led SDOs in
macro-industrial “Made in China 2025”                   Europe and private sector companies, their
framework.                                              Chinese counterparts benefit from state

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                10
backing that comprises subsidies, soft                  economy is not news, the role of the party-
loans, state-directed investment through                state has grown still further since Xi Jinping
Special Purpose Vehicles, preferential public           took office. Beyond the massive financial
and SOE procurement as well as systematic               support for R&D and participation in
export credits that have similar effects to             standardization work, preferential access to
subsidies. Crucial to these mechanisms of               data and a conducive regulatory ecosystem
preferential funding is the fact that China’s           further contribute to the unlevel playing
financial sector is almost entirely controlled          field between European and Chinese
by the Chinese party-state. While the state-            companies in the field of technical
permeated character of the Chinese                      standardization.

         Figure 2: Factors influencing the ability to shape standardization. Own graphic.

Preferential financial support for Chinese              dimension of technical standardization
standardization efforts from the party-state            power.
go beyond funding for R&D to include the
conditioning of loans as part of the BRI. The           A third and final material factor stems from
PRC has adopted a practice of offering                  the empirical fact that larger economies and
“package deals” that bind the granting of               big companies have a higher impact on
loans for major infrastructure projects to              international technical standards than
the adoption of Chinese technical                       smaller markets and small and medium-
standards. This incentivizes developing                 sized enterprises (SMEs). Early
countries in particular, as they have a strong          commercialization in a large market such as
demand for Chinese funding. Chinese                     the Chinese market sets examples for
technical standards result in the lock-in               others to follow. SMEs may have a higher
effects described above as a political                  adoption ratio of their technical standards

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                               11
proposals but they usually lack the ability             standardization proposals as collective
and resources to contribute to technical                ones, rather than just the particular
standardization to the same extent as large             interests and solutions of an isolated
companies. SDOs are inclusive and easily                individual company.
accessible, but technical standards-setting
is costly. It requires not only investment in           More generally, China profits from its
R&D, but also lobbying work and regular                 improving image as an industrial innovation
participation in technical meetings. SDOs               leader. This is not just the result of the
are fragmented and decentralized, involving             higher quality of the products and
many highly specific bodies that meet to                technologies “made in China”. It has been
negotiate all around the world. SMEs find it            further boosted by the strategic media
difficult to participate in a high number of            outreach of Chinese state-owned media
such meetings and lack both the personnel               working in foreign languages. Highly
and the resources to finance the travel                 symbolic technical standardization
involved. China has strengthened its                    successes, such as the adoption of polar
national champions under President Xi                   coding for the control panels of non-
Jinping. Over the past decade, the average              standalone 5G, further improve China’s
size of Chinese industrial SOEs has                     image and credibility.
increased from 923 million RMB in 2008 to
2.3 billion RMB in 2017. This works to the              Implications for Europe
advantage of Chinese influence in
international technical standardization, at             The times of an unquestioned European
least for as long as such national champions            stronghold for international technical
remain innovative.                                      standardization, which was treated as a
                                                        non-political enabler of globalization and
Reputational factors: Research on technical             international trade are now over. Not only
standardization has revealed that a                     has the technological rivalry between the
coordinated approach in international                   US and China turned technical
forums correlates with greater influence.               standardization into an arena of
While conflicts of interest among several               competition, but China’s state-steered
actors within a state are the rule rather than          approach is questioning technical
the exception, the hierarchical structure of            standardization as an area of private sector
the Chinese party-state and the high degree             self-regulation. The four-dimensional power
of state permeation of the economy                      potential of technical standardization has
facilitate a strategic Chinese approach that            been exposed. For the international
allows Chinese actors to speak with one                 technical standardization system in general
voice in international standardization                  and the EU in particular, this has two major
bodies. While the unity of the PRC party-               implications.
state and its political economy is often
overestimated, by international standards,              First, the politicization of technical
particularly in a field of national priority            standards runs the risk of turning
such as 5G, there is a fairly high degree of            standardization from a cooperative into a
national coordination and cohesion. One                 confrontational subject. This would alter the
example of such coordination is the IMT                 character of standardization. The more
2020 (5G) Promotion Group, which brings                 participants perceive standards to be
together Chinese public agencies, research              political, the less developments will use
institutes and Chinese tech companies. This             technical criteria to identify the best
helps boost the reputation of                           technological solutions for resolving issues

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                              12
of interoperability. This will come with                           bifurcated international standardization
efficiency costs and hamper standardization                        order. Europe’s approach, which rests more
as a driver of international trade and                             than in any other political entity on the idea
investment, and would be yet another blow                          of a unitary system of technical
to globalization. European companies and                           standardization, will not be able to continue
SDOs that have proved highly effective at                          unchallenged.
playing the “cooperative standardization”
model run the risk of diminished influence.                        These two potential implications raise two
                                                                   related questions. First, will international
Second, the politicization of standardization                      technical standardization remain largely
divides actors into two camps. Established                         cooperative or will it become more
standardization powers such as Germany,                            competitive? Second, will the international
France or the United Kingdom will aim to                           technical standards order preserve a largely
preserve the existing system. China appears                        unitary institutional framework or become a
to be in opposition to this group, in that it is                   bifurcated one? From these two questions,
a latecomer to the system and has not had                          it is possible theoretically to devise four
the chance to shape its institutional                              scenarios.
framework. This increases the risk of a

                                              Bifurcated institutional          Preservation of existing,
                                              framework                         largely unitary institutional
 Mode of interaction:                         (1) rivaling institutions         (2) dysfunctional institutions
 Mode of interaction:                         (4) harmonious coexistence        (3) institutional adaptation

           Figure 3: Scenarios of future international technical standardization system.
                                       Source: own graphic.

The first scenario comes true if a bifurcated                      institutional framework would last long, this
institutional system is combined with a                            scenario is unlikely remain stable.
competitive mode of action that prioritizes
relative over absolute gains. The result                           In the third scenario, the existing
would be rival institutions.                                       institutional framework is not only
                                                                   preserved, but continues to run in a
The second scenario becomes a reality if                           cooperative mode that prioritizes absolute
China and Europe perceive technical                                over relative gains. In this scenario,
standardization mostly as a field of                               institutional adaptations can be expected,
competition, and aim for relative gains over                       given that China’s influence will continue to
absolute gains but remain within an existing                       increase, and the PRC has a state-steered
international institutional framework. This                        approach to standardization in contrast to
scenario would essentially lead to                                 the currently dominant private sector-led
dysfunctional standardization institutions.                        self-regulation. Hence, the existing system
Since it is unlikely that a dysfunctional                          would undergo gradual rather than radical

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                            13
The fourth scenario emerges if a bifurcated             possible to tackle the “valley of death”
institutional framework continues to adopt              between technological innovation and
a cooperative mode of action. This scenario             commercialization, and the synchronization
is fairly unlikely. The normative force of              of national regulation, among other
technical standardization lies in its promise           policies. Finally, the EU should build up
to create global interoperability. It is hard to        further its capacities for monitoring
imagine that two technical standardization              international developments in order to be
bodies would exist in a single field without            able to react swiftly and effectively.
striving to establish the global validity of
their standards, placing the two institutions
in a relationship of rivalry and competition.
It is not unlikely that we will see diverging
developments in different economic
sectors. While scenarios two and four are
theoretically possible, but unlikely to be
sustainable in the long-run, Europe should
strive for scenario three but be prepared for
a worst-case scenario resulting in scenario

In order to preserve the existing non-
political mode of action, which rests largely
on cooperation, Europe should advocate a
non-political approach to technical
standardization. This would require an
emphasis on the value of the existing
system of private sector self-regulation.
Cooperation with like-minded states while
also reaching out to states that seem likely
to risk adopting a politicized approach could
also further EU interests.

With the aim of preserving the existing
institutional framework, Europe should
continue to work on socializing China into
the established institutions and allowing the
PRC to gain influence. This would not mean
accepting whatever China proposes.
Instead, Europe needs to insist on the
preservation of the existing rules and better
implementation of reciprocity.

In order to prepare for the worst, the EU
needs to improve its ecosystem for
innovation, which is the basis for technical
standardization. This will mean increasing
the budget for R&D, the adoption of unitary
investment rules, deregulation wherever

© 2021 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                           14
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